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7 Workout Tips to Increase Metabolism at Any Age

Improve your body’s fitness and health with these tips.

Check out 7 workout tips to increase metabolism at any age.

In the quest for holistic health and fitness, understanding the intricacies of metabolic health becomes paramount. While it’s a common misconception that age is the primary factor determining metabolic health, recent insights reveal that the real linchpin is none other than your muscle mass. As the years advance, a gradual loss of muscle becomes a prevalent concern, further compounded by the aftermath of previous dieting and workout endeavours geared towards rapid weight loss. The repercussions of these practices often manifest as a decline in metabolic function, leading to a cascade of adaptations over time.

The prevailing issue lies not merely in the numbers on the chronological scale but in the intricate dance between muscle mass, lifestyle choices, and the strategies employed to achieve fitness goals. It’s a narrative familiar to many—a relentless pursuit of quick results on the scale, often at the expense of precious muscle mass. This muscle loss, as we age or engage in misguided workout practices, becomes a significant contributor to the metabolic decline witnessed over the years.

However, the good news prevails—metabolic health isn’t an irreversible sentence dictated by the passage of time. Regardless of age, there exists a pathway to not only stall but reverse these metabolic adaptations. The key lies not just in dietary adjustments but also in a strategic overhaul of our approach to training. It’s about embracing methods that not only stimulate muscle growth but also enhance the efficiency of calorie burning throughout the day.

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So, in this exploration of metabolic rejuvenation, let’s delve into the realm of fitness wisdom, discovering seven tips that extend beyond conventional notions.

The information on this article is based on a video shared by Cori Lefkowith. She founded Redefining Strength in 2014 with a mission to empower people through fitness, nutrition, and proper supplementation. She is a former Division I athlete who wants to train smarter, not harder. Cori also has a YouTube channel with nearly 1 million subscribers that you can check it out.

These insights will not only transform your workout routine but lay the foundation for a metabolism that defies the constraints of age. It’s an invitation to understand the intricate dance between muscle and metabolism, empowering you to rewrite the narrative of your fitness journey.

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7 Workout Tips to Increase Metabolism at Any Age

Below are Lefkowith’s 7 workout tips to increase metabolism regardless of what age you are.

  1. Pair Legs and Upper Body in a Single Session: Work on two large muscle groups in a single workout, such as legs and upper body. This approach not only burns more calories during the session but also accelerates muscle growth. Research suggests that pairing legs and upper body releases more testosterone and growth hormone, promoting faster muscle gains.
  2. Utilize Cluster Sets for Increased Load: To build muscle, lifting more weight is essential. Cluster sets, breaking traditional sets into smaller clusters with short rests, increase training density. This allows you to lift more weight overall, fostering faster muscle growth. By avoiding fatigue and maintaining quality reps, you stimulate muscle growth effectively.
  3. Design Shorter and Harder Workouts: Focus on quality, intensity, and intentionality rather than longer workouts. Shorter, high-intensity sessions with purposeful movements can lead to better results. Avoid overtraining, as excessively long sessions may elevate cortisol levels, hindering muscle gains. Quality over quantity is the key to a more effective workout routine.
  4. Incorporate Interval Finishers: Include short interval sessions at the end of your strength training workouts. This not only contributes to cardiovascular health but also enhances the afterburn effect (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), leading to increased calorie burning even at rest. Vary work-to-rest intervals for a comprehensive approach to energy system training.
  5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Rest is often overlooked but is a critical factor in muscle growth and metabolic health. Ensure muscles have sufficient time to repair and rebuild by incorporating rest days and proper recovery between sessions. Rushing through sets without ample rest compromises workout intensity and output.
  6. Include Explosive Power Work: Integrate power workouts for functional strength, injury prevention, and muscle building. Short, explosive intervals with adequate rest periods are essential to avoid fatigue and promote quick, powerful movements. Consider exercises like sprints, medball work, kettlebell swings, or Olympic lifts for optimal results.
  7. Walk for Recovery: Regular walking not only aids recovery but also contributes to increased calorie burn without impacting muscle mass. Walking serves as a restorative activity, promoting metabolic rate and overall health. Incorporate walks, especially on rest days, and combine them with mobility work for enhanced recovery.

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Metabolic changes are inevitable, but with the right training approach, you can reverse them and achieve better fat loss results regardless of age. Focus on building lean muscle through strategic workout practices, incorporating these seven tips to boost your metabolism and witness the payoff of your hard work in the gym.

Watch the video below to see Lefkowith herself explain and demonstrate these 7 workout tips to increase metabolism at any age.

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Metabolism is the complex set of chemical processes that occur within the cells of living organisms to maintain life. It involves the conversion of food into energy, the building or synthesis of molecules needed for growth and repair, and the elimination of waste products.

In the context of human physiology, metabolism is often divided into two main categories:

  1. Anabolism: This is the set of metabolic processes that build complex molecules from simpler ones. It includes processes like protein synthesis, the formation of new cells, and the storage of energy in the form of glycogen or fat.
  2. Catabolism: This involves the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing energy in the process. Catabolic processes include the breakdown of food molecules during digestion and the subsequent conversion of nutrients into usable energy.

The overall rate at which these metabolic processes occur is known as the metabolic rate. It is often measured in terms of the number of calories burned per unit of time and is influenced by various factors, including age, gender, genetics, muscle mass, and physical activity level.

Metabolism is a dynamic and highly regulated process that plays a crucial role in maintaining the energy balance of the body. A well-functioning metabolism is essential for proper growth, development, and the maintenance of overall health.

In the context of fitness and weight management, people often refer to their metabolism as either “fast” or “slow,” which reflects the efficiency at which their bodies burn calories. Strategies like exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest can influence and optimize metabolic health. And this is why you want to increase your metabolism, regardless of your age.

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