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VIDEO: Noah Ohlsen Unofficially Breaks World Record for CrossFit WOD Fran

Fran is notoriously tough if you do it as fast as you humanly can.

Noah Ohlsen might have made CrossFit history this past weekend by breaking the world record time for Fran, a tough fast-paced WOD. The result is unofficial as everyone is still waiting for CrossFit Inc. to say anything about it.

If you do not know or recall, here are the details of the Fran CrossFit WOD:

For Time:

  • 21-15-9 reps
  • Thrusters
  • Pull-ups

In the workout, the athlete must perform 21 thrusters and 21 pull-ups, followed by 15 thrusters and 15 pull-ups and finally finish it off with 9 pull-ups and 9 thrusters.

Men use a 95 pounds barbell for the thrusters while women are to use a 65-pound barbell. Pull-ups can be done with any technique (strict, kipping or butterfly).

Noah Ohlsen Fran CrossFit WOD World Record

Noah Ohlsen

Noah Ohlsen began his video by saying he did the workout the week before and it went very well, even without any warm-up before. This time, he went for the kill not sure if he was going to PR. Turned out, it was better than he expected.

Noah Ohlsen’s Fran time: 1 minute and 49 seconds. In comparison, Ohlsen’s best time for Fran previously was 1:57.

The video happened while Ohlsen was filming for the Wodapalooza Online Qualifier team workout videos.

Check Out Noah Ohlsen Before He Found CrossFit

Why is the record unofficial? Besides needing to see if CrossFit Inc. is going to chip in, there is not a faster time that we can think of. Irving Hernandez has also a recording of a 1’49’’ Fran WOD back in 2016.

Noah Ohlsen now wants people to try and beat his record to make. Are you up for it?

Read More: 2023 Will Be Noah Ohlsen’s Final Season as Individual, Going Team in 2024

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