Kasia Wlodarczyk – BOXROX https://www.boxrox.com Competitive Fitness Magazine Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:25:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://image.boxrox.com/2020/12/favicon-100x100.png Kasia Wlodarczyk – BOXROX https://www.boxrox.com 32 32 How to Build Better Mental Toughness in CrossFit (6 Steps) https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-build-better-mental-toughness-in-crossfit-6-steps/ Mon, 05 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198316 Imagine this: you’re not just sweating it out; you’re building mental muscles that’ll help you conquer not just the gym, but life itself.

Whether you’re totally new to this game or already know your way around, we’re about to pump you up and show you how CrossFit is more than a workout—it’s a mental game-changer.

1. Facing the Fear of the Unknown

Alright, so CrossFit can feel like jumping into the deep end of a pool you’ve never seen before. But here’s the cool part: that fear of the unknown is where your mental strength begins to flex.

So, the next time you step into the CrossFit box and face a workout that seems a bit intimidating, remember this: you’re not just facing a workout; you’re stepping into your mental arena. You’re proving to yourself that you’ve got what it takes to tackle the unknown.

Embrace that mystery; let it be the catalyst for your mental growth. The fear of the unknown isn’t something to avoid—it’s a badge of honor you wear proudly on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

2. Stoking Your Motivation with Consistency.

Picture this: every time you walk through those gym doors, you’re not just working out your body. It’s like a secret handshake between you and your inner warrior. Even on days when the couch seems tempting and Netflix calls your name, every single push-up, squat, and burpee is crafting your mental armor.

ectomorph male athlete squattingSource: RX'd Photography

So, the next time you’re tempted to skip a workout or take the easy route, remember this: every rep you do, every sweat drop you shed—it’s not just about that moment. It’s about building mental muscle that’s ready to take on whatever life throws at you.

Consistency is your ticket to a mental toughness that’s as unyielding as a fortress. So high-five yourself every time you show up, because you’re not just building a better body; you’re forging a mind that’s as tough as nails, ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

3. Goals: Your North Star for Toughness.

Remember that goals are more than just aspirations—they’re your personal roadmap. They give your mental journey direction, purpose, and that extra push when things get tough. And when you hit those milestones, take a moment to relish in the mental fireworks.

It’s a celebration of your determination, your commitment, and your unyielding strength. You’re proving to yourself that you’re not just a passenger in this journey; you’re the one holding the steering wheel.

crossfit games photographs the snailSource: CrossFit Inc

Your goals are your coordinates to success, your pathway to mental growth, and your testament to the fact that you’re capable of achieving greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

20 Lessons from Rich Froning to Help you become a better CrossFit Athlete

CrossFit and Mental Toughness: Developing Resilience as a Beginner: Power of the CrossFit Crew.

In the world of CrossFit, you’re not alone on your journey to becoming stronger, both physically and mentally.

You’re surrounded by a tribe of like-minded individuals who are there to remind you that you’re capable of more than you think. Soak in the energy, feel the support, and let the CrossFit community fuel your mental fire. You’re not just an individual; you’re part of a collective force that’s ready to conquer anything that comes your way.

4. Talking Yourself into Greatness

Alright, listen up! Here’s a little secret that can make a big difference: the words you tell yourself are like magic spells for your mindset. When you’re standing face-to-face with a challenge, whether it’s lifting a heavy weight or conquering a tough workout, what you say to yourself matters—a whole lot.

So, the next time you’re staring down a tough workout or a movement that seems impossible, remember your secret weapon. Pump up those mental muscles with self-talk that says, “I can do this!” The more you practice, the stronger your mental resilience becomes. It’s not just about the weights you lift; it’s about mastering your mindset and becoming your own biggest supporter.

5. The Best Kind of High

Picture this: you’re getting better every day. Whether it’s lifting more, moving faster, or even just feeling more confident, these little wins are like mental fireworks. Celebrating progress feeds your mental fire, reminding you that every step forward is a step toward unbeatable resilience.

6. Failures. Stepping Stones, Not Stumbling Blocks

Failure, in the context of CrossFit, is like a secret ingredient in a recipe for mental toughness. It’s the seasoning that adds depth to your character, the fuel that propels you forward. Instead of avoiding those moments, embrace them.

Take them as invitations to learn—about your strengths, your weaknesses, and your capacity for growth. Every time you face failure and keep pushing, you’re telling yourself, “I’m not backing down.”

So, next time you find yourself in the midst of a “failure” in your CrossFit journey, remember this: it’s not a final destination; it’s a turning point. It’s an opportunity to refine your technique, strengthen your resolve, and build that mental resilience that separates the great from the good. Embrace the lessons that failure brings.

kettlebell workouts female athlete

In the world of CrossFit, mental toughness isn’t just a skill—it’s a transformation. With every rep, every sweat drop, you’re forging a mindset that’s unstoppable.

The unknown becomes an adventure, the community becomes your strength, and every challenge becomes a chance to flex your mental muscles. So, whether you’re brand new or a seasoned pro, remember: CrossFit isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s about building a mental fortress that’s ready to take on whatever life throws your way. Let’s do this!

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5 Reasons Why the Snatch Balance is a Great Exercise for You  https://www.boxrox.com/5-reasons-why-the-snatch-balance-is-a-great-exercise-for-you/ Sun, 04 Feb 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198213 Achieving a perfect snatch requires a lot of time, dedication and a very careful technical approach. Se how snatch balance performed on a regular basis will help you drastically improve our weightlifting technique.

In this article we tell you what this movement consists of, how to execute it correctly and what benefits the snatch balance has for you.

Snatch balance is an exercise that improves the position of the snatch reception in a dynamic way, that adds a greater demand on the technique, more precision and speed to get into the overhead squat position. It is one of the best balance exercises you can imagine.

How is Snatch balance performed

Improving technique is the main objective of a weightlifter or Crossfit athlete who want to improve their body balance when performing snatch or any barbell movement.

Proper technique is essential for this type of movements. To perform the snatch balance, you should start standing with the bar behind your neck with a wide grip and feet in the squat position. Then bend your knees, keeping your balance and your torso upright. Next, push with your legs against the floor to create some momentum as you lift the bar.

Lower your body and explosively push the bar up, trying to get into an overhead squat position. Lock out the elbows and make sure the bar is positioned correctly.

Colleen Fotsch showcases strength during snatch workoutSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Come back up, performing the overhead squat, and then return to the starting position to perform another rep. The goal is to raise the bar as quickly as possible to get under it as soon as possible.

Benefits of the Snatch Balance

Now that we know how to perform the movement, let’s talk about the benefits of snatch balance

1. It gives you confidence when performing weightlifting movements

It is a great tool to strengthen speed, balance and movement to be able to perform a deep and stable squat while locking the elbows explosively resisting a weight.

2. Healthy back

It will help you take care of your torso posture. Hitting the bar forward when performing the snatch may be caused by a bad starting position that results in an inadequate entry into the movement, so having a balanced start will help you gain strength, balance and learn to identify the correct trajectory of the bar when returning to the starting position.

3. Increased Speed

The speed with which a lifter can squat, lift the barbell and hold it for a period of time overhead without any problems is directly related to the athlete’s endurance.

4. Upper body balance

Performing snatch balance will help you gain strength in your arms and upper back, as well as gain a greater awareness of whether or not you are performing the exercise correctly.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

5. Many muscle groups are worked during the execution of the snatch balance


The trapezius muscles are essential for stabilizing and holding the bar in the overhead position. Thanks to snatch balance you will be able to activate them correctly before performing your snatch or c&j training session.

Shoulders and triceps

When performing weightlifting movements your arms are the ones that will guide the bar to drive the weight over your head. Your extensor muscles, the shoulders and triceps, will also be activated with the snatch balance. Once the weight reaches overhead your shoulder stabilizers will play an important role.

Scapular Stabilizers

The scapulae along with the shoulder stabilizer muscles will make a perfect tandem to maintain your balance and give you the stability you need to keep the weight overhead. In addition, good scapular stabilization will help prevent injury by taking stress off your elbows and wrists.

Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes

The legs are the engine of the snatch balance, both in the push phase and in the squat phase, so performing this movement will also train your lower body. As you move under the bar, your legs will absorb all the load.

As you can see, snatch balance should be a part of your training routine if you are looking to improve snatch technique and increase strength in overhead movements. Snatch balance is not an exercise you should use if your goal is to gain muscle mass or improve your general fitness.

For technique development the best approach is to start with light weights or directly with an empty bar, so that you are comfortable during all phases of the execution of the movement from the beginning to the low overhead squat position with elbows fully extended and load above your head. From there you can add load but keep in mind the explosiveness of the movement. The loads should not limit your speed of execution.

chandler smithSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Performing the snatch balance will progressively build strength and improve technique and allow you to lift more weight when performing the actual movement. When you have mastered the movement you can work with loads around 80% of your snatch RM, although there are athletes who exceed this percentage by working at 100-120% of their RM.

Snatch balance variations

Although the movement itself may not seem complicated, there are two basic variations of its execution that we explain below.

Snatch balance with open leg starting position

This variation of the snatch balance consists of starting the movement with width leg opening position that would correspond to a squat position, so that at the moment of execution of the movement there is no lateral displacement of the feet. This variation is focused on our ability to remain straight in the receiving position and will also make us work more on our speed of movement.

Drop Snatch

This variation is considered a snatch balance without the drive phase and serves mainly to develop the speed with which the athlete drops under the bar. This variation requires maximum explosiveness from the athlete and his upper body, as well as his ability to place his feet correctly to receive the bar in a low squat position. This helps lifters who lack speed under the bar in the snatch or struggle with their elbows bending at the bottom of the snatch.

If you enjoyed this article, you will also like: How to Improve Your Footwork, Speed and Stability in The Snatch

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How to Incorporate CrossFit and Training into a Busy Schedule https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-incorporate-crossfit-and-training-into-a-busy-schedule/ Sun, 04 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198302 If you’re a beginner looking to weave the transformative power of CrossFit into your bustling schedule, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore some effective strategies that will help you embrace the CrossFit lifestyle without sacrificing your other responsibilities.

Hey there, future CrossFit champ! We get it – life’s a whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and juggling a gazillion tasks.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

But guess what? The world of CrossFit isn’t just a workout; it’s a lifestyle, a family, and a game-changer. Finding time for fitness can be challenging, but fear not, because CrossFit has got your back!

CrossFit is not just a workout; it’s a lifestyle that can transform your body and mind. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a newbie, here are some awesome tips to help you seamlessly weave the exhilarating world of CrossFit into your jam-packed schedule.

1. Unleash the Magic of Morning or Evening CrossFit Workouts

The early hours of the day hold a certain magic. Incorporating a morning CrossFit routine can set a positive tone for the rest of your day. By getting your workout in before the chaos begins, you’re ensuring that nothing derails your fitness goals later. Plus, starting your day with a burst of energy and endorphins can boost your productivity and mental clarity throughout the day.

sara sigmundsdottir nikeSource: Wodshots

But wait, let’s not forget the allure of the evening. After a day filled with responsibilities, there’s something almost poetic about ending it with a CrossFit session.

An evening CrossFit routine serves as your sanctuary, a place where you leave behind the worries of the day and immerse yourself in movement. It’s an oasis of energy in a sea of tiredness, a revitalizing experience that renews your spirits and reminds you that you’re capable of so much more than you think.

And the best time to workout is…

2. Personal Training for Tailored Progress

Engaging in personal training sessions can provide you with a customized approach to CrossFit. A professional coach can help you design a workout plan that aligns with your schedule and fitness level. They can also ensure proper form, reducing the risk of injury. While personal training may require an extra investment, the benefits in terms of results and efficient use of your time are well worth it.

3. Embrace High-Intensity Intervals (HIIT)

CrossFit is synonymous with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a perfect fit for a busy schedule. HIIT workouts deliver maximum results in a short amount of time.

Noah Ohlsen

These intense bursts of exercise followed by brief periods of rest torch calories, boost metabolism, and elevate your fitness level. A 20-minute HIIT session can be as effective as a longer conventional workout, making it a powerful tool for those with time constraints.

4. Craft a Smart Workout Plan

Effective workout planning is crucial, especially when time is limited. Map out your workouts in advance to make the most of every minute. Focus on compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups, maximizing efficiency. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength training, and mobility exercises to achieve a balanced and comprehensive routine.

Great workouts HERE

5. Harness the Power of the CrossFit Community

The CrossFit community is a vibrant and motivating space. Joining a CrossFit box introduces you to a supportive network of individuals with similar goals.

The camaraderie and friendly competition can fuel your motivation and commitment. When you know you’re part of something larger than yourself, it’s easier to stay accountable and show up for your workouts.

6. Progress as Your Ultimate Motivator

Tracking your progress is a powerful source of motivation. Keep a record of your achievements, whether it’s lifting heavier weights, performing more repetitions, or completing a workout faster. Celebrate each milestone as a testament to your dedication and hard work.

Seeing tangible improvements will ignite your desire to continue pushing your limits.

7. Adaptability in Action

Life is unpredictable, and your schedule may change unexpectedly. Embrace adaptability as a core principle. If you can’t make it to the gym, don’t skip the workout entirely. Opt for a bodyweight routine at home or squeeze in quick exercises during breaks.

Swimming man in pool with goggles

The ability to adjust your plans while staying committed to your goals is a hallmark of successful fitness integration.

8. Fuel Your Body with Meal Prep

Nutrition is a cornerstone of your fitness journey. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid making unhealthy choices when time is scarce.

Meal prepping ensures that you have nourishing options readily available, saving you both time and stress. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support your CrossFit efforts.

How to Meal Prep for Beginners (Muscle, Fat Loss, Health)

9. Set and Track Your Goals

Goal-setting is the compass that guides your fitness journey. Define both short-term and long-term objectives, whether it’s mastering a specific exercise, completing a certain number of workouts per week, or achieving a target body composition. Regularly revisit and revise your goals to stay motivated and ensure your progress stays on track.

Incorporating CrossFit into a busy schedule requires commitment, planning, and a willingness to adapt. By embracing these strategies, you’ll find that fitness becomes an integral part of your life rather than an additional burden.

Remember that every step you take, no matter how small, is a step toward becoming the best version of yourself. So, lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and embark on this exhilarating journey toward a healthier, fitter you.

Your schedule may be busy, but your commitment to your well-being is unwavering!

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7 Superstar Bosu Ball Core Exercises for Better Abs  https://www.boxrox.com/7-superstar-bosu-ball-core-exercises-for-better-abs/ Sun, 04 Feb 2024 10:31:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198178 The Bosu (Both Sides Up) is one of the most used fitness equipment to work with instability and develop a more intense workout as well as the balance. Therefore, today we will recommend Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs, the best exercises to work your abdomen with Bosu in a different and effective way.

There are multiple ways to train and work your core and one of them is with the use of the Bosu Ball. This item should definitely be part of the basic equipment of a home gym. Bosu is a word that comes from an acronym that means “both sides up” (BOth Sides Up) and has been part of the fitness world for more than 15 years.

Abs-and-Core-Strength-for-Athletes How to Build more Visible AbsSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

It is a plastic hemisphere, usually made of latex, which has a hard plastic base that prevents it from slipping. Due to its characteristics, both sides can be used as a base/platform for training, hence its name.

There are many workout routines that can be performed with the Bosu Ball as equipment and they go from improving balance, to cardiovascular exercises, postural control and / or exercises for toning and activating the musculature of different areas of the body.

The instability is the feature that makes Bosu Ball equipment a very interesting element to vary functional workout routines and make them not only more enjoyable, but also more demanding, being able to adapt them according to the needs and characteristics of each individual.

At first, the use of Bosu can be complex because mastering the technique in this case is essential, adopt the proper posture is basic to make the most of its potential and possibilities Bosu offers and not get injured.

Bosu Ball and its benefits for working your abs

Being a half sphere, Bosu allows many uses when working out the abs, and can serve as an unstable point of support or as a surface to ensure optimal position of the spine to achieve a safer work.

Also, the Bosu can be used as a weighted item if we hold it with both hands and we move it in different directions, although the most effective ways to use it are as a support surface, especially unstable to request a greater effort of the muscles of the core area or stabilizers.

So, we suggest the following exercises using Bosu Ball equipment to work your abs in a different and intense way adding diversity to your regular workout routine. Check out those Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs.

1. Plank (Horizontal Stabilization)

One of the best Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs. Just as you perform this exercise on the floor, you can rest your forearms on a Bosu to work the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. You can also invert the Bosu and turn it into an unstable support point for our body. You can do this exercise in reverse by placing your hands on the floor stretching your legs and placing your feet on the Bosu.

It is very important to always keep your shoulders at the same height as your elbows. It is important to keep the back straight and the body from head to toe forming a straight line. Try not to let your glutes or back break this line. Squeeze your abs and gluteus, and hold the exercise for 20 seconds.

Variations to the classic plank are also stabilizations with one leg or hand raised, or with one leg and the arm of the opposite side raised, supporting one or both ends of our body on Bosu.

Also check: Best 3 Minute PLANK Workout for Rock Solid ABS

2. Lateral Plank

A variation of the classic plank used mostly to work the obliques abs muscles aligning the body sideways with one forearm on the Bosu Ball or with both feet on it. You can add movement to this lateral position and raise and lower your hips, incorporate a core twist, among others to intensify the work and make the most from one of the best Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs.

3. Vertical Stabilization

Invert the Bosu by placing its rounded part on the floor. Stand or kneel on the half sphere, trying not to let the platform of the Bosu touch the floor. In order to maintain this position you will have to demand a great effort from your core by contracting all the muscles of the middle zone to maintain this hold.

4. Leg and Core Extensions

Again, invert the Bosu, sit on the Bosu Ball platform and using it as an unstable support surface, raise your legs to perform leg and core flexo-extensions as you would on a chair or bench. That extra touch of instability of the movement makes this exercise one of the best Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs.

5. Flutter Kicks

This exercise, also called leg flutter, is usually performed on the floor, but you can perform it with your lower back resting on the Bosu Ball and contracting the abdomen to slightly raise the trunk and legs and move both legs in order to perform the flutter.

The head and feet should not rest on the floor but remain off the floor all the time. To take care of your cervical spine, er, it is important to maintain a separation between the chin and the chest and to maintain the position by means of abdominal contraction.

6. Alternate Leg Cross

As in the previous movement you can position your lower back on the Bosu Balland slightly raise your legs and torso to cross one leg under the other alternately. You can cross the left leg under the right leg and then slowly separate them and then perform the opposite movement, always holding the muscle contraction and never resting the feet on the floor.

7. Mountain Climbers

These are the classic climbers that can be performed by resting your hands on the inverted Bosu Ball and alternately bringing your knees to your chest to work your obliques intensely while burning calories.

If you want to ad some diversity in your workout routine, these seven best Bosu Ball core exercises for better abs, can be a great help to achieve the next level of fitness and progress with your abs workout.

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And for more inspiration check this Bosu Ball core routine

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CrossFit and Weight Loss: Tips for Athletes that Want to Lose Weight  https://www.boxrox.com/crossfit-and-weight-loss-tips-for-athletes-that-want-to-lose-weight/ Sun, 04 Feb 2024 02:32:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198293 CrossFit is a complete fitness regimen that offers a promising approach to boost weight loss through intense workouts, functional exercises, and diverse training techniques.

Here are some of the advantages that CrossFit can bring to your weight loss journey, along with a few tips for beginners.

1. Tips for Beginners: Challenge your body with new routines.

CrossFit provides challenging high-intensity workouts that are a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and your workout session due to the afterburn effect.

Justin MedeirosSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Alright, if you’re just starting out with CrossFit, you gotta take it slow and build up the intensity to avoid hurting yourself. Start with bodyweight exercises and work on getting your technique down first before adding weights.

Mix things up with interval training or circuit workouts to keep things interesting. Once you get the hang of it, step it up with high-intensity workouts like AMRAPs or EMOMs. Don’t forget to take it easy. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard, and make sure to get help from a legit CrossFit coach.

2. Tips for Beginners: Get used to metabolic conditioning

CrossFit emphasizes metabolic conditioning workouts that involve performing exercises in circuit or interval formats. This workouts combine cardiovascular exercises like running, rowing, or jumping rope, and weightlifting movements or bodyweight exercises. This type of exercise helps elevate the heart rate and boost metabolism to support weight loss.

Nail basic movements like squats and push-ups. Ain’t no need to go ham right away, start easy and work your way up. And don’t forget to warm-up and cool down to avoid injury. If something hurts, change it up.

Quality moves are more important than quantity, so don’t half-ass it. When you feel like you’re ready, boost up the intensity and hit up a coach to show you some cool new stuff. Oh, and rest days are just as important as workout days, so don’t skip them.

3. Tips for Beginners. Focus on strength training

Through a variety of equipment, including barbells, kettlebells, and dumbbells, CrossFit incorporates strength training. Strengthening lean muscles is essential for weight loss as the muscles burn more calories at rest than fat. When you develop more muscle, your basal metabolic rate also increases, which means you burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

Tia-Clair ToomeySource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

If you wanna mix strength training into your CrossFit routine, keep these tips in mind: Don’t be sloppy or you’ll injure yourself. Start with just your body as a weight and get those basics down pat. Then slowly add weights while keeping that form tight.

Work on moves that hit multiple muscles all at once. Mix it up so you hit all them muscles in different ways. Keep pushing yourself with heavier weights over time. And don’t forget to hit up a coach for some extra help and guidance.

Start with lighter weights and work your way up slow. Stick with it, be patient, and you’ll be a strong mofo in no time!

Here you can find more info about How to Burn More Calories Lifting Weights

4. Tips for Beginners: Vary your workouts

CrossFit workouts are known to be constantly varied to prevent boredom and challenge the body continuously, promoting continual progress and adaptation. Regularly changing the workouts can be beneficial for preventing weight loss plateaus and ensuring that you keep burning calories effectively.

If you wanna keep getting better at CrossFit, mix it up! Don’t be stuck doin’ the same thing all the time. Throw in some cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics to keep it fresh. Try different workouts with different gear and for different lengths of time.

Keep switching up how many reps you do and push yourself to try new things.

Want to know more about different types of CrossFit WOD? Check THIS out

5. Tips for Beginners: Be part of the community

Many CrossFit gyms, commonly referred to as “boxes,” create a strong sense of support within a community. This social aspect of CrossFit can provide motivation and accountability, making it easier for you to achieve your weight loss goals.

skill progressions for ring muscle upSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

CrossFit’s community vibe can help you lose weight in so many ways. When everyone’s got the same goals, it’s like you’re all in it together, right? And a little friendly competition can push you harder and make you better.

Plus, there’s tons of knowledge and tips to share, like how to eat better and work out smarter. It can also be an emotional journey, but with a solid support system, you got this! Being surrounded by positive people can only help ya build good habits and stay on track.

6. CrossFit and Weight Loss: Tips for Beginners. Eat well:

However, it’s crucial to remember that diet plays an essential role in weight loss. Combining CrossFit with a healthy and balanced eating plan will yield the best possible results.

First off, you gotta eat right, which means getting them good nutrients.You wanna eat less than you burn when you’re working out, but still enough so you have energy to kill it in your WODs. Make sure you get the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, and drink enough water so you’re not eating everything in sight.

And don’t forget to give your muscles time to rest and recover – they need breaks to get stronger, believe it or not!

So try to get quality sleep between workouts and take some rest days when you need to. If you need extra help, see a nutritionist and listen to your body. And just remember, it’s all about balance and progress on your CrossFit journey!

It’s therefore essential to seek consultation from professional healthcare providers or registered dietitians to develop a personalized diet plan that aligns with your weight loss goals and complements your CrossFit workouts.

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5 Little Known Tricks to Get Better at CrossFit  https://www.boxrox.com/5-little-known-tricks-to-get-better-at-crossfit/ Sat, 03 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198279 How to improve in CrossFit? This is a question that  those of us who practice this great sport ask ourselves. Along with the basic pillars for performance improvement, there are other tricks that can help you get that extra boost you need to smash your workouts every day.

If you have been practicing CrossFit for a while, it is likely that you may feel that your improvement is slower or even that you are not improving at all. But don’t worry, because you still have a great athlete potential and we are going to give you some tips to bring it out.

chandler smith competes in crossfit semifinalSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

If your sport is not CrossFit, you can also apply those tricks, because in all sports globally, there are patterns that should be repeated for the same purpose: to evolve towards the best version of ourselves.

1. Discover your third lung, through nutrition.

Nutrition is a known factor that can help us improve our athletic performance.If necessary, there are certain types of supplements that will help you improve, but only as an extra.

Speaking about supplements, there is one specifically powerful one that few know about.

It’s recommended by Mat Fraser himself – beta alanine. If you’ve ever consumed any kind of pre-workout you’ll probably be familiar with this name as it’s one of the main ingredients in many boosters, but few know how beneficial beta alanine can be when consumed before training.

 Beta alanine supplementation increases muscle carnosine levels by up to 60% in 4 weeks and about 80% in 8 weeks, which translates into increased resistance to fatigue and improved performance, especially in high-intensity exercise.

2. Good sleep habits

Twinkle twinkle little star, sleep well and raise a heavy bar.

The basic pillar of an athlete’s progression is getting enough rest. Our body needs rest for optimal performance.

During the hours of sleep, the organism enters a state in which the biorhythms go down and it is the moment in which our organs rest. Sleep repairs all our organs, since during the time we are resting, our organism releases countless hormones that improve the general state of the organism and strengthen our immune system. It is precisely during the hours of sleep that the so-called growth hormone, which we need to increase muscle volume, is released.

A good habit – highly recommended – to get the necessary rest, is to set a time limit for going to bed even if you are not sleepy. Instead of sitting in the living room watching TV, it is better to lie in bed and relax little by little until you feel sleepy. In this way the body gets used to bedtime every day.

On the other hand, if you are going to train at maximum intensity, allow at least one day of rest every 3 days of training. You should not train every day. This way, you will help recovery, avoid injury, muscle wasting and/or overtraining.

3. Psychological factors

Factors such as motivation and mental strength are indispensable for our progress as athletes.

The first will be necessary for you to go motivated every day to the Box and give the best of you in the training session. This is directly linked to your goals. In many cases, not being able to achieve our goals leads to frustration.

The second will make you resist against all kinds of obstacles without them harming your performance, in some cases even improving it.

Have a positive attitude, be aware of the ups and downs that may occur, but continue with the activity. You will not always train in the best conditions (in all aspects). Train your psychological side too.

4. Back to basics

Sometimes when we have a certain level in CrossFit we think we already know it all, it’s nice once in a while go back to the basics and feel like a rookie again. Did you see the single unders  event at the Games?

grips for ring muscle upsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Even the best failed with a movement that in the box is usually performed by those who need to scale the movement. Technique is a fundamental part of your training to keep improving as an athlete, but it is often overlooked. Leave your ego at the door of the box. Being the fastest in the class is fine, but not more important than your health.

With a good technique you will not only avoid injury, but it will help you to more quickly lock in the weights or movements of your daily workouts. As a result, in the long run you will have a greater improvement in CrossFit.

5. Leave your comfort zone

You have to start to get rid of the fear of lifting heavy weights or to perform movements that we find complicated (double under, snatch, pistol …). You have tot learn to train with the feeling of being at the limit of your possibilities and know how to play with that feeling. It is advisable not to stop when you start to feel tired. At least, you should do two or three more reps before stopping to catch some air.

Finally, it’s good to get in a competitive mood with your teammates because it will help you get out of your comfort zone, but don’t fall into the trap of trying to shorten the movement to gain time or count the extra reps to finish early. You laso should create the habit of training your mobility. If you do some stretching it will help us to have better mobility to perform complex movements and avoid many injuries due to muscle shortening.

These are some of the tricks that sometimes escape us when it comes to improving our performance. Do you have any tips you would like to share?

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How to Build Stronger Legs and Better Glutes with the Reverse Lunge https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-build-stronger-legs-and-better-glutes-with-the-reverse-lunge/ Sat, 03 Feb 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198201 Reverse lunges are one of the best lower body exercises you can do.

Performing this exercise will build your lower body muscles, and will also improve your strength and coordination.

The reverse lunges develop strength in muscles such as the hamstrings and calves. In terms of movement, a reverse lunge mobilizes the joints and improves balance.

As the name suggests, reverse lunges are performed by stepping backwards instead of forwards. This is a great variation for beginners because the reverse motion is a little easier to control. It allows more hip flexion to be performed, making it a good choice for those looking to train glutes and hamstrings

The reverse lunge is an exercise mainly aimed to work the lower body, especially legs and glutes.

Is an exercise that offers a variety of benefits for all levels of athletes.

It is important to remember that the benefits will vary from person to person depending on their intention and the variation they are performing. Here are some of the main benefits of reverse lunges.

Better Glutes with the Reverse Lunge: Improved balance and coordination

Lunges require from the athlete to rely primarily on one leg (the other leg may or may not be used as an aid). The need for stability and joint control (at the ankle, knee and hip) increases the difficulty of this movement, increasing the neurological and muscular demands.

Seeing that many human movement patterns and fixed positions (such as the squat) rely heavily on both, increasing balance and coordination can lead to greater unilateral performance.

Increased gluteal activation

Reverse lunges target weaknesses in balance and coordination, as well as require the development of inactive muscle groups. Glutes are a powerful muscle group that can be targeted, and lead to improvements in power output, decreased lower back pain, improved running technique, and speed.

When doing  reverse lunges you can specifically target the glutes to increase muscle activation and hypertrophy.

Improved muscle symmetry

Correcting muscle imbalances is important to minimize injury in athletes and fitness enthusiasts . Many of us most likely have muscle movements and asymmetries that go unnoticed or untreated due to the large amount of bilateral (two limbs at a time) movements we do in our training.

Although bilateral movements are very beneficial, employing reverse lunges and other unilateral exercises can increase muscle hypertrophy and strength in a weaker leg, decreasing movement and developmental asymmetries and compensation patterns.

Improved muscle growth

Unilateral training has been shown to increase muscle activation, which can lead to stronger muscle contractions. One leg supports more body weight performing reverse lunges than during for example a bilateral squat. This is beneficial when it comes to focusing on developing specific muscle groups.

The ability to make the mind to muscle connection through unilateral training is very beneficial for adding quality lean mass and solid movement mechanics, which can affect in a positive way your athletic performance and overall leg and glutes development.

Minimizes the risk of injury

To be clear, lunges do not prevent injury. However, they do strengthen muscles, both large and small, which improves your ability to stabilize under a heavy loads.

Here you have some types of reverse lunges that focus on the development of killer glutes and legs, so you can add them to your leg day workout routine.

Classic reverse lunges

The reverse lunge is one of the most commonly used exercises for training the lower body.

The reverse lunge is a great exercise, but as long as you maintain proper technique, if you practice it backwards, you will achieve a cleaner execution technique.

As you move backwards, your knees and hips will perform a safer 90° bend. This way, the body stays upright and the gluteus maximus is activated when the knee is lowered.

It is one of the best exercises if you want to strengthen quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes effectively. It is a very complete exercise for your lower body.

To execute it correctly, you must be careful with your posture and body position in order to maintain proper balance.

Jumping reverse lunges

Jumping lunges are the most classic lunge option and probably the most commonly used. It requires the right combination of leg and gluteal work to perform properly.

It also requires some strength, so it should not be considered as if it were something simple. To do the exercise we will have to alternate each stride, always moving back a different leg that will be changed with each jump.

It is important that we keep our core active all the time, as it is essential , since it helps us to keep our back upright.

Weighted reverse lunges

This is one of the best reverse lunges variations out there. To perform it, all you need is a kettlebell or a dumbbell or a barbell if you are an experienced athlete. The weighted reverse lunge has the advantage over other types of lunges as it requires extra effort for the muscles of legs and core.

It is worth mentioning that, despite the fact that it is a more challenging exercise, it is not complicated to perform. As with the other lunge variations, you should avoid arching your back and alternate legs.

Elastic band reverse lunges

Due to the popularity of elastic bands, there are also many athletes who use them in their workout with lunges. In fact, this particular one is a highly recommended exercise for strengthening the glutes, as will intensify the results.

The workout is simple. You will need to pass one end of the band under the leg you have in front of you and the other over your shoulders. Starting with your leg bent, you should strive to raise your body little by little, while you feel the band resisting force. Extend your knee so that your position is upright and then bend again to repeat the process.

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5 Best Lower Body Unilateral Exercises for Building Better Glutes  https://www.boxrox.com/5-best-lower-body-unilateral-exercises-for-building-better-glutes/ Sat, 03 Feb 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197982 Strengthen your glutes and lower body with these lower body unilateral exercises that will help you lift more weight whilst building muscle.

If you’re looking to build stronger glutes and add variety to your workout, consider including single-leg exercise movements in your routines.

Most strength training programs are primarily based on bilateral exercises, such as squat, hip thrust. Those exercises involve performing the movement with both legs at the same time, and they allow you to work with higher loads and progressively increase the intensity.

However, lower body unilateral exercises should be an important part of your training program, as they are a great complement to the regular exercises due to the different benefits they can provide.

One of your leg is generally weaker than the other one, it means that one leg will have to do extra work to execute any movement correctly. Over time, this can lead to overtraining injuries or muscle imbalances.

Don’t believe it? Try these unilateral exercises to build strong and sculpted glutes.

1. Reverse Lunge

One of the best lower body unilateral exercises that will work your glutes deeply.

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Move one leg in line backwards, bend until the knee almost touches the floor. You must make sure that with the opposite leg (the one in front) you create an angle of more than 90º. With this tip, you will be able to pull the gluteus muscle and not the quadriceps when returning to the initial position.

If you want to add more intensity you can perform this movement with a deficit or add some weight using a bar in back squat position or a kettlebell.

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

One of the most performed lower body unilateral exercises for strengthening quads and glutes, but it also has the added benefits of being amazing for core strength and balance improvement.

To perform it, place one foot on a bench that is just above knee height with your toes pointed to the ground. For the starting position place the knee of the back leg flat on the floor with the front knee bent. The back knee should be positioned under your hip and your front ankle should be under your front knee or slightly behind it (this may vary depending on your mobility, but is a good starting point).

Once you have positioned your legs correctly lift up to standing position.  Before returning to the floor, contract your abs and try to keep your knee in line with your toes. Tip: lean your chest slightly forward to keep your back from overextending.

3. Single Leg Deadlift

The one-legged deadlift is a lower body unilateral exercise that allows us to efficiently work the entire posterior leg chain, especially your glutes. Single leg deadlift provides significant posterior chain benefit while challenging the balance and stability of your core.

The single-leg deadlift is already one of the most commonly used lower body unilateral exercises, often done with the load in one hand, on the side most comfortable for the lifter. The hip joint is where you move from, rotating it backwards as you lower your torso, keeping the back straight and chest upright.

Generally, the non-working, trailing leg is kept straight and the goal is to keep it aligned with your torso.

4. Single-Leg Hip Thrust

The hip thrust has become a favorite lower body unilateral exercises in glutes training routines.

Without question, the conventional hip thrust with a barbell and a good load is an excellent choice of exercise. But we can perform many variations of it depending on our goals.

One of the most used variants of the hip thrust is to perform it unilaterally on one leg.

Sit on the floor, with your scapulas resting on a bench and your knees bent.

With the support of only one leg, we extend the hips aligning the back, gluteus and femoral, forming an angle of 90 degrees with that leg and keeping the other leg extended or flexed (without supporting it). At this point, we must contract the buttocks well and hold for a few moments.

Lower the glutes again in a controlled movement to return to the starting position.

Repeat until the total number of repetitions is reached. If you want to add more intensity, you can place a plate or dumbbell on your pelvis.

5. Step Up

One of the basic lower body unilateral exercises consists of a step up to a box or other object of a certain height to work the lower part of our body, especially the muscles that form the gluteus.

To execute this movement you will need a box, step, bench or a chair. Place yourself in front of the equipment that gives you the appropriate height adapted to your physical condition. The legs will be width hip open.Next,  place the first leg on the central surface of the platform used and push upwards to gain momentum and raise both legs.

Once up, lower down to return to the starting position with the same leg you pushed up.

Perform this movement with the other leg alternately as it is about working unilaterally in an equal manner. It is important that before adding load or intensity to this type of exercise, we make sure we master it correctly, as we must take care that our body posture is correct, especially maintaining awareness of the activation of our abdomen to protect our back.

As you can see  focusing on one leg at a time when performing lower body unilateral exercises will not only help you strengthen your lower body, but also help you recognize some of your own strength and stability gaps. This, with well-executed work can translate into bilateral exercises moving greater loads than you’re used to.

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7 Exercises that Improve Strength for CrossFit Beginners https://www.boxrox.com/7-exercises-that-improve-strength-for-crossfit-beginners/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198252 Hey CrossFit rookie,  improve your strength with this exercises.

CrossFit is an excellent way to improve overall fitness, build strength, and increase endurance.

However, for beginners, it can be tricky to know where to start. In this article, we will discuss 7 exercises that improve strength for CrossFit beginners. 

1. Squats

Squats are a fundamental exercise in CrossFit that help build lower body strength. They work lower body muscles such as the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, but also core muscles. Having a strong foundation in squats is crucial for excelling in various CrossFit exercises.

It is recommended to start with bodyweight squats and gradually progress to goblet squats or barbell squats as you gain strength and confidence. This progressive approach will help you develop proper form and technique while also preventing injury.

To perform a squat:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Lower your body as if you were sitting on a chair, keeping your back straight and chest up.
  3. Push through your heels to the starting position.

2. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a fantastic exercise for building overall strength and targeting the posterior chain, which includes the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

It is crucial to focus on proper form and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the movement.

Starting with lighter kettlebells or dumbbells before progressing to barbell deadlifts is recommended to prevent injury and ensure proper technique.

To perform a deadlift:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Bend your knees and hinge at the hips to grip the bar with an overhand grip.
  3. Keep your back straight and chest up as you stand up, pushing through your heels to the starting position.

3. Push-ups

Push-ups are an effective exercise for strengthening the chest, shoulders, and triceps while also engaging the core for stability. To start, modified push-ups on your knees or against an elevated surface like a box or bench are recommended.

As you progress and gain strength, gradually work towards performing full push-ups on the ground.

To perform a push-up:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keeping your elbows close to the body, lower your body until your chest touches the ground.
  3. Push back up to the starting position.

4. Strict Press

The strict press, also known as the military press, targets the shoulders, triceps, and upper back muscles, helping to develop muscular strength and endurance.

By performing strict presses regularly, CrossFit athletes can improve their ability to lift heavy loads overhead, which is essential for many CrossFit movements such as the snatch, clean and jerk, and also handstand push-ups. Additionally, the strict press can help to improve overall shoulder health and mobility, reducing the risk of injuries during CrossFit workouts.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with either dumbbells or a barbell and press the weight overhead while maintaining a strong and stable core.
  2. Gradually increase the weight as you build strength and improve your form.

5. Ring Rows

Ring rows primarily target the muscles of the upper body, including the back, biceps, and rear deltoids. These muscles engage as you pull your chest towards the rings, which helps develop strength and muscular endurance in the pulling muscles. This is essential for exercises like pull-ups, muscle-ups, and rowing movements commonly seen in CrossFit workouts.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Set up rings at chest height and position yourself underneath.
  2. While maintaining a plank position, pull your chest towards the rings or bar, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

6. Planks

Planks are a great exercise to build core strength and stability, which is very important in order to master almost all CrossFit exercises.

They target the abs, obliques, and lower back, helping to build muscular endurance and improve posture, balance, and control during CrossFit movements. By performing different variations of planks regularly, CrossFit athletes can develop a stronger and more stable core, which can help to improve their overall performance and reduce the risk of injury during workouts.

To perform a plank:

  1. Start with forearm planks and progress to high planks as your strength improves.
  2. All the time maintain a straight line from head to heels and engage your core muscles throughout the exercise.

7. Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a popular exercise in CrossFit that can help build strength in several ways. This exercise primarily targets the posterior chain muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

By using explosive hip drive to swing the kettlebell, you are working these muscles through a full range of motion, which can improve your power and explosiveness. Additionally, kettlebell swings can be performed for high reps, which can help to build muscular endurance.

Remember to focus on proper form, start with lighter weights or modifications, and gradually increase intensity and load as you progress. If you’re new to CrossFit, consider working with a qualified coach or trainer to ensure proper technique and appropriate programming tailored to your abilities and goals.

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How to Build Great Glutes and Strong Legs with the Forward Lunge https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-build-great-glutes-and-strong-legs-with-the-forward-lunge/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198191 Forward lunges are one of the most effective exercises for working thighs and glutess. Find out how to do them correctly and put your legs and glutes on fire.

Lunges are perfect for strengthening the lower body. Many of us have been familiar with them since we were kids, but not everyone appreciates the effectiveness of this apparently simple exercise. When you do it for a while, your thighs will be on fire and your glutes will be strengthened to the limit.

You can do this exercise in the gym or at home, as you don’t need any special equipment.

leg workoutsSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Forward lunge is a highly recommended exercise to strengthen legs and glutes but also will improve your balance, your hip flexibility, your posture and coordination. As if all these benefits were not enough, forward lunge also involve our core and hips, which must work in sync to maintain the correct posture during the execution of each lunge.

To get results doing forward lunge and build great glutes and strong legs, you must master the technique. Even the best leg exercises are useless if they are not performed correctly. In order to get the most out of your workout and reduce the risk of injury, proper technique is essential.

To begin each lunge, you’ll have to check your posture by making sure your feet are flat on the floor, your back is straight and your abs are contracted.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and look straight ahead. Your arms should be at the sides of your body. Take a big step forward with one leg, leaving the other foot back on the floor. Lower your body until the front knee is just above the ankle, at a 90-degree angle. The knees should always tend to pull outward, to avoid unconsciously bringing them inward and falling into a bad posture.

Lower as far as you can and check that the upper body is firm and straight at all time. With the impulse of the front leg, return backwards to get back to the starting position.

Once you’ve mastered the basic movement, it’s time to add a little variety to those workouts. In addition to making the workouts more dynamic, the different variations will work different parts of your thighs and glutes. If you want to increase the difficulty of the workout, you can always do weighted forward lunge variation (kettlebell, dumbbells or barbell). Just make sure you learn how to do it and master the basic technique before.

If you want to build strong legs and glutes with forward lunge, we suggest these variations of the exercise according to your level:

Basic level

The forward lunge we all know. Performed with only your body weight and without incorporating any type of extra resistance. Without any doubt, if you are looking for an effective exercise to work the glutes, you have already found it. Keep in mind that it will be easier to do the forward lunge if you have a strong core and abs, because you won’t arch your back when performing the movement.

This is the best way to master this exercise. As you practice and gain more control of the movement, you can increase the speed of the repetitions before adding  some weight.

Intermediate Level

Weighted forward lunge. If you have already mastered the basic version of the forward lunge and want to add weight as something extra, you can try with a barbell on your back, in front rack position or go with any other type of weight such as a kettlebell or dumbbells. Remember to distribute the weight to avoid swaying to the sides.

Advanced Level

When you already know the basic movement and you have tried it with weight, you can increase its difficulty trying forward  lunge with straight arms and overhead weight.

In addition to working your legs and glutes, you will also activate your abs, shoulders, chest and arms. Of course, it requires total mastery of the exercise, as the overhead weight will make it more difficult to maintain balance. Also, remember that the arm, or both arms, that is loaded must always be fully extended.

crossfit injury female athlete walking lungesSource: RX'd Photography

And if you are still thinking about adding something extra to your forward lunge to train your legs and glutes even more, you can play with static or walking variations of forward lunge.

Static Forward Lunge

The static lunge is a great exercise to train most of the muscles of the legs. Performed in the same spot, alternating legs generates a great activation of the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves … So if you want to have strong legs, this exercise can not be missed in your routines.

Walking Forward Lunge

This version involves a slightly different movement. When you move your leg forward, you will notice a major work of the glutes, hamstrings and quads in the leg stepping forward. At this point, the muscles of the back leg are not fully engaged, but they help to achieve the stability and balance so necessary for this movement.

When stepping, at the point of reaching full body extension, both feet come together and the previous back leg steps forward into the lunge position, engaging the quads, hamstrings and glutes as well.

Jumping Lunges

One of the benefits that lunges really stand out is the incredible amount of variations that exist when practicing them.

Adding the jump to this exercise transforms the movement into a more aerobic exercise. Therefore, this powerful and effective combination of exercises makes it a perfect to gain strength and cardiovascular endurance.You can perform jumping lunges with or without weights, depending on your fitness level or technique.

As we have seen, forward lunge is without any doubt a great movement, so don’t forget to include it in your leg and glute routines.

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How Can Meditation Help Athletes? https://www.boxrox.com/how-can-meditation-help-athletes/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198228 Meditation is a technique that can be very useful in the mental preparation of athletes or people who exercise regularly.

At this point of the story we can consider that the benefits that meditation has for the wellbeing of a person are very clear. This millenary technique allows to find a physical, mental and spiritual balance becoming a basic element to eliminate stress, anxiety or the worries of the daily life, favoring the inner peace.

Woman-MeditatingSource: Dane Whetton on Unsplash

Meditation is also a key component of one of the most popular techniques in modern society, mindfulness, keeping focused on the present and on what we are doing every minute. So, we could say that meditation has always been present but one of its benefits has gone unnoticed by most people.

Until now. And the fact is that meditation is a technique that can be very useful in the mental preparation of athletes or people who exercise regularly.

Among other aspects it improves concentration and can even raise the athlete’s performance. Thus, some studies suggest that the regular practice of meditation for several months ends up generating a change in the brain’s process to focus attention, memory or perception.

Although it may sound  strange to us, and we do not see many places where meditation is applied as a support method for sports performance, meditation can help athletes and there are many international elite athletes who have taken advantage of the benefits of meditation to make a qualitative leap in their results and those of their teams. Fraser, Jordan or Bryant are some of the names of these athletes who use meditation as a tool to improve performance and calm the mind.

One of the main defenders of the presence of this technique in training and locker rooms has been Phil Jackson, legendary NBA coach, who has used meditation for years with his players.

The advantages that meditation can have for an athlete go beyond physical activity and become part of their daily life. Here are some of the benefits why it is good to consider incorporating meditation as a parto of our sports routine.

Meditation can help Athletes: Concentration

With meditation you train the focus of attention on a specific factor, something very necessary in sports. Training the mind helps to keep the brain focused on the activity. In CrossFit you will be able to concentrate on technique, have a better strategy and a better rep count, without getting distracted. But whatever your sport, you will be more focused during its practice.

Say goodbye to fear

Fear is an integral part of sport – losing, getting injured, failing – so much so that it can cause mistakes by blocking us. Meditation calms the amygdala, the area where fears are generated. And it is certainly that extra push that many of us need to remove the limitations o our heads. 

Woman in MeditationSource: Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Meditation is the perfect tool to prepare us for the moments when we do not achieve good results. It helps to overcome failure and clears the mind to look for possible solutions to problems. With success it also helps us to know how to handle it. It will also help us to make an exercise of studying and detecting our weak points and to learn how to improve them.

Stronger and healthier

Meditating daily helps strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of illness and injury. In addition, this mental practice helps with cognitive health, decision making and mental clarity, aspects that can deteriorate with age.

Meditation can help Athletes: Stable emotions

Meditation is responsible for stabilizing the emotions of athletes and helps them to take control of their moods, vital when competing. Always being under pressure causes stress to arise. It is uncontrollable but can be reduced by meditating for a few minutes before the big event that produces this feeling.

Relaxation and meditation make us find our weaknesses and we can work on them to improve them. Along the same lines, visualization is another tool with the best results for athletes during meditation, a training beyond the physical. For example, imagining a new snatch PR or the trajectory of the bar in a heavy jerk.

Sleep performance

One of the first things that are affected in our lives when we have too much stress is sleep. When we don’t get proper rest, we don’t perform as we should during our workouts. Lack of sleep can reduce our level of focus and accuracy and can lead to injury.

Rest is very important for athletes, so that they can perform properly and not be distracted from their goals. Meditation helps to slow down the mind and improves the quality of sleep.

Sport definitely requires that the whole organism is in function of the corresponding task and the mind plays a valuable role, since it not only makes it possible to focus attention on what is being done, but also plays a leading role in the processing of emotions. In this way, the intense practice will have the expected effect at the moment of the event or competition, since an athlete dominated by anxiety may not reflect all the previous preparation and, on the contrary, the result will feed the anxiety for future occasions, becoming like a snowball, a bigger and more difficult to control feeling.

person does morning meditation by the beachSource: William Farlow on Unsplash

So if we have convinced you and you think that meditation fits you and your training routine, there are several options to start practicing it. Disciplines such as yoga work on flexibility and muscles through concentration and breathing.

It is a good way to get started. When you go on your own, in addition to wearing comfortable clothes, think about choosing a pleasant environment free of interruptions or loud and abrupt noises. When meditating, breathing is your best ally.

Put all your attention on it. Repeating a word or short phrase – a mantra – with each breath helps to override other thoughts in your mind. As you get more practice, you will see that there are a multitude of meditation techniques you can use to boost your athletic performance.

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3 Different Types of Burpee that Every Athlete Needs to Know https://www.boxrox.com/3-different-types-of-burpee-that-every-athlete-needs-to-know/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197987 Burpees, the great enemy of anyone who does CrossFit. You can love them or hate them but we assure you that you will do thousands of them during your CrossFit athletic life.

In this article we will introduce you 3 Different Types of Burpee that Every CrossFit Athlete Needs to Know, so you can find your favorite or at least be prepared for the worst.

Burpees are a highly popular exercise used in CrossFit workouts. They involve dropping to the ground and performing a full-body push-up, then explosively jumping up into the air before repeating the process again.

crossfit athlete bar facing burpeesSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Burpees are highly effective at increasing cardiovascular endurance, building strength in the upper body, lower body, and core, and improving overall fitness. They are often included in high-intensity interval workouts or as a component of circuit training to increase the intensity of the workout and challenge the athlete both physically and mentally.

There are many different types of burpees used in CrossFit workouts to add variety and challenge athletes to push themselves.

1. Classic Burpees

Let’s start with the standard Burpee – the classic one.

A standard burpee is a whole-body exercise that starts in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, you quickly drop down into a squat position and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Then, you kick your feet back into a push-up position before completing a push-up.

Next, you jump your feet forward so they land just outside of your hands, and explosively jump up into the air, reaching both hands overhead. Finally, you land softly back on the ground and repeat the exercise.

This exercise targets your legs, hips, glutes, abs, arms, chest, and shoulders, making it a highly effective whole-body workout.

It is a popular exercise used in CrossFit workouts as it can be done anywhere, does not require any equipment, and can be easily scaled to suit any fitness level.

2. Burpee Box Jump

A burpee box jump is a more advanced variation of a regular burpee where after completing the pushup, instead of jumping straight up, you jump onto a box or platform and land softly before stepping or jumping off the box.

You repeat the exercise for the desired number of reps. Burpee box jumps are a great way to build strength, stamina, and endurance, while also targeting multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, core, and shoulders.

Source: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc. taken at Brick Los Angeles

Burpee box jumps can be used in CrossFit workouts to increase intensity and challenge the athletes.

As with any exercise, proper form is important to prevent injury. Make sure to land softly and avoid locking your knees when jumping onto the box. It’s also important to choose a box height that is appropriate for your fitness level and to gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercise over time.

3. Burpee pull-up/muscle up

A burpee pull-up is a combination exercise that consists of a burpee followed by a pull-up. It starts with a traditional burpee, where you drop down into a squat position, kick your legs back into a push-up position, perform a push-up, and then jump your legs forward to your hands. From here, you jump up and grab onto a pull-up bar and complete a pull-up.

On the other hand, a muscle-up is a more advanced exercise that involves pulling yourself up from a hanging position below the bar to a position above the bar, transitioning from a pull-up to a dip in one fluid motion. It requires significant upper body strength and is commonly used as a CrossFit exercise.

Crossfit Beginners: How to get your First Bar Muscle Up!

Both types of burpees are challenging and require proper form to prevent injury. It’s important to gradually build up your strength and endurance before attempting these exercises, and to work with a trainer or spotter if you are new to these movements.

4. Overhead Burpee

An overhead burpee is a variation of the standard burpee that involves lifting a weight over your head during the last part of the exercise. This exercise targets your entire body, including your legs, core, and shoulders.

It can be modified for different fitness levels by adjusting the weight of the overhead object, the number of repetitions, or performing a modified version of the push-up.

An example of this pro type of burpee could be the devil press.

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The devil press is a full-body exercise that involves using two dumbbells of the same weight. It is essentially a combination of a dumbbell burpee and a double dumbbell snatch. From the finishing position of the burpee, the kind of squat one, powerfully explode up into a standing position, pulling the dumbbells up towards your shoulders.

Next, synchronize your momentum and explosively press the dumbbells overhead, extending your elbows fully. Lower the dumbbells back down to your shoulders and repeat the sequence for your desired number of repetitions.

The devil press is a great exercise for improving strength, explosiveness, and endurance. It engages many major muscle groups, including your glutes, chest, shoulders, back, arms, and core

CrossFit is known for incorporating burpee variations into its workouts, as burpees are a great way to build overall fitness and endurance.

These variations add complexity and intensity to the traditional burpee exercise, challenging different muscle groups and improving overall fitness level. It’s important to practice proper form and gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercises to prevent injury and ensure continued progress.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of burpees that can be used in CrossFit workouts to increase intensity and challenge athletes. ¿Which is your favorite?

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How to Improve Kipping Pull Ups for CrossFit https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-improve-kipping-pull-ups-for-crossfit/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198143 Improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit can be a challenging task, but it is achievable with the right approach. In this article, we will provide some tips that can help you improve your kipping pull-ups for CrossFit.

To perform kipping pull-ups efficiently, it is essential to master the basic technique. The arch and hollow positions are essential for performing a kipping pull-up.

The kipping pull-up involves swinging your body back and forth to generate momentum to assist in pulling your chin above the bar. Engage your lats as much as possible rather than relying on your arms to do the work.

Core Strength Training

Core strength training is essential for improving your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups. Kipping pull-ups require the use of your core muscles to generate momentum and perform the movement efficiently.

Most Common Kipping and Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up Mistakes

Here are some exercises you can include in your workouts to improve your core strength for kipping pull-ups:

Hollow body hold: The hollow body hold is an isometric exercise that targets your abs and lower back. Lie down on your back with your arms and legs extended. Lift your shoulder blades and feet off the ground, creating a slight curve in your body. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while squeezing your abs and lower back.

Add these best Bodyweight Exercises into your training.

Toes to bar: Toes to bar is an exercise that targets your abs, hip flexors, and lats. Hang from a bar with your arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Engage your core muscles and lift your legs up towards the bar, touching your toes to the bar before lowering your legs back down. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

Plank variations: Plank variations are great for strengthening your entire core, including your abs, lower back, and obliques. Some variations you can try include side planks, plank with shoulder taps, and plank with leg lifts.

Russian twists: Russian twists are an exercise that targets your obliques. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, creating a V-shape with your body. Hold a weight or ball with both hands and twist your torso side to side, touching the weight to the ground on each side.

Upper Body Strength Training

To improve your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups, a comprehensive upper body strength training program is recommended. Here are some exercises that can help strengthen the specific muscle groups involved in performing kipping pull-ups:

Pull-ups: Strict pull-ups are a cornerstone of upper body strength training and can help build the foundational strength necessary for kipping pull-ups. Begin by performing strict pull-ups focusing on engaging your shoulder blades, back muscles, and biceps to lift your chin over the bar. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Chest-to-bar pull-ups: Chest-to-bar pull-ups require you to pull yourself higher up the bar, engaging more of your upper back and chest muscles. Engage your lats and focus on pulling your elbows down and back behind you to achieve a deeper range of motion.

Ring dips: Ring dips are a great exercise for improving your triceps, chest, and shoulder strength, which are necessary for generating upward momentum in kipping pull-ups. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Push-ups: Push-ups effectively target your chest, arms, and shoulders, and can help build upper body strength to improve your kipping pull-ups. Focus on maintaining proper form and utilizing variations such as diamond push-ups, wide-grip push-ups or decline push-ups to create more challenge.

Barbell rows: Barbell rows target your upper back and can help improve your pulling strength required for kipping pull-ups.

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Practice Makes the Difference

Consistent practice is essential for improving any skill, and this is no exception for kipping pull-ups. Regularly set aside dedicated practice time and focus on performing each rep with good technique. Practice different variations of kipping pull-ups like chest-to-bar, butterfly, and kipping pull-ups with a false grip to challenge your technique and endurance.

Build Endurance

Building endurance is crucial for improving kipping pull-ups, as these require a sustained effort over multiple reps. Here are a few tips to help build endurance for kipping pull-ups:

Increase the volume gradually: Starting with sets of 5-8 reps, build up slowly by adding a few reps to each set every week. This will help your body adjust gradually to the increased volume and avoid overuse injuries.

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Incorporate EMOM workouts: Choose a number of kipping pull-ups that you can do successfully with good form for a whole minute. Begin an EMOM workout with that number of reps each minute, and add 1 rep each minute thereafter, until you’re no longer able to complete the reps within 60 seconds.

man performs crossfit pull-ups with weight vest Back Strength and Muscle Without Pull UpsSource: Stevie D Photography

Improve your cardiovascular fitness: The better your cardiovascular fitness, the longer you’ll be able to sustain high-intensity exercise like kipping pull-ups. Include regular cardio exercises such as running, cycling or rowing to your training to increase your endurance level.

Seek Feedback

Finally, ask for feedback from your coach or a more experienced athlete to evaluate your form, provide feedback on areas of improvement, and fine-tune your technique. Having another set of experienced eyes evaluate your technique can help you become more efficient and less prone to injury in the long run.

In summary, improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit takes time and effort. It requires proper technique, strength training, consistent practice, building endurance, and seeking feedback. With consistent effort and dedication, you can master kipping pull-ups and improve your overall fitness level in CrossFit.

You may be interested in visiting: 11 Pull Up Variations Every Athlete Needs to Know

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8 Tips to Enhance your Rest and Recovery (CrossFit for Beginners)  https://www.boxrox.com/8-tips-to-enhance-your-rest-and-recovery-crossfit-for-beginners/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198258 Rest and recovery are must-haves for CrossFit training, especially when you’re starting out. Taking time to rest and recover after workouts is crucial because it helps your body repair, adapt, and perform at its best.

Rest days are vital for beginners because they prevent overtraining and minimize the risk of getting injured. Giving your muscles a break helps them grow and get stronger, while also replenishing energy and reducing fatigue.

Alright, so you need to take some time to recover and rest when you’re doing CrossFit…why?

1. Get some sleep

You should try to get between 7 and 9 hours of good sleep every night to keep your muscles strong, regulate those hormones, and help your body recover.

Sleep is a super important part of your recovery process! When you train hard, your body does some big-time healing on your muscles, hormones, and mind.

Crossfit recovery poses sleepSource: RX'd Photography
Time for a little sleep

And get this: when you’re deep in dreamland, your body releases growth hormone that helps fix up your muscles and make them bigger and better. Plus, getting enough sleep keeps your immune system and brain working their best.

So make sure you’re getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and do your best to make your sleep environment cozy and perfect for catching Z’s. Follow some healthy sleep habits, like keeping screens out of the bedroom and making a calming atmosphere. When you make sleep a priority, you’ll see big improvements in your CrossFit game!

The Importance of Sleep for CrossFit Athletes

2. Rest Days

Make sure you take some rest days each week so your body can get better after all that hard work. If you take the time to recover, you’ll avoid getting hurt and overdoing it.

Don’t skip those rest days – they’re seriously important for your recovery! Taking time to rest gives your body a chance to recover, rebuild, and adjust to all the intense workouts you’re doing. This means your muscles get a chance to heal up, lowering your risk of injuries and boosting your performance.

male and female crossfitters farmer's Carry exercise outside

Plus, your nervous system can chill out and recharge, making you more coordinated, with faster reactions and better mental focus.

So take those rest days and get active with some light stretching, foam rolling, or gentle exercise to keep your blood flowing and muscles feeling good. Remember, rest days are a crucial part of your training routine that let your body show its full potential. Give your bod some love, and you’ll come back stronger and ready to rock your next CrossFit sesh!

3. Move a little

Doing stuff that’s not too intense can help you move your blood around, untangle your muscles, and feel less sore.

Active recovery is the way to go! By doing low-intensity exercises like walking, biking, or swimming, you can get your blood pumping and help those muscles relax and recover. Stretching and mobility exercises are also great for staying flexible and preventing tightness. And if you’ve got some sore or tense spots, grab a foam roller or a massage tool to target those areas.

Just remember to keep the intensity low and go easy on volume, so you don’t sabotage your recovery. Active recovery is all about finding that sweet spot between rest and movement, helping your bod recover without taking a complete break.

Give it a try on your next rest day, and you’ll likely see the benefits – better recovery, better performance, and less risk of getting injured during your CrossFit journey!

4. Eat right

Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet with enough protein, carbs, and healthy fats to repair your muscles and keep your energy up.

When it comes to CrossFit, rest and clean eating go hand-in-hand to help you perform your best and recover even better. Eating clean means eating whole, unprocessed foods that give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong.

This includes chowing down on lean proteins, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats.

On the flip side, it’s best to steer clear of processed foods, added sugars, and too much booze – all of which can hold you back from reaching your CrossFit goals. So keep your diet clean and nourishing to fuel your bod like a champ and take your performance and recovery to the next level.

5. Water

Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and working right.

Whether you’re a CrossFit newbie or a seasoned pro, staying hydrated is a must for a speedy recovery. All that sweat you lose during intense workouts needs to be replaced, and sipping on water before, during, and after your sesh is key.

Aim for about 8 cups of water (that’s 64 ounces) per day, and tune in to your thirst signals and urine color to stay on track. Adequate hydration helps your bod absorb nutrients, repair those muscles, and fight off fatigue.

5 Vital Tips for Improving your Hydration

6. Treat Yourself

Using foam rollers, massage balls, or other self-massage tools can help you work out kinks and keep your muscles feeling nice and relaxed.

Katrin-Davidsdottir-mobilitySource: GOWOD

Take your CrossFit recovery to the next level with a little help from foam rolling and massage. These techniques work wonders by easing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Try incorporating these techniques into your routine after a workout or on your rest days, focusing on areas that feel particularly tense or knotted up.

With the power of foam rolling and massage on your side, you’ll be supercharging your recovery, increasing your flexibility, and hitting those CrossFit goals in no time!

8. Pay attention

Listen to any signs of fatigue, pain, or poor performance, and adjust your workouts or take a break if you need to.

Pay attention to what your bod is telling you and don’t hesitate to seek out a pro’s help if needed.

Remember, taking care of yourself is a seriously important part of CrossFit. If you take the time to rest and recover right, you’ll be able to train better and get better results without running yourself into the ground.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Include More Ring Rows in Your Training  https://www.boxrox.com/5-reasons-why-you-should-include-more-ring-rows-in-your-training/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198185 The ring rows are a bodyweight pull exercise that targets the muscles in the upper back, shoulders, and arms. In this article we will tell you why you should include more ring row in your training routine.

The benefits of training with rings

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of training with rings:

– They are unstable, which forces you to develop your core abdominal and shoulder stabilizer muscles.

– Improve your grip strength. Being the only contact surface, the strength of the hands, forearm and wrists will be significantly increased.

– They are one of the most useful functional training tools for developing upper body strength in a coordinated and balanced way.

– Low risk of injury, allowing the joints to rotate freely in any exercise, limiting tension.

– They will develop your coordination and balance. Many exercises require simultaneous movement of various parts of the body while remaining stable.

  • Increase flexibility in shoulders, back and wrists. If you have limitations, work on improving it to prevent injuries.

Since your bodyweight is the load, it is a great way to develop relative strength. The rings challenge your stability and allow you to adjust the angle of the pull.  The only equipment you need for this exercise is a pair of gymnastic rings, but any suspension strap system works. 

How to perform a ring row

Hang a pair of rings at hip height. Grab the rings with both hands. Walk your feet out until you form a 45-degree angle with the ground.

Extend and lock out your arms. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your hands keeping your elbows at both sides of your body. While you pull, squeeze your glutes, engage your lats, keep your core tight, and maintain a straight body posture. Once the rings are touching your chest, slowly lower yourself back down until your arms are locked out.

The difficulty of ring rows is controlled by how horizontal your body is. To make it more difficult, walk your feet further away from your hands. You can also elevate your feet to the same height of your hands and add a weight vest to increase the resistance.  To make the ring row easier, walk your feet back towards your hands to reduce how horizontal your body is.  

With ring rows you will work different muscles of the body using as a load our own body weight which is the one you will have to move.

If you are not used to work with rings or if you are just not comfortable working with rings, you can position yourself in a less inclined angle, to reduce the intensity of the movement, and as you gain strength and practice in this exercise, it is advisable to drop your body as far as possible parallel to the ground.

Remember that your back should be straight all the time and that your torso should move as little as possible. The effort will be made by the back muscles when we pull the rings to bring the chest close to the rings and the elbows pass by the sides of the body, close to it.

The ring row is a compound exercise that works muscles in the upper back, shoulders, and arms–specifically, the lats, rhomboids, biceps, posterior deltoids, and traps. 

Traps are the new abs

Your upper back muscles not only help support healthy posture by keeping your head and neck in place, but they also provide a place to rest a loaded barbell and translate to more overall pulling strength.

This exercise when performed for higher reps will have you feeling your upper back muscles more than ever before. It’s also a great option for beginners who want work up to weight training, and/or people who want to avoid loading up their joints with weights. Because this is a bodyweight exercise, it’s generally easier on your joints.

Stronger shoulders for overhead stability

The muscles in your shoulders are involved in every upper body movement, whether you realize it or not. Every pushing and pulling movement you make with your arms uses your shoulder muscles one way or another. That’s why it’s so important to keep them healthy and strong.

Engaged lats

These muscles are extremely important for most movements in CrossFit in order to become a more efficient and stronger athlete.

Having strong lats and knowing how to turn them on can lead to better and stronger lifts. Knowing how to properly engage your lats can help prevent shoulder injuries. Butterfly pull-ups are a prime example of this.

Strong biceps

CrossFit athletes do not normally work muscles in individual workouts, but they do need to build muscle and develop general strength in order to perform. Upper body strength needs to be worked by them, as it is a large component of CrossFit movements. Specific training for the arms can build muscle and strength that will prepare further for CrossFit workouts.

With ring rows, you will develop strong biceps. Their function is to flex the elbow, assist in shoulder flexion and can contribute to separation with the shoulder in external rotation.

Deltoids for push power

The deltoid muscle is the responsible for giving the rounded appearance to the shoulders. It is mainly responsible for flexion, abduction and extension of the shoulder joint.The function of this deltoid muscle group is primarily to allow the arm to be lifted overhead.

The deltoid muscles located at the top of the shoulders are one of the main engines in various press exercises and the ring rows will help you develop this muscle and therefore transfer those improvements for example to the shoulder press.

Triceps strength

With ring rows you will also work your triceps: although the triceps cross the shoulder and elbow joints, these muscles help straighten the elbow during movements like shoulder press.

In short, ring rowing offers athletes a great way to increase upper back strength. With the ring rows you will also work the grip, the arms and all this will transfer to gain strength and improve in most of the movements so specific to functional fitness and gymnastics.

In conclusion, including ring rows, in any of its variations,  in you training routines is necessary to gain strength for the vast majority of the movements of traction and muscular training.

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5 Ways to Scale Pull Ups for CrossFit Athletes https://www.boxrox.com/5-ways-to-scale-pull-ups-for-crossfit-athletes/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198266 Pull-ups are one of the most challenging exercises in CrossFit. They require a lot of strength, coordination, and technique, making them a complex movement.

Pull-ups are an excellent way to improve upper body strength and endurance, while also working on grip strength and coordination. However, not everyone can perform a strict pull-up right away.

Scaling pull-ups for CrossFit athletes is essential for several reasons. It allows athletes to focus on developing the necessary skills and building a solid foundation before attempting the full movement. It also helps athletes avoid overexertion and allows them to focus on building strength and technique safely. In this article, we will discuss 5 ways to scale pull-ups for CrossFit athletes.

1. Banded Pull-ups

Banded pull-ups are a popular scaling option for pull-ups in CrossFit. They involve attaching a resistance band to the pull-up bar and looping it around your feet or knees to assist with the movement. The band provides support, making it easier to complete the pull-up.

As you progress, use thinner bands or reduce the assistance provided by the band until you can perform unassisted pull-ups.

Banded pull-ups are an excellent way to develop the necessary strength and technique required for full pull-ups. They allow athletes to focus on the correct form and build the necessary pulling strength gradually. Banded pull-ups are also a great way to build confidence and help athletes overcome the mental barrier of performing a strict pull-up.

2. Ring Rows

Ring rows are another popular scaling option for pull-ups in CrossFit. They involve setting up a pair of rings at chest height or adjusting the bar in a squat rack. Hold onto the rings or bar with an overhand grip and position your body at an incline. Pull your chest up toward the rings or bar, maintaining a straight line from head to heels.

Ring rows are an excellent way to build pulling strength and engage similar muscles to pull-ups. They also allow athletes to focus on the correct form and develop the necessary technique required for full pull-ups.

3. Jumping Pull-ups

Jumping pull-ups are another popular scaling option for pull-ups in CrossFit. They involve standing below the pull-up bar and using a small hop or jump to propel yourself upward. Grab the bar with an overhand grip at shoulder width, and then pull your chin above the bar. Control your descent on the way down.

Gradually reduce the amount of assistance from the jump until you can perform a full pull-up.

Jumping pull-ups are an excellent way to develop explosive pulling power and build the necessary strength and technique required for full pull-ups. They allow athletes to focus on the correct form and build the necessary pulling strength gradually.

4. Eccentric Pull-Ups

Eccentric pull-ups are a popular scaling option for pull-ups in CrossFit. They involve starting at the top position of a pull-up with your chin above the bar. Slowly lower yourself down, taking around 3-5 seconds to descend. Use a box or a partner to help you return to the top position and repeat the eccentric lowering.

Eccentric pull-ups are an excellent way to build strength and control in the pulling muscles. They also allow athletes to focus on the correct form and develop the necessary technique required for full pull-ups.

5. Toe Assisted Pull-up

Feet assisted pull-ups are a type of pull-up exercise where the feet are placed on a surface to provide assistance in performing the movement. This can be helpful for individuals who are working towards being able to perform an unassisted pull-up or for those who may need additional assistance due to injury or weakness.

To perform a toe-assisted pull-up, you would start by standing on a raised surface, such as a box or bench, and gripping a pull-up bar with an overhand grip. Then, you would place your toes on the surface and use your legs to assist in pulling yourself up towards the bar until your chin is above the bar, and then slowly lower yourself back down. As you become stronger, you can gradually decrease the amount of assistance provided by your legs until you are able to perform a full unassisted pull-up.

Banded pull-ups, ring rows, jumping pull-ups, eccentric pull-ups, and the assisted pull-up are all popular scaling options for pull-ups in CrossFit.

Remember to consult with a qualified coach or to determine the appropriate scaling options based on your current fitness level and goals. Maintaining proper form and technique throughout these scaled variations is essential to maximize the benefits and reduce the risk of injury.

With these scaling options, you can gradually build up your strength and technique and eventually perform full pull-ups like a pro.

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When you get your first pull ups, don’t forget to check out this article: How to Double Your Max Pull Ups in 22 Days and this one too You CAN Do More Pull Ups (JUST DO THIS)

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7 Best Thigh Exercises You Can Do at Home for Amazing Results https://www.boxrox.com/7-best-thigh-exercises-you-can-do-at-home-for-amazing-results/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198169 “Never skip leg day” because training the large muscle groups of the lower body helps you build solid foundation so that you can rock your workouts. So read and learn the best thigh exercises you can do at home.

Source: Sandra Seitamaa on Pexels

When selecting exercises to strengthen and tone your thighs, there are actually three different muscle groups you’ll need to focus on: quads, hamstrings and adductors (aka inner thighs).

With that said, there are plenty of classic movements that do a tremendous job of challenging all of these muscles.

There are a million different exercises, but never underestimate the power of the basic movements like squats or lunges.

If you really want to see results, you have to progressively overload your muscles by increasing the weight on these thigh exercises from workout to workout. The following best thigh exercises you can do at home, will activate all the right muscles, challenge your strength and get your heart pumping…and best of all, you can do them from your living room.

1. Glute bridge with Bands and Abduction

This movement is a great way to activate the hamstrings, glutes and core without putting extra pressure on your lower back.

To perform this exercise, put a resistance band around your thighs and lie down with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your arms on the sides of your body pressed against the floor (put on a mat to be more comfortable). Tighten your core and then press through your heels and squeeze your glutes lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Pause in this position and press your knees outward to stretch the band. Then repeat.

2. Side Squat with Elastic Bands

This banded exercise will activate your glutes, your quadriceps and of course your thigh.

Start standing with a resistance band wrapped just below your knees with your, feet under your hips and your hands in front of your chest. Take a big step to the right, then bend your knees. Take a big step to the right, then bend your knees, bring your hips back into a squat lower by pushing your knees out. The depth of this will depend on your mobility but always try to perform a full squat. 

Engage the glutes and press up through the heels to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. To add a little more difficulty you can perform this squat with weight.

3. Sumo Deadlift

This is a popular variation on the conventional deadlift because the wider stance and foot placement target the inner thighs.

Holding two kettlebells or dumbbells, or whatever heavy object you have at home, begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes facing out. Place the weight between your legs. Keeping your knees slightly bent, press your hips back and lower the weights toward the floor. Squeeze glutes to stand back up.

4. Kettlebell Swing

It is one of the most popular kettlebell exercises. It is ideal for working your legs and thighs.

To perform this exercise, stand with your feet a little wider than hip width apart and your toes facing outward. Hold the kettlebell with both hands.

Put the kettlebell under your legs and with a hip swing raise it up to eye level (russian swing). You can also perform the swing by bringing the kettlebell above your head to give more intensity to the movement (american swing).  The inertia will help you perform the repetitions with less effort but with the same effectiveness.

5. Step-Up

For this exercise you will need a box, a step or a bench. If you are not lucky enough to have this equipment at home, you can use a small ladder or a chair. The higher it is, the more effort you will be putting in. It is an asymmetrical or unilateral exercise with which you will work only one leg at a time.

Stand facing the box, with your legs apart and feet parallel. Raise one of them up on the box and, with the strength of that leg and with the core engaged, raise the rest of the body to the platform. Carefully lower yourself down. Return to the starting position and perform the movement with the other leg.

6. Clamshell with a Band

One of the simplest and most effective exercises we can do to work your legs and thighs are clamshells with an elastic band or mini-band.

Lie on your side on the floor, with your knees bent and feet together. Place the mini-band above your knees, not over the joint, but a little above it and, keeping your feet together, slightly raise the leg above until it creates a little tension in the elastic band.

From there, the only thing to do is to raise the knee of the leg that remains above, creating more tension in the band . The feet never separate, and you never lose all the tension generated in the rubber. When back to the starting position must be done in a controlled manner, not just dropping the leg.

Your can also try this clam workout for outer thighs

7. leg Raises

Lateral leg raises are an exercise that uses multiple muscle groups and offers numerous benefits to our lower body and abs. To perform the lateral leg raise, stand next to a chair or wall for support and stability when executing.

Transfer your weight to your right leg and lift your left leg laterally as high as possible. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete the desired number of repetitions and then repeat the exercise with the other leg. You can also perform this exercise lying on your side on the floor.

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How to Improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-improve-butterfly-pull-ups-for-crossfit/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198245 Butterfly pull-ups are an advanced movement in CrossFit that requires strength, coordination and proper technique. Keep reading this article if you want to know how to Improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit and master this movement.

The pull-ups are, without any doubt, one of the best exercises in CrossFit.

To do the pull-ups properly and achieve butterfly you must have a minimum of strength and, above all, a total mastery of the technique. The positioning of each part of the body is fundamental to do pull ups well, especially the butterfly style ones.

For this reason, we are going to review some basic concepts and the most important points that elucídate how to improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit.

CrossFit back workouts

If you are starting in Crossfit you will obviously have to do the adaptations of the pull ups at first. Getting to the box the first day and pretending to do butterfly pull ups without having done a single pull-up before is complicated, frustrating and can lead to injury.

You should start doing pull us gradually. You may have to adapt the movement with the resistance bands at first, but that’s okay, it’s actually the perfect way to get started with this exercise.

You will see that the resistance bands have a distinctive color depending on their thickness and resistance. The thicker the band, the more support it will provide while performing the movement. Adapt it to your needs and change the bands progressively, before you know it you won’t even use them anymore.

Many people think that in the pull-up the arms are the ones that perform the greatest force, but they are wrong. Yes, the arms play a key role, but in practice we have to apply the greatest workload from the muscles of the back and core area. Activating this musculature will allow you to get above the bar.

Before working on the pull-up, you must adopt a good posture with our hands on the bar. You will place them about 10 centimeters apart from the shoulders and we will put the thumb in the position that is most comfortable for us, either inward or outward.

The shoulders should go backwards connecting the scapulas so that our torso remains firm, while keeping the elbows out.

This would be the way to master the first step – strict pull-ups. To improve your butterfly, you should also focus on your kipping, because a good understanding of the basics will lead you to  the one we want to get you to do – the butterfly pull up.

During the kipping, the momentum of the hips is used to generate an inertial force to help perform the pull up movement to the bar along with the energy applied from the upper body.

The butterfly pull up version is much more efficient than the previous one and is done with a faster movement due to the inertia gained by exerting a continuous circular movement with the body. It is similar to the kipping style pull up because it uses the impulse of the hips and legs, but in butterfly the movement is continuous. It is the best style to perform for WODs where there are many sets of repetitions.

Here are some tips to improve your butterfly pull-ups:

TIP 1: Strengthen your muscles

Butterfly pull-ups require a great amount of upper body strength, especially in the shoulders, arms and back. Perform strength training exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, shoulder presses and rowing to improve your strength.

TIP 2: Improve your technique

Proper technique is essential to perform butterfly pull-ups effectively. Be sure to maintain a firm grip on the bar, keep your elbows close to your body and maintain a good hip position. Practice proper technique through specific drills to improve coordination and skill.

TIP 3: Do specific drills

Specific drills are exercises designed to help you improve specific aspects of butterfly pull-ups. These drills may include using resistance bands, performing pull-ups with your body leaning forward or kipping with your feet on the floor. Those could be also:

Box butterfly pull-ups

As we said before, once you are able to perform a few strict pull-ups and kipping pull ups, you can start practicing the butterfly pull-ups signature move.

Start by placing one foot on a plyo box. Although you can start the progression by placing both feet on the box, it’s easier to leave one leg in the air so that it allows us to create inertia.

Reverse bicycle kicks

The next step in the progression is the reverse bicycle kicks. Basically it consists of practicing the impulse of the hips bringing the knees towards our chest.

Let’s keep in mind that what you should practice to a greater extent in your progression towards the butterfly pull-ups is the cyclic swing through hip extension because it is understood that you already have a sufficient base of strength. This exercise makes you practice precisely this, the momentum with our body that will allow us to place the body in a more favorable position in each repetition.

Strict fall-throughs

This last exercise basically consists of performing eccentric or negative pull-ups but with the butterfly gesture.

Just as this method is useful to gain strength when we want to get our first strict pull-up, it is also useful in this variant of pull-ups.

TIP 4: Work on your flexibility

Flexibility is important to perform butterfly pull-ups correctly and reduce the risk of injury. Spend time stretching your shoulders, back and arms before and after your workout.

TIP 5: Be patient

Butterfly pull-ups are an advanced movement and can take time to master. Don’t give up and keep practicing regularly. Over time, your technique and strength will improve, and eventually you will be able to perform butterfly pull-ups effortlessly.

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10 Undeniable Reasons to Love CrossFit  https://www.boxrox.com/10-undeniable-reasons-to-love-crossfit/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198276 If you’ve found this article because you’re thinking about starting CrossFit, I hope you know where your nearest Box is because when you discover the 10 Undeniable Reasons to Love CrossFit you’re going to run out and sign in.

1. Reasons to Love CrossFit: Produce endorphins

According to science, not all physical activities have the same stimulus on the generation of endorphins, the release of these hormones is higher when the exercise is high intensity.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

This addictive feeling, boost of endorphins level, being happy with yourself and proud of what you just did gives you a sense of wellbeing that is very easy to get addicted to, because it makes you happy. That’s what CrossFit does.

2. CrossFit is Fun

One of the biggest strengths of CrossFit is that, in its practice, there is no time for getting bored thanks to its nature, which combines a multitude of exercises in each session. With CrossFit you learn a lot of things, instead of always doing the same.

It prevents you from getting stuck in one routine, because you have so many things to do. It’s like a playground for adults. You can do olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, bodyweight, kettlebells, short workouts, long workouts… and every time it’s different. So you’re always surprising your body with something new, and that keeps you healthier.

So forget about the workout charts you’ve been doing for years, because the rules of the game are constantly changing here.

There are few things as fun as a good WOD, and when someone enjoys doing something, there is no laziness, rather the desire to repeat it.

3. Reasons to Love CrossFit: The Community

Although it is an individual sport, each session is done in a group, creating a very strong feeling of teamwork and belonging to a collective. The social character is essential in this sport and goes beyond the training in the Box: what is called community.

Crossfit Community shared suffering

Crossfit has the good things of a team sport, such as companionship, support and encouragement. You meet other people and get into a whole new lifestyle. You start eating healthier, you get advice on what’s good for you and what’s not, and so on.

It’s a kind of relationship that’s on another level, because you go through a really hard workout together, you sweat together and then you talk about it. It becomes a much more important part of your life than just going to the gym, and it makes it a lot more fun.

Crossfitters have a sense of community and, if you start training in a Box, you will become a part of a very special family.

4. Compete Against Yourself

And you get where you want to go. You can do it with the loads you want and in the time you want (or can), no one will judge you, only you. You can write down your scores on the whiteboard and see your progress, although, obviously, you can also compare yourself with the rest, and…

5. If you want to, it can become a competitive sport

In each workout session you perform a WOD, where during a programmed time you have to do a lot of things. When you finish this sequence of exercises programmed by the coach, each person’s score is written down on the mythical whiteboard and you can compare your scores with everyone else’s.

This allows you to see your progress. If your goal is personal improvement, we will leave aside that more competitive part, but if you start to get the itch of “let’s see who finished the WOD first today”, maybe you will end up in a competition competing with other people from the community.

6. Reasons to Love CrossFit: You do things you thought were Impossible

The feeling of doing things you thought were impossible really engages. Snatch, ring muscle up, double jump rope…before you joined your Box this was an unknown world for you, today you do these movements and even more, you want to improve.

Beyond the discipline of any sport, crossfit has conquered half the world with a secret weapon: the ability to overcome limits that you thought were impossible to overcome. When you pass the limit of the impossible, the feeling of satisfaction is highly additive. Don’t you think so?

7. Reasons to Love CrossFit: It’s for Everybody.

There are no gender or level divisions. No, the workouts are not divided into men and women and beginners train together with those who have been practicing crossfit for years. It is an inclusive sport, in which no differences are made and you can train with different partners in each session.

8. It Benefits your Health

Practicing sport has multiple health benefits, both physically and psychologically. Crossfit, being an intense and complete sport, helps these results become visible in a short time. By being able to feel the work and suffering of each workout, it motivates us to continue practicing it and, in addition, to take care of other associated aspects, such as nutrition.

9. Doing CrossFit Helps you meet basic Psychological Needs

Among the basic psychological needs of human beings are the need for autonomy, the need to feel capable and competent, and the need to establish relationships with others. Regular CrossFit practice is a great way to meet each and every one of them.

lower abs workouts

People who train frequently in a box have significantly higher levels of satisfaction on all three indicators. Put another way, while doing CrossFit you work on your self-esteem.

10. CrossFit: helps you Clear your Head of Everyday Problems.

A human being needs at least 30 minutes where his priority is just to breathe enough to be able to keep going, and that’s what a CrossFit class gives you and makes CrossFit engaging.

It demands that you give it all, that you don’t hold anything back, during the WOD there is no family, no work, no social networks or responsibilities beyond finishing the work you got listed on the whiteboard.

That objective, that goal and how hard it is to achieve it is what motivates many to enjoy that hour. And to turn the hardest hour of the day into the most satisfying one.

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5 Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit  https://www.boxrox.com/5-things-you-should-not-do-when-you-start-crossfit/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:49:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198149 Relax. CrossFit specializes in making you feel like you’re stepping into your own version of a war zone, but you’re not. You’re going to be fine, so take your time, figure out the movements, and learn.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Here we introduce you to the 5 Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit 

1. Thinking you will master the technique in your first few days

It takes months/years of practice to learn and master the secret code of CrossFit. Normally when we discover a a new fitness activity, we adapt quickly and understand immediately what is required to perform it.

In CrossFit, you will learn new names, you will discover new movements and a totally new way to workout, which means you will have to continually rethink your entire way of managing and training your body. CrossFit is a sport that requires a lot of patience.

2. Compare yourself with other athletes

You will see a lot of people in your Box. Everyone comes with their own level, and everyone comes for the same goal: to push their limits.

On your first day at the CrossFit box, you’re going to see people who have been there a lot longer than you. They’re going to do a lot of crazy movements that you’ve never seen before. Then, the timer beeps and the music starts playing, everyone has a face of concentration and you’re going to get thrown in the middle of it all.

Remember, you don’t need to have that girl’s or guy’s abs, quads or whatever – can they do 10 bar muscle-ups  in one go? Great, does she/he have abs like you’ve never seen before? You can have them too if you want, but it’s not mandatory.

Not everyone who goes to a CrossFit box is there to become the next Tia, Rich or Mat. Some people are there to release stress, others are there to rehab those joints. Don’t focus on the “why” of others. Focus on what you want to achieve.

3. Never ask questions and do not listen to the coach

You’ve never done kipping pull-ups before. You don’t know what an AMRAP is. No one has ever told you about the starting position, the first pull and the second pull before.

There’s no reason why you should know these things, and it’s your coach’s job to introduce you to those concepts. If your box community is strong, don’t worry, you’ll find some very nice people who will help you survive your first few moments doing CrossFit.

important lessons every fitness coach should understand and implementSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

No matter what level other athletes in your box are at, remember that they were in your situation too. If you don’t know what it is, what it does, or what it means, ask someone. They’ll be happy to tell you.

There’s no real reason for you to beat your body up every workout. We’re not saying you don’t have to give your 100%, but if you feel like crap, forcing yourself to give more, more and more isn’t effective at all. You will have to trust your coach, and your own sensations.

4. Not being honest counting reps

Yes, counting reps matters. Some WODs will be heavier than others. Whether it’s because of the number of rounds, reps, or movements you don’t like. You won’t always be the best and finish the WOD in time cap, and that’s okay. CrossFit is about fighting against yourself and improving your own skills.

Haley Adams competingSource: Photo by Meg Ellery/CrossFit Games

Don’t try to look better than others by shortening the path because you will never improve your performance or technique. It would be cheating both yourself and your teammates who have come to give their all. Moreover, coaches have the great ability to recognize the athletes who use these “tricks” because they know perfectly well the capabilities of each one.

They look at the athletes to help them improve and they will notice if you are cheating.

5. Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit : Get frustrated

Practice and determination are the key. In CrossFit you will find several movements that are often very frustrating for athletes, in fact write down these two: snatch and double under, movements that for some come naturally and for others (most) are a milestone they have to overcome.

Feeling frustration, especially when you are a beginner will slow down your progress. It is better to fail and learn from your own mistakes.

The same as feeling frustrated, one of the biggest mistakes beginners make is not trusting yourself enough. Even if you’re shy in general, or you think you’re going to get injured, or because there’s no way you can ever do that movement, you’re going to surprise yourself.

It’s like what Henry Ford says, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

What we’re referring to here is that there are times when you try a movement, but you’re not fully committed. In CrossFit, as in life, the only way to get the most out of anything is to fully commit, and in many cases, if you don’t fully commit, you don’t get them at all. Double jumps are a good example, but it also happens with things like box jumps.

Fully commit to box jumps, trust that you can do them, or else we’ll see you next week with some wonderful wounds on your shins.

If there’s one thing common to all of these tips, it’s this: Enjoy it. Unless your goal is the CrossFit Games, your priority should be to find out what makes you happiest every time you step into the box. Don’t focus on what others are doing, and trust yourself: you’re stronger than you think.

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5 Reasons Why Cold Showers Can Help All Athletes https://www.boxrox.com/5-reasons-why-cold-showers-can-help-all-athletes/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198222 Exercising is essential to feel good both physically and mentally. These benefits can be boosted with a simple act that is done after any physical activity: taking a shower.

Here’s what you need to know if you take a cold shower after a workout to improve your recovery.

There is a lot of debate about whether it is better to shower with cold or warm water after the exercise. Sometimes it is even suggested that it is better to take a shower that combines hot and cold water.

thuri erla helgadottir swimming in icelandSource: Thuri Erla Helgadottir

Ending a hot shower with a sudden splash of cold water is a practice that has been spreading, as it is said to help strengthen the immune system. Cold water therapy is not new, and some studies claim that cold showers have more positive effects.

Specifically for any athlete, cold water therapy or cryotherapy (treatment involving the application of sub-zero or near-zero temperatures to abnormal tissue) has been corroborated in peer-reviewed studies as a way to facilitate recovery after very challenging workouts. Thus, it’s easy to think that a cold shower after training could have some of those effects, especially considering that this recovery method is simple and inexpensive.

Cold water can help the body adapt to training and regain the ability to perform at a highest level. Cooling down is believed to reduce muscle soreness, damage, swelling and inflammation. After training, the body needs time to cool down, specifically to return to a normal heart rate and body temperature.

chandler smith before crossfit games event 1 swim Moves to Get You Stronger for CrossFit

Many people choose cold water to shower after a workout because it has many benefits for the body. In fact, it is the option most commonly used by professional athletes. Among the advantages of cold showers after physical exercise are:

Cold Showers: better muscle recovery:

Cold showers reduce the chances of getting muscle soreness because it reduces the stiffness associated with this discomfort. in the case that muscle fibers have been broken due to intense exercise. Cold, in general, is an excellent anti-inflammatory, it facilitates physical recovery more quickly.

In fact, it is common to apply ice to the area after a minor injury to prevent swelling. The same applies to cold showers, which can be a good relief for any injury that involves an inflammatory process.

An extra benefit of taking a cold shower after practicing sports is that with a shower of this kind we will not only achieve a refreshing sensation, but we will also be favoring good muscle recovery, reducing possible subsequent discomfort caused by fibrillar micro-breaks.

Cold Showers: tone the body:

Because it does not contribute to stretch the muscles and skin as happens with hot water, which favors flaccidity. Upon contact with cool water, the nervous system is quickly activated, sending the brain the signal that warns of a thermal contrast between body temperature and water temperature.

Hack Squat CrossFit AthleteSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

As a result, mind and body react to the cold by trying to minimize this contrast, which results in an almost immediate revitalization of the whole organism.

Cold Showers: contract blood vessels

Which reduces inflammations in muscles, tendons or joints that may appear when the exercise has been particularly intense. Cold showers are excellent allies when it comes to improving blood circulation, because they cause a gentle contraction of the blood vessels causing  blood to flow properly and can carry more oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.

The effect of cold water is especially beneficial to improve the return circulation, the one that carries blood back to the heart, thus helping to prevent and avoid the appearance of spider veins

Cold Showers: great for the immune system

Although this is a benefit still under study, it is believed that the generalized activation of the body that occurs when showering with cold water could also affect the immune system, making it remain alert to any external aggression, not only to the thermal contrast, but also to the action of viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms.

Cold Showers: relieve tired legs

As we have indicated, cold showers improve blood circulation, being especially beneficial in the case of suffering from heavy or tired legs. A massage applying the cool water in an upward direction, from the ankles to the knees, activates the venous function helping to improve the return circulation and providing a great relief.

Finally, the benefits of showering with cold water also extend to the lymphatic system and its proper functioning, which is largely responsible for the proper elimination of excess fluids, toxins and fats from the body.

CrossFit swim workoutsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Should I always take a cold shower after a workout?

After exercising it is always good to take a shower, even if it is only to wash off the sweat and feel better. This is the option chosen by professional athletes after their training and participation in competitions or sporting events because it helps them to recover.

When to take a cold shower after training?

Before making the decision to take a cold shower after physical exercise, it is important to take into account the intensity of the exercise performed and the state of one’s body. Professional athletes practice sports with a lot of intensity, either during normal training routines or in competition events. Therefore, if you exercise intensely, it is advisable to take a cold shower.

How long should you wait to take a shower after exercising?

Despite the benefits of showering with cold water, a series of tips should be followed so that no damage is done to the body and that this time in the shower is really beneficial. The main advice is to wait to take a shower after exercising. A time that is about 20 minutes and that can be used, for example, to do some good stretching, which will also help you feel better.

The reason for this break lies in the fact that the body reaches a temperature during physical exercise that can exceed 39ºC. Thus, when entering the cold water, a decompensation can occur.

This has a series of negative consequences for the athlete’s health:

– Problems in the circulatory system: as well as changes in blood pressure due to the reaction of the blood vessels as a consequence of the temperature contrast.

– Peripheral facial paralysis: this is another possible risk associated with a cold shower immediately after exercise. It occurs because the nerve dilates with the increase in body temperature after exercise.

home workouts from Camille Leblanc BazinetSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

With these explanations and tips we hope to have answered your question about whether it is good to take a cold shower after exercise. When in doubt, it is important that you consult with doctors or physiotherapists about the usefulness of using hot or cold water after your physical activity session.

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10 Types of Squat that Athletes Should Practice (CrossFit and Training) https://www.boxrox.com/10-types-of-squat-that-athletes-should-practice-crossfit-and-training/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198237 As a CrossFit Beginner you can practice various types of squats to improve your strength, mobility, and overall fitness. Here are 10 types of squat that CrossFit beginners can practice.

glute workouts 7 Minute Glute Workout for a Rounder and Stronger Butt

Including squats into your training routine can help you develop well-rounded functional strength and improve your overall fitness in CrossFit.

1. Box Squat

Box squats can be a useful exercise for CrossFit beginners, as they can help establish proper squat mechanics and improve lower body strength.

Box squats involve squatting down to a box or other target, which can help ensure consistent depth and proper form. In addition to building lower body strength, box squats can also improve hip mobility and help prevent injury by reducing stress on the knees and lower back.

2. Isometric Squat

Isometric squats are a useful exercise for CrossFit beginners, especially for building strength in the lower body and improving the ability to hold positions for longer periods of time.

To perform this exercise, stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart, angled out slightly, and lower your body into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.

Pause when your upper thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as you can comfortably go, and hold the position for a set amount of time before standing back up. It’s crucial to start with light weight or bodyweight and focus on proper form and technique.

3. Air Squat

The air squat is a fundamental bodyweight exercise designed to establish the groundwork for proper squat mechanics by developing lower body strength and mobility.

To perform an air squat, position yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed outward, and proceed to squat down by flexing your knees and hips while maintaining an upright chest position and grounding your heels firmly on the ground.

4. Goblet Squat

The goblet squat is an ideal exercise for beginners in CrossFit due to its natural movement that resembles daily activities, making it easier to perform. It is also easy to learn and helps establish proper movement mechanics of the squat, which can aid in building lower-body strength and mobility.

Moreover, it can help establish a strong foundation for deeper and more complex squat movements. Many CrossFit boxes incorporate goblet squats into their beginner workouts to help newcomers develop proper form and technique.

5. Front Squat

Front squats are a crucial exercise in CrossFit for beginners as they aid in developing proper knee and hip mechanics. This exercise entails holding a barbell or weight across the front of the shoulders while performing a squat.

The front squat targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles, making it ideal for building functional strength and power. Furthermore, mastering the front squat can lead to improved performance in other CrossFit movements that require similar mechanics, such as thrusters and wall balls.

6. Back Squat

The back squat is a crucial strength exercise in CrossFit. To perform a back squat, place a barbell on your upper back and position your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. While keeping your chest up, squat down, ensuring your knees track over your toes, and maintaining a strong and stable core.

This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles.

7. Overhead Squat

Performing overhead squats can be challenging for CrossFit beginners, but it is an effective exercise for building overall strength and mobility.

To do an overhead squat, hold a barbell or PVC pipe, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and keep your arms extended and actively press the weight above your head.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, with your toes turned slightly outward, and slowly lower your body into a squat, keeping your chest up and your weight in your heels. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below, and drive through your heels to stand back up, actively pressing the weight overhead.

It’s crucial to start with a light weight and maintain proper form throughout the movement, especially if you’re new to CrossFit or strength training.

8. Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian split squat is a unilateral exercise that targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Stand with one foot elevated on a bench or box behind you. Lower your back knee towards the ground, keeping the front knee tracking over the toes.

Bulgarian split squats help improve lower body strength imbalances.

9. Jumping Squat

Jumping squats are a plyometric exercise that help develop explosive power and strength. Start in a squat position and explosively jump up, extending your hips and legs fully. Land softly and immediately go into the next repetition.

Jump squats are beneficial for improving athletic performance and lower body power.

10. Wall Ball Squat

Wall ball squats combine squatting with an explosive throw. Hold a medicine ball in front of you, squat down, and as you come up, throw the ball against a target on the wall. Catch the ball and repeat the squat and throw.

Wall ball squats are often used in CrossFit workouts for conditioning and full-body engagement. These exercises can help improve your strength, power, and conditioning, making them a valuable addition to your CrossFit routine.

When incorporating different types of squats into your training, focus on maintaining proper form, gradually increase the load or difficulty, and listen to your body.

If you liked this article, you will also like: 300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days – What Happens to your Body?

Also, learn more about:

How To Squat Properly For Muscle Growth (Checklist)

How to Build Great Glutes with the Bulgarian Split Squat

10 Great Plyo Box Exercises for Powerful Legs and Extreme Fat Burn  https://www.boxrox.com/10-great-plyo-box-exercises-for-powerful-legs-and-extreme-fat-burn/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198161 Plyometric box exercises are very common in CrossFit boxes. It is because they have many benefits when it comes to exercising, as they develop our strength, power and endurance.

It is important to note that the box is also characterized by having 3 different heights which makes it a powerful workout equipment that can be used to increase the intensity of your workouts. If you have never used it before, start with the lowest one and when you get used to it, try a higher height.

2021 crossfit open home

If you don’t feel very confident you can put some plates on the box to raise the height little by little or add difficulty when you want to test the explosiveness of your jumps.

Usually we reduce the exercises with box to the box jumps, but there are many more exercises that will allow you to train your lower body improving your strength, power and endurance and burning fat. Here are the 10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn 

1. Box jump

It’s good to have strong legs, fit and able to move weight, but what if we were also able to give them power and speed to be able to run faster and jump higher? With the most basic exercise that we can perform with the plyo box – the box jump, we can get all these benefits and burn a lot of fat.

This one of the 10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn exercise, consists of jumping with both feet at the same time and land on the box also with both feet at the same time, once on it you stand up to extend the hips.

To get off the box, lower first one foot and then the other. Be careful when getting off the box with a jump backwards, although it is a practice that we see in pro athletes, for a rookie it can be dangerous and even cause injuries. In this exercise you get on and off the box on the same side.

2. Box Jump Over

You can do it in 3 ways: jumping on the plyo box with both feet, placing both feet at the same time and going down (with one or two feet) on the other side. You can also do a step over, which would be stepping up the plyo box with one foot, following by the other one and stepping down on the other side of the box.

You can do the fast mode in which you don’t extend your hips at the top, jump with both feet, land in half squat and jump again with both feet to go down, it’s almost touching the surface. Note that this last one must be practiced a lot to do it correctly and safely but is still one  of the10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn.

3. Burpee Box Jump

The combination of these two exercises is FIRE. Both burpees and box jumps are an incredible test of explosiveness and strength. Putting those movements together, you’ll improve your cardiovascular endurance, strengthen your entire body…and burn tons of calories.

To start this exercise, get into the starting position of a burpee and perform the movement, either facing the box or to the side.

Once you perform the burpee and are back on your feet, push yourself up and jump on the box, landing softly with both feet. Then come down on the same side of the box, or if you want to increase the difficulty, land on the other side and repeat.

4. Step Up

This plyo box exercise is very simple but great for powerful legs and fat burn. Step up one leg, then the other and once up on the box, you extend your hips. You come back down on the same side, lowering first one leg and then the other, or both at the same time with a jump. This exercise performed at a high intensity or with weights can give an extra boost to your metabolism which will not only strengthen your legs but also burn more fat.

5. Step Up Over

A variation of the exercise explained above. It consists of stepping up on one side of the box and stepping down on the other side of the box. Still, performed at high intensity it will help you to improve your fitness and also to burn more fat.

6. Explosive Step Up

One of the 10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn. The explosive step-up is an effective explosive strength exercise for the thighs, hamstrings and glutes.

Stand in front of the box and place one foot on the box while keeping the other foot firmly on the floor. Then, move upwards explosively, as if you wanted to perform a jump by pushing yourself up with the leg that is resting on the floor and squeeze your legs and glutes.

7. Weighted Step Up

Is basically a step up with extra weight – with medlball, with dumbbell, with kettlebell, with sandbag, with plate, with barbell behind the neck…

The extra weight will make you have to work harder to perform this exercise, you will work on strength, balance and burn more fat.

Be careful when going up and down, going down will always be more complicated and where we can get injured.

8. Bulgarian Squat with Jump

Meet another one of the 10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn.

The Bulgarian squat is an excellent exercise to work the lower body and strengthen the legs and glutes quickly.

It basically consists of placing the tip of one foot on the box and bending the other leg. Among the variations of the Bulgarian squat, you can’t miss the one that includes a vertical jump. Like any type of squat, this exercise is perfect for gaining endurance and burn fat quickly. To perform this variation, once you’re going up, add a vertical jump.

9. Box Calf Raises

Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Adjust your foot so that both heels are out of the box.

Shift the weight to the toes of your feet. The calves have the function of a cardio pump, preventing muscle cramps, swelling, varicose veins, etc. When practicing certain movements, such as sprinting, it is necessary to change position, in these cases, the calves support more than 10 times the weight of the body, in addition, during jumping exercises, they stabilize the knees and protect the joints.

10. Deep Jump and Jump

Deep jumps are a fundamental plyometric exercise that works the entire body and are one of the 10 great plyo box exercises for powerful legs and fat burn. Perform a box jump and once you land on the ground, explode vertically as high as you can.

Use your legs on the jump, swinging your arms for extra height and supporting your core on the landing.

This movement is all about shortening your reaction time and will also increase your lower body strength, which will translate into increased strength in deadlifts and squats.

If you liked this article, you will also like: 10 Brutal Box Jump WODs to Improve Your Explosiveness and Endurance

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5 Most Effective Exercises For the Lower Back https://www.boxrox.com/5-most-effective-exercises-for-the-lower-back/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 02:31:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198134 The lower back is a very important area of our body and although we may not realize it, it is involved in almost every movement and posture we perform on a daily basis.

Including some lower back exercises routine at the gym will not only help you strengthen your back muscles, but will also keep away some of the risks of back pain and injuries.

Lower back injuries are probably the most common injuries inside CrossFit boxes and gyms  around the world.

A big part of the problem is that many of us spend most of our day sitting or without moving too much while sitting behind a desk .Then, when we go to do a WOD or lift weights, our backs are simply not prepared for weightlifting.

Source: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

The lower back is a very problematic anatomical region, and it tends to be the target of many aches and pains.

Adding exercises such as deadlift in its different variations, good morning and back extension to your routine will help you build strength in your lower back

With this article we bring you the selection of the most effective exercises to the lower back.

1. Deadlift (and the Variations)

The deadlift is a well-known exercise performed in almost every gym or Crossfit Box, and one of the reasons for its fame is the enormous number of muscle groups it puts to work during a single movement. For this reason it is also one of the most effective exercises to the lower back.

Performed correctly deadlift could be very effective for developing great lower back and core strength.

To execute the movement well and be able to take a maximum benefit from its full potential without injuring your back you should start placing your feet hip-width apart and the bar over the center of your feet. Then hold the bar about shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and bring your hips backward. 

But remember, you are not doing a squat. Keep your arms fully extended and push your feet into the ground and hold the bar properly.Keep the bar close to your shins so that the barbell does not move forward. Stand up by pulling your hips forward and squeezing your glutes, to finish the exercise lower the bar slowly, controlling the movement without letting the bar fall heavily onto the ground.

It is important to always keep the back straight while performing the deadlift, as well as our arms that should not support the weight by themselves, since it is the lower back that we are going to work on.

To perform the exercise well and avoid an incorrect lifting technique, we recommend you start with light weights for a better control the technique, and gradually add heavier weights to progress in the execution of the exercise. 

2. Glute Bridge

If you’re interested in strengthening your lower back, this exercise is one of the most effective exercises to the lower back, and  including this movement in your routine is one of the best things you can do.

Is an intermediate level exercise that will help you work your abs, hamstrings and lower back muscles simultaneously. At first you don’t need any extra equipment, but as you progress in its execution you can add weight using a barbell or dumbbells.

To start execute this movement, lie on the floor with your knees bent and your arms stretched outward. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart, a little wider apart from your core than during the typical crunch position. With your head pointed upward and your core muscles under tension, raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your chest.

Your shoulder blades should remain static to avoid overloading the weight on your neck.

Hold this pyramidal position for 2-3 seconds and then return to the starting position.

If you perform the movement with some extra weight, you can rest your shoulder blades on a bench or elevated surface to raise your hips and make a line parallel to the floor with your core.

3. Superman

The superman is a body weight exercise, one fo the most effective exercises to the lower back. It looks very easy but I assure you that after a couple of sets you will end up exhausted.

The Superman is an exercise that is performed on the floor and involves lifting your arms and legs simultaneously, while keeping your core very active. Performing this exercise will not only give you strong abs, but it will also strengthen your back, and especially your lower back. It’s more than just a lower back exercise: it will also help you with spinal stability when performing any movement in your day to day life.

4. Bench Back Extensions

Back extensions, are also a very good choice if you are looking for an effective exercises to the lower back.

Hyperextensions can be performed on an angled hyperextension bench. An adjustable pad accommodates the thighs, while the feet are locked and hold the ankles in place. All you have to do is move your upper body up and down using your lower back muscles. Hands are usually placed behind the head or crossed in front of the chest.

The benefits of hyperextension go beyond the aesthetics of a strong back. Strengthening your lower back and core muscles can help manage back pain: as your muscles get stronger, they can offer more support to your spine, which improves posture and relieves pain. The lower back is one of the most important muscle groups in the body, and strengthening it can lead to an overall strength gains.

5. Good Morning

The good morning barbell exercise is one of the classic and effective exercises to the lower back.

This exercise is usually performed as a warmup exercise before any weightlifting session.

For the good morning with barbell, you will need a barbell with a moderate load, and rest the bar on your traps.

From a totally vertical position with tight abs and core posture under control start flexing your hips and slightly bend the knees leaning the body forward, then return to the initial posture with a controlled movement.

Done properly and regularly, this exercise can help to achieve great strength gains in the glutes, hamstrings and of course the lower back.

if you liked this article you may also like: 4 Effective Lower Back Exercises to Prevent Injury and Back Pain

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7 Best Dumbbell Exercises for the Oblique Muscles (Build a Great Six Pack) https://www.boxrox.com/7-best-dumbbell-exercises-for-the-oblique-muscles-build-a-great-six-pack/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:57:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198121 Have you ever thought about which part of the abs is the most important? Well yes, the obliques play a big role, beyond giving a Greek God(dess) aesthetic to our core.

oblique exercisesSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Core stability is essential when it comes to improving any type of athletic performance. Even in our daily activities, it is necessary to have strong oblique abs. Running, cycling, climbing stairs, jumping, or carrying groceries all require core strength.

It is very important to train your obliques, as well as the rest of your core. This includes your back and lower back, as they give extra support for core rotation. In this article we’ll show you a couple of great dumbbell exercises for the obliques that will help you build strong abs and improve your performance in any sport.

The benefits of using dumbbells during your obliques workouts are huge. Including dumbbell exercises for the obliques workout routine can have several positive effects on your training:

They improve core strength. By targeting the internal oblique and external oblique muscles, dumbbell exercises can strengthen the lateral and core parts of the body.

Dumbbell exercises for the obliques increase spinal mobility. With practice and proper technique, dumbbell oblique crunches can strengthen the lateral flexion of the spine, improving functional mobility during daily activities.

They are versatile. Most of the dumbbell exercises for the obliques can be performed in the gym or at home, only one or two dumbbells are required. If you are new to this kind of exercise, practice the movement with your body weight first.

There are some best dumbbell exercises for the obliques. Those are recommended to incorporate in your training routine each week, changing the ones you already do so the body does not get used to them.

1. Wood Chops with Dumbbell

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, while holding a dumbbell next to your left hip.

– Bring the dumbbell up (and diagonally), with your arms straight in front of you, so that the dumbbell is in the air on the right side.

  • Bring the dumbbell back to your left hip.
  • Do this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

Do not try to grab too heavy dumbbells and take care of the technique of the movement. A bad execution can cause injury to the lower back, trapezius and dorsal.

2. Dumbbell Crossover Plank

– Start in plank position, with feet wider than shoulder width apart

– Place a dumbbell next to your left hand

– Reach up and grab the dumbbell with your right hand and bring it to your right side

– Then reach back with your left hand to bring it back to its original position

  • Repeat for 30 seconds, alternating right and left sides                                                                    Make sure your hip is straight, you will need to use your abdominal strength to keep it in this position

3. Side Plank with Hip Raises and a Dumbbell

– Get into a side plank position on your left side, with your left forearm resting on the floor and making a straight line from your head and down to your feet.

– Slowly raise your hips and control the movement to lower them to the floor. Return to the starting position.

How to Get Ripped Obliques With These 3 Abs Exercises Twisting Six Pack Abs Exercises Perfect Obliques Workout for a Six PackSource: Cristian Baron / Unsplash

– Repeat for 30 seconds and then alternate to the other side.

Make sure your hips are in a straight line, keeping your gluteus tight will help. You should hold the dumbbell in your free hand.

4. One Dumbbell Farmers Carry

The most functional core exercises are those that are unilateral and anti-rotational, meaning they are performed on one side of the body and require our abs to stabilize and resist the tendency to twist or bend.

These movements closely mimic many of the real-life loads placed on the abs, and the one-arm farmer carry does a decent job of turning on the oblique crunches. The key is to select the heaviest weight you can handle with good form.

To perform this great dumbbell exercise for the obliques:

– Stand with good posture while holding a heavy dumbbell. The arms should be down at the sides.

– Keep your core contracted, chest upright and shoulders at the same level, and walk forward about 15 steps or 30 meters.

– Turn around and walk back.

Then change the dumbbell arm and repeat. You ca also do the traditional farmer carry with two dumbbells.

5. Dumbbell Side Plank Rotations

This exercise focuses on the oblique abs, but it’s also great for the entire core and shoulders. It’s also a mobility exercise for the spine and helps develop balance.

– Start in a push-up position with the abs and glutes contracted

– Shift the weight onto the right hand and lift the left hand off the floor, rotating the spine and turning the feet enough so that the entire torso is facing the left wall and the left arm is pointing toward the ceiling

– The body should be in a “T” position, and the dumbbell in the hand at the top

6. Dumbbell Russian Twist

The russian twist is a classic and great dumbbell exercises for the obliques. We’ve probably seen or tried it, and it’s worth incorporating into your workout routine. It’s a great core mobility exercise and will set your obliques on fire.

–  Grab a slightly heavy dumbbell

–  Sit on an exercise mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor

  • Tightening our abs, lean your torso back into a V-sitting position and lift your feet off the floor
  • For a more challenging progression, keep the knees bent in the tuck position or straighten the legs and lift the feet in the air in a full V position
  • Rotate the upper body to one side, bringing the weight just above the floor on that side of the hips

– Continue rotating the torso forward and backward switching sides

7. Standing Dumbbell Twist

– Grab a dumbbell with both hands and stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart.

– Keep your arms straight in front of your chest and your back straight. This is your starting position.

– Hold the abdominal muscles contracted and turn the arms to the side until the obliques are fully engaged.

  • Hold for a moment, then rotate to the other side and repeat as many times as you can

What is your favorite option?

If you liked this article you will like it too: How to Build Impressive Abs with the Weighted Sit Up

How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit (5 Tips) https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-get-50-unbroken-double-unders-in-crossfit-5-tips/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198117 Achieving 50 double unders in a row in Crossfit can be a challenging goal, but it’s achievable with practice and perseverance.

crossfit workouts
Open to a huge number of athletes

Perhaps you’ve tried to do some double under in the past. If you haven’t managed to do them yet or want to improve them, read on, as we’re going to give you a few tricks that might help you in the process.

As the name suggests, the double unders are a movement in which you will make the rope pass twice under your feet in each of the jumps you perform.

Double unders are an effective exercise that have multiple benefits for physical and mental health. It is a complete exercise that helps improve cardiovascular health, endurance, muscular strength, coordination and agility. Plus, it is an inexpensive and portable way to exercise anywhere.

Benefits of Double Unders

Double unders are an extremely effective and beneficial exercise for overall health. Some of the benefits of doing double unders are:

Improve cardiovascular health: double unders are an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health, as it is a high-intensity exercise that increases heart rate and strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Emilia Leppanen

They increase endurance and lung capacity: Double unders require a great deal of energy and stamina, which helps increase lung capacity and overall physical endurance.

They strengthen muscles: Double unders strengthen muscles in the arms, legs, abs and shoulders, helping to improve posture and body stability.

They burn calories and help lose weight: Double unders are an effective way to burn calories and lose weight, as they are an intense cardiovascular exercise that helps burn fat and increase metabolism.

Improve coordination and agility: Double unders require coordination and agility, which helps improve these skills and increase the body’s ability to react.

Here you can find some tips regarding the double unders general performance. Now let’s move on to our goal – How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit. Here are a couple of tips to help you improve your practice of this movement.

How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit Tip 1: Keep your eyes on one point

Don’t look everywhere, focus on one fixed point. Trying to keep your focus in one spot will cause all your attention to be directed to the small details of the movement.

For example, the movement of your wrists when you turn the rope, the speed of the jump, the pace at which you are jumping…

Tip 2: The torso is not a stick

We all know that bending the torso and leaning it too far forward will work against us, but if you stay stiff as a block you will also get a bad performance.

The ideal position to execute the double unders is making a slight flexion of your torso, avoiding stiffness.

Also, avoiding bending the hips will also contribute to maintaining a good body posture, as both go hand in hand. If you bend your hips, your torso will win.

Remember that the position should be relatively comfortable and sustainable over time.

Tip 3: The movement comes from the wrists.

A common practice, especially in beginners, is to move the entire forearm when trying to make the rope rotate twice under our feet.

In the long therm, this will produce an overload, as well as an unnecessary loss of energy during the execution of the double unders. The movement of rotating the rope should come only from the wrists.

Think of how you move your fork when you beat an egg to make an omelet. It sounds silly, but it works!

Hands, Arms and Wrists Mistakes On Double-Unders (And How to Fix Them)

Tip 3. Keep your arms close to your body

During the jump in the Double Unders the tendency of your arms will be to open up as fatigue increases. This will only increase the tension and height at which the rope rotates, so you will have to jump even higher.

Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and your shoulders as relaxed as possible.

Tip 5: Think about the efficiency of the jump

Perfect your Double Unders: Speed vs Timing

The height of the jump should be just high enough so that the rope has time to pass under you twice. Jumping too low will give you whiplash, and jumping too high will cause unnecessary fatigue that will cause you to break down the movement too much.

fear and anxiety in OpenSource: Ryan Edy
Trust yourself

Avoid lifting your knees excessively when jumping, it is a movement that some of us do without realizing it in order to “compensate” for poor technique in the jumping movement.

Just enough and necessary, both in the jump and in the flexion of your knees when jumping.

Tip 6: Direction of the feet

At the top of the jump, when you reach the highest point of the rep remember that your feet should point to the ground in order to land properly and be able to connect the next double under.

Tip 7: Incorporate complementary exercises

Strengthen your muscles and increase your cardiovascular capacity by incorporating complementary exercises into your workout routine, such as push-ups, squats and running.

Practice, practice, and practice again!

Be consistent and patient: Don’t expect quick results; double unders take time and practice to improve. Be consistent and patient, and you will see your technique and endurance gradually improve.

Review your performance for the typical errors and make the appropriate corrections to ensure your double unders are as effective as possible. Although they can be exhausting, your arms and shoulders should not be excessively fatigued to the point where you lose your grip or have to stop. Additionally, you should not feel as though your calves, Achilles tendon, or knees are about to explode with each repetition due to the impact.

If you have verified that your technique is correct and you are not making any mistakes, but still struggle with double unders, it is likely due to your cardiovascular fitness. There are numerous methods for improving your conditioning, and practicing double unders is one of them.

If you like this article you will also like: CrossFit Double Unders Workouts to Build Unstoppable Endurance

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5 Health Boosting Herbs and Minerals that Improve Muscle Growth and Enhance General Wellness  https://www.boxrox.com/5-health-boosting-herbs-and-minerals-that-improve-muscle-growth-and-enhance-general-wellness/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198113 Muscle does not grow only with protein. These are the vitamins and minerals that help muscle growth.

Muscle hypertrophy represents an energy-intensive metabolic process that requires specific substrates. Vitamins and minerals are also necessary to gain muscle mass.

Macronutrients and calories for hypertrophy

In order to generate muscle mass, as required by the process of muscle hypertrophy, an energy surplus is indispensable, which means that you will have to consume more calories than your body burns on a daily basis.

Essential minerals are also nutrients that the body needs, and they have different functions in our ody. For example, potassium is needed for muscle contraction and fluid balance. Magnesium also plays an important role in muscle and protein generation and helps the immune system. The main minerals our body needs for a great muscle development are: Zinc, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium.

mat fraser smileSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

According to the National Health Service of Scotland, NHS, and other sources, minerals are necessary to have strong and resistant bones and teeth, besides being an essential element to convert fat into energy, and to control body fluids inside and outside the cells.

In this article we will show you which are the most important minerals if you want to gain muscle mass:

1. Zinc, linked to testosterone levels.

Zinc is one of the essential minerals that help muscle growth of great importance for our body and at the moment of gaining muscle mass it could have a key role due to its connection with testosterone levels in the blood.

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone and therefore supports muscle gain. It has been proven that zinc deficiency causes a drop in testosterone levels. For this reason, you should consume foods rich in zinc such as seafood, meats, nuts or seeds.

One of the best sources of zinc is wheatgerm, which is also rich in vitamin K and B vitamins, necessary for healthy blood, brain and bones. Contains unsaturated fatty acids that help promote good cholesterol in the human body. It is rich in phosphorus, iron and antioxidants to purify and strengthen the immune system.

2. Potassium: the key to synthesize new proteins and support for muscle contraction.

Potassium is an essential mineral that help muscle growth  that is required in larger quantities than others for the proper functioning of the body, being a key element for the muscles to contract and recover correctly by participating in the transmission of the nervous impulse.

Potassium works closely with sodium , regulating the body’s water levels. It also plays a key role in nerve cells, muscle contraction and is involved in increasing muscle mass.

Potassium is also related to glycogen storage (the way glucose is stored in the muscle). Lack of potassium in relation to sodium balance can lead to an imbalance of cellular water, causing muscle cramps, sluggishness and dehydration.

One of the best sources of potassium may be alfalfa. Its great richness in minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, gives it the ability to strengthen bone mass and, at a preventive level, to be useful to prevent fractures in the elderly and to treat osteoporosis.

3.Calcium, helps achieve a training that stimulates hypertrophy

Calcium is another essential mineral that help muscle growth that, like potassium, is required in large amounts in our body and can intervene in the speed at which the nerve impulse is transmitted. It is also key to proper muscle contraction.

It is a very important mineral for muscle building as it participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and influences muscle contraction. There can be a calcium deficit due to the strict dairy restriction sometimes followed by people trying to build muscle, in addition to a diet with a high consumption of foods rich in protein, and therefore in phosphorus, which causes excessive amounts of calcium to be excreted in the urine.

chandler smith competes in crossfit semifinalSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

We can obtain calcium from dairy products as well as from certain nuts such as almonds, legumes such as chickpeas or seeds, especially poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

Dandelion is one of the herbs with the highest calcium content. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, topical application as well as ingestion of dandelion can help reduce joint inflammation. In addition, this plant is very rich in calcium and vitamin K, ideal for the development and proper functioning of our bones.

The body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body, as well as myoglobin, a protein that supplies oxygen to the muscles.

When we have higher levels of red blood cells, sports performance is generally improved, but if we have iron deficiency, performance is reduced, both in aerobic and anaerobic disciplines. Iron also helps to make up an element present in the body called myoglobin which is responsible for storing oxygen in muscle cells and helps our muscles to store energy.

Thyme, cumin, dill, oregano, basil, bay leaf…Some of the spices and aromatic herbs in daily use have a very high iron content. They also contain dietary fiber, which is very important for health.

5. Magnesium is an essential mineral a part of more than 300 metabolic reactions that take place in the human body

Among the essential functions of magnesium for sports performance is that helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also contributes to electrolyte balance and calcium absorption. It helps energy to reach all cells and they can fulfill their functions.

The role of magnesium in muscle building is centered around energy production and protein synthesis. It is also involved in nerve impulse transmission and bone development.

Mint, chives and coriander are some of the herbs richest in magnesium. The latter manages to provide 694 mg per 100 grams, which is 174% of the recommended amount of this mineral.

A balanced and varied diet that takes into account the foods containing these minerals will cover the nutritional needs of the athlete. The deficit of any of them would cause negative effects on muscle contraction and development, as well as on post-workout recovery. Remember that an excess of minerals can also be harmful, as it can create toxicity and cause undesirable effects.

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8 Top Banded Exercises for the Glutes https://www.boxrox.com/8-top-banded-exercises-for-the-glutes/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 10:42:18 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=198091 The glutes are the largest and some of the most powerful muscles in the body. Training them with elastic bands will give you sufficient resistance to challenge yourself without having to add heavy weights to your workouts.

Elastic bands or rubber bands have become one of the essential accessories when it comes to training, both at home and in the gym or even outdoors. It is a cheap material, easy to transport and store that allows us to train all major muscle groups by adding a plus of resistance.

Benefits of Banded Exercises

There are different types of elastic bands that can be used to do different exercises, and all of them have numerous benefits:

  • Are adaptable to multiple fitness levels, elastic bands are ideal for everyone, whether you are less experienced athlete or an expert. The resistance of elastic bands puts extra demands on the muscles and pushes all athletes to increase the difficulty and work harder.
  • Resistance bands are excellent multi-purpose exercise tools that can help improve your fitness. While resistance bands work solo, they can also be combined with other exercise equipment.In fact, it is considered a good idea to combine resistance bands with weights, machines and resistance exercises as  each piece of equipment exercises muscles in a different way.
  • You can exercise anywhere, resistance bands are very light, which makes them extremely portable. This makes possible to train anywhere without any limitations.
  • This equipment offers a unique challenge to the muscles when it comes to strength training. Resistance bands provide a force against which the muscles must work and offer progressive resistance.
  • Elastic bands are definitely aimed at those athletes who want to experiment and keep their routines in constant variation. In fact, they can be used for a full-body workout that challenges almost every major muscle group.

When it comes to working our lower body, the mini bands are the most recommended option, as they help us to activate the gluteus and provide us with resistance to give more intensity to our workouts. Below you can see a glute and leg workout routine with mini bands that you can do anywhere.

There are multiple glutes workout routines you can perform using resistance bands and get great results. Here you have our selection of some Top banded exercises for the glutes. Combine them or adjust them according to your fitness.

1. Monster Walk

This is one of the top banded exercises for the glutesTo perform this exercise correctly place the elastic band at the bottom of the knee, your feet should be hip-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outward as if you were going to do a squat.

Once you have controlled this initial position you should start taking small steps to the sides, the elastic band will offer resistance that will make you hard to move. When performing this exercise do not lose the focus of the glutes, you should feel those muscles working.

2. Banded Glute Walk

This is an exercise that should always be a part of your glutes workout routine, a really top banded exercises for your glutes.

And is also very simple to execute. Just place the band at knee level, lie down on the floor with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground. Then lift your pelvis by contracting your gluteus muscles, hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

3. Seated Band Abductions

One of the most common gym exercises, and this version with elastic bands is equally effective. To perform this top banded exercises for your glutes, place the elastic band just above your knees, then sit on a bench or chair, with your knees apart, and then just open and close your legs.

The elastic band will exert resistance when you open your legs and the gluteus muscles will work hard to be able to perform these movements.

4. Glute Kickback

This is a classic elastic band exercise to work the glutes. You will perform the movement with intensity by generating more strength thanks to the resistance exerted by the elastic band. You will start the movement with your hands flat and your knees on the floor.

The elastic band should be placed slightly above the knees, you will lift one leg as if you were kicking backwards and then lower it and lift the other leg. This exercise requires strength and intensity in each lift to achieve the best results.

5. Clamshell

It is an exercise for the glutes that is performed with elastic bands, it is simple to perform and very effective. To start you must lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet placed one on top of the other. Keep your torso semi upright supporting your head with your forearm. Place the elastic band above your knees.

Next, you should slightly lift the knee of the top leg, generating tension with the elastic band. The up and down movements must be controlled.

6. Banded Squat

This exercise variation consists of performing the classic squat by adding resistance using an elastic band.

7. Deadlift with a Band

The king of exercises is also a top banded exercises for the glutes

To perform this variation of the exercise you have to step on the band with your feet placed a little wider than shoulder width.

Then hold the band with your hands to form a kind of triangle. From this starting position, keep your knees bent and your hips back, extend your legs to end up completely vertical and contract your gluteus when your body is completely straight.

Remember to look straight ahead and try to stick your chest out a little, this will help you not to round your back and avoid injury.

8. Isometric Squat

The isometric squat is performed by standing in a squat position, with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle and your back against a wall. Then hold in this position for as long as possible. It is recommended to do series of 1 minute.

The band will be placed above the knees and, if you want to increase the intensity of the exercise, open and close your legs slightly.

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9 Healthy Breakfast Foods that Boost Testosterone  https://www.boxrox.com/9-healthy-breakfast-foods-that-boost-testosterone/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 02:31:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197973 The more testosterone your body produces, the more your muscle mass and strength will increase. Check out the best breakfast foods that boost testosterone levels.

Some of the testosterone our bodies produce has a lot to do with diet, so it’s important to become aware of what you’re eating. A good – testosterone friendly – diet includes plenty of healthy fats, leafy green vegetables and protein. Low-fat diets should be avoided when trying to increase testosterone.

For example, minerals like zinc and magnesium help get the production of this hormone started, vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage help reduce estrogen levels in the body, thus increasing testosterone levels.

Best Breakfast Foods that Boost Testosterone

In this article we are going to show you the best foods to add to your breakfasts and increase testosterone levels. So take note and add them to your shopping cart the next time you go to the supermarket!

1. Oatmeal

Breakfast of the athletes. You’ll stay full and full of energy for hours.

Porridge is one of the best breakfast foods that boost testosterone. Oats are an excellent source of B vitamins which are key to good testosterone production. There are a number of different B vitamins, many of which are found in testosterone-boosting foods.

One B vitamin that plays a very direct role in testosterone production is vitamin B6, which suppresses estrogen production, thus helping testosterone levels increase! Oatmeal is an excellent source of a variety of B vitamins and therefore is one of the excellent testosterone-boosting foods.

2. Avocado

Spread it on your toast or taste it as a green add-on to scramble eggs.

The Aztecs called the avocado tree “ahuacatl”which means “testicle tree” 🙂 This tells us a lot about its great potential as one of the greatest breakfast foods that boost testosterone. Nature is wise and avocados contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, such as: vitamin A, K2, C, B2, B5, or B6, and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and copper.

Vitamin B6 acts as a regulator of the production of androgens, naturally produced steroid hormones, so it acts as a testosterone precursor. B6 also helps keep prolactin levels low Avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat, with lots of benefits that impact hormone production.

3. Lean Meat

Add ham or turkey to your breakfasts for an extra protein and testosterone boost.

Few foods have such a positive impact on testosterone levels as lean meats, which are loaded with protein, iron, magnesium, zinc and saturated fats. Protein is a key nutrient for optimizing testosterone and promoting muscle building. Although we don’t want too much saturated fat in our diet, we do need a certain amount to produce testosterone. The liver is responsible for synthesizing cholesterol to supply the minimum level required for use in cell membranes and to produce testosterone and other steroids.

4. Eggs

An excellent breakfast foods that boost testosterone, as they are considered one of the best sources of protein and are also a natural hormone booster.

As we discussed above, testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol and eggs are well known for their pure, unadulterated cholesterol levels. In addition, a recent study showed that the surplus of cholesterol in eggs is not as unhealthy as previously thought.

Egg yolks are a rich source of Vitamin D. This vitamin helps promote proper immune function, regulates calcium levels and can produce higher levels of testosterone.

5. Brazil Nuts

 Adding them to your breakfasts as an extra ingredient to porridge, fruit salad or just as a nutrient has many benefits when it comes to increasing testosterone levels.

Nutritionally, Brazil nuts are, perhaps, the greatest dietary source of selenium, an essential trace mineral and potent antioxidant, what makes them a perfect breakfast foods that boost testosterone. Just 30g of Brazil nuts contain more than 10 times the recommended daily amount of selenium. Selenium can increase testosterone levels in men.

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On the other hand, they also provide cholesterol, which as mentioned above can be converted into testosterone in the Leydig cells located in the testicles. They also offer powerful antioxidant properties.

6. Bananas

An excellent pre-workout, if you usually do your workouts in the morning, they can’t be missing in your breakfast as they also are one of the best breakfast foods that boost testosterone levels.

These are rich in B vitamins and potassium which are key ingredients in the production of healthy testosterone. Bananas also contain an enzyme called bromelain that stimulates male libido and also provide an extra energy hit.

7. Broccoli

Not a typical breakfast food but can be cooked in a lot of different ways, for example as a vegetable spread for toast, and its consumption is highly recommended if you’re looking to boost your testosterone levels.


Eating more cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower could increase testosterone production in the body by eliminating excess estrogen. Excess estrogen in the body decreases testosterone production. Broccoli is also very rich in fiber which is excellent for weight control as it provides a high satiety index.

8. Garlic

Consume it in your savory breakfasts as a tasty ingredient. If you are afraid of possible bad breath, cut a head of garlic in half and bake it. This way you will get a tasty garlic spread with no bad smell but with all its benefits.

Garlic can improve testosterone levels, according to an animal study conducted by researchers at Kobe University in Japan.

In this study, it was found that rats fed a high-protein diet with garlic powder for 28 days obtained increases in testosterone levels. The scientists found that diallyl disulfide, a compound found in garlic, stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone and is responsible for increased testosterone production in the testes.

9. Salmon

Or other fish rich in fats are an excellent breakfast food that boost testosterone.

The effect of taking fish oil is very beneficial for increasing free testosterone. Fish oil has also been shown to increase luteinizing hormone, the hormone that activates or signals testosterone production in the body.

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How to do Toes to Bar for CrossFit https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-do-toes-to-bar-for-crossfit/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197967 Haven’t quite nailed those toes to bar yet? Don’t worry; we’ve got some reliable tips to help you become a master of this movement.

Ben Dziwulski, a former CFL1 trainer, CrossFit gym owner, YouTuber, and Wod Prep star is on a mission to deliver straightforward, impactful, and motivating functional fitness coaching to individuals worldwide. Following one of his video tutorials, we’ will learn how to make those Toes to Bar easier to learn.

Toes to Bar (T2B) is a fundamental CrossFit movement that requires a combination of strength, coordination, and technique. If you’re looking to learn or improve your Toes to Bar skills, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the process into easy-to-follow steps to help you perfect this movement.

Step 1: Hollow & Arch Positions

The first step in mastering Toes to Bar is understanding the fundamental Hollow and Arch positions. The Hollow position involves keeping your feet in front of you, core tight, and arms slightly in front. Conversely, the Arch position features hands and feet slightly behind you while maintaining a tight core. This position creates tension in your core.

crossfit open workout 17.2 toes to bar tips chris speallerSource: CrossFit Inc
toes to bar technique

To practice this transition, hang from the pull-up bar and alternate between Arch and Hollow positions. This exercise helps you get comfortable with the movements and builds the foundation for Toes to Bar.

Step 2: Activate Your Lats

Once you’ve mastered the Hollow and Arch transitions, it’s essential to learn how to engage your latissimus dorsi (lats). Activating your lats will help you gain momentum and move closer to the bar during Toes to Bar. Think of your lats as the powerhouse behind this movement.

As you swing back and forth between the Arch and Hollow positions, focus on actively engaging your lats. This will allow you to hinge your body upward and get closer to the pull-up bar.

Step 3: Knee Tuck

With a solid grasp of the Hollow and Arch positions and lat activation, it’s time to introduce the Knee Tuck. This involves performing the Arch and Hollow transitions while simultaneously tucking your knees toward your chest. The Knee Tuck allows you to get your feet closer to the bar, preparing you for the final part of the Toes to Bar movement.

Practice the Arch and Hollow transitions, incorporating the Knee Tuck. Aim to lift your knees toward your chest during the Hollow position. This exercise will help you build the strength and coordination needed for the full Toes to Bar movement.

Step 4: The Flick

The final step to complete Toes to Bar is the flick. This is where you’ll add the finishing touch to the movement. After transitioning through the Arch, Hollow, and Knee Tuck positions, you’ll reach the apex of the Hollow position just before returning to the Arch. At this point, simply flick your toes toward the bar.

The flick involves extending your feet upward, aiming to touch the bar. While you don’t necessarily need to touch the bar with the tips of your toes, it’s essential to aim for a part of your foot to make contact. The flick completes the Toes to Bar movement and brings it all together.

5 Reasons CrossFit Athletes Struggle With Toes To Bar

Unbroken Toes to Bar:

Once you’ve mastered the individual components of Toes to Bar, the next challenge is stringing together multiple repetitions in an unbroken sequence. To do this, focus on actively driving yourself back into the Arch position after the flick.

This prevents unnecessary swinging and enables you to perform consecutive Toes to Bar reps seamlessly.

15 Top Toes to Bar WODs to Attack your Abs and Kill Belly Fat

Toes to Bar is a dynamic CrossFit movement that combines strength, coordination, and technique. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can progressively build your skills and perfect this exercise.

Consistent practice and attention to detail are key to mastering Toes to Bar. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your technique, this guide will help you on your journey to becoming proficient in Toes to Bar.

Keep in mind that progress may take time, but with dedication and practice, you can achieve your CrossFit goals.

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Title: How to do Double Unders without Tripping on the Rope https://www.boxrox.com/title-how-to-do-double-unders-without-tripping-on-the-rope/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197963 Are you still tripping on the rope while doing double unders? Don’t worry; in this article, we’ll discuss the most common mistakes when practicing this movement so you never make them again.

Ben Dziwulski, a former CFL1 trainer, CrossFit gym owner, YouTuber, and Wod Prep sensation, is on a mission to deliver straightforward, impactful, and motivating functional fitness coaching to individuals worldwide. Following one of his video tutorials, we will address two of the most common mistakes that can hinder your progress in mastering double unders.

By understanding these issues and implementing the right techniques, you can avoid tripping on the rope and achieve success in this skill.

Kristi Eramo O'Connell tipsSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Problem #1: Spreading Your Hands

One significant issue that many athletes encounter while doing double unders is the tendency to widen their hands during the exercise. Starting with hands positioned correctly, close to your hips, ensures that there is ample space between the rope and your feet, allowing for smooth rotations.

However, as you begin performing double unders, it is common for your hands to drift away from your body, causing the rope to travel higher and wider. This hand movement can lead to rope entanglements with your feet, causing trips and frustration.

Solution: The Band Technique

To address this problem, consider using the “band technique.” Simply wrap a Rogue Monster band or any suitable gym band around your body, just above your elbows.

Emilia Leppanen

This band will help keep your arms together, allowing only your lower arms to move. By practicing double unders with the band, you can develop the muscle memory to maintain proper hand positioning, preventing the spread that leads to tripping.

Problem #2: Not Listening to the Rope

Another crucial aspect of successful double unders is paying attention to the sound of the rope. With each rotation, you should hear the rope clicking or grazing the ground as it passes under your feet. This auditory cue is vital for maintaining the correct rope height during the exercise.

Solution: Tune in to the Sound

To overcome this issue, actively listen to the rope during your double unders. The rope should make a distinct clicking noise as it touches the ground with each rotation. By timing your jumps and spins based on the audible cues, you can ensure that the rope stays at the correct height, preventing it from wandering too high and interfering with your feet.

The Benefits of Double-Unders & How to Avoid Injury

Mastering double unders in CrossFit is attainable with the right techniques and a focus on avoiding common mistakes.

By addressing issues such as spreading your hands and neglecting the sound of the rope, you can enhance your double unders and achieve smoother, more efficient rotations. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your technique, these tips will help you progress in your double unders and become a more proficient athlete in CrossFit.

Remember, practice and patience are key to success, so keep working on your double unders to see the improvements you desire.

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How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat In 3 Steps (And How Long It Will Take You) https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-lose-stubborn-belly-fat-in-3-steps-and-how-long-it-will-take-you/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197955 Are you ready to tackle that persistent belly fat once and for all? You’re in the right place.

Jerremy Either’s YouTube channel is centered on providing science-backed training and nutritional videos to assist individuals in becoming their best selves.

Jerremy focuses on offering unbiased information to help optimize training and nutrition. In this comprehensive article, we’ll unveil the secrets to conquering stubborn belly fat and provide a clear understanding of how long it takes to achieve that coveted flat, toned midsection.

Slimming down your belly can be a challenging journey, but it’s absolutely attainable. To succeed in this endeavor, you’ll need to aim for a body fat percentage of around 10% or lower. But what makes belly fat so resistant to change?

Why Belly Fat Lingers

Belly fat, much like other trouble areas, is known for harboring a higher percentage of stubborn fat cells. These cells are remarkably resilient, making it notably more challenging to shed the excess weight. Additionally, the subcutaneous fat layer covering your abdominal region receives less blood flow compared to other parts of your body. This reduced blood circulation complicates the process of mobilizing and burning fat in this specific area. While losing belly fat is no walk in the park, it’s entirely possible.

5 Best Morning Habits to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Step 1: Establish a Calorie Deficit

When it comes to shedding stubborn belly fat, the first step is crucial and one you’re probably already familiar with: create a calorie deficit. To lose fat from any part of your body, including your belly, you need to consume fewer calories than you expend. Pairing a calorie deficit with regular weightlifting is essential for the best results. However, when targeting belly fat, a few extra steps are crucial.

Step 2: Mobilize Your Belly Fat

Mobilizing your belly fat is the next critical step. To achieve this, you must maintain the calorie deficit for an extended period. This duration is necessary to prompt your body to start utilizing the fat stored in your abdominal region. As your body gradually burns fat from other areas, it will ultimately turn to your belly fat for fuel. Furthermore, research suggests that leaner individuals exhibit higher blood flow to their belly fat, allowing them to prioritize this fat for energy use.

Step 3: Accelerating Belly Fat Loss

If you’re eager to expedite your belly fat loss journey, consider incorporating the following strategies:

1. Abs Exercises: Regularly perform abs exercises, increasing their intensity and complexity over time. Weighted abs exercises, integrated into your weekly routine, can help you develop stronger abdominal muscles.

2. Targeted Workouts: While spot reduction remains a subject of debate, some studies suggest that it might be possible to selectively reduce fat in certain areas, including the belly. You can experiment with an ab workout to boost blood flow and mobilize belly fat, followed by a session of low-intensity cardio to target the fat that has been mobilized. However, it’s important to prioritize steps 1 and 2 for long-term success.

The One Thing that STOPS You From Losing Belly Fat

Losing stubborn belly fat is an achievable goal that demands dedication and perseverance. To embark on this journey, you must first create a calorie deficit, coupled with regular weightlifting. Then, mobilize your belly fat by maintaining the deficit over an extended period. While adding abs exercises and potentially spot-reduction techniques may accelerate your progress, the foundation of success lies in steps 1 and 2.

Remember that achieving a flat, toned belly takes time, and individual results may vary. However, by adhering to these three steps, you can confidently work towards your goal of losing stubborn belly fat and achieving the body you desire.

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7 Ways to Burn More Fat When Sleeping https://www.boxrox.com/7-ways-to-burn-more-fat-when-sleeping/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:41:44 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197885 What if you could burn hundreds of extra calories per day while sitting in a chair or even while sleeping? Imagine how much easier it would be to burn fat and stay lean.

You’d spend less time working out at the gym and enjoy larger, more satisfying meals daily. This isn’t a distant fantasy; it’s entirely possible by boosting your metabolism, specifically your resting metabolic rate.

In this article, we’ll explore seven scientifically-backed ways to increase your metabolism and burn extra calories while you sleep.

Sleeping Habits Killing your Gains

Discover these 7 methods to enhance your metabolism and increase fat burning even while sleeping. By boosting up your resting metabolic rate, you’ll supercharge weight loss and experience fat loss 24/7. Get ready to unlock the secrets of incinerating calories without pushing your workouts to the limit.

1. Optimize Your Thyroid Function

Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck, plays a significant role in your metabolic rate. Research has shown that thyroid hormones have a major impact on your metabolism. To optimize your thyroid function, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting enough iodine, as your thyroid gland uses it to produce thyroid hormones. Many people don’t get sufficient iodine, as 35% of the world’s population is deficient, according to the World Health Organization. To address this deficiency, switch to iodized salt, ensuring you meet your daily iodine requirements.

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Additionally, zinc and selenium are essential minerals for thyroid function. Zinc supplementation can boost resting metabolism significantly, making it a valuable addition to your diet, especially if you’re active and sweat frequently.

Important Minerals and Vitamins all CrossFit Athletes Need to be Eating

2. Switch to Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)

Swap out regular cooking oils for MCTs high in lauric acid, like coconut oil. Research indicates that MCTs can improve metabolism more effectively than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) found in butter. Studies have shown that this shift can result in a 5% boost in resting metabolic rate, lasting up to six hours. MCTs have also been associated with weight loss and improved cholesterol levels.

3. Eat Enough Protein

Protein has a high thermic effect of food, meaning it requires more energy for your body to digest, process, and store compared to other nutrients. Approximately 15-30% of the calories from protein are used during digestion, which can result in burning an extra 100-250 calories daily for most individuals. Additionally, consuming sufficient protein helps you build and maintain muscle, which is crucial for metabolic health.

4. Maintain More Muscle

Each pound of muscle burns about 68 calories per day, contributing to improved insulin sensitivity and effective use of glucose. Building and preserving muscle is essential to prevent metabolic slowdown during weight loss or calorie restriction. Studies have shown that bodybuilders have a 14% higher metabolism due to their extra muscle mass.

athlete smiles in continued learning from training guidesSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

5. Stay Hydrated with Water

Drinking water can temporarily increase your metabolic rate. Research shows that consuming 500 milliliters of water can boost metabolism by 30% for about 30-40 minutes, resulting in an extra 24 calories burned. Drinking cold water may further increase your resting metabolic rate by up to 25% for an hour.

6. Eat Chili Peppers and Spicy Food

Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, activates brown adipose tissue (brown fat), which can use regular body fat as fuel to generate heat. Capsaicin also promotes fat oxidation and supports metabolism during calorie restriction. Consuming spicy foods can help you feel fuller, reducing the urge to eat late at night and supporting weight loss.

7. Cold Exposure, Ice Baths, and Cold Showers

While cold exposure can activate brown fat and lead to increased calorie burning, its effects may vary among individuals. Cold showers and ice baths have been linked to higher energy expenditure, with some reporting increases of up to 400 calories per day. However, the average increase is around 75 calories. Nonetheless, incorporating cold exposure into your routine can contribute to higher metabolic rates.

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By implementing these seven scientifically-backed methods, you can effectively increase your metabolism and burn extra calories while you sleep or go about your daily activities.

Remember that these strategies work best when combined and tailored to your individual preferences and needs. Whether you optimize your thyroid function, switch to MCTs, maintain muscle, stay hydrated, enjoy spicy foods, or experiment with cold exposure, you’ll be on your way to achieving your weight loss and fat-burning goals. Boosting your metabolism isn’t a distant fantasy; it’s a reality that can lead to a healthier and more enjoyable life.

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No Carbs for 14 Days: What Happens to Your Body? https://www.boxrox.com/no-carbs-14-days-what-happens-to-your-body/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 02:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197837 Ever wondered what happens to your body when you go carb-free for 14 days? Let’s explore this fascinating journey.

It´s hard to scroll through your social media feed without encountering videos and posts about people who have decided to cut carbs from their diets for a couple of weeks. These individuals often claim significant changes in their appearance and energy levels after just a short period of avoiding carbohydrates.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

While these videos may garner attention, it’s essential to approach such dietary changes from a scientific and evidence-based perspective.

Thomas DeLauer, health expert,  has built his name around helping the busiest people in all corners of the world find the time to make small, easy changes within their diets and their lifestyles to not only become healthier but to become top performers within their respective areas.

De Lauer has published a video where he attempts to explain the biochemistry and physiology of what happens to your body when you cut out carbohydrates for two weeks. We’ll take a journey through the intricate processes that unfold within your body during this time.

But before we embark on this fascinating journey, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the changes achieved during two weeks of carb restriction are unlikely to be permanent.

The human body is incredibly adaptable, and while you can achieve remarkable results in the short term, they may not last. However, understanding the science behind these transformations can help you make informed decisions about your long-term dietary preferences.

Understanding the Glucagon Effect:

As you begin your two-week journey into a carb-free lifestyle, you’ll encounter the hormone glucagon playing a central role. Glucagon acts as the opposite of insulin. When you eat carbs, your insulin levels spike to help store excess glucose.

Mikaela NormanSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Conversely, when you reduce carb intake, insulin levels decrease, and glucagon becomes dominant. Glucagon’s role is to signal the body that it needs to find alternative sources of fuel, as carbs are no longer readily available.

Phase 1: Transitioning to Fat Metabolism (0-18 hours)

In the first 18 hours, your liver’s stored carbohydrates are used as a primary energy source. However, when the liver’s glycogen stores are depleted, glucagon turns to fat as the next source of fuel. It prompts fat cells to release fatty acids into the bloodstream, where they are converted into usable energy.

This stage is not ketosis, which is often confused with the early phase of low-carb diets. It’s a transitional period between glucose reliance and full-blown ketosis, characterized by the body shifting from carb to fat metabolism.

Phase 2: Tapping into Fat Reserves (18 hours – 2 days)

After approximately 18 hours of consuming your last carbohydrate, the hormone glucagon comes into play.

As your liver’s carbohydrate stores become depleted, glucagon initiates a shift to fat for energy. It prompts your fat cells to release fatty acids into the bloodstream, where they are converted into usable energy. This marks the beginning of your body’s transition from glucose reliance to fat metabolism.

Phase 3: Transitioning to Ketosis (2 days – 4 days)

The liver, responsible for storing a significant portion of the body’s fat, is the next target for glucagon’s fat-liberating mission. This process is known as gluconeogenesis, and it also stimulates your body to produce ketones. Ketones are molecules derived from fat breakdown that can serve as an alternative energy source, particularly for the brain.

This transition to ketosis, marked by the presence of ketones in the bloodstream, is a critical phase in the process. It helps the brain acquire the energy it requires while preserving muscle tissue.

Phase 4: Protecting Muscle and Enhancing Energy Production (4 days and beyond)

As your body fully embraces ketosis, it becomes focused on preserving your hard-earned muscle mass. Ketones play a vital role in safeguarding your muscles by providing a reliable alternative fuel source. Moreover, this transition triggers a fascinating process called mitochondrial biogenesis.

athlete performs dumbbell snatch during crossfit openSource: Štefan Drgoň | BOXROX Photo Comp 2022

Mitochondria are the energy factories of your cells, and your body starts to create more of them. These additional energy factories mean you can produce energy more efficiently.


In conclusion, cutting out carbs for two weeks can trigger a complex chain of events within your body. This transition involves a shift from carb metabolism to fat metabolism, the production of ketones for the brain, and even the growth of additional energy-producing mitochondria. While this approach should not be used as a short-term fix, understanding the science behind it can lead to greater metabolic flexibility and an optimized version of yourself.

If you decide to experiment with low-carb diets or any significant dietary changes, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian. They can help you ensure that your choices align with your individual health and wellness goals, taking into consideration your unique health needs and circumstances.

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Title: How to Do Box Jumps in CrossFit https://www.boxrox.com/title-how-to-do-box-jumps-in-crossfit/ Sun, 28 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197831 Today, we embark on a journey through the exhilarating world of CrossFit, focusing on the dynamic and powerful exercise that is the box jump. Guiding this exploration is the inspiration drawn from the insightful teachings of Ben at Wod Prep. Get set for an exhilarating ride!

lies about CrossFitSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Setting the Foundation: Proper Foot Positioning

Let’s lay the groundwork for our box jump mastery. As Ben astutely pointed out, the key to a successful box jump lies in the proper positioning of our feet. Imagine them as the pillars supporting a sturdy structure.

Ensuring that your feet are directly underneath your hips forms the basis for stability and power. It’s akin to setting the stage for a grand performance – the foundation must be solid for the show to go on seamlessly.

The Synchronization Dance: Utilizing Your Arms

Picture the box jump as a synchronized dance between your upper and lower body. While the legs take center stage, the arms play a crucial supporting role. Ben showcased the awkwardness of a jump devoid of arm movement, emphasizing that power is optimized when both limbs work in harmony.

Box Jumps

However, like any dance, it’s vital to strike a balance – avoid overly aggressive arm swings to prevent unintended injuries. Think of your arms as the conductor’s baton, orchestrating a symphony of strength.

Efficiency as the Virtuoso: Efficiency Tips

As we ascend to the peak of our box jump symphony, efficiency becomes our virtuoso performance. Reaching the pinnacle of the box is a triumphant moment, but to maintain a rhythm reminiscent of a well-practiced concerto, consider the art of re-bending. This subtle yet impactful move propels you into an optimal position for the subsequent descent. It’s akin to the graceful encore after a masterful performance – a display of control and finesse.

Eyes on the Prize: Maintaining Focus

Now, let’s talk about the mental aspect of our fitness journey – maintaining focus. It’s not just about physical prowess; it’s a mind-body connection. Just as a skilled archer gazes intently at the bullseye, so too must you fix your eyes on the box during your ascent.

The target is your beacon, guiding your trajectory and ensuring a flawless landing. It’s a dance of precision and intentionality.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Fitness Symphony

In conclusion, the box jump in CrossFit is not just an exercise – it’s a symphony of coordinated movements, precision, and mental fortitude. By implementing the insights shared by Ben from Wad Prep, you’re not merely jumping onto a box; you’re crafting a fitness symphony.

Rich FroningSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

So, fellow fitness enthusiasts, let the music of your box jumps resonate through your journey, and may your fitness odyssey be filled with strength, precision, and the joy of mastering the art of the box jump. This has been your fitness guide, signing off on this epic exploration into the heart of CrossFit excellence!


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13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

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Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

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Fitness Trends of 2024

The Perfect Biceps Workout for Muscle Mass and Great Looking Arms

Do You Really Need Rest Days? (Training and Muscle Growth) https://www.boxrox.com/do-you-really-need-rest-days-training-and-muscle-growth/ Sat, 27 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197825 Rest days, often a subject of debate and contemplation within the fitness community, serve as a linchpin in the pursuit of athletic excellence. In this exploration of the significance of rest days, drawing upon the expertise of Dr. Mike Israetel, a preeminent figure in Sport Physiology, we delve deeper into the nuanced aspects of recovery, its impact on muscle growth, and the strategic considerations for incorporating rest days into a comprehensive training regimen.

compression bootsSource: Stevie D Photography

Defining the Rest Day:

At the core of Dr. Israetel’s philosophy is a clear delineation of what constitutes a rest day in the realm of weight training.

He underscores the importance of refraining from weightlifting activities on these days, allowing the body to undergo the crucial process of recovery. While rest days permit activities such as light cardio or meeting daily step goals, engaging in strenuous exercises is discouraged, as these may impede the desired recovery outcomes.

The Intricacies of Recovery:

Muscle growth, the holy grail of many fitness enthusiasts, is a phenomenon intricately tied to recovery.

Dr. Israetel elucidates the concept that muscles do not grow during the actual training but during the recovery phase. This distinction accentuates the pivotal role of rest days in the muscle-building process. By providing a dedicated window for recovery, these days become an essential component of a well-structured training program.

Addressing Local and Systemic Fatigue:

Fatigue manifests in two distinct forms: local fatigue, specific to targeted muscle groups, and systemic fatigue, affecting the entire body.

Source: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Dr. Israetel emphasizes the unique role of rest days in mitigating systemic fatigue. This holistic approach to recovery is indispensable for maintaining overall well-being and sustaining the intensity of training sessions over an extended period.

Psychological Well-being:

Beyond the physiological benefits, Dr. Israetel sheds light on the psychological advantages of incorporating rest days into a training routine.

He likens the sensation of reduced fatigue to the energy exhibited in Dragon Ball Z, metaphorically expressing the revitalization experienced by individuals. Stress hormones, which play a significant role in psychological states, are effectively managed through the strategic implementation of rest days, providing mental respite and readiness for upcoming challenges.

Cautionary Measures on Rest Days:

While the benefits of rest days are unequivocal, there exist potential pitfalls that Dr. Israetel advises against.

Overdoing cardio or engaging in excessive mental work on rest days can counteract the intended recovery effects. The objective is to reduce overall stress levels, fostering an environment conducive to effective recovery without accumulating fatigue over successive weeks.

Optimizing Rest Days:

Dr. Israetel delineates practical strategies for optimizing rest days. Adequate sleep, adherence to dietary plans, and engagement in relaxing activities such as watching Netflix or socializing are recommended.

While massages prove beneficial in reducing fatigue, Dr. Israetel dispels common myths surrounding ice and heat treatments, emphasizing the body’s intrinsic ability to undergo natural recuperation.

Introduction of Recovery Training Days:

Beyond traditional rest days, Dr. Israetel introduces the concept of recovery training days. These days involve light exercises, focusing on impeccable technique while minimizing fatigue. Positioned strategically within the training week, these recovery training days contribute to enhanced recuperation without imposing significant stress on the body.

Strategic Timing for Rest Days:

Dr. Israetel advocates for the strategic timing of rest days based on individual priorities. For those emphasizing specific muscle groups, scheduling rest days before or after these targeted sessions can optimize results. Additionally, aligning rest days with weekends, characterized by lower life stressors, provides a concentrated period for recovery, maximizing the benefits of these essential breaks.


In summary, the discourse on rest days transcends mere rhetoric; it embodies a scientific understanding of the delicate balance between physical and psychological well-being. Dr. Mike Israetel’s insights serve as a compass, guiding individuals through the intricate landscape of training and recovery.

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Whether one follows a rigorous training schedule or engages in recreational strength activities, embracing rest days with a thoughtful and strategic approach emerges as the key to unlocking true potential in the realm of sports and fitness.”

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13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

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Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

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Fitness Trends of 2024

The Perfect Biceps Workout for Muscle Mass and Great Looking Arms

The Best Nutrition Plan for CrossFit https://www.boxrox.com/the-best-nutrition-plan-for-crossfit/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197818 In the ever-evolving world of CrossFit, deciphering the code for the perfect nutrition plan has become a pursuit of many enthusiasts. Renowned CrossFit Level 2 trainer and gym owner, Ben Dziwulski, is on a mission to demystify the labyrinth of dietary choices prevalent in the CrossFit community.

Avoiding Fads

Dziwulski, founder of wodprep.com, emphasizes the importance of steering clear of prevailing fad diets that often accompany the initiation into CrossFit. From paleo to zone and the recent keto surge, enthusiasts often find themselves lost in a sea of dietary dogmas. Dziwulski aims to provide clarity, focusing on an approach that aligns with individual goals.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Addressing the common misconception surrounding the “best CrossFit diet,” Dziwulski asserts the need to identify individual goals before succumbing to any diet trends. Whether the objective is to enhance physique or performance, the overarching theme remains consistent—striking a balance between gaining muscle and losing fat.

For those new to the CrossFit arena, Dziwulski recommends allowing the training process to unfold naturally before delving into the intricacies of diet. The body’s adaptive response during the initial stages of training often leads to weight adjustments, setting the stage for informed dietary decisions later on.


As individuals approach the training plateau, the crucial decision arises—opting for a fat loss or muscle-building phase. Dziwulski introduces a practical rule of thumb: those within the 10 to 20 body fat range (adjusted for gender differences) can navigate between bulking and cutting phases. Straying beyond these bounds may pose challenges.

Caloric intake takes center stage in the nutritional hierarchy, with Dziwulski stressing the importance of finding the sweet spot for energy balance. For seasoned CrossFitters assessing their progress, adjusting caloric intake becomes the pivotal factor in achieving desired results.


Navigating through the nutritional pyramid, macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fats—emerge as the cornerstone of a balanced diet. Dziwulski cautions against succumbing to extreme dietary trends, emphasizing the necessity of all three components for CrossFit success.

Micronutrients and water intake follow suit in the nutritional journey. Dziwulski advocates for a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables, steering clear of processed foods, and maintaining optimal hydration—a key element often overlooked.

Nutrient timing takes its place in the pyramid, with Dziwulski dispelling myths surrounding the post-workout protein window. Emphasizing the importance of amino acids circulating during training, he recommends a balanced meal a few hours prior to maximize benefits.


In the realm of supplements, Dziwulski adopts a pragmatic approach. While acknowledging their potential impact, he underscores the insignificance of supplements without a solid foundation. A multivitamin, caffeine, creatine monohydrate, and vitamin D3 are his go-to essentials, emphasizing their role as supplementary to an already robust nutrition plan.

Conclusively, Dziwulski’s approach to CrossFit nutrition transcends trends and fads. It’s a call to prioritize fundamental nutritional elements tailored to individual goals, ensuring that the pursuit of fitness remains grounded in sustainable practices. As CrossFit enthusiasts embark on their nutritional journey, Dziwulski’s insights serve as a beacon, guiding them towards a balanced and effective approach to fueling their CrossFit endeavors.


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13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

8 Reasons Why Meal Prepping is Your Golden Ticket to a Flatter Stomach in 2024

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Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

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How to Get Stronger and Better Looking Glutes

Fitness Trends of 2024

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Tips and Tricks to Lose Fat in Only 10 Days (Is it Possible?) https://www.boxrox.com/tips-and-tricks-to-lose-fat-in-only-10-days-is-it-possible/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197814 In the dynamic realm of fitness and nutrition, enthusiasts are constantly seeking innovative approaches to enhance their health and wellness. A person who has recently made waves in the fitness community is Will Tennyson, a dedicated fitness aficionado renowned for his unwavering work ethic and innovative approach to well-being.

Tennyson’s recent 10-day transformation journey not only provides a glimpse into his personal quest for optimal health but also offers valuable insights for those navigating their own fitness odyssey.

The Journey

Embarking on his transformation journey, Tennyson candidly shares his summer indulgences, acknowledging that even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts can veer off track. Undeterred by setbacks, Tennyson sees the next 10 days as an opportunity for a swift reset, challenging the notion that substantial changes can’t be achieved in a short timeframe.

Tennyson meticulously breaks down his caloric strategy, opting for a mini-cut with a daily caloric intake ranging from 2,300 to 2,400 calories. Stressing the importance of protein intake, he advocates for 1g per pound of body weight, setting a foundation for muscle preservation during the fat loss phase. Tennyson introduces the concept of “macro fasting,” a unique approach that allows for strategic allocation of carbs and fats later in the day.

Throughout the journey, Tennyson showcases the significance of informed food choices. From a protein-packed breakfast featuring egg whites and broccoli to a strategic grocery haul for nutrient-dense salads, he emphasizes the need to eliminate uncertainties and simplify meals for accurate calorie tracking. Tennyson’s approach underscores the role of nutritional intelligence in achieving fitness goals.

Countering Sweet Cravings

Addressing the common challenge of succumbing to sweet cravings during a diet, Tennyson shares his arsenal of low-calorie alternatives. From sugar-free jello to rice cakes adorned with a unique mix of Greek yogurt and fat-free sugar-free vanilla pudding, he provides practical and satisfying solutions for those seeking a sweet tooth remedy without jeopardizing their fitness progress.

Tennyson underscores the importance of a holistic approach to physical activity. Incorporating a diverse mix of activities such as walking, home workouts, and experimenting with ajumping rope routine, he debunks the myth that a caloric deficit compromises strength. Tennyson advocates for maintaining muscle mass as a vital component of successful fat loss.

The fitness guru unveils a delectable recipes for lemon ricotta protein crepes, showcasing that healthy eating can also be a culinary delight. By blending ricotta with lemon zest and crafting a protein-rich crepe batter, Tennyson introduces a high-volume, low-calorie dessert option that aligns seamlessly with fitness goals, proving that wellness can be both nutritious and indulgent.

In addressing the inevitable challenges of hunger during a diet, Tennyson urges readers to embrace the discomfort and stay focused on their long-term fitness objectives. He emphasizes the critical role of mindset, encouraging individuals to redirect their attention away from food cravings and stay committed to their fitness journey.

Will Tennyson’s 10-day transformation serves as an inspirational testament to the effectiveness of strategic fitness and nutrition planning. Through a combination of mindful eating, innovative recipes, and dedicated physical activity, Tennyson not only showcases his personal journey but also offers valuable insights for those seeking to achieve significant progress within a relatively short timeframe.

As the fitness community continues to adopt his approaches, Tennyson stands as a beacon of motivation for those striving to enhance their physical health and well-being. His odyssey serves as a roadmap, illustrating that with determination, informed choices, and a holistic approach, anyone can embark on a transformative journey toward optimal health.


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13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

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Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

How to Hack Muscle Growth in 2024

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The Smartest Way to Get Lean: 5 Insights from Nutrition Experts https://www.boxrox.com/the-smartest-way-to-get-lean-5-insights-from-nutrition-experts/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=197807 In the quest for achieving a lean physique, it’s essential to navigate through the vast sea of information and fads to find science-based strategies that truly work. In a recent video hosted by Jeff Nippard, a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science, five highly qualified nutrition experts share their insights on the most effective and sustainable ways to lose body fat.

healthier foods

Fat Loss Fundamentals: Insights from Dr. Eric Helms

Dr. Eric Helms, a renowned figure in the field of physique athletes and nutrition, breaks down the fundamental principles of fat loss. He emphasizes that fat loss stems from an energy deficit—consuming fewer calories than needed to maintain weight. To optimize fat loss while preserving muscle mass, Dr. Helms outlines five key elements:

1. Energy Deficit: A crucial prerequisite for fat loss.

2. Progressive Resistance Exercise: Stimulating muscle growth to preserve lean mass.

3. Appropriate Caloric Deficit: Tailored to individual body weight and fat levels.

4. Adequate Protein Intake: Higher than 2 grams per kg, adjusted based on body fat percentage.

5. Cardio Volume: Limited to no more than half of resistance training volume.

Choosing the Right Foods: Eric’s Perspective

When it comes to food choices, Dr. Helms highlights the significance of hitting macronutrient goals. While he acknowledges that all foods can contribute to fat loss when within the caloric deficit, he suggests that highly processed foods may have a lower thermic effect, potentially impacting energy expenditure.

Balancing satiety, energy output, and controlling hunger signals, Dr. Helms advises a diet primarily composed of single-ingredient items like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and a carb source. However, he encourages flexibility, allowing for occasional snacks or treats to maintain a sustainable approach.

Insights from Cliff Wilson: Shredding for Success

Moving to the realm of competitive bodybuilding, Cliff Wilson, a natural bodybuilding coach with an impressive track record, shares insights on achieving different levels of leanness. While acknowledging the challenges of extreme fat loss, Wilson distinguishes between “beach lean” and competition-level shredded, emphasizing the importance of consistency, duration, and diligence in achieving specific goals.

Healthier-foodsSource: Photos courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Addressing stubborn fat, Wilson notes that it tends to be influenced by genetics and gender. He advises patience, as continued adherence to a fat loss plan eventually leads to fat loss in these challenging areas.

Psychological Aspects of Fat Loss: Tips from Sohee Lee

Sports nutritionist Sohee Lee delves into the psychological roadblocks individuals face during their fat loss journey. Highlighting the tendency to gravitate towards extreme diets, Lee emphasizes the importance of adopting a moderate, sustainable strategy aligned with personal preferences and lifestyle. Creating repeatable habits and modifying the environment for convenience are key aspects she suggests for long-term success.

Maintaining Weight Loss: Dr. Lane Norton‘s Insights

Dr. Lane Norton focuses on the challenges of weight maintenance after achieving fat loss. He identifies cognitive restraint, regular self-monitoring, and structured exercise programs as common characteristics of individuals who successfully maintain weight loss. Norton also emphasizes the value of valuing long-term goals over short-term indulgences—a quality termed “low recency.”

Supplements for Fat Loss: Dr. Eric Trexler‘s Perspective

Dr. Eric Trexler, an expert in supplements, evaluates various fat burners on the market. While acknowledging the marketing claims, he advises caution due to potential flaws such as habituation, quality control issues, and side effects associated with certain supplements. Instead, he recommends focusing on proven supplements like creatine, whey protein, fish oil, and multivitamins for overall health support.


In conclusion, achieving a lean physique involves a holistic approach that integrates sound nutritional principles, consistent exercise, and a sustainable mindset. The insights shared by these nutrition experts serve as a compass for those navigating the often confusing landscape of fat loss. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or someone embarking on a weight loss journey, these science-based strategies provide a roadmap to a leaner, healthier you, as presented by Jeff Nippard and his panel of experts.

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5 Reasons Why Walking for 30 Minutes Every Day will Help You Live a Longer Life

13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

8 Reasons Why Meal Prepping is Your Golden Ticket to a Flatter Stomach in 2024

5 Benefits of Walking

Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

How to Hack Muscle Growth in 2024

How to Get Stronger and Better Looking Glutes

Fitness Trends of 2024

The Perfect Biceps Workout for Muscle Mass and Great Looking Arms

CrossFit Open Workout 23.1 Live Announcement Recap https://www.boxrox.com/crossfit-open-workout-23-1-live-announcement-recap/ Tue, 21 Feb 2023 15:36:54 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=179719 Last Thursday, Madrid became a spotlight of attention for the CrossFit community around the world. At nine o’clock PM local time, from the Caja Mágica, one of the most important sports venues in the city, CrossFit has announced the first of the three WOD that will compose the CrossFit Open 2023.

Without any doubt, this is a huge recognition to the Spanish community and its efforts for the growth of our sport. There are already more than 600 boxes and Spain is the fifth largest CrossFit market worldwide.

Since 2011, the announcement of the first WOD of the Open has become for the CrossFit community a worldwide awaited event.

This year, for the first time, it was held in Spain with the presence of important people from the CrossFit world such as Adrian Bozman, Nat Diez and John Singleton. CrossFit has shown exponential growth in Europe and especially in Spain. The organization wanted to somehow represent this great expanding community.

During the show, broadcasted through live streaming organised by the CrossFit Youtube channel in four languages, several representatives of the world elite of this sport compet-ed against each other.

The two leading male athletes were Björgvin Karl Gudmundsson and Lazar Dukic, third and fifth in the world rankings respectively. On the women’s side, two of the best athletes in the game, Laura Horvath and Gabriela Migala competed against each other. They are second and sixth in the world rankings of this sport.

The atmosphere in the stadium was pure CrossFit style. Athletes from boxes all over the country came to experience the announcement of the 23.1 together with the best athletes in Europe, and especially to support the 4 local athletes.

They were the first people to try the 14 minutes AMRAP of 60 cal row, 50 tea to bar, 40 wall ball shots (9/6 kg), 30 Cleans (61/43 kg) and 20 ring muscle ups.

The official weights in categories the wall ball will be performed with a 9 kg ball for men and 6 kg for women and the clean with 61 kg for men and 43 kg for women.

Among the public was especially visible the presence of the community of CrossFit Cora-je, Wezone CrossFit and Full CrossFit. These boxes have ranked at the top of the partici-pation of athletes in the Open worldwide over the last few years.

They undoubtedly deserved this great recognition and the effort of the Spanish communi-ty that responded by creating an unforgettable atmosphere inside the Caja Mágica. The name (in Spanish – Magic Box) could not have better described what was felt inside.

After Boz´s short speech, the action began. Three representatives of the boxes an-nounced together the movements that compose the 23.1 workout.

After this moment, the four privileged athletes could finally perform. Camila Granizo, Luis Fernandez, Carlos del Arco and Antonio Sanchez, four local athletes from Madrid, were the first to test the workout themselves in front of the cheering crowd.

And the difficulty of the WOD was evident. They barely managed to complete one round and the effort was remarkable. Despite the pressure of performing in front of the watchful eyes of CrossFitters from all over the world, for them, the most important thing was to en-joy this once in a lifetime moment. The public did not disappoint, making it even more special. The duel of the athletes was won by Carlos who got to start a second round.

The Pros

As for the top athletes, the competition was exceptionally tight. The athletes were very competitive and the crowd was going crazy.

Rarely one can see athletes of this level compete live, the same WOD that most of us have now performed.

Dukic finished ahead of Gudmundsson by just 11 reps, performing a total of 287 against the 276 of the favorite. At the same time, Horvath strengthened her lead over Migala by overtaking her with a total of 17 repetitions, reaching 266.

In the last few seconds, the audience was ecstatic and totally hypnotized by the capabili-ties of these great athletes and the show they put on.

Undoubtedly many of the attendees left the event wanting to give 200% in the WOD and feel like the great competitors with whom they could somehow share the emotions of this special night.

5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Watch the 2022 CrossFit Games  https://www.boxrox.com/5-reasons-to-watch-the-2022-crossfit-games/ Tue, 02 Aug 2022 17:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=169436 The 2022 CrossFit Games begins tomorrow in the city of Madison, Wisconsin, USA. This is the 16th edition of the CrossFit season final and will bring together athletes from 120 countries to fight not only for the podium but also for the highest economic prizes in the history of the Games.

The event organizers are preparing several surprises for the public, but don’t worry if you can’t make it to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison in person, there are other ways to experience the excitement.

The CrossFit Games is the latest stop in the search for the Fittest on Earth. Thousands of fans from around the world want to see this show of fitness live. If you are one of those who still don’t know whether it is worth watching the Games or not, we will try to convince you to watch it.

These are the reasons why you should not miss the fitness event of the year.

1: The New Boss Boz

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

After the changes that took place in CrossFit earlier this year, the programming of the CrossFit season was left in the hands of Adrian Bozman, the new Director of Competition.

For some people, this name may be unknown but it must be said that Bozman has been part of Dave Castro’s team for years and without a doubt has a great CrossFit background.

Bozman’s figure was particularly notable when it came to setting the standards for the movements for the competitions. Yes, my friend, if you have had many no reps in the Open workouts, it means that you have not followed Boz´s rules.

After several criticisms received during the Open and Semifinals and the team’s statements of wanting to give a great show at the Games, many of us are anxiously awaiting this 16th edition to see what tests of fitness the athletes will have to deal with.

The first changes have already been announced regarding the organization and the way CrossFit will make cuts during the finals to select the top athletes.

The rest, we will see. The new style of programming is definitely a good reason to watch the 2022 CrossFit Games.

2: A Great Sport Event

As CrossFit fans know, the Games are always a spectacle worth watching live or by streaming.

Those who will enjoy the Games live will definitely see unforgettable moments watching a spectacular athletic event that is becoming more and more popular every year.

But for those who will not be able to travel to Madison, don’t worry.  Games streaming covers all aspects of the competition – all the heats, interviews… You won’t miss a single rep of your favourite competitor and you’ll be able to cheer on the athletes from any corner of the planet.

You will also get to know the opinion of the commentators and listen to interesting interviews with athletes and guests.

3: CrossFit Heroes and New Faces In Action

Speaking of cheering the athletes on. I’m sure you all have your CrossFit crush, an athlete you want to support and watch as he or she (or them if you have your favourite Team) moves up the competition rankings.

Watching the Games is definitely a perfect time to observe your favourite athlete. And if you are new to CrossFit, and some names ring a bell but you don’t have your favourite, watching the ultimate test of fitness will definitely be a great opportunity to see the best competing at the highest level.

The opportunity to see the stars and veterans of the sport live is another reason to watch the 2022 CrossFit Games.

Don’t forget about the new faces of CrossFit. The new generations are going strong and many names have stood out this season. Seeing the new promises in action is certainly another good reason to watch the  2022 CrossFit Games.

10 Highlights, Surprises and Shocks of All 2022 CrossFit Semifinals

4: Great For the Community

If you don’t want to be out of the game and have something to talk about with your workout mates during August, you’d better not miss a second of the CrossFit Games. As with all competitions, fans exchange opinions and observations about what happened on the competition floor.

2021 crossfit open dates

The Games are often a perfect excuse for get-togethers both inside and outside the Box. Many of the Boxes decide to repeat, if possible, some WODs from the Games, allowing their members to feel like the top athletes.

In many Boxes they also organize meetings to watch the CrossFit Games live. Be careful not to be distracted during your own training sessions, unless the live stream serves as a …

5: …Boost of motivation

That’s right, we’ve all started in this sport in some way. Many of us have entered for the first time to a CrossFit Box because we were curious, some looking for health and physical improvements, and others looking to try a new sport.

And although the vast majority of us never dream of being able to compete with elite athletes, seeing where hard work and dedication can take you could be very inspiring.

Not only watching elite athletes can be inspiring. We should not forget about other categories such as Teams, where strong teamwork stands out with all members fighting together for victory.

The Adaptive category in which athletes show us that you can compete and do an excellent performance regardless of physical condition. In the Teens category where the youngest athletes show sporting skills and their hunger to make history in this sport by wanting to dedicate themselves to it from a young age. And the Master category where the older ones show that age is just a number.

I hope I’ve convinced you that watching the CrossFit Games can be a great idea whether you’re involved in the sport or just starting out. Whether in person or virtually, see you in Madison!

Check out more stuff you should know about the 2022 CrossFit Games.

7 Highlights of Dave Castro’s First Interview Back in CrossFit HQ with Sevan Matossian

Top 7 Male Athletes to Watch

Top 7 Female Athletes to Watch

CrossFit Games Podium Predictions by BOXROX

7 Top Female Athletes to Watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games  https://www.boxrox.com/7-top-female-athletes-to-watch-2022-crossfit-games/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 17:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=169365 40 athletes on the field. Some are favourites to reach the podium, but some are relatively new and could shock the CrossFit community. Here are our picks for top female athletes to watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games this week.

These athletes have battled for their place at the Games and have demonstrated their athleticism to fight for the title of the Fittest Woman on Earth. The final stage of the 2022 competition season for which everyone is anxiously waiting will be held from August 3 to 7.

Check out our guide to the 7 top female athletes to watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games. Don’t miss their performance as these ladies put on an incredible show of strength and self-improvement that is definitely worth watching.

Top Female Athletes to Watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games

1. Tia-Clair Toomey

tia-clair toomey celebrates

Of course she is the first one on our list of top female athletes to watch! Very few can imagine the Games without her. Tia-Clair Toomey is the most dominant CrossFit athlete ever, and with no plans to slow down.

Every time she steps onto the competition floor she breaks or sets a new record. The Torian Pro Semifinals was no exception as she became the first athlete ever to win every single Semifinals event.

Much has been said about Toomey and the chase for her sixth Games championship. In her interviews, Toomey always points out that if she didn’t want to win the Games again, she wouldn’t be training so hard. She has made it very clear that she is training to be a winner.

2. Haley Adams

The second one from our list of top female athletes to watch is Haley Adams. Adams is part of the first generation of native CrossFit athletes. That’s the way we refer to those CrossFitters who have no prior professional background in other sports. CrossFit was officially founded in 2000, only one year before Adams was born.

Haley went from being a rising CrossFit star to competing at the elite level of our sport as one of the top female athletes. Her performance over the last few years has been impressive. She made it to the finals of the 2019 Games and in 2020 this top female athlete has qualified for the Games again.

Many know her for her spectacular performance that year when she became the 4th Fittest Woman on Earth. We saw her bleed considerably when she opened her hands performing pull-ups during the last 2020 Games event and running with an ankle injury while suffering an intestinal virus. Her great physical and mental strength are undoubtedly the qualities of a winner and a top athlete.

3. Gabriela Migala

Gabi is another of our bets for this ranking of top female athletes to watch at the CrossFit Games 2022.

Great Moments from the 2021 CrossFit Games

The 23-year-old Polish athlete has been very strong this competition season winning spots on the podium at the Rogue Invitational and the Dubai CrossFit Championship.

She has also finished 13th in the Open world rankings and won the European Quarterfinals… anything else to proclaim her the next Games champion?

She herself tries to be very cautious about her chances of sweeping Madison. As she says, she prefers to focus on being better than last year, when she finished 6th at the Games, than thinking about winning at any cost. Will that mindset will take her to the podium in the Games? We hope so because she is an athlete with an impressive performance.

4. Elena Carratala Sanahuja

Our next top female athlete to watch during the 2022 Games is the Spanish athlete Elena Carratalá. From the age of 5, and way before getting to know CrossFit, Elena competed in athletics. At the age of 9, she switched sports to horseback riding until the age of 17, and then at 21, Elena stepped into a CrossFit Box for the first time.

More than six hours a day of daily training for six years has led Elena Carratalá to fulfil her dream of going to the Games. A few days after winning French Throwdown, Carratalá surprised the entire community by finishing second in the Last Chance Qualifier and became the first Spanish athlete to qualify for the Games under the new qualifying rules.

5. Mallory O’Brien

This CrossFit athlete was the Rookie of the Year at CrossFit Games 2021 – 18-year-old Mallory is one of our top female athletes to watch. She won the 2022 Open, becoming the youngest athlete to win such a tournament. That title was previously held by Annie Thorisdottir, who won it at the age of 21.

After deciding to join Mat Fraser’s HWPO program, she moved to Vermont to train under the guidance of the 5x CrossFit Games champion.

top female athletes to watch

Young Mal finished seventh at the CrossFit Games 2021 and in 2022, in addition to winning the Open, she also won the Quarterfinals in North America. Everything presages that she is going to give much to talk about in the CrossFit world.

Many believe she could be the main threat to Toomey’s sixth Games championship trophy or even her successor.

6. Emma Lawson

This young Canadian athlete, one year after being proclaimed the Fittest Teen On Earth, is now a professional division athlete.

She has been involved in CrossFit since she was 7 years old, a sport she discovered thanks to her parents. With a very solid background in dance and gymnastics, Lawson has been involved in the world of competition since she was a child and it is what really motivates her.

This young top female athlete, winner of the Semifinals Atlas Games, is hungry to go for the ultimate prize. Don’t miss her performance at the Games.

7. Emma McQuaid

Emma, Ireland’s Fittest Woman, earned her well-deserved spot at the Games after winning the CrossFit Strength in Depth Semifinal in London.

Thirty-two-year-old Emma started in the world of CrossFit seven years ago. This top female athlete was involved with another sport – quad racing, but Crossfit is definitely her thing. The three-time Irish national CrossFit champion has been improving her position in the global ranks year after year.

Note her big win at Wodapalooza where she won first place in the elite individual division. She is bound to bring that determination this following week.

Emma McQuaid

And there you have it, our pick for top female athletes to watch this week at the 2022 CrossFit Games. From BOXROX, we support all of them and wish all the athletes the best of luck. It is a pleasure to see them all in the competition arena. And you, do you have your favourite?

To know more about the organization and timeline of the CrossFit Games, learn more about the cuts here.

7 Top Male Athletes to Watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games  https://www.boxrox.com/top-male-athletes-to-watch-2022-crossfit-games/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://www.boxrox.com/?p=169355 The 2022 CrossFit Games is around the corner. These are the top male athletes to watch at the Fittest on Earth competition.

Since its first edition in 2007, the Games have grown from a small competition at the historic ranch in Aromas, California, to an international celebration of fitness where the CrossFit community gathers to witness the fight for the title of the Fittest on Earth.

A total of 40 top athletes, who have battled for their place at the Games and have demonstrated their strength, will arrive to Madison, Wisconsin, to fight for the title of the Fittest Men on Earth.  The final stage of the 2022 competition season for which everyone is anxiously waiting will be held from August 3 to 7.

In this article, we are going to tell you which are the 7 top male Athletes to watch during NOBULL CrossFit Games 2022 – athletes who will undoubtedly make us enjoy the best of CrossFit this August.

Top Male Athletes to Watch at the 2022 CrossFit Games

1. Justin Medeiros

Justin Medeiros

The first of our top male Athletes to watch during the CrossFit Games 2022.

Justin Medeiros took off as a professional CrossFit athlete in 2019-2020

season, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been trying to get to the top for years. In 2019 he participated in the first sanctioned event of the season -CrossFit Filthy 150,  winning the competition and earning his pass to the 2020 Games.

Medeiros won the 2020 rookie of the year title by placing third in the Games. That year the final was held, because of the COVID pandemic, at the CrossFit Ranch with only 5 athletes in each individual category.

It was then when the entire CrossFit world began to take this young Athlete seriously. He won the ROGUE Invitational 2021 and it was at that moment, with Mat Fraser retired, that many began to comment that a new era in CrossFit – the “Medeiros Era” – had begun.

He was proclaimed winner of the NOBULL CrossFit Games 2021 being the youngest athlete in history to do so – his first Games title in his second year of participation.

2. Lazar Dukic

Lazar Dukic is undoubtedly one of the promises of CrossFit and one of the top male athletes of the moment.

Lazar discovered CrossFit during an exchange program in the USA. At that time he was playing water polo. One day his roommate, a Serbian CrossFit competitor, encouraged him to do the Murph. Lazar ended up destroyed, he didn’t even finish the iconic Hero WOD. This failure motivated him and from that moment on, he never stopped practising CrossFit.

Source: Courtesy of Lazar Dukic

Today, the 5x Fittest in Serbia is undoubtedly one of those Athletes who goes to the Games with a clear intention to win. He has qualified to fight for the title of the Fittest on Earth 3 times. In his first year, he rejected the invitation saying he didn’t feel ready to go to Madison. He said he didn’t want to be just another athlete, he wanted to be an athlete to remember, the kind that beats the big boys. Which he did in 2021, finishing ninth in the Finals.

Check out our exclusive interview with him here and here.

3. Saxon Panchik

Another one of the top male Athletes to watch, Saxon Panchik had the best result of the Open worldwide. We saw him go head to head in 22.2 with CrossFit Games winner Justin Medeiros.

After his 5th place finish in the last CrossFit Games, the youngest of the Panchik saga decided to move with his family to Nashville to join the PRVN program, coached by Shane Orr, husband of five-time CrossFit Games champion Tia-Clair Toomey.

It’s amazing how much this 25-year-old athlete has accomplished in a sport that came into his and his brother’s lives as a method of rehab after a serious accident. It is worth noting that Saxon belongs to a true CrossFit family as he and his siblings compete in the sport.

4. Guilherme Malheiros

top male athletes to watch

The latest edition of the CrossFit Games has left us with the impressive victory of Justin Medeiros at the age of 22, but also the irruption of another young top male athlete, the Brazilian Guilherme Malheiros, 21 years old, who became one of the favourites of the audience.

Since 2019 he can proudly claim to be the Fittest in Brazil. That year he finished in 48th position at the Games to return in 2021 occupying the spectacular 7th position. His evolution in just two years has stunned the CrossFit community.

Malheiros won several events at the Games, got the crowd in his pocket with his friendliness and totalled 958 points, finishing ahead of athletes much more experienced than him like Noah Ohlsen, Scott Panchik and Jeffrey Adler.

So it looks like we have the younger guys ready to fill the gap left by the great Mat Fraser. Will Malheiros in the future be a threat to Justin Medeiros? Perhaps we will find out when the Games begin.

5. Willy Georges

2020 and 2021 were not good years for Willy Georges. The first one was because of the COVID pandemic and the second one was because of a shoulder injury that kept this French athlete away from the competition floor for a long time.

But it seems that the bad luck ended this season with his participation in Dubai CrossFit Championship. From this competition Georges’ road to the Games was fast – he became the Fittest in France, the second European athlete in the Quarterfinals and finally won the Strength in Depth Semifinals, a victory that opened the doors to the CrossFit Games where he will undoubtedly be one of the top male athletes to watch this week.

6. Roman Khrennikov

Roman Khrennikov

Roman Khrennikov is considered one of the fittest Russian CrossFit athletes of all time. Last year he won the Madrid CrossFit Championship and the Dubai CrossFit Championship.

Despite his enormous success as a professional athlete, Khrennikov only managed to compete in the CrossFit Games once in his life in 2020 when the Games were held partially online due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Russian CrossFit athlete has a long history of qualifying for the CrossFit Games, however, he never got the authorization to travel to the United States because his Visa was always denied. In 2018 he won the European Regionals, in 2019 he placed 5th at the Dubai CrossFit Championship and in 2021 after placing 1st in the Last-Chance Qualifier. On all these occasions he was invited to the Games, but could not travel to compete in the North American city of Madison, Wisconsin.

This year Khrennikov will have the opportunity to compete in CrossFit Games live for the first time in his life and is considered by many to be one of the top male athletes.

7. Jayson Hopper

This promising young athlete discovered CrossFit in college when he took part in a preparatory class for the college football team.  He had already heard about the sport and knew that CrossFit was as good for strength as it was for cardio training, and if he wanted to train properly for football, he needed both. It only took a few weeks for him to get passionate about the sport and to watch all the CrossFit documentaries.

Hopper didn’t jump onto the CrossFit scene as one of the top male athletes until 2021 when he won the Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Challenge. Even Mat Fraser was amazed by the performance of the young athlete who follows the HWPO training program.

These are our top male Athletes to watch during the NOBULL CrossFit Games 2022, would you add anyone to this list?

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