Want to build muscle? Strength and muscle building can help and support the other. You can hardly build strength without muscles, just as you can’t build muscles without strength. But still there are differences.
Think of a Powerlifter or a Stronman like Eddie Hall, looking like a wild bull, probably walking through the stonewall instead of the door. But not jacked or ripped at all.
Then think of a Bodybuilder where you can see every isolated muscle. In the vast majority of cases the latter will never reach the strength level of a decent Powerlifter.
Use a Plan for 6 – 8 Weeks, than change in order to stop the muscles getting too used to a certain workload.
Remember, these plans are not designed to improve strength or power. These programs are strictly for the purpose of gaining serious muscle size.
This one is a killer. You do not use heavy weights, but you won´t need them.
Cycle: 6 Day Split, 2 days workout, 1 day off, 2 days workout, 1 day off, restart.
Level: Advanced
Decline Smith Presses: 2 x 12 .
(Flat Hammer Presses): 4 x 25
Incline Dumbbell Flyes): 3 x until failure
Seated Dumbbell Presses 1 x 25
Reverse EZ Bar Presses 1 x until failure
Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals: 1 x until failure
Backsquats: 4 x 25 .
Horizontal Leg Presses 1 x 40
Leg Extensions 1 x 40
Leg Curl Machine: 3 x until failure
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Back/Shoulders
Pull-ups: 2 x 12
Dead Lifts 2 x 10
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 10
Lat Pulldown 2 x 10
Rear Delt Machine 2 x 25
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 12
Dumbbell Shrugs 2 x 12
Upright Rows 2 x 12
Standing Dumbbell Curls 2 x10
Dumbbell Drag Curls 1 x 20
Incline Hammer Curls 1 x 15
Close-Grip Benches 1 x 25
Tricep Press Downs 1 x 25
Double Arm Kickbacks: 1 x 25
Dips 1 x until failure
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 15
Donkey Calf Raises: 3 x 15
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Restart
This one is an ADVANCED Plan.
Do not use it if you are not familiar with the correct movements and technique. You also need a Workout Partner for the forced reps.
Cycle: 6 Days Split 1 Day Off, Restart.
Level: Advanced
Monday: Shoulders
• Military Press – 2 x 15 Warm Up, 3 x 10 + 5 forced, last Set as Dropset
• Butterfly invers – 3 x 10
• Side Laterals – 3 x 10
• Machine Shrugs 3 x 10
• Dumbbell Shrugs – 3 x 10
20 min. HIIT Cardiotraining
Tuesday: Back
• Latpulldown wide grip 2 x 15 Warm Up, 3 x 10
• T Bar Row – 3 x 10
• Deadlift – 5 x 10
• Revers Row – 3 x 12
• Seated Row – 2 x 15, 3 x 10
20 min. HIIT Cardiotraining
Wednesday: Chest
• Benchpress 2 x 15 WarmUp, 3 x 8 + 5 forced, last Set as Dropset
• Dumbbell Incline Press – 3 x 10 + 5 forced
• Dumbbell Flyes – 3 x 10
• Butterfly – 3 x 10
20 min. HIIT Cardiotraining
Thursday: Hams/ Calfs
• Reverse Hack Squat– 2 x 20 Warm Up, 5 x 15
• Standing LegCurls alternating– 5 x 15
• Seated LegCurls – 5 x 15
• Seated Calf Raises – 6 x 15
• Standing Calf Raises – 6 x 15
Friday: Arms
• Barbell Curls – 3 x 10
• Curls Cable Pulley – 3 x 10
• Dumbbell Incline Curls – 3 x 10
• Close Grip Bench 3x 10
• Kickbacks – 3 x 10
• Tricepspresses Rope – 3 x 10
• Forearms – 4 Sets until failure
20 min. HIIT Cardiotraining
Saturday: Quads
• Squats – 2 x 20 WarmUp 3 x 10, Lat Set 3x Dropset
• Leg Presses – 2 x 15, 3 x 10,Last Set 4x Dropset
• Leg Curls – 3 x 15
• Dumbbell Lunges – 3 Sets
Day 1 – Pull
Chin Up 4 x 8-12
Wide Grip lat Pull Down 3 x 8-15
Shoulders Shrug 3 x 8-15
Single Arm Bent Over Row 3 x 8-12
Hammer Strength High-Low Row 3 x 10-15
Rear Deltoid Fly 3 x 10-15
Biceps Curl 3 x 10-15
Day 2 – Legs/Hips
Back Squat 4 x 10-15
Front Squat 3 x 8-12
Reverse Lunge (same side) 3 x 10-12
Hamstring Curl 3 x 8-12
Leg Extension 3 x 8-12
Hip Thrust 3 x 12-15
Calf Raise 3 x 12-15
Day 3 – Push
Dumbbell Bench Press or Free Motion Chest 4 x 8-12
Hammer Strength Incline Press 3 x 8-12
Dumbbell Overhead Press 4 x 8-12
Close-Grip Push Up (hands on med ball) 3 x 12-15
Shoulder Lateral Raise 3 x 12-15
Triceps Extension 3 x 12-15
The “Squats and Milk” Program
This is not a classic hypertrophy program but still designed to create a serious muscle grow.
Thought for 6 Weeks you will squat heavy various times a week.
Requirement is the knowledge of your 5rep max Back Squat. Then subtract 2,5 kg for every set. In 6 Weeks you will squat 18 times, so it is 45kg less. This is you starting weight for: 20 Reps!
Every new set you add 2,5 kg back on the bar and after 6 weeks you squat your former 5rep max for: 20 Reps! Yes, is will be hard. Yes, you will suffer. Yes, it is efficient.
Around those 20rep Squats there are several other exercises, the most useful for CrossFit is probably a inbound of weightlifting movements.
Day 1
- A Power Clean 3×3 2min Rest
- B1 20Rep Squats 1×20 no Rest
- B2 Dumbbell Pullovers 1×20
- C1 Barbell Bench Press 2×10-12 no Rest
- C2 High Cable Flys 2×12-15 90sec Rets
- D Triceps Rope Press Down Drop Set 2Sets 60sec Rest
- E Biceps EZ Curls 21s 2Sets 60Sec Rest
Day 2
- A Snatch High Pull 3×3 2min Rest
- B1 20Rep Squats 1×20 no Rest
- B2 Dumbbell Pullovers 1×20
- C1 Bent Over Row 2×10-12 no Rest
- C2 Bent Over Fly 2×12-15 90sec Rest
- D Hip Thrust Drop Set 2 Sets 60sec Rest
- E Calf Raise 21s 2 Sets 60sec Rest
Day 3
- A Hang Clean 3×3 2min Rest
- B1 20Rep Squats 1×20 no Rest
- B2 Dumbbell Pullovers 1×20
- C1 PullUp 2×10-12 no Rest
- C2 Facepull 2×12-15 90sec Rest
- D Military Press Drop Set 2 Sets 60sec Rest
- E Cross Body Hammer Curls 21s 2 Sets 60sec Rest
Day 4
- A – Power Focus
- B1 – 20Rep Squats
- B2 Dumbbell Pullovers
- C1 Super Set – Compound Exercise
- C2 Super Set – Isolated Exercise
- D Isolation Exercise Drop Set Method
- E Isolation Exercise 21´s Method
For cicuit A use a mid heavy weight that will not blast you totally out. It is thought as a heavier WarmUp.
For circuit C, perform the first set of the compound exercise followed immediately by one set of the isolation exercise. Take the recommended break and repeat for a 2nd set.
For circuit D, start with a weight you can do 3-5 reps with. Drop the weights down as you fatigue for 3 consecutive drops.
For circuit E, use a moderately heavy weight and perform 7 bottom half reps. Next, perform 7 top half reps. Lastly, perform 7 full range of motion reps.
This plan uses heavy basic exercises and light isolated ones to get the muscle fully out powered
Build Muscle: Day 1 Chest/Triceps
Combinded: Bench Press 2x 20 Warm Up , 5×5 Working Sets (vary weekly barbell and dumbell to protect the rotator cuffs)
Isolated: Cable Flys with crossed over arms 3×12
Combinded : Incline Bench 4x 6-8
Isolated: Butterflys close 2×20
Combined: Dips 4x to failure (minimum of 5)
Isolated: Triceps Rope PullDown 2×20
Add Core Work
Build Muscle: Day 2 Legs
Combined: Squats: 2×20 Warm Up, 5×5 Working Sets
Leg Extensions: 2×25
Combined: Stiffed Leg Deadlifts: 4×10 (watch the technique)
Isolated: Leg Curls: 2×25
Add Core Work
Build Muscle: Day 3 Shoulders
Combined: Military Press: 2×20 Warm Up, 5×5 Working Sets
Isolated: Side Laterals 3×12-15
Combined: Seated Dumbbell Press 2×20
Isolated: Reverse Butterfly: 4x 12-15
Isolated: Front Laterals: 3×12′
Add Core Work
Build Muscle: Day 4 Back/Biceps
Combined: Deadlift 2×20 Warm Up, 5×5 Working Sets
Isolated: Lat Pulldown Close Grip: 3×12-15 ( Feel muscle tension in the lats)
Combined: Barbell Rows: 3×12
Combined: Seated Cable Rows: 3×20 ( Do them as directly after the Barbell Rows, light weight, muscle tension)
Combined: Pull Ups: 5×5
Combined: Snatch Pulls: 3×10
Add Core Work
Want more workouts? Check out these Toes to Bar or Strict Press WODs.
Image Sources
- Build-Muscle-Adrian-and-Sara: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc