Robbie Wild Hudson – BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:26:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Robbie Wild Hudson – BOXROX 32 32 How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Mon, 05 Feb 2024 03:00:00 +0000 Use these helpful tips to send your testosterone levels through the roof.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in the testes (in men) and in smaller amounts in the ovaries (in women) and adrenal glands of both sexes.

It is a steroid hormone that plays a critical role in the development of male reproductive tissues, including the testes and prostate, and in promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle mass and bone density, body hair growth, and deepening of the voice.

Rich-Froning-CrossFit-WorkoutsSource: Photos courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Testosterone is also important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing, as it helps regulate mood, cognitive function, energy levels, and cardiovascular health. In women, testosterone plays a role in maintaining bone density and muscle mass, and may also contribute to sexual desire and function.

Abnormally high or low levels of testosterone can cause a variety of health problems, including infertility, reduced libido, depression, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Why are Low Testosterone Levels Bad?

Low testosterone levels can have several negative effects on a person’s physical and emotional health. Here are some of the reasons why low testosterone levels can be bad:

  • Reduced muscle mass and strength: Testosterone is critical for building and maintaining muscle mass and strength. Low levels of testosterone can lead to a loss of muscle mass and weakness.
  • Decreased bone density: Testosterone plays a key role in maintaining bone density. Low levels of testosterone can lead to decreased bone density and an increased risk of fractures.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Testosterone is important for maintaining sexual function in men. Low levels of testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction and reduced libido.
  • Mood changes: Testosterone can affect mood and emotional well-being. Low levels of testosterone can lead to depression, irritability, and fatigue.
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Testosterone plays a role in maintaining cardiovascular health. Low levels of testosterone have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, reduced muscle mass, decreased libido, and mood changes, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and explore treatment options.

Max Posternak is a certified personal trainer and the founder of Gravity Transformation, a popular fitness YouTube channel. Max has over 2 million subscribers on his channel, where he provides a wide range of content related to fitness, nutrition, and weight loss.


Why Does Lifting Heavy Weights Increase Testosterone?

Lifting heavy weights can increase testosterone levels for several reasons:

Increased muscle mass: When you lift heavy weights, it causes muscle damage which leads to muscle growth and repair. This process is called muscle hypertrophy. As you gain more muscle mass, your body produces more testosterone to support muscle growth.

Higher intensity workouts: Lifting heavy weights requires a high level of effort and intensity. This type of workout stimulates the nervous system and triggers the production of testosterone.

Compound exercises: Heavy lifting usually involves compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These exercises require a lot of energy and help to increase testosterone levels.

Rest and recovery: After lifting heavy weights, your body needs time to recover. This recovery period is when your body produces the most testosterone. Getting enough rest and recovery time is important to maximize the testosterone-boosting effects of heavy lifting.

Overall, lifting heavy weights can help to increase testosterone levels by promoting muscle growth, stimulating the nervous system, and triggering the production of testosterone. However, it’s important to note that testosterone levels can be influenced by many factors, including age, diet, sleep, and overall health.

How Do High Stress Levels Negatively Impact Testosterone Levels?

High stress levels can negatively impact testosterone levels in several ways:

  • Increased cortisol production: Stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which is important for the body’s “fight or flight” response. However, high levels of cortisol can suppress the production of testosterone.
  • Disrupting sleep: Stress can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to a decrease in the amount and quality of sleep. Sleep is important for testosterone production, so lack of sleep can contribute to lower testosterone levels.
  • Reducing appetite: When you are stressed, your body produces less of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. This can lead to a decrease in calorie intake, which can negatively impact testosterone production.
  • Affecting mood: Chronic stress can contribute to anxiety and depression, which can negatively impact testosterone levels.
  • Reducing physical activity: When stressed, many people tend to be less physically active. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain and decreased testosterone production.

Overall, high stress levels can negatively impact testosterone levels through various mechanisms. To maintain healthy testosterone levels, it’s important to manage stress through techniques such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and getting adequate rest and relaxation.

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How Many Times Should I Work Out Every Week? Sun, 04 Feb 2024 15:00:00 +0000 These tips from Max Posternak will help you determine the right training volume for you.

What are the Benefits of Working Out?

There are numerous benefits to working out, both for physical and mental health. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved physical health: Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, increase muscular strength and endurance, and enhance flexibility and balance.

Weight control: Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if you need to. It does this by burning calories and building lean muscle mass.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Regular exercise can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Improved mood: Exercise is a natural mood booster, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, improve self-esteem, and promote a sense of well-being.

Better sleep: Regular exercise can improve the quality and duration of sleep, helping you feel more rested and alert during the day.

Increased energy: Exercise can boost your energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue, making it easier to get through your daily activities.

Improved brain function: Exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and learning.

Social benefits: Joining a group exercise class or sports team can help you connect with others who share similar interests, providing a sense of community and social support.

Overall, working out is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.

Max Posternak is a certified personal trainer and the founder of the Gravity Transformation fitness brand. He is known for his YouTube channel, Gravity Transformation, which a large following of subscribers and features a variety of fitness-related content.

On his channel, Max provides workout routines, diet and nutrition advice, and motivational content aimed at helping people transform their bodies and improve their overall health and fitness. He also shares his personal fitness journey and provides insights into his own training and nutrition habits.

Video – How Much Should You Work Out Every Week?

What are Sets and Reps?

In weight training and resistance training, a set is a group of consecutive repetitions (reps) of a particular exercise. A rep is one complete cycle of the exercise, which usually involves lifting and lowering a weight or resistance.

For example, if you are doing bicep curls with a dumbbell, one rep would involve lifting the weight towards your shoulder, and then lowering it back down to the starting position. A set might involve doing 10 repetitions of this exercise, so you would complete 10 reps before resting.

The number of sets and reps you perform during a workout can vary depending on your goals and the specific exercise you are doing. For example, if your goal is to build strength, you might do fewer reps per set (e.g., 3-6 reps) and more sets of the exercise. If your goal is to build endurance, you might do more reps per set (e.g., 12-15 reps) and fewer sets.

It’s important to note that the weight or resistance used during each set can also impact the number of reps you can do. If the weight is very heavy, you might only be able to do a few reps per set, whereas if the weight is lighter, you might be able to do more reps before fatiguing.

In general, sets and reps are a key component of weight and resistance training, and they can be adjusted to help you achieve your specific fitness goals.

Why is Recovery Important After Working Out?

Recovery is an essential part of any exercise routine, as it allows your body to repair and rebuild muscle tissue that has been broken down during your workout. Here are some reasons why recovery is important after working out:

  • Muscle repair: When you work out, you create small tears in your muscle tissue. Recovery time allows your body to repair and rebuild this tissue, making it stronger and more resilient.
  • Injury prevention: Adequate recovery time can help prevent injuries by allowing your muscles, joints, and connective tissues to rest and recover from the stress of your workouts.
  • Improved performance: Proper recovery can help improve your overall performance by allowing your body to adapt to the stresses of your workouts and build strength and endurance over time.
  • Reduced soreness: Recovery time can help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, making it easier to maintain a consistent exercise routine.
  • Hormone regulation: Rest and recovery are essential for regulating hormones such as cortisol and testosterone, which play a role in muscle growth and repair.
  • Mental health: Adequate recovery time can also have a positive impact on your mental health by reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and promoting relaxation.

It’s important to note that recovery time can vary depending on the intensity and duration of your workouts, as well as your individual fitness level and goals. It’s always a good idea to listen to your body and give yourself enough time to rest and recover between workouts.

How Does Sleep Help Muscle Recovery?

Sleep is an essential part of muscle recovery after a workout. Here’s how it helps:

Protein synthesis: During sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH), which is necessary for muscle growth and repair. HGH promotes protein synthesis, which is the process by which your body creates new muscle tissue to replace damaged tissue.

Muscle repair: While you sleep, your body is able to repair and rebuild muscle tissue that has been broken down during your workout. This is because your body produces more protein while you sleep, which helps to rebuild damaged muscle fibers.

Reduced inflammation: Sleep can also help reduce inflammation throughout your body, which can help speed up the healing process after a workout. Inflammation is a natural response to exercise, but excessive inflammation can impede muscle recovery and lead to soreness and fatigue.

Energy restoration: Adequate sleep can help restore your energy levels, allowing you to perform better during your workouts and recover more quickly afterward. This is because sleep helps to replenish glycogen stores, which are essential for providing energy to your muscles.

Hormone regulation: Sleep is also important for regulating hormones such as cortisol and testosterone, which play a role in muscle growth and repair. Lack of sleep can lead to imbalances in these hormones, which can impede muscle recovery and growth.

Overall, getting enough high-quality sleep is crucial for muscle recovery and growth after a workout. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and prioritize good sleep hygiene practices such as avoiding screens before bed, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, and establishing a regular sleep routine.

Why is Nutrition Important for Working Out?

Nutrition is a key factor in working out and achieving your fitness goals. Here are some reasons why nutrition is important for working out:

  • Fuel for exercise: Your body requires energy to perform physical activity, and this energy comes from the food you eat. Adequate nutrition provides the fuel your body needs to power through your workouts and perform at your best.
  • Muscle growth and repair: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue, so getting enough protein in your diet is crucial for building muscle and recovering from workouts. Other nutrients, such as carbohydrates and healthy fats, also play a role in supporting muscle growth and recovery.
  • Improved performance: Proper nutrition can help improve your overall performance by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to build strength, endurance, and agility. A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help support your physical performance and help you reach your fitness goals.
  • Reduced inflammation: Certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation throughout your body. This can help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, making it easier to maintain a consistent exercise routine.
  • Weight management: Proper nutrition can help support healthy weight management by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy metabolism and fuel physical activity. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in whole foods and low in processed foods can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Overall, nutrition plays a critical role in working out and achieving your fitness goals. Aim for a balanced diet that includes plenty of whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support your workouts and promote overall health and wellness.

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How to increase testosterone levels naturally

Best 3 Exercises to Build a Great Looking Chest Sun, 04 Feb 2024 10:59:00 +0000 These are the best exercises to build a great looking chest.

They are not designed with strength or muscle mass in mind, but purely for definition and aesthetics.

The following three exercises will hit the:

  1. Upper pecs
  2. Lower Pecs
  3. Middle Pecs

Best 3 Exercises to Build a Great Looking Chest

Let’s look at them in more depth.

1 Incline Dumbbell Press (Upper Pecs)

“Science shows that a slight 30-degree incline on the bench is best to not only hit the upper pec fibres the best while minimizing the dominance of the front delts but that it also hits the sternal portion of the chest hard as well.

james newbury bodybuilding chest workouts Time to build a better chest. Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

The arms move from the low and away position to one up and in when performing the exercise this way. The use of dumbbells also allows the hands to travel a little closer to each other at the top to achieve more adduction of the arms rather than what happens when they are fixed in place on a barbell during a barbell bench press.

Even though you lose some of the tension on resisted adduction at the top of the rep, you still get more overall adduction resistance during the dumbbell variation of the bench press than you do with the barbell version.”

2 High to Low Cable Crossover (Lower Pecs)

Jeff explains further, “This is best performed with a set of cables but it can also be done as a chest resistance band exercise.

Here you want to make sure that you are bringing the arms down and across your chest on every rep.

Many less informed trainers advise you to stop your arms at midline. Given that they don’t understand the anatomy and function of the chest muscles this is understandable, but still not right.

In order to maximize chest contraction you want to cross your arms over each other in order to allow for a greater excursion into adduction and get better chest development.”

3 Dumbbell Pullover

“Instead of flaring the elbows out to the sides and keeping the dumbbell close to the head (which would place the brunt of the workload on the lats) you want to straighten the arms as much as possible.

The finish position of the dumbbell over the chest is the same as it would be at the end of an incline bench press.

Upper-Body-Chest-Muscles Exercises to Build a Great Looking ChestSource: Depositphotos / Obi Vincent

With the arms held relatively high (above the shoulders) you get the flexion of the shoulder that targets the upper pecs and minimizes the lats.

The other thing you want to do here is think about squeezing the backs of your hands together as the dumbbell approaches the end of each rep. This will further adduct your hands which will create a more intense upper chest contraction.

Finally, you can also use this exercise for chest to develop the serratus muscle. This often overlooked muscle acts as a support muscle for the lower chest and, when developed, gives that complete aesthetic look to the pecs that rounds out your complete chest development.”


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Try this Witcher Workouts or perfect Chest Workout in 20 minutes.

How to Get a 6 Pack at Home in 22 Days Sun, 04 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 These excellent tips will help you forge an iron hard and functional core in no time at all. The method will also allow you to build healthy habits as well.

Why is a Strong Core Important?

A strong core is important because it provides a foundation for many movements and activities we do every day.

The core muscles, which include the muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis, work together to support the spine and pelvis, maintain good posture, and transfer forces from the upper body to the lower body and vice versa. Here are some reasons why a strong core is important:

  • Improved Posture: A strong core helps to maintain good posture, which can reduce the risk of injury and strain on the back and neck.
  • Reduced Risk of Injury: A strong core can reduce the risk of injury by providing stability and support to the spine and pelvis during activities that involve twisting, bending, and lifting.
  • Better Balance and Stability: A strong core helps to improve balance and stability, which can be particularly important for athletes or anyone engaging in activities that require quick changes of direction.
  • Improved Athletic Performance: A strong core can improve athletic performance by allowing for better transfer of forces between the upper and lower body, leading to more efficient movements.
  • Reduced Back Pain: A strong core can help to reduce back pain by providing support and stability to the spine and pelvis, reducing the strain on the back muscles.

Overall, having a strong core is essential for good health and fitness, and can benefit people of all ages and fitness levels.

Jeff Cavaliere is a renowned fitness trainer, physical therapist, and former Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets Major League Baseball team. He is also the founder of Athlean X, a popular fitness brand that offers online training programs, workout videos, and nutritional advice.

The Athlean X YouTube channel is one of the most popular fitness channels on the platform, with over 11 million subscribers and more than 1 billion views.


Why is Low Body Fat Essential for a Six Pack?

Low body fat is essential for a six-pack because the abdominal muscles that create the six-pack appearance are covered by a layer of fat. When body fat percentage is high, this layer of fat is thicker and can obscure the definition of the abdominal muscles, making it difficult to see the six-pack.

To have visible abs, you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage through a combination of diet and exercise. While abdominal exercises can help to strengthen and tone the muscles, they won’t necessarily make your abs visible if there is still a layer of fat covering them.

The ideal body fat percentage for a six-pack varies depending on gender and genetics, but for most people, it’s around 10-15% for men and 15-20% for women. Achieving this level of body fat requires a combination of a healthy, balanced diet, regular exercise, and consistency over time.

It’s important to note that focusing solely on achieving a six-pack can lead to unhealthy habits and an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise.

Remember to prioritize overall health and well-being, rather than just physical appearance.

How Do you Build Healthy Habits?

Building healthy habits is an important part of maintaining good physical and mental health. Here are some steps you can take to build healthy habits:

  1. Start small: Don’t try to change everything at once. Focus on one or two small habits to begin with, such as drinking more water or taking a 10-minute walk each day.
  2. Set goals: Identify the specific habit you want to develop and set achievable goals for yourself. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, start with a goal of working out for 10 minutes a day and gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.
  3. Make a plan: Create a plan for how you will implement the habit into your daily routine. This might involve setting reminders or making a schedule for yourself.
  4. Hold yourself accountable: Find ways to hold yourself accountable, such as tracking your progress or sharing your goals with a friend or family member.
  5. Stay motivated: Keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself of the benefits of the habit and celebrating your successes along the way.
  6. Be consistent: Stick to your plan and make the habit a consistent part of your daily routine.

Remember that building healthy habits takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and don’t get discouraged if you experience setbacks along the way. Focus on progress, not perfection, and keep working towards your goals.

The Benefits of Training at Home

Training at home can have several benefits, including:

Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of training at home is the convenience it offers. You don’t have to worry about commuting to a gym, which can save you time and money. Plus, you can workout at any time that is convenient for you.

Cost savings: Gym memberships can be expensive, and working out at home can be a more cost-effective option in the long run. You may need to invest in some basic equipment, but over time, this can be much more affordable than paying monthly gym fees.

Privacy: Many people feel self-conscious working out in front of others, and training at home can provide a level of privacy and comfort that is not always possible in a gym environment.

Customization: When you train at home, you have complete control over your workout routine. You can choose exercises that are specifically tailored to your needs and fitness goals, and you can adjust the intensity and duration of your workouts as needed.

Flexibility: Training at home allows you to be more flexible with your workout schedule. If you have a busy day, you can still fit in a quick workout at home without worrying about gym hours or availability.

Safety: Finally, working out at home can be a safer option for some people, particularly during times when there are health concerns or restrictions on public gatherings. You can minimize your exposure to germs and viruses by staying at home to exercise.

Why is Circuit Training Effective?

Circuit training is a highly effective workout style that involves performing a series of exercises, or “stations,” in a specific order with little or no rest in between. Here are some reasons why circuit training is effective:

  • Efficient use of time: Circuit training allows you to work multiple muscle groups and get a full-body workout in a relatively short amount of time. This can be especially helpful for people with busy schedules who want to maximize their time in the gym.
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness: Circuit training is typically performed at a high intensity, which can help improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
  • Increased calorie burn: Circuit training can help you burn more calories compared to traditional weightlifting or cardio workouts because it keeps your heart rate up and engages multiple muscle groups.
  • Muscle endurance: Circuit training can help improve muscle endurance because it requires you to perform a high volume of reps with little rest.
  • Versatility: Circuit training can be customized to fit a variety of fitness goals, from building strength to improving endurance to burning fat.
  • Variety: Because circuit training involves performing a series of exercises in a specific order, it can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated to continue your workout routine.

Circuit training is an effective workout style that can help you achieve a wide range of fitness goals in a relatively short amount of time.

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No More Love Handles – How to Transform Your Body Sun, 04 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Jeff from Athlean X offers great tips for anyone that wants to lose the love handles on their body.

“Love handles are the most common storage area of fat on a man’s body.  They are also one of the most stubborn areas to drop body fat from.  The good news is, you don’t have to be perfect right now to get this area to look better especially if you follow the strategies laid out in this video.” 

No More Love Handles

“First of all, regardless of where your body fat levels are now you must be truthful about the state of your nutrition.  Are you really eating as well as you should or are you indulging in far too many sweets and drinks to ever get your body fat levels down to a level that is required to see the greatest muscle definition.  As I mentioned earlier, the body fat storage here is very stubborn in men.  You have to get pretty precise if you want to get an absolutely shredded waistline.”

“That said, you don’t have to be perfect.”

“To start, as you are getting yourself more committed to your nutrition improvement you can start working immediately on the status of your lat development.  That’s right.  Your lats.  If you can completely develop your lats (from origin to insertion) then you will have a great weapon in your arsenal for creating an illusion of a greater differential between the width of your back and the width of your hips.”

Love Handles

“In order to fully develop the lats you have to learn how to contract the lat fully.  Most of us stop at the half way point of a contraction in an effort to try and hoist as much weight as possible.  That is actually not just holding back the way your lats look but it’s making an already large waistline look even larger by comparison.  If you could start getting your elbow back behind your body when doing your lat exercises you would start to develop a more impressive sweep in the area of the lats that is actually closest to the problem area love handles.  Remember, the greater the differential here the smaller your waistline is going to look right away.”

“Next, as you continue to work on getting your body fat levels down you want to be sure you are regularly working on your abs.  Say you are at a ten or twelve percent body fat level at this point.  It is here that you are a prime candidate to see the benefits of regular but short ab training and exercises.  The upper abs should be clearly visible especially in the right light at this body fat level.  This creates a midline distraction of the actual width of the love handles and gives you and whoever else is looking, something better to look at!”

“Finally, with both the lat training and ab exercises locked in you want to do what others will tell you not to if you want to get rid of your love handles and that is, work your obliques!  Believe me, do not listen to anyone that says to not work your obliques as it will thicken your waistline.  The obliques, when developed, are going to be the muscle that creates the v taper in your waist that will always give you the impression of having a lean tapered torso.”

Love Handles

“If you follow the fibers and train along the direction of the internal and external obliques, you are going to be able to see the maximum development of these muscles and get them looking their best.  I give you two band versions of exercises you can do for your obliques that will help you get those love handles obliterated once and for all as that nutrition puts the final dagger in your single digit body fat.”

Video – Love Handles

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Add these Standing Ab Exercises and Z Press into your training.


300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days – What Happens to your Body? Sat, 03 Feb 2024 21:00:00 +0000 Try this fun challenge.

Scroll down to the video to find out how it goes.

What are the Benefits of Strong Legs?

Having strong legs provides a number of benefits for your overall health and fitness. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved balance and stability: Strong legs help you maintain balance and stability, which can prevent falls and reduce the risk of injury.

Front Squat by Masters Athlete Benefits of Front SquatsSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Increased mobility and flexibility: Strong legs allow you to move more freely and with greater flexibility, which can improve your overall range of motion and reduce stiffness.

Enhanced athletic performance: Strong legs are essential for many sports and physical activities, such as running, jumping, and cycling. Having strong legs can help you perform better and achieve your fitness goals.

Reduced risk of injury: Strong legs can help support your body and reduce the risk of injury to your knees, hips, and ankles. This is particularly important as you age and become more susceptible to injuries.

Improved metabolism: The muscles in your legs are some of the largest in your body, and building strength in these muscles can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

Increased bone density: Strength training for your legs can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially for women.

Having strong legs is an important aspect of physical health and fitness, and can have a positive impact on many areas of your life.

Video – 300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days

What are the Muscles of the Legs?

The muscles of the legs are some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. They are responsible for many essential functions, such as walking, running, jumping, and standing upright. Here are the major muscle groups in the legs:

  • Quadriceps: The quadriceps are a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the knee and straightening the leg.
  • Hamstrings: The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located in the back of the thigh. They are responsible for flexing the knee and bending the leg.
  • Glutes: The glutes, or buttocks muscles, are a group of three muscles located in the back of the hip. They are responsible for extending the hip and rotating the thigh.
  • Adductors: The adductors are a group of muscles located on the inner thigh. They are responsible for bringing the legs together and stabilizing the pelvis.
  • Abductors: The abductors are a group of muscles located on the outer hip. They are responsible for moving the legs away from the body and stabilizing the pelvis.
  • Calves: The calves are a group of two muscles located on the back of the lower leg. They are responsible for flexing the ankle and pointing the foot downward.

These muscles work together to provide strength, stability, and mobility to the legs, and are essential for many everyday activities as well as athletic performance.

What are the Best Sets and Reps for Building Muscle?

The best sets and reps for building muscle will depend on a number of factors, including your fitness level, training experience, and specific goals. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you design an effective muscle-building workout:

laura horvath does dumbbell overhead squat The Perfect Leg Workout Squat Variations for Strength

Aim for 3-4 sets per exercise: Performing 3-4 sets of an exercise allows you to target the muscle group with enough volume to stimulate growth without overtaxing your body.

Perform 8-12 reps per set: This rep range is ideal for building muscle because it provides enough tension and stress on the muscle fibres to promote hypertrophy, or muscle growth.

Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets: Taking short rest periods allows your muscles to recover and helps maintain intensity throughout your workout.

Increase weight or reps gradually over time: As you get stronger, gradually increasing the weight or reps can help challenge your muscles and promote further growth.

Focus on compound exercises: Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work multiple muscle groups at once, making them highly effective for building overall muscle mass.

Incorporate a variety of exercises: Using a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups can help prevent plateaus and keep your workouts challenging and effective.

It’s important to note that muscle building is a gradual process that requires consistency, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest and recovery. Consult with a certified personal trainer or exercise professional to design a workout plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Why is Consistency Important for Going to the Gym?

Consistency is one of the most important factors when it comes to going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals. Here are a few reasons why consistency is so important:

  • Builds habits: Consistently going to the gym helps to build habits that become ingrained in your daily routine. The more you go to the gym, the easier it becomes to make it a part of your lifestyle.
  • Increases progress: Consistency in your workouts helps you to make steady progress towards your goals. When you consistently challenge your muscles, they adapt and become stronger, leading to better results.
  • Helps maintain motivation: Consistency helps to maintain your motivation and keep you on track with your fitness goals. When you see the progress you’re making, it becomes easier to stay motivated and committed to your workout routine.
  • Improves mental health: Consistent exercise has been shown to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Going to the gym on a regular basis can be a great way to improve your overall well-being.
  • Promotes discipline: Consistently going to the gym requires discipline and commitment, which can help you develop these qualities in other areas of your life.

Consistency is crucial for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By making exercise a regular part of your routine, you can build habits, make steady progress, stay motivated, and enjoy the many benefits of regular physical activity.

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What Happens If You Eat ZERO Carbs and Sugar for 1 Week?

The Easiest Way to Get Lean (From 30% to 10% Body Fat)

7 Best Exercises for a Stronger Back

How to Get Bigger Lats With 2 Simple Exercises – Not the Lat Pulldown Sat, 03 Feb 2024 19:00:00 +0000 If you are looking to get a wider back, you cannot neglect your lats. Find out how to get bigger lats.

A V-shape back is a dream many athletes pursue. One of the best ways to get a bigger and stronger back is by training properly some specific muscles. Here you will discover how to get bigger lats, which will help you on achieving the looks.

Fitness trainer and Kinesiology graduate Jeremy Ethier has shared what he believes to be the two exercises that will answer how to get bigger lats for athletes of any level.

how to get bigger latsSource: wikipedia

“If you execute these two exercises with all the important details and tips I’m going to be covering, then many of you will finally feel what it’s like to truly train and grow your lats,” Ethier promises.

Fix Back Pain by Doing This

Make sure you pay attention to the video on how to perform the exercises, as each movement is slightly tweaked to focus on lats tension instead of your entire back.

How to Get Bigger Lats

1. Lat-Focus Row

  • Grow your upper and mid lats

Most people probably are doing some kind of row in their daily training, but there are a few tweaks to make this exercise even better to target your upper and mid lats.

Tuck your elbows into your sides and keep them there as you row. The more your elbows are flared out, the more your rear delts and upper back will be activated, but if you want to grow your lats, you should keep your elbows close to your body.

Also, stop the row once your elbows reach your torso, keep your forearms lined up with the direction of the cable, and incorporate a slight hinge forward at your hips.

If you don’t have access to a cable row machine, you can apply the same principles to a dumbbell row exercise or replace the cable with a resistance band.

2. Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Pulldown

  • Targets your lower lats

Take a half-kneeling stance with a neutral grip and place your arm at roughly a 45-degree angle. Keep your forearm in the same direction as the cable.

Brace your abs, keep a neutral spine and drive your elbow down to your side. Similar to the exercise above, keep your elbows tucked close to your body to prevent your upper back and rear delts from assisting the movement.

Read More: 3 Tips On How to Increase Your Pull-Ups

5 Great Tips to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Faster Sat, 03 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Add these methods into your life if you want to lose stubborn belly fat faster.

What are the Benefits of Having Lower Body Fat Levels?

Having lower body fat levels can provide several benefits for overall health and well-being. Here are some key advantages:

Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Excessive body fat, especially around the abdomen, is associated with an increased risk of various chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and metabolic disorders. By maintaining lower body fat levels, you can lower your risk of developing these conditions.

Improved cardiovascular health: Lower body fat levels contribute to a healthier cardiovascular system. Excess body fat can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and an increased strain on the heart. By reducing body fat, you can improve heart function, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Belly-Fat-Loss-and-BurgerSource: CrossFit Inc / Carles Rabada

Enhanced physical performance: Lower body fat levels can improve physical performance in various activities. Excess fat can hamper mobility, agility, and endurance. With less body fat, you may experience increased speed, improved flexibility, and better overall athletic performance.

Better metabolic health: Maintaining lower body fat levels can improve insulin sensitivity, which is important for regulating blood sugar levels. Lower body fat levels are associated with better metabolic health, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Joint health and reduced strain: Carrying excess body fat puts additional stress on the joints, especially the knees, hips, and ankles. By reducing body fat, you can alleviate strain on the joints and reduce the risk of joint pain, inflammation, and conditions such as osteoarthritis.

Improved hormonal balance: Fat cells produce hormones, and excess body fat can disrupt hormonal balance. By reducing body fat levels, you can help restore hormonal balance, which can have a positive impact on various aspects of health, including mood, energy levels, and reproductive health.

Boosted self-confidence and mental well-being: Lower body fat levels can improve body composition, enhance physical appearance, and boost self-confidence. Feeling more comfortable in your own skin can positively impact mental well-being, self-esteem, and body image.

It’s important to note that body fat is necessary for overall health, and the ideal body fat levels may vary depending on factors such as gender, age, and individual goals. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine a healthy body fat range and develop a personalized plan to achieve and maintain it.

Video – 5 Great Tips to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Faster

1. What is a Calorie Deficit and How Does it Create Fat Loss?

A calorie deficit refers to a state in which you consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. It is a common strategy for promoting fat loss and weight reduction. When you consistently maintain a calorie deficit, your body turns to its energy stores, including body fat, to make up for the shortfall.

To understand how a calorie deficit creates fat loss, it’s essential to recognize the energy balance equation. This equation states that weight change is determined by the balance between the energy you consume (calories from food and beverages) and the energy you expend (calories burned through various activities and bodily functions).

When you consume fewer calories than your body requires, it faces an energy shortage. In response, it begins utilizing stored energy, primarily in the form of body fat, to meet its energy needs. This leads to fat loss over time.

Creating a calorie deficit can be achieved through a combination of dietary changes and increased physical activity.

Here’s how it works:

Dietary changes: By reducing your calorie intake through portion control, choosing lower-calorie foods, and making healthier food choices, you decrease the amount of energy you consume. This creates a gap between energy intake and expenditure.

Increased physical activity: Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity increases your total energy expenditure. This can help create a larger calorie deficit and further enhance fat loss. Physical activity not only burns calories during the activity but also increases your metabolic rate, which means your body continues to burn calories even at rest.

Source: Brooke Lark / Unsplash

When your body enters a calorie deficit, it taps into its energy reserves to compensate for the deficit. Over time, this can lead to a reduction in body fat stores, resulting in fat loss and weight reduction.

It’s important to note that creating a moderate calorie deficit is generally recommended for sustainable and healthy fat loss. Extremely low-calorie diets or overly aggressive deficits can have negative effects on your metabolism, muscle mass, and overall well-being.

Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is advisable to determine an appropriate calorie deficit and develop a personalized plan that suits your individual needs and goals.

2. What is Calorie Cycling and How Does it Work?

Calorie cycling, also known as calorie shifting, is a dietary strategy that involves alternating calorie intake on different days or during different periods of time. It aims to optimize metabolism, prevent adaptation, and potentially enhance fat loss. The concept behind calorie cycling is to vary calorie intake strategically, rather than maintaining a consistent calorie deficit or surplus every day.

Here’s how calorie cycling typically works:

High-calorie days: On high-calorie days, you consume more calories than your body needs for weight maintenance or slightly above your maintenance level. This is often done by increasing your carbohydrate and/or fat intake. The higher calorie intake provides a temporary boost to your metabolism and provides energy for intense workouts or activities.

Low-calorie days: On low-calorie days, you consume fewer calories than your body needs for weight maintenance, resulting in a calorie deficit. This deficit encourages your body to tap into stored fat for energy. Low-calorie days are typically achieved by reducing overall calorie intake, often with a slight reduction in carbohydrates and/or fats.

Maintenance-level days: Maintenance-level days involve consuming the approximate number of calories needed to maintain your current weight. This calorie intake is neither in a surplus nor a deficit, and it helps prevent excessive adaptation and metabolic slowdown.

The idea behind calorie cycling is that the variation in calorie intake can help prevent your body from adapting to a consistent calorie deficit, which could potentially slow down your metabolism and impede fat loss progress. By incorporating higher-calorie days, you provide your body with periodic boosts in energy and metabolism, while the low-calorie days create an overall calorie deficit for fat loss.

Calorie cycling can be implemented in different patterns, such as alternating high and low-calorie days throughout the week or following cycles of a few days of higher calorie intake followed by a few days of lower calorie intake.

going vegetarian

It’s important to note that calorie cycling may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before adopting this approach to ensure it aligns with your specific goals, needs, and overall health. They can provide guidance on calorie targets, food choices, and monitor your progress throughout the process.

3. What are NEAT Levels in the Human Body?

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It refers to the energy expended by the body through all physical activities other than deliberate exercise or structured workouts. NEAT encompasses the calories burned during daily activities such as walking, standing, fidgeting, gardening, cleaning, and other forms of spontaneous movement.

NEAT levels can vary significantly between individuals due to factors such as occupation, lifestyle, and personal habits. Some people naturally have higher NEAT levels, while others have lower NEAT levels. For example, a person with a physically demanding job that involves a lot of movement and walking may have higher NEAT levels compared to someone with a sedentary desk job.

NEAT plays a role in overall energy expenditure and can contribute to weight management and metabolic health. Here are a few key points about NEAT:

Energy expenditure: NEAT can account for a significant portion of daily energy expenditure. While deliberate exercise and structured workouts contribute to calorie burn, NEAT can make up a substantial portion of the total energy expended in a day. Increasing NEAT levels can help boost overall energy expenditure.

Impact on weight management: NEAT can influence body weight and body composition. Individuals with higher NEAT levels tend to burn more calories throughout the day, which can support weight maintenance or contribute to weight loss. Conversely, individuals with lower NEAT levels may burn fewer calories and potentially be at higher risk for weight gain or difficulty in losing weight.

Lifestyle and habits: NEAT levels can be influenced by various lifestyle factors and habits. Factors such as occupation, daily routines, active hobbies, and personal choices, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving short distances, can impact NEAT levels. Small changes in daily habits can add up and increase NEAT.

Health benefits: Increasing NEAT levels can have positive effects on overall health. Regular movement throughout the day, such as walking or standing, can help improve cardiovascular health, promote better blood sugar control, enhance metabolism, reduce sedentary behavior, and improve overall physical fitness.

It’s worth noting that while NEAT can contribute to energy expenditure and overall health, it is not a replacement for structured exercise or intentional physical activity. Combining regular exercise with an active lifestyle and higher NEAT levels can provide comprehensive benefits for physical fitness, weight management, and overall well-being.

Incorporating more movement into daily life, such as taking active breaks, using standing desks, or engaging in activities that require physical effort, can help increase NEAT levels and promote a more active and healthy lifestyle.

4. How Does Weight Training Help to Burn Fat?

Weight training, also known as resistance or strength training, can be an effective strategy for burning fat and promoting weight loss. Here’s how weight training contributes to fat burning:

Increased calorie expenditure: Weight training increases the number of calories burned during and after the workout.

While the calorie burn during weight training itself may not be as high as during cardiovascular exercises, weight training stimulates muscle tissue, which has a higher metabolic rate compared to fat tissue. This means that even at rest, having more muscle mass increases your overall calorie expenditure, including the calories burned from fat.

Muscle preservation and development: Weight training helps preserve and build lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it requires more energy (calories) to maintain compared to fat tissue. By engaging in weight training, you stimulate the muscles and promote muscle growth, which can contribute to an increase in resting metabolic rate. This can result in more efficient fat burning and improved body composition.

EPOC effect: EPOC stands for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, also known as the afterburn effect. Intense weight training sessions can lead to an increased EPOC, which means your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate even after the workout. The EPOC effect is a result of the body’s need to restore oxygen levels, replenish energy stores, repair muscle tissue, and regulate various physiological processes. This prolonged calorie burn contributes to fat loss over time.

Hormonal benefits: Weight training has positive effects on hormone regulation, including the release of growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones play a role in fat metabolism and muscle development. The increase in growth hormone levels during weight training can stimulate fat breakdown and support lean muscle growth, further aiding in fat burning.

Body composition changes: Weight training can lead to changes in body composition, even if the scale doesn’t show significant weight loss. As you build muscle through resistance training, your body composition improves, with a higher proportion of lean muscle mass and a lower proportion of body fat. This can result in a leaner and more toned appearance, even if the overall weight remains relatively stable.

To maximize the fat-burning benefits of weight training, consider the following tips:

Focus on compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These exercises engage more muscles and burn more calories.

Gradually increase the intensity and challenge of your weight training sessions over time to continue stimulating muscle growth and adaptation.

Combine weight training with cardiovascular exercise for a well-rounded fitness program.

Ensure proper nutrition to support muscle recovery and growth, as well as overall energy balance.

It’s important to note that weight training should be complemented by a balanced diet and a comprehensive approach to fitness and overall health. Consult with a qualified fitness professional or certified trainer to design a weight training program that suits your goals, fitness level, and individual needs.

5. Fat Loss Take Time

Fat loss takes time due to several factors:

Caloric deficit and energy balance: Fat loss occurs when you consistently maintain a caloric deficit, meaning you consume fewer calories than your body needs for its daily energy requirements. This deficit forces your body to tap into its stored fat reserves for energy. However, achieving a significant caloric deficit requires time and consistency to create the necessary energy imbalance for fat loss.

Metabolic adaptation: When you create a caloric deficit, your body adapts to the reduced energy intake by slowing down its metabolism. This adaptation is a survival mechanism that aims to conserve energy and protect against potential famine. As a result, your body becomes more efficient at using fewer calories, which can make it harder to continue losing fat at the same rate. This metabolic adaptation contributes to the slower pace of fat loss over time.

Hormonal regulation: Hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism, hunger, and fat storage. When you create a caloric deficit, hormonal changes occur in an attempt to maintain energy balance. Hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, insulin, and cortisol can impact appetite, satiety, and fat metabolism. These hormonal adaptations can influence the rate of fat loss and contribute to the gradual nature of the process.

Body composition changes: Fat loss is not just about losing weight on the scale; it also involves changes in body composition. As you lose fat, you may also gain or maintain lean muscle mass, which can offset the scale weight loss. Since muscle is denser than fat, these body composition changes can make the scale weight appear stagnant or change at a slower rate. However, the positive changes in body composition, such as increased muscle mass and decreased body fat percentage, contribute to a healthier and more toned physique.

Sustainable and healthy approach: Sustainable fat loss is a gradual process that focuses on long-term lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes. Rapid weight loss can lead to muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and metabolic imbalances. Taking a gradual and sustainable approach allows your body to adjust and adapt while promoting healthy habits that can be maintained in the long run.

It’s important to have realistic expectations and be patient with the fat loss process. Remember that slow and steady progress is more likely to result in sustainable results. It’s also crucial to focus on overall health, including balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate rest and recovery. Consulting with a healthcare professional, registered dietitian, or certified fitness professional can provide personalized guidance and support for your fat loss journey.

Why is Consistency Important for Fat Loss to Occur?

Consistency is crucial for fat loss to occur due to the following reasons:

Maintaining a calorie deficit: Consistently maintaining a calorie deficit is essential for fat loss. Fat loss happens when you consistently consume fewer calories than your body needs for its daily energy requirements. If you are inconsistent with your calorie intake and frequently fluctuate between periods of overeating and undereating, it becomes challenging for your body to establish a sustained calorie deficit necessary for fat loss.

Metabolic adaptation: Consistency helps mitigate metabolic adaptation. When you consistently maintain a calorie deficit, your body adjusts to the reduced energy intake by slowing down its metabolism. However, if your calorie intake fluctuates, your body may struggle to adapt and may not consistently tap into its fat stores for energy. Being consistent with your calorie intake and maintaining a moderate and sustainable deficit helps regulate your metabolism and promotes fat loss.

Hormonal regulation: Consistency plays a role in hormonal regulation, which is important for fat loss. Hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, insulin, and cortisol influence appetite, satiety, fat metabolism, and overall energy balance. Consistency in eating patterns and meal timing helps regulate these hormones, promoting better appetite control and efficient fat metabolism.

Lifestyle and habit formation: Consistency fosters the development of healthy habits and sustainable lifestyle changes. Fat loss is not just about short-term dieting; it’s about adopting long-term healthy behaviours. Consistency helps you establish a routine of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and mindful eating, all of which contribute to fat loss and overall well-being. By being consistent, these habits become more ingrained and sustainable, supporting your long-term fat loss goals.

Progress tracking and adjustments: Consistency enables you to track your progress accurately and make necessary adjustments. When you are consistent with your nutrition and exercise habits, you can monitor your results more effectively. If you are inconsistent, it becomes difficult to assess what is working and what needs adjustment. Being consistent allows you to identify any plateaus or challenges in your fat loss journey and make appropriate changes to keep progressing.

Consistency doesn’t mean perfection. It’s normal to have occasional deviations or setbacks. The key is to maintain consistency over the long term and make a conscious effort to get back on track if you slip up. Emphasize sustainable lifestyle changes and focus on progress rather than perfection.

Remember, fat loss is a gradual process, and consistent effort is necessary to achieve and maintain your desired results. Patience, perseverance, and a consistent approach will ultimately yield the best outcomes in your fat loss journey.

The Most Effective Chest Workout (Sets and Reps Included) Sat, 03 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Use this most effective chest workout to build strength and muscle mass for your body.

It is designed by Jeff from Athlean X. You can find all the full details in his excellent video at the bottom of the article.

The Most Effective Chest Workout

“The perfect chest workout should consist of exercises for your upper chest, middle chest and lower chest.  That said, even that doesn’t make the chest workout complete.  In order to round out your pecs with a well rounded workout you need to fill in the gaps of what is lacking on those popular chest exercises.”

“If you look at the four main exercises that people do in their chest workouts you will see incline bench press, barbell bench press, dips and pushups.  Take a close look into each of these classic movements and you will see one thing in common.  That is, each of these exercises is lacking a full adduction of the shoulder within the exercise.”

Chest muscles Full Chest and Triceps Workout most effective chest workout

“This is a problem when it comes to developing a complete chest.  Just because you are going through a full range of motion on the exercises that you are doing it does not mean that you are taking a muscle through its full range of motion.  For instance, all chest exercises are performed by changing the angle of the arm at the shoulder.”

“Because the shoulder is a three dimensional ball and socket joint, you have a great deal of motion available to you on your chest exercises.”

“That said, with the hands being fixed on a barbell, dip station or the floor through most of the common chest exercises you are not able to take your shoulder through the full horizontal adduction that it is capable of going through.  Due to this, there is limited activation of the pecs since they are built to take the arm fully across the body, over midline into a more complete adduction.”

“The solution to this problem is to not forego the popular mass building chest exercises but add to them, in drop set fashion.  Here is how to construct the perfect chest workout with that in mind.”

The Most Effective Chest Workout

Barbell Bench Press – 4 sets of 6,8,10,12 reps

Immediately into a horizontal chest cable or band crossover for 15 reps

Incline DB Bench Press – 4 sets of 6,8,10,12 reps

Immediately into a low to high cable or band crossover for 15 reps

Weighted Dips – 4 sets of 6,8,10,12 reps

Immediately into a high to low cable or band crossover for 15 reps

Weighted Pushups – 3 sets to Failure

Immediately into a banded crossover pushup for 15 reps with band on each arm

“When you put this together in drop set format as I’m suggesting here, you not only now hit the chest through it’s full range of motion but you hit every area of the chest as well.  The drop down allows for the lesser intense exercise to be more taxing since it was just preceded by a more difficult compound lift.”

Video – Most Effective Chest Workout

Learn More – Most Effective Chest Workout

Try the perfect Bicep Workout or add Nordic Curls into your training.

What Happens to Your Body if You Stop Eating Sugar for 30 Days? Sat, 03 Feb 2024 03:00:00 +0000 Thinking about improving your health and fitness? Consider this excellent challenge.

What are the Negative Health Effects of Sugar?

Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can have a number of negative health effects, including:

Weight gain and obesity: Excessive sugar consumption can lead to weight gain and obesity, which in turn can increase the risk of a range of health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Increased risk of type 2 diabetes: High sugar consumption can cause the body to become resistant to insulin, which can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Tooth decay: Sugar can contribute to the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.

bowl of sugar

Increased risk of heart disease: Consuming large amounts of sugar can increase triglyceride levels, a type of fat in the blood, which can contribute to the development of heart disease.

Inflammation: High sugar intake can cause inflammation in the body, which can contribute to a range of health problems such as arthritis, asthma, and certain types of cancer.

Addiction: Sugar can be addictive and lead to cravings and overconsumption, which can exacerbate the negative health effects mentioned above.

Best bicep exercises you have never tried

It is important to note that not all sources of sugar are created equal, and that consuming small amounts of natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables is not harmful. However, it is recommended to limit consumption of added sugars found in processed foods and sugary drinks.

The Goal Guys are a duo of YouTubers, named Matt and Michael, who create content focused on personal development, goal-setting, and self-improvement.

On their channel, they share tips, strategies, and personal experiences related to achieving goals, staying motivated, and improving various aspects of one’s life.

Video – What Happens to Your Body if You Stop Eating Sugar for 30 Days?

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a numerical scale used to measure how quickly and how much a food raises blood glucose (blood sugar) levels after it is consumed. The scale ranges from 0 to 100, with pure glucose being assigned a value of 100.

Foods with a high glycemic index are rapidly digested and absorbed, causing a rapid and large increase in blood glucose levels. Examples of high GI foods include white bread, white rice, and sugary drinks.

In contrast, foods with a low glycemic index are digested and absorbed more slowly, resulting in a slower and smaller increase in blood glucose levels. Examples of low GI foods include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

crossfit quotes nutrition smoothie banana and nutsSource: BOXROX

The glycemic index can be a useful tool for people with diabetes or those trying to manage their blood sugar levels. Consuming low GI foods can help to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels and may help to improve overall blood glucose control. However, it’s important to note that the glycemic index is just one factor to consider when making food choices, and other factors such as the nutrient content and portion size of foods are also important for overall health.

How Does Sugar Affect Insulin in the Human Body?

When we consume sugar, our body breaks it down into glucose, a simple sugar that is used by our cells for energy. In response to the increase in blood glucose levels that occurs after consuming sugar, the pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps to regulate blood glucose levels.

Insulin acts as a key that unlocks the doors of our cells, allowing glucose to enter and be used for energy. It also helps to store excess glucose in the liver and muscles for later use. However, when we consume large amounts of sugar on a regular basis, our body can become resistant to the effects of insulin, meaning that it takes more insulin to do the same job.

Over time, this insulin resistance can lead to a condition called prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, where the body is no longer able to produce enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels in a healthy range. In addition to diabetes, insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels have also been linked to a range of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

It’s important to note that not all sugars are created equal, and that consuming sugars in moderation as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to cause insulin resistance or other negative health effects. However, it is recommended to limit consumption of added sugars found in processed foods and sugary drinks, as these can contribute to excessive sugar intake and other health problems.

What Foods Have a High Sugar Content?

There are many foods that contain a high amount of sugar, both natural and added. Here are some examples:

Candy: This includes chocolates, gummies, and other types of confectionery, which are often high in added sugars.

Sugary drinks: Sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports drinks are often high in added sugars, which can contribute to excessive sugar intake.

Baked goods: Many baked goods such as cakes, cookies, and pastries are high in added sugars.

Breakfast cereals: Many types of breakfast cereals, especially those marketed to children, contain high amounts of added sugars.

Flavoured yogurts: Some yogurts, especially those with fruit or other flavors added, can be high in added sugars.

Sauces and condiments: Ketchup, barbecue sauce, and other condiments can contain high amounts of added sugars.

Processed snacks: Chips, crackers, and other processed snacks can contain high amounts of added sugars.

It’s important to note that not all foods that contain sugar are unhealthy, and that consuming natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet is not harmful.

However, it’s recommended to limit consumption of added sugars found in processed foods and sugary drinks.

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What Happens If You Eat ZERO Carbs and Sugar for 1 Week?

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8 Morning Habits to Lose Belly Fat FAST Sat, 03 Feb 2024 01:00:00 +0000 Add these habits into your life if you want to speed up your body transformation.

What are the Disadvantages of Too Much Body Fat?

There are several disadvantages of carrying too much body fat:

Increased risk of chronic diseases: Obesity is a major risk factor for a range of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and certain types of cancer.

9 Butt Exercises Better than Squats

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Reduced mobility: Carrying excess weight puts a strain on the joints, which can make it difficult to move around comfortably. This can limit mobility and make physical activity more challenging.

Sara-and-Lower-Abs Best Lower Abs Exercises You Have Never TriedSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Sleep apnea: Obesity is strongly associated with sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. This can cause daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and other health problems.

Reduced quality of life: Carrying excess weight can have a negative impact on mental health and well-being, leading to reduced quality of life and lower self-esteem.

Increased risk of injury: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of injury during physical activity or daily tasks. This is because excess weight places additional stress on the bones, muscles, and joints.

Increased healthcare costs: The healthcare costs associated with obesity are significant, both for the individual and for society as a whole. This includes costs related to medical treatment, disability, and lost productivity.

Reduced life expectancy: Obesity has been linked to reduced life expectancy, as it increases the risk of developing chronic diseases that can lead to premature death.

Max Posternak is a fitness coach and entrepreneur who is the founder and CEO of the Gravity Transformation fitness brand. He is also the host of the Gravity Transformation YouTube channel, which has over 5 million subscribers and focuses on fitness and nutrition advice, workout plans, and weight loss strategies.

Video – 8 Morning Habits to Lose Belly Fat FAST

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients that are required by the body in large amounts to provide energy, support growth and repair, and maintain overall health. There are three main macronutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. They are found in foods such as bread, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is used by the body for energy.
  • Proteins: Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues, including muscles, organs, and bones. They are found in foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are used by the body to build and repair tissues.
  • Fats: Fats are an important source of energy and also help to absorb and transport certain vitamins. They are found in foods such as butter, oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. Fats are broken down into fatty acids, which are used by the body for energy and to support the health of the nervous system, brain, and other organs.

In addition to these three macronutrients, water is also considered a macronutrient because it is required by the body in large amounts and is essential for many important functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.

What are Calories?

A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. Specifically, it is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. In the context of nutrition and diet, calories are used to measure the energy content of food and the amount of energy the body uses.

When we eat food, our body breaks it down into its component parts, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These nutrients are then used by the body for energy, growth, and repair. The number of calories in a food or beverage is determined by the amount of these macronutrients it contains.

The body uses energy constantly, even when we are resting or sleeping. The amount of energy the body uses at rest is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). This can vary depending on a person’s age, sex, weight, and other factors. Physical activity, digestion, and other bodily processes also require energy.

To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to balance the number of calories we consume with the number of calories we burn through physical activity and normal bodily processes. Consuming more calories than the body needs can lead to weight gain, while consuming fewer calories than the body needs can lead to weight loss.

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit occurs when a person consumes fewer calories than their body needs to maintain its current weight. This can lead to weight loss, as the body is forced to use stored fat for energy instead of relying on the calories from food.

To create a calorie deficit, a person must either eat fewer calories or burn more calories through physical activity. For example, a person who normally consumes 2,000 calories per day but only needs 1,800 calories to maintain their weight could create a calorie deficit by eating 1,600 calories per day or by eating 2,000 calories per day and burning an additional 200 calories through exercise.

The size of the calorie deficit needed to achieve weight loss depends on several factors, including a person’s current weight, age, sex, and activity level. In general, a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day is considered safe and effective for gradual weight loss.

It is important to note that creating a calorie deficit that is too large can be harmful to the body and may lead to muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and other health problems. It is also important to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet when creating a calorie deficit to ensure that the body is getting all of the nutrients it needs for optimal health.

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The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat Fri, 02 Feb 2024 22:59:00 +0000 Check out the number 1 exercise to lose belly fat, as selected and explained by Jeremy Ethier.

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

““How to lose belly fat” is one of the most common questions out there. And that’s understandable. Belly fat is really easy to gain and notoriously hard to lose. It can seem as though no matter what exercises you try to lose belly fat and no matter how well you eat, the belly fat just won’t budge. And unfortunately, with exception to surgery, there is currently no proven method of being able to spot reduce fat from the belly. There is an exercise, however, that is incredibly underutilized yet powerfully effective when it comes to losing even the most stubborn belly fat. Today I’ll share what that is and how you can start using it right away to lose belly fat.”

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

“Why is belly fat is so hard to lose in the first place? Well, it comes down to the fact that certain areas of your body are easier to lose fat than others, and is largely determined by genetics. Now having your genetics stacked against you may seem problematic if you’re looking to develop a slim or lean looking abdomen, but there is a solution. As long as you create a calorie deficit, you will continue to lose fat. Eventually, if maintained long enough, you will lose excess fat from all areas of your body, even if your genetics put your belly fat at the back of the line.”

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

“While diet should be your main way of creating a calorie deficit, adding additional exercises could help you to lose belly fat by keeping your metabolism high, even as you’re losing weight from dieting. That said, not all exercises are created equal. While things like running, rowing, cycling, or even HIIT workouts tend to burn calories very quickly, the truth is, the overwhelming majority of people can’t actually stick with traditional cardio long enough for fat loss to reach stubborn areas. And it’s not that these methods don’t work if you stick to it, because they do. The problem is simply that they’re brutal. They require a lot of willpower.”

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

“Now don’t get me wrong, these forms of cardio definitely do have their place and some people have no problem sticking to them. In fact, I still do these intense sessions once or twice a week for conditioning. But I no longer rely on them as my main form of cardio to lose fat and nor should most people. Because if you want to lose your stubborn belly fat, and more importantly keep it off once it’s gone, then you need something you can stick to for life. What’s the solution?”

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

“The best exercise to lose belly fat is walking. It’s the easiest to maintain, lowest stress, lowest fatigue, and most versatile form of cardio. According to research, intense forms of cardio like HIIT or running, while time efficient, didn’t provide any superior fat loss effect when compared to longer yet less intense forms of cardio such as walking. Which makes sense. It’s simply a numbers game. Your body doesn’t care whether the calories you burned were from some crazy intense fasted cardio session or from plain old walking. What matters most is what you can do consistently over time. And if you crunch the numbers, you’ll actually find that the calories burned from simply walking can very quickly add up to a meaningful amount.”

The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

“So now that I’ve hopefully convinced you of the power of walking, let’s dive into the specifics of how to lose belly fat from walking. The first step is to determine an average of how many steps you’re currently taking. You can use the health app on your iPhone or use Google Fit if you’re on Android. After a week, see what your daily average comes up to. Some of you however might be surprised with how few steps you’re taking, but this is a good thing, as it means you have a big opportunity to bump that up.”

“Set a realistic goal and first aim to do an extra 2,000 steps a day. Given that the average individual takes about 1,200 steps during 10 minutes of walking, all you have to do is throw in two 10 minutes walks into your day to accomplish that. Once you’re consistent with that, try bumping it up by another 2,000 steps, and continue doing this with the goal of consistently getting at least 8,000 steps or even up to 15,000 steps, which seems to be the range that provides the greatest fat loss and health benefits.”

“Trust me, the little things add up. Apply these tips and you’ll be surprised with just how much they increase your step count and even more surprised by how much of a difference it makes towards your fat loss overtime. That said guys, I want to emphasize that walking or any form of cardio is only effective for fat loss if it’s used in combination with a diet. So use your diet as the primary way to create a calorie deficit and supplement it with walking to help speed up the process.”

Video – The Number 1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

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6 Superstar Advantages of the Reverse Crunch when Building a Six Pack and Powerful Core Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Learn about the benefits of the reverse crunch so that you can discover why you need this movement in your life and training.

The reverse crunch is a simple exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. It can be done at home or in the gym, and it requires no equipment.

Benefits of the Reverse CrunchSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

The reverse crunch works your abs from all sides to help improve balance and coordination. This is one of those exercises that doesn’t take up much time, but has major benefits for your body—especially if you’re trying to lose weight or tone up!

1. This Exercise Targets the Abdominal Muscles

The reverse crunch is a good exercise for beginning abdominal exercises because it targets the lower part of your abs. This means that you can use this exercise to improve your core strength before moving onto more advanced exercises like the plank or mountain climber.

The reverse crunch is also easy to do at home with no equipment required and it strengthens multiple muscle groups in the body, including your glutes and back muscles.

The reason why the reverse crunch works so well when compared to other abdominal exercises is because it helps train both sides of your body equally, thereby reducing asymmetry between left and right-side muscles (which can lead to injury).

2. Can be Done at Home or in the Gym

The reverse crunch can be done at home or in the gym. It can be performed with a partner, but it can also be done without one.

You can use weights to increase the challenge, or you may not need any additional resistance at all if your strength is solid.

This exercise can also be performed using either a medicine ball or a stability ball, depending on what type of surface you have available in your home or gym.

3. Improves Balance and Coordination

The reverse crunch is a great exercise for improving balance and coordination, because it requires you to maintain your balance while moving your legs up and down.

You can do this exercise on the floor or with a medicine ball. To make it more challenging, you can raise one leg or both legs as you perform the movement.

4. No Equipment is Needed

The Reverse Crunch is a great exercise because it can be done at home or in the gym, with or without a partner.

You don’t need any equipment at all.

home core workoutsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

5. It’s an Easy Workout to Add to your Routine

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, it’s easy to do a reverse crunch. It can be done at home or in the gym, and it’s suitable for people of all fitness levels.

The best part about this exercise is that it doesn’t take long to complete—so if you’re short on time, this is a great routine to add into your weekly plan!

6. You can Target your Abdominal Muscles

The reverse crunch is a great exercise that targets your abdominal muscles.

It forces you to stay tight and provides plenty of time under tension as well. This is great news for abs muscle growth.

Muscles of the Core and Abs

Having a strong core is one of the most important things for anyone who wants to be fit and healthy.

A strong core will help you with everything from daily tasks like lifting heavy objects or playing competitive sports.

It can also help you prevent injuries by increasing your body’s stability and balance while reducing stress on your lower back and hips when moving.

Benefits of the Reverse Crunch – Rectus Abdominis

The rectus abdominis is the most superficial of the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is a long, flat muscle that runs vertically on each side of the body, extending from the sternum to the pubic bone.

The rectus abdominis is covered by a sheath of connective tissue called fascia and it splits into two layers as it goes toward its insertion at each hip bone (iliac crest). The upper layer has fibres running in parallel with each other; this part isn’t visible because it lies deep within your abdominal area instead of on top like its counterpart (see below).

Benefits of the Reverse Crunch – Transverse Abdominis

The transverse abdominal muscles are located deep to the rectus abdominis. They act as a corset, compressing the abdomen and helping prevent it from bulging out beyond its normal contour. These muscles are important for stabilizing the spine and pelvis during movement, especially when you’re lifting heavy weights or doing exercises such as sit-ups.

Benefits of the Reverse Crunch – External Obliques

  • External obliques are muscles that run along the sides of your torso.
  • They help to rotate and flex the spine, bend the torso sideways, twist it, and flex it laterally.

Benefits of the Reverse Crunch – Internal Obliques

The internal obliques are located on the side of your body, and they help rotate your trunk. They also flex your torso forward and laterally flex it to the opposite side.

In addition to these movements, the internal obliques also assist in extending your spine backward.

Your Core and Abs are Important for every Single Movement you make with your Body

Your core and abs are important for every single movement you make with your body. They help with posture, balance, stability, power, and many other functions.

The core muscles are the muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body. The abdominal muscles contribute to this group of muscles as well as other back muscles such as the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae.

Conclusion – Benefits of the Reverse Crunch

We hope that you’ve enjoyed learning more about the reverse crunch exercise. It’s a great way to target your abdominal muscles and improve your balance and coordination.

I hope this information has been helpful to you and that it will encourage you to work on strengthening your core and abs.

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

The ONLY Exercises You Need to Look Jacked Fri, 02 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Jeff from Athlean X explains the only exercises you need to look jacked.

The Only Exercises You Need to Look Jacked

“If you want to build muscle and look jacked, even in clothes, then you are going to want to watch this video. Here we are breaking down the 6 muscle groups that a recent poll said get the most attention when developed. There are no real surprises in terms of the muscles you want to build bigger but how you do that may be up for some debate. To settle this, we bring in resident hardgainer Jesse to tell us his picks for the only exercises you need to look jacked.”

“Jesse is not only looking jacked these days in whatever he wears, but he actually is building an impressive physique.”

“The muscles that you are going to want to focus on to make an immediate impression are the following:”

1. Traps

2. Shoulders

3. Chest

4. Arms

5. Midsection / Abs

6. Glutes

“How to grow bigger muscles in all of these areas is the secret however. Here is how you can get it done with only 3 exercises per muscle group.”

“When we want to build muscle in the traps we have to start with a deadlift. There is nothing more demanding on the entire back, especially isometrically on the traps, than this compound movement. Jesse has worked his way up to an impressive total on this lift and it has paid big dividends in the thickness of his upper back and traps along the way.”

james newbury knows how to build muscle mass on a vegan diet The ONLY Exercises You Need to Look JackedSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

“Next you want to include some power shrugs for a more explosive exercise and a dynamic option for building bigger traps and a thicker neck.”

“Finally, you want to be sure you try out the trap pulldown. This can be done either on a lat pulldown machine or at home with a heavy band anchored over the top of a pullup bar.”

The Only Exercises You Need to Look Jacked

“Next we move to the shoulders. If you want to get bigger shoulders you want to start your workout with a heavy overhead press. Here again, Jesse has worked up to an impressive total, especially given his bodyweight of just 150 pounds. The side lateral raises will work to round out his side delts and the face pulls will do an amazing job of building up the thickness of the rear delts.”

“When it comes to building a bigger chest you have to start with the bench press. Not because it’s the best at hitting the chest through every angle it’s capable of moving but rather because it can be loaded with the heaviest weight which will provide the overload needed to make it pop even in shirts. Either dumbbell or barbell bench press is great here.”

“The low to high crossover is the perfect compliment to the bench press because it allows you to get the adduction needed to take the chest through its full contraction. The dips on the other hand are great for building up the lower pecs and can be weighted for additional overload.”

“When it comes to looking good in any outfit, you want to be sure that your arms are developed and you are filling your shirt sleeves. Here we give you two biceps exercises and one triceps exercise but it could easily be the other way around. The selections are the alternating dumbbell curl for the biceps, which gives you a chance to focus in on one arm at a time for more concentrated development. The waiter’s curl is amazing at building up the biceps peaks. The lying triceps extension is the go to exercise for building bigger triceps by building up the long head of the muscle.”

“The midsection or waistline is always best trimmed by making sure you follow a proper nutrition program, but when it comes to developing the abs you need to make smart exercise selections here as well. The power-up is an explosive option for building up the upper abs. The hanging leg raise not only hits the lower abs but the grip and forearm strength needed to perform it will benefit you in short sleeves. Finally, the gymnast ab tuck twist is awesome at hitting the obliques for a more tapered looking waistline.”

“Finally, to hit the glutes and look good from any angle you want to be sure that you are doing squats. Add onto that the barbell hip thrust and a glute ham raise and you will be creating a rounded out backside that is both easy to look at and even more importantly, functional and powerful when needed to perform.”

“If you are looking to look better in everything you wear, and even when you’re not wearing anything, you have to still train with intention.”

Video – The Only Exercises You Need to Look Jacked

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Add the Pallof Press and Cable Crunch into your training.


The Science Behind Light vs Heavy Weights for Muscle Growth – Which is Better? Fri, 02 Feb 2024 01:00:00 +0000 When it comes to hypertrophy, which of these methods is better for you?

Jeremy Ethier takes a science backed approach to finding the answer in his interesting video below.

What are the Benefits of Having More Muscle Mass?

Having more muscle mass can provide numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits:

Increased strength: Muscle mass is directly related to strength, and having more muscle mass can lead to increased strength and power.

Improved metabolism: Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so having more muscle mass can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day.

Better insulin sensitivity: Having more muscle mass can improve your body’s ability to utilize insulin, which can help to prevent insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Reduced risk of injury: Having strong muscles can help to support and protect your joints and bones, reducing the risk of injury during physical activity.

Improved balance and stability: Strengthening your muscles can improve your balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls and improving your overall mobility.

Increased bone density: Resistance training has been shown to increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Improved mental health: Exercise, including resistance training to build muscle, has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Overall, building muscle mass can provide numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, and can lead to improved quality of life.

What is Lifting to Failure in Weightlifting?

Lifting to failure in weightlifting refers to performing an exercise or lift until the point where the lifter can no longer complete a repetition with proper form and technique. It is often used as a technique to push the muscles to their limit and achieve muscle growth and strength gains.

When lifting to failure, the lifter will typically perform repetitions of an exercise until they are unable to perform any more with proper form and technique. This may involve using a lighter weight or reducing the number of repetitions as the muscles fatigue, in order to maintain proper form and technique.

Lifting to failure can be an effective way to challenge the muscles and stimulate muscle growth and strength gains, but it should be done with caution. It can be very demanding on the body, and if not performed properly, it can increase the risk of injury. It is important to gradually increase the weight used and to always use proper form and technique to minimize the risk of injury.

It is also important to note that lifting to failure should not be the only method used in weightlifting, as it can lead to overtraining and burnout if done excessively. It should be combined with other training techniques such as progressive overload and varying rep ranges to achieve optimal muscle growth and strength gains.

Jeremy Ethier is a fitness expert, certified personal trainer, and the founder of Built with Science, a fitness and nutrition coaching platform. He is also a popular YouTube personality who creates science-based workout and nutrition videos to help people achieve their fitness goals.


What is Hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy is a term used in biology to describe an increase in the size or volume of cells, tissues, or organs due to an increase in the size of their constituent cells. In the context of exercise and fitness, hypertrophy refers specifically to the increase in size and mass of skeletal muscle tissue that occurs as a result of resistance training.

Get the perfect chest in 20 minutes

Best way to lose fat faster with only 1 exercise

6 exercises to grow chest muscle at home

Resistance training, which involves lifting weights or performing other exercises that challenge the muscles, causes microscopic damage to muscle fibres. This damage triggers a series of cellular processes that ultimately lead to an increase in the size and number of myofibrils (the contractile units of muscle fibres) within the muscle cells. Over time, this increase in myofibrils leads to an increase in the size and mass of the muscle as a whole, resulting in hypertrophy.

There are two main types of hypertrophy: myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Myofibrillar hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size and number of myofibrils within muscle fibres, resulting in an increase in muscle strength and power. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, on the other hand, refers to an increase in the volume of the fluid-filled sarcoplasm within muscle fibres, resulting in an increase in muscle size and endurance.

Source: Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Hypertrophy is a key goal for many individuals who engage in resistance training, as it can lead to improvements in muscle strength, power, and appearance. However, achieving hypertrophy requires a combination of proper nutrition, progressive overload, and adequate recovery time to allow for muscle growth and repair.

Why is Protein Important for Muscle Growth?

Protein is important for muscle growth for several reasons:

  • Protein provides the building blocks for muscle tissue: Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. When you consume protein, your body breaks it down into individual amino acids and uses them to build and repair muscle tissue.
  • Protein is necessary for muscle protein synthesis: Muscle protein synthesis is the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue. Protein is necessary for this process to occur, as it provides the amino acids that are needed to build new muscle tissue.
  • Protein supports recovery after exercise: Resistance training, which is the type of exercise that is most effective for building muscle, causes small amounts of muscle damage. Consuming protein after exercise can help to support muscle recovery and repair, allowing for optimal muscle growth.
  • Protein supports a positive nitrogen balance: Nitrogen is an essential component of amino acids, and a positive nitrogen balance is necessary for muscle growth. Consuming adequate amounts of protein can help to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which is necessary for muscle growth to occur.

Consuming adequate amounts of protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery. It provides the building blocks and amino acids necessary for muscle tissue repair and growth, and supports the process of muscle protein synthesis. For individuals who engage in resistance training, consuming protein in the right amounts and at the right times can help to maximize muscle growth and recovery.

Why is Good Quality Sleep Important for Muscle Growth?

Good quality sleep is important for muscle growth for several reasons:

Muscle recovery: During sleep, the body goes into a state of rest and repair, which is critical for muscle recovery. Growth hormone, which plays a key role in muscle growth, is released during deep sleep. Additionally, sleep is when the body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue that has been damaged during exercise.

Hormone regulation: Sleep is important for regulating the hormones that play a role in muscle growth, including testosterone and cortisol. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that supports muscle growth, while cortisol is a catabolic hormone that can break down muscle tissue. Sleep deprivation has been shown to decrease testosterone levels and increase cortisol levels, which can negatively impact muscle growth.

Energy restoration: Sleep is important for restoring energy levels, which is critical for muscle growth. During sleep, the body replenishes glycogen stores, which are the primary source of energy for high-intensity exercise. Without adequate glycogen stores, the body may not have the energy necessary to perform at optimal levels during exercise.

Inflammation reduction: Inflammation can impair muscle recovery and growth. Good quality sleep has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to support muscle recovery and growth.

Good quality sleep is essential for muscle growth and recovery. It supports muscle recovery, regulates hormones, restores energy levels, and reduces inflammation, all of which are critical for optimal muscle growth. For individuals who engage in regular exercise, prioritizing good quality sleep can help to maximize muscle growth and overall physical performance.

Learn More

6 Best Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises

11 Best Home Six Pack Abs Exercises with no Equipment (For Everyone)

Look Great and Move Well – 5 Best Home Glute Exercises with a Resistance Band

How to Lose Belly fat without Effort

Push Up Variations to Build Muscle at Home

5 steps to bigger arms in 30 days

How to get a six pack at home in 22 days

Number 1 Exercise for Fat Loss

Secrets to make your butt grow

How to Force Muscle Growth – The Best 5 Types of Progressive Overload Thu, 01 Feb 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Learn how to force muscle growth and enhance your gains with these helpful tips from Jeremy Ethier.

How to Force Muscle Growth and Enhance your Gains

“When it comes to how to grow muscle, you need to continuously challenge them with more than they’re used to. In other words: you need progressive overload. As simple as this sounds, most people’s training doesn’t accomplish progressive overload.”

Muscle and Strength Types of Progressive Overload

“Sure, they’ll get a good pump and sweat out of their workouts but they aren’t actually doing much to signal their muscles to grow overtime. To understand the importance of progressive overload for hypertrophy, you should first know how muscles grow.”

5 Types of Progressive Overload

“So, let’s say we just finished a workout. Immediately after, our muscles don’t actually get stronger. In fact, it’s not until after a few days of proper recovery that they adapt to the damage we put them through. Meaning? For consistent gains overtime, your workouts need to be designed such that they literally force your muscles to grow every single session. So, today, we’ll cover the 5 types of progressive overload you must know.”

Types of Progressive Overload – Adding More Weight

“Increasing the amount of weight lifted is the progressive overload method most people rely on. To apply it, it’s quite straightforward. Let’s say you can currently bench press 100lbs for 8 reps. Next week, you might try to increase the load and do 110lbs for 8 reps. That said, if you take our previous example of bench pressing 100lbs in week 1 and adding 10lbs of weight every week, at the end of the year theoretically you should be benching 620lbs. That’s impossible. This is where our next point comes in handy.”

Types of Progressive Overload – Adding More Reps

“When applied properly, adding more reps is another great way to incorporate progressive overload into your training to force your muscles to grow. As long as you’re continuing to push hard, you can keep the same weight and increase all the way up to 30 reps and still get the same growth compared to adding more weight. This is helpful if you only have limited equipment or a nagging injury and can’t increase the weight on your lifts.”

how to perform reps for more muscle growth Drop Sets vs Normal Sets for Muscle GrowthSource: Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

“However, for those who do have access to more weights, consider double progression. However, again this often only works for so long. What happens when you get stuck unable to add more weight or do more reps?”

Types of Progressive Overload – Alter the Sets

“The next method of progressive overload to stimulate hypertrophy has to do with how many sets you perform. However, while we know doing at least 10 sets per muscle-group per week nearly doubles the number of gains you would get from doing 5 sets per muscle group per week, there comes a point of diminishing returns when you get into the 20-30 set zone. A good rule of thumb is to increase volume no more than 10-20% per week. Then, once you get to the 20-30 set zone or just begin to feel quite fatigued, you can cycle back to the original program you started with.”

Types of Progressive Overload – Slow Down the Reps

“The next two types of progressive overload are ways you can continue forcing your muscles to grow while lifting the same weight and doing the same number of reps and sets every week. First: if we slow down our reps, we can increase the amount of time that tension is placed on the muscle to stimulate more growth.”

“This is especially effective for exercises involving smaller, weaker muscle groups like lateral raises where adding just a little bit of weight disproportionately often increases the difficulty, or bodyweight exercises like push-ups and pull-ups where adding weight may not even be an option. However, you want to avoid going too slow as that can provide the opposite effect and start to hinder muscle growth rather than boost it. Note: it seems that we can slow down our reps up to about 6 seconds total.”

Types of Progressive Overload – Optimise your Form

“Oftentimes when people think they are challenging their muscles more by adding more weight to their lifts, they really just end up compromising their form in the process. Instead, realize that when it comes to how to grow muscle, if you do the same workout you did the week before, but you performed your exercises with better control, less momentum, and more activation of your target muscles, that is progression. Better form involves relying more on the target muscles and will result in growth even if all other variables remain the same.”

Now as for which of these 5 methods is best and will provide the most growth, the truth is, it depends. It depends on your level of experience, your equipment availability, and if there’s a certain type of plateau you’re stuck in.

Video – Types of Progressive Overload

Learn More – Types of Progressive Overload

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

Muscles of the upper body

The muscles of the upper body are made up of the trapezius, rhomboid major, serratus anterior, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, supraspinatus, teres minor and infraspinatus. The triceps brachii is also a muscle of the upper body.

The list above is not all inclusive but gives an overview of most of the major upper body muscles.

Types of Progressive Overload – Trapezius

The trapezius muscle is located at the back of the neck, running horizontally along your spine. The upper fibers (trapezius superior) originate near the base of your skull and extend over to connect with your shoulder blade. The lower fibers (trapezius inferior) are connected directly to each side of your spine, running down to approximately mid-back.

The trapezius muscle primarily serves as an antagonist for the scapular muscles, helping to raise the shoulders and stabilize them in place when you’re doing other exercises that require a lot of upper body movement. It also controls head movement and acts as a stabilizer during any type of lifting motion involving weights or resistance bands attached at different points along your arms or torso.

Types of Progressive Overload – Rhomboid major

You have rhomboid major muscles on both sides of your spine. These muscles connect to your vertebrae and help keep them in place by pulling the shoulder blades toward each other. When you lift something heavy and then turn around, you can feel the rhomboid major muscles working as they pull on your shoulder blades to stabilize them so they don’t become dislocated.

These muscles are also responsible for rotating your shoulder blades inward and upward when you raise or lower an arm overhead. This is why it’s important not only that athletes strengthen these muscles but also keep them flexible so they can move easily in all directions without pain or discomfort.

Serratus anterior

The serratus anterior is a muscle of the upper back. It originates from the upper eight ribs and inserts on the medial border of the scapula.

The serratus anterior acts to protract and upwardly rotate the scapula (draw it toward your head).

Pectoralis major

You may have heard of the pectoralis major, or ‘pecs’. This is a muscle that is responsible for moving your arms, usually when you lift them. It’s also used to flex your arm upwards at the elbow joint, so it can be a useful tool when working out in the gym!

The pec major attaches on both sides of your upper ribs and sternum (breastbone). When these muscles contract they pull on these body parts and move them in an upward direction. The clavicular portion moves up towards your shoulders while its sternal portion pulls down towards your breastbone.

Latissimus dorsi

The lats are the largest muscles of the back, and they extend from the lower thoracic vertebrae to the iliac crest. They are powerful extensors of the arm and stabilizers of the shoulder joint. Their action also helps in rotation and adduction of your arms.

The lats work with other muscles to draw your upper arm down toward your abdomen or up by pressing it out away from your body when doing push-ups.


The deltoid is located on the upper arm, and it helps to lift, rotate, and stabilize the shoulder joint. It also assists in flexing the arm at the elbow joint.

The deltoid can be exercised by rotating or lifting heavy weights such as dumbbells or barbells.


  • Supraspinatus is a small muscle. It’s located in the shoulder, and it works with supraspinatus tendonitis to lift the arm out to the side.
  • A rotator cuff tear can result from an injury such as falling onto an outstretched hand, or it may occur gradually over time due to wear and tear on the joint

Teres minor

The teres minor is a small muscle in the upper back that lies between the latissimus dorsi and the posterior deltoid. It also helps to rotate and raise your arm toward your head, such as when you lift it to scratch your ear or push up a messy ponytail.


The infraspinatus muscle originates from the infraspinous fossa of the scapula and inserts into the greater tuberosity.

As a part of the rotator cuff muscles, it is a primary stabilizer for the glenohumeral joint during abduction and external rotation.

In addition to serving this function, it can also assist in flexion, extension and lateral rotation of the arm at any joint above or below its insertion point on the greater tuberosity (shoulder blade).


The subscapularis is a muscle in the rotator cuff which is located on the back of the shoulder. It works with other muscles to abduct (move away from your body) and externally rotate your arm at its shoulder joint.

The subscapularis is one of four muscles that make up the rotator cuff, a group of smaller muscles that surround and stabilize your shoulders.

Triceps brachii (long head)

  • Location: The triceps brachii is located in the upper arm. It originates from the lateral humerus (outer bone of your upper arm) and inserts into the olecranon process of your ulna (outer bone of your forearm).
  • Actions: The long head of triceps extends, adducts and medially rotates your arm. It also works in conjunction with other muscles to flex your elbow joint.
  • Working with other muscles: Your long head of triceps works together with your lateral and medial heads as part of a larger muscle group called “triceps.”
  • Working against other muscles: Your long head opposes movements of the biceps brachii muscle group that draw your arm towards its midline or flex it at its elbow joint.

Triceps brachii (lateral head)

The lateral head is the largest of the three heads of the triceps muscle and originates from both sides of the humerus, or upper arm bone. It also attaches to part of the infraglenoid tubercle, which is an area on your scapula (shoulder blade). The lateral head is a powerful extensor (straightener) of your forearm.

Triceps brachii (medial head)

Triceps brachii, or triceps for short, is a three-headed muscle located at the back of your upper arm. It has an anatomical origin that’s unique among muscles: two heads originate from the scapula (shoulder blade), and one head originates from the humerus (upper arm bone).


We hope you enjoyed learning about the muscles of the upper body.

Use your new knowledge of anatomy and 5 types of progressive overload to force muscle growth and enhance your gains.

The Only 3 Six Pack Core Exercises You Need to Look Great Thu, 01 Feb 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Try adding these 3 six pack core exercises into your training.

They have been selected to offer you something new and exciting that will keep your body guessing and your body improving.

Get the perfect chest in 20 minutes

Best way to lose fat faster with only 1 exercise

6 exercises to grow chest muscle at home

What are the Muscles of the Core?

The muscles of the core are a group of muscles that are responsible for stabilizing and supporting the trunk and pelvis. These muscles are essential for maintaining good posture, balance, and stability during movement.

lauren fisher noah ohlsen crossfitt six pack abs

The primary muscles of the core include:

  • Rectus Abdominis – This muscle is located in the front of the abdomen and is commonly referred to as the “six-pack” muscle.
  • Transverse Abdominis – This muscle is located deep within the abdomen and is responsible for compressing the abdominal contents.
  • Internal and External Obliques – These muscles are located on the sides of the abdomen and are responsible for rotation and lateral flexion of the trunk.
  • Multifidus – This muscle is located along the spine and is responsible for stabilizing the spine during movement.
  • Erector Spinae – This muscle group runs along the spine and is responsible for extending the spine.
  • Diaphragm – This muscle separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and is responsible for breathing.
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles – These muscles support the pelvic organs and are responsible for controlling bladder and bowel function.

Together, these muscles work to provide stability and support to the trunk and pelvis, allowing for efficient movement and proper posture.

Why is a Strong Core Important?

A strong core is important for several reasons, including:

Improved Posture: A strong core helps to maintain proper alignment of the spine, which can help to improve overall posture and reduce the risk of developing back pain or injuries.

Enhanced Balance and Stability: A strong core provides a stable base for movement, which can help to improve balance and stability during activities such as walking, running, or sports.

Increased Athletic Performance: A strong core can help athletes generate more power and force through their movements, which can lead to improved performance in their sport.

Reduced Risk of Injury: A strong core can help to prevent injuries by providing stability and support to the spine and pelvis during physical activity.

Improved Functional Movement: A strong core helps to improve the body’s ability to perform everyday activities such as bending, twisting, and lifting.

Better Breathing: The diaphragm, which is a muscle of the core, plays a key role in breathing. A strong core can improve the efficiency of the diaphragm and lead to better breathing.

A strong core is essential for maintaining good posture, balance, and stability during movement, as well as reducing the risk of injury and improving athletic performance.

Strength Side is a YouTube channel that provides content on various topics related to fitness, health, and nutrition, including exercise demonstrations, workout programs, nutrition advice, and wellness tips.


Are Bodyweight Core Exercises Effective?

Yes, bodyweight core exercises can be very effective in developing core strength and stability. In fact, many bodyweight exercises specifically target the muscles of the core and can provide a challenging workout without the need for any equipment.

What happens when you do 100 squats a day for 30 days in a row?

Some examples of effective bodyweight core exercises include:

  • Plank variations: Planks are a great way to target the entire core, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.
  • Mountain climbers: This exercise targets the abs, hip flexors, and shoulders while also providing a cardiovascular workout.
  • Bicycle crunches: This exercise targets the obliques and rectus abdominis, and also provides a good stretch to the lower back.
  • Leg raises: This exercise targets the lower abs and hip flexors.
  • Russian twists: This exercise targets the obliques and rectus abdominis, and also improves rotational stability.

It’s important to note that while bodyweight exercises can be very effective, they should be performed with proper form and technique to avoid injury. Additionally, progressive overload (gradually increasing the difficulty of the exercises) is important to continue seeing results over time.

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Do You Need a Low Body Fat Percentage for a Six Pack to Show?

To some extent, yes, you do need a low body fat percentage for a six-pack to show. The rectus abdominis, which is the muscle group responsible for the appearance of the six-pack, is located beneath a layer of subcutaneous fat. If you have too much body fat, it will obscure the definition of your abs and prevent them from being visible.

While the exact body fat percentage required for a six-pack to show can vary depending on individual genetics, it is generally accepted that a body fat percentage of around 10-15% is necessary for visible abs in men, and 15-20% for visible abs in women.

It’s important to note that achieving a low body fat percentage requires a combination of proper nutrition and exercise. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, combined with regular exercise, can help to reduce body fat and improve overall body composition.

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit is a state in which the body is burning more calories than it is taking in through food and drink. When you are in a calorie deficit, your body is forced to use stored energy (in the form of fat or muscle tissue) to make up for the energy deficit.

To achieve a calorie deficit, you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. This can be done through a combination of diet and exercise.

For example, if your body needs 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight, and you consume only 1500 calories per day, you are in a calorie deficit of 500 calories. Over time, this deficit can lead to weight loss.

It’s important to note that while a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss, it should be done in a gradual and sustainable manner to ensure that you are losing primarily body fat, rather than muscle mass. A deficit of around 500-1000 calories per day is generally recommended for safe and sustainable weight loss. You must make sure that you are still consuming enough nutrients to support your overall health and well-being.

What are Calories?

Calories are a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of energy contained in food and drink. More specifically, a calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.

In nutrition, calories are used to describe the amount of energy that the body can obtain from food and drink. When we eat and drink, our bodies break down the macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into their component molecules, which can then be used as fuel by the body’s cells.

The number of calories in a food or drink depends on the macronutrient content, as each macronutrient provides a different amount of energy per gram. Carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories per gram, while fats provide 9 calories per gram. Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram.

The number of calories that a person needs per day depends on a variety of factors, including age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. Consuming more calories than the body needs can lead to weight gain, while consuming fewer calories than the body needs can lead to weight loss.

Learn More

5 steps to bigger arms in 30 days

How to get a six pack at home in 22 days

Isometric Core Exercises

6 Best Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises

11 Best Home Six Pack Abs Exercises with no Equipment (For Everyone)

Look Great and Move Well – 5 Best Home Glute Exercises with a Resistance Band

How to Lose Belly fat without Effort

Push Up Variations to Build Muscle at Home

Best Exercises for an Attractive Lower Chest

How to Build Chest Muscle Mass for Your Lower Pecs Thu, 01 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Learn how to build chest muscle mass for your lower pecs with these great tips from Jeff at Athlean X.

“The lower chest line is something that many guys struggle to develop.  In this video, I’m going to show you how to get defined lower pecs by hitting the bottom most portion of your pec muscles with the right exercise selection.  In fact, I’m breaking out 8 exercises that will help you to hit your lower chest more effectively than ever before.”

“I start by showing you the classic decline bench press and explain why this exercise is a little better at developing your lower pecs than the flat or incline variation.  It all has to do with the position of your arms in relation to your torso when doing the movement.  You will see that when you sit up after finishing a set of decline bench press that your arms are not angled perpendicular to your body but downward.”

How to Build Chest Muscle Mass for Your Lower Pecs

“The anatomy of the chest explains why this is the preferred angle for attacking the bottom of your chest.  The pectoralis major is broken up into two main sections (the clavicular or upper and the sternal or lower).  In the sternal area of your chest however you have an additional head of the pecs called the abdominal head.  This is the lowermost portion of the pecs and angle from bottom to top heading towards your humerus.”

Chest-muscles-james-newbury Best Way to train the Chest for Hypertrophy-Incline Bench Press Build More Muscle Mass for the Lower Chest How to Get a Better Chest in 22 Days Exercises for Fuller Upper Pecs How to Build Chest Muscle Mass for Your Lower PecsSource: CrossFit Games / Depositphotos

“If you follow the fibres and train in the same plane as these lower chest fibres then you will more effectively allow them to be activated and recruited during your chest exercises.  Knowing this, we can select chest movements that are better able to hit this lower chest than what you might currently be doing.  If your chest workouts consist of simply dips or decline bench press to hit your lower pecs or worse, you avoid these exercises all together, then you are going to benefit from trying some of these out.”

“First, we revisit the classic dip exercise (which is again a great way to hit the lower chest) and make it even better by including a plus push at the end of every rep.  This extra scapular protraction allows you to hit the serratus anterior muscle as well, which ties in perfectly with the function of the chest and helps to stablize your shoulder during the exercise as well.”

How to Build Chest Muscle Mass for Your Lower Pecs

“Next, we can do a straight bar dip to hit the bottom pecs.  Because you have to angle your entire body more forward during this exercise to keep yourself balanced over the bar, you automatically wind up placing your arms in the proper position to effectively target the lower chest more.  The additional internal rotation of the arms during the exercise helps to get a better contraction on the chest at the top of every rep.”

“From here, you can get more adduction into the exercises you are doing for your lower chest by performing either the D2 flexion pattern with a band or the kneeling x crossovers.  Both of these allow you to train with either one arm at a time or both and help you to build a better mind muscle connection with the working muscles.  This carries over to help you get better muscle development and a defined lower chest in the long run.”

“There are many other exercises that I show for getting a sculpted lower chest including some home options that don’t require any equipment at all.  The bottom line is, if you want to work the bottom of your chest and want to get rid of flat or saggy pecs then you have to start selecting the right exercises for this area.  Here I have shown you 8 exercises but you don’t have to do them all.  Pick a couple and add them to your chest training and you will see a difference in no time.”

Video – How to Build Chest Muscle Mass for Your Lower Pecs

Learn More

Add these Standing Ab Exercises and Z Press into your training.


STOP BENCH PRESSING! 3 Chest Exercises Even Better For Chest Gains Thu, 01 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 How much do you bench? That question is posed in many gym conversations, but maybe you should take a look at other exercises? Well, check out these 3 chest exercises even better for chest gains than bench pressing.

We know the holy grail of chest exercise is the bench press. Hell, we even wrote an article claiming it was the best exercise for chest. Then why would you continue reading this? Because you need to add variation to your training to see better gains.

And this is when Troy Adashun comes to play. He is the co-founder of the fitness lifestyle company Alpha Lion and has created a gigantic YouTube following with his gym tips and workouts. He decided to tell people to stop bench pressing and check out 3 chest exercises even better for chest gains.

Chest Exercises Even Better for Chest Gains

For Adashun, chest growth comes from peak activation when choosing the right exercise. He particularly doesn’t do much bench press, sometimes the incline barbell, sometimes the flat with dumbbells. So what does he do? These are the 3 chest exercises even better for chest gains in his opinion.

These exercises will use a cable machine.

1. Komodo Chest Flyes

Using a cable machine, go from a slightly high to low trajectory and to make use of peak activation you want to cross your hands in front of your body and squeeze your chest muscles for a full second at the end of the movement.

Perform 3 sets of 30 seconds time under tension and the 4th set increase the weight and perform 8-10 reps with perfect form.

This exercise should target your inner chest and lower chest.

2. Low Flyes

This exercise mimics the dips and will target your lower chest tremendously.

It is very similar to the previous exercise, but you should aim to “punch down” towards the floor instead of inclined to the floor as you did in the Komodo chest flyes.

Do the same trick of squeezing your muscles at the top of the movement and keeping it under tension for a second. Apply the same sets and reps technique from before with 3 sets of 30 and one set of 8-10 reps with heavier load.

3. Wolverine Low Cable Fly

Chest Exercises Even Better for Chest GainsSource: Pixabay

The last in this list of chest exercises even better for chest gains is one that will target your upper chest.

Again, use peak activation and cross your arms in front of your body. Also, the same idea of sets and reps with 3 sets of 30 and one set of 8-10 reps.

These exercises above are very similar to other cable crossovers that you’ve probably seen before, but with different names because Troy Adashun uses what he calls peak activation. To know exactly how to do these exercises, see the video below.

VIDEO – Chest Exercises Even Better for Chest Gains

Check out more content from BOXROX:

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly Thu, 01 Feb 2024 03:00:00 +0000 Check out the best way to lose 5 lbs of body fat quickly from Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean X.

“The best way to lose 5 pounds of body fat is a question that I get almost every day.  People want to know if burpees are the best exercise for getting the job done.  Others want to know if battle ropes or even jump rope are better at burning calories and burning fat.  While all of them are at the top of the list for the most calories burned on a minute per minute basis, they still are not the best way to lose five pounds of body fat the fastest.”

You Can’t Out Train a Bad Diet

“In this video, I show you how you can never out train a bad diet.  If you refuse to pay attention to the quality of your nutrition and the foods you put in your mouth you are never going to have the low levels of body fat that you desire long term.  Sure, anyone can follow a short term diet that allows them to lose fat for a few weeks however if you can’t keep it up then you will never be satisfied with your body fat levels over the course of the year.”

Athletes-Exercises-with-KBs-and-Barbells The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat QuicklySource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Exercise to Drop Fat

“Mistakenly, people look to exercises as the best way to drop body fat.  While you definitely need to train, achieving fat loss is and always will be better accomplished via the right nutrition plan.  This goes back to the comment about never being able to outtrain a bad diet.  You simply cannot make up enough calorie burn via exercise (even the most intense) to overcome bad food choices.  For instance, our very own Jesse is a big sugar fanatic and a worshiper of gummy bears.  Just 17 measly gummy bears has 150 calories.  Even if Jesse were to do 10 minutes straight of high effort high intensity burpees, he would only burn 120 calories and he would lose that battle with a net calorie gain of 30.”

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Pay Attention to What Matters

“Now Jesse, being a hardgainer, is not concerned at the moment with his body fat levels.  He was the only one wiling to do the burpees while I talked during the video being the good sport that he is.  If you are looking to burn 5 lbs of fat however, you need to be sure that you are paying attention to what really matters.  Your nutrition will always be at the top of the priority list for getting that job done.”

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Fitness Matters

Now, does that mean that conditioning exercises like burpees, jump rope, battle ropes and split squat jumps don’t have a place in your workout program if you need to lose fat?  Not at all.  In fact, with a good nutrition approach in place these exercises become even more effective since they complement the losses that you are already making because of your improved diet.  Not just that, each of these exercises helps to improve your stamina, work capacity, endurance, power endurance and your heart.

Video – The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

Learn More – Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

Muscles of the abs and core

You probably know that you have three sets of abdominal muscles: the rectus abdominis (a.k.a. “six-pack abs”), the obliques, and transverse abdominus (sometimes called “deep core”).

The deepest layer of ab muscles is called the transverse abdominus

The deepest layer of ab muscles is called the transverse abdominus. This sheet of muscle wraps around your abdomen like a girdle and helps you breathe, as well as supports your spine and keeps it stable.

The rectus abdominis, or six-pack abs, make up the most superficial layer of ab muscles

Your rectus abdominis, also known as six-pack abs, is the muscle that’s visible when you flex your stomach. It’s made up of two sections: the upper and lower rectus abdominis.

Your rectus abdominis is responsible for flexing your torso and moving it forward or backward. For example, when you stand up straight with a flat belly, this means that all three layers of muscles are engaged in the movement together—the most superficial layer (the six-pack) helps keep your posture upright while the deeper layers support it from below.

The obliques are the side muscles that pull your torso toward your hips.

The obliques are the side muscles that pull your torso toward your hips. They’re located on the sides of your body, and they’re responsible for side bends and twists, as well as rotating your torso.

One of the most important parts of your core is your lumbar spine

To strengthen and protect your lumbar spine, try performing exercises that target this region. Examples include planks, side planks and dead bugs.

The key is to keep proper alignment throughout each exercise so you don’t strain or injure yourself while working out.

Your core connects your upper body to your lower body.

Your core is the centre of your body, and it connects your upper body to your lower body. Your core muscles are a group of muscles that run from the base of your skull all the way down to the base of your spine.

Because this area makes up a large part of our bodies, it’s important for us to be able to keep our core strong in order to prevent injury or strain from occurring when we perform daily activities and exercise routines.

The best way you can strengthen your core is by performing exercises focused on strengthening these muscles and improving their endurance so they’re prepared for whatever comes next.

You have more than one set of ab muscles!

The transverse abdominus, rectus abdominis, and obliques are the three main muscles that make up your core.

These three muscles aid in spinal stabilization and movement of your body. The transverse abdominus is a deep muscle located under your rectus abdominis and obliques—it is responsible for flattening the abdominal wall during breathing.

The rectus abdominis is one of two superficial ab muscles that help flexion or bend forward at the waist; it also helps maintain posture when standing upright (think: “abs”!). Lastly, you’ve got your obliques—a deep muscle on either side of your spine that helps with lateral flexion as well as rotation about an axis through space (think: “twist”).

Conclusion – The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

We hope that by learning about the muscles in the abs and core, you’ll be able to plan your workouts more effectively.

You can also use this knowledge to help you identify imbalances and weaknesses that could lead to injury if left unchecked. A strong core will not only improve your athletic performance but also keep you healthy for years to come.

Use these tips to help shed body fat.

9 Worst Things to Do Before a Workout Wed, 31 Jan 2024 21:00:00 +0000 There are a number of ways to improve your workout, but some can also hinder your performance. Here are the 9 worst things to do before a workout.

You probably know the basics of muscle building by now – eat protein, rest enough, drink water, apply progressive overload – but maybe there are things you are doing right now that can also disrupt your fitness trajectory. That is what Max Posternak talked about recently.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

In a video, Posternak shared the 9 worst things to do before a workout. Check it out.

9 Worst Things to Do Before a Workout

1. Big Meal Too Close to Workout

Source: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

After eating, your body directs blood flow to your digestive organs and when you work out the body tries to send blood to the muscles you are working out. This puts digesting and exercise at competing odds.

This way, neither parts get the necessary blood flow for optimal digestion or performance. This can make you feel bloated and nauseous and even throw up. Regardless, you won’t be training at your best if you have a big meal too close to your workout. Aim to finish a meal 2-3 hours before you hit the weightlifting room.

2. Too Much Coffee or Pre-Workout

Caffeine is a common supplement to take before a workout, but having too much caffeine can lead to contractions in your colon and induce more bile production increasing bowel movements.

Besides having to go to the toilet between your sets, too much caffeine can lead to restlessness, insomnia, rapid or abnormal heartbeat, anxiety, heartburn and increased blood pressure.

3. Stretching

unusual stretches for better flexibilitySource: Elina Fairytale / Pexels
Static stretching is one of the worst things to do before a workout.

Not all stretching is bad before workouts, but most people do static stretching and that is something you should only do after working out.

Dynamic stretching on the other hand is best as you move through a full range of motion rather than just holding a position. Studies show that runners do not run as fast, athletes do not jump as high and weightlifters can’t lift as heavy after they engage in static stretching.

You don’t have to stretch at all before a workout, but if you do, choose the dynamic stretching.

4. Cardio Before Weightlifting

When it comes to building muscle, you should perform exercises in priority of your goals. Doing cardio will tax your body and if you plan on lifting weights after a cardio session, you likely won’t be able to lift as heavy as you could if you chose the barbell before the treadmill.

Know that a light walk for a few minutes to warm up your body won’t have a negative effect if done before your workout, but a heavier session of cardio will definitely hinder your performance.

5. Drinking Too Much Water

This is similar to having a big meal or too much caffeine. It is good to stay hydrated, but you shouldn’t drink too much water before or even during your workout.

Again, your blood flow will be directed to your stomach if you drink too much water and when you work out, the blood tends to go to the extremities of your body.

6. Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol will slow down your reaction time, coordination and balance. Not only does this make your workout less effective, but it will also make it more dangerous when you are in the gym.

Drinking alcohol is already bad for people trying to get fitter and this is why it is in this list of 9 worst things to do before a workout.

two bottles of beer cheersSource: Wil Stewart
Worst things to do before a workout – drinking alcohol.

7. Abs Workout Before Weight Training

Posternak says you should never train your core before a weight training workout. That is because your core is involved in almost any weightlifting exercise.

If you train your core before a workout, when it comes to other exercises, even those that are seated or laying down, will be negatively affected in their performance.

Leave your core and abs workouts for after your training session or simply reserve a day especially for this type of training.

8. Pain Reliever

Tylenol, advil, or just muscle relaxers. None of these are a good idea to take before a workout, regardless of how sore you are or how sore you think you’ll be. It can lead to gut problems or intestinal injuries.

If you feel so sore that you believe you should take a pain reliever to be able to work out, then it’s probably best you skip that training day and rest.

9. Long Nap

Lastly on Posternak’s list of 9 worst things to do before a workout is to take a long nap before hitting the weightlifting room. Short naps are ok, though – something between 20-30 minutes can actually make you feel more energised and refreshed.

Sleeping for longer than that can make you feel more lethargic and tired than before taking the nap.

Worst Things to Do Before a Workout

And that was the 9 worst things to do before a workout according to Max Posternak. Click on the video below to see a deeper explanation of each argument he presented.

VIDEO – 9 Worst Things to Do Before a Workout

Now that you’ve seen the worst things to do before a workout, continue improving your knowledge by clicking below.

7 Ways to Boost Metabolism and Burn Calories According to Science

Benefits of Cold Water for Recovery

How Much Protein is Too Much Protein?

5 Ways To Burn More Fat At The Gym

What To Eat Before, During and After a Workout

How to Make More Gains in Less Time

How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer

Does Training to Failure Matter For Muscle Growth?

How Strong Should I Be? A Guide for Noobs, Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite and Freak Lifters

What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day for 30 Days? Wed, 31 Jan 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Walking 10,000 steps is an excellent way to get fit and healthy. Here is why you should try this challenge.

Why is Walking so Healthy for the Body?

Walking is considered one of the most accessible and beneficial forms of physical activity for the body. Here are some reasons why walking is so healthy for the body:

Strengthens the muscles: Walking uses many different muscles in the body, including those in the legs, buttocks, back, and abdomen. This regular activity helps to strengthen and tone these muscles, which can lead to improved posture and balance.

Promotes weight loss: Walking is a low-impact activity that burns calories and helps to reduce body fat. By walking regularly, it is possible to achieve a caloric deficit, which can result in weight loss.

Holistic HealthSource: Bady Abbas on Unsplash

Improves cardiovascular health: Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that gets the heart rate up and increases blood flow throughout the body. This can help to improve heart health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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Boosts mood: Walking has been shown to boost mood and reduce stress levels. This is because exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that can improve mood and decrease anxiety.

Improves joint health: Walking is a low-impact activity that is gentle on the joints. It can help to improve joint flexibility and mobility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain and stiffness in the joints.

Overall, walking is an excellent form of physical activity that can benefit the body in many ways. It is a simple and accessible way to improve health and wellbeing, and can be easily incorporated into daily routines.

What happens to your body when you run every day for 30 days?

I quit drinking alcohol…but did not expect this

Matt D’Avella is a filmmaker, YouTuber, and podcaster known for his work on minimalism, productivity, and personal growth. He gained popularity through his YouTube channel, where he shares videos on topics such as minimalism, mindfulness, and intentional living. His videos often feature interviews with experts and individuals who share their personal experiences and insights on these topics.

Woman in MeditationSource: Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

D’Avella’s most well-known work is the documentary film “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,” which he directed and produced with Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus of The Minimalists. The film explores the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle and has been well-received by audiences and critics alike.

Video – What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day for 30 Days?

How Does Walking Positively Affect Mood?

Walking has been shown to have a positive effect on mood in several ways:

  • Releases Endorphins: Exercise, including walking, releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Endorphins are associated with feelings of pleasure and well-being and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Boosts Serotonin Levels: Walking can also increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known to play a role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression and anxiety.
  • Improves Sleep: Walking can improve the quality and duration of sleep, which can also have a positive effect on mood. Good sleep is associated with better emotional regulation and lower levels of stress.
  • Increases Self-Efficacy: Regular walking can also increase self-efficacy, or the belief in one’s ability to achieve goals. Accomplishing the goal of walking every day can improve confidence and self-esteem, leading to a more positive mood.
  • Provides a Sense of Accomplishment: Walking can also provide a sense of accomplishment, even if it is just a short walk around the block. This can lead to a feeling of satisfaction and positivity, which can carry over into other areas of life.

Walking has many physical and mental health benefits, including improving mood. Regular walking can be an effective way to manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve overall well-being.

Why is a Healthy Cardiovascular System Important?

A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why a healthy cardiovascular system is important:

Promotes oxygen and nutrient delivery: The cardiovascular system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body. A healthy cardiovascular system ensures that the organs and tissues receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for proper function and growth.

Helps to remove waste products: The cardiovascular system also helps to remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide and metabolic waste, from the body. A healthy cardiovascular system ensures that these waste products are efficiently removed from the body, which can prevent the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances.

Regulates blood pressure: The cardiovascular system plays a critical role in regulating blood pressure. A healthy cardiovascular system helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular disorders.

Athlete Swimming in the poolSource: Stevie D Photography

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: A healthy cardiovascular system can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. A healthy cardiovascular system can help to prevent or manage these conditions.

Enhances physical performance: A healthy cardiovascular system can enhance physical performance and endurance. Regular exercise, which is essential for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, can improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities for longer periods without experiencing fatigue or shortness of breath.

In summary, a healthy cardiovascular system is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. It helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen, remove waste products, regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and enhance physical performance.

Learn More

What Happens If You Eat ZERO Carbs and Sugar for 1 Week?

The Easiest Way to Get Lean (From 30% to 10% Body Fat)

7 Best Exercises for a Stronger Back

The Perfect Chest Workout in Only 20 Minutes (for Muscle and Mass) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Welcome to the perfect chest workout in only 20 minutes.

Short on time, long on desire?

If you only have 20 minutes, can you still get the job done?

So, Jeff from Athlean-X has made an excellent video to answer this question.

Firstly, don’t make this into a habit. The 20-minute workout is to help you so that if you don’t have time to train, you can still stimulate hypertrophy and work on building chest muscle.

Chest-Workouts-athletes Perfect Chest Workout in Only 20 Minutes

Don’t make it into a habit, rather think of it as a great tool to use when you need it.

He chose not to select the Barbell Bench Press, why is that?

This exercise is a great way to build strength, but it requires longer warm ups and longer rest periods between sets to maximise strength.

The name of the game here is speed, so that is why it won’t fit into a chest workout in only 20 minutes.

Also, changing plates on a barbell takes much longer that switching dumbbells.


  • Cable Crossover into DB Static Press
  • 3x sets to form failure
  • Incline DB Bench Press
  • 3x sets to form failure
  • Bodyweight Dips into Band Assisted Dip
  • 3x sets to form failure
  • High Low Banded Crossover
  • 3x form failure on both sides

Watch the full video for all the details, rest periods, transitions, technique and more.

Perfect Chest Workout in Only 20 Minutes

Want more training tips? Check out the best lower chest exercises or the Reverse Grip Bench Press.

The Best Full UPPER BODY Workout for Max Muscle Growth (Science Applied) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:00:00 +0000 This excellent upper body workout for max muscle growth will help you transform your body and level up your training.

Designed by Jeff Nippard, this is a great way to level up your training.

Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle Growth – Warm Up

  • 5 minutes general warm up. Goal is to break a light sweat.
  • 5 minutes on incline treadmill
  • 5 minutes dynamic stretching routine

Exercise 1 – Barbell Overhead Press

  • 2 sets x 4 reps

Keep the RPE high on the Overhead Press.

Exercise 2 – Wide Grip Pull Up

  • 3 sets x 6 reps

Make sure you are close to failure on the sixth rep. Add weight if necessary.

Try to maintain the same tempo on all reps.

Exercise 3 – Close Grip Bench Press

  • 2 sets x 10 reps

This targets the clavical (upper) head more.

Exercises 4 and 5 (Superset)

  • A1 – Wide Grip Seated Cable Row
  • 3 sets x 12 reps
  • A2 – Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  • 3 sets x 15 reps

With the Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raise, lean forwards by 15-30 degrees.

Stop the range of motion about 10 – 15 degrees from the bottom of the range of motion to maximise contraction and emphsise the lateral delt.

Exercise 6 and 7 (Superset)

  • A1 – Cable Crossover
  • 2 sets x 10 (low) and 10 (Mid) Reps
  • A2 – Rope Facepull
  • 2 sets x 20 reps

Use an underhand grip and externally rotate at the top for the Facepulls.

Exercise 8 – Supinated Dumbbell Curl

3 sets x 12 reps

Hit all reps with your weaker/smaller arm first. Then match the reps with your stronger/bigger arm.

Full Video

Who is Jeff Nippard?

“I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 12 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).”

Learn More about Upper Body Anatomy

Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle Growth – Pectoralis Major

The pectoralis major muscle covers the anterior thoracic cage. It has three heads; clavicular, sternocostal and abdominal. Its clavicular head originates from the anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle. The sternocostal head originates from the anterior surface of the sternum and rib cartilages 1-6, while its abdominal head originates from the anterior layer of the rectus sheath.

By inserting into the crest of greater tubercle of the humerus, it enables adduction and internal rotation of the arm. Also, it draws the scapula anteroinferiorly. The pectoralis major muscle is innervated by the lateral and medial pectoral nerves.

Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle Growth – Pectoralis minor

The pectoralis minor lies underneath the pectoralis major muscle. It originates at the rib cartilages 3-5 and inserts to the medial border and the coracoid process of the scapula. The medial pectoral nerve supplies the muscle. The pectoralis minor draws the scapula anteroinferiorly and anchors it to the thoracic cage.

Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle Growth – Trapezius

The trapezius muscle is a large muscle that defines the nuchal region. It has three parts; descending, transverse and ascending. Same as in serratus anterior, the parts have different origins and insertions.

The descending part originates at the medial third of the superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, spinous processes of cervical vertebrae or nuchal ligament. It inserts to the lateral third of clavicle.

Best Rear Delt Exercises t bar row Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle GrowthSource: Nigel Msipa

The transverse part originates from the broad aponeurosis at spinous processes of vertebrae T1-T4 (or C7-T3), while it inserts to the medial aspect of the acromion and to the superior crest of spine of scapula.

The ascending part originates from the spinous processes of vertebrae T5-T12 (or T2-T12), and inserts to the medial end of spine of scapula.

The muscle is innervated by the branches of the spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) and the anterior rami of spinal nerves C3-C4 via the cervical plexus.

The trapezius functions are also part-specific. The descending part draws scapula superomedially, extends and laterally flexes the head and neck and rotates the head. The transverse part draws scapula medially, while the ascending parts draws it inferomedially.

Upper Body Workout for Max Muscle Growth – Latissimus dorsi

Latissimus dorsi is another large muscle at the posterior shoulder area. You already assume that this one also has some parts, and you’re correct; there are four parts of this muscle. They are the vertebral, iliac, costal and scapular.

The vertebral part originates from the spinous processes of vertebrae T7-S1 and the thoracolumbar fascia.

The iliac part originates at the posterior third of the crest of the ilium, a part of the bony pelvis.

The costal part originates from the ribs 9-12, while the scapular part originates from the inferior angle of scapula. All parts converge and insert together to the intertubercular sulcus of humerus.

The muscle is innervated by the thoracodorsal nerve. Its functions are the adduction, internal rotation and extension of the arm, while it also assists in the respiration.


There are two rhomboid muscles; rhomboid minor and rhomboid major. The rhomboid minor muscle originates from the nuchal ligament and the spinous processes of the vertebrae C7-T1 and inserts to the root of the spine of scapula. The rhomboid major originates from the spinous processes of T2-T5 vertebrae and inserts to the medial border of the scapula from inferior angle to root of spine of scapula.

The dorsal scapular nerve innervates both muscles, and they both share functions of drawing scapula superomedially, rotating the glenoid cavity inferiorly and supporting the position of scapula.

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Add Nordic Curls and Reverse Hyperextensions into your training.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good! (The Easiest Method to Stick To) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:59:00 +0000 So, what is the best exercise to lose belly fat for good?

Jeremy Ethier dives deeper to help you find the right tools to transform your body for good.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good

“How to lose belly fat” is one of the most common questions out there. And that’s understandable. Belly fat is really easy to gain and notoriously hard to lose. It can seem as though no matter what exercises you try to lose belly fat and no matter how well you eat, the belly fat just won’t budge.”

Marcus Filly knows how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time 5 Old School Abs Exercises You Should Still be Doing The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good

“And unfortunately, with exception to surgery, there is currently no proven method of being able to spot reduce fat from the belly. There is an exercise, however, that is incredibly underutilized yet powerfully effective when it comes to losing even the most stubborn belly fat. Today I’ll share what that is and how you can start using it right away to lose belly fat.”

Why is Belly fat So Hard to Lose?

“Why is belly fat so hard to lose in the first place? Well, it comes down to the fact that certain areas of your body are easier to lose fat than others, and is largely determined by genetics. Now having your genetics stacked against you may seem problematic if you’re looking to develop a slim or lean looking abdomen, but there is a solution. As long as you create a calorie deficit, you will continue to lose fat. Eventually, if maintained long enough, you will lose excess fat from all areas of your body, even if your genetics put your belly fat at the back of the line.”

How to Be Consistent

“While diet should be your main way of creating a calorie deficit, adding additional exercises could help you to lose belly fat by keeping your metabolism high, even as you’re losing weight from dieting. That said, not all exercises are created equal. While things like running, rowing, cycling, or even HIIT workouts tend to burn calories very quickly, the truth is, the overwhelming majority of people can’t actually stick with traditional cardio long enough for fat loss to reach stubborn areas. And it’s not that these methods don’t work if you stick to it, because they do. The problem is simply that they’re brutal. They require a lot of willpower.”

Types of Cardio

“Now don’t get me wrong, these forms of cardio definitely do have their place and some people have no problem sticking to them. In fact, I still do these intense sessions once or twice a week for conditioning. But I no longer rely on them as my main form of cardio to lose fat and nor should most people. Because if you want to lose your stubborn belly fat, and more importantly keep it off once it’s gone, then you need something you can stick to for life. What’s the solution?”

The Best Exercise

“The best exercise to lose belly fat is walking. It’s the easiest to maintain, lowest stress, lowest fatigue, and most versatile form of cardio. According to research, intense forms of cardio like HIIT or running, while time efficient, didn’t provide any superior fat loss effect when compared to longer yet less intense forms of cardio such as walking. Which makes sense. It’s simply a numbers game. Your body doesn’t care whether the calories you burned were from some crazy intense fasted cardio session or from plain old walking. What matters most is what you can do consistently over time. And if you crunch the numbers, you’ll actually find that the calories burned from simply walking can very quickly add up to a meaningful amount.”

abs exercises

Exactly How to Lose the Fat

“So now that I’ve hopefully convinced you of the power of walking, let’s dive into the specifics of how to lose belly fat from walking. The first step is to determine an average of how many steps you’re currently taking. You can use the health app on your iPhone or use Google Fit if you’re on Android. After a week, see what your daily average comes up to. Some of you however might be surprised with how few steps you’re taking, but this is a good thing, as it means you have a big opportunity to bump that up.”

Realistic Goals

“Set a realistic goal and first aim to do an extra 2,000 steps a day. Given that the average individual takes about 1,200 steps during 10 minutes of walking, all you have to do is throw in two 10 minutes walks into your day to accomplish that. Once you’re consistent with that, try bumping it up by another 2,000 steps, and continue doing this with the goal of consistently getting at least 8,000 steps or even up to 15,000 steps, which seems to be the range that provides the greatest fat loss and health benefits.”

It All Adds Up

“Trust me, the little things add up. Apply these tips and you’ll be surprised with just how much they increase your step count and even more surprised by how much of a difference it makes towards your fat loss overtime. That said guys, I want to emphasize that walking or any form of cardio is only effective for fat loss if it’s used in combination with a diet. So use your diet as the primary way to create a calorie deficit and supplement it with walking to help speed up the process.”

Video – The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good

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Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

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Muscles of the Legs

The muscles of the legs are responsible for locomotion and balance. They are grouped into two categories: extensors and flexors.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Gastrocnemius

The gastrocnemius is a two-headed muscle with origins on the lateral condyle of the femur and on the posterior surface of the calcaneus. It inserts into the posterior surface of proximal phalanges through an aponeurosis. The gastrocnemius acts to plantar flex at both knee and ankle joints, as well as inversion at ankle joint when standing upright.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Quadriceps

The quadriceps (quads) are muscles in the thigh that attach to the patella, or kneecap. They extend the leg at the knee and flex (bend) it at the hip. The quadriceps are considered to be one of the strongest muscles in your body and help support you during walking, running, jumping and other weight-bearing activities.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Hamstrings

The hamstring muscles are a group of three muscles on the back of your thigh. They bend your knee and extend your hip.

Hamstring muscle contractions are important for walking, running, jumping, kicking and maintaining balance.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Soleus

The soleus is a muscle in the back of your lower leg. It lies deep to the gastrocnemius, and like its more superficial counterpart, it has two heads: medial and lateral. The soleus is responsible for plantar flexion of the ankle joint and contributes to knee extension. It also helps stabilize your body when you stand on one leg.

The tibial nerve innervates this muscle from its posterior division; thus, there is no motor branch joining them together at any point.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Plantaris

The plantaris is a small muscle in the back of the leg that attaches to the lower part of the knee. It is not used much in everyday life, but it can be injured during sports activities.

The plantaris originates from several tendons and muscles around your knee, including some parts of your hamstring and calf muscles.

These tendons and other tissues all come together to form a single tendon that travels down through your lower leg to attach at the bone just under your ankle joint (medial malleolus). The muscle fibres then extend out toward your toes on each side.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for Good – Popliteus

The popliteus is a small muscle that lies on the back of the knee. It is located at the bottom of your thighbone and helps to flex your knee.

It also stops your shinbone from rotating while you’re running, which helps protect your kneecap (patella). This muscle can get injured if you do sudden or extreme movements with your legs, such as kicking something or falling onto one foot.

The popliteus is used in sports such as football, basketball and tennis because it allows players to change direction quickly without having to slow down first. Injuries are rare but they can happen during certain activities like dancing or martial arts when there are lots of twists and turns involving fast movements with one leg up in front.


The gracilis is a slender muscle that originates on the medial epicondyle of the femur and on an intermuscular septum between gracilis and adductor longus. It inserts at the medial side of the pectineal line of the pubis.

The gracilis is responsible for flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of your leg.


The Sartorius is a muscle of the anterior thigh and is one of the longest muscles in the body. It flexes and rotates the thigh laterally, and it also stabilizes flexion at the knee by preventing rotation of leg.

The Sartorius originates from the lateral ilium, sacrum (at first functionally connected to sacroiliac joint), and posterior surface of femur; its insertion (into tensor fascia lata) can be found on anteromedial aspect of tibia, along with semitendinosus.

This long muscle runs from hip to knee and inserts into tibia as well as fibula via its innervation by nerve plexus around femoral vessels near inguinal ligament.


The semimembranosus is one of the three hamstring muscles. It is located on the back of the thigh, behind and below its larger counterpart, the semitendinosus. The hamstring group serves to extend or straighten your hip joint while flexing and rotating your knee joint inward (towards your other leg).

Some of these functions are obvious when you look at a person standing up straight: when they bend forward, their knees flex; but if they twist in one direction or another as well, it’s usually because their hamstrings have rotated their legs in those directions too.


The semitendinosus muscle is a member of the hamstring group and originates from the ischial tuberosity, also known as the sit bone. The semitendinosus muscle inserts onto the head of the fibula bone. It acts to flex and extend (bend forward) your knee joint.

The tibial nerve innervates this muscle, with branches of its posterior division supplying it through a branch called L5. Two blood vessels supply it: the deep posterior circumflex femoral artery from above and lateral circumflex femoral artery from below.

Biceps femoris

  • Origin: Ischial tuberosity, posterior surface of the body of femur, and upper portion of the intermuscular septum between vastus intermedius and vastus medialis.
  • Insertion: Head of fibula.
  • Action: Knee flexion (leg bending).
  • Innervation: Tibial nerve (L5-S2).
  • Blood supply: Deep artery in the anterior tibial recurrent branch via perforating branch to reach muscle belly; branches from anterior tibial artery supply lower third; perforating branch supplies upper two-thirds.


The muscles of the leg are very important to our body and its ability to move. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to walk or run. They are also responsible for helping us stand up straight and stable when standing still which is why it’s important to stretch all these muscles regularly if you want strong legs!

The Easiest Way to Get Lean (From 30% to 10% Body Fat) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 07:01:00 +0000 Use these helpful tips if you want to lower your body fat levels and enhance your health and physique.

What are the Advantages of Lower Body fat Levels?

Lower body fat levels can have numerous advantages, including:

Improved cardiovascular health: Excess body fat, especially in the abdominal area, can increase the risk of developing heart disease. By reducing body fat levels, you can improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Increased insulin sensitivity: Lower body fat levels can improve your body’s ability to use insulin effectively, which can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

brent fikowski transformation

Increased mobility and flexibility: Carrying excess body fat can restrict movement and make it difficult to perform daily activities. By reducing body fat levels, you can improve your mobility and flexibility, making it easier to perform physical tasks.

Better hormonal balance: Excess body fat can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to a variety of health problems. By reducing body fat levels, you can improve hormonal balance and reduce the risk of health issues related to hormonal imbalances.

Improved mental health: Studies have shown that carrying excess body fat can increase the risk of depression and anxiety. By reducing body fat levels, you can improve your mental health and reduce the risk of these conditions.

Improved sleep: Carrying excess body fat can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to sleep apnea. By reducing body fat levels, you can improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep-related health problems.

Reducing body fat levels can lead to numerous health benefits and improve your overall quality of life.

Dr. Mike Diamonds is a popular fitness and health YouTuber. He is a certified personal trainer, nutrition specialist, and chiropractor.

Video – The Easiest Way to Get Lean (From 30% to 10% Body Fat)

What are Calories?

Calories are a unit of measurement used to quantify the amount of energy in food and drinks. Specifically, a calorie is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

When we consume food, the body breaks it down and uses the energy from the calories to perform various functions such as breathing, digestion, and physical activity. The number of calories in a food or drink is determined by the amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat it contains.

Calories are often used in discussions of weight management, as consuming more calories than the body needs can lead to weight gain, while consuming fewer calories can lead to weight loss. However, it’s important to note that the quality of the calories consumed (i.e. the nutrient density of the food) is also important for overall health, and not all calories are created equal.

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit occurs when a person consumes fewer calories than their body burns over a given period of time. This can be achieved by reducing calorie intake through changes in diet or increasing calorie expenditure through exercise and physical activity, or a combination of both.

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The body needs a certain number of calories to maintain its basic functions, such as breathing, digestion, and circulation. This is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). When a person consumes fewer calories than their BMR, their body must use stored energy (i.e. body fat) to make up the difference, which can lead to weight loss over time.

Saxon Panchik transformationSource: CrossFit Inc. / Saxon Panchik

Creating a calorie deficit is a common strategy for weight loss, as it requires the body to use its stored energy (fat) to meet its energy needs. However, it’s important to create a calorie deficit in a safe and sustainable way by balancing calorie restriction with adequate nutrition and physical activity. Aiming for a moderate calorie deficit of 250-500 calories per day is generally considered a safe and effective approach for most people.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients that the body requires in large amounts to function properly. There are three main macronutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are a type of nutrient found in foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. They are the body’s primary source of energy and are broken down into glucose, which is used to fuel cellular processes.
  • Protein: Protein is found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, and beans. It is important for building and repairing tissues, including muscle, skin, and hair, and also plays a role in many bodily processes
  • Fat: Fat is found in foods like nuts, seeds, oils, and fatty meats. It is important for providing energy, insulating and protecting organs, and helping the body absorb certain vitamins.

In addition to these three macronutrients, the body also requires smaller amounts of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to function properly.

Balancing the intake of macronutrients is important for overall health and can vary based on individual needs and goals. For example, athletes may require more protein to support muscle growth and repair, while individuals with certain medical conditions may need to limit their carbohydrate intake.

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What Happens to Your Body if You Stop Eating Sugar for 2 Weeks?

Why Eating Too Little Can Make You Fat – Do This Instead

How to Build a Bigger Chest at Home in 30 Days

How to Build Massive Muscle Mass for your Shoulders Wed, 31 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Learn how to build massive muscle mass for your shoulders with these great tips from Jeff at Athlean X.

How to Build Massive Muscle Mass for your Shoulders

“If you want to learn how to get bigger shoulders fast then you’ve come to the right place. In this video, you will see how to build big shoulders by doing the opposite of what you likely have been doing up to now. It is going to require that you use slightly heavier weights and focus more on the quality of the contractions of the shoulder muscles on every rep rather than only pressing heavy weights and overdeveloping patterns that are already holding back your gains.”

“The lack of shoulder growth can be blamed on two things, and it isn’t your mom and dad.  It is the over reliance on just heavy and light dumbbells for shoulders and not training the rear delt enough.”

Shoulder exercises Best Rear Deltoid Workout for Mass and Strength How to Build Massive Muscle Mass for your ShouldersSource: CrossFit Inc / Berlin Throwdown

“Let’s start with the rear delts, or the lack of training them to be exact. Extension of the shoulder is actually one of the most overlooked components of a fully trained shoulder muscle. The rear head of the shoulders has the ability to extend the shoulder and can handle fairly heavy weight in the process.  The issue however is that you don’t want to just extend the shoulder but also incorporate abduction to hit the middle delt head as well.”

How to Build Massive Muscle Mass for your Shoulders

“The best way to do this is with something called a hip hugger. This starts with dragging the dumbbells up your side as you move your shoulders back behind your body. The elbows then drift away from the sides as you come up to light up the middle delt as well. The key to performing this correctly is making sure that you cannot see your elbows in front of your body if you look to the side. They should be out of view the entire time in order to prevent turning this into a modified upright row.”

“To make sure you grow bigger shoulders fast you are going to need to increase the weight you are used to a little bit on this shoulder exercise. The rear delts with help of the middle delts can handle slightly heavier loads and should therefore be pushed by using them. You’ll find that you can likely lift more than you can on a lateral raise but less than what you would use on an overhead dumbbell press.”

“If you get this right, the shoulders and rear delts will be doing all of the lifting. No momentum. What this does is it also keeps the dumbbells very close to the body. While this is not a drag, the closeness of the dumbbells to the body are going to allow you to use slightly heavier weights. Specifically, this is going to hit the middle and rear heads of the delts a lot better. When you are struggling to build big shoulders fast, the rear head is often last to grow.”

“The front delt doesn’t have to go unworked however.”

“The second thing you can do is hit the front delts immediately following the conclusion of a set of the hip huggers by doing something called the scoop press. Here, the weights you used on the first shoulder exercise will be perfect to crank out a few reps of the overhead press variation. Lock the elbows into a ninety degree position and drive the upward thrust of the arms with the front deltoids alone.”

“This works as the perfect drop set and compliments the work already done on the middle and rear delt exercise to make sure you leave no head of the delts unworked.”

“When you learn how to train the rear delts effectively you will likely fall in love with working them. Many people skip them all together in their shoulder workouts for mass because they just can’t seem to get the exercises to work for them. Now that you can feel them, you can start regularly incorporating these into your workout for bigger shoulders.”

“If you want to build bigger shoulders fast you sometimes have to be willing to take a step backwards to take giant steps forward.”

“These two exercises are something you can include into your very next shoulder workout that are going to start to deliver big results to your shoulder training and growth.”

Video – How to Build Massive Muscle Mass for your Shoulders

Learn More

Add these Standing Ab Exercises and Z Press into your training.


10 Solid Steps to Burn Fat and Lose Love Handles for Good Wed, 31 Jan 2024 03:00:00 +0000 These 10 steps will give you all the pieces of the puzzle so that you can transform your physique and fitness.

Here are a few key points to consider when it comes to achieving your goals.

  • It takes time
  • Usually, love handles are the last areas of fat to disappear
  • You cannot spot reduce fat
  • Be consistent
  • Do not worry about the immediate effect, concentrate on the longterm goal
  • Trust the process

What are the Benefits of Having Lower Body Fat Levels?

Having lower body fat levels offers several benefits for overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key advantages:

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Excessive body fat is linked to an increased risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. By maintaining lower body fat levels, you can significantly lower your risk of developing these diseases.

Improved Heart Health: Lower body fat levels help reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system. Excess body fat can lead to high cholesterol levels, plaque buildup in arteries, and increased blood pressure. By maintaining a healthy body fat percentage, you can enhance heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Enhanced Metabolic Health: Lower body fat levels can improve metabolic function by promoting insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance, often associated with excess body fat, can lead to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. By keeping body fat levels in check, you support better blood sugar regulation and metabolic efficiency.

Increased Energy and Stamina: Carrying excess body fat can put a strain on your body, making physical activities more challenging and causing fatigue. By reducing body fat levels, you improve your energy levels and stamina, making it easier to engage in daily activities and exercise.

Joint Health and Reduced Pain: Excessive body fat can place additional stress on your joints, leading to discomfort and pain, particularly in weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips. Maintaining lower body fat levels can alleviate this strain, improve joint health, and reduce the risk of conditions like osteoarthritis.

Improved Body Composition: Lower body fat levels often result in a more desirable body composition, with a higher proportion of lean muscle mass. This can enhance physical appearance, improve strength and athletic performance, and boost self-confidence.

Better Hormonal Balance: Excess body fat can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to issues such as estrogen dominance in women and reduced testosterone levels in men. By reducing body fat levels, you can promote a more optimal hormonal environment, which can positively impact various aspects of health and well-being.

Lowered Inflammation: Excessive body fat is associated with increased inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases and conditions. By reducing body fat levels, you can help lower inflammation markers and support better overall health.

It’s important to note that the ideal body fat level varies based on factors such as age, gender, and individual goals.

Step Zero – Collect Data

  • Measure your waist
  • Weight yourself (first thing in the morning after you wake up)
  • Take a few photos with neutral soft lighting

This will give you a starting point. A baseline for tracking your progress and give you a sense of accomplishment as your physique starts to change.

This starting point can also help to serve as a reminder for why you began in the first place.

Step 1 – Cardio

Make sure you do something you love like hiking, swimming, walking or cycling. Walking is the simplest way because it is sustainable.

Walking is good because you can also combine it with other activities such as listening to music and podcasts or spending quality time with loved ones.

Cardiovascular exercise, commonly known as cardio, can be an effective way to burn fat and contribute to weight loss. Here’s how cardio helps in burning fat:

Increased Calorie Expenditure: Cardio exercises, such as running, cycling, swimming, or aerobic workouts, elevate your heart rate and increase your overall energy expenditure. This increased energy demand leads to the burning of calories, including stored body fat. To lose weight, you generally need to create a calorie deficit, where you consume fewer calories than you burn. Cardio helps create this deficit by burning additional calories during exercise.

Improved Metabolic Rate: Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise can boost your metabolic rate, both during the workout and throughout the day. When you perform cardio, your body requires more energy to meet the increased demand. This can lead to a temporary increase in metabolic rate even after you finish exercising, known as the “afterburn” effect or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). A higher metabolic rate can contribute to increased calorie burning and fat loss.

Mobilization of Stored Fat: During cardio exercise, your body primarily relies on stored fat as a fuel source, especially during prolonged and moderate-intensity workouts. As you continue with aerobic activity, the body breaks down triglycerides (stored fat) to release fatty acids, which are then utilized as an energy source to fuel your muscles. Regular cardio training can enhance the body’s ability to mobilize and utilize stored fat for energy.

Targeting Overall Body Fat: While it’s not possible to spot-reduce fat from specific areas of your body, cardiovascular exercise can help reduce overall body fat. As you create a calorie deficit through cardio and a healthy diet, your body will gradually tap into its fat stores for energy, leading to fat loss throughout the body. Over time, this can result in a decrease in body fat percentage and a leaner physique.

Reebok Bonus Program

Combination with Strength Training: Incorporating strength training alongside cardio can be particularly beneficial for fat loss. Strength training helps build and preserve lean muscle mass, which increases your resting metabolic rate. With a higher metabolic rate, you burn more calories even at rest, making it easier to maintain a calorie deficit and burn fat. Additionally, strength training can give your body a more toned appearance as you lose fat.

Step 2 – Increase Your Water Intake

Increasing water consumption can indeed aid in weight loss. Here are several ways in which drinking more water can support your weight loss efforts:

  • Increased Feelings of Fullness: Drinking water before or during a meal can help create a sense of fullness or satiety. This can reduce the tendency to overeat and help control portion sizes, ultimately leading to a decrease in calorie intake. Water has zero calories, so it can be a helpful strategy to replace higher-calorie beverages with water, reducing overall calorie consumption.
  • Calorie-Free Replacement: Water serves as a calorie-free replacement for sugary drinks like soda, juice, or energy drinks. These beverages are typically high in calories and added sugars, contributing to weight gain. By substituting them with water, you eliminate or significantly reduce calorie intake, making it easier to create a calorie deficit and promote weight loss.
  • Boosts Metabolism: Drinking water has been found to have a temporary thermogenic effect, meaning it can slightly increase the number of calories your body burns. This effect is more pronounced when consuming cold water, as your body expends energy to warm it to body temperature. While the calorie-burning effect is modest, every little bit can contribute to overall weight loss over time.
  • Supports Proper Digestion: Sufficient water intake is essential for optimal digestion. Water helps break down food, aids in nutrient absorption, and facilitates regular bowel movements. When your digestion is functioning well, you may experience reduced bloating and improved gut health, which can indirectly support weight loss efforts.
  • Enhances Exercise Performance: Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal physical performance during exercise. When you’re properly hydrated, you may have more energy, better endurance, and improved exercise efficiency. This can lead to more intense and longer workouts, increasing the calorie burn and supporting weight loss goals.
  • Curbs Liquid Calorie Consumption: Many beverages like soft drinks, flavored coffees, and alcoholic beverages contain hidden calories that can contribute to weight gain. By increasing your water intake, you can reduce the consumption of these liquid calories, which often provide little to no nutritional value.

It’s important to note that while increasing water consumption can be beneficial for weight loss, it’s not a magic solution on its own. A holistic approach to weight loss, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle, is essential for achieving sustainable results.

Step 3 – Establish a Caloric Deficit

A caloric deficit occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. This energy imbalance leads to fat loss.

Here’s how a caloric deficit results in fat loss:

Energy Source: When you consume fewer calories than your body requires, it needs to find an alternative source of energy to make up the deficit. One of the primary energy sources is stored body fat. In the absence of sufficient calories from food, your body starts breaking down stored fat to release fatty acids and triglycerides, which are then used as fuel for various bodily functions.

Lipolysis: As your body enters a caloric deficit, it triggers a process called lipolysis. Lipolysis is the breakdown of triglycerides stored in fat cells into fatty acids and glycerol. The fatty acids are released into the bloodstream, where they can be taken up by other cells to be utilized for energy production. This breakdown of stored fat ultimately leads to fat loss.

Reduced Adipose Tissue: Adipose tissue, commonly known as body fat, is comprised of fat cells. When you maintain a caloric deficit, these fat cells shrink as they release stored triglycerides. Over time, this reduction in adipose tissue results in a decrease in body fat percentage and a slimmer appearance.

Overall Weight Loss: When you’re in a caloric deficit, your body not only burns fat but also taps into other energy sources. It breaks down glycogen, which is stored carbohydrates, to meet its energy needs. Additionally, some muscle tissue may be catabolized for energy. However, by combining a caloric deficit with resistance training and adequate protein intake, you can minimize muscle loss and preserve lean muscle mass.

Sustainable Fat Loss: Sustaining a caloric deficit over an extended period is key for consistent fat loss. Gradual and moderate caloric deficits are generally recommended to minimize muscle loss and support long-term success. Drastic and extreme caloric restrictions can lead to nutrient deficiencies, metabolic slowdown, and muscle wasting.

Individual Variations: It’s important to note that individual factors such as genetics, metabolism, body composition, and hormone levels can influence how your body responds to a caloric deficit. Some individuals may lose fat more easily, while others may experience slower progress. It’s crucial to be patient, consistent, and maintain a balanced approach to achieve sustainable fat loss.

While a caloric deficit is a fundamental aspect of fat loss, it’s essential to prioritize overall health and well-being. Combining a caloric deficit with a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle factors can optimize fat loss while supporting overall health and sustainable weight management. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and goals.

Step 4 – Track Macros and Focus on Protein Intake

Tracking macros, which refers to monitoring and controlling your intake of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), can be important when trying to lose body fat. Here’s why tracking macros is beneficial for fat loss:

Calorie Control: Macronutrients contribute to the total calorie content of your diet. By tracking macros, you gain a better understanding of your calorie intake. Since fat loss ultimately relies on a caloric deficit, knowing and controlling your macronutrient intake helps you stay within your target calorie range. This level of precision can improve the effectiveness of your weight loss efforts.

Customized Approach: Each macronutrient has a specific role in your diet. Proteins support muscle growth and repair, fats aid hormone production and nutrient absorption, and carbohydrates provide energy. By tracking macros, you can tailor your macronutrient ratios to your individual needs and preferences. For example, increasing protein intake can help preserve muscle mass during weight loss, while adjusting carbohydrate and fat intake can optimize energy levels and satiety.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Muscle Preservation: During a caloric deficit, there’s a risk of losing both fat and muscle mass. Adequate protein intake becomes particularly important to help minimize muscle loss and support muscle maintenance or growth. Tracking macros allows you to ensure you’re meeting your protein goals and maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which is crucial for muscle preservation.

Nutritional Balance: Focusing solely on calorie intake without considering macronutrient distribution may result in an unbalanced diet. Tracking macros helps promote a more balanced approach to nutrition, ensuring you’re getting adequate amounts of each macronutrient. This balanced intake can support overall health, optimize nutrient absorption, and help prevent nutrient deficiencies.

Individualized Adjustments: By tracking macros, you can assess your progress and make necessary adjustments. If you’re not seeing the desired fat loss, you can analyze your macronutrient ratios and make informed changes. This level of flexibility allows you to experiment and find the macro distribution that works best for your body and goals.

Mindful Eating: Tracking macros promotes mindfulness around food choices and portion sizes. It encourages you to pay attention to the nutritional value of the foods you consume, rather than solely focusing on calories. This awareness can help prevent mindless snacking, emotional eating, and unnecessary calorie consumption.

It’s important to note that tracking macros may not be necessary for everyone. Some individuals may find it too restrictive or challenging to maintain long-term. However, for those who enjoy a structured approach and want precise control over their diet, tracking macros can be a useful tool for optimizing fat loss and achieving their goals.

Step 5 – Establish a Meal Plan that Suits your Schedule

Meal planning and prepping can be highly beneficial for losing fat due to several reasons:

  • Portion Control: When you plan and prepare your meals in advance, you have greater control over portion sizes. This allows you to accurately track your calorie and macronutrient intake, ensuring you stay within your target range for fat loss. Portion control is essential because consuming more calories than you burn can hinder your weight loss efforts.
  • Healthy Food Choices: By planning your meals ahead of time, you have the opportunity to make deliberate and thoughtful food choices. You can prioritize nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, while minimizing processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. This promotes a well-balanced and nutritionally dense diet that supports fat loss and overall health.
  • Reduced Impulsive Eating: One of the challenges of fat loss is managing impulsive or spontaneous food choices. By meal planning and prepping, you have pre-determined meals and snacks readily available. This reduces the likelihood of succumbing to unhealthy options or reaching for convenient, calorie-dense foods when hunger strikes. It helps you stay on track with your nutrition goals and resist temptations.
  • Time and Convenience: Meal planning and prepping can save you significant time and effort in the long run. By dedicating a specific time to plan and prepare your meals, you eliminate the need to make decisions about what to eat each day. This can reduce stress, streamline your grocery shopping, and make healthy eating more convenient. Having pre-prepared meals also saves time during busy weekdays, making it easier to stick to your fat loss goals.
  • Accountability and Consistency: When you have your meals planned and prepped, you are more likely to follow through with your intended nutrition plan. It helps create a sense of accountability and consistency in your eating habits. By having healthy meals readily available, you’re less likely to deviate from your plan or resort to unhealthy options when hunger strikes.
  • Portability and On-the-Go Options: Prepping meals in advance allows you to pack portable and on-the-go options. This can be especially helpful when you’re at work, traveling, or running errands. Having healthy meals or snacks with you ensures you’re not forced to rely on less nutritious options when you’re away from home.
  • Reduced Food Waste and Financial Savings: Meal planning and prepping can help minimize food waste because you only purchase and prepare the ingredients you need. It allows you to utilize leftovers effectively and avoid throwing away unused food items. Additionally, by planning your meals, you can shop more efficiently, sticking to your grocery list and avoiding unnecessary impulse purchases. This can result in financial savings over time.

Overall, meal planning and prepping provide structure, control, convenience, and consistency in your eating habits, making it easier to adhere to a calorie-controlled and nutrient-dense diet conducive to fat loss. It supports healthier food choices and can help you maintain long-term success in reaching your weight loss goals.

Step 6 – Sleep More

Good quality sleep plays a crucial role in supporting fat loss and overall weight management. Here’s how it contributes to fat loss:

Hormonal Regulation: Sleep is closely linked to hormonal regulation, including hormones that influence appetite and metabolism. Inadequate sleep can disrupt the balance of hormones like leptin (which helps regulate satiety) and ghrelin (which stimulates hunger). When you don’t get enough sleep, levels of ghrelin increase, leading to increased appetite and cravings, while levels of leptin decrease, resulting in reduced feelings of fullness. This hormonal imbalance can contribute to overeating and weight gain.

Energy Balance: Good quality sleep supports optimal energy balance. When you’re well-rested, you have more energy to engage in physical activities and exercise, which is essential for creating a calorie deficit and promoting fat loss. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and reduced motivation for physical activity, making it more challenging to burn calories and maintain an active lifestyle.

Restored Willpower and Decision-Making: Sleep deprivation can impair your cognitive function, including decision-making and self-control. This can make it harder to resist unhealthy food choices and stick to your fat loss goals. Adequate sleep helps restore your willpower, mental clarity, and decision-making abilities, making it easier to make conscious and healthy choices regarding your nutrition and overall lifestyle.

Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity: Sleep deprivation has been associated with disruptions in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep duration can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity, which can interfere with your body’s ability to efficiently regulate blood sugar levels. This can potentially increase the risk of weight gain and the development of insulin resistance over time.

Muscle Recovery and Growth: During sleep, the body repairs and rebuilds tissues, including muscle tissue. Regular physical activity, including resistance training, is crucial for fat loss, as it helps build lean muscle mass and boosts metabolism. Good quality sleep supports muscle recovery, repair, and growth, allowing you to perform better during exercise and maximize the benefits of your workouts.

Stress Management: Adequate sleep is essential for managing stress levels. Sleep deprivation can increase stress hormone levels, such as cortisol, which can contribute to weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area. By prioritizing good quality sleep, you can support healthy stress management and reduce the likelihood of stress-related weight gain.

To optimize sleep quality and support fat loss, aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to restful sleep.

Pat VellnerSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

If you’re experiencing chronic sleep issues, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

Step 7 – Find Healthy New Foods to Replace Cravings

For example, if you have a sweet tooth and crave sweets or ice cream, try eating fruits instead every time you crave something sweet.

Blueberries, watermelons and plums are relatively lower in carbs compared to many others.

Controlling cravings while dieting can be challenging due to several factors:

Caloric Restriction: When you’re on a diet, you’re typically reducing your calorie intake to create a calorie deficit for weight loss. Caloric restriction can trigger physiological and psychological responses, including increased hunger and cravings. Your body may perceive the reduced calorie intake as a potential threat to its energy stores, leading to heightened cravings for calorie-dense foods.

Hormonal Changes: Caloric restriction and weight loss can disrupt hormonal balance, particularly hormones involved in appetite regulation. Ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger, tends to increase during dieting, while leptin, the hormone that signals fullness, may decrease. This hormonal imbalance can intensify cravings, making it more difficult to resist tempting foods.

Emotional Triggers: Emotional factors, such as stress, boredom, sadness, or anxiety, can trigger cravings and lead to emotional eating. Food can serve as a source of comfort and distraction from negative emotions, leading to an increased desire for specific foods, especially those high in sugar and fat.

Habitual and Conditioned Responses: Cravings can also be driven by habitual and conditioned responses. Over time, you may have developed associations between certain foods or environments and the experience of pleasure or reward. These associations can create powerful cravings, making it challenging to resist the urge to indulge in familiar and comforting foods.

Psychological Factors: Dieting can sometimes lead to a restrictive mindset or a sense of deprivation, which can increase the desire for forbidden or “off-limits” foods. The more you perceive certain foods as restricted or forbidden, the stronger the cravings for those foods can become.

Social and Environmental Influences: Social and environmental factors can significantly impact cravings while dieting. Social events, gatherings, or seeing others enjoying certain foods can trigger cravings and make it harder to resist temptation. Additionally, the availability and accessibility of high-calorie, highly palatable foods in your environment can increase the likelihood of cravings.

Nutrient Deficiencies: In some cases, cravings may arise due to specific nutrient deficiencies. Your body may crave certain foods in an attempt to meet its nutritional needs. For example, a craving for chocolate may indicate a need for magnesium or a craving for salty foods may suggest a need for electrolytes. However, it’s important to note that cravings are not always directly related to specific nutrient deficiencies and can be influenced by various other factors.

Managing cravings while dieting can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. These include finding healthier alternatives to satisfy cravings, practicing mindful eating, addressing emotional triggers, planning meals and snacks in advance, ensuring balanced nutrition, managing stress, and seeking support from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can provide personalized guidance and strategies.

Step 8 – Cut Out Refined Sugars

Refined sugars are considered unhealthy due to their potential negative impact on health when consumed in excess. Here’s why refined sugars are generally considered bad for health:

High in Empty Calories: Refined sugars provide calories but lack essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Consuming foods high in refined sugars can contribute to an excessive calorie intake without providing substantial nutritional benefits, which can lead to weight gain and nutrient deficiencies.

Blood Sugar and Insulin Spikes: Refined sugars are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This triggers a corresponding release of insulin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar. Over time, repeated spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance, a condition associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Diets high in refined sugars have been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, including obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Excessive sugar consumption can contribute to weight gain, elevated blood pressure, unfavourable blood lipid profiles, and inflammation, all of which are risk factors for these diseases.

Dental Health Issues: Refined sugars are a primary contributor to tooth decay. Oral bacteria feed on sugars, producing acids that erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Regular consumption of sugary foods and drinks, especially in between meals, can significantly increase the risk of dental problems.

Refined sugars can be found in a wide range of processed and packaged foods, as well as in sweetened beverages. Some common sources of refined sugars include:

  • Soda and Sweetened Beverages: Regular soft drinks, fruit juices with added sugars, energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened teas are often high in refined sugars.
  • Candy and Sweets: Candies, chocolates, cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, and other desserts typically contain high amounts of refined sugars.
  • Sweetened Breakfast Cereals: Many breakfast cereals, particularly those marketed to children, contain added sugars to enhance flavour.
  • Baked Goods: Commercially produced bread, muffins, bagels, and other baked goods often contain refined sugars.
  • Condiments and Sauces: Many condiments and sauces, such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, and sweetened marinades, can be significant sources of added sugars.
  • Processed Snack Foods: Snack foods like potato chips, crackers, granola bars, and flavoured popcorn may contain added sugars.
  • Sweetened Yogurts and Dairy Products: Flavoured yogurts, fruit yogurts, and some dairy-based desserts can contain high amounts of added sugars.

It’s important to note that not all sugars are created equal. Natural sugars found in whole fruits, for example, come packaged with fibre, water, and beneficial nutrients, making them a healthier choice compared to refined sugars.

When it comes to managing sugar intake, it’s recommended to limit the consumption of foods with added sugars and prioritize a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods. Reading food labels and being aware of different names for added sugars (such as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and maltose) can also help identify hidden sources of refined sugars in packaged foods.

Step 9 – Strength Training

Strength training, also known as resistance training or weightlifting, can be highly beneficial for fat loss.

Here’s how strength training contributes to fat loss:

Increased Muscle Mass: Strength training helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. Muscles are metabolically active tissues, meaning they require energy (calories) to function even at rest. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate, which is the number of calories your body burns at rest. Increasing muscle mass through strength training can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re not exercising.

EPOC Effect: Strength training creates an Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) effect, also known as the afterburn effect. After a strength training session, your body needs to replenish energy stores, repair muscle tissue, and restore oxygen levels. This process requires additional energy expenditure, causing your body to burn more calories in the hours and days following your workout. The EPOC effect contributes to an increased calorie burn and can enhance fat loss over time.

Increased Fat Oxidation: Strength training has been shown to increase fat oxidation, which is the process of using stored body fat as a fuel source. It promotes the utilization of fatty acids during and after exercise, helping to deplete fat stores and contribute to overall fat loss.

Body Composition Changes: Strength training can help reshape your body composition by reducing body fat while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. Even if the scale doesn’t show significant weight loss, strength training can lead to a more toned and lean appearance due to the loss of fat and gain of muscle. This can improve overall body composition and provide a more desirable physique.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Strength training has positive effects on insulin sensitivity, which is how effectively your body uses and responds to insulin. Improved insulin sensitivity helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing insulin resistance. By optimizing insulin function, strength training supports better control of blood glucose and can aid in fat loss.

kettlebell back workoutsSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Metabolic Health Benefits: Strength training offers various metabolic health benefits that indirectly support fat loss. It can improve lipid profiles by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally, strength training has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, contributing to overall well-being and a healthier body composition.

Enhanced Energy Expenditure: Strength training itself is a calorie-burning activity. While the calorie burn during a strength training session may not be as high as during cardiovascular exercise, it still contributes to your overall energy expenditure. Combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise can create a synergistic effect, maximizing calorie burn and supporting fat loss.

To incorporate strength training into your routine, aim for 2-3 sessions per week. Focus on compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and lunges. Gradually increase the intensity and resistance over time to challenge your muscles and continue progressing.

It’s important to ensure proper form and technique to minimize the risk of injury.

Step 10 – Be Consistent and Make it Sustainable

Consistency and sustainability are crucial for long-term success in fat loss. Here’s why they are important:

Establishing Habits: Consistency helps you establish healthy habits that support fat loss. By consistently following a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, you create a routine that becomes ingrained in your lifestyle. Habits formed through consistency are more likely to be maintained in the long run, leading to sustainable fat loss.

Creating a Caloric Deficit: Consistency allows you to consistently maintain a caloric deficit, which is necessary for fat loss. A caloric deficit means consuming fewer calories than you burn, resulting in your body using stored fat as an energy source. Consistency ensures that you consistently adhere to your nutrition and exercise plan, which is essential for maintaining a sustained caloric deficit over time.

Adaptation and Progression: Consistency enables your body to adapt and respond to your fat loss efforts. When you consistently follow a structured nutrition and exercise plan, your body adjusts to the changes, such as increasing muscle mass, improving cardiovascular fitness, and enhancing metabolic efficiency. Consistency allows you to progress and make adjustments as needed to continue seeing results.

Avoiding “Yo-Yo” Dieting: Sustainable fat loss focuses on maintaining a healthy weight in the long term, rather than achieving rapid but short-lived results. Consistency helps prevent the cycle of “yo-yo” dieting, where weight is lost and regained repeatedly. By adopting sustainable habits and making gradual changes, you’re more likely to maintain your fat loss achievements over time and avoid the negative health consequences associated with weight cycling.

Psychological Well-being: Consistency and sustainability promote positive psychological well-being. Rapid and extreme approaches to fat loss often lead to feelings of deprivation, frustration, and an unhealthy relationship with food and body image. Consistency allows for a more balanced and flexible approach, which can support a healthier mindset, reduced stress, and a positive relationship with your body and food.

chandler smith competes in crossfit semifinalSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Long-Term Health Benefits: Sustainable fat loss focuses not only on aesthetic goals but also on improving overall health and well-being. Consistency allows you to make sustainable lifestyle changes that benefit your health in the long run. By consistently following a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, you can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve cardiovascular health, enhance metabolic function, and boost overall vitality.

Maintenance of Fat Loss: Consistency is crucial for maintaining fat loss once you’ve achieved your goals. By maintaining consistent healthy habits, you can prevent weight regain and ensure that the progress you’ve made is sustained. Consistency becomes a lifelong commitment to health and well-being rather than a short-term effort.

When focusing on fat loss, it’s important to adopt an approach that is sustainable, enjoyable, and fits your lifestyle. Consistency allows you to make gradual and manageable changes, rather than resorting to drastic and unsustainable measures. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and it’s important to find an approach that works best for you. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance and support in developing a sustainable fat loss plan.

Video – 10 Solid Steps to Burn Fat and Lose Love Handles

Here you can watch all the steps in great detail, as explained by Dr Mike Diamonds.

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How To Get Bigger Arms In 30 Days At Home

6 BEST Science-Based Tricep Exercises for Muscle Mass

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Hail Odin! How to Build Muscle Mass and Strength with The Viking Press Wed, 31 Jan 2024 01:00:00 +0000 Welcome to the complete guide to the Viking Press.

What is the Viking Press?

The Viking Press is an overhead pressing movement, common in strong(wo)man competitions, that is growing in popularity in strength training in general.

The equipment is essentially a weighted lever that must be pressed upwards by gripping straight or parallel handles.

Think a landmine press with the fixed point much higher.

Viking Press Muscles Worked?

As an intense compound exercise, the Viking Press works all of the following muscle groups:


The movement is, at its heart, an overhead press. As a result, the deltoids will be significantly strengthened by adding it into your training.

The anterior deltoid works the hardest, with the other two playing supporting and stabilising roles.


The triceps are essential for locking out the exercise. In strongman competitions, if you don’t lockout, the rep doesn’t count.


The exercise is a full body movement and your core will have to work hard to balance your body and control power through the full range of motion.

Build a strong core with the Viking PressSource: Andre Taissin / Unsplash

The core is the collective group of muscles including the rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominus, and erector spinae.


The Viking Press can be performed both strict or with a dip and drive from the legs.

The latter variation forces the legs to generate explosive power, which will strengthen them in the long run.  

Viking Press Benefits

The exercise has many great benefits

Build Strength

As a compound overhead pressing exercise, it is an excellent tool for building strength.

Develop Muscle

This exercise is hard and will push your limits. Perfect for shocking your body and stimulating hypertrophy.

Shoulder and Wrist Friendly

The neutral or parallel grip is easy going on the positions of the wrists and shoulders.

If you ever get uncomfortable pain from Strict Presses then substitute in the Viking Press.

Keep your Training Fun and Varied

As a relatively underused movement, it is a fun and challenging way to add something new and exciting into your training.

A Safe Exercise

If you fail a rep the lever will simply return to the stationary position. So, despite its intimidating appearance, it is in fact relatively safe to execute.


Pressing heavy weight overhead is a functional skill to learn. The benefits from the Viking Press will have huge carry over for other exercises and for your general physical preparedness.

Viking Press Drawbacks

So, what are the cons?

Not Often Available

The movement requires a specialised machine that can be difficult to find in regular gyms.

How to Perform the Viking Press (Strict)

Use the following instructions to complete the exercise with proper form.

  • Make sure to adjust the handles so that they sit slightly below shoulder height at rest
  • Grip the handles with your palms facing inwards
  • Position your body with your back straight, core tight and feet shoulder width apart
  • Inhale and brace your core, glutes, shoulders and grip
  • Use your legs to push the weight off the supports and into the starting position
  • Retract the shoulder blades back and down
  • Drive the weight upwards
  • Lockout at the top
  • Return the weight to the starting position and exhale
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps

Training Tip

For the grip, you can wrap your thumbs around the bar or use a thumbless grip, whichever feels better for you.

Viking Press Variations and Alternatives

If you don’t have access to the machine, or you want to try a slightly different stimulus, add these variations and alternatives into your training.

  1. Double barbell Viking press
  2. Neutral grip dumbbell shoulder press
  3. Push-press
  4. Javelin press
  5. Z press
  6. Shoulder press machine
  7. Trap bar overhead press
  8. Handstand push-ups

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Add these Standing Ab Exercises and Z Press into your training.


The Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs Tue, 30 Jan 2024 10:59:00 +0000 This perfect obliques workout for great abs from Jeff Cavaliere will help you improve your physique and performance.

Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs

“If you want to lose love handles then you better start doing an obliques workout so you can be sure they look good when you drop the excess body fat. In this video, I’m going to show you the perfect obliques workout that you can do at home with no equipment at all. That said, since we know that body fat accumulation over this area can lead to the dreaded love handles, I’m going to point you to some nutritional guidance as well that will help you to lose weight and show off those obliques as you develop them.”

“In terms of the workout, it helps to first understand a bit of the anatomy of the oblique muscles in order to get the most out of your training and to lose love handles fast.”

Mountain climber wods athletes science based exercises for six pack abs How to Get a Six Pack in Less than A Month Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs

“The obliques are composed of both internal obliques and external obliques. As implied, the internal run deeper than the external and are actually not visible to the naked eye from the outside. The direction of the fibers run perpendicular to each other with the external obliques running down and in and the internal obliques running up and in.”

“To really have a complete obliques workout you need to make sure that you train both of these muscles and that you hit all of the functions of these muscles in one concise training plan. The roles of the oblique muscles are not just to make your love handles look better when covered by less fat but to do many different actions. These include, rotation both from the top down and the bottom up. Side flexion from the top down and the bottom up, and prevention of both rotation and side bending.”

Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs

“To structure this perfect obliques workout we ask that you attempt to do each of the movements for up to 45 seconds if able. Take a 15 second rest at the end of each exercise. If you can only do any of the oblique exercises for less than 45 seconds, simply rest pause your way until the time has elapsed.”

“The specific exercises in the workout are as follows:”

  • Bottom Up Rotation – Archer Tucks x 45 seconds / 15 second rest
  • Top Down Rotation – Russian Twists x 45 seconds / 15 second rest
  • Bottom Up Lateral Flexion – Side Plank Bridge Twists x 45 seconds each side / 15 second rest
  • Top Down lateral flexion right – Side Cycle Crunch (Band Elbow Thrusts Option) x 45 seconds
  • Anti-lateral Flexion – Side Plank Walk Throughs x 45 seconds each side / 15 seconds rest
  • Anti-Rotation – Wall Locks (Oak Tree Step Outs Option) x 45 seconds each side / 15 seconds rest

“The key to any oblique workout is getting good quality contractions.”

“You never want to rush your way through any of the oblique exercises that you are doing. It’s not the number of reps that you are doing in any of these workouts but the intensity of the contraction and how well you are feeling the muscle working. This means, that even if you have to go slower in order to really feel a squeeze in the right or left sides, do it.”

Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs

“This can be done in addition to whatever ab workout you may be doing at the moment. Just remember to remove whatever exercises for obliques you may be doing in that workout since you won’t need to double up. The amount of volume here is appropriate to get those obliques of yours looking way better and to get rid of the love handles once and for all.”

“Regarding the loss of the love handles or the fat that lays over the top of these muscles? Be sure to visit the link mentioned in the video. It is critical that you get your body fat levels down to around 10-12% if you want to see your best oblique muscle definition. This can only be accomplished by following a sensible meal plan that helps you to get into a hypo caloric state where burning off excess fat is achievable.”

Video – Perfect Obliques Workout for Great Abs

Learn More

Add the Pallof Press and Cable Crunch into your training.


How to Build Awesome Abs and Core Strength with the Pallof Press – Benefits and Technique Mon, 29 Jan 2024 22:59:00 +0000 This full guide to the Pallof Press will teach you everything you need to know about this unusual and highly effective exercise.

It is not a common abs exercise, yet it yields excellent results, with a variety of ancillary benefits thrown in for good measure.

What is the Pallof Press?

The movement makes an athlete hold a cable or band in front of their body and slowly, with great control, press it out and back.

The full range of motion is performed under great tension, as the cable or band are taut.

The Core is required to work hard to balance the lifter and control the movement. It trains an athlete’s ability to stabilise under a load. It reminds and teaches the core to activate and stay tight.

Why is it Called the Pallof Press?

Tony Gentilcore explains, “For those not in the know, the Pallof Press is aptly named after physical therapist John Pallof who is the guy who showed it to both Eric Cressey and myself back in the fall of 2006 when we both moved to the Boston area.”

Benefits of the Pallof Press

There are many primary and secondary benefits to the Pallof Press.

The Movement Builds Anti-Rotational Strength

Any human needs rotational strength to throw a ball or twist and generate power in that plane of movement.

However, every human also needs the ability to stop or prevent those movements as well.

A car needs an engine to go, but it also needs brakes to stop.

Anti-rotational strength exists as the brakes.

Your body will always experience rotational movement, in minor or major ways, when you perform many different exercises such as Squats and Deadlifts, or even run. Your body subconsciously corrects any rotation in order to balance and perform the movement.

The better you are at being able to resist these rotations, the more effective and safer your lifts will be.

Great tool for a Six Pack

The exercise is a fantastic way to build your abs. Remember to combine it with an intelligent nutrition plan for the best results.

Solidify your Core

The movement also trains your full core, making you a stronger, more resilient human.

Prevent Injury

A stronger core will also help to protect and stabilise the spine. This can alleviate or even prevent back problems.

It’s a Great Warm Up

The exercise engages the glutes, core, legs, back, arms and shoulders.

Woman stretching for Pallof PressSource: Logan Weaver on Unsplash
Warm up your body

As you push and pull the band, you engage almost your entire body. This is a helpful way to start any session in the box or gym.

Muscles Worked by the Pallof Press

The following muscle groups are all worked by the Pallof Press.

Transverse Abdominals

The slightly different angle of the exercise is a great way to attack these muscles in a new way.


The obliques must work hard to stop any rotation of the body.

Rectus Abdominis

The movement itself does not work with extension and flexion of the spine. However, the muscles of the six pack must still work to stabilise and contract isometrically to help keep the spine and torso in the same place.

Scapular Stabilisers

You must keep your shoulder blades active and engaged throughout the movement.

To do this properly, many of the smaller stabilisers also work in tandem to hold the shoulder plates in place.

The scapular stabilisers assist good posture and a neutral spine during heavy lifts.


During the press, the glutes are activated and provide a strong muscular platform from which to stabilise the body.

How to Do the Pallof Press

Use the following instructions to correctly perform the exercise. This is for the resistance band variation but you can use the same steps for a cable as well.

Set the exercise up by looping a resistance band to a power rack at chest height.

  • Grip the unattached end and stand perpendicular to the power rack
  • Lock your fingers together and take a few steps away from the power rack until the band is taut
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Plant them securely into the floor
  • Inhale and brace your core, glutes, shoulders and grip
  • Slowly reach forwards and straighten your arms whilst keeping your torso completely fixed in the same position in space
  • Now, with control and poise, bring the hands and band back to the chest
  • Exhale
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps

Training Tips

Make sure you adopt a strong, stable position at all times.

Keep a slight bend in your knees and your spine straight at all times.

Never let the torso or shoulders bend forwards and cave in.

Fight the rotational pull of the band at all times.

How to Make the Pallof Press Harder

The further away you stand from the power rack, the more tension there will be in the resistance band and the harder the exercise will be.

The other method is to use a stronger band.

With these two methods you can find the right intensity level for your training level, intent and purposes.

Using the Pallof Press for Different Goals

Try these different forms of programming to achieve your desired aim.

Remember to always complete each set both ways, so that you maintain balance and symmetry of your strength and physique.

For Hypertrophy

If you want to build muscle then stick to 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps. Rest for 30 – 45 seconds between sets.

For Core Strength

Go for 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps with a slightly harder band. Rest for a minute between each set.

As a Warm Up

Use a light band and focus on muscle control and activation.

Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Pallof Press Variations

Add the following variations into your training if you want to slightly alter the stimulus of the exercise.

  • Half-Kneeling Pallof Press
  • Double Kneeling Pallof Press
  • Pallof Press with Overhead Reach
  • Pallof Press with Cable

Pallof Press Alternatives

Try these alternatives when you need a selection of different core and abs exercises.

  • Landmine Rotation
  • Bird Dog Row
  • Weighted Side Bend
  • Front Loaded Carry
  • Standing Russian Twist with Weight Plate

Learn More

Add these effective press alternatives to your training:

Or build leg strength with Nordic Curls and a better upper body with Chin Ups.

7 Rare Upper Chest Exercises for Incredible Muscle Gains (Look Good Get Strong) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 22:59:00 +0000 Try adding this effective and rare Upper Chest Exercises into your training.

If you want to achieve that ‘big chest’ look, you need to work on strengthening your upper pecs. Strengthening these muscles will help you achieve a healthier posture as well as improving overall strength and performance in other movements, such as pushing or pulling exercises.

The muscles that make up the upper chest are the clavicular pectoralis major (upper pec) and the sternal pectoralis major (lower pec).

The upper chest muscles are the clavicular pectoralis major (upper pec) and the sternal pectoralis major (lower pec). These muscles are responsible for rotating your upper arm inward. They also contribute to flexion of the shoulder joint, adduction of the upper arm and depression of your shoulders.

Upper-Body-Chest-Muscles How to Get that Shredded Look Fast Rare Upper Chest ExercisesSource: Depositphotos / Obi Vincent

Working out these muscles can help you develop a strong, well-balanced physique by strengthening not only your chest but also other areas such as arms, back, shoulders and abs.

Strengthening your upper pecs will help you to get that ‘big chest’ look.

Strengthening your upper pecs will help you to get that ‘big chest’ look. You can do this with dumbbells, a barbell, or resistance bands. Do a variety of exercises to work the different parts of your chest.

When you’re trying to get a ‘big chest,’ it’s important to focus on strengthening your upper pecs. These muscles are very visible, and they will help you get that look that most people want when they think of working out or going to the gym.

Add these rare upper chest exercises from Gravity Transformation into your training.

1. Rare Upper Chest Exercises – Reverse grip bench press

This increases muscular activation of the upper head (clavicular head) and will help you to build the upper chest in a new way.

  • Make sure that your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Keep elbows close in to the body.
  • Keep your thumbs around the barbell the whole time.
  • Don’t lock out your elbows fully at the top.
  • Go lighter than you would for your regular bench press

2. Rare Upper Chest Exercises – Cross-body incline chest press

You can perform this on a hammer press machine, or set up your bench next to the cable machine and go from there (see the video below).

This will mimic the same motion. The cable also keeps constant tension.

3. Rare Upper Chest Exercises – Standing Svend press

This is not a well know chest exercise but it is tremendously effective.

Add it to the end of your workout, after you have completed all the rest of your heavy pressing exercises.

4. Rare Upper Chest Exercises – Hex press/ Incline hex press

The Hex Press will hit your upper chest in a unique way. Adding an incline will further enhance the stimulus on that part of your body.

Squeeze them really tightly together.

5. Rare Upper Chest Exercises – Incline chest fly (With Cables)

Here the cables will maintain constant tension on the chest. Lying down on the incline bench will also make the exercise harder, and your gains better.

The line of resistance for the cables on the incline bench hits the upper chest much more effectively.

Try keeping your hands open on the way down for even better chest activation.

Squeeze at the top.

6. Fly variation

This is a floor exercise that only uses one cable. Work in one side at a time.

Watch the video below for the full description of the movement.

Make sure to move with an arc like motion.

7. Landmine chest press

For this version, rest the barbell on a box as well. This will allow you to load up a much heavier load and challenge your chest even further.

Clasp the bar with a prayer like grip.

Make sure to lower slowly and squeeze as hard as you can.

Video Timestamps

1. Reverse grip bench press 1:04

2. Cross-body incline chest press 2:46

3. Standing Svend press 3:57

4. Hex press/ Inclined hex press 4:59

5. Inclined chest fly (With cables) 5:45

6. Fly variation 7:08

7. Landmine chest press 7:56

Video – Rare Upper Chest Exercises

Learn More

BIGGER QUADS – 5 Mistakes Keeping your Legs Skinny

Best Leg Workout Tips for Bigger Legs

Best Science-Based Lower Body Workout to Grow Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes and Calves

The Smartest Push Pull Legs Routine

Good Leg Workouts at Home for Stronger Quads, Hamstrings and Glutes

8 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar Mon, 29 Jan 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Learn more about the signs that you might be eating too much sugar.

What are the Negatives of Sugar?

Sugar can have negative effects on our health if consumed in excess. Here are some of the potential negative effects of sugar:

Weight gain: Consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain as it provides empty calories that do not provide much nutrition but can contribute to an increase in body fat.

Dental problems: Sugar is one of the leading causes of tooth decay, as it fuels the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Risk of diabetes: Overconsumption of sugar can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because sugar can cause insulin resistance, a condition where the body becomes less responsive to the hormone insulin.

Sugar on a spoon Tips to Lose Belly Fat Easily

Increased risk of heart disease: Eating too much sugar has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. This is because sugar consumption can increase blood pressure and triglycerides, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.

Inflammation: Sugar can also promote inflammation in the body, which has been linked to a range of health problems, including arthritis and some types of cancer.

Addiction: Sugar can be addictive, leading to cravings and a cycle of overconsumption that can be difficult to break.

Poor nutrition: Consuming too much sugar can displace healthier foods from the diet, leading to poor nutrition and an increased risk of deficiencies.

While sugar can be enjoyed in moderation, excessive consumption can have negative impacts on our health.

Max Posternak is a fitness and nutrition coach who is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a YouTube channel and online coaching service that provides fitness and nutrition advice, workout plans, and meal plans.

Video – 8 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

What are Healthy Sources of Sugar?

While added sugars should be limited in our diet, there are many healthy sources of natural sugars that provide important nutrients and energy. Here are some examples:

  • Fruits: Fruits are a great source of natural sugars, as they contain fructose, a type of sugar that is metabolized differently than refined sugars. Fruits also provide important vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
  • Vegetables: Some vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beets, and carrots, contain natural sugars that can add sweetness to meals. Vegetables are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
  • Dairy: Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, contain lactose, a type of sugar that is naturally present in milk. These products also provide important nutrients, such as calcium and protein.
  • Whole grains: Whole grains, such as oats and quinoa, contain natural sugars and are a good source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other important nutrients.
  • Honey and maple syrup: While these are still added sugars, they are a more natural option compared to highly processed white sugar. They also contain some beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.

It’s important to keep in mind that even these healthy sources of sugar should be consumed in moderation, as too much of any type of sugar can have negative health effects.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are the three main types of nutrients that make up the majority of our diet and provide our bodies with energy. They are:

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. They are found in foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is used by the body for energy.

Proteins: Proteins are important for building and repairing tissues in the body, as well as for making enzymes and hormones. They are found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and nuts.

Fats: Fats provide energy and help the body absorb vitamins and minerals. They are found in foods such as oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

These three macronutrients are all necessary for our bodies to function properly and should be consumed in the right proportions to maintain a healthy diet.

The amount of each macronutrient that a person needs varies depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, and activity level. It’s important to note that while macronutrients are essential, it’s also important to focus on consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods.

What are Calories?

Calories are a unit of measurement used to quantify the amount of energy provided by food and drink. It is a measure of the energy content of food, and the amount of calories we consume and expend determines our body weight.

A calorie is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. The calories in food are usually measured in kilocalories (kcal), which is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

Different foods contain different amounts of calories, with high-calorie foods such as junk food, sweets, and fried foods typically containing more calories than healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. The number of calories a person needs depends on various factors, such as age, gender, weight, height, and activity level.

To maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to balance the number of calories we consume with the number of calories we expend through physical activity and daily living. Consuming more calories

than we burn can lead to weight gain, while consuming fewer calories than we burn can lead to weight loss.

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit is a term used to describe a state in which a person is burning more calories than they are consuming. This can lead to weight loss as the body uses stored fat for energy to make up for the calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit is created by reducing calorie intake, increasing physical activity, or a combination of both. For example, a person can create a calorie deficit by reducing their daily calorie intake by 500 calories while also increasing their physical activity to burn an additional 500 calories per day. This would result in a total daily calorie deficit of 1000 calories, which over time would lead to weight loss.

It’s important to note that creating too large of a calorie deficit can be unhealthy and can lead to negative effects such as muscle loss, fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies. It’s generally recommended to aim for a moderate calorie deficit of 500 to 1000 calories per day, which can lead to healthy and sustainable weight loss over time.

It’s also important to ensure that the diet is still balanced and provides adequate nutrients, even when in a calorie deficit. A registered dietitian can help develop a personalized plan to ensure that a calorie deficit is achieved in a healthy and sustainable way.

How Does Sugar Harm Teeth?

Sugar can harm teeth in several ways:

  • Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar: When we consume sugary foods and drinks, the bacteria in our mouth feed on the sugar and produce acid as a byproduct. This acid can erode the enamel on our teeth, leading to tooth decay.
  • Sugar promotes plaque formation: Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on our teeth. When we consume sugary foods and drinks, the sugar can stick to our teeth and provide a food source for the bacteria that form plaque. Over time, this can lead to the buildup of plaque and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Sugar can decrease saliva production: Saliva plays an important role in protecting our teeth by washing away food particles and neutralizing acid in the mouth. Consuming sugary foods and drinks can decrease saliva production, which can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay.
  • Sugar can cause inflammation: Consuming too much sugar can lead to inflammation in the body, including the gums. This can contribute to gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

To prevent these harmful effects of sugar on teeth, it’s important to limit sugary foods and drinks and maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly.

Why Does Sugar Lead to Weight Gain?

Consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain for several reasons:

High in calories: Sugar is a calorie-dense food, which means that it contains a lot of calories relative to its volume. Consuming large amounts of sugary foods and drinks can quickly add up in terms of calories and lead to weight gain.

Affects appetite: Consuming sugary foods and drinks can affect our appetite by not providing the feeling of fullness and satiety that we get from other types of foods, such as protein and fiber-rich foods. This can lead to overconsumption of calories and eventual weight gain.

Causes spikes in blood sugar: Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to increased insulin secretion by the pancreas. Over time, the body can become less responsive to insulin, leading to insulin resistance, a condition that has been linked to obesity.

Affects metabolism: Consuming large amounts of sugar can also affect our metabolism by increasing the storage of fat in the body, particularly in the abdominal area. This can lead to increased body fat and weight gain.

To prevent weight gain from sugar consumption, it’s important to limit sugary foods and drinks in the diet and replace them with nutrient-dense, whole foods.

Consuming a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help maintain a healthy weight and prevent the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption.

Learn More

5 meals you should be eating to lose fat

Stop squatting! 4 better leg exercises

Best exercises to get a six pack at home

How to increase testosterone levels naturally

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth Mon, 29 Jan 2024 17:00:00 +0000 These effective gym hacks to speed up muscle growth will help you build a better body, more strength and transform the efficiency of each workout.

They have been chosen and explained by Gravity Transformation.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth

“If you want to build muscle and would like to know some powerful training techniques that can help you progress faster, this video (see below) will definitely help. Find out the best diet and workout hacks to build muscle mass.”

hypertrophy programs How To Build Muscle WITHOUT Lifting Heavier 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle GrowthSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

3 Pillars of Muscle Growth

“If you want to build muscle you already know that the three main areas to focus on. These are eating, training, and sleeping.”

“When you optimize these 3 things, you’ll build plenty of muscle. On the other hand, if you don’t train hard enough, you don’t eat right, or you don’t get enough sleep you’re going to find it a lot harder to build muscle.”

“So, most of your results will come down to these three factors. And the good news is that there are a couple tips and hacks that you can use to optimize each of these three factors to really speed up muscle growth, and these hacks are backed by scientific evidence.”

1. 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Use Bands and Chains to Improve Resistance Curves

“And the very first undervalued hack that most people have never even tried is using bands and chains to improve resistance curves. You see, many exercises have a specific sticking point. For example, on the bench press, the sticking point tends to happen after the bar comes off the chest right before the halfway point. That’s the point where the exercise is the hardest and requires the most strength.”

“Meanwhile, other points like the lock-out portion for example require much less strength. To give another example, during the squat, the sticking point typically occurs near the halfway point where the thigh is at about a 30-degree angle to the floor. And most exercises have these kinds of sticking points.”

“This is important because when you fail to complete another rep, you might be under the impression that you’ve maxed out and you can’t do more reps because your muscles are too fatigued to further produce movement. But In reality, the muscle might not be fully fatigued just yet. Instead, it might just be fatigued enough to where you cannot complete a specific part of the movement which could be referred to as your sticking point.”

Marcus Filly knows how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time 5 Old School Abs Exercises You Should Still be Doing

“Luckily you can use resistance bands and chains to help with this. They allow you to change the resistance curve of an exercise, which means that chains and bands can make certain parts of the movement more or less challenging. For example, during the squat, the resistance bands and chains provide more resistance the closer you get to lockout, which is the part of the movement that’s past the sticking point, so you will more likely be able to handle a heavier resistance as you get closer and closer to lockout, and that’s exactly what chains and bands can provide.”

“Not only will this lead to a more effective muscle-building stimulus, but it can also help you gain strength more effectively, as shown by multiple studies. For example, two studies show that bench pressing and squatting with bands or chains builds more strength than doing these exercises without bands or chains. (12)”

“In another 2016 paper published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, researchers found that more advanced lifters tend to benefit the most from using bands and chains. (13)”

“Beginners, on the other hand, many times don’t have the required coordination and the rate of force development to use bands and chains effectively, which is why if you’re a beginner you’re better off getting accustomed to weight training in general, before adding bands and chains. And for those of you that are advanced keep in mind, bands and chains don’t improve the effectiveness of all your exercises. For example, an exercise like the leg press, even though it has its fair share of problems, it generally already has a good resistance curve, so there’s really not much of a point in adding chains or bands to a leg press.”

2. 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Training Time

“The next muscle-building hack is to train either later in the afternoon or early evening.”

“Now if you have a solid morning routine there’s nothing wrong with that, but you should know that your body has an “internal clock” known as the circadian rhythm. Due to this circadian rhythm, you’re stronger, faster, and you have a more beneficial hormonal status for exercise at certain times of the day.”

“If you take advantage of this by training at the right time, you can boost your gym performance and your progress. And we have evidence of this. For example, a 2016 study compared the effectiveness of a 24-week workout program (1) where One group completed their workouts between 6:30 and 10:00 in the morning. Meanwhile, the other group worked out between 4:30pm and 8:00 at night. The results showed that those who trained in the evening gained much more muscle (2). On top of that, another study that specifically examined bodybuilders (3) who either trained before 10 am or after 6 pm also found that the bodybuilders that worked out in the evening gained more muscle.

Watch the video for more detail and the rest of the gym hacks to speed up muscle growth.

Video – 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth

Time Stamps – 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth

00:30 – #01 – Using Bands And Chains To improve Resistance Curves

03:08 – #02 – Train Later In The Afternoon to Early In The Evening

05:08 – #03 – Perform the ConcretricProtion of The Bench Press As Explosively As Possible

06:40 – #04 – Focusing on Your Priority Muscle Groups

07:57 – #05 – Consume Caffeine Before Your Morning Workout

09:02 – #06 – Implement Staggered Sets

10:46 – #07 – Avoiding Sexual Activity a Day Before a Leg Workout

11:32 – #08 – Using Knee Sleeves During Squats

Learn More

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

Major Muscles of the Body

The major muscles of the body include the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, pecs, quads, hamstrings, glutes and biceps.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Latissimus Dorsi

The Latissimus Dorsi is the largest muscle in the back. It’s a large triangular muscle that covers the posterior surface of your thoracic cage, from the lower six ribs to the iliac crest. Located under your armpit and behind your shoulder blade, it originates from both sides of your spine.

It helps you perform arm extension and adduction (pulling inward). You use it when you pull something up or push something away from you like when holding something heavy above or below shoulder level (like a suitcase) or when pulling yourself up on a bar during chin-ups/pull-ups.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Trapezius

The trapezius muscle is a broad, flat muscle that covers the upper back and extends from the base of your skull to the middle of your upper back. It is used to move the shoulder girdle and can be important in sports such as swimming and archery.

The trapezius muscle is used when you lift or turn your head or twist it from side to side. It also helps you shrug your shoulders or raise them up toward your ears.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Pecs

The pecs are the muscles that make up your chest. They’re located in your upper arm and are responsible for pulling the arm towards the body.

The pecs also play a role in pushing away from the body, though they tend to take a back seat to other muscles when it comes to this task.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Quads

The quadriceps are the muscles that make up the front of the thigh. They consist of four separate muscles:

  • the rectus femoris, which runs from the pelvis to just below your knee joint;
  • the vastus intermedius and vastus medialis, which run from your hip bone to just below your knee joint; and
  • the vastus lateralis, which runs along the outside of your thigh from about mid-thigh down to about 8 inches above your kneecap.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a group of leg muscles that run from the pelvis to the lower leg. They play an important part in running, jumping and squatting. The three muscles that make up the hamstrings are semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris.

The semitendinosus is located on the medial side (inside) of your thigh. It originates at your ischial tuberosity (your sitting bone) and inserts into your tibia (shinbone).

The semimembranosus is also located on the interior side of your thigh but closer to its center than where you sit; its origin point is near where you sit (ischial tuberosity), while its insertion point is farther down toward your knee joint on a bone called tibia or shinbone.

The biceps femoris has two heads: short head attaches above patella (knee cap); long head originates further down from it along with other hamstring attachments such as rectus femoris muscle which attaches onto anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS for short).

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Glutes

The glutes are a group of muscles in your buttocks that are responsible for hip extension and flexion.

When you straighten or bend your leg, these muscles come into play. This can be done while sitting down, standing up, or lying on your back (as in the case of floor exercises). Gluteus maximus is responsible for extending the thigh backward; it’s also known as “the big muscle” because it’s generally bigger than other gluteal muscles and is more visible from behind due to its location beneath skin and fat tissue at this part of the body. Gluteus medius acts as an external rotator during abduction (when you raise one leg out to the side).

Glutes may include:

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Hamstrings (biceps femoris)

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Biceps

The bicep is a muscle that flexes the elbow. It’s located on the front of your upper arm, and it comprises two distinct heads: the short head and the long head.

8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth – Triceps

The triceps is a large muscle located on the back of the upper arm. It makes up one-third of the total arm size and is one of three muscles that make up this area.

The triceps, together with two other muscles—the biceps and deltoids—make up what’s called your “upper arm.” You can see why it’s so important to work out all three areas if you want to build strong arms!

Conclusion – 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth

With these muscles, you’re well on your way to being strong. We hope you enjoyed learning about all of these muscles in the body and their role in exercise. Keep up with your workouts so that you can build muscle mass!

Add these gym hacks to speed up muscle growth into your training.

References – 8 Gym Hacks to Speed Up Muscle Growth

1. A 2016 study compared the effectiveness of a 24-week MORNING VS EVENING workout program.

2. You can see in figure 2 that the evening workout group outperformed the morning group:

3. Tim Scheett from the University of Southern Mississippi found comparable results.

4. Post-workout muscle anabolic signalling is higher later in the day.

5. You have a more favourable testosterone-to-cortisol ratio in the evening.

6. Core body temperature peaks in the evening, which enhances muscle activation, energy metabolism, nervous system efficiency, and blood flow to the muscle.

7. Research shows that having caffeine reduces some of the downsides of morning sessions, such as impaired central nervous system efficiency and muscle activation.

8. Performing a whole-body workout with staggered sets increases work capacity compared to doing straight sets.

9. Doing rows before bench throws increases power output.

10. Doing rows immediately after the bench press improves performance in both exercises.

11. Research by Kirecci et al. looked at whether abstaining from sex can improve lower body strength performance.

12. Two papers show that bench pressing and squatting with bands or chains builds more strength than doing them without, even when total training volume is equated.

13. According to a 2016 paper published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, more advanced trainees tend to benefit the most from using bands and chains.

14. In a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, researchers looked at whether knee sleeves can improve squat performance.

15. The muscles and exercise you train first in a workout improve the most while those that are trained later get a less effective stimulus, as  shown by a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

16. “if an exercise is important for the training goals of a program, then it should be placed at the beginning of the training session, regardless of whether or not it is a large muscle group exercise or a small muscle.”

17. A study published in the European Journal of Sports Science had subjects train the bench press with either a maximum velocity concentric or a controlled concentric at about 1/2 of the maximum bar speed.

18. “one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength (18.2 vs. 9.7%)”

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Which is Better? Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:00:00 +0000 When it comes to hypertrophy, slow reps vs fast reps for muscle growth, which is better for you?

Jeremy Ethier decided to tackle the issue in this informative video. Check out his great YourTube channel as well.

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth

“One often overlooked variable when it comes to training is lifting tempo – or how slow/fast you perform each repetition.”

“In this video I’ll cover slow reps vs fast reps, and which one is better in terms of muscle growth. The main benefits of slow reps for mass is that this increases the time under tension throughout the set.”

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle GrowthSource: Victor Freitas / Pexels

“On the other hand, the main benefit of using fast reps is that it enables you to use a heavier load or perform more reps when compared to slow reps. And although time under tension is reduced when fast reps are used, this actually doesn’t seem to hinder muscle growth.”

“Thus, it’s clear that fast reps might be more beneficial for muscle growth. But how fast should you go and what’s the ideal rep speed? Based on Schoenfeld’s meta-analysis, between 2 seconds to 6 seconds per rep seems optimal for muscle growth.”

“But closer to 2 seconds (faster reps) seem to be slightly more beneficial. However, rather than obsessing over the best rep speed for muscle, a better approach would be to simply use a concentric speed that’s on the faster side but enables you to feel a strong mind-muscle connection.”

Man-Lifting-Weight-in-Garage-GymSource: Corey Young on Unsplash

“And for the eccentric portion of the lift, make sure you’re controlling the weight down as opposed to letting gravity do the work for you. Utilizing these two tips will help make the “ideal” lifting tempo easy to implement!”

Video – Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth

Learn More – Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

Compound Exercises

If you’re looking to get in shape, this list of compound exercises will help you do so quickly. Compound exercises are effective for building strength because they work multiple muscle groups at once. They also recruit more muscle fibers than isolation exercises do. This means that compound moves build muscle faster and burn more calories over time. Ready to start getting fit? Here are some compound exercises you can add into your workout routine:

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Squat

Squats are a great exercise for building your legs, butt, and abs. They’re also the most basic compound exercise you can do. If you want to build muscle mass and strength, squats should be at the top of your list of exercises—and there are lots of different squat variations to choose from!

woman rests between sets of back squats Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth

The squat is performed by bending down with your back straight and lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel with the floor or lower, then standing back up again. There are several different types of squats.

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Deadlift

The deadlift is a compound exercise that works several muscles in your body. It targets your core, legs, back and grip strength. The deadlift is one of the best full-body workouts you can do to build muscle mass and burn fat.

The deadlift also helps with other exercises such as squats, lunges and rows. If you want to improve your performance on these types of exercises then adding in some heavy deadlifts will help build up those muscles needed to get better results from those exercises.

If you are new to weightlifting or have never done any kind of workout before then I would suggest starting with lighter weights until you get used to how it feels when using heavier weights in order not hurt yourself by doing too much too soon!

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Barbell Overhead Press

  • Start with a barbell in the rack at shoulder height.
  • Unrack into the front rack position
  • Lift the barbell up above your head, keeping it at arms’ length and using only your shoulders to lift it. This is also called a shoulder press or military press.

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a great exercise to include in your workout routine. They can be done using a chair or tree branch, and they work the back, biceps, lats and abs.

You can also modify them to make them easier if you are just starting out on pull-ups or you have a specific injury that prevents you from doing the full movement of pulling yourself up with your arms. In general, the more challenging version is better because it will build more muscle mass throughout the upper body area by increasing strength in those muscles over time.

A good way to start developing some basic fitness levels before tackling this challenge is by doing inverted rows on an incline bench at home or at the gym; this will help strengthen core stability as well as arm strength for pull-ups later down the line.

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth – Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises among weightlifters. It works the chest, shoulders and triceps.

To do the exercise: lie on your back on a flat bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Grasp a barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and lower it toward your chest until it touches (about halfway down). Then push it back up to its original position. You can also use dumbbells for this exercise; just remember that you’ll have to increase or decrease the weight accordingly depending on which version you’re doing (the grip will be different).

These compound exercises will get you in shape quickly.

Compound exercises are the best way to get in shape quickly. They work multiple muscle groups, which helps you build strength faster and increase your muscle mass. As a result, compound exercises are the best way to burn fat and increase your overall fitness level.

Conclusion – Slow Reps vs Fast Reps for Muscle Growth

In conclusion, these compound exercises are a great way to get in shape quickly. All of these exercises will help you build muscle, lose weight and improve your overall health. I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new today!

Should You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day – Is it Even a Good Idea? Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:55:34 +0000 The idea of walking 10,000 steps every day as a health recommendation originated in Japan in the mid-1960s.

The concept was popularized by a Japanese pedometer company called Yamasa Tokei Keiki Co. The company named one of its devices “Manpo-kei,” which translates to “10,000 steps metre” in English. The device was marketed with the slogan, “Let’s walk 10,000 steps a day for good health,” and it quickly gained popularity in Japan.

The number 10,000 was not based on any scientific research or medical evidence but was more of a marketing strategy. The company believed that 10,000 steps were a desirable, yet achievable, goal that would encourage individuals to be more active. The simplicity of the message and the easy-to-remember number resonated with people and became a widely accepted target for daily physical activity.

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Over time, the 10,000 steps goal gained recognition internationally and was adopted by various health organizations and fitness trackers as a general guideline for promoting physical activity. While the specific number may not be rooted in scientific research, accumulating evidence suggests that regular physical activity, including walking, is beneficial for overall health and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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It’s worth noting that the 10,000 steps guideline is a general recommendation and may not be suitable for everyone. The appropriate level of physical activity can vary depending on factors such as age, fitness level, and underlying health conditions. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness expert can provide personalized advice on the appropriate amount of physical activity for an individual.

What are the Negative Health Impacts of Walking 10,000 steps every day and why are they Minimal?

Walking 10,000 steps every day is generally considered a healthy goal and is often recommended for improving physical fitness and overall health.

However, it’s important to note that individual experiences and health conditions can vary, and what may be appropriate for one person may not be suitable for another. While there are some potential negative health impacts associated with walking 10,000 steps every day, they are generally minimal and outweighed by the overall benefits.

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One possible negative impact is the risk of overuse injuries, such as stress fractures or tendonitis, especially if a person rapidly increases their step count without proper conditioning. However, these risks can be minimized by gradually increasing activity levels, wearing appropriate footwear, and incorporating rest days to allow for recovery.

Another potential concern is excessive fatigue or burnout, particularly if someone is already engaged in other high-intensity physical activities. Pushing oneself too hard without adequate rest can lead to physical and mental exhaustion. It’s important to listen to the body and adjust the activity level as needed, taking breaks when necessary.

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Additionally, individuals with certain health conditions or physical limitations may need to modify their walking routine. For example, individuals with joint issues or chronic pain may need to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate intensity and duration of walking that suits their individual needs.

Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Every Day

Despite these potential risks, the negative health impacts of walking 10,000 steps every day are generally minimal for most individuals. Walking is a low-impact activity that is generally safe for people of all ages and fitness levels.

It offers numerous physical and mental health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight management, enhanced mood, and better joint flexibility.

By listening to one’s body, practicing proper technique, and gradually increasing activity levels, the risk of negative health impacts can be minimized, allowing individuals to enjoy the overall benefits of walking.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Walking is a simple yet effective form of exercise that can significantly improve cardiovascular health. As a form of aerobic exercise, walking increases the heart rate, improves circulation, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

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Regular walking has been shown to lower blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. By engaging in moderate-intensity walking for at least 30 minutes a day, individuals can experience a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This reduction in blood pressure helps to ease the workload on the heart and lowers the risk of developing hypertension, thereby reducing the chances of heart disease and stroke.

Walking also promotes better cholesterol levels. It can raise the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol, while lowering levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol. This favourable lipid profile contributes to improved cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of plaque formation in the arteries, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Regular walking stimulates the heart and increases its efficiency. It strengthens the heart muscles, improving their ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body. This increased cardiovascular fitness leads to a more efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs, supporting their optimal function.

athlete does bar facing burpee ukraine Training Principles you Should Apply to YourselfSource: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

Moreover, walking can positively impact overall heart health by reducing the risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Walking helps burn calories and contributes to weight management, making it an effective tool for preventing and managing obesity, a condition that significantly increases the risk of heart disease. By improving insulin sensitivity, walking can also help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is closely associated with cardiovascular complications.

Aside from its direct effects on the cardiovascular system, walking offers additional benefits that indirectly support heart health. Regular physical activity, including walking, can help manage stress levels and promote better sleep, both of which are important factors in maintaining a healthy heart. Reducing stress can lower cortisol levels, decrease inflammation, and minimize the risk of heart disease.

Weight Management

Walking is an excellent form of exercise for weight management due to its accessibility, simplicity, and effectiveness. As a low-impact activity, walking can be easily incorporated into daily routines and is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels.

One of the primary ways walking contributes to weight management is through calorie burning. While the exact number of calories burned during a walk depends on factors such as speed, duration, and body weight, walking at a brisk pace can burn a significant amount of calories. The energy expenditure from walking helps create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. By consistently burning more calories than consumed, individuals can gradually shed excess weight.

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In addition to calorie burning, walking can increase metabolism, which is the rate at which the body burns calories at rest. Regular walking stimulates the metabolic rate, leading to more efficient energy utilization. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with a sedentary lifestyle or a slower metabolism. By incorporating regular walks into their routine, individuals can rev up their metabolism and support weight management.

Furthermore, walking can help individuals maintain a healthy body weight. It is a sustainable form of exercise that can be easily maintained over the long term. Unlike more intense exercises, walking is less likely to cause burnout or overexertion, making it a manageable activity for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Consistency is key for weight management, and the ease and convenience of walking contribute to its sustainability as a regular exercise habit.

Regular walking also offers other indirect benefits for weight management. It can help control appetite and cravings, making it easier to adhere to a healthy diet. Walking can improve insulin sensitivity, which can aid in blood sugar regulation and prevent the development of insulin resistance and weight gain. Additionally, walking can improve overall body composition by helping to preserve lean muscle mass while reducing body fat.

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In conclusion, walking is a valuable tool for weight management. By burning calories, increasing metabolism, and supporting a healthy body weight, regular walking can contribute to gradual weight loss and weight maintenance over time. Incorporating brisk walks into daily routines and adopting a healthy diet can enhance the effectiveness of walking for weight management. Its accessibility and low-impact nature make it a sustainable and enjoyable form of exercise for individuals looking to manage their weight.

Enhanced Mood and Mental Well-Being

Walking not only benefits physical health but also has a significant positive impact on mental well-being and mood. Engaging in regular walking has been shown to boost mood, reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall mental well-being.

One of the primary reasons walking improves mood is the release of endorphins. When we engage in physical activity, including walking, our bodies produce endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that act as natural mood elevators.

Endorphins interact with the brain’s receptors to reduce pain perception and induce feelings of pleasure and well-being. The release of endorphins during walking can lead to a sense of euphoria and increased positivity, helping to combat negative emotions and improve overall mood.

In addition to the neurochemical effects, walking provides an opportunity for distraction and relaxation. It allows individuals to focus their attention on the present moment and take a break from daily stressors and worries. Walking can serve as a form of active meditation, providing mental clarity and a sense of calmness. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety.

teenage athlete stays fit through running The Easiest Way to Lose Fat FasterSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Walking outdoors in natural environments offers unique psychological benefits. Spending time in nature has been associated with improved mental health outcomes. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature can have a soothing effect on the mind, reducing stress and enhancing well-being. Walking in green spaces or near bodies of water has been shown to increase positive emotions, reduce rumination, and improve cognitive function. Nature walks also provide an opportunity for exposure to natural sunlight, which can boost vitamin D levels and improve mood.

Furthermore, walking can serve as a social activity, providing opportunities for social interaction and connection. Walking with a friend, family member, or in a group can enhance feelings of social support and belonging, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

In conclusion, walking is a simple and accessible way to enhance mood and improve mental well-being. The release of endorphins, the distraction from stressors, and the potential benefits of walking in nature all contribute to the positive impact on mood. Incorporating regular walks into one’s routine can be an effective strategy for reducing stress, alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression, and promoting overall mental well-being.

Increased Muscle Strength and Tone

While walking is often associated with cardiovascular benefits, it also plays a significant role in increasing muscle strength and tone. Walking engages various muscle groups throughout the body, including the legs, glutes, core, and arms.

Walking regularly can help improve muscle strength by challenging and stimulating these muscle groups. As you walk, the muscles in your legs, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, work to propel you forward. The gluteal muscles, including the gluteus maximus and medius, also play a crucial role in stabilizing the hips and providing power during each step. Additionally, the core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back muscles, engage to maintain stability and posture during walking.

By incorporating uphill walking or adding intervals of brisk walking into your routine, you can further enhance muscle strength. Walking uphill increases the resistance on your leg muscles, requiring them to work harder and becoming stronger over time. Brisk walking, which involves walking at a faster pace, can also provide an additional challenge to the muscles, leading to improved strength and endurance.

Regular walking not only improves muscle strength but also contributes to muscle tone. As you engage and work your muscles during walking, it helps to develop lean muscle mass and define the shape and appearance of the muscles. Over time, this can result in improved muscle tone and a more sculpted physique.

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It’s important to note that while walking can improve muscle strength and tone, it may not lead to the same level of muscle development as more intense resistance training exercises. However, walking can serve as a valuable foundation or complement to a comprehensive fitness routine and is particularly beneficial for individuals who are new to exercise or have mobility limitations.

Walking is a simple and effective way to increase muscle strength and tone. By engaging various muscle groups and incorporating challenges such as uphill walking or brisk intervals, regular walking can help improve overall muscle strength, endurance, and definition. It is a low-impact exercise suitable for people of different fitness levels and can be easily incorporated into daily routines for long-term benefits.

Improved Bone Health

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that offers significant benefits for bone health. It helps maintain bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and minimizes the chances of fractures. This is particularly important for older adults who are more susceptible to bone loss and related complications.

Weight-bearing exercises like walking put stress on the bones, stimulating them to become stronger and denser. Regular walking helps to maintain bone mass and can even slow down age-related bone loss. By engaging in weight-bearing activities, such as walking, individuals can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones and increased susceptibility to fractures.

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Walking also improves balance, coordination, and overall strength, which are crucial for preventing falls and fractures, especially in older adults. It helps enhance muscle strength, which supports and protects the bones. Combining walking with strength training exercises that target specific muscle groups can provide even greater benefits for bone health. Strength training exercises, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, help build and maintain muscle mass, which further supports bone strength and stability.

Additionally, walking outdoors exposes individuals to natural sunlight, which is an important source of vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium absorption, a key component of bone health. By walking outdoors and getting sufficient sunlight, individuals can support their vitamin D levels, aiding in bone health.

It is worth noting that while walking is beneficial for bone health, it may not be sufficient on its own to prevent or manage severe bone conditions. If you have specific concerns about bone health or osteoporosis, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized recommendations and guidance.

In conclusion, walking is a weight-bearing exercise that helps maintain bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and minimizes fractures. It is particularly beneficial for older adults as a means of promoting bone health and preventing age-related bone loss. Combining walking with strength training exercises and ensuring adequate vitamin D levels can further support optimal bone health.

Better Joint Health and Flexibility

Walking is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on the joints compared to activities like running or high-impact sports. It can help improve joint mobility, reduce stiffness, and alleviate joint pain, particularly for individuals with conditions such as arthritis.

Walking is a low-impact exercise that offers numerous benefits for joint health and flexibility. Unlike high-impact activities like running or sports that place significant stress on the joints, walking is gentle on the joints while still providing significant advantages.

Regular walking can help improve joint mobility by promoting the flow of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints. The repetitive motion of walking helps to nourish the cartilage and maintain joint flexibility. As a result, individuals may experience reduced stiffness in the joints, allowing for better range of motion and ease of movement.

Source: Tia-Clair Toomey Instagram

For individuals with conditions such as arthritis, walking can be particularly beneficial. Arthritis is characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints, leading to discomfort and limited mobility. Walking can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness by increasing blood flow to the joints, reducing inflammation, and promoting the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers.

Furthermore, walking helps strengthen the muscles around the joints, providing better support and stability. Strong muscles help to absorb shock and reduce the load placed on the joints, thus minimizing the risk of joint injuries.

Incorporating stretching exercises before and after a walk can also enhance joint flexibility. Stretching helps to improve the flexibility of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the joints, allowing for greater joint mobility and reducing the risk of injuries.

It is important to note that individuals with existing joint conditions or injuries should consult with a healthcare professional for guidance on the appropriate intensity and duration of walking to avoid exacerbating their condition.

Enhanced Cognitive function

Walking has been shown to have significant benefits for cognitive function and overall brain health. Engaging in regular physical activity, including walking, promotes blood flow to the brain, which plays a crucial role in enhancing cognitive performance.

Studies have indicated that walking can improve various aspects of cognitive function, including memory, attention, and concentration. Walking increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which supports the growth of new neurons and the formation of neural connections. This, in turn, can improve memory retention and recall.

Moreover, walking stimulates the release of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with mood regulation and cognitive function. These neurotransmitters help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing for improved focus, attention, and concentration during cognitive tasks.

Regular walking has also been linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline and age-related cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Physical activity, including walking, can help preserve brain volume and protect against brain shrinkage, thus supporting long-term cognitive health.

athlete smiles in continued learning from training guidesSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Walking outdoors can have additional cognitive benefits. The exposure to nature and the environment can provide mental stimulation and reduce mental fatigue. Being in nature has been shown to enhance creativity, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive performance.

It is worth noting that the cognitive benefits of walking can be further enhanced by incorporating cognitive challenges during the walk, such as engaging in mindful walking, solving puzzles or riddles, or listening to educational podcasts or audiobooks.

In conclusion, walking has a positive impact on cognitive function. By promoting blood flow to the brain, supporting neuroplasticity, and stimulating the release of neurotransmitters, regular walking can improve memory, attention, concentration, and overall cognitive performance. Incorporating walking into daily routines can contribute to long-term brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.


To wrap it up, the benefits of walking 10,000 steps every day vastly outweigh the minimal negative aspects.

Yes, it is worth walking 10,000 steps every day.


Study: “Walking for Heart Health: A Study of Over 70,000 Women” (Circulation, 2002)

Summary: This study followed 73,743 postmenopausal women and found that walking for at least 30 minutes per day was associated with a 30% lower risk of coronary heart disease.

Study: “The Benefits of Walking for Physical and Mental Health” (American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2015)

Summary: This study reviewed multiple studies and concluded that walking has numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved cardiovascular fitness, better weight management, and enhanced mood and mental well-being.

Study: “Walking and Dementia in Physically Capable Older Adults” (JAMA, 2004)

Summary: In this study, walking was found to be associated with a reduced risk of dementia in older adults. The researchers observed that those who walked more had a lower risk of developing cognitive decline and dementia.

Study: “Walking and Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women” (Diabetes Care, 2002)

Summary: This study followed 70,102 women and found that walking at least 2 hours per week was associated with a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The risk reduction was even more significant for women who increased their walking duration.

Study: “Walking for Weight Loss: A Meta-analysis” (International Journal of Obesity, 2008)

Summary: This meta-analysis examined multiple studies and concluded that walking is effective for weight loss and weight maintenance. The researchers found that regular walking was associated with reductions in body weight, body fat, and waist circumference.

Study: “Walking and Mortality in Older Women: Prospective Study” (British Medical Journal, 2000)

Summary: This study followed 18,289 older women and found that walking at a brisk pace was associated with a reduced risk of mortality. The researchers observed that regular walking was linked to lower rates of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

Study: “Walking for Depression or Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis” (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2013)

Summary: This meta-analysis of various studies concluded that walking has a significant positive effect on reducing symptoms of depression. The researchers found that walking interventions were effective in reducing depressive symptoms across different populations.

These studies highlight the numerous health benefits of walking, including its positive effects on heart health, dementia risk, type 2 diabetes prevention, weight management, longevity, and mental well-being.

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Check out the best way to lose 5 lbs of body fat quickly from Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean X.

“The best way to lose 5 pounds of body fat is a question that I get almost every day.  People want to know if burpees are the best exercise for getting the job done.  Others want to know if battle ropes or even jump rope are better at burning calories and burning fat.  While all of them are at the top of the list for the most calories burned on a minute per minute basis, they still are not the best way to lose five pounds of body fat the fastest.”

You Can’t Out Train a Bad Diet

“In this video, I show you how you can never out train a bad diet.  If you refuse to pay attention to the quality of your nutrition and the foods you put in your mouth you are never going to have the low levels of body fat that you desire long term.  Sure, anyone can follow a short term diet that allows them to lose fat for a few weeks however if you can’t keep it up then you will never be satisfied with your body fat levels over the course of the year.”

Athletes-Exercises-with-KBs-and-Barbells The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat QuicklySource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Exercise to Drop Fat

“Mistakenly, people look to exercises as the best way to drop body fat.  While you definitely need to train, achieving fat loss is and always will be better accomplished via the right nutrition plan.  This goes back to the comment about never being able to outtrain a bad diet.  You simply cannot make up enough calorie burn via exercise (even the most intense) to overcome bad food choices.  For instance, our very own Jesse is a big sugar fanatic and a worshiper of gummy bears.  Just 17 measly gummy bears has 150 calories.  Even if Jesse were to do 10 minutes straight of high effort high intensity burpees, he would only burn 120 calories and he would lose that battle with a net calorie gain of 30.”

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Pay Attention to What Matters

“Now Jesse, being a hardgainer, is not concerned at the moment with his body fat levels.  He was the only one wiling to do the burpees while I talked during the video being the good sport that he is.  If you are looking to burn 5 lbs of fat however, you need to be sure that you are paying attention to what really matters.  Your nutrition will always be at the top of the priority list for getting that job done.”

The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly – Fitness Matters

Now, does that mean that conditioning exercises like burpees, jump rope, battle ropes and split squat jumps don’t have a place in your workout program if you need to lose fat?  Not at all.  In fact, with a good nutrition approach in place these exercises become even more effective since they complement the losses that you are already making because of your improved diet.  Not just that, each of these exercises helps to improve your stamina, work capacity, endurance, power endurance and your heart.

Video – The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

Learn More – Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

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Muscles of the abs and core

You probably know that you have three sets of abdominal muscles: the rectus abdominis (a.k.a. “six-pack abs”), the obliques, and transverse abdominus (sometimes called “deep core”).

The deepest layer of ab muscles is called the transverse abdominus

The deepest layer of ab muscles is called the transverse abdominus. This sheet of muscle wraps around your abdomen like a girdle and helps you breathe, as well as supports your spine and keeps it stable.

The rectus abdominis, or six-pack abs, make up the most superficial layer of ab muscles

Your rectus abdominis, also known as six-pack abs, is the muscle that’s visible when you flex your stomach. It’s made up of two sections: the upper and lower rectus abdominis.

Your rectus abdominis is responsible for flexing your torso and moving it forward or backward. For example, when you stand up straight with a flat belly, this means that all three layers of muscles are engaged in the movement together—the most superficial layer (the six-pack) helps keep your posture upright while the deeper layers support it from below.

The obliques are the side muscles that pull your torso toward your hips.

The obliques are the side muscles that pull your torso toward your hips. They’re located on the sides of your body, and they’re responsible for side bends and twists, as well as rotating your torso.

One of the most important parts of your core is your lumbar spine

To strengthen and protect your lumbar spine, try performing exercises that target this region. Examples include planks, side planks and dead bugs.

The key is to keep proper alignment throughout each exercise so you don’t strain or injure yourself while working out.

Your core connects your upper body to your lower body.

Your core is the centre of your body, and it connects your upper body to your lower body. Your core muscles are a group of muscles that run from the base of your skull all the way down to the base of your spine.

Because this area makes up a large part of our bodies, it’s important for us to be able to keep our core strong in order to prevent injury or strain from occurring when we perform daily activities and exercise routines.

The best way you can strengthen your core is by performing exercises focused on strengthening these muscles and improving their endurance so they’re prepared for whatever comes next.

You have more than one set of ab muscles!

The transverse abdominus, rectus abdominis, and obliques are the three main muscles that make up your core.

These three muscles aid in spinal stabilization and movement of your body. The transverse abdominus is a deep muscle located under your rectus abdominis and obliques—it is responsible for flattening the abdominal wall during breathing.

The rectus abdominis is one of two superficial ab muscles that help flexion or bend forward at the waist; it also helps maintain posture when standing upright (think: “abs”!). Lastly, you’ve got your obliques—a deep muscle on either side of your spine that helps with lateral flexion as well as rotation about an axis through space (think: “twist”).

Conclusion – The Best Way to Lose 5 lbs of Body Fat Quickly

We hope that by learning about the muscles in the abs and core, you’ll be able to plan your workouts more effectively.

You can also use this knowledge to help you identify imbalances and weaknesses that could lead to injury if left unchecked. A strong core will not only improve your athletic performance but also keep you healthy for years to come.

Use these tips to help shed body fat.

How to Lose All Your Stubborn Belly Fat in 3 Steps Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:00:00 +0000 Follow these 3 steps if you want to lose that stubborn belly fat and transform your body.

What are the Advantages of Having Lower Levels of Body Fat?

Having lower levels of body fat can bring a number of advantages, including:

Improved health: Excess body fat is linked to a range of health problems, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. By reducing body fat, you can lower your risk of these conditions and improve your overall health.

Man performs handstand showcasing Health in MovementSource: Patrick Kool on Unsplash

Increased energy levels: Carrying excess body fat can make you feel sluggish and tired. By reducing your body fat levels, you can increase your energy levels and feel more alert and focused.

Better athletic performance: If you’re an athlete or fitness enthusiast, having lower levels of body fat can help you perform better. Lower body fat levels can increase your endurance, speed, and agility.

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Improved body composition: Lower body fat levels can improve your body composition, meaning you have a higher percentage of lean muscle mass and a lower percentage of fat. This can lead to a more toned and athletic appearance.

Improved self-esteem: Many people feel better about themselves when they have lower levels of body fat. Achieving a healthy body weight and body fat level can boost self-esteem and confidence.

Improved sleep: Carrying excess body fat can interfere with sleep quality, leading to problems such as sleep apnea. By reducing body fat, you can improve your sleep quality and feel more rested and refreshed.

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Having lower levels of body fat can bring numerous benefits to your health, fitness, and overall well-being. However, it’s important to achieve a healthy body weight in a sustainable way, through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.

How Does Weight Training Help Fat Loss?

Weight training can be a highly effective way to help with fat loss. Here are several ways that weight training can help with fat loss:

  • Increased muscle mass: Weight training helps to build lean muscle mass, which can help to increase your resting metabolic rate. This means that your body burns more calories at rest, which can aid in fat loss.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity: Weight training can help to improve insulin sensitivity, which can lead to better blood sugar control and reduced fat storage.
  • Increased calorie burn: Weight training can burn calories during the workout, but also increase the number of calories burned after the workout due to an increased metabolic rate.
  • Reduced muscle loss: When losing weight, it is common to lose both fat and muscle mass. However, weight training can help to preserve muscle mass while in a calorie deficit, which is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism.
  • Targeted fat loss: While it’s not possible to spot-reduce fat in specific areas of the body, weight training can help to build muscle in certain areas, creating a more toned appearance.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Weight training can help to improve cardiovascular health, which can aid in overall fat loss.

Weight training can be an effective tool for fat loss. It’s important to remember that while weight training is beneficial, it should be combined with a healthy diet and regular cardiovascular exercise for optimal results.

Max Posternak is a personal trainer and fitness coach who runs the Gravity Transformation YouTube channel, which focuses on providing fitness and nutrition advice to people who want to lose weight and build muscle.

Max has a background in physical therapy and has been involved in the fitness industry for over a decade.


What is Training to Failure?

Training to failure is a workout technique where you perform repetitions of an exercise until you can no longer complete another repetition with proper form. Essentially, it means pushing your muscles to their absolute limit.

When training to failure, you continue to perform an exercise until your muscles reach a state of temporary failure, where you cannot complete another repetition without cheating or losing proper form.

Training to failure is a common technique used in weightlifting, bodybuilding, and other forms of strength training. The idea behind this technique is that by pushing your muscles to their limit, you will cause greater muscle damage, which in turn will lead to greater muscle growth and strength gains.

While training to failure can be an effective way to increase strength and muscle mass, it’s important to use it carefully and with proper form. It can be very demanding on the body, and overuse of this technique can lead to overtraining and injury. It’s also important to note that training to failure is not necessary for everyone, and some people may see good results from stopping short of failure in their workouts. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide if training to failure is right for them, based on their fitness goals, physical abilities, and personal preferences.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients, also known as macros, are the three main types of nutrients that provide energy and are essential for proper bodily function. These three macronutrients are:

  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. They are found in foods like bread, pasta, fruits, and vegetables. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are quickly broken down by the body and provide a quick burst of energy, while complex carbohydrates take longer to break down and provide sustained energy.
  • Proteins: Proteins are essential for building and repairing body tissues, such as muscles, bones, and organs. They are found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
  • Fats: Fats are another important source of energy and are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. They are found in foods like oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. There are different types of fats, including saturated and unsaturated fats.

Each macronutrient provides a different amount of energy per gram:

  • Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram
  • Proteins provide 4 calories per gram
  • Fats provide 9 calories per gram

To maintain a healthy diet, it’s important to consume a balance of all three macronutrients in appropriate proportions. The recommended proportions of each macronutrient can vary depending on individual needs, goals, and lifestyles.

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body burns in a day. In other words, you are eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. When you are in a calorie deficit, your body is forced to use stored fat as energy, which can lead to weight loss.

Creating a calorie deficit is an effective way to lose weight, but it’s important to do it in a healthy and sustainable way. A moderate calorie deficit of 250 to 500 calories per day is generally recommended for safe and sustainable weight loss. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise.

To create a calorie deficit, you can either consume fewer calories, burn more calories through physical activity, or both. Some strategies for creating a calorie deficit include:

  • Reducing portion sizes
  • Choosing lower calorie foods
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Incorporating strength training to build muscle and boost metabolism

It’s important to note that creating too large of a calorie deficit can be counterproductive, as it can slow down your metabolism and lead to muscle loss. It’s also important to make sure you are still consuming enough nutrients and not compromising your health in the pursuit of weight loss.

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10 Underrated Habits to Get You Lean Now Sun, 28 Jan 2024 22:59:00 +0000 Check out these 10 underrated habits to get you lean in 2023 by Dr Mike Diamonds.

Dr Mike Diamonds is a retired medical doctor who is now an online fitness coach and a YouTuber. He has close to a million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

Begin planning now how you want to look in the future.

10 Underrated Habits to Get You Lean in 2023

1. Walking

Underrated habits to get you lean in 2023 – simply walk more.

Although it seems effortless, walking is the best way to lose fat. Because many people don’t do it regularly, it features this list of underrated habits to get you lean in 2023.

Walking more allows you to burn the easiest calories possible. You can do it any time, it is not demanding on the body, meaning you can do it every day as well, and will increase your calorie expenditure. Aim for 10,000 steps daily.

2. Cognitive Restraint

Either restrict your calories to a certain extent or track the overall food you eat. Being conscious about the food you put in your body will allow you to make better decisions in the future.

A good idea is to make use of intermittent fasting for fat loss.

3. One Refeed Meal a Week

Research shows that individuals who restrict themselves from food are more likely to have episodes of binge eating and an unhealthy relationship with food.

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One meal a week can be outside of a person’s diet plan that breaks the monotony of their more restrictive eating habit.

4. Accountability

You are likely to perform better if you are in a setting with other people who are all driven by the same goal. If you are trying to lose weight with more people, or are challenged by other people to get lean, you have an extra motive to do so.

cardio for fat loss do's and don'tsSource: Julia Larson on Pexels

Having other factors besides your own motivation is one of the biggest underrated habits to get you lean in 2023. So join a team sports’, go to fitness camps or do fitness challenges.

5. Sleep

When you sleep less, you are more likely to eat food that will not benefit your fitness goals, your body will break down muscle tissue as source of energy.

Try your best to sleep 7-8 hours. This could be Mike Diamond’s 1st in his list of underrated habits to get you lean in 2023. “Before you start walking, before you start dieting, get your sleep in order.”

6. Fibre

People who eat more high-fibre foods are likely to follow their entire meal plan. Because these types of foods are highly satiated, you are unlikely to eat above your calorie goals.

7. Self-Monitoring

underrated tips to get you leanSource: Andres Ayrton / Pexels

Monitor your weight regularly. It won’t be important your weight change from one day to the next, but rather comparing longer periods to see if you are actually getting closer to losing weight.

It can be misleading if you gain one kilo from one day to the next as you think you might need to change your plans, but if throughout that week you actually lost weight, you are on the right path.

8. Protein

Eating and prioritising protein will help you tremendously to get leaner in 2023. More protein in your body increases the thermic effect food, which means it will increase the calories needed to digest that food. The more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns and you get leaner.

Protein is also the most satiating macro and necessary for building muscle.

9. Resistance Training

Your ability to build muscle depends on your resistance training. Make sure you track the weights you can lift to be able to determine if you are making progress.

Measure your progress to make sure you are making progress. If you notice your back squat hasn’t improved in over a month, you are likely going to make a positive adjustment to your training routine to correct that.

10. Consistency

Lastly, one of the most underrated habits to get you lean in 2023 is also the one that might be the hardest. Walking, dieting, self-monitoring, all of these are good tips, but if you don’t do it day by day you won’t get results. Simple as that.

Implement these steps every day until it becomes a habit.

And that was Diamonds’ list of 10 underrated habits to get you lean in 2023. Click on the video below to see his full explanation of each topic.

VIDEO – 10 Underrated Habits to Get You Lean in 2023

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3 Perfect Exercises to Build a More Attractive Chest Sun, 28 Jan 2024 22:33:00 +0000 In the pursuit of a more attractive physique, few areas garner as much attention as a well-defined chest. Sculpting your pectorals is not just about aesthetics; it’s about building strength, improving posture, and boosting overall confidence. The quest for a more attractive chest involves a strategic combination of targeted exercises and a commitment to consistency.

how to build muscleSource: CrossFit Inc
Build a strong chest

The chest muscles, scientifically known as the pectoralis major and minor, play a crucial role in upper body movement. A well-developed chest not only adds symmetry to your physique but also contributes to functional strength and stability.

To embark on the journey of sculpting your pectorals, it’s essential to incorporate a variety of exercises that target different aspects of the chest muscles. This article will explore three perfect exercises to help you achieve a more attractive chest, providing a balanced approach to both strength and aesthetics.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, these exercises can be tailored to your fitness level, making them versatile tools in your chest-building arsenal. Get ready to embark on the quest for a chest that not only turns heads but also enhances your overall physical prowess.

Bench Press Mastery: A Key Exercise for Chest Enhancement

When it comes to sculpting a more attractive chest, few exercises rival the effectiveness and versatility of the bench press. Considered a cornerstone in strength training, the bench press primarily targets the pectoralis major, making it a key player in any chest enhancement routine.

Understanding the Bench Press

The bench press is a compound movement that engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It involves lying on a bench and lifting a weighted barbell or dumbbells in a controlled motion. The exercise not only stimulates muscle growth but also promotes upper body strength and power.

Perfecting Your Form

To maximize the benefits of the bench press, it’s crucial to focus on proper form. Begin by lying flat on a bench, feet planted firmly on the ground. Grip the barbell or dumbbells with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower the weight to your chest in a controlled manner, ensuring your elbows form a 90-degree angle before pressing the weight back up.

Maintaining a stable and arched back, along with controlled breathing, is essential for preventing injuries and maximizing muscle engagement. Start with a weight that challenges you but allows for proper form, gradually increasing the resistance as your strength improves.

Variations for Versatility

While the traditional barbell bench press is a go-to exercise, incorporating variations can add diversity to your routine and target different areas of the chest. Incline bench press emphasizes the upper chest, decline bench press targets the lower chest, and dumbbell bench press enhances stabilizer muscles.

CrossFit myths and why they aren't true 5 Awesome Exercises Methods that Burn Belly Fat FasterSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Integrating Bench Press into Your Routine

For optimal results, include the bench press in your chest workout routine at least once a week. Experiment with different rep ranges and resistance levels to keep your muscles challenged and promote continuous growth. Combining the bench press with other chest exercises creates a comprehensive approach to chest enhancement, ensuring balanced development.

Bench press mastery is a critical aspect of building a more attractive chest. By incorporating this compound exercise into your fitness routine and paying attention to proper form, you can unlock the full potential of your chest muscles. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, the bench press is a timeless and effective tool on your journey to chest enhancement and overall upper body strength.

Dumbbell Flyes: Unlocking the Power of Isolation for Chest Definition

In the pursuit of a sculpted and well-defined chest, incorporating isolation exercises is key to targeting specific muscle groups effectively. Dumbbell flyes are one such exercise that takes center stage in unlocking the power of isolation for chest definition.

Targeting the Pectorals

Dumbbell flyes primarily focus on the pectoralis major, isolating the chest muscles and promoting a deep stretch and contraction. This isolation technique allows for a more comprehensive workout, honing in on the finer details of muscle development and enhancing chest definition.

Perfecting Your Dumbbell Fly Form

To perform dumbbell flyes effectively, lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Start with the weights extended above your chest, arms slightly bent. Lower the dumbbells out to your sides in a wide arc, feeling a stretch in your chest. Return to the starting position by squeezing your chest muscles, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.

Maintaining control throughout the movement is crucial to prevent unnecessary strain and ensure that the chest muscles are the primary focus. Start with a weight that challenges you without compromising your form, gradually increasing resistance as your strength improves.

The Benefits of Isolation

Unlike compound exercises such as the bench press, which engage multiple muscle groups, dumbbell flyes isolate the chest muscles. This targeted approach allows for a more profound mind-muscle connection, emphasizing the intricate fibers of the pectorals. The result is enhanced chest definition and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Incorporating Dumbbell Flyes into Your Routine

To fully unlock the power of isolation for chest definition, integrate dumbbell flyes into your chest workout routine. Begin with a moderate number of sets and repetitions, focusing on quality over quantity. As your chest strength and endurance improve, consider incorporating different variations such as incline or decline dumbbell flyes to target various angles of the chest.

Dumbbell flyes stand out as a powerful tool in the quest for chest definition. By incorporating this isolation exercise into your routine, you can sculpt and shape your chest muscles with precision.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced lifter, dumbbell flyes offer a versatile and effective means of enhancing chest aesthetics. Unlock the full potential of your chest muscles with this isolation exercise, and watch as your chest takes on a more defined and chiseled appearance.

Push-Up Variations: Building a Chiseled Chest Anywhere, Anytime

When it comes to building a chiseled chest without the need for fancy gym equipment, push-ups emerge as the ultimate go-to exercise. Simple yet incredibly effective, push-ups and their various variations can be performed anywhere, at any time, providing a versatile and accessible solution for chest development.

The Foundation: Classic Push-Ups

Classic push-ups are the foundation of chest exercises, engaging the pectoralis major, deltoids, and triceps. Begin in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground, then push back up to the starting position. This fundamental exercise sets the stage for more advanced variations.

Diamond Push-Ups for Inner Chest Definition

To target the inner chest and triceps, incorporate diamond push-ups into your routine. Form a diamond shape with your hands directly under your chest. As you lower your body, keep your elbows close to your sides. This variation intensifies the focus on the inner chest, promoting a more chiseled appearance.

Wide-Grip Push-Ups for Outer Chest Emphasis

Conversely, wide-grip push-ups emphasize the outer chest. Place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart to create a broader range of motion. This variation recruits different muscle fibers, contributing to a more well-rounded chest development.

Incline and Decline Push-Ups for Varied Angles

Adjusting the angle of your push-ups adds complexity and targets different areas of the chest. Incline push-ups, with your hands elevated on a surface, emphasize the upper chest, while decline push-ups, with your feet elevated, target the lower chest. Incorporating these variations ensures a comprehensive workout for overall chest development.

Plyometric Push-Ups for Power and Definition

To enhance power and explosiveness, consider adding plyometric push-ups to your routine. This dynamic variation involves pushing off the ground with enough force to lift your hands off momentarily. Plyometric push-ups not only contribute to chest definition but also improve upper body strength and agility.

The Convenience of Anytime, Anywhere Training

One of the major advantages of push-up variations is their convenience. Whether you’re at home, in a hotel room, or at the park, you can perform push-ups without the need for specialized equipment. Consistency is key, and the accessibility of push-up variations allows you to maintain your chest-building routine regardless of your location.

Building a chiseled chest doesn’t always require elaborate gym setups. Push-up variations offer a simple yet effective way to sculpt your chest muscles, providing versatility and accessibility for anyone committed to their fitness goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast, incorporating these push-up variations into your routine can lead to a more defined and aesthetically pleasing chest, anytime and anywhere.


In the quest for a more attractive and chiseled chest, the combination of bench press mastery, dumbbell flyes, and push-up variations forms a comprehensive approach to chest enhancement. These exercises, each with its unique benefits, cater to a range of fitness levels and preferences, allowing individuals to tailor their routines for optimal results.

Bench press mastery, with its emphasis on compound movements, lays a strong foundation for overall chest strength and development. Dumbbell flyes take a more targeted approach, unlocking the power of isolation to enhance chest definition and aesthetics. Meanwhile, the versatility and accessibility of push-up variations provide a convenient solution for building a chiseled chest anywhere, anytime.

Remember that consistency is key in any fitness journey. Incorporate these exercises into a well-rounded chest workout routine, adjusting the intensity and volume based on your fitness level and goals. Whether you’re aiming for increased strength, muscle definition, or both, the synergy of these exercises can propel you toward a more attractive and chiseled chest.

As you embark on this journey, pay attention to proper form, stay committed to your routine, and listen to your body. Adapt the exercises to suit your individual needs and gradually challenge yourself as your strength progresses.

With dedication and the right combination of exercises, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the chest aesthetics you desire, boosting not only your physical appearance but also your overall confidence and well-being. Cheers to sculpting a chest that turns heads and elevates your fitness journey to new heights!

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Why You Need Nordic Curls – The Best Leg Exercise you aren’t Doing Sun, 28 Jan 2024 21:00:00 +0000 This complete guide will teach you everything you need to know about Nordic Curls.

The exercise is also known as the Nordic Hamstring Curl or Inverse Leg Curl.

What are Nordic Curls?

Nordic Curls are a kneeling, bodyweight leg exercise that especially activate the hamstrings.

The hamstrings are essential for walking, running, jumping and pivoting at the pelvis.

They involve the careful and controlled lowering and raising of the body with the feet, lower legs and knees in a fixed position.

What Muscles Do Nordic Curls Work?

Nordic Curls primarily target the hamstrings. This consists of three muscles located on the posterior (rear) of the upper leg. These are the:

  • Biceps femoris
  • Semimembranosus
  • Semitendinosus

These three muscles work across the knee and hip joints. The exception is the biceps femoris because it only crosses the knee joint.

Deficit-Deadlift-athletes nordic curls
Build that posterior chain

The secondary muscles that the exercise strengthens are the glutes and the spinal erectors.

The glutes are made up from three muscles:

  • Gluteus maximus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus

The spinal erectors hold and support the spine. They help the torso bend up and down as well.

Benefits of Nordic Curls

The exercise has many benefits.

Decrease the Risk of Injury

Nordic Curls are a great way to lessen the chances of injury.

They work the knee flexor muscles. Because these muscles are strengthened, they are they much less likely to fall prey to injury. Another upside is that this can also enhance knee mobility whilst reducing any strains to the hamstrings.

Build Bigger and Stronger Hamstrings

The exercise is a great for stimulating hypertrophy and for increasing strength.

Better Athletic Performance

Want to sprint faster or jump higher? Work on your hamstrings.

Nordic Curls increase hip extension and knee flexion strength. As well as sprinting, running and jumping, better hamstrings will lead to improved posterior chain exercises.

Suitable for Many Different Athletes

The movement can be scaled up (adding weight) or down (resistance band) depending on your personal fitness level and training experience.

efficient pistol squats with bad ankle mobility
Strong legs for life

How to Do Nordic Curls

Kneel on a pad or cushion.

Your lower legs need to be supported and fixed in place. You can either use a partner or wedge your feet and limbs under an immovable object. Even a Smith Machine can work with the barbell locked in place at the lowest setting.

  • Place the feet and ankles in line with the knees
  • Shoulders directly over the hips. Head in a neutral position. Arms by your sides
  • Inhale and tense the core, glutes and hamstrings
  • Slowly lower your body towards the floor. Keep descending until just before you reach the point where you are unable to maintain complete control over your body.
  • At this point you can either place your hands on the floor and complete the rest of the range of motion to the floor or return to the starting position without using your hands
  • Squeeze your hamstrings hard to pull your body back up to the starting position
  • Keep rising until your shoulders are directly over the hips
  • Exhale
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps

Training Tips

Control the eccentric at all times. This exercise takes time to learn properly so develop strength gradually, with excellent form, over time.

Utilise dorsiflexion of the feet. Doing this will allow for the hamstrings to lengthen in the most optimal way. A great tip here is to place a foam roller underneath the base of the shins to help achieve this position.

Bend at the Hips to alter the stress of the movement. Adopting a slight bend in the hips (20-30 degrees) will enable better control of the body through the range of motion.

Nordic Curls vs Glute Ham Raise (GHR): What’s the Difference?

Both of these exercises enhance the hamstrings but there is a selection of important differences that you should know about.

Glute Ham Raises have a larger range of motion than Nordic Curls.

Nordic Curls are harder than Glute Ham Raises. This is because the movement places more pressure on the knees and lower back.

Glute Ham Raises use a machine. Nordic Curls can be performed with as little equipment as a cushion and a willing partner.

Nordic Curl Variations

Here are some great functional Nordic ham curl variations.

  • Lat pulldown variation
  • Loaded barbell variation
  • Using an exercise ball
  • Band assisted
  • Arms behind your head/body or extended overhead
  • Partner assisted

Nordic Curl Alternatives

  • Stability ball leg curl
  • GHR


Got more questions? Scroll through to find the answers.

What is the Nordic Curl Good For?

The Nordic Curl is an effective exercise for increasing strength muscle and muscle, athletic performance and guarding the hamstrings against injury.

Who can Benefit from the Nordic Curl?

The exercise is suitable for all athletes as it can be made easier or harder.

The hamstrings are commonly injured. Protecting your body will significantly help you to stay fitter and healthier for longer.

Is the Nordic Curl Safe for Everyone?

Yes, if the exercise is performed with correct technique, then it is safe for everyone. For anyone with a pre-existing back or hamstring exercise then we would recommend consulting your doctor and physio first.

Are Nordic Curls Bad?

No, the exercise is not bad. With proper technique and progression, Nordic Curls are an effective exercise for anyone that plays sport, runs or wants bigger, stronger hamstrings.

Why are Nordic Curls so Hard?

The exercise is extremely challenging because it works knee extension and flexion with almost no help from the hips. This means that your legs are isolated and must do all the work. Perfect for your gains.

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5 Exercise Methods to Burn Belly Fat Faster Sun, 28 Jan 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Losing fat is different from losing weight and, ultimately, it is the first option people usually are looking for. Then you are in luck! Check out these 5 exercise methods to burn belly fat faster.

Now, don’t get us wrong, specifically targeting belly fat is not possible. In fact, there are areas in your body where losing fat comes last and, you guessed it, the belly is one of them. But there are ways you can boost how much fat you lose overall if you know how to tweak your training program. And this is where these methods presented by Max Posternak can be applied.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

He decided to share a few methods to burn belly fat faster. Check it out.

Exercise Methods to Burn Belly Fat Faster

5 Exercise Methods to Burn Belly Fat Faster

1. Peripheral Heart Action Training

Peripheral heart action training helps incorporate an element of cardio into your weight training workout without having to sacrifice the amount of weight you lift. “You won’t get weaker, but you’ll be able to burn much more calories and accomplish much more in a shorter period of time,” Posternak says.

The best way to apply this training method is by combining an upper body and a lower body movement into one set, or two exercises that combine opposing muscles such as the quads and hamstrings, or biceps and triceps.

For example, doing one set of bench presses followed immediately by one set of back squats taking a break only after the squats. This will get your heart rate and breathing higher, burning more calories in the process.

2. Cardio Acceleration Training

This also involves super setting two exercises, but instead of two weight training, you will do a weight training combined with a cardio exercise with no break in between.

For example, you would perform a barbell squat with heavy weight followed by high knees for a minute.

3. Multi-Joint Training

The best exercises to burn more calories and belly fat are the ones that use a lot of muscles and different parts of your body. The clean and press is a great example of a multi-joint training exercise that will boost your capacity to burn fat.

You can also add more exercises to make a compound movement even more multi-joint training – this is perhaps the best idea in this list of exercise methods to burn belly fat faster.

For example, you can do a normal barbell lift and when you lower the barbell you perform a burpee and a push-up. Other ideas from Posternak are barbell squats with a press at the top, or lunges with lateral raises.

4. Drop Sets

How to Build Perfect Shoulders With Dumbbells

This method breaks down more muscle tissue and will get you stronger faster. It simply means you will be performing a heavy set of any exercise, followed by dropping slightly the weight you are carrying and perform another set of reps with no break in between each set.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Drop Sets

Try to do each set to failure to get the best out of this training method.

5. Circuit Training

There are different ways to do circuit training and you probably heard of it before. Posternak believes the best way to do it is to combine 5 exercises into one giant set.

“Set up an interval timer for 40 to 60 seconds on and 10 seconds off. The 10 seconds off is not your break, it’s there so you can get to the next exercise.”

Do all of these exercises, back to back, with no break in between them. Only take a break after you are done with all of them. Take a 90 seconds break and then do the same set again.

If you want to know more about exercise methods to burn belly fat faster, check out Max Posternak’s video below.

VIDEO – 5 Exercise Methods to Burn Belly Fat Faster

Read More: How to Speed Up Weight Loss – 10 Things You Can Do Now to Accomplish That

300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days – What Happens to your Body? Sun, 28 Jan 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Try this fun challenge.

Scroll down to the video to find out how it goes.

What are the Benefits of Strong Legs?

Having strong legs provides a number of benefits for your overall health and fitness. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved balance and stability: Strong legs help you maintain balance and stability, which can prevent falls and reduce the risk of injury.

Front Squat by Masters Athlete Benefits of Front SquatsSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Increased mobility and flexibility: Strong legs allow you to move more freely and with greater flexibility, which can improve your overall range of motion and reduce stiffness.

Enhanced athletic performance: Strong legs are essential for many sports and physical activities, such as running, jumping, and cycling. Having strong legs can help you perform better and achieve your fitness goals.

Reduced risk of injury: Strong legs can help support your body and reduce the risk of injury to your knees, hips, and ankles. This is particularly important as you age and become more susceptible to injuries.

Improved metabolism: The muscles in your legs are some of the largest in your body, and building strength in these muscles can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

Increased bone density: Strength training for your legs can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially for women.

Having strong legs is an important aspect of physical health and fitness, and can have a positive impact on many areas of your life.

Video – 300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days

What are the Muscles of the Legs?

The muscles of the legs are some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. They are responsible for many essential functions, such as walking, running, jumping, and standing upright. Here are the major muscle groups in the legs:

  • Quadriceps: The quadriceps are a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the knee and straightening the leg.
  • Hamstrings: The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located in the back of the thigh. They are responsible for flexing the knee and bending the leg.
  • Glutes: The glutes, or buttocks muscles, are a group of three muscles located in the back of the hip. They are responsible for extending the hip and rotating the thigh.
  • Adductors: The adductors are a group of muscles located on the inner thigh. They are responsible for bringing the legs together and stabilizing the pelvis.
  • Abductors: The abductors are a group of muscles located on the outer hip. They are responsible for moving the legs away from the body and stabilizing the pelvis.
  • Calves: The calves are a group of two muscles located on the back of the lower leg. They are responsible for flexing the ankle and pointing the foot downward.

These muscles work together to provide strength, stability, and mobility to the legs, and are essential for many everyday activities as well as athletic performance.

What are the Best Sets and Reps for Building Muscle?

The best sets and reps for building muscle will depend on a number of factors, including your fitness level, training experience, and specific goals. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you design an effective muscle-building workout:

laura horvath does dumbbell overhead squat The Perfect Leg Workout Squat Variations for Strength

Aim for 3-4 sets per exercise: Performing 3-4 sets of an exercise allows you to target the muscle group with enough volume to stimulate growth without overtaxing your body.

Perform 8-12 reps per set: This rep range is ideal for building muscle because it provides enough tension and stress on the muscle fibres to promote hypertrophy, or muscle growth.

Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets: Taking short rest periods allows your muscles to recover and helps maintain intensity throughout your workout.

Increase weight or reps gradually over time: As you get stronger, gradually increasing the weight or reps can help challenge your muscles and promote further growth.

Focus on compound exercises: Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work multiple muscle groups at once, making them highly effective for building overall muscle mass.

Incorporate a variety of exercises: Using a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups can help prevent plateaus and keep your workouts challenging and effective.

It’s important to note that muscle building is a gradual process that requires consistency, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest and recovery. Consult with a certified personal trainer or exercise professional to design a workout plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Why is Consistency Important for Going to the Gym?

Consistency is one of the most important factors when it comes to going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals. Here are a few reasons why consistency is so important:

  • Builds habits: Consistently going to the gym helps to build habits that become ingrained in your daily routine. The more you go to the gym, the easier it becomes to make it a part of your lifestyle.
  • Increases progress: Consistency in your workouts helps you to make steady progress towards your goals. When you consistently challenge your muscles, they adapt and become stronger, leading to better results.
  • Helps maintain motivation: Consistency helps to maintain your motivation and keep you on track with your fitness goals. When you see the progress you’re making, it becomes easier to stay motivated and committed to your workout routine.
  • Improves mental health: Consistent exercise has been shown to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Going to the gym on a regular basis can be a great way to improve your overall well-being.
  • Promotes discipline: Consistently going to the gym requires discipline and commitment, which can help you develop these qualities in other areas of your life.

Consistency is crucial for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By making exercise a regular part of your routine, you can build habits, make steady progress, stay motivated, and enjoy the many benefits of regular physical activity.

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The Ultimate “Cheat Code” for Muscle Growth (PROVEN BY SCIENCE) Sun, 28 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Partial reps have regained popularity as a workout intensity technique for muscle growth, and in this video from Jeff Cavaliere, we’ll delve into their various applications for training.

Discover how incorporating partial reps into your routine can potentially accelerate muscle development. However, the effectiveness hinges on the specific application of partial reps and the exercises involved.

Video: The Ultimate “Cheat Code” for Muscle Growth

Partial Reps

Let’s start by examining the fundamentals of partial reps, beginning with understanding where in the range of motion you perform them. Partial reps can be executed at the onset, midpoint, or conclusion of a repetition. Crucially, the location of the partial rep influences the impact on the muscle within that specific range.

Source: Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Consider whether the partial rep occurs when the muscle is fully stretched, fully contracted, or somewhere in between these two extremes. This distinction is essential for maximizing the benefits of partial reps in your muscle-building endeavors.

Programming Partial Reps

Recent research indicates that lengthened partials, reps executed in the stretch position, have demonstrated significant potential for inducing muscle growth and hypertrophy. The question arises: how many of these lengthened partials should be incorporated into a single set and an entire workout?

Some advocate for performing partial reps on every repetition of a set, asserting it as the optimal application. However, Jeff Cavaliere is skeptical of this approach, especially for leg exercises. Contrary to the misconception that partial reps make sets easier due to covering less distance, in reality, these reps often target the most challenging part of the exercise range of motion.

Range of Motion

Another perspective suggests alternating partials with each full range of motion rep, a method known as one and a half reps. While effective for muscle building, it is not a novel concept and has been showcased on this channel for years.

An alternative method involves incorporating partials as an intensity technique at the end of a set taken to failure. These partials extend beyond the point of muscle failure, intensifying the workout and promoting additional muscle growth. This technique is often favored due to its emphasis on maintaining full range of motion repetitions in training.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Although recent research emphasizes the use of lengthened partials for muscle hypertrophy, it is crucial not to lose sight of broader fitness goals, such as becoming stronger, more stable, athletic, and injury-resistant. Achieving these goals requires incorporating full range of motion in addition to strategically timed partial reps.

Executing the Technique

Executing this technique is generally easier with pull exercises, where the weight finishes away from the body, allowing for additional momentum. However, on exercises like the bench press, momentum is limited, making it challenging.

Options for bench press include drop set partials or concluding a set a few reps shy of failure and continuing with three-quarter partials until exhaustion.

Regardless of the chosen intensity technique, it’s important to recognize that muscles require varied stimuli for growth.

Repeating the same workouts with identical stressors will not facilitate progressive overload and gains. The goal is not merely muscle confusion but rather muscle disruption – introducing challenging variations rather than changes for the sake of being different.

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What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day for 30 Days? Sun, 28 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Walking 10,000 steps is an excellent way to get fit and healthy. Here is why you should try this challenge.

Why is Walking so Healthy for the Body?

Walking is considered one of the most accessible and beneficial forms of physical activity for the body. Here are some reasons why walking is so healthy for the body:

Strengthens the muscles: Walking uses many different muscles in the body, including those in the legs, buttocks, back, and abdomen. This regular activity helps to strengthen and tone these muscles, which can lead to improved posture and balance.

Promotes weight loss: Walking is a low-impact activity that burns calories and helps to reduce body fat. By walking regularly, it is possible to achieve a caloric deficit, which can result in weight loss.

Holistic HealthSource: Bady Abbas on Unsplash

Improves cardiovascular health: Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that gets the heart rate up and increases blood flow throughout the body. This can help to improve heart health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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Boosts mood: Walking has been shown to boost mood and reduce stress levels. This is because exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that can improve mood and decrease anxiety.

Improves joint health: Walking is a low-impact activity that is gentle on the joints. It can help to improve joint flexibility and mobility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain and stiffness in the joints.

Overall, walking is an excellent form of physical activity that can benefit the body in many ways. It is a simple and accessible way to improve health and wellbeing, and can be easily incorporated into daily routines.

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Matt D’Avella is a filmmaker, YouTuber, and podcaster known for his work on minimalism, productivity, and personal growth. He gained popularity through his YouTube channel, where he shares videos on topics such as minimalism, mindfulness, and intentional living. His videos often feature interviews with experts and individuals who share their personal experiences and insights on these topics.

Woman in MeditationSource: Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

D’Avella’s most well-known work is the documentary film “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,” which he directed and produced with Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus of The Minimalists. The film explores the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle and has been well-received by audiences and critics alike.

Video – What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day for 30 Days?

How Does Walking Positively Affect Mood?

Walking has been shown to have a positive effect on mood in several ways:

  • Releases Endorphins: Exercise, including walking, releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Endorphins are associated with feelings of pleasure and well-being and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Boosts Serotonin Levels: Walking can also increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known to play a role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression and anxiety.
  • Improves Sleep: Walking can improve the quality and duration of sleep, which can also have a positive effect on mood. Good sleep is associated with better emotional regulation and lower levels of stress.
  • Increases Self-Efficacy: Regular walking can also increase self-efficacy, or the belief in one’s ability to achieve goals. Accomplishing the goal of walking every day can improve confidence and self-esteem, leading to a more positive mood.
  • Provides a Sense of Accomplishment: Walking can also provide a sense of accomplishment, even if it is just a short walk around the block. This can lead to a feeling of satisfaction and positivity, which can carry over into other areas of life.

Walking has many physical and mental health benefits, including improving mood. Regular walking can be an effective way to manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve overall well-being.

Why is a Healthy Cardiovascular System Important?

A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why a healthy cardiovascular system is important:

Promotes oxygen and nutrient delivery: The cardiovascular system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body. A healthy cardiovascular system ensures that the organs and tissues receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for proper function and growth.

Helps to remove waste products: The cardiovascular system also helps to remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide and metabolic waste, from the body. A healthy cardiovascular system ensures that these waste products are efficiently removed from the body, which can prevent the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances.

Regulates blood pressure: The cardiovascular system plays a critical role in regulating blood pressure. A healthy cardiovascular system helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular disorders.

Athlete Swimming in the poolSource: Stevie D Photography

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: A healthy cardiovascular system can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. A healthy cardiovascular system can help to prevent or manage these conditions.

Enhances physical performance: A healthy cardiovascular system can enhance physical performance and endurance. Regular exercise, which is essential for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, can improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities for longer periods without experiencing fatigue or shortness of breath.

In summary, a healthy cardiovascular system is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. It helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen, remove waste products, regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and enhance physical performance.

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How To Get Bigger Forearms FAST (3 Science-Based Tips) Sun, 28 Jan 2024 02:30:00 +0000 Developing robust and sizable forearms is a key aesthetic and functional goal. Beyond enhancing the visual appeal of your arms, well-developed forearms significantly contribute to bolstering your grip strength for handling heavier weights.

Benefits of Bigger Forearms

Having strong forearms offers several benefits that extend beyond just aesthetic considerations. Here are some of the key advantages of developing strong forearms:

Improved Grip Strength:

Strong forearms contribute significantly to grip strength. This is essential in various daily activities, such as carrying groceries, opening jars, and holding onto objects securely.

Enhanced Athletic Performance:

In many sports, a strong grip is crucial for success. Athletes in activities like rock climbing, weightlifting, wrestling, and martial arts, among others, benefit from powerful forearms to maintain control and perform optimally.

Best Upper Chest Dumbbell Exercises You Can Do With No BenchSource: DreamLens Production on Pexels

Reduced Risk of Injuries:

Strengthening the muscles in the forearms can provide better stability to the wrists and hands, reducing the risk of injuries and strains during physical activities.

Functional Daily Activities:

Strong forearms make everyday tasks more manageable. Activities such as typing, carrying bags, and lifting objects become easier and less fatiguing when the forearms are well-developed.

Improved Hand Dexterity:

The muscles in the forearms play a vital role in controlling hand movements and dexterity. Developing strong forearms can enhance fine motor skills and coordination.

Better Wrist Support:

Strong forearms provide better support to the wrists, which is particularly beneficial for individuals involved in activities that put stress on the wrists, such as typing, playing musical instruments, or performing manual labor.

Aesthetic Appeal:

Well-developed forearms can contribute to a balanced and aesthetically pleasing physique. Strong forearms complement the overall appearance of the arms and upper body.

Improved Lifting Capacity:

When lifting weights or performing resistance training, strong forearms allow for a more secure grip on barbells, dumbbells, and other equipment, facilitating better control and lifting capacity.

Enhanced Muscle Symmetry:

Strong forearms contribute to overall muscle symmetry. Neglecting forearm development can lead to imbalances in the upper body, affecting both appearance and function.

Increased Bone Density:

Engaging in resistance training for the forearms can contribute to increased bone density, promoting overall skeletal health.

Upper-Body-Workouts-with-Athletes How to Get A Broader Chest with More Muscle MassSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Incorporating forearm exercises into your fitness routine can help you enjoy these benefits and promote overall strength and functionality in your upper extremities.

Unfortunately, many individuals attempting to strengthen and enlarge their forearms through dedicated workouts often overlook the intricate network of forearm muscles and their specific functions.

Relying solely on conventional wrist curls and extensions, while beneficial to some extent, may not effectively target all the forearm muscles for optimal growth.


In this video are three straightforward tips, complete with exercises tailored for substantial forearm development, to help you achieve the forearm growth you desire promptly.

The initial tip for enhancing forearm size involves substituting standard bicep curls with “forearm-focused” curls to shift emphasis and promote growth in two key forearm muscles: the brachioradialis and the pronator teres.

Altered Grips

Alter your grip from supinated to pronated, as this not only maximizes activation in both the brachioradialis and pronator teres but also minimizes biceps engagement. Additionally, incorporate accommodating resistance during the curling motion to target the brachioradialis more effectively.

The second tip underscores the importance of including direct forearm exercises, emphasizing dynamic contractions that traverse the full range of motion for optimal muscle growth. Select exercises that engage all forearm muscles and their respective functions.

Examples include behind-the-back barbell wrist curls and standing barbell wrist extensions for wrist flexion and extension, respectively.

Forearm Adduction and Abduction

For forearm adduction and abduction, perform dynamic barbell suitcase holds. Pronation and supination can be targeted by placing your forearm on a bench, holding the bottom of a light dumbbell, and rotating it left and right.

The final tip focuses on integrating forearm exercises into your workout routine. Whether you opt for shorter, more frequent forearm workouts or longer, less frequent sessions, the key is to align with your preferences and workout split to prevent forearm soreness from interfering with primary lifts.

By incorporating these tips, including grip swaps, a comprehensive forearm routine, and seamless integration into your workouts, you can accelerate forearm growth and enhance overall grip strength significantly.

For comprehensive muscle growth across all muscle groups, including forearms, it’s crucial not to overlook essential aspects of your program, such as exercise selection, training volume, and, most importantly, nutrition. Ignoring these factors may impede your muscle-building progress.

Muscles of the Forearms

The forearms consist of a complex network of muscles responsible for various movements of the wrists, hands, and fingers. The primary muscles of the forearms are divided into two main groups: the anterior (front) compartment and the posterior (back) compartment.

Anterior Compartment Muscles:

  • Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: This muscle flexes the middle phalanges of the fingers and assists in flexing the proximal phalanges.
  • Flexor Digitorum Profundus: Responsible for flexing the distal phalanges of the fingers.
  • Flexor Carpi Radialis: Flexes and abducts the hand at the wrist.
  • Palmaris Longus: A slender muscle that flexes the hand at the wrist.
  • Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Flexes and adducts the hand at the wrist.
  • Pronator Teres: Plays a role in pronating the forearm (rotating it inward).
  • Flexor Pollicis Longus: Flexes the thumb.
  • Pronator Quadratus: Assists in pronating the forearm.

Posterior Compartment Muscles:

  • Extensor Digitorum: Extends the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints.
  • Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis: Extend and abduct the hand at the wrist.
  • Extensor Carpi Ulnaris: Extends and adducts the hand at the wrist.
  • Supinator: Plays a role in supinating the forearm (rotating it outward).
  • Abductor Pollicis Longus and Extensor Pollicis Brevis: Extend and abduct the thumb.
  • Extensor Indicis: Extends the index finger.
  • Brachioradialis: Flexes the forearm at the elbow and helps in pronation and supination.

These muscles work together to facilitate a wide range of movements, including flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers, pronation and supination of the forearm, and abduction and adduction of the hand.

Strengthening these muscles through targeted exercises can contribute to improved grip strength and forearm development.

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3 Unusual Barbell Exercises to Build Attractive and Wide Shoulders Sat, 27 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 Building a well-defined and broad set of shoulders is a fitness goal that many enthusiasts aspire to achieve.

brooke wells snatches happy Top 3 Rotator Cuff Exercise MistakesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

While traditional shoulder exercises like overhead presses and lateral raises have long been staples in shoulder training, there’s a world of untapped potential waiting for those who are willing to explore unconventional approaches.

In this article, we delve into the realm of barbell exercises that go beyond the ordinary, introducing three unusual yet highly effective techniques to help you sculpt attractive and wide shoulders.

Shoulder development is not only aesthetically pleasing but also crucial for overall strength and functionality. Strong and well-built shoulders contribute significantly to upper body stability and assist in various daily activities, making them an integral part of any comprehensive fitness regimen.

We’ll compare the benefits of these unconventional barbell exercises against more traditional counterparts, highlighting the unique advantages they bring to the table. By incorporating these exercises into your shoulder workout routine, you can target different angles and engage various muscle fibers, promoting a more comprehensive and effective shoulder development strategy.

Prepare to break away from the routine and discover the power of innovation as we explore three unusual barbell exercises that can elevate your shoulder training to new heights.

Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a fitness novice, these exercises offer a fresh perspective on shoulder development, promising to add both variety and effectiveness to your workout regimen. Are you ready to redefine your shoulder workouts and unlock the secrets to achieving those broad, attractive shoulders you’ve always desired? Let’s dive in!

The Importance of Shoulder Development

Strong and well-developed shoulders are not just about aesthetics; they play a pivotal role in overall strength, stability, and functional fitness.

The shoulders, or deltoids, are a complex muscle group consisting of three main heads: the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posterior (rear) deltoids. Understanding the significance of shoulder development goes beyond the desire for a V-shaped physique; it encompasses various aspects of physical well-being.

Upper Body Strength and Stability

The shoulders act as a bridge between the upper arms and the torso, forming a crucial part of the kinetic chain in many upper body movements. Whether you’re lifting weights, performing push-ups, or engaging in daily activities like lifting objects, strong shoulders provide the necessary stability and support.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

In sports and athletic endeavors, shoulder strength and mobility are often determining factors. From throwing a ball to swimming, a well-developed shoulder girdle contributes to improved performance and reduced risk of injuries. Athletes across different disciplines recognize the importance of robust shoulders in achieving their peak potential.

Injury Prevention

Neglecting shoulder development can lead to muscular imbalances and increase the risk of injuries. Strong shoulders contribute to better posture, reducing the strain on the neck and upper back. Additionally, a balanced shoulder workout routine can prevent overuse injuries by ensuring that all three deltoid heads receive adequate attention.

Functional Fitness and Daily Activities

Many daily tasks, such as reaching overhead, carrying groceries, or even sitting at a desk, rely on shoulder strength and flexibility. Well-developed shoulders make these activities more manageable, promoting overall functional fitness and enhancing the quality of daily life.

Aesthetic Appeal

Of course, the aesthetic benefits cannot be overlooked. Broad and sculpted shoulders create a visually appealing physique, contributing to the coveted V-taper look. Shoulder development complements a well-rounded physique and is a key component of a balanced upper body.

Understanding the multifaceted importance of shoulder development emphasizes the need for a comprehensive and targeted training approach. In the following sections, we’ll explore unconventional barbell exercises that specifically target different aspects of shoulder development, allowing you to reap the full spectrum of benefits associated with strong and attractive shoulders.

Barbell Z-Press: Unconventional Power for Shoulder Development

The Barbell Z-Press stands out as an unconventional yet highly effective exercise that can revolutionize your shoulder training routine.

This movement not only targets the deltoids but also engages the core and stabilizing muscles, making it a versatile addition to your workout arsenal. Let’s dive into the details of the Barbell Z-Press and discover why it’s a game-changer for building attractive and wide shoulders.


Setup: Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you, creating a “Z” shape with your body. Place the barbell on your upper chest, gripping it with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Pressing Motion: Keeping your back straight and core engaged, press the barbell overhead until your arms are fully extended. Ensure that the barbell moves in a vertical path.

Benefits of the Barbell Z-Press

Strict Form and Isolation:

The seated position eliminates the use of leg drive, promoting strict form and isolating the shoulders. This isolation is crucial for targeting the deltoids without relying on momentum.

Enhanced Core Engagement:

The Z-Press forces your core muscles to work harder to maintain an upright position. This dual engagement of shoulders and core not only strengthens these muscle groups individually but also improves overall stability.

Improved Shoulder Mobility:

As you press the barbell overhead from a seated position, the exercise demands increased shoulder mobility. Over time, incorporating the Z-Press into your routine can contribute to greater flexibility and range of motion in the shoulders.

Balanced Development:

Unlike some traditional shoulder exercises, the Z-Press minimizes the involvement of other muscle groups, ensuring a more balanced development of all three deltoid heads.

Versatility in Equipment:

The beauty of the Barbell Z-Press lies in its simplicity and minimal equipment requirements. All you need is a barbell, making it accessible for various fitness levels and workout settings.

Incorporating the Barbell Z-Press into Your Routine

Consider adding the Barbell Z-Press to your shoulder workout routine as a foundational movement. Aim for moderate to high repetitions, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout each set. As with any exercise, start with a weight that allows you to perform the movement with control, gradually increasing the resistance as your strength and proficiency improve.

The Barbell Z-Press is a testament to the effectiveness of unconventional training methods in achieving well-rounded shoulder development. By embracing this unique exercise, you not only diversify your workout routine but also unlock new pathways to sculpting those attractive and wide shoulders you’ve been working towards.

Barbell Landmine Press: An Angled Approach to Sculpting Wide Shoulders

The Barbell Landmine Press is a dynamic and innovative exercise that brings a fresh perspective to shoulder training. By introducing an angled approach to pressing, this exercise engages the shoulder muscles in a unique way, promoting both strength and stability.

Let’s explore the Barbell Landmine Press and understand why it’s a valuable addition to your arsenal of shoulder-building exercises.


Setup: Secure one end of the barbell in a landmine attachment or anchor it in a corner. Load weight onto the opposite end of the bar.

Stance: Stand facing the anchored end of the barbell, adopting a shoulder-width stance. Grip the loaded end with one hand at shoulder height.

Pressing Motion: Press the barbell overhead while maintaining a stable stance. Extend your arm fully at the top of the movement, then lower the barbell back down with control.

Benefits of the Barbell Landmine Press

Angled Resistance

The unique angle of the Barbell Landmine Press provides constant resistance throughout the movement, emphasizing different parts of the shoulder muscles compared to traditional vertical presses. This variation contributes to a more comprehensive shoulder workout.

Reduced Stress on Joints

The angled pressing motion often reduces stress on the shoulder joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with shoulder issues or discomfort during traditional overhead presses.

Core Activation

To maintain stability during the press, the core muscles are heavily engaged. The Barbell Landmine Press not only targets the shoulders but also challenges and strengthens the core, promoting overall functional fitness.

Unilateral Focus

Performing the press with one arm at a time allows for a unilateral focus, addressing any muscle imbalances that may exist between the left and right shoulders.

Versatility and Accessibility

The Barbell Landmine Press is versatile and can be adapted to various fitness levels. It can be performed with a standard barbell and landmine attachment, making it accessible to those training in both home and gym environments.

Incorporating the Barbell Landmine Press into Your Routine

Include the Barbell Landmine Press as a fundamental exercise in your shoulder workout routine. Aim for controlled and deliberate movements, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout each repetition. Experiment with different grip positions and stances to target various parts of the shoulder muscles.

Whether you’re seeking to add variety to your shoulder training or looking for an exercise that minimizes joint stress, the Barbell Landmine Press offers a unique solution. Embrace the angled approach, challenge your shoulder muscles from a new perspective, and work towards achieving those wide and attractive shoulders you desire.

Barbell Cuban Rotation: A Twist for Comprehensive Shoulder Development

The Barbell Cuban Rotation, a less conventional yet highly effective exercise, adds a dynamic twist to your shoulder training regimen.

This movement not only targets the deltoids but also engages the rotator cuff muscles, promoting stability and mobility. In this section, we’ll delve into the Barbell Cuban Rotation, exploring its execution, benefits, and why it deserves a place in your quest for attractive and wide shoulders.


Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell with an overhand grip, hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Initiate the Movement: Begin by retracting your shoulder blades, pulling the barbell toward your chest while keeping your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

Rotation Phase: Rotate your arms and the barbell externally, moving them away from your body until your forearms are parallel to the ground.

Return to Starting Position: Reverse the rotation, bringing the barbell back to the initial position, and then lower it back down to the starting position.

Benefits of the Barbell Cuban Rotation

Rotator Cuff Activation

The Cuban Rotation specifically targets the rotator cuff muscles, which play a crucial role in shoulder stability and injury prevention. Strengthening these muscles can enhance overall shoulder health.

Improved Shoulder Mobility

The rotational aspect of this exercise challenges the shoulder joints in a different plane of motion, contributing to improved mobility. This is especially beneficial for individuals looking to enhance their range of motion and flexibility.

Enhanced Posterior Deltoid Engagement

While traditional shoulder exercises often focus on the anterior and lateral deltoids, the Barbell Cuban Rotation places additional emphasis on the posterior deltoids. This balanced engagement contributes to a more well-rounded shoulder development.

Functional Movement Pattern

The rotational movement mimics real-life scenarios where the shoulders are required to move in different planes. This functional aspect makes the Barbell Cuban Rotation a valuable addition to any comprehensive training program.

Prevention of Imbalances

By incorporating exercises that target the often-neglected posterior deltoids and rotator cuff, the Barbell Cuban Rotation helps prevent muscle imbalances, promoting a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing shoulder development.

Incorporating the Barbell Cuban Rotation into Your Routine

Integrate the Barbell Cuban Rotation as part of your shoulder workout routine, particularly during the phase dedicated to targeting the posterior deltoids and rotator cuff. Start with a light weight to ensure proper form, gradually increasing the resistance as your strength and proficiency improve.

By including the Barbell Cuban Rotation in your training repertoire, you introduce a valuable element of shoulder care and development. This exercise goes beyond the traditional to address multiple facets of shoulder health, bringing you one step closer to achieving those attractive and wide shoulders you’ve set as your fitness goal.

Benefits of Incorporating Unusual Barbell Exercises for Shoulder Development

While traditional shoulder exercises undoubtedly have their merits, incorporating unusual barbell exercises into your routine can elevate your shoulder training to new heights. These unconventional movements target different aspects of the shoulder muscles and provide a fresh stimulus for growth. In this section, we’ll explore the key benefits of integrating unusual barbell exercises into your shoulder workout regimen.

Targeted Muscle Engagement

Unusual barbell exercises often involve unique movement patterns that can effectively target specific areas of the shoulders. By diversifying your routine, you ensure that all three deltoid heads receive adequate attention, promoting balanced and comprehensive muscle development.

Muscle Confusion and Adaptation

The concept of muscle confusion suggests that constantly challenging your muscles with different exercises prevents adaptation and plateaus. Unusual barbell exercises introduce novel stimuli, keeping your muscles guessing and potentially leading to greater gains in strength and size.

Improved Joint Health

Traditional shoulder exercises can sometimes place repetitive stress on the shoulder joints. Unusual barbell exercises, with their varied angles and movement patterns, offer an opportunity to reduce joint strain while still effectively targeting the shoulder muscles. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with joint sensitivity or a history of shoulder issues.

Functional Fitness Integration

Many unusual barbell exercises, such as the Barbell Landmine Press and Barbell Cuban Rotation, incorporate functional movement patterns. These movements mimic real-world activities and can contribute to improved overall functional fitness by enhancing your ability to perform everyday tasks with greater ease and efficiency.

Comprehensive Development

Unusual barbell exercises often engage not only the primary shoulder muscles but also various stabilizing muscles and core muscles. This comprehensive engagement promotes a more well-rounded development, addressing muscle imbalances and enhancing overall strength and stability.

Mental Stimulation and Motivation

Breaking away from the monotony of traditional exercises can provide mental stimulation and reignite motivation. The excitement of learning and mastering new movements can contribute to a more positive mindset towards your workouts.

Versatility and Accessibility

Many unusual barbell exercises are versatile and can be adapted to different fitness levels and settings. Whether you’re working out in a gym or at home, incorporating these exercises is often feasible with minimal equipment.

Prevention of Training Plateaus

Traditional exercises, when overused, can lead to training plateaus where progress stalls. By incorporating unusual barbell exercises strategically, you introduce variability that can help you overcome plateaus and continue making gains in shoulder development.

Incorporating unusual barbell exercises into your shoulder training routine offers a myriad of benefits, from targeted muscle engagement to improved joint health and functional fitness. Embrace innovation, challenge your muscles in new ways, and unlock the full potential of your shoulder development journey.

By diversifying your approach, you not only enhance the aesthetics of your shoulders but also promote overall strength, stability, and resilience. It’s time to explore the unconventional and redefine what’s possible in your pursuit of attractive and wide shoulders.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Shoulder Training with Innovation

In the quest for sculpted and wide shoulders, innovation emerges as a key player in achieving transformative results. This article has delved into the realm of unusual barbell exercises, providing a glimpse into a world beyond traditional shoulder workouts. As you embark on your journey to elevate shoulder training, consider the following key takeaways:

Break away from the routine and introduce diversity into your shoulder workouts. Unusual barbell exercises bring a fresh perspective, challenging your muscles in ways that traditional movements may not. This diversification is not only essential for aesthetics but also for well-rounded muscle development.

How to Get Wider Shoulders in 30 Days Best Shoulder Cable Exercises 15 Best Shoulder Exercises for Muscle GrowthSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Unusual barbell exercises offer the advantage of targeting specific areas of the shoulders, ensuring a more balanced development of the anterior, lateral, and posterior deltoid heads. By addressing all facets of the shoulder muscles, you enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functional strength of your shoulders.

Functional fitness is about preparing your body for real-world activities. Many unconventional barbell exercises incorporate functional movement patterns, contributing not only to muscle development but also to improved overall functionality and everyday mobility.

Shoulder health is paramount, and some traditional exercises may place undue stress on the joints. Unusual barbell exercises, with their varied angles and movement patterns, provide an opportunity to strengthen the shoulders while minimizing joint strain. This is particularly crucial for longevity in your fitness journey.

Plateaus in training can be disheartening, but they are not insurmountable. Introducing innovative exercises prevents your muscles from adapting too quickly, overcoming plateaus and fostering continual progress in strength and size.

The journey to well-developed shoulders is not just physical; it’s also a mental endeavor. Learning and mastering new exercises bring a sense of accomplishment and keeps your workouts mentally stimulating. This renewed motivation can be a powerful driver in achieving your fitness goals.

Whether you’re aiming for a chiseled physique, enhanced athletic performance, or improved functional fitness, tailor your approach to align with your specific goals. Unusual barbell exercises provide the flexibility to customize your routine for a well-rounded and personalized fitness journey.

As you elevate your shoulder training with innovation, remember that the path to attractive and wide shoulders is as unique as you are. Experiment with different exercises, listen to your body, and embrace the journey of continual improvement.

By incorporating the principles of diversity, specificity, and functionality, you’re not just transforming your shoulders – you’re redefining your entire approach to fitness. It’s time to unleash the power of innovation and sculpt the shoulders you’ve always aspired to have.

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What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work? Sat, 27 Jan 2024 21:00:00 +0000 So, what muscles do deadlifts work?

Deadlifts are one of the best exercises you can do to build muscle and strength. They work your lower body and back, while also developing core strength.

Deadlifts are performed with a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells. The weight is lifted from a dead stop on the floor to the standing position.

While keeping your back straight, lift your hips up and pull the weight up until it touches your legs; then return, with full control, to the starting position before repeating for reps.

What is a Deadlift?

The deadlift is a compound exercise that works many muscles in your body. It’s an excellent way to improve strength, boost your cardiovascular fitness and improve flexibility.

The deadlift is performed by lifting a weight from the floor to hip level using only the lower back, glutes and legs. The barbell is gripped with an overhand grip and lifted with straight arms until it touches just below the chin or upper chest area, depending on which variation you perform.

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work?

The deadlift works the hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, quads, core muscles, upper back muscles and lower back muscles.

It also includes the posterior chain which is made up of all of these in addition to your forearms and grip strength.

Deadlifts Work the Hamstrings

The hamstrings are the muscles at the back of your thighs. They’re involved in several exercises, including squats, hip thrusts, deadlifts and leg curls.

The main function of hamstrings is to flex your knee and extend your hip. But they also help control movement throughout the entire lower body while providing stability to other joints such as ankles and knees.

In addition to serving as an important part of everyday activities such as walking, running and jumping (which can obviously be done without any equipment), these muscles play a key role in several sports like American football.

Here, players are required to sprint quickly or jump high into the air with explosive power.

Deadlifts Work the Glutes

The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body, and they make up much of your butt. The gluteus maximus is one of the strongest muscles in your body, used to help you with activities such as running, lifting and jumping.

deadlift workouts What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work?

Deadlifts Work the Hip Flexors

One of the most important muscles for deadlifts are the hip flexors, which are also known as extensors.

These muscles help you lift your knees when walking or running. They also work with other muscles to move your thighs up and down when you run, or swing a golf club, baseball bat or tennis racket.

Exercises such as deadlifts strengthen the hip flexors by making them contract against resistance during a movement (the lifting part of the exercise).

Deadlifts Work the Quads

The quadriceps are the muscles on the front of your thighs.

They extend and straighten your knees, and they’re also active during other lower body movements such as walking.

Deadlifts work your quads in a unique way that’s different from squats, which is another exercise that works these muscle groups.

Like squats, deadlifts also require a great deal of core stabilization.

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work: Core Muscles

Deadlifts work the core muscles to a high degree because they are one of the most effective core exercises.

Your core braces and controls movement and coordination through the body. When lifting heavy weights (and with a deadlift), the core must be tensed and strong at all times.

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work: Upper Back Muscles

The upper back muscles combine many muscle groups, including the trapezius and rhomboids.

They are important for posture, lifting heavy objects, supporting the spine and keeping your shoulders in good alignment.

The deadlift is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups including these muscle groups.

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work: Lower Back Muscles

The lower back muscles are a collection of three muscle groups: the erector spinae, multifidus, and sacrospinalis.

These are responsible for maintaining the natural curves of your spine, as well as protecting it from injury.

The erector spinae are also responsible for moving the legs and pelvis during everyday activities such as walking or bending over to pick something up off the floor.

The lower back muscles function in conjunction with many other muscles throughout your body. This provides support while you perform a variety of physical activities throughout daily life.

In particular, these muscles help maintain proper posture by lengthening when you’re standing upright.

By performing deadlifts regularly, you’ll strengthen these important muscles significantly.

Why are Deadlifts Good?

  • Increase strength. Deadlifts are one of the best exercises to build strength and muscle. By lifting a heavy weight, you will be strengthening your entire body
  • Increase muscle mass. You can increase the amount of muscle in your body by doing this exercise regularly as well as increasing protein intake while working out
  • Increase flexibility in back and hips, which helps prevent injury from occurring when playing sports or doing other physical activities such as running upstairs at work or school every day for example

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work? – Conclusion

Deadlifts are an excellent way to build muscle, burn fat and increase strength.

They should have an important place in almost every training program that exists.

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Start Doing the Reverse Crunch – An Effective Ab Exercise to Get A Six-Pack Sat, 27 Jan 2024 19:00:00 +0000 If you haven’t done reverse crunch, but want to work your way towards six-pack abs, perhaps that is the missing ingredient. Learn all you need to know about the reverse crunch below.

The reverse crunch is an effective exercise that targets your abs, but somehow most people fail to do them. Don’t be like most people.

How To Do the Reverse Crunch

As with most ab exercises, you will only need to lie down on the floor, or floor mat, to be able to perform the reverse crunch.

  • Lie down on the floor mat facing up with knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your arms should be straight near the side of your body.
  • This is the initial position.
  • Brace your core and lift your feet off the ground by curling up your hips and moving your knees toward your chest.
  • Slightly continue lifting your legs until your lower back is off the mat, but your mid-back is still in contact with the floor.
  • Keep your head straight aligned with your spine at all times. Arms and hands should be parallel and next to your body.
  • Slowly lower your feet back to the initial position.
  • That is one rep.

You can make the exercise harder by keeping your feet off the ground at all times. This will keep your abs under tension for the entire duration of the exercise. If you keep your legs straight while descending, it also adds another layer of difficulty to this exercise and aiming to lift your legs up instead of bringing your knees toward your chest.

Muscles Targeted

This exercise targets only your abs.

  • Rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis is also known as the six-pack muscle. The reverse crunch will target what is commonly referred to as the upper abs and lower abs.

Mistakes to Avoid

A common mistake people tend to do with this exercise is to use momentum. As it is common with other ab exercises, you need to avoid using the momentum of your body to help you lift your legs. If you are unable to perform the exercise, do normal crunches as it is considered an easier variation of the reverse crunch.

A sign that your abs are not strong enough is if you are arching your back. This is common when you are lowering your legs to the initial position and it can leave you open to injuries.

If you choose to do the advanced version of the reverse crunch, without touching your feet on the floor and with straight-up legs, check out the video below by Jeff Cavaliere to see more mistakes you should be avoiding and how to fix them.


The biggest benefit of this exercise is that it targets your rectus abdominis, your six-pack abs muscles as the primary function of this muscle is to flex your trunk and spine. However, only exercise will not give you six-pack abs, as more important than any workout is what you are eating.

How to Shed Fat and Completely Transform your Body

reverse crunchSource: Renaissance Periodization

Compared to some other ab exercises, such as the normal crunch, the reverse version takes away the strain off your neck. Some people use their hands to elevate their torso when doing normal crunches, which puts a lot of pressure on the neck. By performing lifting your legs toward your body, you are more likely to use your abs than any other muscle in your body to do the movement.

The same can be said about your back muscles. Bending your spine during traditional crunches can be detrimental according to this study and the reverse crunch can be adjusted to flex your spine less than the traditional crunch.

For its easy setup, this exercise can be performed nearly anywhere.

Cons of the Reverse Crunch

Now that you know the benefits, you should also keep in mind the negative side of this exercise.

Unfortunately, this is not the most complete ab exercise you could perform. The reverse crunch will barely target your obliques, the side of your abs, which is the muscle responsible for twisting your torso.

Read More: Science-Backed Oblique Exercises to Build the Most Solid Trunk

How Many Reps and Sets?

Reverse crunches should be added to your normal training routine. As you found out, it is not the answer to having six-pack abs, but it will help you get closer to your goals.

As part of your core training, you should aim to do 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions of the reverse crunch.

If it is too hard, lower to 2 sets and have a bigger rest period between the sets. If it is too easy, you can add a resistance band to make the exercise even more difficult.

Read More: How to Get a Flat Stomach in 22 Days

7 Exceptional Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise (Build Strong, Great Looking Glutes) Sat, 27 Jan 2024 13:00:00 +0000 This article will explain all the great benefits of the hip thrust exercise.

The hip thrust is a great exercise for the glutes and hamstrings. It’s one of the best compound exercises for developing your posterior chain. The hip thrust has many benefits including increased glute strength, increased core stability, improved running speed and jumping ability, and protection against injury.

1. Increases Hip Extension Strength for those that Suffer from Weak Glutes

For those who suffer from weak glutes, the hip thrust exercise is a great way to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.

athlete performs glutes and legs workout types of squats How to Fix IT Band Syndrome and Knee Pain Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise

2. Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Improves Core Strength and Stability

The hip thrust is an excellent exercise for strengthening the core, which is essential for many sports.

Core strength and stability are important for injury prevention and performance. The hip thrust targets the glutes (butt), hamstrings, adductors (inner thighs), quadriceps (front of legs) and erector spinae muscles that support proper posture by keeping the spine aligned with the pelvis in a neutral position.

3. Hip thrusts Will Improve your Running Speed, Jumping Ability and Quickness

Hip thrusts are an explosive exercise that will improve your running speed, jumping ability and quickness. To become a better runner, you need to incorporate some exercises that build explosive power into your workout routine.

strengthen glutes with barbell How to Get Rounder Glutes

To become faster at sprinting or jumping higher, you must do exercises in which you use the force of the ground to generate power in one direction – like sprinting or hopping. These are called “closed chain kinetic movements”.

You can increase your explosiveness by doing exercises where you produce force against an immovable object such as a wall or bench during training sessions instead of just running on a track for example! This will help teach your brain how to use its muscles more effectively when it comes time for competition day!

4. Helps to Activate the Glutes and Protect Against Injury

You might be wondering why you should care about activating your glutes. The reason is simple: because they’re the strongest muscle in your body! They’re also the largest muscle group in your body, meaning they can do a lot of work.

But what does that mean for you? Well, if you want to accomplish more with less effort—and get stronger in the process—you’ll need to activate those glutes whenever possible. The hip thrust exercise helps with that by forcing you to contract them during an exercise involving loading from an angle (which is how most athletic movements happen).

The glutes are responsible for hip extension, external rotation and abduction/adduction. These are all important functions because they help us move around efficiently and safely when we walk or run on uneven terrains like hills or stairs.

5. Hip thrusts Develop a Strong Posterior Chain

The hip thrust is a great exercise to develop a strong posterior chain. The posterior chain consists of the muscles that run from the lower back to the feet. It is important for standing and walking, running, jumping and throwing.

A strong posterior chain can help prevent injuries by providing stability through your hips, back and legs when you’re moving around in daily life or playing sports.

In addition, strengthening this area will improve your posture and give you greater strength in other exercises like deadlifts or squats.

6. Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Strengthen the Glutes and Hamstrings

The hip thrust is a great exercise for strengthening the glutes and hamstrings.

It targets and activates these muscles, stressing them so that they have to adapt and grow stronger.

7. They are an Adaptable Movement

The hip thrust is a popular exercise that can be performed anywhere, anytime. While it originated in the gym, you can also do hip thrusts at home, on the beach and even in your hotel room.

Here you simply need to adapt the weight. Kettlebells, dumbbells, weight plates and sandbags are all excellent alternatives to the barbell.

Muscles of the Glutes and Hamstrings

The glutes and hamstrings are large, complex muscles of the lower body.

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Gluteus Maximus

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body. It is responsible for extending and rotating the hip, along with working with other muscles to extend your legs. Its name comes from its large size—in Latin, maximus means “biggest.”

The gluteus maximus lies on either side of your buttocks and attaches to your pelvis at two places:

  • above your sacrum (the bony arch that forms part of your spine)
  • just below your back pocket on each side of your hips.

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is a powerful muscle located on the outer surface of the pelvis. It is a key muscle in both the pelvic and hip stabilizing systems. It also plays an important role in running and jumping by helping to rotate your thigh outward, which allows you to maintain proper form as you move forward.

The gluteus medius helps protect against injury because it assists with lateral stability of your pelvis during side-to-side movements such as running or hopping over obstacles (like low walls). If this muscle is weak or tight, it can cause increased stress on other lower body muscles (such as your hamstrings) that help stabilize your hips when rotating them side-to-side.

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Gluteus Minimus

The gluteus minimus is a small muscle that lies deep to your gluteus medius. It originates at the outer portion of your ilium (hip bone) and attaches to the inner side of your thighbone.

The main function of the gluteus minimus is to keep you from toppling over sideways as you walk or run. It also helps stabilize your pelvis when performing other movements such as squatting, lunging, running and jumping.

Injury prevention: The gluteus minimus is most often injured in runners with tight hamstrings who engage in high-impact activities without warming up thoroughly beforehand. To prevent injury from occurring, make sure you warm up properly before engaging in any physical activity that demands a lot of energy from your muscles—including weightlifting exercises like squats and lunges—and stretch out those tight areas afterward!

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Piriformis

The piriformis is a deep muscle that originates on the sacrum and inserts on the femur. It’s an important muscle for hip stability. It is involved in hip extension and adduction. It can be strained after sitting for long periods of time.

If you have pain, it could be from this muscle being tight or irritated, which will cause it to tighten even more when you try to stretch it out with stretching exercises like side leg raises (called “piriformis stretches”).

The only way to really know if your pain comes from this muscle is by going through a physical therapy evaluation process where they assess how tight your muscles are by doing things like asking you about your symptoms and looking for abnormal movement patterns during various movements such as walking.

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)

The Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) is a muscle that runs along the outer thigh. It helps with hip abduction, which is the movement of the leg away from the body. The TFL also works to assist with hip flexion, which is when your thigh moves towards your body.

Gluteal muscles work together to create strong, powerful hips and thighs. Having strong gluteal muscles allows you to perform activities like jumping higher and running faster without injury. If you don’t have strong glutes then this could cause you some serious problems in terms of injuries such as knee pain or back problems due to weak back muscles compensating for weak hips!

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Sacrotuberous Ligament

The sacrotuberous ligament is a band of connective tissue that runs from the upper posterior portion of the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity (the bony part of your pelvis). It helps stabilize the sacroiliac joint, which connects your lower spine and pelvis.

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and begins in the lower back, running down through your buttock and into your leg. It is responsible for feeling in your foot and ankle, as well as sensation below the knee and thigh. As you can see from this image, it runs right alongside one of our strongest muscles: glutes.

Long Head of Biceps Femoris (Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus)

The long head of biceps femoris is a deep back muscle that originates on the ischial tuberosity, or bone formed by fusion between the ischium and pubis bones in the pelvis. It then travels down to insert into the upper part of your tibia (shin bone).

The long head of biceps femoris works to bend your knee and also assists with hip flexion. This muscle also stabilizes your knee during walking, running, squatting, lunging and jumping activities.

The long head of biceps femoris receives innervation from two different nerves: sciatic nerve (S1-S4) and tibial nerve (L4-L5).

Benefits of the Hip Thrust Exercise – Short Head of Biceps Femoris

The short head of the biceps femoris is located on the outside of your hip, between your gluteus maximus and your semimembranosus. It originates at the lower part of the head of your fibula, which is that long bone just below your knee.

It’s involved in both hip extension and hip flexion (when bending forward), as well as knee flexion. This muscle can be used to help you lift heavy weights or perform squats or deadlifts with great power—and it also helps with athletic performance by providing stability during running movements like sprinting or jumping.


The glutes and hamstrings are complex muscles. They are the largest muscles in the body and they perform a wide range of motions. The glutes extend at the hip, flex at the knee and medially rotate the thigh when they contract. The hamstring muscles also extend at the hip, but they also perform knee flexion as part of their front-to-back motion.

The hip thrust is a great exercise for the lower body. It is easy to perform and you can do it anywhere.

The benefits of this exercise will help improve your running speed, jumping ability, quickness and avoid injury.

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