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Top 5 Vegan Foods for Fat Loss

Feel full while losing weight.

Check out the top 5 vegan foods for fat loss according to Melissa Alexandria.

Melissa Alexandria is a vegan weight loss coach. For years now she has turned to plant-based food only and has lost 35 pounds in the process with a low-calorie diet. Her YouTube channel is focused on sharing tips and meals for vegans.

Melissa begins her video on the top 5 vegan foods for fat loss by debunking 2 myths about the vegan lifestyle – that a plant-based vegan diet is expensive, and that you don’t need to learn fancy recipes or make them complex.

With that being said, check below the top 5 vegan foods for fat loss according to Melissa Alexandria.

Top 5 Vegan Foods for Fat Loss

1. Potatoes

Top 5 Vegan Foods for Fat Loss

In this list, Melissa is counting both normal and sweet potatoes. They are filling foods and you can get them quite cheaply. “If you eat two baked potatoes you are going to be full for hours,” she says.

Not to mention the versatility of these ingredients such as hash browns, baked potatoes, and non-fried French fries.

2. Bananas

“If I could only choose one fruit to buy it would be bananas,” Melissa notes. The versatility of this ingredient is also incredible as you can make vegan ice cream with frozen ripped bananas, you can put it on oatmeal and cereal, bake them, and they are a perfect snack to bring with you as you don’t need to wrap in plastic.

3. Rice

For those who love a low-carb diet, having rice in a list of top 5 vegan foods for fat loss might be surprising, but it is. Rice is filling, versatile and a staple food in countries of people who have stayed lean and healthy for centuries – think Japan.

White rice

4. Dark Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, dandelion. If you put leafy greens in a smoothie you will feel the energy rushing through your body without too many calories, which makes it perfect for weight loss.

5. Beans

Just with rice, potatoes and beans from this list, there are many recipes you can make that will not bore your stomach and palate and also help you with fat loss. Melissa mentions this recipe of sweet potato black bean chilli you should try.

VIDEO – Top 5 Vegan Foods for Fat Loss

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Another 8 Vegan Foods to Help You Lose Weight

How to Maximise CrossFit Performance on a Vegan Diet

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