CrossFit – BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine Wed, 31 Jan 2024 12:58:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CrossFit – BOXROX 32 32 How to Incorporate CrossFit and Training into a Busy Schedule Sun, 04 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 If you’re a beginner looking to weave the transformative power of CrossFit into your bustling schedule, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore some effective strategies that will help you embrace the CrossFit lifestyle without sacrificing your other responsibilities.

Hey there, future CrossFit champ! We get it – life’s a whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and juggling a gazillion tasks.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

But guess what? The world of CrossFit isn’t just a workout; it’s a lifestyle, a family, and a game-changer. Finding time for fitness can be challenging, but fear not, because CrossFit has got your back!

CrossFit is not just a workout; it’s a lifestyle that can transform your body and mind. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a newbie, here are some awesome tips to help you seamlessly weave the exhilarating world of CrossFit into your jam-packed schedule.

1. Unleash the Magic of Morning or Evening CrossFit Workouts

The early hours of the day hold a certain magic. Incorporating a morning CrossFit routine can set a positive tone for the rest of your day. By getting your workout in before the chaos begins, you’re ensuring that nothing derails your fitness goals later. Plus, starting your day with a burst of energy and endorphins can boost your productivity and mental clarity throughout the day.

sara sigmundsdottir nikeSource: Wodshots

But wait, let’s not forget the allure of the evening. After a day filled with responsibilities, there’s something almost poetic about ending it with a CrossFit session.

An evening CrossFit routine serves as your sanctuary, a place where you leave behind the worries of the day and immerse yourself in movement. It’s an oasis of energy in a sea of tiredness, a revitalizing experience that renews your spirits and reminds you that you’re capable of so much more than you think.

And the best time to workout is…

2. Personal Training for Tailored Progress

Engaging in personal training sessions can provide you with a customized approach to CrossFit. A professional coach can help you design a workout plan that aligns with your schedule and fitness level. They can also ensure proper form, reducing the risk of injury. While personal training may require an extra investment, the benefits in terms of results and efficient use of your time are well worth it.

3. Embrace High-Intensity Intervals (HIIT)

CrossFit is synonymous with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a perfect fit for a busy schedule. HIIT workouts deliver maximum results in a short amount of time.

Noah Ohlsen

These intense bursts of exercise followed by brief periods of rest torch calories, boost metabolism, and elevate your fitness level. A 20-minute HIIT session can be as effective as a longer conventional workout, making it a powerful tool for those with time constraints.

4. Craft a Smart Workout Plan

Effective workout planning is crucial, especially when time is limited. Map out your workouts in advance to make the most of every minute. Focus on compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups, maximizing efficiency. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength training, and mobility exercises to achieve a balanced and comprehensive routine.

Great workouts HERE

5. Harness the Power of the CrossFit Community

The CrossFit community is a vibrant and motivating space. Joining a CrossFit box introduces you to a supportive network of individuals with similar goals.

The camaraderie and friendly competition can fuel your motivation and commitment. When you know you’re part of something larger than yourself, it’s easier to stay accountable and show up for your workouts.

6. Progress as Your Ultimate Motivator

Tracking your progress is a powerful source of motivation. Keep a record of your achievements, whether it’s lifting heavier weights, performing more repetitions, or completing a workout faster. Celebrate each milestone as a testament to your dedication and hard work.

Seeing tangible improvements will ignite your desire to continue pushing your limits.

7. Adaptability in Action

Life is unpredictable, and your schedule may change unexpectedly. Embrace adaptability as a core principle. If you can’t make it to the gym, don’t skip the workout entirely. Opt for a bodyweight routine at home or squeeze in quick exercises during breaks.

Swimming man in pool with goggles

The ability to adjust your plans while staying committed to your goals is a hallmark of successful fitness integration.

8. Fuel Your Body with Meal Prep

Nutrition is a cornerstone of your fitness journey. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid making unhealthy choices when time is scarce.

Meal prepping ensures that you have nourishing options readily available, saving you both time and stress. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support your CrossFit efforts.

How to Meal Prep for Beginners (Muscle, Fat Loss, Health)

9. Set and Track Your Goals

Goal-setting is the compass that guides your fitness journey. Define both short-term and long-term objectives, whether it’s mastering a specific exercise, completing a certain number of workouts per week, or achieving a target body composition. Regularly revisit and revise your goals to stay motivated and ensure your progress stays on track.

Incorporating CrossFit into a busy schedule requires commitment, planning, and a willingness to adapt. By embracing these strategies, you’ll find that fitness becomes an integral part of your life rather than an additional burden.

Remember that every step you take, no matter how small, is a step toward becoming the best version of yourself. So, lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and embark on this exhilarating journey toward a healthier, fitter you.

Your schedule may be busy, but your commitment to your well-being is unwavering!

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CrossFit and Weight Loss: Tips for Athletes that Want to Lose Weight Sun, 04 Feb 2024 02:32:00 +0000 CrossFit is a complete fitness regimen that offers a promising approach to boost weight loss through intense workouts, functional exercises, and diverse training techniques.

Here are some of the advantages that CrossFit can bring to your weight loss journey, along with a few tips for beginners.

1. Tips for Beginners: Challenge your body with new routines.

CrossFit provides challenging high-intensity workouts that are a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and your workout session due to the afterburn effect.

Justin MedeirosSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Alright, if you’re just starting out with CrossFit, you gotta take it slow and build up the intensity to avoid hurting yourself. Start with bodyweight exercises and work on getting your technique down first before adding weights.

Mix things up with interval training or circuit workouts to keep things interesting. Once you get the hang of it, step it up with high-intensity workouts like AMRAPs or EMOMs. Don’t forget to take it easy. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard, and make sure to get help from a legit CrossFit coach.

2. Tips for Beginners: Get used to metabolic conditioning

CrossFit emphasizes metabolic conditioning workouts that involve performing exercises in circuit or interval formats. This workouts combine cardiovascular exercises like running, rowing, or jumping rope, and weightlifting movements or bodyweight exercises. This type of exercise helps elevate the heart rate and boost metabolism to support weight loss.

Nail basic movements like squats and push-ups. Ain’t no need to go ham right away, start easy and work your way up. And don’t forget to warm-up and cool down to avoid injury. If something hurts, change it up.

Quality moves are more important than quantity, so don’t half-ass it. When you feel like you’re ready, boost up the intensity and hit up a coach to show you some cool new stuff. Oh, and rest days are just as important as workout days, so don’t skip them.

3. Tips for Beginners. Focus on strength training

Through a variety of equipment, including barbells, kettlebells, and dumbbells, CrossFit incorporates strength training. Strengthening lean muscles is essential for weight loss as the muscles burn more calories at rest than fat. When you develop more muscle, your basal metabolic rate also increases, which means you burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

Tia-Clair ToomeySource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

If you wanna mix strength training into your CrossFit routine, keep these tips in mind: Don’t be sloppy or you’ll injure yourself. Start with just your body as a weight and get those basics down pat. Then slowly add weights while keeping that form tight.

Work on moves that hit multiple muscles all at once. Mix it up so you hit all them muscles in different ways. Keep pushing yourself with heavier weights over time. And don’t forget to hit up a coach for some extra help and guidance.

Start with lighter weights and work your way up slow. Stick with it, be patient, and you’ll be a strong mofo in no time!

Here you can find more info about How to Burn More Calories Lifting Weights

4. Tips for Beginners: Vary your workouts

CrossFit workouts are known to be constantly varied to prevent boredom and challenge the body continuously, promoting continual progress and adaptation. Regularly changing the workouts can be beneficial for preventing weight loss plateaus and ensuring that you keep burning calories effectively.

If you wanna keep getting better at CrossFit, mix it up! Don’t be stuck doin’ the same thing all the time. Throw in some cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics to keep it fresh. Try different workouts with different gear and for different lengths of time.

Keep switching up how many reps you do and push yourself to try new things.

Want to know more about different types of CrossFit WOD? Check THIS out

5. Tips for Beginners: Be part of the community

Many CrossFit gyms, commonly referred to as “boxes,” create a strong sense of support within a community. This social aspect of CrossFit can provide motivation and accountability, making it easier for you to achieve your weight loss goals.

skill progressions for ring muscle upSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

CrossFit’s community vibe can help you lose weight in so many ways. When everyone’s got the same goals, it’s like you’re all in it together, right? And a little friendly competition can push you harder and make you better.

Plus, there’s tons of knowledge and tips to share, like how to eat better and work out smarter. It can also be an emotional journey, but with a solid support system, you got this! Being surrounded by positive people can only help ya build good habits and stay on track.

6. CrossFit and Weight Loss: Tips for Beginners. Eat well:

However, it’s crucial to remember that diet plays an essential role in weight loss. Combining CrossFit with a healthy and balanced eating plan will yield the best possible results.

First off, you gotta eat right, which means getting them good nutrients.You wanna eat less than you burn when you’re working out, but still enough so you have energy to kill it in your WODs. Make sure you get the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, and drink enough water so you’re not eating everything in sight.

And don’t forget to give your muscles time to rest and recover – they need breaks to get stronger, believe it or not!

So try to get quality sleep between workouts and take some rest days when you need to. If you need extra help, see a nutritionist and listen to your body. And just remember, it’s all about balance and progress on your CrossFit journey!

It’s therefore essential to seek consultation from professional healthcare providers or registered dietitians to develop a personalized diet plan that aligns with your weight loss goals and complements your CrossFit workouts.

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5 Little Known Tricks to Get Better at CrossFit Sat, 03 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 How to improve in CrossFit? This is a question that  those of us who practice this great sport ask ourselves. Along with the basic pillars for performance improvement, there are other tricks that can help you get that extra boost you need to smash your workouts every day.

If you have been practicing CrossFit for a while, it is likely that you may feel that your improvement is slower or even that you are not improving at all. But don’t worry, because you still have a great athlete potential and we are going to give you some tips to bring it out.

chandler smith competes in crossfit semifinalSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

If your sport is not CrossFit, you can also apply those tricks, because in all sports globally, there are patterns that should be repeated for the same purpose: to evolve towards the best version of ourselves.

1. Discover your third lung, through nutrition.

Nutrition is a known factor that can help us improve our athletic performance.If necessary, there are certain types of supplements that will help you improve, but only as an extra.

Speaking about supplements, there is one specifically powerful one that few know about.

It’s recommended by Mat Fraser himself – beta alanine. If you’ve ever consumed any kind of pre-workout you’ll probably be familiar with this name as it’s one of the main ingredients in many boosters, but few know how beneficial beta alanine can be when consumed before training.

 Beta alanine supplementation increases muscle carnosine levels by up to 60% in 4 weeks and about 80% in 8 weeks, which translates into increased resistance to fatigue and improved performance, especially in high-intensity exercise.

2. Good sleep habits

Twinkle twinkle little star, sleep well and raise a heavy bar.

The basic pillar of an athlete’s progression is getting enough rest. Our body needs rest for optimal performance.

During the hours of sleep, the organism enters a state in which the biorhythms go down and it is the moment in which our organs rest. Sleep repairs all our organs, since during the time we are resting, our organism releases countless hormones that improve the general state of the organism and strengthen our immune system. It is precisely during the hours of sleep that the so-called growth hormone, which we need to increase muscle volume, is released.

A good habit – highly recommended – to get the necessary rest, is to set a time limit for going to bed even if you are not sleepy. Instead of sitting in the living room watching TV, it is better to lie in bed and relax little by little until you feel sleepy. In this way the body gets used to bedtime every day.

On the other hand, if you are going to train at maximum intensity, allow at least one day of rest every 3 days of training. You should not train every day. This way, you will help recovery, avoid injury, muscle wasting and/or overtraining.

3. Psychological factors

Factors such as motivation and mental strength are indispensable for our progress as athletes.

The first will be necessary for you to go motivated every day to the Box and give the best of you in the training session. This is directly linked to your goals. In many cases, not being able to achieve our goals leads to frustration.

The second will make you resist against all kinds of obstacles without them harming your performance, in some cases even improving it.

Have a positive attitude, be aware of the ups and downs that may occur, but continue with the activity. You will not always train in the best conditions (in all aspects). Train your psychological side too.

4. Back to basics

Sometimes when we have a certain level in CrossFit we think we already know it all, it’s nice once in a while go back to the basics and feel like a rookie again. Did you see the single unders  event at the Games?

grips for ring muscle upsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Even the best failed with a movement that in the box is usually performed by those who need to scale the movement. Technique is a fundamental part of your training to keep improving as an athlete, but it is often overlooked. Leave your ego at the door of the box. Being the fastest in the class is fine, but not more important than your health.

With a good technique you will not only avoid injury, but it will help you to more quickly lock in the weights or movements of your daily workouts. As a result, in the long run you will have a greater improvement in CrossFit.

5. Leave your comfort zone

You have to start to get rid of the fear of lifting heavy weights or to perform movements that we find complicated (double under, snatch, pistol …). You have tot learn to train with the feeling of being at the limit of your possibilities and know how to play with that feeling. It is advisable not to stop when you start to feel tired. At least, you should do two or three more reps before stopping to catch some air.

Finally, it’s good to get in a competitive mood with your teammates because it will help you get out of your comfort zone, but don’t fall into the trap of trying to shorten the movement to gain time or count the extra reps to finish early. You laso should create the habit of training your mobility. If you do some stretching it will help us to have better mobility to perform complex movements and avoid many injuries due to muscle shortening.

These are some of the tricks that sometimes escape us when it comes to improving our performance. Do you have any tips you would like to share?

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7 Exercises that Improve Strength for CrossFit Beginners Fri, 02 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 Hey CrossFit rookie,  improve your strength with this exercises.

CrossFit is an excellent way to improve overall fitness, build strength, and increase endurance.

However, for beginners, it can be tricky to know where to start. In this article, we will discuss 7 exercises that improve strength for CrossFit beginners. 

1. Squats

Squats are a fundamental exercise in CrossFit that help build lower body strength. They work lower body muscles such as the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, but also core muscles. Having a strong foundation in squats is crucial for excelling in various CrossFit exercises.

It is recommended to start with bodyweight squats and gradually progress to goblet squats or barbell squats as you gain strength and confidence. This progressive approach will help you develop proper form and technique while also preventing injury.

To perform a squat:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Lower your body as if you were sitting on a chair, keeping your back straight and chest up.
  3. Push through your heels to the starting position.

2. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a fantastic exercise for building overall strength and targeting the posterior chain, which includes the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

It is crucial to focus on proper form and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the movement.

Starting with lighter kettlebells or dumbbells before progressing to barbell deadlifts is recommended to prevent injury and ensure proper technique.

To perform a deadlift:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Bend your knees and hinge at the hips to grip the bar with an overhand grip.
  3. Keep your back straight and chest up as you stand up, pushing through your heels to the starting position.

3. Push-ups

Push-ups are an effective exercise for strengthening the chest, shoulders, and triceps while also engaging the core for stability. To start, modified push-ups on your knees or against an elevated surface like a box or bench are recommended.

As you progress and gain strength, gradually work towards performing full push-ups on the ground.

To perform a push-up:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keeping your elbows close to the body, lower your body until your chest touches the ground.
  3. Push back up to the starting position.

4. Strict Press

The strict press, also known as the military press, targets the shoulders, triceps, and upper back muscles, helping to develop muscular strength and endurance.

By performing strict presses regularly, CrossFit athletes can improve their ability to lift heavy loads overhead, which is essential for many CrossFit movements such as the snatch, clean and jerk, and also handstand push-ups. Additionally, the strict press can help to improve overall shoulder health and mobility, reducing the risk of injuries during CrossFit workouts.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with either dumbbells or a barbell and press the weight overhead while maintaining a strong and stable core.
  2. Gradually increase the weight as you build strength and improve your form.

5. Ring Rows

Ring rows primarily target the muscles of the upper body, including the back, biceps, and rear deltoids. These muscles engage as you pull your chest towards the rings, which helps develop strength and muscular endurance in the pulling muscles. This is essential for exercises like pull-ups, muscle-ups, and rowing movements commonly seen in CrossFit workouts.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Set up rings at chest height and position yourself underneath.
  2. While maintaining a plank position, pull your chest towards the rings or bar, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

6. Planks

Planks are a great exercise to build core strength and stability, which is very important in order to master almost all CrossFit exercises.

They target the abs, obliques, and lower back, helping to build muscular endurance and improve posture, balance, and control during CrossFit movements. By performing different variations of planks regularly, CrossFit athletes can develop a stronger and more stable core, which can help to improve their overall performance and reduce the risk of injury during workouts.

To perform a plank:

  1. Start with forearm planks and progress to high planks as your strength improves.
  2. All the time maintain a straight line from head to heels and engage your core muscles throughout the exercise.

7. Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a popular exercise in CrossFit that can help build strength in several ways. This exercise primarily targets the posterior chain muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

By using explosive hip drive to swing the kettlebell, you are working these muscles through a full range of motion, which can improve your power and explosiveness. Additionally, kettlebell swings can be performed for high reps, which can help to build muscular endurance.

Remember to focus on proper form, start with lighter weights or modifications, and gradually increase intensity and load as you progress. If you’re new to CrossFit, consider working with a qualified coach or trainer to ensure proper technique and appropriate programming tailored to your abilities and goals.

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How to Improve Kipping Pull Ups for CrossFit Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 Improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit can be a challenging task, but it is achievable with the right approach. In this article, we will provide some tips that can help you improve your kipping pull-ups for CrossFit.

To perform kipping pull-ups efficiently, it is essential to master the basic technique. The arch and hollow positions are essential for performing a kipping pull-up.

The kipping pull-up involves swinging your body back and forth to generate momentum to assist in pulling your chin above the bar. Engage your lats as much as possible rather than relying on your arms to do the work.

Core Strength Training

Core strength training is essential for improving your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups. Kipping pull-ups require the use of your core muscles to generate momentum and perform the movement efficiently.

Most Common Kipping and Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up Mistakes

Here are some exercises you can include in your workouts to improve your core strength for kipping pull-ups:

Hollow body hold: The hollow body hold is an isometric exercise that targets your abs and lower back. Lie down on your back with your arms and legs extended. Lift your shoulder blades and feet off the ground, creating a slight curve in your body. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while squeezing your abs and lower back.

Add these best Bodyweight Exercises into your training.

Toes to bar: Toes to bar is an exercise that targets your abs, hip flexors, and lats. Hang from a bar with your arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Engage your core muscles and lift your legs up towards the bar, touching your toes to the bar before lowering your legs back down. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

Plank variations: Plank variations are great for strengthening your entire core, including your abs, lower back, and obliques. Some variations you can try include side planks, plank with shoulder taps, and plank with leg lifts.

Russian twists: Russian twists are an exercise that targets your obliques. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, creating a V-shape with your body. Hold a weight or ball with both hands and twist your torso side to side, touching the weight to the ground on each side.

Upper Body Strength Training

To improve your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups, a comprehensive upper body strength training program is recommended. Here are some exercises that can help strengthen the specific muscle groups involved in performing kipping pull-ups:

Pull-ups: Strict pull-ups are a cornerstone of upper body strength training and can help build the foundational strength necessary for kipping pull-ups. Begin by performing strict pull-ups focusing on engaging your shoulder blades, back muscles, and biceps to lift your chin over the bar. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Chest-to-bar pull-ups: Chest-to-bar pull-ups require you to pull yourself higher up the bar, engaging more of your upper back and chest muscles. Engage your lats and focus on pulling your elbows down and back behind you to achieve a deeper range of motion.

Ring dips: Ring dips are a great exercise for improving your triceps, chest, and shoulder strength, which are necessary for generating upward momentum in kipping pull-ups. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Push-ups: Push-ups effectively target your chest, arms, and shoulders, and can help build upper body strength to improve your kipping pull-ups. Focus on maintaining proper form and utilizing variations such as diamond push-ups, wide-grip push-ups or decline push-ups to create more challenge.

Barbell rows: Barbell rows target your upper back and can help improve your pulling strength required for kipping pull-ups.

Best Functional Bodybuilding Upper Body Pull Workout

Practice Makes the Difference

Consistent practice is essential for improving any skill, and this is no exception for kipping pull-ups. Regularly set aside dedicated practice time and focus on performing each rep with good technique. Practice different variations of kipping pull-ups like chest-to-bar, butterfly, and kipping pull-ups with a false grip to challenge your technique and endurance.

Build Endurance

Building endurance is crucial for improving kipping pull-ups, as these require a sustained effort over multiple reps. Here are a few tips to help build endurance for kipping pull-ups:

Increase the volume gradually: Starting with sets of 5-8 reps, build up slowly by adding a few reps to each set every week. This will help your body adjust gradually to the increased volume and avoid overuse injuries.

Top Coach Explains Why Your Endurance Sucks and How to Fix It

Incorporate EMOM workouts: Choose a number of kipping pull-ups that you can do successfully with good form for a whole minute. Begin an EMOM workout with that number of reps each minute, and add 1 rep each minute thereafter, until you’re no longer able to complete the reps within 60 seconds.

man performs crossfit pull-ups with weight vest Back Strength and Muscle Without Pull UpsSource: Stevie D Photography

Improve your cardiovascular fitness: The better your cardiovascular fitness, the longer you’ll be able to sustain high-intensity exercise like kipping pull-ups. Include regular cardio exercises such as running, cycling or rowing to your training to increase your endurance level.

Seek Feedback

Finally, ask for feedback from your coach or a more experienced athlete to evaluate your form, provide feedback on areas of improvement, and fine-tune your technique. Having another set of experienced eyes evaluate your technique can help you become more efficient and less prone to injury in the long run.

In summary, improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit takes time and effort. It requires proper technique, strength training, consistent practice, building endurance, and seeking feedback. With consistent effort and dedication, you can master kipping pull-ups and improve your overall fitness level in CrossFit.

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8 Tips to Enhance your Rest and Recovery (CrossFit for Beginners) Thu, 01 Feb 2024 22:30:00 +0000 Rest and recovery are must-haves for CrossFit training, especially when you’re starting out. Taking time to rest and recover after workouts is crucial because it helps your body repair, adapt, and perform at its best.

Rest days are vital for beginners because they prevent overtraining and minimize the risk of getting injured. Giving your muscles a break helps them grow and get stronger, while also replenishing energy and reducing fatigue.

Alright, so you need to take some time to recover and rest when you’re doing CrossFit…why?

1. Get some sleep

You should try to get between 7 and 9 hours of good sleep every night to keep your muscles strong, regulate those hormones, and help your body recover.

Sleep is a super important part of your recovery process! When you train hard, your body does some big-time healing on your muscles, hormones, and mind.

Crossfit recovery poses sleepSource: RX'd Photography
Time for a little sleep

And get this: when you’re deep in dreamland, your body releases growth hormone that helps fix up your muscles and make them bigger and better. Plus, getting enough sleep keeps your immune system and brain working their best.

So make sure you’re getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and do your best to make your sleep environment cozy and perfect for catching Z’s. Follow some healthy sleep habits, like keeping screens out of the bedroom and making a calming atmosphere. When you make sleep a priority, you’ll see big improvements in your CrossFit game!

The Importance of Sleep for CrossFit Athletes

2. Rest Days

Make sure you take some rest days each week so your body can get better after all that hard work. If you take the time to recover, you’ll avoid getting hurt and overdoing it.

Don’t skip those rest days – they’re seriously important for your recovery! Taking time to rest gives your body a chance to recover, rebuild, and adjust to all the intense workouts you’re doing. This means your muscles get a chance to heal up, lowering your risk of injuries and boosting your performance.

male and female crossfitters farmer's Carry exercise outside

Plus, your nervous system can chill out and recharge, making you more coordinated, with faster reactions and better mental focus.

So take those rest days and get active with some light stretching, foam rolling, or gentle exercise to keep your blood flowing and muscles feeling good. Remember, rest days are a crucial part of your training routine that let your body show its full potential. Give your bod some love, and you’ll come back stronger and ready to rock your next CrossFit sesh!

3. Move a little

Doing stuff that’s not too intense can help you move your blood around, untangle your muscles, and feel less sore.

Active recovery is the way to go! By doing low-intensity exercises like walking, biking, or swimming, you can get your blood pumping and help those muscles relax and recover. Stretching and mobility exercises are also great for staying flexible and preventing tightness. And if you’ve got some sore or tense spots, grab a foam roller or a massage tool to target those areas.

Just remember to keep the intensity low and go easy on volume, so you don’t sabotage your recovery. Active recovery is all about finding that sweet spot between rest and movement, helping your bod recover without taking a complete break.

Give it a try on your next rest day, and you’ll likely see the benefits – better recovery, better performance, and less risk of getting injured during your CrossFit journey!

4. Eat right

Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet with enough protein, carbs, and healthy fats to repair your muscles and keep your energy up.

When it comes to CrossFit, rest and clean eating go hand-in-hand to help you perform your best and recover even better. Eating clean means eating whole, unprocessed foods that give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong.

This includes chowing down on lean proteins, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats.

On the flip side, it’s best to steer clear of processed foods, added sugars, and too much booze – all of which can hold you back from reaching your CrossFit goals. So keep your diet clean and nourishing to fuel your bod like a champ and take your performance and recovery to the next level.

5. Water

Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and working right.

Whether you’re a CrossFit newbie or a seasoned pro, staying hydrated is a must for a speedy recovery. All that sweat you lose during intense workouts needs to be replaced, and sipping on water before, during, and after your sesh is key.

Aim for about 8 cups of water (that’s 64 ounces) per day, and tune in to your thirst signals and urine color to stay on track. Adequate hydration helps your bod absorb nutrients, repair those muscles, and fight off fatigue.

5 Vital Tips for Improving your Hydration

6. Treat Yourself

Using foam rollers, massage balls, or other self-massage tools can help you work out kinks and keep your muscles feeling nice and relaxed.

Katrin-Davidsdottir-mobilitySource: GOWOD

Take your CrossFit recovery to the next level with a little help from foam rolling and massage. These techniques work wonders by easing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Try incorporating these techniques into your routine after a workout or on your rest days, focusing on areas that feel particularly tense or knotted up.

With the power of foam rolling and massage on your side, you’ll be supercharging your recovery, increasing your flexibility, and hitting those CrossFit goals in no time!

8. Pay attention

Listen to any signs of fatigue, pain, or poor performance, and adjust your workouts or take a break if you need to.

Pay attention to what your bod is telling you and don’t hesitate to seek out a pro’s help if needed.

Remember, taking care of yourself is a seriously important part of CrossFit. If you take the time to rest and recover right, you’ll be able to train better and get better results without running yourself into the ground.

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10 Undeniable Reasons to Love CrossFit Thu, 01 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 If you’ve found this article because you’re thinking about starting CrossFit, I hope you know where your nearest Box is because when you discover the 10 Undeniable Reasons to Love CrossFit you’re going to run out and sign in.

1. Reasons to Love CrossFit: Produce endorphins

According to science, not all physical activities have the same stimulus on the generation of endorphins, the release of these hormones is higher when the exercise is high intensity.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

This addictive feeling, boost of endorphins level, being happy with yourself and proud of what you just did gives you a sense of wellbeing that is very easy to get addicted to, because it makes you happy. That’s what CrossFit does.

2. CrossFit is Fun

One of the biggest strengths of CrossFit is that, in its practice, there is no time for getting bored thanks to its nature, which combines a multitude of exercises in each session. With CrossFit you learn a lot of things, instead of always doing the same.

It prevents you from getting stuck in one routine, because you have so many things to do. It’s like a playground for adults. You can do olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, bodyweight, kettlebells, short workouts, long workouts… and every time it’s different. So you’re always surprising your body with something new, and that keeps you healthier.

So forget about the workout charts you’ve been doing for years, because the rules of the game are constantly changing here.

There are few things as fun as a good WOD, and when someone enjoys doing something, there is no laziness, rather the desire to repeat it.

3. Reasons to Love CrossFit: The Community

Although it is an individual sport, each session is done in a group, creating a very strong feeling of teamwork and belonging to a collective. The social character is essential in this sport and goes beyond the training in the Box: what is called community.

Crossfit Community shared suffering

Crossfit has the good things of a team sport, such as companionship, support and encouragement. You meet other people and get into a whole new lifestyle. You start eating healthier, you get advice on what’s good for you and what’s not, and so on.

It’s a kind of relationship that’s on another level, because you go through a really hard workout together, you sweat together and then you talk about it. It becomes a much more important part of your life than just going to the gym, and it makes it a lot more fun.

Crossfitters have a sense of community and, if you start training in a Box, you will become a part of a very special family.

4. Compete Against Yourself

And you get where you want to go. You can do it with the loads you want and in the time you want (or can), no one will judge you, only you. You can write down your scores on the whiteboard and see your progress, although, obviously, you can also compare yourself with the rest, and…

5. If you want to, it can become a competitive sport

In each workout session you perform a WOD, where during a programmed time you have to do a lot of things. When you finish this sequence of exercises programmed by the coach, each person’s score is written down on the mythical whiteboard and you can compare your scores with everyone else’s.

This allows you to see your progress. If your goal is personal improvement, we will leave aside that more competitive part, but if you start to get the itch of “let’s see who finished the WOD first today”, maybe you will end up in a competition competing with other people from the community.

6. Reasons to Love CrossFit: You do things you thought were Impossible

The feeling of doing things you thought were impossible really engages. Snatch, ring muscle up, double jump rope…before you joined your Box this was an unknown world for you, today you do these movements and even more, you want to improve.

Beyond the discipline of any sport, crossfit has conquered half the world with a secret weapon: the ability to overcome limits that you thought were impossible to overcome. When you pass the limit of the impossible, the feeling of satisfaction is highly additive. Don’t you think so?

7. Reasons to Love CrossFit: It’s for Everybody.

There are no gender or level divisions. No, the workouts are not divided into men and women and beginners train together with those who have been practicing crossfit for years. It is an inclusive sport, in which no differences are made and you can train with different partners in each session.

8. It Benefits your Health

Practicing sport has multiple health benefits, both physically and psychologically. Crossfit, being an intense and complete sport, helps these results become visible in a short time. By being able to feel the work and suffering of each workout, it motivates us to continue practicing it and, in addition, to take care of other associated aspects, such as nutrition.

9. Doing CrossFit Helps you meet basic Psychological Needs

Among the basic psychological needs of human beings are the need for autonomy, the need to feel capable and competent, and the need to establish relationships with others. Regular CrossFit practice is a great way to meet each and every one of them.

lower abs workouts

People who train frequently in a box have significantly higher levels of satisfaction on all three indicators. Put another way, while doing CrossFit you work on your self-esteem.

10. CrossFit: helps you Clear your Head of Everyday Problems.

A human being needs at least 30 minutes where his priority is just to breathe enough to be able to keep going, and that’s what a CrossFit class gives you and makes CrossFit engaging.

It demands that you give it all, that you don’t hold anything back, during the WOD there is no family, no work, no social networks or responsibilities beyond finishing the work you got listed on the whiteboard.

That objective, that goal and how hard it is to achieve it is what motivates many to enjoy that hour. And to turn the hardest hour of the day into the most satisfying one.

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How to Improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit Thu, 01 Feb 2024 02:30:00 +0000 Butterfly pull-ups are an advanced movement in CrossFit that requires strength, coordination and proper technique. Keep reading this article if you want to know how to Improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit and master this movement.

The pull-ups are, without any doubt, one of the best exercises in CrossFit.

To do the pull-ups properly and achieve butterfly you must have a minimum of strength and, above all, a total mastery of the technique. The positioning of each part of the body is fundamental to do pull ups well, especially the butterfly style ones.

For this reason, we are going to review some basic concepts and the most important points that elucídate how to improve Butterfly Pull Ups for CrossFit.

CrossFit back workouts

If you are starting in Crossfit you will obviously have to do the adaptations of the pull ups at first. Getting to the box the first day and pretending to do butterfly pull ups without having done a single pull-up before is complicated, frustrating and can lead to injury.

You should start doing pull us gradually. You may have to adapt the movement with the resistance bands at first, but that’s okay, it’s actually the perfect way to get started with this exercise.

You will see that the resistance bands have a distinctive color depending on their thickness and resistance. The thicker the band, the more support it will provide while performing the movement. Adapt it to your needs and change the bands progressively, before you know it you won’t even use them anymore.

Many people think that in the pull-up the arms are the ones that perform the greatest force, but they are wrong. Yes, the arms play a key role, but in practice we have to apply the greatest workload from the muscles of the back and core area. Activating this musculature will allow you to get above the bar.

Before working on the pull-up, you must adopt a good posture with our hands on the bar. You will place them about 10 centimeters apart from the shoulders and we will put the thumb in the position that is most comfortable for us, either inward or outward.

The shoulders should go backwards connecting the scapulas so that our torso remains firm, while keeping the elbows out.

This would be the way to master the first step – strict pull-ups. To improve your butterfly, you should also focus on your kipping, because a good understanding of the basics will lead you to  the one we want to get you to do – the butterfly pull up.

During the kipping, the momentum of the hips is used to generate an inertial force to help perform the pull up movement to the bar along with the energy applied from the upper body.

The butterfly pull up version is much more efficient than the previous one and is done with a faster movement due to the inertia gained by exerting a continuous circular movement with the body. It is similar to the kipping style pull up because it uses the impulse of the hips and legs, but in butterfly the movement is continuous. It is the best style to perform for WODs where there are many sets of repetitions.

Here are some tips to improve your butterfly pull-ups:

TIP 1: Strengthen your muscles

Butterfly pull-ups require a great amount of upper body strength, especially in the shoulders, arms and back. Perform strength training exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, shoulder presses and rowing to improve your strength.

TIP 2: Improve your technique

Proper technique is essential to perform butterfly pull-ups effectively. Be sure to maintain a firm grip on the bar, keep your elbows close to your body and maintain a good hip position. Practice proper technique through specific drills to improve coordination and skill.

TIP 3: Do specific drills

Specific drills are exercises designed to help you improve specific aspects of butterfly pull-ups. These drills may include using resistance bands, performing pull-ups with your body leaning forward or kipping with your feet on the floor. Those could be also:

Box butterfly pull-ups

As we said before, once you are able to perform a few strict pull-ups and kipping pull ups, you can start practicing the butterfly pull-ups signature move.

Start by placing one foot on a plyo box. Although you can start the progression by placing both feet on the box, it’s easier to leave one leg in the air so that it allows us to create inertia.

Reverse bicycle kicks

The next step in the progression is the reverse bicycle kicks. Basically it consists of practicing the impulse of the hips bringing the knees towards our chest.

Let’s keep in mind that what you should practice to a greater extent in your progression towards the butterfly pull-ups is the cyclic swing through hip extension because it is understood that you already have a sufficient base of strength. This exercise makes you practice precisely this, the momentum with our body that will allow us to place the body in a more favorable position in each repetition.

Strict fall-throughs

This last exercise basically consists of performing eccentric or negative pull-ups but with the butterfly gesture.

Just as this method is useful to gain strength when we want to get our first strict pull-up, it is also useful in this variant of pull-ups.

TIP 4: Work on your flexibility

Flexibility is important to perform butterfly pull-ups correctly and reduce the risk of injury. Spend time stretching your shoulders, back and arms before and after your workout.

TIP 5: Be patient

Butterfly pull-ups are an advanced movement and can take time to master. Don’t give up and keep practicing regularly. Over time, your technique and strength will improve, and eventually you will be able to perform butterfly pull-ups effortlessly.

If you liked this article you will also like: Most Common Kipping and Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up Mistakes

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5 Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:49:00 +0000 Relax. CrossFit specializes in making you feel like you’re stepping into your own version of a war zone, but you’re not. You’re going to be fine, so take your time, figure out the movements, and learn.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Here we introduce you to the 5 Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit 

1. Thinking you will master the technique in your first few days

It takes months/years of practice to learn and master the secret code of CrossFit. Normally when we discover a a new fitness activity, we adapt quickly and understand immediately what is required to perform it.

In CrossFit, you will learn new names, you will discover new movements and a totally new way to workout, which means you will have to continually rethink your entire way of managing and training your body. CrossFit is a sport that requires a lot of patience.

2. Compare yourself with other athletes

You will see a lot of people in your Box. Everyone comes with their own level, and everyone comes for the same goal: to push their limits.

On your first day at the CrossFit box, you’re going to see people who have been there a lot longer than you. They’re going to do a lot of crazy movements that you’ve never seen before. Then, the timer beeps and the music starts playing, everyone has a face of concentration and you’re going to get thrown in the middle of it all.

Remember, you don’t need to have that girl’s or guy’s abs, quads or whatever – can they do 10 bar muscle-ups  in one go? Great, does she/he have abs like you’ve never seen before? You can have them too if you want, but it’s not mandatory.

Not everyone who goes to a CrossFit box is there to become the next Tia, Rich or Mat. Some people are there to release stress, others are there to rehab those joints. Don’t focus on the “why” of others. Focus on what you want to achieve.

3. Never ask questions and do not listen to the coach

You’ve never done kipping pull-ups before. You don’t know what an AMRAP is. No one has ever told you about the starting position, the first pull and the second pull before.

There’s no reason why you should know these things, and it’s your coach’s job to introduce you to those concepts. If your box community is strong, don’t worry, you’ll find some very nice people who will help you survive your first few moments doing CrossFit.

important lessons every fitness coach should understand and implementSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

No matter what level other athletes in your box are at, remember that they were in your situation too. If you don’t know what it is, what it does, or what it means, ask someone. They’ll be happy to tell you.

There’s no real reason for you to beat your body up every workout. We’re not saying you don’t have to give your 100%, but if you feel like crap, forcing yourself to give more, more and more isn’t effective at all. You will have to trust your coach, and your own sensations.

4. Not being honest counting reps

Yes, counting reps matters. Some WODs will be heavier than others. Whether it’s because of the number of rounds, reps, or movements you don’t like. You won’t always be the best and finish the WOD in time cap, and that’s okay. CrossFit is about fighting against yourself and improving your own skills.

Haley Adams competingSource: Photo by Meg Ellery/CrossFit Games

Don’t try to look better than others by shortening the path because you will never improve your performance or technique. It would be cheating both yourself and your teammates who have come to give their all. Moreover, coaches have the great ability to recognize the athletes who use these “tricks” because they know perfectly well the capabilities of each one.

They look at the athletes to help them improve and they will notice if you are cheating.

5. Things You Should Not Do When You Start CrossFit : Get frustrated

Practice and determination are the key. In CrossFit you will find several movements that are often very frustrating for athletes, in fact write down these two: snatch and double under, movements that for some come naturally and for others (most) are a milestone they have to overcome.

Feeling frustration, especially when you are a beginner will slow down your progress. It is better to fail and learn from your own mistakes.

The same as feeling frustrated, one of the biggest mistakes beginners make is not trusting yourself enough. Even if you’re shy in general, or you think you’re going to get injured, or because there’s no way you can ever do that movement, you’re going to surprise yourself.

It’s like what Henry Ford says, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

What we’re referring to here is that there are times when you try a movement, but you’re not fully committed. In CrossFit, as in life, the only way to get the most out of anything is to fully commit, and in many cases, if you don’t fully commit, you don’t get them at all. Double jumps are a good example, but it also happens with things like box jumps.

Fully commit to box jumps, trust that you can do them, or else we’ll see you next week with some wonderful wounds on your shins.

If there’s one thing common to all of these tips, it’s this: Enjoy it. Unless your goal is the CrossFit Games, your priority should be to find out what makes you happiest every time you step into the box. Don’t focus on what others are doing, and trust yourself: you’re stronger than you think.

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How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit (5 Tips) Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Achieving 50 double unders in a row in Crossfit can be a challenging goal, but it’s achievable with practice and perseverance.

crossfit workouts
Open to a huge number of athletes

Perhaps you’ve tried to do some double under in the past. If you haven’t managed to do them yet or want to improve them, read on, as we’re going to give you a few tricks that might help you in the process.

As the name suggests, the double unders are a movement in which you will make the rope pass twice under your feet in each of the jumps you perform.

Double unders are an effective exercise that have multiple benefits for physical and mental health. It is a complete exercise that helps improve cardiovascular health, endurance, muscular strength, coordination and agility. Plus, it is an inexpensive and portable way to exercise anywhere.

Benefits of Double Unders

Double unders are an extremely effective and beneficial exercise for overall health. Some of the benefits of doing double unders are:

Improve cardiovascular health: double unders are an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health, as it is a high-intensity exercise that increases heart rate and strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Emilia Leppanen

They increase endurance and lung capacity: Double unders require a great deal of energy and stamina, which helps increase lung capacity and overall physical endurance.

They strengthen muscles: Double unders strengthen muscles in the arms, legs, abs and shoulders, helping to improve posture and body stability.

They burn calories and help lose weight: Double unders are an effective way to burn calories and lose weight, as they are an intense cardiovascular exercise that helps burn fat and increase metabolism.

Improve coordination and agility: Double unders require coordination and agility, which helps improve these skills and increase the body’s ability to react.

Here you can find some tips regarding the double unders general performance. Now let’s move on to our goal – How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit. Here are a couple of tips to help you improve your practice of this movement.

How to Get 50 Unbroken Double Unders in CrossFit Tip 1: Keep your eyes on one point

Don’t look everywhere, focus on one fixed point. Trying to keep your focus in one spot will cause all your attention to be directed to the small details of the movement.

For example, the movement of your wrists when you turn the rope, the speed of the jump, the pace at which you are jumping…

Tip 2: The torso is not a stick

We all know that bending the torso and leaning it too far forward will work against us, but if you stay stiff as a block you will also get a bad performance.

The ideal position to execute the double unders is making a slight flexion of your torso, avoiding stiffness.

Also, avoiding bending the hips will also contribute to maintaining a good body posture, as both go hand in hand. If you bend your hips, your torso will win.

Remember that the position should be relatively comfortable and sustainable over time.

Tip 3: The movement comes from the wrists.

A common practice, especially in beginners, is to move the entire forearm when trying to make the rope rotate twice under our feet.

In the long therm, this will produce an overload, as well as an unnecessary loss of energy during the execution of the double unders. The movement of rotating the rope should come only from the wrists.

Think of how you move your fork when you beat an egg to make an omelet. It sounds silly, but it works!

Hands, Arms and Wrists Mistakes On Double-Unders (And How to Fix Them)

Tip 3. Keep your arms close to your body

During the jump in the Double Unders the tendency of your arms will be to open up as fatigue increases. This will only increase the tension and height at which the rope rotates, so you will have to jump even higher.

Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and your shoulders as relaxed as possible.

Tip 5: Think about the efficiency of the jump

Perfect your Double Unders: Speed vs Timing

The height of the jump should be just high enough so that the rope has time to pass under you twice. Jumping too low will give you whiplash, and jumping too high will cause unnecessary fatigue that will cause you to break down the movement too much.

fear and anxiety in OpenSource: Ryan Edy
Trust yourself

Avoid lifting your knees excessively when jumping, it is a movement that some of us do without realizing it in order to “compensate” for poor technique in the jumping movement.

Just enough and necessary, both in the jump and in the flexion of your knees when jumping.

Tip 6: Direction of the feet

At the top of the jump, when you reach the highest point of the rep remember that your feet should point to the ground in order to land properly and be able to connect the next double under.

Tip 7: Incorporate complementary exercises

Strengthen your muscles and increase your cardiovascular capacity by incorporating complementary exercises into your workout routine, such as push-ups, squats and running.

Practice, practice, and practice again!

Be consistent and patient: Don’t expect quick results; double unders take time and practice to improve. Be consistent and patient, and you will see your technique and endurance gradually improve.

Review your performance for the typical errors and make the appropriate corrections to ensure your double unders are as effective as possible. Although they can be exhausting, your arms and shoulders should not be excessively fatigued to the point where you lose your grip or have to stop. Additionally, you should not feel as though your calves, Achilles tendon, or knees are about to explode with each repetition due to the impact.

If you have verified that your technique is correct and you are not making any mistakes, but still struggle with double unders, it is likely due to your cardiovascular fitness. There are numerous methods for improving your conditioning, and practicing double unders is one of them.

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How to do Toes to Bar for CrossFit Mon, 29 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 Haven’t quite nailed those toes to bar yet? Don’t worry; we’ve got some reliable tips to help you become a master of this movement.

Ben Dziwulski, a former CFL1 trainer, CrossFit gym owner, YouTuber, and Wod Prep star is on a mission to deliver straightforward, impactful, and motivating functional fitness coaching to individuals worldwide. Following one of his video tutorials, we’ will learn how to make those Toes to Bar easier to learn.

Toes to Bar (T2B) is a fundamental CrossFit movement that requires a combination of strength, coordination, and technique. If you’re looking to learn or improve your Toes to Bar skills, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the process into easy-to-follow steps to help you perfect this movement.

Step 1: Hollow & Arch Positions

The first step in mastering Toes to Bar is understanding the fundamental Hollow and Arch positions. The Hollow position involves keeping your feet in front of you, core tight, and arms slightly in front. Conversely, the Arch position features hands and feet slightly behind you while maintaining a tight core. This position creates tension in your core.

crossfit open workout 17.2 toes to bar tips chris speallerSource: CrossFit Inc
toes to bar technique

To practice this transition, hang from the pull-up bar and alternate between Arch and Hollow positions. This exercise helps you get comfortable with the movements and builds the foundation for Toes to Bar.

Step 2: Activate Your Lats

Once you’ve mastered the Hollow and Arch transitions, it’s essential to learn how to engage your latissimus dorsi (lats). Activating your lats will help you gain momentum and move closer to the bar during Toes to Bar. Think of your lats as the powerhouse behind this movement.

As you swing back and forth between the Arch and Hollow positions, focus on actively engaging your lats. This will allow you to hinge your body upward and get closer to the pull-up bar.

Step 3: Knee Tuck

With a solid grasp of the Hollow and Arch positions and lat activation, it’s time to introduce the Knee Tuck. This involves performing the Arch and Hollow transitions while simultaneously tucking your knees toward your chest. The Knee Tuck allows you to get your feet closer to the bar, preparing you for the final part of the Toes to Bar movement.

Practice the Arch and Hollow transitions, incorporating the Knee Tuck. Aim to lift your knees toward your chest during the Hollow position. This exercise will help you build the strength and coordination needed for the full Toes to Bar movement.

Step 4: The Flick

The final step to complete Toes to Bar is the flick. This is where you’ll add the finishing touch to the movement. After transitioning through the Arch, Hollow, and Knee Tuck positions, you’ll reach the apex of the Hollow position just before returning to the Arch. At this point, simply flick your toes toward the bar.

The flick involves extending your feet upward, aiming to touch the bar. While you don’t necessarily need to touch the bar with the tips of your toes, it’s essential to aim for a part of your foot to make contact. The flick completes the Toes to Bar movement and brings it all together.

5 Reasons CrossFit Athletes Struggle With Toes To Bar

Unbroken Toes to Bar:

Once you’ve mastered the individual components of Toes to Bar, the next challenge is stringing together multiple repetitions in an unbroken sequence. To do this, focus on actively driving yourself back into the Arch position after the flick.

This prevents unnecessary swinging and enables you to perform consecutive Toes to Bar reps seamlessly.

15 Top Toes to Bar WODs to Attack your Abs and Kill Belly Fat

Toes to Bar is a dynamic CrossFit movement that combines strength, coordination, and technique. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can progressively build your skills and perfect this exercise.

Consistent practice and attention to detail are key to mastering Toes to Bar. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your technique, this guide will help you on your journey to becoming proficient in Toes to Bar.

Keep in mind that progress may take time, but with dedication and practice, you can achieve your CrossFit goals.

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Title: How to do Double Unders without Tripping on the Rope Mon, 29 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Are you still tripping on the rope while doing double unders? Don’t worry; in this article, we’ll discuss the most common mistakes when practicing this movement so you never make them again.

Ben Dziwulski, a former CFL1 trainer, CrossFit gym owner, YouTuber, and Wod Prep sensation, is on a mission to deliver straightforward, impactful, and motivating functional fitness coaching to individuals worldwide. Following one of his video tutorials, we will address two of the most common mistakes that can hinder your progress in mastering double unders.

By understanding these issues and implementing the right techniques, you can avoid tripping on the rope and achieve success in this skill.

Kristi Eramo O'Connell tipsSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Problem #1: Spreading Your Hands

One significant issue that many athletes encounter while doing double unders is the tendency to widen their hands during the exercise. Starting with hands positioned correctly, close to your hips, ensures that there is ample space between the rope and your feet, allowing for smooth rotations.

However, as you begin performing double unders, it is common for your hands to drift away from your body, causing the rope to travel higher and wider. This hand movement can lead to rope entanglements with your feet, causing trips and frustration.

Solution: The Band Technique

To address this problem, consider using the “band technique.” Simply wrap a Rogue Monster band or any suitable gym band around your body, just above your elbows.

Emilia Leppanen

This band will help keep your arms together, allowing only your lower arms to move. By practicing double unders with the band, you can develop the muscle memory to maintain proper hand positioning, preventing the spread that leads to tripping.

Problem #2: Not Listening to the Rope

Another crucial aspect of successful double unders is paying attention to the sound of the rope. With each rotation, you should hear the rope clicking or grazing the ground as it passes under your feet. This auditory cue is vital for maintaining the correct rope height during the exercise.

Solution: Tune in to the Sound

To overcome this issue, actively listen to the rope during your double unders. The rope should make a distinct clicking noise as it touches the ground with each rotation. By timing your jumps and spins based on the audible cues, you can ensure that the rope stays at the correct height, preventing it from wandering too high and interfering with your feet.

The Benefits of Double-Unders & How to Avoid Injury

Mastering double unders in CrossFit is attainable with the right techniques and a focus on avoiding common mistakes.

By addressing issues such as spreading your hands and neglecting the sound of the rope, you can enhance your double unders and achieve smoother, more efficient rotations. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your technique, these tips will help you progress in your double unders and become a more proficient athlete in CrossFit.

Remember, practice and patience are key to success, so keep working on your double unders to see the improvements you desire.

If you like this article, you will also like: Perfect your Double Unders: Speed vs Timing

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Title: How to Do Box Jumps in CrossFit Sun, 28 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Today, we embark on a journey through the exhilarating world of CrossFit, focusing on the dynamic and powerful exercise that is the box jump. Guiding this exploration is the inspiration drawn from the insightful teachings of Ben at Wod Prep. Get set for an exhilarating ride!

lies about CrossFitSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Setting the Foundation: Proper Foot Positioning

Let’s lay the groundwork for our box jump mastery. As Ben astutely pointed out, the key to a successful box jump lies in the proper positioning of our feet. Imagine them as the pillars supporting a sturdy structure.

Ensuring that your feet are directly underneath your hips forms the basis for stability and power. It’s akin to setting the stage for a grand performance – the foundation must be solid for the show to go on seamlessly.

The Synchronization Dance: Utilizing Your Arms

Picture the box jump as a synchronized dance between your upper and lower body. While the legs take center stage, the arms play a crucial supporting role. Ben showcased the awkwardness of a jump devoid of arm movement, emphasizing that power is optimized when both limbs work in harmony.

Box Jumps

However, like any dance, it’s vital to strike a balance – avoid overly aggressive arm swings to prevent unintended injuries. Think of your arms as the conductor’s baton, orchestrating a symphony of strength.

Efficiency as the Virtuoso: Efficiency Tips

As we ascend to the peak of our box jump symphony, efficiency becomes our virtuoso performance. Reaching the pinnacle of the box is a triumphant moment, but to maintain a rhythm reminiscent of a well-practiced concerto, consider the art of re-bending. This subtle yet impactful move propels you into an optimal position for the subsequent descent. It’s akin to the graceful encore after a masterful performance – a display of control and finesse.

Eyes on the Prize: Maintaining Focus

Now, let’s talk about the mental aspect of our fitness journey – maintaining focus. It’s not just about physical prowess; it’s a mind-body connection. Just as a skilled archer gazes intently at the bullseye, so too must you fix your eyes on the box during your ascent.

The target is your beacon, guiding your trajectory and ensuring a flawless landing. It’s a dance of precision and intentionality.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Fitness Symphony

In conclusion, the box jump in CrossFit is not just an exercise – it’s a symphony of coordinated movements, precision, and mental fortitude. By implementing the insights shared by Ben from Wad Prep, you’re not merely jumping onto a box; you’re crafting a fitness symphony.

Rich FroningSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

So, fellow fitness enthusiasts, let the music of your box jumps resonate through your journey, and may your fitness odyssey be filled with strength, precision, and the joy of mastering the art of the box jump. This has been your fitness guide, signing off on this epic exploration into the heart of CrossFit excellence!


Learn More

5 Reasons Why Walking for 30 Minutes Every Day will Help You Live a Longer Life

13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

8 Reasons Why Meal Prepping is Your Golden Ticket to a Flatter Stomach in 2024

5 Benefits of Walking

Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

How to Hack Muscle Growth in 2024

How to Get Stronger and Better Looking Glutes

Fitness Trends of 2024

The Perfect Biceps Workout for Muscle Mass and Great Looking Arms

The Best Nutrition Plan for CrossFit Fri, 26 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 In the ever-evolving world of CrossFit, deciphering the code for the perfect nutrition plan has become a pursuit of many enthusiasts. Renowned CrossFit Level 2 trainer and gym owner, Ben Dziwulski, is on a mission to demystify the labyrinth of dietary choices prevalent in the CrossFit community.

Avoiding Fads

Dziwulski, founder of, emphasizes the importance of steering clear of prevailing fad diets that often accompany the initiation into CrossFit. From paleo to zone and the recent keto surge, enthusiasts often find themselves lost in a sea of dietary dogmas. Dziwulski aims to provide clarity, focusing on an approach that aligns with individual goals.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Addressing the common misconception surrounding the “best CrossFit diet,” Dziwulski asserts the need to identify individual goals before succumbing to any diet trends. Whether the objective is to enhance physique or performance, the overarching theme remains consistent—striking a balance between gaining muscle and losing fat.

For those new to the CrossFit arena, Dziwulski recommends allowing the training process to unfold naturally before delving into the intricacies of diet. The body’s adaptive response during the initial stages of training often leads to weight adjustments, setting the stage for informed dietary decisions later on.


As individuals approach the training plateau, the crucial decision arises—opting for a fat loss or muscle-building phase. Dziwulski introduces a practical rule of thumb: those within the 10 to 20 body fat range (adjusted for gender differences) can navigate between bulking and cutting phases. Straying beyond these bounds may pose challenges.

Caloric intake takes center stage in the nutritional hierarchy, with Dziwulski stressing the importance of finding the sweet spot for energy balance. For seasoned CrossFitters assessing their progress, adjusting caloric intake becomes the pivotal factor in achieving desired results.


Navigating through the nutritional pyramid, macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fats—emerge as the cornerstone of a balanced diet. Dziwulski cautions against succumbing to extreme dietary trends, emphasizing the necessity of all three components for CrossFit success.

Micronutrients and water intake follow suit in the nutritional journey. Dziwulski advocates for a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables, steering clear of processed foods, and maintaining optimal hydration—a key element often overlooked.

Nutrient timing takes its place in the pyramid, with Dziwulski dispelling myths surrounding the post-workout protein window. Emphasizing the importance of amino acids circulating during training, he recommends a balanced meal a few hours prior to maximize benefits.


In the realm of supplements, Dziwulski adopts a pragmatic approach. While acknowledging their potential impact, he underscores the insignificance of supplements without a solid foundation. A multivitamin, caffeine, creatine monohydrate, and vitamin D3 are his go-to essentials, emphasizing their role as supplementary to an already robust nutrition plan.

Conclusively, Dziwulski’s approach to CrossFit nutrition transcends trends and fads. It’s a call to prioritize fundamental nutritional elements tailored to individual goals, ensuring that the pursuit of fitness remains grounded in sustainable practices. As CrossFit enthusiasts embark on their nutritional journey, Dziwulski’s insights serve as a beacon, guiding them towards a balanced and effective approach to fueling their CrossFit endeavors.


Learn More

5 Reasons Why Walking for 30 Minutes Every Day will Help You Live a Longer Life

13 Easy to Cook Meals for Burning Your Visceral Fat Quicker (GET LEAN FAST)

8 Reasons Why Meal Prepping is Your Golden Ticket to a Flatter Stomach in 2024

5 Benefits of Walking

Perfect 5 Minutes Posture Routine

How to Hack Muscle Growth in 2024

How to Get Stronger and Better Looking Glutes

Fitness Trends of 2024

The Perfect Biceps Workout for Muscle Mass and Great Looking Arms

How To Get Muscle-Ups Before the 2024 CrossFit Open Sun, 14 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 The 2024 CrossFit Open begins late February and you want to be able to do muscle-ups before that? Here is how to do it.

What’s up, CrossFit enthusiasts? Today’s focus is on the coveted muscle-up, covering both bar and ring muscle-ups.

The muscle-up is a challenging and dynamic gymnastic movement widely recognized in the CrossFit community. It involves transitioning from a hanging position below a bar or gymnastic rings to a position above the apparatus, accomplished by performing a powerful combination of a pull-up and a dip.

The muscle-up requires upper body strength, core engagement, and skilful coordination to smoothly ascend above the bar or rings. Mastering the muscle-up is often considered a significant milestone for athletes, showcasing a high level of functional strength and proficiency in bodyweight movements.

athlete struggles with bar muscle up but gives it full effortSource: elizabeth flood | BOXROX Photo Comp 2022
It’s incredibly difficult to get your first muscle-up.

The information in this article is largely based on a video shared by Ben Dziwulski. Ben Dziwulski is a prominent figure in the CrossFit community and the founder of WODprep, a platform dedicated to providing comprehensive training resources, coaching, and tips for CrossFit athletes. With a background in fitness and a passion for helping individuals improve their performance in CrossFit, Ben has gained recognition for his expertise in teaching various skills, including muscle-ups, through his online content and coaching programs.

Ben’s focus on helping athletes prepare for the CrossFit Open and his commitment to sharing valuable insights have contributed to his popularity within the CrossFit community. He also shares some of his knowledge straight here on BOXROX, if you want to check it out.

Related: Best Upper Body Exercises for Muscle Mass

He revealed a unique and effective technique that has helped thousands achieve their first muscle-up. This unconventional drill, known as the Box Drop-In Method, may not be widely used in CrossFit gyms, but believe us, its potential to significantly improve your muscle-up game is unmatchable.

Let’s take a deeper look into it and how you can benefit from doing this movement to finally get your first muscle-up, on the bar or rings.

How To Get Muscle-Ups Before the 2024 CrossFit Open

Mastering the muscle-up can be a game-changer in the CrossFit Open, where workouts often feature these challenging movements. Whether it’s bar or ring muscle-ups, conquering at least one of them can significantly boost your leaderboard standings. In this article, we’ll focus on a technique that not only helps you achieve your first muscle-up but also enhances efficiency, making it crucial for success in the CrossFit Open.

Skill Progressions for Ring Muscle UpsSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

The Box Drop-In Method:

The key to unlocking your first muscle-up lies in the Box Drop-In Method, a technique that I have found consistently effective in teaching muscle-ups. This method, although unconventional, has received the nod from CrossFit HQ as a legal approach. Now, let’s break down how this technique can be applied to both bar and ring muscle-ups.

Bar Muscle-Up with the Box Drop-In Method:

  1. Setup: Instead of jumping up to the bar conventionally, use a box to elevate yourself, putting you in an advantageous position with ample momentum.
  2. Grip and Positioning: Chalk your grips and get a good grip on the bar. With one leg on the box, you’re already in a position to generate significant momentum for the muscle-up.
  3. Execution: Drop off the box into a kip, creating a powerful and efficient movement that allows you to smoothly transition over the bar. This method eliminates the need for a massive kip swing and makes the bar muscle-up more accessible.

Ring Muscle-Up with the Box Drop-In Method:

  1. Setup: Similarly, use a box or any platform to elevate yourself, allowing for a better grip on the rings.
  2. Grip Technique: Use grips or chalk your hands for a solid grip on the rings. Employ a hybrid grip, combining elements of a false grip and a normal grip.
  3. Execution: Drop into a strong kip from the elevated position, leveraging the momentum gained to effortlessly ascend above the rings. This technique reduces the guesswork involved in generating momentum and makes the ring muscle-up more achievable.

Benefits of the Box Drop-In Method:

  1. Improved Grip: The method allows for a secure and early grip setup, eliminating guesswork and enhancing overall stability during the muscle-up.
  2. Efficient Kipping: By starting from an elevated position, you can initiate a powerful kip, making the muscle-up more efficient and less reliant on an extensive kip swing.
  3. Consistent Repetition: Especially useful for advanced athletes, the Box Drop-In Method facilitates efficient singles, making it a valuable strategy for chipping away at higher rep schemes in open workouts.

Unlocking your first muscle-up can be a game-changing achievement in your CrossFit journey. The Box Drop-In Method offers a unique and effective approach to mastering both bar and ring muscle-ups. By incorporating this technique into your training, you can improve your grip, enhance your kipping efficiency, and consistently perform successful muscle-ups. Don’t wait for the CrossFit Open—start practicing now and be ready to shine when muscle-ups appear in your workouts.

To fully understand how to perform the box drop-in method explained by Ben, simply click the video below. In it, he shows how to progress thoroughly all the way to getting your first muscle-up.

Read More: Dave Castro Says the CrossFit Games Won’t Go Overseas in Near Future

Muscle-ups can be challenging to master due to the combination of strength, skill, and coordination they require. Here are a few reasons why muscle-ups are often considered difficult:

  1. Upper Body Strength: Muscle-ups demand significant upper body strength, particularly in the pulling motion for the initial phase and the pushing motion for the transition over the bar or rings.
  2. Core Engagement: Successful muscle-ups involve a strong engagement of the core to control the body’s movement throughout the exercise, especially during the transition phase.
  3. Coordination: Coordinating the pull-up, transition, and dip components seamlessly is crucial. Many athletes struggle with the timing and fluidity needed to perform a smooth muscle-up.
  4. Skill Development: Muscle-ups require a specific set of skills that may be unfamiliar to individuals starting in CrossFit or gymnastics-based training. Developing these skills takes time and practice.
  5. Body Awareness: Achieving a muscle-up involves understanding and controlling your body’s position in space. This spatial awareness can be challenging for those who haven’t previously engaged in complex bodyweight movements.
  6. Flexibility: Having sufficient flexibility, especially in the wrists and shoulders, is important for executing the proper technique during the transition phase.

It’s important to approach muscle-up training with patience, consistent practice, and proper progressions to build the necessary strength and skills gradually. Working with a coach or utilizing helpful drills, like the Box Drop-In Method mentioned earlier, can also aid in overcoming the challenges associated with muscle-ups.

Do you need other ways to improve your fitness to get your first muscle-up? Here are a couple of links that can be useful for you.

The Number 1 Muscle-Up Tip that Nobody Talks About

How To Learn To Muscle-Up In Only 2 Weeks

5 Ways to Perfect Your Muscle Up Technique

20 Muscle Ups Workouts for Dedicated CrossFit Athletes (Full Progressions Included)

5 Steps to Perfect your Muscle Up Skills

3 Strict Muscle-Up Drills You Should Try

11 Spicy Ring Muscle Up Workouts to Improve Your Bodyweight Skills

How to get your First Bar Muscle Up

8 Ring Muscle Up Alternative Exercises for Everyone that can’t Muscle-Up Yet

10 Best Calisthenics Exercises that Build the MOST Muscle

The Only 6 Muscle Up Progressions You Will Ever Need!

How to Watch 2024 Wodapalooza; Athletes Competing Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:30:00 +0000 The 2024 TYR Wodapalooza is entering its 12th edition and is the unofficial kick-start of the new year for CrossFit competitors around the globe. Check out how to watch 2024 Wodapalooza and the athletes competing this weekend.

The CrossFit competition is biggest off-season event for competitor in January and a big highlight for lovers of the Sport.


  • January 11-14 (individual athletes compete on January 11-12 and teams on January 13-14)


How Much Money:

  • Total prize purse of U$ 567,000

The prize purse saw an increase of $67,000 compared to the previous year. First elite individuals will earn $75,000, with second and third taking home $30,000 and $20,000 respectively. This year, the distribution of funds will also be more evenly distributed to lower placing athletes.

How to Watch 2024 Wodapalooza

The Livestream of 2024 Wodapalooza will be available on Loud and Live’s YouTube page for each day of the competition.

The Livestreams are also divided depending on the stage people are competing, such as Tina Hills, Flager, Bayside, Elite, and there is even a Portuguese Livestream of the 2024 Wodapalooza.

At the time of writing, the Livestreams available were only for the first day of competition.

  • Thursday – Elite

To see the other days, head on to Loud and Live YouTube’s page below.

Click here to see all the Livestream of 2024 Wodapalooza.

Athletes Competing

The roster for Individuals, teams (three members, same gender) and adaptive athletes were revealed only this week.

If you want to see the workouts programmed for this weekend of CrossFit competition, click here.

Here are the official competitors as of January 8th.

Elite Women

  • Abigail Domit
  • Allison Weiss
  • Andra Moistus
  • Arielle Loewen
  • Ashley Shoemaker
  • Becca Merritt
  • Bergros Bjornsdottir
  • Briony Challis
  • Callista Lang
  • Caroline Stanley
  • Christee Hollard
  • Dani Speegle
  • Elena Carratala Sanahuja
  • Elizabeth Wishart
  • Ellia Miller
  • Ellie Turner
  • Emily De Rooy
  • Emily Rethwill
  • Emily Rolfe
  • Emma Cary
  • Feeroozeh Saghafi
  • Freya Moosbrugger
  • Gabriela Migała
  • Gabrielle Spenst
  • Grace Walton
  • Jessica Androsik
  • Julia Hannaford
  • Katie Canning
  • Keara Napoli
  • Lexi Neely
  • Margaux Masset
  • Matilde Oyen Garnes
  • Nicolette Torreggiani
  • Nina Vragovic
  • Olivia Kerstetter
  • Rebecca Fuselier
  • Rebecka Vitesson
  • Ro Scott
  • Stacy Lerum
  • Sydney Wells
Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Emma Cary during 2023 CrossFit Semifinals.

Elite Men

  • Alex Vigneault
  • Alexandre Caron
  • Antonios Makaronas
  • Arturo Torres
  • Austin Hatfield
  • Brent Fikowski
  • Bronislaw Olenkowicz
  • CJ Gerald
  • Colten Mertens
  • Connor Voltz
  • Drake Lewis
  • Evan Rogers
  • Francis Pelletier
  • Guilherme Malheiros
  • Harry Lightfoot
  • Henrik Haapalainen
  • Jack Farlow
  • Jack Rozema
  • James Sprague
  • John Wood
  • Joshua Hong
  • Juan Ignacio Sforzini
  • Kaique Cerveny
  • Kalyan Ribeiro De Souza
  • Kevin Jurs
  • Lucas Heuze
  • Luke Parker
  • Martin Feiferlik
  • Nick Mathew
  • Nikita Yundov
  • Patrick Vellner
  • Ricky Garard
  • Roman Khrennikov
  • Samuel Cournoyer
  • Samuel Kwant
  • Spencer Panchik
  • Tanner Balazs
  • Travon Benton
  • William Bennett
Source: Wodapalooza Instagram
Jeff Adler, Pat Vellner, and Travis Mayer at Wodapalooza 2023

LATAM Cup Women

  • Fernanda Dotto
  • Sasha Nievas
  • Mariana Meza
  • Paulina Haro
  • Camila Marca
  • Ana Cecelia Martinez Hernandez
  • Vera Valdez
  • Mariangela Vargas
  • Emily Andrade
  • Aliadhy Bass


  • Isaiah Vidal
  • Luis Cacacho
  • Manuel Gallegos
  • Roldan Goldbaum
  • Vinicius Stoelben

Elite Team — Women

  • Firebarns Club
  • Kolesnikov Team
  • Kriger Meets TrainingCulture
  • Leapin Lemurs
  • Lifters Girls
  • Limey Girls
  • Lycan Gang
  • Mile High Muscles
  • NGH
  • Plus Ultra
  • Reebok Crew
  • Rx Performance
  • Stronger Than a 90s Trend
  • Sweet Sticky Thicc and Pretty
  • Team Bareen
  • Team Frog Grips
  • Team Ice Barrel
  • Team Scandinadian
  • Team Treta
  • Three Queens
  • Torian Black
  • Trailer Park Girls
  • US Army Warrior Fitness

Elite Team — Men

  • Canadians from the East
  • Complex Wodex
  • Conquer Athlete
  • CrossFit Mayhem the Empire
  • DSM Performance TCC
  • EFP
  • Foxed Ferret Manatee Men
  • Kinesis Black
  • Krypton
  • Los Hombres
  • Maxlift Australia
  • Mayhem Outlaws
  • Midwest Cowboys
  • Omnia
  • Picsil Traincult
  • Project Girona
  • Rehab to Perform
  • Soul Ab Squad
  • Team Evolve
  • Team Gorila 911
  • Team GOWOD
  • Team Overtake
  • Team Picsil
  • Team TYR
  • Tenskills Pro 1
  • The Strapping Young Lads
  • Tres Leches
  • Truecoach Traincult
  • Velites Traincult

Rx — Women

  • Amber Takara
  • Andrea Chiovitti
  • Aubriana Montplaisir
  • Caitlin Bernardin
  • Claire Truax
  • Cynthia Lemieux
  • Grace Lochner
  • Hannah Erickson
  • Janie Cheverie
  • Juliana Cavalech Ferrarini
  • Kacey Wells
  • Kelly Benfey
  • Kelsey Hays
  • Lilly Rodriguez
  • Logan Filo-Loos
  • Lydia Fish
  • Saraí Rodríguez Camacho
  • Trista Smith

Rx — Men

  • Austin Evans
  • Brandon Foor
  • Brandon Smith
  • Christian Ramon
  • Dalton Rodgers
  • Jacob Heart
  • Juan Manuel Seitun
  • Luis Guillermo Nuñez Hernández
  • Martin Miguel Gonzalez
  • Max Krieg
  • Michael Evans
  • Nicolas Bedon
  • Ricardo Marquez
  • Robert Yates
  • Ryley Humrighouse
  • Samuel Proulx
  • Sarin Suvanasai
  • Selvan Ramjattan
  • Tyler Wright

Rx Team — Women

  • No Excuses
  • 8th Day
  • Army Warrior Fitness Team Black and Gold
  • BC Babes
  • Blues City Kool-Aid
  • Comtrain – Young and Dangerous
  • Conquer + Jack Nation
  • Conquer East
  • CrossFit Lévis Paradise
  • CrossFit Papio Cornhuskers
  • CSA X Evernox
  • Danielle Did It
  • Duddy Buddies
  • DVPMT Athlete
  • From Réunion to Miami
  • Get Griddy
  • Gucci Gang
  • HT + The Twins
  • It’s Britney B*tch
  • Lagniappe Ladies
  • Mo’Stacked
  • Monster Gals
  • Off the Grid X CJC Gains Gals
  • Oh My Quad!
  • Overpowered Glowsticks
  • PGPA
  • Pop Lock and Lift It
  • PR OR ER
  • Ruster MX
  • Sabal Park
  • TCP Tonic CrossFit
  • Team Lift Heavy
  • Team Milk
  • TeamLDN Valkyrie
  • Tenskills X Le Repere
  • Thiccc and Quick
  • Tori in the Middle
  • Triple Trouble
  • TTRU Dawgs
  • Underpups

Rx Team — Men

  • 519 Aiminals
  • Battle Cancer Peak360
  • Beauty and the Beefs
  • Black Pardus México
  • Brits Abroad
  • Conquer Thicc Boys
  • CrossDepot
  • CrossFit Chicoutimi
  • CrossFit Cobourg
  • CrossFit Dos Hermanas
  • CrossFit Downtown Heights
  • CrossFit Hype Gold
  • CrossFit Krypton
  • East Coast Boyz
  • Italians
  • Jai L’Doua
  • John 13-7
  • Just Train HQ
  • Kirkland Built
  • Kryptons B Team
  • Last Second
  • Lords of Dogtown
  • Nor Cal Boyz
  • Ocfit Ft 1855
  • Omertá
  • Override 4K
  • Pale Cheeks
  • Pardon My French
  • Starr Strength Aus
  • Street Sharks
  • Team Rhabdo
  • That’ll Do Donkey
  • Thunder Cats
  • Ticos Y Un Mexa
  • True North CrossFit
  • Try That In a Small Town
  • Two Cowboys and a Canuck
  • Waterbear CrossFit
  • WOD Wizards
  • WodeoReview

Intermediate Team — Women

  • 12th State
  • ACA
  • All Level CrossFit
  • Ammo
  • Barbiedottirs
  • Blondes Have More Fun
  • Caribbean Misfits
  • CFB Breakfast Girls
  • CFDE Solid Prog
  • CFZ
  • Chicago Ave CrossFit
  • CrossFit 401
  • CrossFit Breakthrough
  • CrossFit PSC
  • CrossFit Southie
  • CrossFit Wicked
  • CTA Five Two
  • DEKA CrossFit
  • DSM Performance
  • Girls From the North
  • Girls Just Wanna Have Sun
  • Hot Girl Sh*t
  • Kinesis Young Does
  • Kingpinbones
  • La Grotta Girls
  • Ladies of MFLH
  • Last Minute Crew
  • Man Made KTX FIT
  • MMM Good
  • NAPP
  • Ninja Creami’s
  • On S’Arrache – CrossFit Lévis / Tenskills CF
  • Peak180 Athletics
  • Peninsula Lifetree
  • Picsil Latinomix
  • Pota Fàuss
  • Pwrd by Coffee
  • Rammer Jammers
  • Ride or Die
  • Running Better Than the Government
  • Ruster THP
  • Rx Gymnastics
  • Sore Queens
  • Surviving Not Thriving
  • Tall, Medium, Small
  • Team Flying V – MTL Girls
  • Team Nutripure
  • Team Proud
  • Team Quadzilla
  • Tenperformance
  • Tenskills CrossFit Rookies
  • The Doc, Scientist, & Engineer
  • Thick Thighs, Thin Patience
  • U.S.EH
  • Unio Strong(er)
  • Weight Listed
  • Westchase Duo + DC
  • Whooties
  • Wonder Latinas

Intermediate Team — Men

  • 2 and ½ Cali Boyz
  • 3 Headed Goat
  • 3 Idiots With a Plan
  • Alfredo Sauce Doesn’t Exist
  • Armada Mex
  • Athlete Standard Black
  • ATP Labs Trio
  • Big Weights in the AM
  • Black and Gold Fitt
  • Bridgetown Boyz
  • C4 Athletics
  • CF Estrie
  • CFLC
  • Chaffing the Dream
  • Chimera CF
  • CrossFit Genas
  • CrossFit Kalliste
  • CrossFit Watauga
  • Dog Fight Fitness
  • Dos Hermanos Y Gringo
  • Drama Kings
  • DSM Performance FYK
  • Essenox
  • Fenrir Programming
  • Gritsu
  • Hombres De Los Anjoseph
  • HRA Papis
  • Human High Definition
  • Luffy, Zorro E Sparrow
  • Major Penalty
  • Man Made
  • Mediocre Movment
  • MF Falcons
  • Montreal Boyz
  • Mugiwara
  • N.W.A.
  • North East Boys
  • North Haven CrossFit Freedom
  • Off the Grid CJC Gains
  • PRs All Day
  • Rack House Fitness
  • Rakun CrossFit
  • Southern Boom
  • Team Basics
  • Team Capladuria
  • Team Peak DTSC
  • Temperance Hype Boyz
  • Tenskills Coutreau
  • The CrossFit Squad
  • The Method
  • The Moist Boys
  • The Movement Collective
  • The Potatoes Sunshine
  • The Vikings
  • Três Leches
  • Union Strong
  • Whiskey Dawgs
  • Wodaparuba
  • Woof Pack Is Back
  • World Camps Bulls

Open — Women

  • Agustina Monopoli
  • Alicia Zink
  • Allegra Tveito
  • Allison Kindle
  • Alyissa Landri
  • Anabell Gomez
  • Annie Woodard
  • Autumn Leviston
  • Bethany Jackson
  • Briana Graham
  • Brooke Armstrong
  • Camille Sanghera
  • Cyndi LaPalme
  • Danei Bowers
  • Flavia Bonacía
  • Genesis Ubeda
  • Haddit Godoy
  • Hannah Waddell
  • Helen Yeater
  • Jennifer Grim
  • Jordan Deveraux
  • Kady Taylor
  • Katelyn Tooley
  • Krista Jaworski
  • Lilian Socorro
  • Lisa Mariano
  • Maggie Bouckaert
  • Maya Di Stefano
  • Michelle Lammi
  • Naomie Koutchouk
  • Natalie Reid
  • Natasha Vives
  • Paige Hennighan
  • Shannon McCauley
  • Stephanie Douglas
  • Susan Vierling
  • Suzanne Gray
  • Tania Epremian
  • Tina Mikulcik
  • Zoe Rolph

Open — Men

  • Alexandre Chausse-Fonseca
  • Billy Nowitzke
  • Brendan Wright
  • Brian Mariano
  • Cody Worden
  • Dan Coulson
  • Daniel Kidd
  • Daniel Krymow
  • David Camirand
  • Donnie Sherman
  • Dylan Wahlstrom
  • Eric Lee
  • Ernie Garza
  • Esteban Castro
  • Everette Holguin
  • Felipe Delgadillo
  • Glenn Gravengard
  • Jacob Auge
  • Jacob Smith
  • Jason Byrd
  • Jeff Nevins
  • Jeffrey Paul Jr.
  • Joel Perez
  • John Rae
  • Jonathan LaCroix
  • Josue Rangel
  • Juan Belandria
  • Michael Johnson
  • Moises Romero
  • Oliver Rack
  • Philip Best
  • Rafael Arreaza
  • Rafael Rey
  • Rogelio Tovar
  • Ryan Tallmadge
  • Sean Yeslow
  • William Pennewell
  • Yoilbert Aranguren
  • Ziad Melhaoui

Open Team — Women

  • Ab CrossFit
  • Barbelle Trinity
  • Baystate Brawlers
  • Beefcake Babes
  • Eers and Blizzards
  • Big Leagues
  • CFDO Girls
  • Cirque De Sore
  • Crocs Snowbirds
  • CrossFit 3090 Women
  • CrossFit Regulate
  • Daddies Love Our Snatches
  • Free Agents
  • Girl Squad
  • Guns & Honeybuns
  • Hangry Birds
  • Hustlin’ Hunnies
  • HWDPO: Hard Work Doesn’t Pay Off
  • Hyte and Spicy
  • Just the Kip
  • Kippin’ It Real
  • KJ CrossFit
  • Life More, Chalk Less
  • Maxabiliity Powerpuffs
  • Mike’s Misfits
  • Minism3
  • Ninnik’s Plapurhut
  • OCI Meets Waterside
  • PCF Queens
  • Power Buff Girls
  • Royal Studio
  • Team Ratchet
  • Thatshype
  • The 6ix On The Beach
  • The Clean Queens
  • The Sloppy Joes
  • The Young & The Thickness
  • Thicc As Thieves
  • Three Girls One Snatch
  • Three Peas In a Pod

Open Men — Men

  • 3 Thicc Bchs
  • 514 In Paradise
  • Black Pardus Absoluto
  • Canada Throwdown
  • Cap City Canucks
  • CrossFit 3090 Men
  • CrossFit San Carlos
  • CrossFit Strong Island
  • Dumb & Dumbbells
  • Favela Venceu
  • Foggy Bottom of the Leaderboard
  • Friends That Shine
  • Fueled By Poutine
  • Geaux Breauxs
  • Golf Boyz & The Birdie
  • Grit City Lions
  • Hype Roosters
  • Karmoy Boys
  • Kona
  • Les Wish Athèletes
  • Los Trigres Del Norte
  • M&NS
  • Maxability Big Fish
  • Maxability Just For Fun
  • Move! We’re Gay
  • Muskoka Grizzlies
  • Ram Ranch: The Return
  • Ripped Training Program
  • Road to Rx
  • Shelton Bros
  • Supernova
  • Swan Killers
  • Swiss Alps

Rx Masters Team — Women

  • Arklahoma
  • Barbells and Bengay
  • Cali Mamas
  • Canadian Bacon
  • Hype To Be Masters
  • KAJ
  • Masters Angels
  • Team Mexico
  • Team Redpill
  • Wise Grit Ladies

Rx Masters Team — Men

  • 2 Venecos 1 Gringo
  • Danger Zone
  • DNA
  • Ham’s Crew
  • Life Alert
  • Magna Masters
  • MF Fitness
  • Old Italians Young
  • The Business
  • The Natural Disasters

Open Masters Team — Women

  • CrossFit CSA
  • CrossFit Encompass
  • Grit & Grace
  • Les Margaritas Du Lac
  • Meny Mighty Moms
  • Met In Miami
  • Squat Girl Summer
  • Team CrossFit Odense
  • Whiskey Tango Fitness
  • Woda Wonders 148

Open Masters Team — Men

  • Bay State CrossFit
  • Boxen Umeå
  • Dad Bod…Older, Wiser, Slower
  • Jersey Classics
  • Juste Pour Bouger
  • Mycroft Mayhem
  • Pacemakers
  • Team 178
  • The Real Dads of CrossFit Strong Island
  • Vintage Sexy

Masters 35-39 — Women

  • Antea Longo
  • Jessie Jo Young
  • Kayleigh Walsh
  • Lulu Faria
  • Mallory Burda
  • Marie-Eve Castonguay
  • Mélody Andréani
  • Michelle Palmer
  • Rachel Lynass
  • Samantha DeCristofaro

Masters 35-39 — Men

  • Brandon Pastorek
  • Breno Pinheiro
  • Duke Burk
  • Ivan Verdun
  • Joshua Tarafa
  • Matt Shorrock
  • Michael French
  • Ram Dover
  • Travis Flannigan
  • William Kane

Masters 40-44 — Women

  • Ana Silva
  • Asuka Burge
  • Cristina Mainetti
  • Elizabeth Lane
  • Janet Dichter
  • Jodi Pietrzyk
  • Katrina LaClair
  • Louise Cederblad
  • Sophie Matthijs
  • Stivalys Mendez

Masters 40-44 — Men

  • Bill Lloyd
  • Bradley Alcock
  • Brandon Shuck
  • Didier Leclercq
  • Mareck Bigler
  • Matt Lamberti
  • Michael Walsh
  • Nick Aranda
  • Paul Delanoy
  • Rudolph Berger

Masters 45-49 — Women

  • Annie-Claude Delisle
  • Barbara Macaluso
  • Beth Thomas
  • Brandi Cantwell
  • Dania HOok
  • Katrina Mattes
  • Katrina Nichols
  • Shellie Brickle
  • Teresa Cuevas

Masters 45-49 — Men

  • Cedric Frontini
  • Chris Anderson
  • Franck Attieh
  • Maxime Lauzon
  • Paul Desroches
  • Ryan Bretag
  • Shagel Butt
  • Shawn Ramirez
  • Stephen Vassallo
  • Tony Kurz

Masters 50-54 — Women

  • Giorgia Donato
  • Lisa Freeman
  • Lori Reed
  • Stella Ladao
  • Tracy Biro

Masters 50-54 — Men

  • Benoit Desforges
  • James Carkner
  • Karsten “KP” Pfau
  • Ramiro Gonzalez Amoedo
  • Rodrigo Dölz Leon

Masters 55-59 — Women

  • Ann-Britt Nilsson
  • Erika Ritzer
  • Julie Schaffer
  • Marni Kallins
  • Tiiu Maavere

Masters 55-59 — Men

  • Jay Sanderson
  • Kelly Barcol
  • Kirk Williams
  • Mark Sewell
  • Sean Marsh

Masters 60+ — Women

  • Betsy Vanderburgh
  • Debbie Corwin
  • Giannina Titus
  • Jeannette Perret Gentil
  • Sharon Evans

Masters 60+ — Men

  • Bret Kurihara
  • Christian Galy
  • Daniel Ford
  • Jose Luiz Vaz
  • Ralph Bass

Teens 13-15 — Girls

  • Autumn Sands
  • Hayleigh Porrini
  • Jeanne Asselin
  • Keira McManus
  • Maggie Sullivan
  • Marley Francis
  • Olivia Davis
  • Phoebe Davis
  • Tahlia Vosaki
  • Tayah Bebzuck Marom

Teens 13-15 — Boys

  • Akil Lopez
  • Caden Cleaveland
  • Facundo Salica
  • Gavin Searcey
  • Hunter Keith
  • Jose Pablo Luna
  • Leonardo Cruz
  • Luke Valgos
  • Maddox Metcalf
  • Mourad Kady

Teens 16-18 — Girls

  • Baylee Garnto
  • Delia Moises
  • Elsie Larson
  • Hayes Willard
  • Hayleigh Kanthack
  • Kendall Gilmore
  • Miley Wade
  • Morgan Denofa
  • Reese Littlewood
  • Rylee Beebe

Teens 16-18 — Boys

  • Caleb Buckmaster
  • Clark Lawson
  • Isaac Rojas
  • Kai Chmielak
  • Kyle Muckleroy
  • Logan Jeune
  • Lorenzo Pitruzzello
  • Lukas Trovão
  • Tindur Eliasen
  • Yander Cacau

Rx Seated — Women

  • Andrea Wilson
  • Débora Roque
  • Elizabeth Foster
  • Geraldine Manríquez
  • Neslie Bernardi

Rx Seated — Men

  • Darren Thomas
  • Jean-Christophe Marquestaut
  • Lawrence Green
  • Michael Egan
  • Tom Miazga

Rx Standing Neuro — Women

  • Alyssa Kobela
  • Courtnei Lopez
  • Faith Fordham
  • Jules King
  • Lauren Taylor

Rx Standing Neuro — Men

  • Chris Schmulbach
  • Elijah Sanchez
  • George Simonds-Gooding
  • Joshuah Robinson
  • Russell Allmandinger

Rx Standing Upper — Women

  • Christina Mazzullo
  • Elaine De Rocco
  • Jocelyn Casker
  • Mia Van Rensburg
  • Sandra Thiele

Rx Standing Upper — Men

  • Breki Þordarson
  • Casey Acree
  • Josue Maldonado
  • Lorenzo Casadei
  • Rian Soares

Rx Standing Lower — Men

  • Anthony Gutierrez
  • Hildon Carvalho
  • John Jarrett
  • Omar Iglesias
  • Vincent Cavazos

Open Seated — Men

  • Adam Sivia

Open Standing — Women

  • Allison Hansen
  • Jessica Rausch
  • Kirsten Kenny
  • Mandy Drake
  • Susan Gillson

Open Standing — Men

  • Drew Selz
  • Ethan Corregano
  • Graham Giske
  • Matthew Smith
  • Samuel Lycett

Read More: Dates and Locations for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals Revealed

Roman Khrennikov and Karin Frey Win 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship Mon, 11 Dec 2023 13:35:10 +0000 The three-day competition in the United Arab Emirates has come to a close. Athletes Roman Khrennikov (Russia) and Karin Frey (Slovakia) have won the 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship.

The Dubai Fitness Championship came to an end on Sunday afternoon. A total of 29 women and 27 men competed at the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE). And it was full on emotion for both men and women fighting for the top spot on the leaderboard.

In the men’s division, Ricky Garard, who missed the official season’s Semifinals after injuring himself in a mountain bike accident, competed earlier in the week in a team at the Down Under Championship. After the first day of events in Dubai, it seemed he would not be featuring among the podium athletes, with a terrible 25th place in the first event, but respectable 6th and 9th in the consequent workouts.

However, it was on Sunday that he shifted to a higher gear in which he finished 2nd, and took home the win in the last two events. Khrennikov, however, had already built a solid ground from event 3 and managed to stay on top of the game at all times until the final workout. On the other hand, Lazar Dukic saw his chance slip away after finishing 15th on Saturday afternoon (event 5), but also finished strong on Sunday winning one event and finishing 4th and 8th respectively.

In the women’s division, Karin Frey put a fine and consistent performance, but taking over the leaderboard since day 1 (just like Khrennikov). Besides the last event, in which she finished 6th, she managed to get 5th or better in every single event!

Andrea Solberg’s two event wins on Sunday helped her climb above French athlete Claudia Gluck to finish the podium.



  1. Roman Khrennikov – 717 points
  2. Ricky Garard – 628
  3. Lazar Dukic – 605
  4. Fabian Beneito Selles – 557
  5. Aniol Ekai – 531

You can see the full leaderboard here.


  1. Karin Frey – 702 points
  2. Andrea Solberg – 633
  3. Claudia Gluck – 619
  4. Manon Angonese – 552
  5. Elisa Fuliano – 549

You can see the full leaderboard here.

If you missed out on the action, you can check out the Livestream that happened for days 2 and 3 here.

How to Watch the 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship Wed, 06 Dec 2023 18:30:00 +0000 December 8-10 is marked on the calendar of many CrossFit enthusiasts as the dates of one of the biggest competitions of the Sport outside the official season. Check out how to watch the 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship below.

Last year, Spanish athlete Fabian Beneito won in a technicality after finishing with the same points as 2nd placed Moritz Fiebig – and they’re both competing this year again! On the women’s side, it was a bit smoother for Karin Frey who was crowned the winner, but the fight for the podium was intense until the last event. The year before, Laura Horvath and Roman Khrennikov won the tournament.

How to Watch the 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship

Just like in 2022, the first day of the competition will not be livestream. Below you will find the videos made available at the time of writing. They are all from Dubai Fitness Championship’s YouTube channel.

Day 2

Day 3

Athletes Competing

The competition is an invitation-only style. This year, many of the top athletes from the CrossFit Games are not in the roster. In the men’s division, three finished in the top 10 at the Games: Roman Khrennikov (3rd), Chandler Smith (7th), and Lazar Dukic (9th). In the women’s division, the best ranked athlete at the Games who is also competing at the Dubai Fitness Championship is Emma Tall (11th) and Emily Rolfe (12th).

However, one big name that is returning this year is Ricky Garard. The Australian athlete missed Semifinals and, subsequently the Games, after injuring himself in a mountain bike accident.

Garard is in full gear after missing a big portion of competitions. He competed at the Rogue Invitational six weeks ago. He also competed earlier this week at the Down Under Championship. He was part of the team who finished 2nd overall.

As you can see in the picture above, Chandler Smith also competed at the Down Under Championship and he is going to Dubai this weekend for another test of fitness.

Men’s Division

Chandler Smith
Chandler Smith

Note: names in bold are athletes who competed at the CrossFit Games as individuals this year.

  1. Alex Kotoulas
  2. Aniol Ekai
  3. Ant Haynes
  4. Guillaume Briant
  5. Bronislaw Olenkowicz
  6. Chandler Smith
  7. Daniel Tai
  8. David Shorunke
  9. Elliot Simmonds
  10. Fabian Beneito
  11. Giorgos Karavis
  12. Griffin Roelle
  13. Javier Gonzalez
  14. Jorge Fernandez
  15. Kaique Cerveny
  16. Kalyan Souza
  17. Kristof Horvath
  18. Lazar Dukic
  19. Luka Dukic
  20. Martin Cuervo
  21. Michael Smith
  22. Moritz Fiebig
  23. Reggie Fasa
  24. Ricky Garard
  25. Roman Khrennikov
  26. Simon Mantyla
  27. Toby Buckland
  28. Uldis Upenieks

Women’s Division

crossfit Online Semifinal Score AdjustmentsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Emma Tall

Note: names in bold are athletes who competed at the CrossFit Games as individuals this year.

  1. Alexia Williams
  2. Allison Nguyen
  3. Andrea Solberg
  4. Brittany Weiss
  5. Camilla Salomonsson Hellman
  6. Claudia Gluck
  7. Dara Paran
  8. Devyn Kim
  9. Elena Carratala Sanahuja
  10. Elisa Fuliano
  11. Emily Rolfe
  12. Emma Tall
  13. Evie Hollis
  14. Hanna Karlsson
  15. Ingrid Hodnemyr
  16. Jacqueline Dalhstrom
  17. Julia Kato
  18. Karin Freyova
  19. Kyra Milligan
  20. Lauren Fisher
  21. Luiza Marques
  22. Maddy Harris
  23. Manon Angonese
  24. Mia Hesketh
  25. Noortje Bleeker
  26. Seher Kaya
  27. Shahad Budebs
  28. Silvia Garcia
  29. Tayla Howe
  30. Veslemoy Kollstad

Prize Purse

The total prize purse of the competition is $259,000.

Here is a rundown of how individual athletes might get their share of the prize purse:

  1. $50,000
  2. $30,000
  3. $20,000
  4. $10,000
  5. $5,000
  6. $2,500

From 7th to 30th = $500

Athletes also get a change of earning a bonus depending on how well they finish each of the workouts described.

The payout per workout during Finals is:

  1. $2,000
  2. $1,500
  3. $1,000

Read More: Dates and Locations for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals Revealed

Dates and Locations for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals Revealed Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:22:45 +0000 CrossFit Inc. has announced the dates and locations for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals. Just like last year, 7 Semifinals will take place on continents throughout the world to test athletes for the last time before the best are invited to the 2024 CrossFit Games.

The dates and locations of the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals are now official after CrossFit made an announcement on Tuesday. Similar to last year, athletes will be divided into 7 different Semifinals depending on their place of birth or, for some exceptions, where they live.

The Semifinals will take place during the weekend between May 17th and June 2nd. A total of 40 men, 40 women, and 30 teams will compete in each Semifinal event before moving on to the ultimate fitness test: the CrossFit Games which takes place in Fort Worth, Texas from August 8-11 2024.

2024 CrossFit Semifinals Dates and Locations

Europe Semifinal by French Throwdown

  • Date:                                   May 17-19, 2024
  • Region:                                Europe
  • Venue:                                LDLC Arena
  • Location:                            Décines-Charpieu, France
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Five (5) Individual (minimum), Eight (8) Team 

Asia Semifinal by Far East Throwdown

  • Date:                                   May 17-19, 2024
  • Region:                                Asia                      
  • Venue:                                Bexco – Centum City
  • Location:                            Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Two (2) Individual (minimum), One (1) Team 

Oceania Semifinal by Torian Pro

  • Date:                                   May 24-26, 2024
  • Region:                                Oceania                             
  • Venue:                                Pat Rafter Arena
  • Location:                            Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Three (3) Individual (minimum), Three (3) Team 

North America West Semifinal by West Coast Classic

  • Date:                                   May 24-26, 2024
  • Region:                                North America West                     
  • Venue:                                Dignity Health Center
  • Location:                            Carson, California, United States
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Five (5) Individual (minimum), Seven (7) Team 

North America East Semifinal by Syndicate Crown

  • Date:                                   May 31-June 2, 2024
  • Region:                                North America East
  • Venue:                                Knoxville Civic Coliseum
  • Location:                            Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Five (5) Individual (minimum), Eight (8) Team 

South America Semifinal by Copa Sur

  • Date:                                   May 31-June 2, 2024
  • Region:                                South America                 
  • Venue:                                Arena Carioca 1
  • Location:                            Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    Two (2) Individual (minimum), Two (2) Team 

Africa Semifinal by Renegade Games

  • Date:                                   May 31-June 2, 2024
  • Region:                                Africa                   
  • Venue:                                Emerald Resort and Casino
  • Location:                            Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa
  • Field:                                   40 Individuals, 30 Teams
  • CrossFit Games Spots:    One (1) Individual (minimum), One (1) Team 

As you might have noticed, each Semifinal has a “minimum” number of Games-qualifying spots. That is because of CrossFit’s worldwide ranking system.

The implementation of the new global ranking system plays a decisive role in determining the allocation of Games-qualifying slots for each of the Semifinal competitions. The number of athletes within the top 100 of the updated ranking system participating in a given Semifinal directly influenced the probability of that specific event receiving an additional invitation to the CrossFit Games.

You can see the entire ranking system updated in this link. The list was updated after this year’s CrossFit Games with Jeffrey Adler surpassing Medeiros and Emma Lawson climbing up to the 2nd position overall behind Laura Horvath.

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

“We are excited about announcing these locations with these great events to execute on the upcoming semifinals,” said Dave Castro, General Manager of Sport and Education at CrossFit. “It will be a first-class experience and we are looking forward to how the competitions will shake out.”

Seven regions will host qualifying athletes who will be invited based on their country of citizenship for the third stage of competition. Athletes will know which region they will compete in (if they qualify) upon CrossFit Open registration.

However, a few exceptions are expected. For example, this year we saw 5 athletes receiving region exemption, including Roman Khrennikov.

In addition, CrossFit will standardize and program all tests for the entire season, including the Semifinals, and all individual athletes and teams from the same affiliate will compete at the same Semifinal.

lower extremity adaptive athlete competes in CrossFit GamesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Age-group and adaptive athletes will compete in an online Semifinal to determine who will advance to the CrossFit Games.

  • The top 200 athletes from each age group will advance to the virtual Age-Group Semifinal to determine who will advance to the Games.
  • The top 20 athletes from each adaptive division will advance from the Adaptive CrossFit Open by WheelWOD to the virtual Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal, also designed by WheelWOD.

Dates for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals for Teens, Masters and Adaptive athletes:

  • Age-Group Semifinal: May 8 – 13, 2024.
  • Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD: May 8 – 13, 2024.

Check out two more links about the 2024 CrossFit season you might have missed.

2024 CrossFit Season Details Revealed

Dave Castro Reveals More Details About the 2024 CrossFit Games in Texas

Why are CrossFit Athletes So Jacked? Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Do you know why CrossFit athletes are so jacked? What is their secret? In the paragraphs below we will dive deeper into it.

Few methodologies have captured the collective enthusiasm and dedication of athletes like CrossFit. What began as a revolutionary approach to high-intensity workouts has blossomed into a competitive sport, pushing participants to the limits of their strength and endurance. The CrossFit methodology, rooted in constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, has cultivated a community of fitness enthusiasts seeking the ultimate challenge.

Over the past two decades, CrossFit has evolved, and with it, the understanding of how to excel in this demanding sport. The prevailing advice has often been straightforward: to get better at CrossFit, just do more CrossFit.

CrossFit athletes are in a league of their own when it comes to sporting some seriously impressive physiques. From the distinct traps of Horvath to the powerful quads of Krennikov, and not forgetting the sculpted abs of Tia-Clair Toomey and the lats of Froning, elite CrossFitters stand out as exemplars of athletic prowess.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Now, the person who decided to talk about CrossFit bodies and why they look so jacked was Dane Miller.

Dane Miller is a weightlifting coach and creator of Garage Strength. Its YouTube channel has more than 360,000 subscribers where people can find workout instructions and how to improve their strength in nearly any part of their bodies.

In this article, we’re not just here to marvel at their chiselled forms; we’re diving deep into the world of CrossFit training to unveil the secrets behind how these athletes achieve and maintain their immaculate physiques.

Related: 3 Great WODs for Beginner CrossFit Athletes

Why are CrossFit Athletes So Jacked?

CrossFit programming is characterized by a crazy amount of variation. Athletes may switch between activities like handstand push-ups, deadlifts, rowing intervals, and more. This variation not only keeps workouts interesting but also challenges different muscle groups, contributing to a well-rounded physique.

CrossFit workouts, like the infamous Fran, incorporate a mix of movements, such as thrusters and pull-ups. The high-repetition nature of these workouts induces mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscle damage, essential factors for muscular growth.

Read More: 10 CrossFit WODs Under 10 Minutes Each

Sit-Ups-WODs-AthletesSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

CrossFit’s response to volume is evident, with a clear link between increased sets and muscle size. This aligns with bodybuilding principles, demonstrating how CrossFit athletes leverage volume to achieve a chiselled look.

Elite CrossFitters prioritize full range of motion exercises, like deep squats, to maximise muscle engagement. This approach enhances mechanical tension and can lead to muscular damage, ultimately resulting in stronger and more defined muscles.

CrossFit’s endurance component further contributes to hypertrophy. Research suggests that endurance training, combined with resistance work, creates metabolic stress and promotes muscular adaptation, adding to the overall swole factor.

CrossFit athletes might not be the strongest, or fastest, or most technical, or most resilient. But they are above average in all those aspects of training, which transforms their bodies into sculptures.

The CrossFit community plays a pivotal role in athletes’ success. Training together fosters camaraderie and accountability, pushing individuals to achieve higher goals. This supportive environment is crucial for maintaining consistency in training and developing a chiselled physique.

CrossFit athletes understand the importance of recovery, incorporating mobility work and prioritizing nutrition. The strenuous workouts demand proper fueling and recovery practices to sustain health and success in the long run.

In wrapping up our exploration of the CrossFit phenomenon, it’s evident that these athletes are not just sculptors of their bodies; they are architects of an entire fitness culture. The allure of CrossFit physiques extends beyond the superficial, reaching into the realms of commitment, diversity, and community.

What Happens To Your Body When You Do CrossFit Every Day For 30 Days

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

CrossFit is more than just a workout routine; it’s an art form that blends intensity, variation, and camaraderie. The sculpted bodies of CrossFit athletes are the result of meticulous planning, unwavering dedication, and a commitment to pushing physical boundaries. Each thruster, pull-up, and row interval contributes to a masterpiece in the making.

While CrossFit has faced its fair share of skepticism, it’s time to move beyond the stereotypes. These athletes aren’t just about flipping tires and swinging kettlebells; they’re about defying norms and challenging preconceived notions of what a fitness regimen should look like. CrossFit is a dynamic, ever-evolving practice that demands respect for its multifaceted approach to wellness.

For those looking to embark on a fitness journey or seeking to break through plateaus, the CrossFit lifestyle offers a blueprint. Embracing the principles of variation, volume, and community can lead to not only a jacked physique but a holistic sense of strength and vitality.

In the grand tapestry of fitness trends, CrossFit stands out as a vibrant thread, weaving together strength, endurance, and community spirit. So, as we conclude our exploration, let’s appreciate the artistry of CrossFit athletes, salute the dedication embedded in every WOD (Workout of the Day), and celebrate the unique culture that continues to redefine what it means to be “fit.” It’s not just about the physique; it’s about the journey, the community, and the enduring legacy of those who dare to be CrossFit.

Watch the video below for more information.

10 Best CrossFit Workouts You Can Do At Home

Here are 5 quick tips for someone who is starting CrossFit now and wants to get fitter and more athletic.

  1. Start Slow and Focus on Form: As you embark on your CrossFit journey, resist the urge to dive headfirst into high-intensity workouts. Begin with foundational movements, prioritize learning proper form, and gradually increase intensity. Building a solid foundation will not only prevent injuries but also set you up for long-term success.
  2. Listen to Your Body: CrossFit can be demanding, both physically and mentally. Pay close attention to how your body responds to workouts, and don’t hesitate to scale or modify movements if needed. Rest and recovery are equally crucial, so allow your body time to adapt and heal, especially in the initial stages.
  3. Embrace the Learning Curve: CrossFit introduces a wide array of movements, some of which may be entirely new to you. Embrace the learning curve and be patient with yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek guidance from coaches, and focus on gradual improvement. Celebrate small victories, as progress often comes in increments.
  4. Prioritize Mobility and Recovery: CrossFit places demands on various muscle groups and joints. Incorporate mobility exercises into your routine to enhance flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Additionally, prioritize recovery strategies such as stretching, foam rolling, and adequate sleep. Taking care of your body outside of workouts is integral to sustained performance.
  5. Build a Support System: The community aspect is a significant strength of CrossFit. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement, guidance, and motivation. Engage with your fellow athletes, participate in group workouts, and celebrate each other’s successes. Having a supportive community can make the journey more enjoyable and inspiring.

Remember, CrossFit is a personalized journey, and everyone progresses at their own pace. By starting slow, focusing on form, listening to your body, embracing the learning process, prioritizing recovery, and building a supportive community, you’ll lay a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling CrossFit experience.

7 Exercises to Make You Better at CrossFit

10 CrossFit AMRAP Workouts for Athletes of All Levels

Dave Castro Says the CrossFit Games Won’t Go Overseas in Near Future Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:58:49 +0000 General Manager of Sport and Education, Dave Castro spoke in a podcast interview many things related to the CrossFit Games and revealed that for the next 3 or 4 years, the Games will take place in the United States and not go abroad.

Dave Castro did a 40+ minute interview for Fitness På Tid Podcast, a Danish podcast that puts CrossFit at its core and everything related to the Sport. The host Nikolaj Rønnow asked Castro about a variety of topics regarding CrossFit, and at one point, when discussing about the new season schematics, the General Manager explained the decision behind giving away the CrossFit Games responsibilities of Masters, Teens and Adaptive athletes to other organisations.

“By pulling them out [age-group and adaptive divisions from CrossFit’s official responsibility] we are able to a few things. Hyper focus on individuals and teams,  for their experience, for the fans, for the community. And have a requirement for facilities that is much less. So it kind of opens up where we can host the Games,” Castro said.

“Near term, it opens up hosting up locations in the U.S. Long-term, not even long-term, 3 or 4 years maybe, it opens up going overseas in different countries.”

“That is one of the big reasons that we made that decision. It kind of set us up for the future, to use a model that puts us on a path to take this to different places and specifically to take this overseas.”

Listen to it from minute 23:20 on Spotify.

What Did You Miss?

Back in September, CrossFit announced the CrossFit Games will move to Texas in 2024. The venue chosen was the Dickies Arena, a multi-event venue built in 2019 that had huge concerts such as Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton, but also other interesting events like Monster Truck and NCAA gymnastic championships.

Shortly after that, Dave Castro revealed a little bit more about the events that will take place during the CrossFit Games, claiming that “95% of the events are going to be inside the arena, cause it’s air-conditioned.”

At that time, nobody knew that CrossFit would overhaul the Games for adaptive athletes, as well as teens and masters. In October, in a press release, CrossFit unveiled three new partnerships across various divisions: WheelWOD Games (for adaptive), Pit Teen Throwdown (for 14-17 teens), and Legends Championship (for masters 35+ athletes).

Now we know that CrossFit made the decision to delegate the responsibilities to creating the CrossFit Games competition for those categories was to create this “model” that Dave Castro says to be able to take the Games overseas.

Source: Dickies Arena
The 2024 CrossFit Games will take place, for individuals and teams, in the Dickies Arena, in Fort Worth, Texas.

2024 CrossFit Season Official Dates

Although we might not know the exact locations of some of the tournaments for next year’s, CrossFit has revealed the dates athletes will be competing.

2024 CrossFit Open:

  • All athletes must compete to advance throughout the season.
  • Workout 24.1: Feb. 29 – March 3, 2024
  • Workout 24.2: March 7 – 11, 2024
  • Workout 24.3: March 14 – 18, 2024

2024 CrossFit Quarterfinals:

  • Team Quarterfinal: April 3 – 8, 2024.
  • Individual Quarterfinal: April 17 – 22, 2024.
  • Age-Group Quarterfinal: April 17 – 22, 2024.

2024 CrossFit Semifinals

CrossFit has not revealed the venues, dates, and number of qualifying spots by region for the individual an team Semifinal competitions. This will be announced at a later date.

  • Age-Group Semifinal: May 8 – 13, 2024.
  • Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD: May 8 – 13, 2024.

2024 CrossFit Games:

Individuals and teams will compete at Fort Worth, Texas from August 8-11 in 2024.

Teens, masters, and adaptive athletes will compete at separate, in-person championships. In a press release shared earlier, CrossFit mentioned the 3 partnerships across those divisions: WheelWOD Games (for adaptive), Pit Teen Throwdown (for 14-17 teens), and Legends Championship (for masters 35+ athletes).

  • The top masters from the Age-Group Semifinal will advance to the Masters CrossFit Games by Legends. The location and competition dates will be announced at a later date.
  • Masters Divisions will include:
    • Men and Women 35-39 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 40-44 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 45-49 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 50-54 (30 men; 30 women)
    • Men and Women 55-59 (30 men; 30 women)
    • Men and Women 60-64 (20 men; 20 women)
    • Men and Women 65+ (20 men; 20 women)
  • The top 30 boys and 30 girls from the teenage divisions will advance from Semifinals to the Teenage CrossFit Games by Pit Teen Throwdown in Three Rivers, Michigan. The competition dates and exact location will be confirmed at a later date.
  • Teenage Divisions will include:
    • Boys and Girls 14-15
    • Boys and Girls 16-17
teen athletes queue up at CrossFit GamesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Teens at the 2022 CrossFit Games

The top 10 adaptive athletes from 15 divisions will advance from the Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD to the Adaptive CrossFit Games by WheelWOD. The competition dates and location will be confirmed at a later date.

Adaptive Divisions will include:  

  • Upper Impairment 1 Point of Contact
  • Upper Impairment 2 Points of Contact
  • Lower Impairment Above Knee
  • Lower Impairment Below Knee
  • Lower Impairment Minor
  • Seated Without Hip Function
  • Seated With Hip Function
  • Seated Quadriplegic
  • Neuromuscular Major
  • Neuromuscular Moderate
  • Neuromuscular Minor
  • Standing Diagnosed
  • Visual Impairment
  • Short Stature
  • Intellectual

According to CrossFit, more than 320,000 athletes from 180 countries competed throughout the 2023 CrossFit Games season.

Read More: How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 Rogue Invitational

2024 CrossFit Season Details Revealed Wed, 08 Nov 2023 17:30:00 +0000 Are you pumped for the 2024 CrossFit season? The organisation has revealed new details, including some dates, of what we should expect next year to discover who are the Fittest on Earth.

CrossFit has released a statement revealing the stages of the 2024 official season for athletes and teams who want to battle it out for the title of Fittest on Earth.

As BOXROX reported earlier, CrossFit announced a new partnership with 3 different organisations that will help the competition season for teens, masters and adaptive athletes.

However, one thing didn’t change: all athletes who want to progress further into the season need to participate in the CrossFit Open.

2024 CrossFit Season Details Revealed

This is what we know so far about the 2024 CrossFit season.

The CrossFit Open

  • All athletes must compete to advance throughout the season.
  • Workout 24.1: Feb. 29 – March 3, 2024
  • Workout 24.2: March 7 – 11, 2024
  • Workout 24.3: March 14 – 18, 2024
2023 CrossFit Open dates


There will be 7 regions, just like 2023: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America East, North America West, Oceania, South America.

However, a few things are new for 2024, such as the number of athletes going through to Quarterfinals.

  • Individual and age-group athletes who have qualified for the Quarterfinals will have the same programming and only need to complete the workouts once to be represented on both competition leaderboards. For dual-qualified athletes, one payment will register them for both competitions.
  • The top 25% of individuals (used to be 10%) and teams in each region will advance to the Quarterfinals with a minimum of 50 athletes from each division.
  • The top 25% of each age group from every region will advance to the Quarterfinals with a minimum of 200 athletes from each age group.

Dates of the 2024 CrossFit Quarterfinals:

  • Team Quarterfinal: April 3 – 8, 2024.
  • Individual Quarterfinal: April 17 – 22, 2024.
  • Age-Group Quarterfinal: April 17 – 22, 2024.


CrossFit has not revealed the venues, dates, and number of qualifying spots by region for the individual an team Semifinal competitions. This will be announced at a later date.

  • The top 40 individual men, 40 women and the top 30 teams from each region will compete in person at the CrossFit Semifinals.
  • The top 200 athletes from each age group will advance to the virtual Age-Group Semifinal to determine who will advance to the Games.
  • The top 20 athletes from each adaptive division will advance from the Adaptive CrossFit Open by WheelWOD to the virtual Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD.

Dates for the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals:

  • Age-Group Semifinal: May 8 – 13, 2024.
  • Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD: May 8 – 13, 2024.

CrossFit Games

Individuals and teams will compete at Fort Worth, Texas from August 8-11 in 2024.

Teens, masters, and adaptive athletes will compete at separate, in-person championships. In a press release shared earlier, CrossFit mentioned the 3 partnerships across those divisions: WheelWOD Games (for adaptive), Pit Teen Throwdown (for 14-17 teens), and Legends Championship (for masters 35+ athletes).

  • The top masters from the Age-Group Semifinal will advance to the Masters CrossFit Games by Legends. The location and competition dates will be announced at a later date.
  • Masters Divisions will include:
    • Men and Women 35-39 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 40-44 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 45-49 (40 men; 40 women)
    • Men and Women 50-54 (30 men; 30 women)
    • Men and Women 55-59 (30 men; 30 women)
    • Men and Women 60-64 (20 men; 20 women)
    • Men and Women 65+ (20 men; 20 women)
  • The top 30 boys and 30 girls from the teenage divisions will advance from Semifinals to the Teenage CrossFit Games by Pit Teen Throwdown in Three Rivers, Michigan. The competition dates and exact location will be confirmed at a later date.
  • Teenage Divisions will include:
    • Boys and Girls 14-15
    • Boys and Girls 16-17
teen athletes queue up at CrossFit GamesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Teens at the 2022 CrossFit Games

The top 10 adaptive athletes from 15 divisions will advance from the Adaptive CrossFit Semifinal by WheelWOD to the Adaptive CrossFit Games by WheelWOD. The competition dates and location will be confirmed at a later date.

Adaptive Divisions will include:  

  • Upper Impairment 1 Point of Contact
  • Upper Impairment 2 Points of Contact
  • Lower Impairment Above Knee
  • Lower Impairment Below Knee
  • Lower Impairment Minor
  • Seated Without Hip Function
  • Seated With Hip Function
  • Seated Quadriplegic
  • Neuromuscular Major
  • Neuromuscular Moderate
  • Neuromuscular Minor
  • Standing Diagnosed
  • Visual Impairment
  • Short Stature
  • Intellectual

According to CrossFit, more than 320,000 athletes from 180 countries competed throughout the 2023 CrossFit Games season.

Related: Dave Castro Reveals More Details About the 2024 CrossFit Games in Texas

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 Rogue Invitational Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:04:21 +0000 Now that the dust has settled, let’s find out how much money athletes earned after the end of the 2023 Rogue Invitational that took place this weekend.

The thrilling weekend reached its pinnacle as Laura Horvath and Pat Vellner emerged victorious, securing the CrossFit championship at the 2023 Rogue Invitational. In the Strongman division, Mitchell Hooper claimed the top spot.

Rogue Invitational is one of the biggest CrossFit competition outside the official season. That also reflects on the prize purse athletes compete for, bringing in much attention of the media and athletes themselves to do their best.

Source: Rogue Invitational Instagram

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 Rogue Invitational

And how much money is involved for athletes competing at the 2023 Rogue Invitational in Texas? First, remember how the prize purse was calculated?

  1. Rogue has provided a 1 million dollar cash investment.
  2. $275,000 of Bitcoin purchased at $16,000 per coin. Any growth on this coin will add to the purse and will be paid out at the valuation at the time the prize purse is locked.
  3. $5 per attendee ticket sold will be added to the purse.
  4. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 online qualifier, “The Q”
  5. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 community event, “The C”
  6. $5.00 for every Rogue Invitational T-shirt sold
  7. $5.00 for every pair of GORUCK Ballistic Trainers sold on
  8. Sponsors will have the ability to make direct contributions to the purse

One interesting thing about the prize purse is that it goes up with each day because of tickets sales and shirts sales. However, if you read our article a few days before the start of the events, the prize purse totalled U$ 1, 631,595.77.

However, now, after the competition is over, the prize purse declined by almost $2,000. That is likely due to the volatility of Bitcoin. But, in the bigger picture, since the prize purse are divided by the 20 individual athletes competing in the CrossFit division and the 10 Strongman competitors, the end result for each athlete is not something to worry about.

Ultimately, the prize purse was U$1,629,676.17.

So how much money did athletes earn at the 2023 Rogue Invitational? According to Rogue’s rules, each participant took a percentage of the prize purse home with them depending on final placement.




2023 Rogue Invitational

When: October 26-29, 2023

Where: Dell Diamond Stadium in Round Rock, Texas, USA

How many competitors: 20 men and 20 women in the individual division

Other divisions: Not only some of the best elite CrossFit athletes will be competing, but also 10 participants go head-to-head in Strongman events, and 9 men and 7 women will take part in the Legends, a friendly CrossFit competition with names such as Rich Froning, Josh Bridges, Kari Pearce and Sam Briggs.

Missed out on the action? Watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational Livestream Here

Horvath, Vellner and Hooper Win at the 2023 Rogue Invitational Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:04:01 +0000 The action-packed weekend culminated with Laura Horvath and Pat Vellner winning the CrossFit championship at the 2023 Rogue Invitational. Mitchell Hooper won the Strongman division.

The top of the leaderboard changed a lot during the 4-day event for CrossFit athletes in Texas this weekend. Addler and Toomey finished event 1 on the top, on Friday it was Khrennikov and Horvath who took the lead. Saturday, it all changed again with Vellner taking over and Toomey regaining top spot.

However, what counts is the placement on the last day and that is how Vellner managed to maintain his lead ahead of Adler and Khrennikov, while Horvath won the last event to beat Tia-Clair Toomey in the standings.

2023 Rogue Invitational Final Standings


  1. Laura Horvath – 780 points
  2. Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr – 770
  3. Emma Lawson – 650
  4. Gabriela Migala – 530
  5. Alex Gazan – 590
  6. Emma Cary – 550
  7. Danielle Brandon – 540
  8. Arielle Loewen – 510
  9. Dani Speegle – 505
  10. Manon Angonese – 460
  11. Christine Kolenbrander – 455
  12. Lauren Fisher – 420
  13. Paige Powers – 405
  14. Paige Semenza – 390
  15. Emily Rolfe – 330
  16. Bethany Flores – 320
  17. Karin Freyova – 305
  18. Kyra Milligan – 295
  19. Shelby Neal – 265
  20. Elena Carratala Sanahuja – 235


  1. Pat Vellner – 660 points
  2. Jeff Adler – 640
  3. Roman Khrennikov – 610
  4. Brent Fikowski – 610
  5. Ricky Garard – 565
  6. Travis Mayer – 555
  7. Jayson Hopper – 545
  8. Dallin Pepper – 545
  9. Jay Crouch – 540
  10. Noah Ohlsen – 530
  11. Jelle Hoste – 485
  12. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson – 475
  13. Chandler Smith – 455
  14. Lazard Dukic – 445
  15. Tudor Magda – 435
  16. Bayley Martin – 375
  17. Victor Hoffer – 360
  18. Will Moorad – 300
  19. Garrett Clark – 255
  20. Jonne Koski – 10 points (withdrawn)


  1. Mitchell Hooper – 42 points
  2. Tom Stoltman – 40
  3. Mateus Kieliszkowski – 31.5
  4. Evan Singleton – 28.5
  5. Bobby Thompson – 25.5
  6. Maxime Boudreault – 23.5
  7. Thomas Evans – 23
  8. Luke Stoltman – 22
  9. Oleksii Novikov – 21.5
  10. Trey Mitchell – 11.5

Horvath, Vellner Win 2023 Rogue Invitational

The 2023 Rogue Invitational began on Thursday afternoon with only a single event for individuals. Texas heavy comprised of running with a ruck, without one, and pulling a sled.

Tia-Clair Toomey took the win to make a big statement. This was her first official competition after giving birth to her first child Willow in May. In the men’s division, Adler finished ahead of Hoste and Khrennikov.

Although the previous CrossFit Games champions won the first event, it all changed on the second day (Friday) when two more workouts programmed were thrown at the athletes.

Garard and Khrennikov won events 2 and 3, while Alex Gazan and Laura Horvath took the win for the same events in the women’s division. At the end of the day, Khrennikov went to sleep on top of the rank with a 20-point lead ahead of Adler and Vellner. Horvath had a 5-point lead on Toomey and 45 points in front of 3rd place Gabriela Migala.

But then Saturday shifted everything again. This was the day that provided Pat Vellner his big advantage that gave him a chance to win come the end of the weekend. Although Vellner started Saturday in 3rd, he finished the day with an impressive 90-point lead ahead of Adler.

And the crazy thing is that Vellner did not win any of the 3 events on Saturday, but everything fell into place for him to keep distancing himself from the other competitors.

In the women’s division, in a cat-and-mouse game, Toomey took over Horvath again in the leaderboard with a minimum 5-point lead over the Hungarian athlete. Emma Lawson, 3rd placed when lights went out, was 90 points behind the leader.

The final day had come and the last three events would shift the women’s leaderboard once again. Horvath won event 7, but Toomey made up the difference in event 8. Before the very last event, the two athletes were tied in points in 1st place.

But Horvath left any doubts behind her. She won the final event 30 seconds ahead of Tia-Clair Toomey to claim her crown at the 2023 Rogue Invitational. Emma Lawson finished 2nd, cementing her overall 3rd place on the podium.

The men’s division was less intense, as Vellner only had to do damage control. He finished events 7, 8, and 9 in 9th, 10th and 10th, respectively. That was enough to keep him 20 points ahead of Adler. The fellow Canadian had a closer battle with Khrennikov, but event 8 and the last one solidified his silver medal.

Did you enjoy the 2023 Rogue Invitational? Do you want to know how well we, at BOXROX, guessed the main athletes that would compete this weekend? Then click on the link below.

Who To Watch at the 2023 Rogue Invitational

Who to Watch at the 2023 Rogue Invitational Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:11:54 +0000 A total of 20 men and 20 women have received and confirmed their participation at this weekend’s biggest CrossFit event. Check out who to watch at the 2023 Rogue Invitational.

How to Watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational

2023 Rogue Invitational

When: October 26-29, 2023

Where: Dell Diamond Stadium in Round Rock, Texas, USA

How many competitors: 20 men and 20 women in the individual division; 10 in the strongman division; 9 men and 9 women in the legends division

Other divisions: Not only some of the best elite CrossFit athletes will be competing, but also 10 participants go head-to-head in Strongman events, and 9 men and 7 women will take part in the Legends, a friendly CrossFit competition with names such as Rich Froning, Josh Bridges, Kari Pearce and Sam Briggs.

2023 Rogue Invitational Livestream Here

List of All CrossFit Athletes Competing Individually

The final list of athletes invited and confirmed to the 2023 Rogue Invitational is official. Usually, the top athletes from the CrossFit Games receive an automatic invitation to Rogue. For those wanting to compete with the best of the best, they had to go through an online qualifier.

Of those who competed online, the top 5 men and 5 women then received an invitation to compete in Round Rock.

Some athletes might choose to refuse the invitation; Rogue organisers then proceed to backfill the position until they have a confirmed 20 athletes on the field for each of the individual categories.

Here is a full list of the 20 individual athletes confirmed to appear at the 2023 Rogue Invitational.


Source: Courtesy of Lazar Dukic
Lazar Dukic
  1. Jeff Adler
  2. Pat Vellner
  3. Roman Khrennikov
  4. Brent Fikowski
  5. Dallin Pepper
  6. Jonne Koski
  7. Chandler Smith
  8. Jay Crouch
  9. Lazar Dukic
  10. Jelle Hoste
  11. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson
  12. Bayley Martin
  13. Will Moorad
  14. Noah Ohlsen
  15. Ricky Garard
  16. Victor Hoffer
  17. Travis Mayer
  18. Tudor Magda
  19. Garrett Clark
  20. Jayson Hopper


emma lawson performs max snatch
Emma Lawson
  1. Laura Horvath
  2. Emma Lawson
  3. Arielle Loewen
  4. Gabriela Migala
  5. Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr
  6. Alex Gazan
  7. Paige Semenza
  8. Bethany Flores
  9. Emma Cary
  10. Danielle Brandon
  11. Paige Powers
  12. Emily Rolfe
  13. Shelby Neal
  14. Karin Freyova
  15. Dani Speegle
  16. Manon Angonese
  17. Elena Carratala Sanahuja
  18. Lauren Fisher
  19. Kyra Milligan
  20. Christine Kolenbrander

Who to Watch at the 2023 Rogue Invitational

In 2022, Justin Medeiros, Laura Horvath and Oleksii Novikov were crowned champions. This year, only Medeiros is not competing again.

In the women’s division, one name draws more attention than all other. Tia-Clair Toomey is back in business. She is the most dominant female CrossFit athlete in history, but that is only one of the reasons to watch her compete this weekend at the 2023 Rogue Invitational.

Source: Tia-Clair Toomey Instagram
Tia-Clair Toomey

The Australian athlete had to sit out during this year’s CrossFit Games to give birth to her first child Willow in May, just two months before the Finals. With her out, Laura Horvath managed to win the title of Fittest Woman on Earth, which was the first time someone other than Toomey had claimed since 2017.

Now it’s been 7 months since she had the baby and time to get back to her fitness levels. The fact that she is competing again is an incredible feat, but if you know anything about Tia-Clair Toomey is that she is out-of-this-world good. She actually might have a chance to win this weekend as a warning for future competitors that the 2024 CrossFit Games is going to be tough for everyone again if she steps onto the competition floor.

Two other names people must include in their bets to win this weekend are Laura Horvath, the current Fittest Woman on Earth, and Emma Lawson, the 18-year-old athlete from Canada who finished 2nd at the Games this year.

BOXROX believes Gabriela Migala will be fighting for a spot on the podium, and other dark horses include Bethany Flores, Emma Cary and Arielle Loewen.

Great Moments from the 2021 CrossFit Games
Gabriela Migala

The men’s division is fully stacked with who’s who from the CrossFit Games. The 12 first-ranked at this year’s Games have confirmed their presence at the 2023 Rogue Invitational.

 Although Jeff Adler and Pat Vellner deservedly will be battling for the top spot, our pick for who to watch this year is Roman Khrennikov. The Russian athlete wore the leader’s jersey at the CrossFit Games this year for most of the events, but then got injured, couldn’t finish any of the last 2 events and still finished with a bronze medal.

It will be interesting to see how Khrennikov has recovered from his foot injury and, if so, how he might come back with a title in American soil.

Jeff Adler deservedly won the 2023 CrossFit Games. He snatched the leader’s jersey from Khrennikov before the Russian injured his foot and maintained the leadership to the end. He also had a nearly perfect 2023 CrossFit season by winning the Open alongside Mal O’Brien, the Semifinal and the Finals. He finished 5th worldwide during the Quarterfinals, the only competition he didn’t win in the official CrossFit season.

2023 Wodapalooza TeamSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Pat Vellner, Brent Fikowski, Jeff Adler

Alongside Adler are Canadian besties Vellner and Fikowski. Both are incredibly well-rounded athletes who could take up the chance to climb up the ranks to the podium when others fail.

Our top pick for the surprise of the year at the 2023 Rogue Invitational is Ricky Garard. He injured his shoulder during a mountain bike accident weeks before the Semifinals and had to withdraw from competing in 2023. He was one of the top athletes poised to fight for the podium in Wisconsin, he might as well accomplish it in Texas this time.

Other dark horses who might fight for the podium, in our opinion, are Chandler Smith, Lazar Dukic, and Dallin Pepper.

Who do you think could win this weekend’s competition?

Prize Purse

And how much money is involved for athletes competing at the 2023 Rogue Invitational in Texas? The answer is not definitive yet, as the prize purse increases depending on a few factors:

  1. Rogue has provided a 1 million dollar cash investment.
  2. $275,000 of Bitcoin purchased at $16,000 per coin. Any growth on this coin will add to the purse and will be paid out at the valuation at the time the prize purse is locked.
  3. $5 per attendee ticket sold will be added to the purse.
  4. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 online qualifier, “The Q”
  5. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 community event, “The C”
  6. $5.00 for every Rogue Invitational T-shirt sold
  7. $5.00 for every pair of GORUCK Ballistic Trainers sold on
  8. Sponsors will have the ability to make direct contributions to the purse

At the time of writing, the prize purse totals U$ 1, 631,595.77.

This is already a bigger prize purse compared to last year’s where a total of $1,272,490 was divided among the athletes depending on their ranking.

How to Watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:59:00 +0000 The 2023 Rogue Invitational is around the corner. It will take place in Texas, as usual, and begins on Thursday and goes through Sunday. Discover below how to watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational for free with its Livestream options and when to tune in.

Just like in previous years, Rogue Invitational will make one main Livestream available for free. However, what is new this time, is that people will be able to choose to pay an additional fee to increase their access to other cameras during the Livestream. It’s called the Iron Game Premium viewing option (more details below).

2023 Rogue Invitational

When: October 26-29, 2023

Where: Dell Diamond Stadium in Round Rock, Texas, USA

How many competitors: 20 men and 20 women in the individual division; 10 in the strongman division; 9 men and 9 women in the legends division

Other divisions: Not only some of the best elite CrossFit athletes will be competing, but also 10 participants go head-to-head in Strongman events, and 9 men and 7 women will take part in the Legends, a friendly CrossFit competition with names such as Rich Froning, Josh Bridges, Kari Pearce and Sam Briggs.

In 2022, Justin Medeiros, Laura Horvath and Oleksii Novikov were crowned champions. This year, only Medeiros is not competing again.

How to Watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational – Livestream

Divided by days, here are the Livestreams and how to watch the 2023 Rogue Invitational this weekend.

Thursday (Event 1):

Friday (Day 1):

Saturday (Day 2):

Sunday (Day 3):

Iron Game Premium:

If you want, you can pay a fee to increase the options of cameras you have to watch the events as they unfold.

  • U$25 fee

Once purchased, you will have added 4 different streams to your arsenal: Iron Game Tailgate, drone cam, featured Athlete Cam, and wide cam.

The Iron Game Tailgate stream is hosted by Pat Sherwood and it will bring elite athletes (both CrossFit and Strongman) for a more informal style of conversation with personal insights and immediate reactions to what’s going down on the field as events are happening.

Some of the confirmed athletes that will take part are Mat Fraser, Rich Froning, Justin Medeiros, Katrin Davidsdottir, Annie Thorisdottir, Annie Sakamoto, Brian Friend, Hafthor Bjornsson and more.

“Get a bird’s-eye view from our drone cameras, jump to our Wide Cams for an all-seeing view, or watch our Featured Athlete Cam, tracking one competitor up-close and personal through each workout.”

You can access the Iron Gam Premium content here.

Prize Purse

How Much Money Did Each Athlete Win at the 2021 Rogue InvitationalSource: Photos courtesy of Rogue
2021 Rogue Invitational winners

And how much money is involved for athletes competing at the 2023 Rogue Invitational in Texas? The answer is not definitive yet, as the prize purse increases depending on a few factors:

  1. Rogue has provided a 1 million dollar cash investment.
  2. $275,000 of Bitcoin purchased at $16,000 per coin. Any growth on this coin will add to the purse and will be paid out at the valuation at the time the prize purse is locked.
  3. $5 per attendee ticket sold will be added to the purse.
  4. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 online qualifier, “The Q”
  5. 10% of registration fees for the 2023 community event, “The C”
  6. $5.00 for every Rogue Invitational T-shirt sold
  7. $5.00 for every pair of GORUCK Ballistic Trainers sold on
  8. Sponsors will have the ability to make direct contributions to the purse

At the time of writing, the prize purse totals U$ 1, 619, 370.80.

This is already a bigger prize purse compared to last year’s where a total of $1,272,490 was divided among the athletes depending on their ranking.

Annie Thorisdottir Announces Pregnancy Tue, 24 Oct 2023 14:05:00 +0000 Annie Thorisdottir has announced she is pregnant with her second child. The 2x Fittest Woman on Earth will no longer compete at the 2023 Rogue Invitational – Shelby Neal has been invited to replace the athlete.

Thorisdottir broke the news yesterday in a somewhat simplistic post on Instagram. In a photo, alongside husband/coach Frederik Aegidius and their daughter Freyja, she simply wrote “2nd of May” followed by a heart emoji.

In the photo, the three of them are walking down a pier towards the sunset, with Freyja in between the couple, and Annie Thorisdottir holding hands with a teddy bear, signifying the second child to come into their lives.

The news comes 3 days before the first event at the 2023 Rogue Invitational. Thorisdottir had previously confirmed she would be competing, but changed her mind. Now, 18-year-old Shelby Neal has been confirmed to take her place.

Neal has made her debut as an elite individual athlete at the CrossFit Games this year and finished 19th in the world. In the past two years, she competed as a teen at the Games finishing 6th and 8th respectively.

Hopes are that Thorisdottir will come back stronger than ever if she decides to continue competing in CrossFit as an individual among the best. She gave birth to her first child back in August 2020. The following year, she finished with a bronze medal around her neck at the 2021 CrossFit Games.

Women's podium 2021 CrossFit Games
Annie Thorisdottir (right) at the 2021 CrossFit Games.

In 2022, she decided to go team where they finished 4th. She then made a return to individuals this year, finishing 13th overall. Iceland Annie was the first female athlete to win the CrossFit Games twice in a row (2011 and 2012).

Read More: Athlete Svetlana Veselova Says She Will Sue CrossFit After Failed Drug Test

CrossFit Overhauls the Games for Teens, Masters and Adaptive Athletes for the 2024 Season Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:10:12 +0000 CrossFit HQ has announced a new partnership with three other organisations that will change the CrossFit Games for Teens and Masters and completely overhaul the season for adaptive athletes in 2024.

In a press release, CrossFit unveiled three new partnerships across various divisions: WheelWOD Games (for adaptive), Pit Teen Throwdown (for 14-17 teens), and Legends Championship (for masters 35+ athletes).

This means that for athletes in those divisions, the road to the finals will be different compared to elite competitors in the individual and team divisions. It was announced in late September that the CrossFit Games will be held in the Dickies Arena, in Fort Worth, Texas, next year.

However, that won’t be the case for teens, masters and adaptive athletes – they will not share the same stage as the elite athletes (individuals and teams) for the grand finale.

CrossFit Open athlete high five with joySource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

What Will Change for the 2024 CrossFit Games

As mentioned above, men and women competing in the elite division (individual) and teams will not see any changes to the path to the CrossFit Games. Teens and masters will have changes for the finals only, while adaptive athletes will see a complete overhaul of their CrossFit season.

Teens and Masters

For Masters and Teenage Athletes in 2024, the season kicks off with the online Open, followed by the online Quarterfinals and Semifinals. This means that, up to the Semifinals, nothing will change for athletes in those divisions and CrossFit HQ will still design the tests during those stages.

However, things change when it comes to the in-person finals. Yes, both Masters and Teens will continue to have an in-person last set of tests, but it will be handled by the organisations partnered with mentioned earlier.

After Semifinals are concluded, qualifying masters athletes (ages 35-65+) will be “advancing to the Legends Championship for an in-person final.”

For teens, the top athletes will move on “before competing in the Pit Teen Throwdown.”

This means that the finals for teens and master athletes will not be in Fort Worth in 2024, the same place where elite men, women and teams will be competing for the title of Fittest on Earth.

Related: Dave Castro Reveals More Details About the 2024 CrossFit Games in Texas

Where will teens and masters compete in the end?

CrossFit said it will reveal places and dates for the season at a later stage, including registration for the 2024 CrossFit Open.

However, we already know that the Pit Throwdown will be taking place in Three Rivers, Michigan. This is the same place where the competition has been taking place in the last few years.

According to their official website, “The Throwdown features the rugged diversity of our 65-acre fitness ranch, a former gravel pit with woods and water, sand and hills, and our 10,000-SQ FT gym, Triple River CrossFit.”

However, we are still very much in the dark about the Master’s division. All we know is that the Finals will be taken over and programmed by Legends Championship. The Legends Championship, supporting top masters athletes worldwide, will host its 2023 edition in Tempe, Arizona, from December 7 to 10. We do not know if the finals for masters next year will happen in the same place as this year.

Adaptive Divisions

The Adaptive Athletes competition, managed entirely by WheelWOD, an organization with 11 years of experience, promises a fair and inclusive competition for CrossFit’s adaptive athlete community. The collaboration expands the competitive divisions for adaptive athletes from 8 to 15, providing a broader opportunity for athletes to advance to the in-person final.

In other words, WheelWOD will take over all the steps of the CrossFit season for adaptive athletes, from the “Open” all the way to the “Games” – these are in quotes as we do not know if they will be called Open or Games like CrossFit HQ does.

lower extremity adaptive athlete competes in CrossFit GamesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

It is still unknown where or when these athletes will compete for CrossFit’s next season. The WheelWOD Games 2023 is taking place from November 30 through December 3 in Raleigh, North Carolina and it will encompass athletes from 28 divisions.

The Pros and Cons of this 2024 CrossFit Season Overhaul for Teen, Masters and Adaptive Athletes

Any change is bound to bring something good, and maybe something bad. Here are some pros and cons we at BOXROX think should be addressed.


As highlighted in the press release, CrossFit General Manager of Sport and Education Dave Castro explained the changes “will benefit each division in significant ways, most importantly more than doubling qualifying spots for masters and teens and allowing every adaptive division a place at the in-person championship.”

More adaptive divisions and more athletes will be competing in the end, which can only be positive for the Sport’s growth.

With each final being taken care of by different organisations, there will be better coverage of those events for people who actually want to see them. As Kevin Ogar, head judge and coach for WheelWOD put it:

“We will now have more eyes on, more exposure, more divisions, and unparalleled opportunities for athletes to not only grow in the sport but also to drive its evolution.”

Although he was talking specifically about the adaptive community, it can be broadened to teens and masters as well. Giving more exposure to those athletes will help them expand to a broader audience, hopefully give them more opportunities to live off the Sport, and attract more people to compete in the end.

adaptive crossfitSource: Wodapalooza / Courtesy of ATA


Not all are rainbows and butterflies when we are talking about the changes CrossFit has made for the official 2024 season.

First and foremost, if you’ve read all paragraphs above, you might have noticed how little we at BOXROX used the term “CrossFit Games” or “Fittest on Earth.” That is because, honestly, CrossFit in their press release also refrained from using those terms – in contrast, CrossFit has used the terms “championship” and “final.”

One of the things nobody liked about the 2023 CrossFit Games was the Livestream coverage of masters, teens or adaptive.  It simply was a stationary camera, with no commentary, far away from the field where athletes were competing. CEO Don Faul addressed the situation at a press conference and said CrossFit made a tough decision about the Livestream coverage. “Sometimes we got to make tough calls. We’d love to be able to do everything, pragmatically that is not possible,” he said.

And now, with the “Games Athlete” or “#GamesBound” staple probably going out of the window for masters, teens and adaptive divisions, it seems like CrossFit is simply offloading its responsibilities to other organisations and hoping for the best.

Read More: 2023 CrossFit Games 4 Things We Liked and 4 We Didn’t

Dave Castro Reveals More Details About the 2024 CrossFit Games in Texas Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:10:00 +0000 General Manager of Sport and Education, Dave Castro sat down for a lengthy interview and sprinkled a little bit more information regarding the 2024 CrossFit Games that will take place in Fort Worth, Texas. According to him, there will be a change in the format and that 95% of the events will be indoors.

Dave Castro was interviewed by Mike Ritland in his personal podcast where they talk about the US Navy Seal, Castro’s involvement with the community and, of course, CrossFit. And as usual, Castro revealed a few extra bits of information regarding the upcoming 2024 CrossFit Games.

As reported earlier by BOXROX, the 2024 CrossFit Games will not be returning to Madison, Wisconsin, but rather Fort Worth, in Texas.

The venue chosen was the Dickies Arena, a multi-event venue built in 2019 that had huge concerts such as Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton, but also other interesting events like Monster Truck and NCAA gymnastic championships.

Source: Dickies Arena
Dickies Arena

Below you will read a short version of Dave Castro’s interview with Mike Ritland.

Dave Castro Reveals More Details About the 2024 CrossFit Games in Texas

Before getting fired, Dave Castro toured Dickies Arena in 2021 to move the Games to a different venue in 2023. “Toured the venue, loved it, then we toured another venue in Alabama. Also really liked that one, Birmingham.”

Then Castro was fired and then rehired back to the team. Once he was back, for the sake of freshness, Dave Castro was responsible for changing things up.

“We’re going to change the format of the CrossFit Games, going to a venue like Dickies would be perfect.”

Although CrossFit Inc. still had one more year with Madison agreed, Castro had to tell them the organisation was moving away. “We’re going to have a different footprint,” with a new model in a new location.

Dave Castro

So what is this new format Castro keeps talking about? As BOXROX wrote previously, the biggest concern of the CrossFit Games was the heat stroke that athletes could suffer during WODs. But that is one of the reasons Dickies Arena was chosen.

“95% of the events are going to be inside the arena, cause it’s air-conditioned,” Castro revealed.

Castro believes they can sell out Dickies Arena at 15,000 people or maybe a thousand less, depending on how they distribute the place.

BOXROX wrote previously that CrossFit possibly would have to pay zero dollars in the end for renting the venue. That is because the bid from Dickies Arena in 2019 to be the new home of the Fittest on Earth had many concessions to CrossFit HQ of more than U$1 million. Castro, in this interview, said he didn’t know exactly how were the concessions and couldn’t talk much about it either.

It is possible that there was a new bid, or new concessions, from Dickies Arena for the 2024 CrossFit Games and the information provided earlier is outdated. But the fact remains that a Sports Commission from Fort Worth and Dickies Arena wanted the CrossFit Games to be played out in their venue since 2019.

As a fun side note, Castro said that CrossFit founder Greg Glassman once said he wanted athletes to “have a softball throw” at the Games. Not only that, but with both arms, once with the dominant, and once with the weaker arm. And Castro said they wouldn’t do it, because there would be a lot of memes coming out of it and some of the most athletic people managed to throw about 20 or 30 yards with their good arm – it could put a comedic scene by accident.

You can watch Dave Castro talking about the 2024 CrossFit in the video below.

Read More: CrossFit Worldwide Ranking System Updated: Adler Passes Medeiros, Lawson Climbs to 2nd

2024 CrossFit Games Will Take Place in Fort Worth, Texas Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:34:11 +0000 Athletes must prepare already for the 2024 CrossFit Games. The Fittest on Earth competition is moving away from Madison, Wisconsin, to Fort Worth, Texas. It is unclear whether this is a one-year thing or if Texas will be the new home of the CrossFit Games for some time to come.

Since 2017, the CrossFit Games was hosted in Madison, but during this year’s post-Games press conference, General Manager of Sport and Education Dave Castro said the Games would eventually go overseas “sooner rather than later, but just not yet.”

As expected, the 2024 CrossFit Games is staying in the United States – Fort Worth, Texas.

2024 CrossFit Games To Happen in Fort Worth, Texas

In an announcement made yesterday, CrossFit said the competition would take place at the “state-of-the-art Dickies Arena in Fort Worth.”

The 2024 games are scheduled for August 8-11.

“Dickies Arena will provide CrossFit new opportunities to present the worldwide championship to fans in attendance with three standard levels of seating, including additional hospitality and elevated viewing experiences on the four-year-old building’s suite and loge box level,” the press release stated. “The nearly 30,000-square-foot event floor, depending on seating configuration, will provide the luxury of up to an estimated 10,000-plus seats once the field of play is completed.”

What We Know So Far About the 2024 CrossFit Games Location

Source: Dickies Arena

In 2021, representatives of Fort Worth made a bid to change the CrossFit Games location to Texas. Unless there was a new bid for 2024, this shows how much it will cost CrossFit to change location to Texas – spoiler alert, it will cost nothing.

Which places are included in the bid from Fort Worth:

  • Dickies Arena + 100,000 square feet of expo space and open-air events plaza
  • Will Rogers Texas Room – 100,000 square feet
  • Will Rogers Auditorium – 2,856 seats
  • Round Up Inn – 18,000 square feet
  • Farrington Field – 20,000 seats
  • Forth Worth Botanical Garden – for concerts, camping or similar activities
  • Trinity River Trails – access to more than 100 miles of trails

How Much Will CrossFit Get From This New Venue?

According to documents, CrossFit could get more than U$1 million as a packaged value.

  • Total venue expense – $787,000 ($625,000 for Dickies Arena; $77,000 for Will Rogers; $85,000 for Farrington Field)
  • CrossFit venue expense to be reimbursed by the state – $500,000
  • Fort Worth Sports Commission venue commitment – $287,000
  • Additional bid enhancements (marketing, FW welcome, opening party) – $200,000
  • Hotel rebates – $95,000

Total Fort Worth Package Value: $1,082,000

Final Venue Cost for CrossFit Games: $0

The bid for 2021 from Jason Stands (executive director at Fort Worth Sports Commission) and Heath Auction (event manager) can be seen in its entirety here.

What to Expect

Dickies Arena sure is a state-of-the-art centre for Sports and concerts. It was built in 2019 and the first event there was a concert from Twenty One Pilots in November that year.

The arena hosted concerts for big names such as Paul McCartney, KISS, and Eric Clapton. In terms of events, there was a wild mix from Monster Truck live shows and bull riders, to NCAA gymnastics championships and lacrosse.

What athletes will need to prepare though is the heat. Texas is known for their harsh elevated temperatures and with the Games scheduled for August next year, people on Reddit are afraid some athletes will suffer heatstroke.

In 2015, 2x CrossFit Games champion Annie Thorisdottir had to withdraw due to a heat stroke. Last year, Hanna Hardy, from team TTT CrossFit Black, also suffered a heat stroke during the 5K run test.

2018 crossfit games documentarySource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

According to AccuWeather, this year during August, Fort Worth recorded temperatures up to 109⁰F (43⁰C) on 4 days. The average high temperature in Fort Worth this month was 107⁰F (42⁰C).

During the evening, the city cools off in August and temperatures went as low as 71.6⁰F (22⁰C). The average low temperature for August in Fort Worth this year was 78.8⁰F (26⁰C).

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Liked and 4 We Didn’t

Athlete Svetlana Veselova Says She Will Sue CrossFit After Failed Drug Test Tue, 19 Sep 2023 11:12:36 +0000 Russian athlete Svetlana Veselova says she is “suing the CrossFit Games” after the organisation banned her for 4 years for a failed drug test after the 2023 CrossFit Games in which she finished 5th in the 35-39 year-old category.

On September 14th, CrossFit announced that Svetlana Veselova was banned for 4 years after providing a sample that contained Meldonium. This illegal substance increases and improves blood flow by reducing oxygen consumption within cellular structures.

According to Svetlana, she knew she took Meldonium and CrossFit also knew that well in advance before she went to compete at the 2023 CrossFit Games. Svetlana explained it all in a now-deleted Instagram post. The twist of the story is that the substances she took were prescribed by her doctor after she had emergency surgery.

“As prescribed by the doctors, I actually took Meldonium, it helped my body recover faster after a serious operation,” she wrote. “I notified the management of the CrossFit Games in writing […] provided all the certificates and documents that were requested.”

“The management of the CrossFit Games were notified of the state in which I entered the competition, did not interfere with this and, in my opinion, acted poorly in making the decision to disqualify me.”

According to the athlete, CrossFit never replied to her messages regarding her situation and allowed her to compete anyway, only to later disqualify her for taking Meldonium.

She believes this unfair treatment of her could be linked to her being Russian. “I will not tolerate selective treatment of athletes based on nationality.” She finishes her post by claiming she is suing the CrossFit Games to fight for fair treatment of every athlete.

Svetlana Veselova Suing CrossFit Games Post

Below, you will find what she wrote on her Instagram post. The post was originally in Russian, but translated by The Barbell Spin.

Source: Svetlana Veselova IG

I’m suing the CrossFit Games.

In recent days, information has been actively spreading in our community that I am taking doping. In my doping tests, they found meldonium, a metabolism-improving agent, an analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, and I was disqualified.

The management of the CrossFit Games were notified of the state in which I entered the competition, did not interfere with this and, in my opinion, acted poorly in making the decision to disqualify me. Therefore, I am ready to tell the whole truth, in which every athlete recognizes himself.

On June 20, 2023, I was hospitalized and had emergency surgery. A month before the competition. As prescribed by the doctors, I actually took meldonium, it helped my body recover faster after a serious operation. I notified the management of the CrossFit Games in writing that, precisely as prescribed by doctors and for a speedy recovery, I took a drug that was part of the prohibited drug. Provided all the certificates and documents that were requested.

Just a month after the most difficult operation, I performed on par with all the athletes, without demanding special treatment or concessions. And took 5th place in the group.

After the competition, the commission considered my arguments unconvincing and disqualified me. This is not just a disqualification, but an inability to develop as an athlete for the next few years. Which means the end of a career.

I will not tolerate selective treatment of athletes based on nationality. Every person, no matter what gender, nationality or skin color, has the right to fair judging. To respect his rights.

And that is why I will not remain silent. I am suing the CrossFit Games to fight for fair treatment for every athlete. And I will honestly share my successes and failures here. @crossfitgames @thebarbellspin

Read More: 10 PEDs Banne by CrossFit and How They Affect the Human Body

Brooke Wells Joins Mat Fraser’s HWPO CrossFit Training Program Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:02:04 +0000 Another high profile CrossFit athlete is joining Mat Fraser’s training camp Hard Work Pays Off (HWPO). Brooke Wells posted a video on her Instagram breaking the news.

Brooke Wells is the newest addition to the HWPO training program created by Mat Fraser. She is another high-profile CrossFit athlete who will continue training under the guidance of the 5x Fittest Man on Earth.

Brooke WellsSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Brooke Wells was previously training under the guidance of Shane Orr, coach and husband of 6x Fittest Woman on Earth Tia-Clair Toomey. This year, Toomey didn’t make it to the Games because they became parents during the CrossFit season. It is unclear the reason for Wells changing ships from Shane’s PRVN to Fraser’s HWPO.

Brooke Wells Joins HWPO

Last year Katrin Davidsdottir, Sam Kwant and Amanda Barnhart joined the camp as well. Other CrossFit Games athlete that already train with Fraser are Mal O’Brien and Jayson Hopper.

“Hard Work Pays Off 😉 Grateful for all this journey has offered me and absolutely ready for the next chapter. Very excited for what’s to come this season with HWPO. Now let’s get to work,” Wells wrote on her Instagram.

Brooke Wells has been a constant force in the Sport. She has been to the CrossFit Games every year since 2015, except for this year where she didn’t make the cut after finishing one spot behind at the North America East Semifinal.

In 2021, Wells had a severe elbow injury during the CrossFit Games and had to withdraw. After surgery, she made a huge comeback, got invited to the Games in 2022 and finished 5th, tying her best placement yet (she also finished 5th in 2020).

Read More: CrossFit Worldwide Ranking System Updated Post-CrossFit Games

Justin Medeiros and Ellie Turner Reveal What Happened At the 2023 CrossFit Games Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:14:37 +0000 Justin Medeiros and Ellie Turner shared a lengthy video explaining what happened at the 2023 CrossFit Games. He was touted to win the CrossFit Games but finished 13th, while she was coming from an Oceania Semifinal win, but withdrew on Friday night.

A week after the 2023 CrossFit Games has wrapped up, favourite Justin Medeiros uploaded a video on his YouTube channel to explain why he and up-and-coming athlete Ellie Turner had a disappointing year at the competition.

Read More: CrossFit Worldwide Ranking System Updated – Adler Passes Medeiros; Lawson Climbs to 2nd

What Happened to Justin Medeiros at the 2023 CrossFit Games

Although Medeiros was touted to win his 3rd Fittest on Earth, or at least be on the podium, he finished 13th overall and, at some point, was even below the cutline of the Games. In the end, Jeff Adler won, with Pat Vellner second and Roman Khrennikov third.

In short, Justin Medeiros peaked too early and was extremely nervous coming into his junior stint at the CrossFit Games.

“Going into the open obviously, didn’t do as well in the open as I did the previous year, but wasn’t like any reason for concern,” Medeiros says. Getting to Quarterfinals a few weeks later is when he wanted to prove a point, that he was here to stay and was a force in the competition.

“Obviously, the Quarterfinals went really well. Won two workouts in a competition which is unlike me from that time of the year.”

How is Justin Medeiros so good at CrossFitSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

However, with that idea of proving himself to the other competitors, he ended up putting a lot of pressure on himself to be fitter than he was the year before. “I still haven’t been able to put my finger on why, but I definitely felt a lot more pressure than I have any other year.”

Medeiros finished Quarterfinals in the top position worldwide but finished 5th at Semifinals, which was still enough to get an invitation to the Games.

Medeiros says that coming into the Games while training, there were a lot of little things that gave him doubts about whether he was going to accomplish what he set out to do.

“I know I’m doing everything I can but there’s a lot of things that I should be doing that I’m not doing and I think going into the Games with the pressure and the things that I had during Games training had some doubt I think kind of creep into my mind.”

Read More: How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games

What Happened to Ellie Turner at the 2023 CrossFit Games

Ellie Turner is the Fittest Woman in Australia, but she had hoped for more than that this year. After finishing 9th worldwide at the Open and winning the Torian Pro Semifinal, her eyes were locked on finishing the Games with a bang.

Up to this year, she went to the Games only twice, finishing 26th in 2021 and 18th last year. However, she didn’t manage to improve this year again and finished 31st after withdrawing on Friday night.

Ellie Turner moved from Australia to the United States at the beginning of her CrossFit season and it had an impact on her season.

“That whole ordeal of officially moving from Australia to the US had a bigger impact on me than I thought and then you always have a few little injuries and things like that here and there. They’re little hiccups that make it challenging […] but going back for Torian [CrossFit Semifinal] was challenging in itself picking up once I had moved across.”


The problem for Turner happened during the first workout on Friday morning, the Alpaca Redux. When she had to clean and jerk the kettlebells, on the first few reps, she “felt something in my back.”

“Picked the kettlebells back up and I said ‘hmmm, that’s not good, that’s gonna be really bad’ so it was a war.”

She finished the workout and was happy with it, but soon came the warning. “Started walking back and it just locked up and probably took 20 minutes to walk from North Park to the warm-up area and at this point I didn’t know if I was going to have to withdraw, but I knew I wasn’t going to be able to execute the rest of the weekend.”

Turner’s coaches said it was her decision to make, whether to withdraw or not. She wanted to see if withdrawing was really her only option, so she kept on pushing to the next workout. During the Ski-Bag event, she mainly used her legs for the workout to save her back and really felt it before heading to the final event.

“It was an emotional decision and I was emotional going out onto the floor knowing that it was my last event in Madison end of the weekend.”

To see both athletes giving their own explanations in more detail, watch the video below.

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Liked and 4 Things We Didn’t

CrossFit Worldwide Ranking System Updated: Adler Passes Medeiros, Lawson Climbs to 2nd Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:30:00 +0000 The worldwide ranking system of CrossFit has undergone an update after the end of the 2023 CrossFit Games. As anticipated, significant shifts within the top 100 rankings have occurred for both male and female participants. While Laura Horvath successfully maintained her first-place position, Adler surpassed Justin Medeiros to claim the leading spot.

The implementation of the new global ranking system played a decisive role in determining the allocation of Games-qualifying slots for each of the Semifinal competitions. The quantity of athletes within the top 100 of the updated ranking system participating in a given Semifinal directly influenced the probability of that specific event receiving an additional invitation to the CrossFit Games.

OPINION: CrossFit’s New Worldwide Ranking Has Potential, But Is Problematic

It’s noteworthy that CrossFit had previously revised the rankings subsequent to the Quarterfinals and Semifinals stages.

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games

Worldwide Ranking System Updated After the 2023 CrossFit Games


In the men’s division, there was a lot of movement in the top 10 following the 2023 CrossFit Games. Adler won the Games and he also jumped from 5th to 1st in the worldwide ranking system.

Although Vellner was finished on the podium, he fell two positions to 4th compared to post-Semifinals numbers. Dallin Pepper shot to 8th placement after finishing 5th at the Games.

In the men’s division, the most improved was newcomer Michal Wesolowski who climbed up 81 places to finish 294th at the worldwide ranking system. He finished 36th at the Games, 10th at the Semifinals and 33rd at Quarterfinals in Europe.

Check out the top 100 men worldwide here.


In the women’s division, Laura Horvath maintained the top position after winning the CrossFit Games.

Amanda Barnhart, Emma McQuaid and Brooke Wells fell off the top 10 women worldwide, giving space for Alex Gazan, Katrin Davidsdottir and Paige Powers.

Kelly Baker was the most improved athlete across the entire updated worldwide ranking system. She moved up 133 positions to be ranked 147th overall. This was the first time the American athlete competed at the Games as an individual, finishing 21st overall on the leaderboard. At Semifinals she finished 10th and at Quarterfinals 23rd worldwide.

Check out the top 100 women worldwide here.

You can see the entire ranking system updated in this link.

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Liked and 4 We Didn’t

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Liked and 4 We Didn’t Tue, 08 Aug 2023 13:30:00 +0000 The 2023 CrossFit Games wrapped up on Sunday and it crowned Jeff Adler as the Fittest Man on Earth and Laura Horvath as the Fittest Woman on Earth. Besides their incredible achievement (and first time doing so in their career) what else was memorable from this year’s edition? Here are BOXROX’s top 4 picks of things we liked and didn’t like about the 2023 CrossFit Games.

If you missed out on the action, you can either rewatch the Livestreams of each day from the CrossFit Games, or simply see all the recaps BOXROX wrote about each day and division.

The 2023 CrossFit Games took place during the first week of August and ran from Tuesday to Sunday.

  • When: August 1-6
  • Where: Madison, Wisconsin (USA)

Athletes from all age groups (teens, masters), adaptive athletes, and elite athletes in a team or competing individually put their fitness to the ultimate test.

Although it is a sports event, not everything happened smoothly and some things were rather disappointing. However, other moments will probably go down in history!

Read More: Justin Bergh Leaving CrossFit Inc, Dave Castro Will Be New Leader of Sport Team

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Didn’t Like

1. Livestream Coverage

If you only watched the elite athletes competing, chances are you wouldn’t have much to complain about. However, the vast majority of athletes didn’t get their moment to shine, even in CrossFit’s official broadcast.

Any Livestream targeted at masters, teens or adaptive athletes was a complete disappointment. Although CrossFit announced it would showcase these divisions competing, little did we know it was going to be a stationary camera, with no commentary, far away from the field of competition.

Honestly, the photo from above is what you got to see the entire first and second day of the 2023 CrossFit Games.

Since adaptive divisions were introduced to the Sport, people have been asking for more visibility. This year, adaptives, teens and masters didn’t get to showcase their fitness. In the comments section, many talked about the lack of respect that CrossFit Inc. showed towards these athletes.

CrossFit CEO Don Faul Addresses Livestream Coverage

2. Which Ceremony Awards?

Speaking of disrespect towards those athletes that didn’t get coverage during the Livestreams, the ceremony awards for those divisions also wasn’t broadcasted.

To make matters worse, according to Fittest Dwarf on Earth Mike Witous, the ceremony left a “bad taste” in his mouth.

That is because he felt like he was a “misfit toy” who didn’t receive the same shirt as the rest of the podium finishers from the elite and team divisions. “They knew we would be there over a month ago, and didn’t prepare,” he wrote. “We were handed generic NOBULL shirts, and pushed off to the side behind a black curtain.”

Mike said his wife and son stayed up at home to watch him receive the medal, but never managed to as there was not a single second of the broadcast of this moment.

From other photos of the podium, only the athletes who competed in Madison got the “correct” jersey – athletes from the upper, lower and multi-extremity division, masters and teens got the Fittest on Earth shirt.

3. 5K Run?

The 5K cross-country run was supposed to be a straightforward event with athletes running five kilometres (around 3.1 miles) in a somewhat plain terrain. The athletes did run it, but once their finish times were finalised, a lot of people began questioning whether it truly was 5 kilometres or less.

Jelle Hoste finished the event in 16 minutes and 39 seconds with Jeff Adler right on his heels crossing the line at 16 minutes and 46 seconds. In the women’s division, the top 2 finishers were Emily Rolfe with 17 minutes and 48 seconds and Katrin Davidsdottir with 18’20’’.

If you don’t know much about running events or CrossFit athletes, is that these timings are very close to some of the most impressive runners in the world. Hoste’s pace was 5 minutes and 21 seconds per mile (3’19’’ per kilometre) during the entire event!

Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

According to the Marathon Handbook, an elite male athlete between the ages 20-30 would average running 5 kilometres in 17 minutes and 40 seconds – in fact, during the CrossFit Games event, the first 11th male athletes finished ahead of that – and remember that these are CrossFit athletes, they did not train to become the fastest runners in the world, but rather to be more well-rounded.

Taking the same website into consideration, the average for a female elite runner between the ages of 20-30 would be 20 minutes and 47 seconds. Again, Emily Rolfe was 3 entire minutes faster than that and the following 25 athletes (almost everyone who participated) were also faster than that in the event.

So what is the conclusion? That the 5 kilometre cross-country race was not in fact 5 kilometres, but rather much smaller. But how small we couldn’t be able to conclude. Until Fabian Beneito, one of the elite CrossFit men who ran the cross-country race shared a photo of what his smartwatch showed.

If the race was in fact 4.5 kilometres, it would explain those numbers from CrossFit athletes.

4. Show Us The Leaderboard

Since the CrossFit Games became a sensational event, there are always ways to better introduce it to people who don’t know anything about the Sport at all. And one of those things is to show the leaderboard more often on the screen.

While it was great to know the Games was going to be broadcasted on ESPN, reaching thousands of people, at the same time it would have been nice to try to include those people into what was at stake.

Showing the leaderboard more often and how it changed from event to event could indicate the sense of “everything is at stake here” for the events. Truth is, we hardly would see the name of athletes who are in the middle of the table or at the bottom, so why should a regular person care about it if they don’t know who’s competing and what is on the line?

2023 CrossFit Games: 4 Things We Liked

1. Mooove along!

Although the coverage of the 5k cross-country race was also not the best (we hardly saw the female athletes running just because they were behind the men ahead) it was nice to see a couple of non-athletes bringing joy and having fun with it.

People dressed as cows were cheering on athletes as they ran past and it got a few smiles in return.

2. Resilience from Kelly Baker

We know there were going to be two cut phases at the CrossFit Games this year – one after Friday night and one after Saturday evening.

Kelly Baker was 31st came Friday evening and would be the first one to be cut. As she recalled, she slacked off and had a beer and burger that same night. The following morning, news broke that Ellie Turner (who was among the top 30) had to withdraw from competition due to medical reasons, which meant Kelly Baker was back in business.

Watch the video to see what she said about it.

She competed the following day and almost finished ahead of the second cut line. She was 21st and the top 20 would move on. Although Jammie Simmonds withdrew from competition on Sunday, it was too late for Kelly Baker to backfill that position once again, but it showed how much grit you need to be a CrossFit athlete and, honestly, that they are just like us when it comes to cheat meals.

3. Khrennikov: the Beast from the East

That Roman Khrennikov is an incredible athlete, nobody had any doubts. But the 2023 CrossFit Games took things to a whole new level. He was wearing the leader jersey for most of the events. But on the workout that saw Adler pass him, he landed wrong on his foot and ended up with a terrible injury.

He reportedly was walking with crutches and even used a wheelchair to go from one place to the next. However, that didn’t stop him from competing. No sir.

The following event had heavy rope double-unders and the Russian athlete managed to get many reps jumping on a single leg. Mind you, he didn’t have to do any of the workouts, but he wanted to prove to himself and his son what kind of person he is.

“I want to be a hero for my son and have him see me fight to the end,” he said.

Well, he became the hero of more than just his son that evening, we are sure of it.

4. No Barbie for Laura Horvath

After concluding the CrossFit Games and becoming the Fittest Woman on Earth for the first time in her career, Laura Horvath was asked about being a role model to thousands of women and girls across the world.

“I’m just very happy that me and my body can do this. And I’m not looking at the Barbie new movie, ‘Oh I want to look like that’. I want to look like I look like. And I just want to prove that my body, whatever it looks like, can do these amazing things.”

What were your favourite moments of the 2023 CrossFit Games?

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games Mon, 07 Aug 2023 14:58:10 +0000 The official CrossFit season is over after a week full of excitement for the lovers of the Sport. The CrossFit Games crowned Jeff Adler as the Fittest Man on Earth and Laura Horvath as the Fittest Woman on Earth. But how much cash prize are each of the athletes getting? Find out below.

If you missed out on the action, you can see the recap for individuals on the last day of the CrossFit Games here.

As previously reported by BOXROX, the cash prize for this year’s CrossFit Games increased from U$ 2.845 million to 2.945 million. Although there was an increase overall, only athletes placed 1st through 9th saw any change compared to last year’s.

How Much Money Did Athletes Earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games

From 1st to 40th place in the individual divisions, athletes will receive a fixed amount of cash. However, The top 3 athletes in any given event would also receive an increment to their final prize purse:

  1. $3,000
  2. $2,000
  3. $1,000

Below is how much money each athlete earned after the 2023 CrossFit Games.


Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc


Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc


In the team’s division, there wasn’t any additional cash prize allocated per event. Only the overall placement would dictate how much money each team would earn at the 2023 CrossFit Games.

  1. CrossFit Invictus – $100,000
  2. CrossFit Eash Nashville PRVN – $75,000
  3. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue – $45,000
  4. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy – $30,000
  5. No Shortcuts CrossFit – $25,000
  6. CrossFit Walleye Athlete – $15,000
  7. CrossFit Mayhem Independence – $12,000
  8. CrossFit OBA – $9,000
  9. CrossFit Omnia – $6,000
  10. CrossFit Prestanda – $3,000


Masters athletes will receive the same payout as last year’s.

Masters 35-39:

1st place – $25,000

2nd place – $10,000

3rd place – $5,000

Masters 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64:

1st place – $10,000

2nd place – $5,000

3rd place – $3,000

Masters 65+

1st place – $5,000

2nd place – $3,000

3rd place – $2,000

Total for all men’s and women’s Masters divisions: $280,000.


Podium finishers of all adaptive divisions will earn the same amount of money.

Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Neuromuscular, Vision, Intellectual, Seated Without Hip Function, Seated With Hip Function, Short Stature

1st – $5,000

2nd – $3,000

3rd – $2,000

Total for men’s and women’s adaptive divisions: $160,000.

Adaptive and Age Group Athletes Crowned Fittest On Earth at the 2023 CrossFit Games

2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Recap Day 4 Sun, 06 Aug 2023 22:10:58 +0000 The 4th and final day of the 2023 CrossFit Games for individuals happened this Sunday where the remaining top 20 athletes did the final 3 workouts before Jeff Adler and Laura Horvath were crowned the Fittest on Earth.

Prior to the event, Jamie Simmonds withdrew from competition – she was ranked 11th overall – so only 19 female athletes were competing starting from event 10.


Muscle-up Logs

5 rounds for time:

  • 7 muscle-ups
  • 1 sandbag over 3 logs

(Rounds 1-4 = (100/150 lb), Round 5 = (125/200 lb)

Parallel-bar Pull

8 rounds for time:

  • Down and back P-bar traverse 
  • 30 heavy-rope double-unders 
  • 1 section hand-over-hand sled pull

Echo Thruster Final

For time:


  • Echo Bike calories
  • Thrusters (85/115 lb) (95/135 lb) (105/155 lb)
  • Then, 66-foot overhead walking lunge (105/155 lb)

2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Recap Day 4

With the field of competitors reduced to the top 20, for the first event of the day, all athletes from the same division were competing side by side. That meant you would know straight away who to watch for and who you should be beating to get closer to the podium.

And that is exactly what Laura Horvath did, the winner of the event. She won her fourth test and moved closer to Emma Lawson (the leader) and shaved off 25 points difference.

Although Lawson was dominating at the beginning of the workout, with Emma Cary also showing her strength, it was around the second round that Horvath began distancing from the pack and taking control of the game. With no hiccups, she finished ahead of everyone – 18 seconds ahead second placed Alex Gazan.

  1. Laura Horvath
  2. Alex Gazan
  3. Arielle Loewen

In the men’s division, we saw a shift on the top. Khrennikov, who had the leader jersey since event 2, lost it to Jeff Adler. The Canadian won the event, mere seconds ahead of Koski, while the Russian athlete finished 4th – the difference in the leaderboard between the two was only 2 points.

  1. Jeff Adler
  2. Jonne Koski
  3. Jelle Hoste

Before the penultimate test, bad news for fans of Khrennikov. The Russian athlete landed wrong on his foot in the previous event and was limping after it. Sean Woodland mentioned a broken foot, maybe the metatarsal. Khrennikov entered the arena with two different shoes for more support.

Khrennikov also did the heavy double-unders using only one foot. For this test, it was all about showing his resilience and damage control. Because of that, all eyes were on Adler who started the event with the leader jersey and tried to get as far away from Khrennikov and Vellner (3rd place) as possible.

  1. Brent Fikowski
  2. Pat Vellner
  3. Jonne Koski

In the women’s division, Laura Horvath made sure she would be wearing the leader jersey again. He finished well ahead of the other competitors in her heat and took first place overall and her 5th event win this year.

Lawson finished 7th in the heat and 10th in the event. She saw Horvath shoot up ahead of her with only one more event to finish the 2023 CrossFit Games. After this event, Horvath led the way with 22 points ahead of Lawson – this means that, in the last event, if Lawson finishes 5 or more positions ahead of Horvath, she would take over the mantle.

  1. Laura Horvath
  2. Danielle Brandon
  3. Alex Gazan

The last event of the day and of the 2023 CrossFit Games was inside the Coliseum in the Alliant Center Arena.

Divided into two heats, Jelle Hoste and Baylee Martin were fighting for the “Rookie of the Year” award in the first heat, as they are the only two newcomers in the men’s division. Samuel Kwant won the heat followed by Justin Medeiros and Jelle Hoste.

The second heat put forward athletes fighting for every spot on the podium. Although Khrennikov had a foot injury, there was still some belief that he could go through the event without giving up too many points to other competitors. Vellner (3rd), Fikowski (4th) and Chandler Smith (5th) began the event with every chance of getting to the podium, as well as Jonne Koski and BK Gudmundsson who were 40 points behind Khrennikov.

As soon as Khrennikov’s heat started, he began the echo bike with only one foot, meaning he would not be able to finish the workout within the cap time. The race then began for the 2nd and 3rd place with Pat Vellner, Chandler Smith and Brent Fikowski fighting for it.

The event ended up with these winners:

  1. Dallin Pepper
  2. Samuel Kwant
  3. Justin Medeiros

Adler took 5th in the event, Vellner 11th, Chandler Smith 12th and Fikowski 13th.

The top 10 on the overall leaderboard looked like this:

  1. Jeff Adler – 953
  2. Pat Vellner – 837
  3. Roman Khrennikov – 801
  4. Brent Fikowski – 781
  5. Dallin Pepper – 778
  6. Jonne Koski – 771
  7. Chandler Smith – 743
  8. Jay Crouch – 728
  9. Lazar Dukic – 716
  10. Jelle Hoste – 710

The full leaderboard can be seen here.

mobilise your shoulders for overhead strict press 5 Barbell Exercises you Need for Muscle Mass
Jeff Adler is 2023 CrossFit Games winner and Fittest Man on Earth.

In the women’s division, Olivia Kerstetter won the first heat, but all eyes were on Horvath and Lawson, the two contenders for the title of Fittest Woman on Earth. Horvath had to place 5th or higher in the event to get the gold medal without having to worry about how Lawson did.

Although Horvath didn’t take the test (she finished 4th), she did finish ahead of Lawson, solidifying her position on top of the podium.

  1. Olivia Kerstetter
  2. Katrin Davidsdottir
  3. Gabriela Migala

In the end, the top 10 on the overall leaderboard looked like this:

  1. Laura Horvath – 966
  2. Emma Lawson – 919
  3. Arielle Loewen – 883
  4. Gabriela Migala – 788
  5. Alex Gazan – 786
  6. Alexis Raptis – 771
  7. Katrin Davidsdottir – 741
  8. Emma Cary – 731
  9. Danielle Brandon – 711
  10. Paige Powers – 696

The full leaderboard you can see it here.

laura horvath does dumbbell overhead squat The Perfect Leg Workout Squat Variations for Strength
Laura Horvath won the 2023 CrossFit Games and is the Fittest Woman on Earth.

If you missed out on the action, you can watch all the Livestreams here.

Jeff Adler is Crowned Fittest Man on Earth Sun, 06 Aug 2023 21:41:25 +0000 Canadian athlete Jeff Adler has been crowned the Fittest Man on Earth after 12 events in Madison at the CrossFit Games.

Fifth time is the charm, huh? Jeffrey Adler has been to the CrossFit Games 5 times, but never managed to get on the podium. And the first time he does, it is on top of it.

Adler had an almost flawless 2023 CrossFit season. The Canadian athlete started the year perfectly by winning the Open alongside Mal O’Brien. He finished 5th worldwide during the Quarterfinals, but came out on top at the North America East Semifinal.

Jeff AdlerSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Jeff Adler is 2023 Fittest Man on Earth

During the CrossFit Games, Adler was as low as 13th after the first day of competition. From that moment on, he only gain momentum and followed up on leader Roman Khrennikov closely until he took over after the first event on Sunday.

Adler won 2 events at the CrossFit Games this year and took 2nd in two other events.

Here are some of Jeff Adler’s CrossFit numbers prior to 2023:

  • 2022 CrossFit Games placement: 5th
  • Best CrossFit Games placement: 5th (2020, 2022)
  • CrossFit Games appearances: 4
  • Worldwide Ranking System placement: 6th
  • Best CrossFit Open placement: 1st (2021, 2023)

If you missed out on the action, you can watch all the videos of the Livestream of the 2023 CrossFit Games in this link.

What is CrossFit?

How to get better at CrossFitSource: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

“CrossFit is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance.

The program works for everyone — people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years.”

What are CrossFit Workouts?

“The magic is in the movement. CrossFit workouts are different every day and can be modified to help each athlete achieve their goals. The workouts may be adapted for people at any age and level of fitness.”

What is the CrossFit Community?

“Your support network. At thousands of affiliates around the world, people encourage and motivate each other in every class as they work toward their goals. Start training with friends. Make new friends. The fun is in the community.”

Is CrossFit for me?

“Yes. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries and current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout.”

Source: Instagram

Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?

“No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit.

As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals.”

Is CrossFit safe?

“Yes. CrossFit training is very safe, and sitting on your couch is actually incredibly dangerous.

In CrossFit boxes, credentialed trainers provide precise instructions and coaching to help people move safely and efficiently, helping people avoid all the diseases that come from inactivity, obesity and poor nutrition.”

What about Nutrition?

“To accomplish your goals faster, we recommend you eat a variety of healthy foods in quantities that support fitness training but not body fat.

By avoiding excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and measuring your intake of protein, carbohydrates and fat, you will see dramatic, measurable increases in health.”

How will CrossFit affect my health?

“CrossFit LLC holds a uniquely elegant solution to the greatest problem facing the world today: chronic disease.

The CrossFit program—constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar—can give you a pass on chronic disease.

If you are not sick, know that fitness provides a great margin of protection against the ravages of time and disease. Fitness is and should be “super-wellness.” To improve or preserve your health, do CrossFit.”

How will I get fitter with CrossFit?

“CrossFit improves general physical preparedness (GPP). We have designed our program to elicit as broad an adaptational response as possible.

CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of 10 fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

CrossFit was developed to enhance an individual’s competency at all physical tasks. People who do CrossFit are prepared for all challenges, whether they come in the gym, on a playing field or as part of daily life.”

Where can I do CrossFit?

“You can use resources to do CrossFit anywhere—even with minimal equipment. To work with a credentialed coach in a dedicated, fully equipped facility, find a local CrossFit affiliate.”

Where can I find CrossFit workouts?

“A workout of the day—WOD—can be found here. Each day’s workout post is accompanied by carefully selected resources and reference materials that will help you become healthier and fitter.”

“Use a weight that’s manageable for you or use a percentage of the weight prescribed. Replace movements you can’t do with those you can. For more information on scaling and modifying workouts, review the “CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide.”

The CrossFit Journal also contains resources to help you scale the workout to your level.”

Is the WOD enough? Should I do more?

“The WOD is a starting point, and each person will need to experiment to determine what “enough” means. Experienced athletes with specific competition goals might need additional work to improve their fitness, while beginners might need to reduce the volume of the WOD to optimize results.

The exact amount of work can be determined with the assistance of an expert coach at a CrossFit affiliate or by carefully logging your workouts and evaluating the results.

The demands of sport and active living will affect what you can do in each WOD, and you will need to balance your work/rest cycles to allow for recovery.”

The Rise of the CrossFit Games – a Chronological Account of its History

Laura Horvath Wins the 2023 CrossFit Games Female Individual Division Sun, 06 Aug 2023 21:25:48 +0000 Laura Horvath has won the 2023 CrossFit Games Female Individual Division.

Many people felt that this position had been a long time coming, and Laura herself stated that it stood as testament to all the hard work that she has put in over the years. She took first place in the first two events of the day.

Emma Lawson placed second, and Arielle Loewen was third. The latter took time away to have a child and returned even better and stronger.

Here are the three workouts that they completed on the final day of the 2023 CrossFit Games.

Muscle-up Logs

5 rounds for time:

  • 7 muscle-ups
  • 1 sandbag over 3 logs (Rounds 1-4 = (100/150 lb), Round 5 = (125/200 lb)

Parallel-bar Pull

8 rounds for time:

  • Down-and-back P-bar traverse
  • 30 heavy-rope double-unders
  • 1 section hand-over-hand sled pull

Echo Thruster Final

For time:

  • 21-18-15
  • Echo Bike calories
  • Thrusters (85/115 lb) (95/135 lb) (105/155 lb)

Then, 66-foot overhead walking lunge (105/155 lb)

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries.

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

CrossFit Invictus Win the 2023 CrossFit Games Teams Division Sun, 06 Aug 2023 20:04:30 +0000 CrossFit Invictus have won the 2023 CrossFit Games Team division.

The two events for the final day of competition in the Teams division went as follows.

Bob’s A Drag

4 rounds for time of:

  • 500-meter run
  • Jerry carry
  • Log traverse
  • 42-foot synchro Bob pull (66-foot pull on the final round)

Handstand Worm

This event introduced the earthworm, a new object for the CrossFit Games arsenal. It was a new iteration of an old version created with wooden logs and sturdy ropes.

  • 192-foot handstand walk each


  • 10 Worm thrusters
  • 24-foot Worm walking lunge
  • 10 Worm thrusters
  • 24-foot Worm walking lunge
  • 10 Worm thrusters
  • 24-foot Worm walking lunge
  • 10 Worm thrusters
  • 24-foot Worm walking lunge
  • 10 Worm thrusters

Bob’s A Drag Results

The teams finished in this order.

  1. CrossFit Invictus
  2. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 247
  3. CrossFit Prestanda
  4. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN
  5. CrossFit Trondheim
  6. CrossFit Mayhem Independence
  7. No Shortcuts CrossFit
  8. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue
  9. CrossFit OBA
  10. CrossFit Portti

Handstand Worm Results

  1. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN
  2. CrossFit Invictus
  3. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue
  4. No Shortcuts CrossFit
  5. CrossFit Omnia
  6. CrossFit Trondheim
  7. CrossFit Oslo Blackout
  8. CrossFit Franco’s Misfits
  9. CrossFit Krypton
  10. CrossFit Portti

Final Leaderboard

  1. CrossFit Invictus (931)
  2. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN (855)
  3. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue (852)
  4. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 247 (762)
  5. No Shortcuts CrossFit (728)

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries.

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

2023 CrossFit Games Teams Recap Day 3 Sat, 05 Aug 2023 23:43:56 +0000 There were 400 points up for grabs on Saturday for teams competing at the 2023 CrossFit Games. This is how it all went down.

Although there were 30 teams beginning the day, two of them withdrew from competition after the first two tests: CrossFit CLT and CrossFit Torian.


Run Lift Relay

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes:


  • 400-m shuttle run
  • Max-reps snatches

Lift Run Relay

For time:


  • 10 snatches (135/185 lb)
  • 400-m shuttle run

Muscle-up Bob

For time:

  • Push Bob 126 feet (1,188 lb)

Then, 3 rounds of:

  • 10 synchro muscle-ups
  • 15 Worm clean and jerks (340 lb)
  • 42-foot Bob push

B-Bells and P-Bars

For time:

  • 21/15/9 reps of synchro axle deadlifts, all 4 athletes (805 lb)
  • 21/21/21 reps of synchro parallel-bar dips, pair 1 then pair 2
  • 21/15/9 synchro sandbag squats, pair 2 then pair 1 (125/200 lb)

2023 CrossFit Games Teams Recap Day 3

Test 6 and 7 were done back-to-back, but it forced teams to make a strategic decision on who was going for the max snatches and who was going for the 10 snatches and run for the win.

As it was a back-to-back event, 200 points on the line, the overall winner was CrossFit Invictus who increased their lead on the leaderboard after finishing 3rd and 1st in the events, respectively.

CrossFit Walleye Athlete from Sweden also managed to gain some ground towards the podium after finishing 4th and 3rd in the events.

Test 6:

  1. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN
  2. Rhino CrossFit Dawgs
  3. CrossFit Invictus

Test 7:

  1. CrossFit Invictus
  2. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue
  3. CrossFit Walleye Athlete

Before the final test outside, CrossFit Invictus Unconquerable announced they were withdrawing from competition. They were 25th on the leaderboard.

The last test of the day in North Park had people raising to their feet and cheering the teams on. Invictus was already in the lead, but until the last push, literally, of the Bob push CrossFit East Nashville seemed like it had it in the books, but Invictus pushed the Bob faster at the last moment, overtaking the others and increasing their lead even further.

  1. CrossFit Invictus
  2. CrossFit East Nashville
  3. No Shortcuts CrossFit

At the last event, with synchronised parallel bar dips, in the first heat only CrossFit TTT managed to finish within the time frame. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue, on heat 3, simply dusted the competition, beating the best time by a minute and a half.

Invictus saw all teams closing in the gap after finishing 5th at the heat, getting 3 points

  1. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue
  2. CrossFit East Nashville
  3. CrossFit OBA


This is how the top teams look on the leaderboard after the last event on Saturday evening (unofficial).

  1. CrossFit Invictus – 831
  2. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue – 787
  3. CrossFit East Nashville – 770

Tomorrow is the last day of events for individuals and teams. After that, we will find out who are the Fittest on Earth in 2023!

UPDATED: Teams Cut After Satuday Evening Events

As with the individual athletes division, the teams competing for the Fittest on Earth accolade will also be trimmed down to 20. Below are the teams who did not make the cut and have officially ended their official CrossFit season.

  1. Koda CrossFit Redemption
  2. TTT CrossFit Black
  3. Einhorn CrossFit Ascend
  4. CrossFit PSC Invasion
  5. CrossFit Invictus Sea of Green
  6. PFC CrossFit 3076
  7. CrossFit Oslo Najs

List of 20 Individual Athletes Cut at the 2023 CrossFit Games After Saturday Evening

2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Recap Day 3 Sat, 05 Aug 2023 23:27:20 +0000 Day 3 of the Individual competition was an interesting mix of endurance, pacing, skill and pure power and strength.

On the Men’s side, Khrennikov has a large lead however Canadian Jeff Adler has managed to whittle that down substantially by the end of the closing event.

Emma Lawson was hunted throughout the day, with Horvath climbing to second position after a phenomenal display of power, strength and skill in the Olympic Total.

Events for Individuals Day 3

Check out the three events that the athletes faced.

Cross-Country 5K

For time:

  • Run 5K


2 intervals for total time:

  • 21 box jump-overs (20/24 inches)
  • 15-calorie row
  • 9  burpee box jump-overs
  • 21 box jump-overs
  • 15-calorie row
  • 9 burpee box jump-overs (36/48 inches)

Rest until 6-minute mark, then:

  • 9 burpee box jump-overs
  • 15-calorie row
  • 21 box jump-overs
  • 9 burpee box jump-overs
  • 15-calorie row
  • 21 box jump-overs

Time cap: 12 minutes

Olympic Total

For load:

  • 1-rep-max snatch
  • 1-rep-max clean and jerk

Cross-Country 5K Results

Emily Rolfe led the women and pulled ahead early. Her pace was unmatched by the rest of the female athletes (and many of the men as well).

She stated in the post event interview that, “Everyone’s sore, everyone’s hurting, everyone’s cramping so it’s like we’re all fresh.”

Icelandic veteran Katrin Davidsdottir also put in a hugely impressive performance to secure the second-place spot.


  1. Emily Rolfe
  2. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir
  3. Arielle Loewen
  4. Alexis Raptis
  5. Gabriela Migala
  6. Bethany Flores
  7. Emma Lawson
  8. Kelly Baker
  9. Seher Kaya
  10. Sydney Wells


Vellner, Khrennikov, Adler, Hoste, Dukic formed a group right from the beginning. Adler led and was pushing the pace.

He remained comfortable and in total control of the event. That was until Hoste overtook him towards the end of the final lap. The Belgian rookie claimed his first event victory.

Khrennikov sprinted past Dukic in a nail-biting finish and fan favourite Noah Ohlsen received lots of love from the crowd as he ran through the North Park.

  1. Jelle Hoste
  2. Jeffrey Adler
  3. Roman Khrennikov
  4. Lazar Dukic
  5. Brent Fikowski
  6. Jay Crouch
  7. Chandler Smith
  8. Uldis Upenieks
  9. Will Moorad
  10. Patrick Vellner

Intervals Results


Kelly Baker had been cut last night. However Ellie Turner withdrew due to injury, so she once again returned to the field of competition.

She managed to win her heat. Looking happy and thankful, she explained how she felt about returning, and the burger and beer that she had last night clearly did the trick.

Emma Lawson Was strong, fast and confident. Her persistence and quick pace burned away the competition and she won the second event of the day.

  1. Emma Lawson
  2. Emma Cary
  3. Arielle Loewen
  4. Gabriela Migala
  5. Emma Tall
  6. Jamie Simmonds
  7. Annie Thorisdottir
  8. Laura Horvath
  9. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir
  10. Danielle Brandon


Henrik Haapalainen hammered home a strong and gutsy performance in the earlier heat but eventually it was the smooth transitions and raw grit of Vellner that earned him the top spot.

Mertens was also very good, and Koski’s perfect pacing and control in the pain cave saw him stake second on the leaderboard.

Vellner was 12 seconds faster in his first run than Koski’s impressive first interval run.

  1. Pat Vellner
  2. Jonne Koski
  3. Bayley Martin
  4. Bjorgvin Karl Gudnmundsson
  5. Dallin Pepper
  6. Lazar Dukic
  7. Jeffrey Adler
  8. Samuel Kwant
  9. Henrik Haapalainen
  10. Jay Crouch

Olympic Total Results


This was the event that many fans had been waiting for. Epic lifting in the coliseum.

Emma Lawson, still wearing the leader jersey, was smooth and strong in her lifts however Laura Horvath looked unstoppable. She put up a 470 lb total, smashing aside the rest of the competition.

Annie fought through all her lifts, as did Kolenbrander and Slovak athlete Karin Freyova.

  1. Laura Horvath (470 lb)
  2. Christine Kolenbrander (447 lb)
  3. Karin Freyova (446 lb)
  4. Amanda Barnhart (444 lb)
  5. Gabriela Migala (436 lb)
  6. Olivia Kerstetter (434 lb)
  7. Emma Lawson (433 lb)
  8. Emma Cary (428 lb)
  9. Kelly Baker (427 lb)
  10. Paige Powers (426 lb)


Over on the men’s side it was 21 year old Jack Farlow that stole the show. He snatched 138kg then managed to set a new live CrossFit Games record by clean and jerking 396 lb / 180kg to record a total of 701 lb.

Bronislav Olenkowicz nailed a 143kg Snatch, and Nick Mathew was hugely impressible as well, lifting with great power, speed and poise.

BKG lifted only lifted the minimum weight requirement to complete the event.

  1. Jack Farlow (701 lb)
  2. Bronislaw Olenkowicz (680 lb)
  3. Nick Mathew (644 lb)
  4. Jeffrey Adler (642 lb)
  5. Moritz Fiebig (642 lb)
  6. Fabian Beneito (637 lb)
  7. Spencer Panchik (635 lb)
  8. Brent Fikowski (629 lb)
  9. Dallin Pepper (629 lb)
  10. Chandler Smith (628 lb)

Final Leaderboard Results After Day 3 of the 2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Competition

Find out which athletes were cut.


  1. Emma Lawson (729)
  2. Laura Horvath (681)
  3. Arielle Loewen (668)
  4. Alexis Raptis (626)
  5. Gabriela Migala (593)
  6. Alex Gazan (576)
  7. Annie Thorisdottir (531)
  8. Emma Cary (521)
  9. Emma Tall (518)
  10. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir (516)
  11. Jamie Simmonds (513)
  12. Karin Freyova (500)
  13. Emily Rolfe (499)
  14. Bethany Flores (492)
  15. Danielle Brandon (481)
  16. Paige Powers (471)
  17. Olivia Kerstetter (395)
  18. Elisa Fuliano (394)
  19. Paige Semenza (383)
  20. Shelby Neal (376)


  1. Roman Khrennikov (716)
  2. Jeffrey Adler (642)
  3. Chandler Smith (628)
  4. Pat Vellner (612)
  5. Brent Fikowski (606)
  6. Jay Crouch (588)
  7. Bayley Martin (559)
  8. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson (545)
  9. Lazar Dukic (531)
  10. Jelle Hoste (530)
  11. Dallin Pepper (528)
  12. Jonne Koski (501)
  13. Will Moorad (473)
  14. Justin Medeiros (444)
  15. Spencer Panchik (442)
  16. Colten Mertens (429)
  17. Noah Ohlsen (429)
  18. Nick Mathew (409)
  19. Samuel Kwant (397)
  20. Uldis Upenieks (387)

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries.

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

List of 20 Individual Athletes Cut at the 2023 CrossFit Games After Saturday Evening Sat, 05 Aug 2023 22:43:52 +0000 Following the last event for individuals at the 2023 CrossFit Games, the field has been trimmed down to 20 men and 20 women who can still compete for the title of Fittest on Earth. Here is the full list of athletes who won’t be coming back tomorrow for the last day of competition.

How to watch the 2023 CrossFit Games

Previously, we saw the field being cut down to 30 athletes and 30 teams. Now, for Sunday, we will see a few more athletes not returning to the competition floor.

The top 20 athletes from the men and women’s division will continue the pursue for the title of Fittest on Earth. The rest are cut short on their quest.

Individual Athletes Cut at the 2023 CrossFit Games After Saturday Evening


  1. Kelly Baker
  2. Christine Kolenbrander
  3. Seher Kaya
  4. Amanda Barnhart
  5. Rebecka Vitteson
  6. Abigail Domit
  7. Caroline Stanley
  8. Sydney Wells
  9. Baylee Rayl
  10. Alexia Williams

See the official leaderboard here.


  1. Moritz Fiebig
  2. Samuel Cournoyer
  3. Fabian Beneito
  4. Henrik Haapalainen
  5. James Sprague
  6. Bronislaw Olenkowicz
  7. Jack Farlow
  8. Luke Parker
  9. David Shorunke
  10. Ant Haynes

See the official leaderboard for men here.

Read More: Justin Bergh Leaving CrossFit Inc, Dave Castro Will Be New Leader of Sport Team

2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Recap Day 2 Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:27:13 +0000 This Friday marked the second day for individuals competing at the 2023 CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin. Read the quick recap of the three events they had to endure and how the updated leaderboard looks like.

How to watch the 2023 CrossFit Games

Were you writing off Justin Medeiros already? He began the day in 36th place, but finished events 3, 4 and 5 in 7th, 3rd and 30th respectively, jumping to 16th place overall. Is this going to be one of the biggest comebacks in CrossFit Games history?

Justin Medeiros
2021 and 2022 Fittest on Earth Justin Medeiros

As BOXROX reported earlier, CrossFit introduced two cutting phases for this year’s Games. And the first one took place after the last event this Friday. The bottom 10 athletes will not be coming back on Saturday to compete.

To find out who was cut, click here.


The Alpaca Redux

All for time:

  • 126-foot sled push, starting with all six kettlebells (443/546 lb)

Then 3 rounds of:

  • 2 legless rope climbs
  • 12 kettlebell clean and jerks
  • 42-foot sled push, starting with two kettlebells* (53/70 lb)

*Add two kettlebells to the sled after each round.

Time cap: 18 minutes


For time:

  • 30-calorie SkiErg
  • 30 sandbag squats (125/200 lb)
  • 20-calorie SkiErg 
  • 20 sandbag squats (125/200 lb)

Time cap: 6 minutes


3 rounds for time:

  • 400-meter run
  • 12 bar muscle-ups
  • 21 dumbbell snatches (35/50 lb)

Time cap: 11 minutes

2023 CrossFit Games Individuals Recap Day 2

The men began the in the afternoon with two favourites to challenge for the podium among the bottom half of the leaderboard: Justin Medeiros and Sam Kwant, both in the first heat. Medeiros was struggling through the workout, with deep breaths, but finished the event in 7th overall. Vellner took forever to finish his last set of legless rope climb and put himself into trouble to recover for the remainder of the day – he didn’t finish the workout within the time cap.

Roman Khrennikov and Brent Fikowski did a showdown, head-to-head with little difference between the two of them until the last rope climb. Khrennikov took over and finished the event strong.

Jay Crouch began the day in 2nd place overall, but didn’t finish the event and dropped down the leaderboard.

  1. Roman Khrennikov
  2. Jack Farlow
  3. Brent Fikowski

In the women’s division, Emma Cary was leading the first heat, but couldn’t get pass the second set of legless rope – at one point, she fell from the top of the rope and got a no-rep and seemed to doubt herself. In the first heat, not a single athlete finished the event before the time cap.

The second heat was different with Alex Gazan leading the entire time, until the last sled push when Emma Tall passed her. Gazan took her shoes off and struggled again to push the sled and saw Laura Horvath pass her.

  1. Emma Tall
  2. Laura Horvath
  3. Alex Gazan
crossfit Online Semifinal Score AdjustmentsSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Emma Tall

The second event of the day was in the Coliseum with the skierg and sandbag squats. It was a thrilling moment as the event moved athletes from the mid leaderboard closer to the top. Colten Colten Mertens, Samuel Kwant, Justin Medeiros, Jelle Hoste and Bronislaw Olenkowicz made the top 5 at the event.

Chandler Smith jumped to 2nd place overall in the leaderboard after finishing ahead of Khrennikov and Adler.

  1. Colten Mertens
  2. Samuel Kwant
  3. Justin Medeiros

In the women’s division, for the first two heats, only Ella Wunger managed to finishe the event before the time cap. Kerstetter won heat 3 (the only one to finish also). But it was Laura Horvath who killed it, being the only woman to go sub-5 minute in the event and one of 5 to finish it.

  1. Laura Horvath
  2. Alex Gazan
  3. Olivia Kerstetter

The last event of the day, also in the Coliseum, was the test to look out for as athletes would be cut after it. And it was a beauty to watch. A quick event in which athletes were asked to go guns blazing if they wanted to the get the most points out of the workout.

The heats were designed differently, with the first 5 heats for men, followed by 5 from the women’s, and then the final heat of men and then the women to close off the day.

In the men’s division, Roman Khrennikov led his heat in the beginning – he could have finished the event last and Khrennikov would still be the leader tomorrow morning. However, Adler turned on the turbo and blasted through everyone.

  1. Jeff Adler
  2. Will Moorad
  3. Lazar Dukic

In the women’s division, Emma Cary set the pace in her heat, but athletes just got faster and faster with each subsequent heat. The final one was one of the best to watch with Laura Horvath, Emma Lawson and Alex Gazan all within 28 points separating 1st and 3rd.

Horvath was doing great, but ran into trouble in her last set of bar muscle-ups and lost momentum and finished 15th in the event. In the end, the event shifted the athletes at the top of leaderboard. Emma Lawson finished 5th overall in the event and Alex Gazan 8th.

  1. Jamie Simmonds
  2. Emma Cary
  3. Alexis Raptis

At the end of the event, it looked like Ellie Turner (26th) was nearly crying, with her back heavily taped and could soon withdraw from the competition.

2023 CrossFit Games Leaderboard After 6 Events

Here are the top 10 on the leaderboard for men and women after 6 events.


  1. Roman Khrennikov – 543
  2. Jeff Adler – 443
  3. Chandler Smith -432
  4. Jay Crouch – 411
  5. Brent Fikowski – 405
  6. BK Gudmundsson – 401
  7. Pat Vellner – 392
  8. Jelle Hoste – 364
  9. Bayley Martin – 363
  10. Jonne Koski – 357

See the official leaderboard for men here.


  1. Emma Lawson – 477
  2. Alexis Raptis – 458
  3. Laura Horvath – 457
  4. Alex Gazan – 450
  5. Arielle Loewen – 432
  6. Jamie Simmonds – 388
  7. Annie Thorisdottir – 388
  8. Bethany Flores – 370
  9. Emma Tall – 361
  10. Paige Powers – 350

See the official leaderboard here.

Check out the recap for teams for day 2.

9 Men, 10 Women and 7 Teams Cut From the 2023 CrossFit Games Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:19:27 +0000 On Saturday morning the field of athletes and teams competing for the title of Fittest on Earth will look different. After Friday’s last event, we will only see 30 teams, men and women on the competition floor.

How to watch the 2023 CrossFit Games

This is not the only cutting we will see during the 2023 CrossFit Games. At the end of Saturday evening, after the last event of the day, the field will be cut short once again to 20 individuals and 20 teams.

Below you will find the athletes and teams who were cut from the remaining events of the CrossFit Games.

Note: only 9 men were cut because there were only 39 athletes competing.

Individuals and Teams Cut from the 2023 CrossFit Games


  1. Jayson Hopper (USA)
  2. Kalyan Souza (Brazil)
  3. Cole Greashaber (USA)
  4. Cole Sager (USA)
  5. Alex Vigneault (USA)
  6. Michal Wesolowski (Poland)
  7. Kaique Cerveny (Brazil)
  8. Jake Douglas (Australia)
  9. Arthur Semenov (Russia Federation)

See the official leaderboard for men here.


At first, we had Kelly Baker as the 31st athlete and first to be cut, but Ellie Turner withdrew fro medical reasons and Kelly Baker was back in the competition.

  1. Kelly Baker
  2. Feeroozeh Saghafi
  3. Matilde Garnes
  4. Ella Wunger
  5. Manon Angonese
  6. Michelle Basnett
  7. Victoria Campos
  8. Shahad Budebs
  9. Emily de Rooy
  10. Emma McQuaid
  11. Ellie Turner

See the official leaderboard here.


  1. Cape CrossFit  Wolfpack (South Africa)
  2. AB CrossFit – Mayhem (USA)
  3. Templo SA CrossFit (Brazil)
  4. CrossFit Rotherham (U.K.)
  5. Q21 CrossFit (Argentina)
  6. CrossFit Fly High Kolesnikov Team (U.A.E.)
  7. CrossFit Marvel Black (South Korea)

You can find the full leaderboard for teams here.

Read More: Justin Bergh Leaving CrossFit Inc, Dave Castro Will Be New Leader of Sport Team

CrossFit Games 2023 Teams Day 2 Recap Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:01:03 +0000 The weather was scorching and muggy for the athletes today in Madison.

They were greeted by a trio of events, starting with heavy Olympic lifting.

How to watch the 2023 CrossFit Games

At the end of the day the competition field would be cut down to 30 teams, with 8 not advancing any further through the 2023 CrossFit Games.

Day 2 Teams Tests

Olympic Total

For load:

  • 1-rep-max snatch
  • 1-rep-max clean and jerk

The team’s score will be the total of all lifts. Time cap: 20 seconds per lift.

Cross-Country 5K

For time:

  • Run 5K as a team.

Team must hold onto one rope for the entire run.

Time cap: None

Bike, Row, Hold

For time:

  • 150-calorie bike + handstand hold
  • 125-calorie row + seated muscle-up and ring support
  • 100-calorie bike + handstand hold

Time Cap: 16 minutes.

Olympic Total Results

Exceptionally fun to watch, huge numbers were thrown around and each team’s score was their combined weight in lbs.

Ben Smith, former CrossFit Games champion hurt his knee during a clean and jerk attempt.

Henrique Moreira from Templo Sa CrossFit snatched 305 lb / 138kg.

Kels Kiel from CrossFit OBA clean and jerked 265 lb / 120 kg.

  1. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN (2115 lb)
  2. CrossFIt Walleye Athlete (2085 lb)
  3. CrossFit Invictus (2055 lb)
  4. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue (2040 lb)
  5. CrossFit Milford Team Conquer 2035)
  6. CrossFit OBA (2030 lb)
  7. No Shortcuts CrossFit (2020 lb)
  8. Templo Sa CrossFit 2020 lb)
  9. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 247 (2010 lb)
  10. CrossFit Mayhem Independence (1995 lb)

Cross-Country 5K Results

Sean Woodland stated that this is the hottest day he has felt in his history as a legendary commentator at the CrossFit Games in Madison. It showed.

Despite the extreme temperature, CrossFit Trondheim were calm and composed throughout the entire race. They set a hugely impressive time of 19 minutes and 4 seconds.  

  1. CrossFit Trondheim (19:04.81)
  2. CrossFit Invictus (19:39.13)
  3. CrossFit Invictus Unconquerable (19:49.41)
  4. CrossFit CLT The Grit Haus (19:50.73)
  5. CrossFit Torian Mayhem (19:51.37)
  6. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue (20:03.12)
  7. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy (20:08.20)
  8. CrossFit Prestanda (20:10.79)
  9. CrossFit Mayhem Independence (20:16.88)
  10. CrossFit Genas (20:23.99)

Bike, Row, Hold Results

An intriguing combination of isometric holds and all out max effort on the bike and rower. This was a tactical precision and brutal power.

Tim Paulson went full send in his classic style, destroying huge chunks of calories for his team.

  1. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN (10:56.46)
  2. CrossFit Prestanda (11:34.67)
  3. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue (12:05.97)
  4. No Shortcuts CrossFit (12:11.92)
  5. CrossFit Invictus (12:19.00)
  6. CrossFit OBA (12:27.41)
  7. CrossFit Mayhem Independence (12:28.44)
  8. Rhino CrossFit Dawgs (12:33.78)
  9. CrossFit Walleye Athlete (12:41.10)
  10. Koda CrossFit Redemption (12:42.95)

Final Leaderboard after Day 2

  1. CrossFit Invictus (455)
  2. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue (443)
  3. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN (410)
  4. No Shortcuts (395)
  5. CrossFit Mayhem Independence (383)
  6. CrossFit Priestanda (363)
  7. CrossFit OBA (352)
  8. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 247 (347)
  9. CrossFit Walleye Athlete (344)
  10. CrossFit Franco’s Misfits (318)
  11. CrossFit Genas (303)
  12. CrossFit Trondheim (300)
  13. CrossFit Oslo Blackout (299)
  14. CrossFit Krypton (297)
  15. CrossFit Portti (278)
  16. CrossFit Milford Team Conquer (269)
  17. CrossFit Kilo II (267)
  18. CrossFit Omnia (254)
  19. CrossFit Invictus Unconquerable (233)
  20. CrossFit CLT The Grit Haus (229)
  21. CrossFit Torian Mayhem (219)
  22. CrossFit Army Endgame (205)
  23. Rhino CrossFit Dawgs (177)
  24. Koda CrossFit Redemption (176)
  25. CrossFit PSC Invasion (174)
  26. CrossFit Oslo Najs (169)
  27. Eihhorn CrossFit Ascend (167)
  28. CrossFit Invictus Sea of Green (156)
  29. PFC CrossFit 3076 (152)
  30. TTT CrossFit Black (149
  31. Cape CrossFit Wolfpack (134)
  32. AB CrossFit – Mayhem (131)
  33. Templo Sa CrossFit (127)
  34. CrossFit Rotherham (127)
  35. Q21 CrossFit (113)
  36. CrossFit Fly High Kolesnikov Team (94)
  37. CrossFit Marvel Black (58)

The Teams in red will not advance to compete on Day 3.

Adaptive and Age Group Athletes Crowned Fittest On Earth at the 2023 CrossFit Games Thu, 03 Aug 2023 23:59:17 +0000 This Thursday the Fittest on Earth from the age group and adaptive athletes have been crown after three days of competition in Madison for the 2023 CrossFit Games.


Today marked the end of the CrossFit season for athletes who competed in Madison in the divisions of 14-17 years old, 35+ years old, and adaptive athletes from 3 different categories.

Sadly, for most days during the competition, the only available livestream for adaptive or age group athletes was a stationary camera from far away from the action. That lasted until the last event when we finally got to see up and close athletes from varied backgrounds and ages giving their all inside the Coliseum.

CrossFit CEO Don Faul Addresses Livestream Coverage; Games Appearing on ESPN

Some of the highlights are Susan Clarke (60-64) who won her 6th CrossFit Games, simply 100% of success as she was invited to the Games 6 times.

Casey Acree has won (again) the title of Fittest on Earth for the upper extremity division. That was barely in doubt, as in his entire career, he has won 23 out 24 workouts ever! He is simply the greatest adaptive athlete in this division!

Casey Acree at the 2022 CrossFit Games

See below all athletes who finished on the podium after 8 events according to the official leaderboard from CrossFit.

Female Masters Division

Women 35-39

  1. Laurie Clement
  2. Stacie Tovar
  3. Colette Casey

Women 40-44

  1. Samantha Brigg
  2. Andreia Pinheiro
  3. Jenn Ryan

Women 45-49

  1. Kelly Friel
  2. Amy Chapoton
  3. Carolina Gutierrez

Women 50-54

  1. Cheryl Brost
  2. Nicole Abbott
  3. Nathalie Connors

Women 55-59

  1. Leka Fineman
  2. Shanna Bunce
  3. Laurie Meschishnick

Women 60-64

  1. Susan Clarke
  2. Betsy Vanderburgh
  3. Patricia McGill

Women 65+

  1. Julie Holt
  2. Dava Jensen
  3. Pauline Sciascia

Men Division

Men 35-39

  1. Sam Dancer
  2. Ioannis Papadopoulos
  3. Bryan Wong

Men 40-44

  1. Rudolph Berger
  2. Michael Laverriere
  3. Bruno Militao

Men 45-49

  1. Jason Grubb
  2. Vlad Liashkevich
  3. Christopher Anderson

Men 50-54

  1. Artur Komorowski
  2. Sean Patrick
  3. Jason Leeves

Men 55-59

  1. Kevin Koester
  2. John Kim
  3. Ryan Joe Hamby

Men 60-64

  1. Stuart Swanson
  2. Tom Fameree
  3. Eric Cohen

Men 65+

  1. David Hippensteel
  2. Daniel Miller
  3. Tom Muhlbeier

Teenage Division

Girls 14-15

  1. Maria Granizo
  2. Miley Wade
  3. Mira Varga

Girls 16-17

  1. Lucy McGonigle
  2. Trista Smith
  3. Bergrós Björnsdóttir

Boys 14-15

  1. Jeremie Jourdan
  2. Lincoln Lavafer
  3. Pau Martins Tiers

Boys 16-17

  1. Ty Jenkins
  2. Hugo Jansson
  3. RJ Mestre

Adaptive Divisions

Men Upper Extremity

  1. Casey Acree
  2. Alexis Fiorucci
  3. Xabier Osa Mendes

Women Upper Extremity

  1. Christina Mazzulo
  2. Anne-Laure Coutenceau
  3. Elaine de Rocco

Men Lower Extremity

  1. Rogan Dean
  2. Charles Pienaar
  3. Hildon Carvalho

Women Lower Extremity

  1. Valerie Cohen
  2. Bayleigh Hooper
  3. Molly Moore

Men Multi-Extremity

  1. Chris Rhyme – 250 points
  2. Mijail Pedrini – 235
  3. James Brown – 210

Women Multi-Extremity

  1. Noelle Henderson
  2. Amea Reyna
  3. Jordan Ingalsbe

CrossFit Games 2023 Individuals and Teams Day 1 Recap

CrossFit Games 2023 Individuals and Teams Day 1 Recap Thu, 03 Aug 2023 21:27:05 +0000 The first day of events, now referred to as tests, has been completed for the 2023 CrossFit Games.

How to Watch the 2023 CrossFit Games

Let’s take a closer look at the workouts for the opening day.

Workouts (Tests)

Test 1 – Ride

Complete as many laps as possible in 40 minutes on a Trek Bikes Marlin 8 mountain bike.

Test 2 – Pig Chipper

For time:

  • 10 Pig flips
  • 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 50 toes-to-bars
  • 100 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb, 9/10 feet)
  • 50 toes-to-bars
  • 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 10 Pig flips

Test 3 – Inverted Medley

For time:

  • 30-foot unbroken handstand walk over the ramp
  • 8 free-standing handstand push-ups
  • Unbroken obstacle steps to a 180° pirouette
  • 16 pull-overs
  • Unbroken obstacle steps to a 360° pirouette
  • 8 free-standing handstand push-ups
  • 30-foot unbroken handstand walk over the ramp

Test 1 – Ride

2012 was the first year that featured bikes, and they were single speed.

Individual Female

Laura Horvath led from the beginning, with Katrin Davidsottir, Emma Lawson and Karin Freyova chasing her down.

The Hungarian finished her first lap in 6 minutes 26 seconds. Thorisdottir was also chasing hard at this point. Emma Lawson began to establish a solid lead that no other athlete was able to match.

By Lap 3, Emma Lawson and Emily Rolfe lead the pack but Emma Lawson pulls ahead, even lapping other athletes.

11 athletes made the gate before it shut.

Emma Lawsons won her first ever CrossFit Games event. In the post workout interview she explained how her legs starting cramping badly in the third lap. She continued through the pain and thankfully it subsided and she could maintain her impressive speed.

Final Results

  1. Emma Lawson
  2. Emily Rolfe
  3. Emma Tall
  4. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir
  5. Alexis Raptis

Individual Men

Koski pulled ahead right from the start. He was talking with Adler, and they finished the first lap by working together. 05:44 for the first lap.

Pat Vellner’s coach, Michell Letendre, stated that their strategy was to establish good positioning over the first few laps, (the turns will get easier over time), then push hard for the final lap. Basically, she stated, “don’t be an idiot in the first 25 minutes”.

Adler, Khrennikov, Gudmundsson, Crouch and Koski formed a group out in front. They were drafting behind each other. Drafting can save up to 40% of energy.

Crouch has a background in motor cross racing.

Koski is making his 9th Games appearance, his best finish was 6th overall in 2021. Gudmundsson is making his 10th Games appearance.

Koski was the first man to the run portion of the course. He burst forwards to secure the first place spot. A decisive and tactical victory by the experienced Finn.

Justin Medeiros fell twice on a single lap, leading to a lower place finish for the reigning champion.

Final Results

  1. Jonne Koski
  2. Jeffrey Adler
  3. Jay Crouch
  4. Roman Khrennikov
  5. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson

Test 2 – Pig Chipper

Individual Female

Laura Horvath made the pig flips look easy on the home run.

Final Results

  1. Laura Horvath
  2. Arielle Loewen
  3. Alexis Raptis
  4. Emma Cary
  5. Olivia Kerstetter

Individual Male

Khrennikov looking strong, taking an early lead. The pig looked absolutely brutal.

Fikowski was clinical and effective. Dukic also looked controlled and calm on the competition floor.

Medeiros struggled and was unable to complete the workout.

Final Results

  1. Roman Khrennikov
  2. Lazar Dukic
  3. Brent Fikowski
  4. Spencer Panchik
  5. Moritz Fiebig

Test 3 – Inverted Medley

This gymnastic skill test involving handstand spins and pull overs, both new movements in the CrossFit Games. A down and back sprint that tested speed, precision, skill and coordination across a challenging obstacle course.

Individual Female

Danielle Brandon finished in 03:12.75 seconds with an incredible performance. Paige Powers and Alexis Raptis also completed the course quickly, but were unable to match her exceptional pace.

Laura Horvath struggled with the freestanding handstand push ups and was unable to complete the course.

Final Results

  1. Danielle Brandon
  2. Elisa Fuliano
  3. Paige Powers
  4. Shelby Neal
  5. Alexis Raptis

Individual Male

Spencer Panchik took first in Heat 1.

Cole Greashaber also sped through the course in a controlled and precise manner. Crouch and Koski fought for the final section however Koski fell just before the yellow line.

Justin Medeiros starts his comeback. Shirtless and focused, the two large bruises on his chest displaying the evidence from the two tumbles he took from the bike in the first workout. He was the only athlete to complete the 16 pull overs unbroken

Final Results

  1. Cole Greashaber
  2. Justin Medeiros
  3. Bayley Martin
  4. Jay Crouch
  5. Roman Khrennikov

Individual Female Leaderboard After Day 1

  1. Alexis Raptis
  2. Emily Rolfe
  3. Arielle Loewen
  4. Emma Lawson
  5. Annie Thorisdottir
  6. Bethany Flores
  7. Laura Horvath
  8. Paige Powers
  9. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir
  10. Jamie Simmonds
  11. Danielle Brandon
  12. Alex Gazan
  13. Emma Tall
  14. Baylee Rayl
  15. Christine Kolenbrander
  16. Gabriela Migala
  17. Olivia Kerstetter
  18. Elisa Fuliano
  19. Sydney Wells
  20. Emma Cary

Individual Male Leaderboard After Day 1

  1. Roman Khrennikov
  2. Moritz Fiebig
  3. Jay Crouch
  4. Brent Fikowski
  5. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson
  6. Spencer Panchik
  7. Dalllinn Pepper
  8. James Sprague
  9. Jonne Koski
  10. Samuel Cournoyer
  11. Jeffrey Adler
  12. Patrick Vellner
  13. Will Moorad
  14. Chandler Smith
  15. Lazar Dukic
  16. Jelle Hoste
  17. Uldis Upenieks
  18. Bayley Martin
  19. Luke Parker
  20. Jayson Hopper

Justin Medeiros is in 36th place.

Team Division


2-2-2-2 Redux

For time in M/F pairs:

  • Accumulate 175 overhead squats
  • Starting every 2 minutes:
  • 12/9-calorie SkiErg each (M/F)
  • 1 seated legless rope climb each (M/F)
  • Max-reps synchro overhead squats

When 2 minutes are up, the first pair stops working and returns while the second pair begins working.

Each pair will have 4 intervals to work (8 total intervals).

Ride Relay

With two bikes per team, max laps in one hour.

Final Leaderboard

  1. CrossFit Invictus – 176
  2. CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue – 173
  3. CrossFit East Nashville PRVN – 167
  4. CrossFit OBA – 158
  5. No Shortcuts CrossFit – 158
  6. CrossFit Genas – 155
  7. CrossFit Mayhem Independence – 152
  8. CrossFit Trondheim – 152
  9. CrossFit Oslo Blackout – 146
  10. CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 247 – 143
  11. CrossFit Krypton – 137
  12. CrossFit Kilo II – 134
  13. CrossFit Walleye Athlete – 134
  14. CrossFit Franco’s Misfits – 129
  15. CrossFit Portti – 125
  16. CrossFit Invictus Unconquerable – 125
  17. CrossFit Prestanda – 117
  18. CrossFit Omnia – 113
  19. CrossFit Milford Team Conquer – 94
  20. CrossFit CLT The Grit Haus – 89

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness.

For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries.

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

2023 CrossFit Games Adaptive Athletes Recap Day 2 Thu, 03 Aug 2023 09:58:43 +0000 The dust has settled for the second day of the 2023 CrossFit Games.

Here is a quick recap of what happened on day 2 in the race for Fittest on Earth in the adaptive divisions.


CrossFit Games invited the top 5 men and women from upper extremity, lower extremity and multi-extremity to compete in Madison.

2023 CrossFit Games Adaptive Athletes Recap Day 2

Upper Extremity


  1. Casey Acree – 600
  2. Alexis Fiorucci – 350
  3. Samuel Pera – 290
  4. Xabier Osa Mendes – 270
  5. Breki Þórðarson – 170


  1. Christina Mazzulo – 530
  2. Elaine de Rocco – 440
  3. Anne-Laure Coutenceau – 435
  4. Skylar Devaul – 170
  5. Genevieve Tidwell – 150

Lower Extremity


  1. Charles Pienaar – 450
  2. Rogan Dean – 425
  3. Seraphin Perier – 195
  4. Hildon Carvalho – 175
  5. Felipe Maturana Infante – 155


  1. Valerie Cohen – 505
  2. Bayleigh Hooper – 505
  3. Molly Moore – 270
  4. Lauren Farhat – 230
  5. Amy Bream – 190



  1. Chris Rhyme – 460
  2. James Brown – 440
  3. Mijail Pedrini – 400
  4. Antonio Silvestro – 290


  1. Noelle Henderson – 490
  2. Amea Reyna – 415
  3. Jordan Ingalsbe – 370
  4. Courtnei Lopez – 275
  5. Reagan Moser – 130


Pulling Power

Upper Extremity

  • 3 rounds for time:
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 10 deadlifts
  • 1 section hand-over-hand pull
  • Then, push sled length of the field to finish.

Lower Extremity

3 rounds for time:

  • 1 legless rope climb
  • 10 deadlifts
  • 1 section hand-over-hand pull
  • Then, push sled length of the field to finish.


3 rounds for time:

  • 1 rope climb
  • 10 deadlifts
  • 1 section hand-over-hand pull
  • Then, push sled length of the field to finish.

Gymnastics Chipper

Upper Extremity

For time:

  • 48-foot burpee broad jump
  • 20 box jumps
  • 30 GHD sit-ups
  • 30 pistols
  • 20 toes-to-bars
  • 30 pistols
  • 30 GHD sit-ups
  • 20 box jumps
  • 48-foot burpee broad jump

Lower Extremity

For time:

  • 48-foot handstand walk
  • 20 box jumps or step-ups
  • 20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
  • 20 pistols
  • 30 toes-to-bars
  • 20 pistols
  • 20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
  • 20 box jumps or step-ups
  • 48-foot handstand walk


For time:

  • 48-foot burpee broad jump
  • 20 box jumps or step-ups
  • 20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
  • 20 lunge steps, stationary
  • 20 toes-to-bars
  • 20  lunge steps, stationary
  • 20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
  • 20 box jumps or step-ups
  • 48-foot burpee broad jump

Cross-Country 5K

For time:

  • Run 5K (Upper and Multi-Extremity)
  • Ski 5K (Lower Extremity)

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries. 

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

CrossFit Games Masters and Teens Recap Day 2 Thu, 03 Aug 2023 09:35:36 +0000 The 2023 CrossFit Games wrapped up its second day of competition with teenagers and master athletes competing for the title of Fittest on Earth.


See below who’s ahead on the leaderboard before their final day of tests!

Related: CrossFit CEO Don Faul Addresses Livestream Coverage of Masters and Teens Division

Day 2 Workouts

Pulling Power

3 rounds for time:

  • 3 rope climbs
  • 10 deadlifts
  • 42-foot sled pull
  • 126-foot sled push 

Gymnastics Chipper

For time:

  • 48-foot handstand walk
  • 30 box jumps 
  • 30 GHD sit-ups
  • 30 single-leg squats
  • 30 toes-to-bars
  • 30 single-leg squats
  • 30 GHD sit-ups
  • 30 box jumps
  • 48-foot handstand walk

Cross-Country 5K

For time:

  • Run 5K

Female Masters Division

Women 35-39

  1. Laurie Clement – 460 points
  2. Colette Casey – 450
  3. Stacie Tovar – 400
  4. Svetlana Veselova – 390
  5. Amy Morton – 390

Women 40-44

  1. Samantha Briggs – 440 points
  2. Andreia Pinheiro – 430
  3. Jenn Ryan – 430
  4. Rebecca Voigt Miller – 420
  5. Hope Cicero – 370

Women 45-49

  1. Kelly Friel – 550 points
  2. Amy Chapoton – 470
  3. Carolina Gutierrez – 410
  4. Laura Nielsen – 380
  5. Merituuli Kallio – 300

Women 50-54

  1. Cheryl Brost – 490 points
  2. Nicole Abbott – 480
  3. Nathalie Connors – 450
  4. Tara Gemer – 400
  5. Tea Gebbie – 380

Women 55-59

  1. Leka Fineman – 410 points
  2. Shanna Bunce – 410
  3. Krist Lunny – 390
  4. Tracy Macuiba – 380
  5. Leigh Coates – 360

Women 60-64

  1. Susan Clarke – 570 points
  2. Betsy Vanderburgh – 550
  3. Patricia McGill – 410
  4. Debbie Downing – 370
  5. Debbie Corwin – 330

Women 65+

  1. Julie Holt – 560 points
  2. Dava Jensen – 500
  3. Pauline Sciascia – 420
  4. Marcia Yager – 330
  5. Karen Dawkins – 320

Male Division

Men 35-39

  1. Sam Dancer – 490 points
  2. Gintas Petrikas – 410
  3. Ioannis Papadopoulos – 400
  4. Bryan Wong – 380
  5. Adam De Jong – 360
Source: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc
Sam Dancer at the 2023 CrossFit Games

Men 40-44

  1. Rudolph Berger – 520 points
  2. Bruno Militao – 430
  3. Michael Laverriere – 400
  4. Frantisek Heriban – 380
  5. Caine Hayes – 360

Men 45-49

  1. Jason Grubb – 490 points
  2. Christopher Anderson – 430
  3. Vlad Liashkevich – 430
  4. Mike Kern – 350
  5. Andrea Di Salvatore – 330

Men 50-54

  1. Jason Leeves – 490 points
  2. Artur Komorowski – 450
  3. Sean Patrick – 430
  4. Cory Dague – 400
  5. Natha Lore – 350

Men 55-59

  1. Kevin Koester – 550 points
  2. Ryan Joe Hamby – 420
  3. John Kim – 370
  4. Dion Walmsley – 370
  5. Jody Hendrix – 330

Men 60-64

  1. Stuart Swanson – 440 points
  2. Tom Fameree – 420
  3. Eric Cohen – 420
  4. Tony Turski – 390
  5. Brian Wilson – 380

Men 65+

  1. Daniel Miller – 450 points
  2. David Hippensteel – 430
  3. John George – 390
  4. Freddie Cherry – 390
  5. Tom Muhlbeier – 360

Teenage Division

Girls 14-15

  1. Maria Granizo – 550 points
  2. Miley Wade – 540
  3. Mira Varga – 480
  4. Brynn Cupp – 410
  5. Marley Francis – 330

Girls 16-17

  1. Trista Smith – 510 points
  2. Lucy McGonigle – 510
  3. Hayes Willard – 340
  4. Reese Littlewood – 330
  5. Jenna Michelotti – 330

Boys 14-15

  1. Lincoln Lavafer – 460 points
  2. Jeremie Jourdan – 430
  3. Pau Martins Tiers – 380
  4. Leonardo Cruz – 360
  5. Kulani Subiono – 300

Boys 16-17

  1. Ty Jenkins – 530 points
  2. Hugo Jansson – 380
  3. Kaiden Hogan – 370
  4. Kyle Muckleroy – 360
  5. RJ Mestre – 350

Finding The Fittest On Earth

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. For the past 16 years, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from over 120 countries.

The Ultimate Test

The Games began in 2007 in Aromas, California, as the first competition to objectively measure fitness. From their inception, they have been unlike traditional sports such as track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting, or even decathlon — all specialist sports in which the events are known long in advance.

Instead, athletes  from around the world are tested against a variety of unannounced events, each with different movements, equipment, and time domains.

Competitors are required to train for the unknown, and the scores of events have included distance swims, obstacle courses, 1-rep-max lifts, handstand walking, sled pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries. 

The test has continually evolved. As top athletes began to train year-round for strength, speed, endurance, and skill, they were met with new tests each year that took them outside their comfort zone.

CrossFit Open athlete high five with joySource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

This year, a worldwide Open competition involving hundreds of thousands of competitors allowed the best athletes to advance through Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds, culminating in the 17th edition of the CrossFit Games from Aug. 1-6, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

2023 CrossFit Games

The 2023 CrossFit Games is taking shape after all athletes and teams know who is going to compete for the title of Fittest on Earth.

  • When: August 1-6
  • Where: Madison, Wisconsin (USA)

Athletes from all age groups (teens, masters) and adaptive athletes will be joining the teams and individual athletes who received an invitation to compete in Madison this summer.

You can check out the overall schedule of events for the 2023 CrossFit Games here.

You can see the workouts revealed for individuals in this link.

5 athletes have provided a sample with illegal substances to CrossFit:

CrossFit Introduces 2 Cutting Phases at the Games for Individuals and Teams
