Supplements – BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:28:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Supplements – BOXROX 32 32 New Year New You: How to Choose the Perfect Protein Powder for Your Fitness Goals Thu, 25 Jan 2024 15:25:39 +0000 In the dynamic realm of health and fitness, the quest for the best nutrition to support muscle growth, recovery, and overall well-being has never been more prominent.

Among the plethora of dietary supplements available, protein powder stands out as a versatile and efficient option that has gained widespread popularity.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete striving for peak performance or an individual simply aiming to maintain a balanced lifestyle, incorporating protein powder into your daily routine can be a game-changer.

Join Myprotein on a journey into the world of protein supplementation and unlock the potential it holds for enhancing your health and fitness journey.

puori protein

Protein, often referred to as the building block of life, plays a crucial role in numerous physiological processes within the human body.

While whole food sources like lean meats, dairy, and legumes are fundamental contributors to our protein intake, protein powder offers a convenient and concentrated source that can complement a variety of dietary preferences and lifestyles.

In this article, we delve into the multifaceted benefits of protein powder, exploring how it supports muscle development, aids in weight management, facilitates post-exercise recovery, and contributes to overall health.

As we navigate through the science and practical applications, you’ll discover why protein powder has become a staple for countless individuals seeking a convenient and effective way to meet their nutritional needs. Join us on a journey into the world of protein supplementation and unlock the potential it holds for enhancing your health and fitness journey.

In this article we will explore three types of protein in depth and help you make the correct choice about which ones are the best for your training, health and your personal goals.

  1. Impact Whey Protein
  2. Impact Whey Isolate
  3. Clear Whey Isolate

Additionally, creatine will be analysed as a pertinent and additional supplement. We will demonstrate why it should be an essential aspect of every individual’s nutrition plan.

Why are the Benefits of Protein Powder?

Protein powder is a popular dietary supplement that provides a concentrated source of protein, which is essential for the body’s proper functioning.

SnatchSource: Stevie D Photography

Here are some of the potential benefits of protein powder:

Muscle Building and Repair: Protein is crucial for muscle synthesis and repair. Athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activity often use protein powder to support muscle growth and recovery after intense workouts.

Convenience: Protein powder is a convenient and quick way to increase your protein intake, especially for those with busy lifestyles or limited time to prepare protein-rich meals.

Weight Management: Protein is known to promote satiety, helping you feel fuller for longer. Including protein powder in your diet may assist with weight management by reducing overall calorie intake and supporting lean muscle mass.

Nutrient Density: Protein powders are often fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, providing additional nutritional value beyond just protein. This can be beneficial for individuals with specific dietary needs or restrictions.

Easy Digestibility: Some people find it easier to digest protein in powder form, especially if they have digestive issues or difficulty consuming large amounts of protein from whole food sources.

Versatility: Protein powder can be incorporated into various recipes, such as smoothies, shakes, pancakes, or oatmeal, making it a versatile ingredient for those looking to increase their protein intake without relying solely on traditional protein sources.

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Protein powders, especially those derived from plant sources like pea, rice, or hemp, can be valuable for individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets, as these diets may sometimes lack complete protein sources.

Post-Surgery or Illness: In cases of surgery or illness, where protein needs may be increased for recovery and healing, protein powder can be a convenient and easily digestible source of protein.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Protein consumption can help stabilize blood sugar levels, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those looking to manage their carbohydrate intake.

It’s important to note that while protein powder can be a convenient and effective way to meet protein needs, it should not replace whole food sources of protein in a balanced diet.

Why Does the Body Need Protein?

Protein is a crucial macronutrient that plays a fundamental role in the proper functioning of the human body.

Here are some of the key reasons why the body needs protein:

Muscle Structure and Function: Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. The body uses amino acids (the individual components of proteins) to build and repair muscle tissues. Adequate protein intake is essential for the growth, maintenance, and repair of muscles.

Enzyme Production: Many enzymes, which act as catalysts for various biochemical reactions in the body, are proteins. Enzymes are involved in processes such as digestion, energy production, and detoxification.

Hormone Regulation: Some hormones are proteins or are derived from amino acids. Hormones play a vital role in regulating various physiological processes, including metabolism, growth, and stress response.

Immune System Support: Proteins are integral to the immune system. Antibodies, which are proteins, help the body recognize and defend against foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Transport of Molecules: Proteins are involved in the transport of various substances throughout the body. Hemoglobin, for example, is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood. Additionally, carrier proteins transport nutrients across cell membranes.

Structure and Support: Proteins provide structural support to cells and tissues. Collagen, a protein, is a major component of connective tissues such as skin, tendons, and ligaments. Keratin, another protein, contributes to the structure of hair and nails.

Woman with KettlebellSource: Corey Young

Fluid and pH Balance: Proteins help maintain fluid balance in the body by regulating the movement of water between blood vessels and surrounding tissues. Some proteins also act as buffers to help maintain the body’s pH balance.

Energy Source: While carbohydrates and fats are the primary sources of energy, the body can use protein for energy when needed. However, using protein for energy is not the preferred pathway, as proteins have essential roles in maintaining bodily functions.

Neurotransmitter Synthesis: Certain proteins are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that transmit signals between nerve cells. Neurotransmitters play a critical role in brain function and communication.

Wound Healing and Repair: Proteins are essential for the repair and regeneration of tissues, making them crucial for wound healing and recovery from injuries.

How Much Protein Do You Need for Muscle Growth When Weightlifting?

The amount of protein needed for muscle growth can vary depending on individual factors such as age, sex, weight, overall health, and the intensity and frequency of weightlifting or resistance training.

There is ongoing debate among experts regarding the optimal protein intake for muscle growth, but a general guideline is often provided by organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The ACSM recommends a protein intake in the range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for individuals engaged in regular, intense weightlifting or resistance training.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are general guidelines, and individual protein needs may vary.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Moderate Intensity Training (e.g., endurance exercise): 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
  • High-Intensity Training (e.g., weightlifting, bodybuilding): 1.6 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Individuals at the higher end of the range may include those with specific goals, such as maximizing muscle hypertrophy or those in a caloric deficit for fat loss.

1. What is Impact Whey Protein?

Impact Whey protein is a high-quality protein that contains all essential amino acids and is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

Whey protein offers several potential benefits, making it a popular dietary supplement.

Here are some of the key benefits:

Complete Protein Source: Whey protein is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. These amino acids are crucial for various bodily functions, including muscle protein synthesis and repair.

Muscle Building and Repair: Whey protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), particularly leucine. Leucine is a key amino acid that plays a central role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis, making whey protein a popular choice among those looking to support muscle growth and recovery, especially after resistance training.

Rapid Absorption: Whey protein is quickly absorbed by the digestive system, leading to a rapid increase in amino acids in the bloodstream. This fast absorption makes whey protein an excellent choice for post-workout nutrition when the body is in a state of heightened protein synthesis.

Weight Management: Protein, in general, promotes a feeling of fullness and can help control appetite. Incorporating whey protein into a balanced diet may assist in weight management by reducing overall calorie intake and promoting satiety.

Immune System Support: Whey protein contains immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which have immune-boosting properties. These components may help support the immune system, although more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits.

Antioxidant Properties: Whey protein contains cysteine, a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione plays a role in protecting the body’s cells from oxidative stress and supporting overall antioxidant defences.

Lactose Intolerance Considerations: Whey protein isolate, a form of whey protein that undergoes additional processing to remove most of the lactose, can be well-tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance. However, those with severe lactose intolerance should still exercise caution and may choose lactose-free protein options.

Convenient Protein Source: Whey protein is convenient and versatile. It can be easily mixed into shakes, smoothies, or added to various recipes, providing a convenient way to increase protein intake.

Nutrient-Rich: In addition to protein, whey protein contains various vitamins and minerals, including calcium and B vitamins.

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein

Myprotein’s Impact Whey Protein has been a staple since its inception, earning enduring favour among users. Crafted as a convenient, effortlessly mixable shake, it serves as a reliable protein source throughout the day, enabling you to optimize both your performance and overall well-being.

Impact whey proteinSource: MyProtein

Notably endorsed by independent testers, Impact Whey Protein has secured an A-grade rating from Labdoor for its exceptional quality and value, solidifying its status as our best-selling product for good reason.

Carefully formulated to impart meaningful nutritional benefits, this protein powder has undergone meticulous development by expert nutritionists, ensuring a product that packs a powerful punch.

Each serving contains an impressive 23g* of protein, sourced from high-quality ingredients, providing your body with the essential protein it needs for sustained energy and nourishment in your daily routine.

It is available in the following sizes:

  • 1kg
  • 2.5kg
  • 5kg
  • 250g
  • 500g

Try it now

Who Should Take Whey Protein?

Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: Individuals engaged in regular physical activity, especially those involved in resistance training, high-intensity workouts, or endurance exercise, can benefit from whey protein. It aids in muscle recovery, promotes muscle protein synthesis, and provides a convenient source of high-quality protein.

Those Looking to Build Muscle Mass: Whey protein is rich in essential amino acids, including leucine, which plays a key role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. It can be a valuable supplement for those aiming to increase muscle mass through resistance training.

Individuals with Protein Deficiency: Some people, especially those with dietary restrictions, may struggle to meet their protein requirements through whole foods alone. Whey protein offers a convenient and concentrated source of high-quality protein to help meet daily protein needs.

Those in Caloric Deficits or Weight Management Programs: Whey protein can be a helpful tool for individuals in caloric deficits or those focusing on weight management. It promotes satiety, helps preserve lean muscle mass, and can be a lower-calorie option compared to some high-fat or high-carbohydrate protein sources.

People with Malabsorption Issues: Whey protein is rapidly absorbed by the body, making it a suitable option for individuals with malabsorption issues or conditions that affect nutrient absorption.

Individuals with Lactose Intolerance: While whey protein concentrate contains some lactose, whey protein isolate has minimal lactose content. People with lactose intolerance may tolerate whey protein isolate well, but individual tolerance can vary.

Vegetarians and Vegans: Although whey protein is derived from milk, it can be a supplement for vegetarians (not vegans) looking to increase protein intake, as it is not derived from animal flesh.

2. What is Impact Whey Isolate?

Whey isolate is a form of whey protein that has undergone additional processing to remove most of the fat and lactose, resulting in a protein powder with a higher protein content by weight. It is one of the two main types of whey protein supplements, the other being whey concentrate.

Here are key characteristics of whey isolate:

Higher Protein Content: Whey isolate typically contains a higher percentage of protein compared to whey concentrate. It can have protein content ranging from 90% to 95% or more, with lower amounts of fat and carbohydrates.

Low in Fat and Lactose: The additional processing steps involved in producing whey isolate help reduce the fat and lactose content. As a result, it is often a preferred choice for individuals who are lactose intolerant or looking for a protein supplement with minimal fat.

Rapid Absorption: Like other forms of whey protein, whey isolate is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. This rapid absorption makes it an ideal choice for post-workout nutrition when there is a need to quickly deliver amino acids to muscles.

Low in Calories: Whey isolate is generally lower in calories compared to whey concentrate due to its higher protein concentration and reduced fat and carbohydrate content.

Suitable for Those with Dietary Restrictions: Because it contains minimal lactose, whey isolate is often well-tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance. However, individuals with severe lactose intolerance should still exercise caution and may choose lactose-free protein options.

Man setting up for a SquatSource: Corey Young

Ideal for Lean Muscle Building: Athletes and individuals focused on building lean muscle mass may prefer whey isolate due to its high protein content and minimal additives. It provides a concentrated source of amino acids that support muscle protein synthesis.

Versatile Use: Whey isolate can be used in various ways, such as blending it into smoothies, shakes, or mixing it with water. It is a versatile ingredient in recipes that require a high-protein content.

It’s important to note that while whey isolate is a popular choice, whey concentrate also has its benefits. Whey concentrate contains more of the beneficial components found in whole whey, such as immune-boosting factors and bioactive peptides.

The choice between whey isolate and whey concentrate often depends on individual dietary preferences, tolerance to lactose, and specific fitness or nutritional goals.

Myprotein Impact Whey Isolate

Indulge in unparalleled quality with Impact Whey Isolate, a protein powder celebrated for its exceptional purity.

Impact Whey IsolateSource: MyProtein

Through an additional round of thorough filtration, Impact Whey Isolate elevates protein purity to unprecedented heights. This translates to an increased protein content, minimal sugar, and absolutely no fat.* It stands as the epitome of purity, serving as your daily essential protein shake enriched with 23g of protein per serving*.

Providing a swift protein boost precisely when it is needed most, it sets the standard for purity and performance.

Try it now

Who Should Take Whey Isolate?

Whey isolate can be suitable for various individuals depending on their dietary preferences, fitness goals, and specific health considerations. Here are some groups of people who may find whey isolate particularly beneficial:

Individuals with Lactose Intolerance: Whey isolate is processed to have lower lactose content compared to whey concentrate. For individuals with lactose intolerance, whey isolate may be a suitable option as it contains minimal lactose and is often well-tolerated.

Those with Calorie and Fat Restrictions: Whey isolate is lower in fat and carbohydrates compared to whey concentrate, making it a preferred choice for individuals who are looking to manage their calorie intake or reduce their fat consumption.

Athletes and Bodybuilders: Whey isolate is a high-quality protein source with a high protein content by weight. It can be beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders who want to maximize their protein intake while minimizing their intake of additional macronutrients.

Individuals Focused on Muscle Building: Whey isolate, with its high protein content and rapid absorption, is suitable for individuals aiming to build lean muscle mass. It provides a concentrated source of amino acids, including essential amino acids like leucine, which are crucial for muscle protein synthesis.

Post-Workout Nutrition: Whey isolate is an excellent choice for post-workout nutrition when there is a need for rapid protein absorption to support muscle recovery and repair.

Weight Management and Fat Loss: Due to its lower calorie and fat content, whey isolate can be a useful supplement for those on weight management or fat loss programs. It helps provide a high-quality protein source without contributing excessive calories or fats.

People on a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Individuals following low-carbohydrate diets may prefer whey isolate due to its reduced carbohydrate content compared to whey concentrate.

Individuals Seeking a Pure Protein Source: Whey isolate is often considered a purer form of whey protein, with a higher protein percentage and fewer additional components. It can be suitable for those who want a protein supplement with minimal additives.

3. What is Clear Whey Isolate?

Clear Whey Isolate stands out as more than your typical protein shake. Crafted from premium hydrolysed whey protein isolate, this product offers a delightful and invigorating alternative that resembles a refreshing juice rather than a traditional creamy protein shake.

Clear Whey ProteinSource: MyProtein

Not only is it a unique option, but it also boasts a fantastic taste. Choose from an array of five fruity flavors, including Bitter Lemon, Orange Mango, Peach Tea, Mojito, and Rainbow Candy.

Myprotein Clear Whey Isolate is also the recipient of the 2022 European Specialist Sports Nutrition Awards in the “Protein Powder/Shake” category.

Try it now

Who Should Take Clear Whey Isolate?

Clear Whey Isolate is perfect for anyone that wants all the benefits of Whey Isolate protein but in a different, easier to drink form.

It can also be great for people that need to regularly maintain a high daily protein intake and want to mix things up.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in certain foods and synthesized by the body. It is made up of three amino acids: arginine, glycine, and methionine. Creatine is stored in the muscles and plays a crucial role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency of cells.

Here are key points about creatine:

Energy Production: Creatine is involved in the ATP-PCr (adenosine triphosphate-phosphocreatine) energy system, which provides rapid and short bursts of energy during activities like weightlifting, sprinting, and high-intensity interval training.

Muscle Strength and Power: Supplementation with creatine has been shown to enhance performance in high-intensity, short-duration activities. It may increase muscle strength, power, and the ability to perform more repetitions during resistance training.

Muscle Hydration: Creatine can lead to an increase in water content within muscle cells, promoting cell hydration. This may contribute to cell volumization, which is believed to play a role in muscle growth.

Recovery: Some studies suggest that creatine supplementation may aid in muscle recovery after intense exercise by reducing muscle cell damage and inflammation.

Man in deep squatSource: Corey Young

Cognitive Function: While the primary role of creatine is in energy metabolism, there is emerging research suggesting potential benefits for cognitive function. Some studies have explored its role in mental performance and neurological health.

Sources: Creatine is found in small amounts in animal-based foods such as meat and fish. However, to achieve the levels commonly used in supplementation, individuals often turn to creatine monohydrate, which is a popular and well-researched form of creatine.

Supplementation: Creatine supplementation is widely used by athletes and individuals engaged in resistance training. The typical approach involves a loading phase (higher doses for a short period) followed by a maintenance phase (lower doses over a more extended period). However, some individuals may respond well to a steady, lower-dose supplementation without a loading phase.

Safety: Creatine supplementation is generally considered safe for healthy individuals when used as directed. However, as with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting creatine, especially for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.

Creatine has been extensively researched, and its effectiveness and safety have been supported by numerous studies. It is one of the most researched and commonly used supplements in the field of sports nutrition and exercise science.

How Does Creatine Work?

Creatine works primarily by increasing the availability of phosphocreatine (PCr) in muscle cells, which plays a crucial role in the rapid regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary energy currency of cells, and it is utilized during various cellular processes, including muscle contraction during exercise.

Here’s a breakdown of how creatine works:

ATP-PCr System: The body has different energy systems to meet its energy demands during various types of activities. The ATP-PCr system is one of these systems, and it is involved in short bursts of high-intensity activities lasting up to approximately 10 seconds. During this time, ATP is rapidly used for energy, but it can be regenerated with the help of phosphocreatine.

Creatine Phosphate (Phosphocreatine) Stores: Creatine is stored in the muscles in the form of creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine). During rest and low-intensity activities, excess ATP helps regenerate creatine phosphate stores.

ATP Regeneration: When there is a sudden demand for energy, such as during short and intense bursts of exercise (e.g., weightlifting, sprinting), ATP is broken down to release energy. This process depletes ATP levels in the muscle cells. Creatine phosphate then donates a phosphate group to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), rapidly regenerating ATP for use in muscle contraction.

Increased Energy Availability: By increasing the availability of phosphocreatine, creatine supplementation can enhance the ability to regenerate ATP quickly. This allows individuals to sustain higher-intensity efforts for slightly longer durations, leading to improved performance in activities that rely on the ATP-PCr system.

Cell Hydration and Protein Synthesis: Creatine supplementation may also lead to an increase in water content within muscle cells, promoting cell hydration. This cell volumization is thought to play a role in muscle growth. Additionally, creatine has been suggested to have potential effects on protein synthesis, contributing to muscle hypertrophy.

It’s important to note that the benefits of creatine are most apparent during short-duration, high-intensity activities. Activities relying on other energy systems, such as aerobic exercise, may not see the same level of improvement with creatine supplementation.

Who Should Take Creatine?

Creatine supplementation is generally considered safe and is commonly used by a variety of individuals, including athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those engaged in resistance training.

Here are some groups of people who may benefit from creatine supplementation:

Athletes and Bodybuilders: Creatine is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance strength, power, and performance during high-intensity, short-duration activities like weightlifting and sprinting.

Resistance Training Enthusiasts: Individuals engaged in regular resistance training, such as weightlifting, may experience benefits from creatine supplementation in terms of increased muscle strength, power, and the ability to perform more repetitions.

Vegetarians and Vegans: Since creatine is primarily found in animal-based foods, individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets may have lower natural stores of creatine. Creatine supplementation can help them maintain adequate levels.

Older Adults: Aging is associated with a natural decline in muscle mass and strength. Some studies suggest that creatine supplementation, in combination with resistance training, may be particularly beneficial for older adults by supporting muscle function and reducing the risk of sarcopenia.

Those Recovering from Injury or Surgery: Creatine may aid in muscle recovery and rehabilitation following injury or surgery by reducing muscle damage and inflammation.

High-Intensity Athletes: Athletes involved in sports that require short bursts of high-intensity efforts, such as sprinting, jumping, and certain team sports, may benefit from creatine supplementation.

It’s important to note that while creatine is generally safe for most people, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, such as kidney disease, should consult with a healthcare professional before starting creatine supplementation.

Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should exercise caution and consult with their healthcare provider.

Creatine supplementation typically involves a loading phase (higher doses for a short period) followed by a maintenance phase (lower doses over a more extended period). However, some individuals may respond well to a steady, lower-dose supplementation without a loading phase.

Myprotein Creatine

Myprotein’s unflavored Creatine Monohydrate powder allows you to seamlessly incorporate it into your preferred pre-, intra-, and post-workout shakes.

Creatine MonohydrateSource: MyProtein

In addition to their creatine powder, they provide a diverse selection of alternative creatine supplements for you to explore.

For a convenient on-the-go option, consider the Creatine Monohydrate tablets, perfect for keeping in your gym bag and ensuring readiness for your upcoming sessions.

The extensively researched Creapure® Creatine tablets boast a remarkable 99.99% creatine content and an appealing taste.

If you’re seeking a synergistic combination of creatine and caffeine to elevate your performance before workouts, look no further than THE Pre-Workout — their most potent pre-workout blend.

Blend approximately 3 grams (equivalent to one scoop) with 250 milliliters of water, shake well, and ingest. Take once daily, either before or after your exercise routine.

Try it now

Where to Buy

Now that you understand exactly what you need, why, and how it will help you achieve your goals, check out these high quality and performance tested products from Myprotein:

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Fri, 05 Jan 2024 22:59:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

5 Signs That Someone Is Using Steroids Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:30:00 +0000 These are the 5 signs that someone is on steroids.

When looking at someone in the gym or, more commonly, on YouTube one of those fitness influencers with an astonishing physique that looks more like the body was sculpted by hand, have you ever wondered if that person is taking some form of supplement that you are not – or even deeper, taking steroids?

The question posed in the fitness industry is usually “natty or not,” to ask if someone naturally looks that way or if it is the outcome of some performance-enhanced drugs (PEDs).

And sometimes it is very difficult to judge someone if that person is natty or not. Take for example what Dr Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization said about Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean-X – two of the most famous fitness coaches on YouTube at the moment.

A bit of humour is always accompanied in Israetel’s video, but the one above might have been the cherry on the top. It is his way of saying that it is incredibly difficult to judge if someone is on steroids or not. However, there might be some signs that someone is on steroids according to Max Posternak.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

Check it out.

How to Get Wider Forearms

Note: BOXROX does not condone nor condemn the use of PEDs. We always advise you to talk to a professional doctor to know the situation, possibilities and even risks for your body.

5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids

If you are planning to go down the natural way when it comes to fitness, it is important to understand what can be achieved naturally. Some fitness influencers will not be truthful when asked if they are on any type of enhancing drug.

Knowing the signs that someone is on steroids can help you hinder your expectations so you don’t get frustrated if you don’t look like Dwayne the Rock Johnson, for example.

Here are the 5 signs that someone is on steroids according to Max Posternak.

1. Fat-free mass index

The fat-free mass index checks how much muscle mass someone has in comparison to their height. The calculation is rather complicated, but know that the maximum a natural athlete could have is around 25. You can check it online your own or someone else’s if you know their height, weight, and body fat percentage.

2. Gynecomastia

Research shows that 37% of steroid users have gynecomastia, a term used to describe the growth of breast tissue in men and it’s almost always caused by elevated estrogen level.

However, that doesn’t mean that someone with “man boobs” is taking steroids. It is simply not black or white, but rather an indication of that person possibly taking steroids. People can have gynecomastia even without taking steroids. In fact, drugs which include steroids motive 10-25% of cases of gynecomastia.

3. Too Much Too Fast

Excessively gaining muscle mass in a short period of time is another sign that someone is on steroids. Steroids not only help build bigger muscles, but also helps the speed at which muscle growth occurs. This is also perhaps the biggest reason why people take steroids in the first place.

You should not confuse this with “newbie gains,” in which a person new to lifting weights sees an improvement on a weekly basis.

Sometimes you will see someone gaining a lot of muscle in their upper body. Another sign that someone is on steroids is the difference in terms of gaining muscle in their shoulders, traps and neck, while their legs continue to dwindle.

Of course, it could be the cause of someone skipping leg day regularly. But it could also be a sign of steroid use. According to Posternak, steroid use has more of an effect on shoulders, and traps than it has on the legs.

That is because muscles in the upper body contain higher amounts of androgen receptors.

4. Acne

Having a lot of acne, usually on the shoulders, chest or back is another sign that someone is using steroids.

Steroids can cause acne because high testosterone levels enhance the activity of small oil-producing glands found in the skin.

5. Roid Rage

Significantly boosting your testosterone can lead to increase in an aggressive behaviour in some people. Posternak talks about a study that showed that 60% of steroid users experienced an increase in irritability and aggressiveness.

To dive deeper into the signs that someone is on steroids, click on the video below.

VIDEO – 5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids

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10 PEDs Banned by CrossFit and How They Affect the Human Body

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10 Worst Testosterone Killers You Should Avoid Thu, 28 Dec 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Is any of these 10 worst testosterone killers common in your life? Do your best to avoid it for your own good health.

Embarking on the journey to optimal health involves navigating various factors, and at the forefront of this quest is the intricate balance of hormones, particularly testosterone. Beyond its role in muscle development, testosterone influences a myriad of aspects in our daily lives, from energy levels and mood swings to heart health and libido. Disregarding the signs of low testosterone can lead to a cascade of challenges, turning this hormonal imbalance into a genuine nightmare. However, before delving into drastic measures like testosterone injections or pharmaceutical interventions, it’s prudent to address the low-hanging fruit—those small, impactful changes that can naturally restore hormonal equilibrium.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the 10 worst testosterone killers that demand vigilant avoidance. Each of these factors not only impedes the natural production of testosterone but can also contribute to a host of other health concerns. By understanding and actively steering clear of these testosterone adversaries, you empower yourself to reclaim control over your hormonal well-being in a natural and sustainable way.

The person who came up with this list of the 10 worst testosterone killer you should be avoiding is coach Alain Gonzalez, an author, personal trainer and YouTuber with over 800K subscribers. He often uploads videos of fitness workouts, tips, training tricks and more, all related to making the most out of your time when working out.

The journey to optimal testosterone levels isn’t just about enhancing physical prowess; it’s about cultivating a holistic approach to health and vitality. These tenets not only unlock the secrets to reclaiming hormonal balance but also set the stage for an empowered and invigorated lifestyle. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the specifics of each testosterone killer, unravelling the strategies to sidestep these pitfalls and foster a harmonious interplay of hormones in your quest for overall wellness.

See it all below.

Read More: 7 Testosterone-Boosting Exercises You Should Add To Your Training

10 Worst Testosterone Killers You Must Avoid!

  1. Refined Carbs: A diet high in refined carbs, such as bread and pastries, can lead to lower testosterone levels, reduced muscle mass, and increased body fat. While the occasional treat won’t hurt, focusing on complex carbs like sweet potatoes and brown rice is crucial for hormonal balance.
  2. Lack of Exercise: Sedentary habits are a double whammy, affecting both your heart and testosterone levels. Studies show that even 15 minutes of exercise every other day can significantly boost testosterone levels. So, whether it’s hitting the weights, cycling, or a simple walk, staying active is key.
  3. Poor Sleep: Sleeping less than five hours a night for just one week can age your testosterone levels by 10 to 15 years. Prioritizing quality sleep is a simple yet effective way to maintain healthy hormone levels.
  4. High Stress and Anxiety Levels: Chronic stress and anxiety can disrupt hormone balance, leading to lower testosterone levels. While occasional stress is manageable, chronic exposure can have detrimental effects on your overall well-being.
  5. Excess Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol consumption is linked to reduced testosterone levels and increased cortisol. Moderation is key to minimizing the negative impact on hormones and overall health.
  6. Excess Body Fat: Fluctuations in body weight, especially significant gains, can result in decreased testosterone levels. Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage contributes to optimal hormonal balance.
  7. Hair Loss Medications: Hair loss medications can alter testosterone levels, leading to low libido, impaired sexual function, and depression. Exploring alternative options before resorting to these medications is advisable.
  8. Trans Fats: A diet high in trans fats, found in processed foods, can be associated with lower testosterone levels. Opting for healthier cooking oils like olive oil or coconut oil is a better choice for overall health and hormonal balance.
  9. Vegetable Oils: High consumption of polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils is linked to lower testosterone levels. Choosing healthier oil options like olive or avocado oil can positively impact testosterone levels.
  10. Female Hormone Mimickers: Everyday items, including detergents, soaps, shampoos, and perfumes, may contain compounds that mimic female hormones, disrupting hormone balance. Opting for natural or organic alternatives can limit exposure to these compounds.

When trying to optimise testosterone levels, steering clear of the identified adversaries isn’t just a means to an end; it’s a transformative journey toward holistic well-being. As we conclude our exploration of the 10 worst testosterone killers, it becomes abundantly clear that reclaiming hormonal balance is a multifaceted endeavour, transcending mere muscle development. By actively avoiding these pitfalls, you embark on a path that not only nurtures testosterone production but also fosters a ripple effect of positive health outcomes.

It’s crucial to recognize that this journey is about more than just mitigating the impact of testosterone killers; it’s a profound commitment to nurturing your overall vitality. These small, mindful changes aren’t merely about avoiding the negative; they’re a powerful testament to your dedication to a life marked by vigour, resilience, and longevity.

12 Foods to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels

Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

As you integrate these insights into your lifestyle, you’re not merely addressing hormonal imbalances; you’re crafting a narrative of empowerment. The avoidance of testosterone killers is the first step toward unlocking the full spectrum of your health potential. It’s about embracing a lifestyle that aligns with your body’s natural rhythms, fostering balance not just in hormones but in your entire well-being.

So, whether it’s moderating refined carbs, embracing regular exercise, prioritizing quality sleep, or opting for healthier alternatives, each conscious choice contributes to the symphony of optimal hormonal function. The 10 worst testosterone killers serve as guideposts, pointing toward a roadmap for achieving not just physical strength but a harmonious, resilient, and thriving existence.

In this holistic pursuit of well-being, remember that every choice matters—a nutritious meal, a brisk walk, a good night’s sleep—they all weave together to create a tapestry of health. By acknowledging and avoiding these testosterone pitfalls, you’re not merely reclaiming control over your hormones; you’re taking charge of your narrative—a narrative marked by vitality, resilience, and a zest for life. As you forge ahead, may your journey be one of continual empowerment and a celebration of the vibrant, thriving individual you’re becoming.

So try and staying away from these 10 worst testosterone killers can pave the way for naturally improving hormone levels. While eliminating them entirely might be challenging, making conscious efforts to limit exposure or consumption can significantly improve testosterone levels and contribute to overall well-being.

See a more detailed explanation in the video below.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

5 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Men Must Eat

Low testosterone levels can have several negative effects on a person’s physical and emotional health. Here are some of the reasons why low testosterone levels can be bad:

  • Reduced muscle mass and strength: Testosterone is critical for building and maintaining muscle mass and strength. Low levels of testosterone can lead to a loss of muscle mass and weakness.
  • Decreased bone density: Testosterone plays a key role in maintaining bone density. Low levels of testosterone can lead to decreased bone density and an increased risk of fractures.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Testosterone is important for maintaining sexual function in men. Low levels of testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction and reduced libido.
  • Mood changes: Testosterone can affect mood and emotional well-being. Low levels of testosterone can lead to depression, irritability, and fatigue.
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Testosterone plays a role in maintaining cardiovascular health. Low levels of testosterone have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, reduced muscle mass, decreased libido, and mood changes, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and explore treatment options.

9 Habits Killing Your Testosterone Levels

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:59:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

7 Honest Supplements that Build Muscle Mass Legally Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Here is a quick list of 7 honest supplements that build muscle mass legally.

In the labyrinth of muscle-building supplements, where flashy promises often outshine scientific authenticity, deciphering the essentials can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. With a plethora of options vying for attention, it’s crucial to cut through the noise and focus on what truly works in the realm of muscle enhancement. This article aims to be your guide, shedding light on evidence-backed supplements that not only stand the test of time but also won’t burn a hole in your pocket.

We know how easy it is to be lured by the latest trends and extravagant claims. However, the real gems lie in simplicity and effectiveness. We’ll delve into the world of supplements that have proven their worth through rigorous research, emphasizing their affordability and tangible impact on muscle development.

As we embark on this journey through the landscape of muscle-building aids, it’s essential to approach the subject with a discerning eye. Hair-brained studies may abound, but our focus will be on the hard-hitting evidence and practical solutions that have demonstrated their efficacy in fostering real, tangible results. It’s not about the fancy, schmancy stuff; it’s about what genuinely contributes to muscle growth and, perhaps more importantly, what won’t break the bank.

how to get shredded weighted sit up

10 Diet Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Muscle Gains

With that being said, Thomas DeLauer is the one who shared his insights into 7 honest supplements that build muscle mass legally. Thomas DeLauer is a celebrity trainer and health author. His YouTube Channel has 3.5 million subscribers and he has been on the cover of numerous international magazines.

So, let’s navigate through the maze of supplements, separating the wheat from the chaff, and uncover the tried-and-true essentials that have proven their mettle in the pursuit of muscle-building glory.

7 Honest Supplements that Build Muscle Mass Legally

According to DeLauer, these are 7 supplements that build muscle mass legally, so you can take them even if you are competing professionally.

  1. Creatine

Let’s start with the tried-and-true champion of muscle-building supplements: creatine. The beauty of creatine lies in its simplicity. You don’t need excessive amounts; research suggests that saturating your muscles with as little as one to three grams of plain creatine monohydrate can yield significant benefits. Creatine serves as an energy-building supplement, enhancing strength, aiding in recovery, and potentially limiting muscle breakdown.

Recent studies, such as those published in the Journal of Nutrients in 2022, even hint at creatine’s role in reducing Lucine oxidation, a marker associated with muscle breakdown. So, a small and affordable dose of creatine may be your key to building and preserving muscle effectively.

  1. Vitamin D

While most people associate vitamin D with bone health, its impact on muscle mass is gaining attention. Recent studies, including one in Renal Nutrition, indicate that vitamin D supplementation, particularly in sedentary individuals, may help retain muscle mass. Furthermore, research comparing rats and humans suggests that adequate vitamin D levels and resistance training can lead to increased muscle building and strength. Aim for 3,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D, preferably from natural sources like cod liver oil.

Source: Gute Macedo on Pexels
  1. Essential Amino Acids (EAAs)

Ditch the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and embrace essential amino acids (EAAs) for optimal muscle-building benefits. A study in the Journal of Chronobiology & Metabolism found that chronic use of EAAs not only acutely increased muscle protein synthesis but also elevated the baseline over three months. EAAs, especially rich in Leucine, stimulate anabolic pathways, contributing to muscle growth. Consider incorporating EAAs into your routine for a cost-effective muscle-building boost.

  1. Nitric Oxide (NO2) Boosters

The elusive “pump” in the gym isn’t just for show; it might actually contribute to muscle growth. Nitric oxide boosters, found in pre-workouts, enhance blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles. Research in the Journal of Physiology suggests that NO2 supplementation can increase oxygen supply and potentially support muscle hypertrophy. While the aesthetic appeal of the pump is undeniable, the physiological benefits make NO2 supplementation worth considering.

7 Ways to Look More Muscular

  1. Taurine

Taurine, an emerging supplement, shows promise in supporting muscle performance. Studies suggest that taurine acts as an endogenous antioxidant, protecting muscles during intense stress. It may aid in both short-term intensity and long-term volume by facilitating natural recovery. Taurine’s influence on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity also hints at its potential role in muscle anabolism. Consider using taurine strategically on your most demanding workout days to harness its benefits.

  1. HMB (Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methylbutyrate)

For beginners in the fitness journey, HMB offers a helping hand in preventing muscle breakdown. While more experienced individuals might find limited benefits, HMB shines in untrained individuals. It acts as a safeguard against proteolysis during the initial stages of training, supporting hypertrophy, strength gains, and enhanced recovery. As you progress in your fitness journey, you can reassess the need for HMB.

  1. Beta Alanine

Cycling through pre-workouts containing beta-alanine might be the key to pushing through those high-repetition, burn-inducing sets. Beta-alanine increases carnosine levels, buffering the acidity that causes the burn during workouts. While it may not directly impact brute strength, it can enhance hypertrophy by allowing you to tolerate the burn associated with higher volume training. Consider cycling beta-alanine during phases focused on hypertrophy, ensuring you don’t compromise your body’s natural adaptive processes.

Supplements Guide

10 Tips to Build Muscle as Quickly as Possible

In the ever-evolving landscape of muscle-building supplements, the journey towards optimal choices is a dynamic and personalized one. As we conclude our exploration, it’s crucial to underscore the significance of balance and informed decision-making. Supplements, while potent enhancers, should not overshadow the fundamentals of a well-rounded diet and a consistent, tailored training regimen.

The supplements discussed herein—from the stalwart creatine to the emerging taurine—serve as tools in your arsenal, not magic bullets. Each has a role to play, and their efficacy is best realized when aligned with your unique fitness goals and individual physiology.

As you experiment with these muscle-building aids, keep in mind that the quest for optimal results is an ongoing process. It’s not just about what’s proven today but also about staying curious and open to emerging research. The world of fitness is ever-changing, and what works for one person may not work the same way for another. Embrace the journey, listen to your body, and refine your supplement strategy based on your evolving needs.

Remember, the supplements discussed here are not a substitute for hard work, dedication, and a holistic approach to your fitness journey. They are companions, amplifying the efforts you invest in your workouts and nutrition. So, as you navigate the vast sea of options, let evidence guide your choices, affordability be your ally, and the pursuit of muscle growth be a sustainable and fulfilling endeavour.

Watch the video for DeLauer’s full explanation of each of these 7 legal supplements that build muscle mass.

5 Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work

The 5 Worst Pieces of Advice for a Long Life (You Should Never Listen To) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:30:00 +0000 Check out the 5 worst pieces of advice for a long life that you should completely disregard if you want to live a healthy enduring life.

When people practice fitness, there are a couple of distinct reasons why. Most people simply want to be stronger, fitter, more athletic, or (let’s be honest) just look nicer and change their physique.

However, there is a growing number of people who go under fitness exercises and regimes to become healthier and live longer without problems associated with ageing. And this is when the internet and the plethora of information available can be confusing.

Not all claims online, however well-intentioned they might be, are backed by strong scientific evidence. And sometimes it could be even harmful to what you are trying to achieve. And that is what Thomas DeLauer decided to shine a light on in a video he shared.

Thomas DeLauer is a celebrity trainer and health author. His YouTube Channel has 3 million subscribers and he has been on the cover of numerous international magazines.

Using his knowledge as a basis, this article aims to shed light on some of the most bogus longevity claims, focusing on practices that may seem promising but lack robust scientific support. At the end of the page, you will find all the research used for the claims made.

Related: 9 Simple Tips to Live Longer

The 5 Worst Pieces of Advice for a Long Life (You Should Never Listen To)

  • Stem Cell Treatment for Longevity

While stem cell treatments show promise in various medical applications, their efficacy in extending human lifespan remains questionable. The focus on hematopoietic cells, specifically blood stem cells, lacks strong human research. Despite some positive results in rodent models, the relevance to human longevity is uncertain, given the controlled environments of these studies.

The high cost, potential risks, and weak scientific backing make stem cell treatment for longevity a weak science offender. Caution is advised until more robust human data emerges.

  • Low Protein Diet for Longevity

A recent study suggesting that a low-protein diet promotes longevity raised eyebrows, but a closer look reveals flaws. The study recommends extremely low protein intake and the complete elimination of red meat, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Contrary to the study’s claims, increasing protein intake, especially in conjunction with resistance training, has proven benefits for strength and muscle mass. The reductionist approach of focusing on a single amino acid, methionine, neglects the overall importance of protein for maintaining health, strength, and resilience as individuals age.

3 Habits You Should Have to Stay Young

  • Grass-Finished Meat Delivered to Your Doorstep with Butcher Box

While opting for high-quality, grass-finished meat is a commendable choice for those seeking optimal nutrition, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of such claims. The link between grass-finished meat and longevity is not as straightforward as some marketing messages may suggest.

Grass-finished meat does offer potential health benefits, including higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and certain vitamins. However, overstating the direct impact of consuming this type of meat on life expectancy is misleading. Longevity is a complex outcome influenced by various factors, including overall diet, lifestyle, and genetic predispositions.

Furthermore, the association between specific types of meat and longevity is a topic of ongoing research. While grass-finished meat can contribute to a nutrient-rich diet, it should be viewed as part of a comprehensive approach to health rather than a singular solution.

  • Resveratrol Supplementation

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and certain foods, gained popularity for its potential anti-ageing properties. However, the strongest evidence comes from fruit fly studies, raising questions about its applicability to humans.

While Resveratrol may have some health benefits, its limited bioavailability and inconsistent results in human studies challenge its role as a longevity elixir. The price increase in Resveratrol supplements underscores the growing interest in longevity-related products.

  • Cold Plunge for Longevity

The trend of cold plunges, often promoted as a longevity practice, lacks solid scientific support. Early studies on rats and fruit flies showed correlations between exposure to cold and certain markers associated with lifespan, but translating these findings to humans is problematic.

Excessive cold plunging may create stress rather than promote longevity, especially for individuals already engaging in intense physical activities. Research suggests that frequent cold plunges might interfere with muscle hypertrophy, a crucial factor for overall longevity.

Rich Froning recovers in his cold plungeSource: Cold Plunge

12 Predicators of Very Poor Health as You Age (Fix Them While You Still Can!)

In the pursuit of longevity, it’s crucial to scrutinize claims and practices with a discerning eye. Stem cell treatments, extreme dietary restrictions, Resveratrol supplementation, and excessive cold plunges may sound appealing, but the weak scientific foundations behind these practices raise concerns.

While the quest for longevity is admirable, individuals should prioritize evidence-based approaches, such as maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. As science continues to advance, a nuanced understanding of longevity practices will help individuals make informed choices for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Watch the video for more information.

Studies cited for the video above:

Transplanting rejuvenated blood stem cells extends lifespan of aged immunocompromised mice

Can We Extend the Human Lifespan With Regenerative Medicine?

Effect of the Resveratrol Rice DJ526 on Longevity

Resveratrol levels and all-cause mortality in older community-dwelling adults

Lifespan and healthspan extension by resveratrol

Longevity of cold-exposed rats: a reevaluation of the “rate-of-living theory”

Nutrition, longevity and disease: From molecular mechanisms to interventions

A Ketogenic Diet Extends Longevity and Healthspan in Adult Mice

Read More: Best Exercises to Live Longer and Healthier

Longevity refers to the length of a person’s life, often used to describe the duration of a person’s overall health and well-being. It goes beyond just the number of years lived and encompasses the quality of life, health, and vitality during those years.

Improving longevity involves adopting healthy lifestyle choices and practices that contribute to a longer and healthier life. Here are some key factors to enhance longevity:

  1. Healthy Diet: Consuming a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is crucial. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive amounts of red meat.
  2. Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity is a cornerstone of longevity. Both aerobic exercises (such as walking, jogging, or swimming) and strength training contribute to overall fitness and health.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support optimal functioning of the body and mind.
  4. Stress Management: Chronic stress can negatively impact health and contribute to various diseases. Adopt stress-reducing practices such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies.
  5. Social Connections: Maintaining strong social ties and connections with friends and family is associated with improved mental health and longevity. Social interactions provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.
  6. Avoiding Harmful Habits: Refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption. Smoking and excessive alcohol intake are linked to various health issues that can shorten lifespan.
  7. Regular Health Check-ups: Routine medical check-ups and screenings help detect and address health issues early, increasing the chances of successful treatment and prevention.
  8. Cognitive Stimulation: Keep the mind active through lifelong learning, reading, puzzles, and engaging in activities that challenge cognitive abilities. Cognitive stimulation is associated with better brain health.
  9. Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Obesity is linked to a higher risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight through a combination of diet and exercise is essential for longevity.
  10. Genetic Factors: While genetic factors play a role in longevity, lifestyle choices can significantly influence how genes are expressed. Making healthy choices can positively impact genetic predispositions.

It’s important to note that longevity is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Adopting a holistic approach to health and consistently practising healthy habits can contribute to a longer and more fulfilling life. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice based on individual health needs.

What Are the Minimum Steps You Should Walk Every Day for Health Benefits (Not 10K)

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Sat, 02 Dec 2023 22:59:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

How Steroid Use Will Harm You Sat, 02 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 Do you know how steroid use will harm you? Find out in the following paragraphs.

Steroids encompass a diverse group of organic compounds that exert various physiological effects in both humans and other animals. In a medical context, the term “steroids” commonly refers to corticosteroids—synthetic derivatives of hormones naturally produced by the adrenal gland. These corticosteroids serve purposes such as reducing inflammation and swelling, often prescribed to address conditions like asthma, arthritis, and allergic reactions.

However, the focus of our discussion shifts away from these organic steroids to another category: anabolic steroids. Unlike their corticosteroid counterparts, anabolic steroids are synthetic replicas of testosterone. Athletes and bodybuilders frequently turn to anabolic steroids to elevate performance and augment muscle mass. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that their usage comes with significant and potentially severe health implications.

Mike Israetel decided to talk openly and informatively about how steroid use will harm you.

Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

bodybuilder shows off back muscles

The information below is not aimed at pushing any agenda. Steroids, like any other drugs, have their positives, negatives, and appropriate use cases. However, misuse can lead to serious consequences.

See below what Israetel had to say and warn about the dangers and harms that steroid can have in a person’s health.

5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids

How Steroid Use Will Harm You

Starting with a major concern, chronic high blood pressure is a significant side effect that escalates with the dose of steroids. This condition can lead to various health issues, including kidney failure, strokes, heart failure, and a plethora of other problems. The catch is that chronic high blood pressure often goes unnoticed until it causes severe damage, making regular monitoring essential.

Next on the list is a poor lipid profile, characterized by excess LDL cholesterol and too little HDL, the good cholesterol. This imbalance can contribute to atherosclerosis, where blood vessels fill with plaque, potentially leading to cardiovascular problems such as blood clotting, strokes, and embolism.

Moving on to less discussed issues, there’s growing speculation about the impact of steroids on the brain. Some studies suggest a potential link between prolonged steroid use and a permanent decrease in intelligence, particularly affecting visual-spatial intelligence. Additionally, short-term use can lead to temporary decreases in certain types of intelligence, impacting cognitive function.

Steroids can induce uncontrolled inner rage, toxic righteousness, and heightened anxiety. These emotional states can be challenging to deal with and may affect personal and professional relationships. Anxiety, in particular, can persist throughout the entire duration of a steroid cycle, making it a significant concern for users.

Source: cottonbro studio on Pexels
Steroid can make you angry and have uncontrolled inner rage.

Now, when talking about potential health risks, there’s a question mark around cancer. While it’s not entirely clear whether steroids directly cause cancer, they can stimulate the growth of existing tumours. This poses a potential risk for individuals with a predisposition to cancer.

Related: What Happens To Your Body On Steroids

Moving into cosmetic concerns, steroid use can lead to hair loss, severe acne, changes in skin tone (known as the “Tren tan”), and unwanted body hair growth. While these issues may not be life-threatening, they can significantly impact one’s appearance and self-esteem.

Liver damage is often cited as a potential harm of steroids, particularly with oral forms. However, the extent of liver damage is often exaggerated, and the liver has remarkable regenerative abilities. It usually requires prolonged and intense misuse of oral steroids to cause significant and lasting damage.

CrossFit Precision Care

The next phase in the steroid journey is the endogenous test production shutdown. This is when your body, having detected an abundance of testosterone or testosterone-like substances in your blood, decides to halt its own production of testosterone. It’s like a feedback loop – the body senses high levels, assumes the testicles are doing a fantastic job, and decides to minimize their workload.

5 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Men Must Eat

For those unfamiliar with the HPTA axis, it stands for the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis. It’s the system that regulates testosterone production. So, when the body detects an excess of testosterone, it signals the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to reduce their signals to the testicles. The result? The testicles start producing less testosterone.

Now, this shutdown isn’t a universal experience. Some folks, after a few weeks or months of using steroids, find their testicular size dramatically reduced. Picture it like going from a standard size to something closer to the dimensions of a caper.

But it’s not just about appearances; your ejaculate volume can also take a hit. While it might not be the end of the world, having a profoundly reduced volume might raise a few eyebrows.

And here’s the kicker – fertility. Steroids, in some cases, can reduce fertility to the point where having children becomes a distant dream. It’s a rare outcome, but it’s a risk, especially if you’re in your early twenties and dreaming of a family someday. So, it boils down to decisions – are you willing to trade fertility for gains?

Train to Failure Reasons Why Your Muscle Gains Suddenly Stopped

10 Best Bodybuilding Documentaries You Need to Watch

Now, let’s talk about a group that often engages in risky behavior: teenagers using steroids. Honestly, it’s one of the dumbest, lamest things a teen could do. If you’re not growing muscle as a teen, it’s likely due to not eating or training properly. Taking steroids at this stage is just asking for trouble, and certain types can even close your growth plates early, ensuring you never reach your full adult height.

So, to all the teens out there contemplating steroids, just don’t. Wait until you’re an adult, your health is in check, and you’ve considered the potential consequences.

Alright, so we’ve covered the potential downsides, but how can you mitigate these effects? It’s not just about scaring you away from steroid use; it’s about being informed and making responsible choices. Let’s break it down:

  1. Safer Drugs:
    • Consider drugs engineered to be safer, like oxandrolone (Anavar), primobolan, or testosterone or masteron in moderation.
    • Avoid the gnarly drugs like Tren, Halo, and Anadrol, even if they promise quick gains.
  2. Moderate Your Doses:
    • Start with a low dose, somewhere between 200-500 milligrams for men, and adjust based on results.
    • For women, it’s a much lower dose, about a 50th of what men might use.
  3. Take Off or Low Periods:
    • Regularly get off drugs entirely for months of the year or switch to TRT levels.
  4. Regular Blood Work and Ancillaries:
    • Monitor your health with regular blood work.
    • Control blood pressure with medication if necessary.
    • Avoid long-term anti-estrogen use, as it can have negative impacts on health.
  5. Regular Blood Donation:
    • If hematocrit levels get too high, regular blood donation can help prevent issues like stroke.
  6. Metformin:
    • Consider using metformin to reduce systemic inflammation and boost insulin sensitivity.

How Much Muscle Can You Build (Natural vs Enhanced)

Remember, it’s not about discouraging your choices but ensuring you’re well-informed and making decisions that align with your long-term health goals. And if you ever decide to explore other substances like growth hormone or insulin, be aware that each comes with its own set of downsides.

So, there you have it – a guide to the potential pitfalls of steroid use and how to navigate them responsibly. Stay safe, stay strong, and, above all, don’t do anything stupid that you might regret later.

Watch the video below for more information from Israetel himself.

Is it Steroids? PEDS? How CrossFit Builds Freak Physiques According to Marcus Filly

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Tue, 14 Nov 2023 06:30:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

Testing Andrew Huberman’s Protocols for Increasing Testosterone in 30 Days – Does it Work? Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Check out Cam Jones testing out Andrew Huberman’s protocols for increasing testosterone in 30 days. See the results and the before/after in the following paragraphs.

The Goal Guys are two brothers (Brendan and Cam Jones) with a YouTube channel with more than 400,000 subscribers. They share videos in which they take on “different goals in fitness and productivity.”

In a previous task he put on himself, Cam Jones made a startling discovery—his testosterone levels were very low. High testosterone is regarded as the holy grail of strength, resilience, and competitive drive. On the flip side, low testosterone might find themselves in the company of weight gain, depression, a lack of sex drive in the bedroom, and the infamous erectile dysfunction.

According to Cam, after hitting the milestone of 30 years old, testosterone levels take a nosedive, plummeting by an average of 1% each year. And guess who just hit that big 3-0? None other than Cam Jones himself. To get back in the T-game, he’s gearing up for some drastic changes by diving into some protocols from the Huberman Lab podcast for the next 30 days.

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has a YouTube channel named Huberman Lab with over 3 million subscribers where he talks everything about the brain and, often enough, how to improve one’s health and fitness with it.

Huberman is regarded as a pool of knowledge when it comes to improving one’s health and fitness. We covered a lengthy discussion he had on his podcast regarding how to reach your fitness goals using science (check the link below).

Science-Based Tools to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals

Testing Andrew Huberman’s Protocols for Increasing Testosterone in 30 Days – Does it Work?

First on the list from Huberman that Cam is taking into account is proper breathing—nose breathing, to be precise. Allegedly, it’s the golden ticket to hormonal harmony. Bright light exposure is next in line. Soaking up some rays early in the day is on the agenda. And let’s not forget the essentials: zinc, magnesium, and D3, whether from food or supplements, are on the menu.

Competing is key. Just being in the game can spike testosterone. After that, Cam’s doing 6 sets of 10 reps with a 120-second rest in between. Cam showed in a video doing lunges with dumbbells. And even if you need to lighten the weight for the next set, it still is not easy to finish.

Day one hits, and it’s humbling. Looking back on the footage, Cam’s body language revealed deflation, defeat, and low testosterone vibes all around. So Cam decides to up his competition drive, challenge his brother to a one-on-one basketball again and wage $1,000 if Cam loses.

As he digs into the challenge, surprising facts about his testosterone levels emerge. In the below-average club for his age, and if he were 88, he’d still be hanging in the 70th to 80th percentile. A wake-up call. Why is this happening? Is it his lifestyle? His habits? The mystery deepens.

Training intensifies, incorporating bright light, disciplined protocols, and, of course, the dreaded pull-ups. Brendan, his brother, is along for the ride—a pull-up maestro, while Cam is just trying to keep up.

But here’s the twist. It’s not just physical. Testosterone isn’t just about sets and reps; it’s about mindset. Struggle, self-doubt, lazy days, and setbacks—it’s a rollercoaster, but Cam presses on.

Related: 10 Worst Testosterone Killers You Must Avoid!

Fast forward to the big game. A grand on the line, battling not just his brother but his own doubts. The pain sets in, his thumb protests, and he’s tempted to let up. But with a thousand bucks hanging in the balance, he refocuses—one possession at a time, one rep at a time.

And you know what? It works. The effort, the struggle—it feels good. Cam pushed himself harder than ever, and it paid off – he won against his brother and kept the $1,000. With the final challenge behind him, it’s time for the moment of truth—did he boost his testosterone by adhering to Adnrew Huberman’s testosterone protocols?

Yes! Day one to day 30, just shy of the 50th percentile (before he was below the 90th percentile). He went from 2.83 to 3.51 ng/mL.

If you want to see the entire journey of Cam Jones to get to average testosterone levels, watch the video below.

7 Testosterone-Boosting Exercises You Should Add To Your Training

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Low testosterone levels can wreak havoc on both physical and emotional well-being. Here’s a breakdown of the detrimental effects associated with low testosterone:

  1. Reduced Muscle Mass and Strength:
    • Testosterone is a linchpin for building and sustaining muscle mass and strength.
    • Low testosterone levels can result in muscle loss and weakness.
  2. Decreased Bone Density:
    • Testosterone is crucial for maintaining optimal bone density.
    • Low levels can lead to reduced bone density and an elevated risk of fractures.
  3. Erectile Dysfunction:
    • Testosterone is a key player in male sexual function.
    • Inadequate levels can contribute to erectile dysfunction and diminished libido.
  4. Mood Changes:
    • Testosterone has a substantial impact on mood and emotional well-being.
    • Low levels may trigger depression, irritability, and fatigue.
  5. Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease:
    • Testosterone plays a vital role in cardiovascular health.
    • Low levels have been linked to a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you’re grappling with symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, diminished muscle mass, libido issues, or mood fluctuations, consulting your healthcare provider is crucial. Identifying the root cause and exploring viable treatment options can pave the way for a healthier you.

Train to Failure Reasons Why Your Muscle Gains Suddenly Stopped

Explore Further:

Now, let’s delve into a fundamental principle that can amplify your fitness journey:

Progressive Overload: Elevating Your Exercise Game

Progressive overload stands as a cornerstone principle in exercise training, involving a gradual increase in stress on the body during workouts over time. The underlying idea is simple yet potent: to enhance fitness and strength, challenge your body by steadily upping the weight, repetitions, or sets you engage in during exercises.

Whether you’re pumping iron, hitting the pavement for a run, or delving into bodyweight exercises like push-ups, the principle holds. By systematically intensifying the load on your muscles, you prompt them to adapt, fostering improved strength and endurance.

Caution is paramount, though. Progress gradually and thoughtfully, allowing your body the necessary recovery time between sessions. Swift increases in weight or intensity can lead to injury or burnout. A well-structured exercise program, mindful of the progressive overload principle, becomes a potent ally in your pursuit of fitness goals.

Dive Deeper:

Switching gears to the nutritional realm, let’s explore key factors integral to successful weight loss:

Essential Nutritional Factors for Effective Weight Loss

  1. Caloric Deficit:
    • Consume fewer calories than you burn to achieve weight loss.
    • Blend reduced caloric intake with increased physical activity.
  2. Macronutrient Balance:
    • Maintain a balanced intake of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
    • Moderate protein aids in satiety and muscle retention, while healthy fats and complex carbs offer sustained energy.
  3. Fiber:
    • Prioritize high-fibre foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
    • Aim for 25-30 grams of fibre daily for enhanced fullness.
  4. Hydration:
    • Stay hydrated to support overall health and curb cravings.
    • Aim for at least 8 cups of water daily.
  5. Avoiding Processed Foods:
    • Steer clear of calorie-laden, unhealthy processed foods.
    • Opt for whole, minimally processed foods for better nutrition.

Embarking on a weight loss journey demands consistency, patience, and persistence. Prioritise these nutritional factors for a sustainable, healthy diet aligning with your weight loss goals.

12 Foods to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels

8 Supplements to Force Muscle Growth Mon, 06 Nov 2023 18:30:00 +0000 Can you force muscle growth through the use of supplements. Depends on which one you take – as each has a certain effect on the body that will aid your muscles to recover faster or give you more energy to perform lifts.

When training for hypertrophy, many are tempted by the appeal of shortcuts, hoping that a few pills or powders will replace the hard work in the gym. Supplements can provide an extra boost of essential nutrients that might be challenging to obtain solely from food. These helpers come in various forms, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other beneficial substances.

However, it’s crucial to understand that supplements aren’t a quick fix for achieving your fitness goals. If your lifestyle involves prolonged periods of inactivity, constant couch-surfing, and a diet dominated by junk food, no supplement from the list can perform a miraculous body transformation. The key lies in striking a balance between a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, and the judicious use of supplements to complement your overall well-being.

While there’s no magic potion for instant gains, certain supplements can indeed provide a valuable edge, helping you break through plateaus and achieve your muscle-building goals more efficiently.

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 8 scientifically-backed supplements that can fuel muscle growth, along with a few you might want to skip.

The ideas and information you will see below was first shared by Max Posternak. Max Posternak, the visionary behind Gravity Transformation, is dedicated to providing advice and training tips for those seeking fitness improvement and weight loss. With over 5.5 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Max has become a go-to source for fitness enthusiasts.

Which Supplements to Take at What Age?

8 Supplements to Force Muscle Growth

1. Carnosine – The Fatigue Fighter

Carnosine, a combination of beta-alanine and histidine, combats muscle fatigue by reducing acidic build-up during workouts. Enhancing endurance, it allows you to push through more reps, a crucial factor in muscle development. Additionally, carnosine acts as an antioxidant, safeguarding muscle cells from oxidative stress.

2. Pre-Workouts – Energize and Amplify

Pre-workouts, often containing caffeine and nitric oxide boosters, provide a significant energy boost and improve focus. This aids in performing more intense workouts, lifting heavier weights, and promoting muscle growth. However, moderation is key to prevent developing a tolerance.

3. Creatine – Power and Recovery

Well-known for enhancing exercise performance, creatine increases phosphocreatine stores, aiding in short bursts of high-intensity activity. It also promotes water retention within muscle cells, leading to increased cell volume and improved hydration. Creatine stimulates muscle protein synthesis while reducing myostatin levels, contributing to muscle growth.

4. Whey Protein – Fast-Track to Amino Acids

supplements guide

Whey protein, a rapidly digestible source of essential amino acids, supports muscle protein synthesis. Its high bioavailability makes it an excellent post-workout option, especially when combined with carbohydrates for efficient nutrient delivery.

5. Weight Gainer Shakes – Calories for Growth

For those struggling to meet calorie needs, homemade weight gainer shakes, incorporating whey protein, oats, bananas, whole milk, and peanut butter, provide additional calories and nutrients crucial for muscle recovery.

6. Vitamin D – The Sunshine Supplement

Particularly beneficial for those in low-sunshine environments, vitamin D supports muscle strength and performance. Adequate levels can influence muscle fiber composition, promoting type two muscle fibers associated with greater force, power, and size.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle GrowthSource: Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Indirect Muscle Support

While not directly influencing muscle growth, omega-3 fatty acids offer anti-inflammatory effects. They enhance muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle protein breakdown, and improve neuromuscular function, indirectly aiding in effective workouts.

8. HMB – On the Borderline

HMB, while showing mixed results, is believed to enhance muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle damage. While not universally effective, it may benefit beginners or individuals who react positively to its effects.

Supplements to Avoid

  • Testosterone Boosters: Often ineffective, over-the-counter testosterone boosters may not elevate testosterone levels significantly.
  • BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids): With sufficient protein intake, additional BCAAs are usually unnecessary.
  • Glutamine: Another amino acid often unnecessary with an adequate protein intake.
  • DHEA: Marketed for anti-aging and muscle building, DHEA lacks scientific support and carries potential risks.

Related: 5 Signs Someone Is On Steroids

While supplements can enhance your muscle-building journey, they are not a substitute for a well-rounded diet and consistent workout plan. Understanding the science behind these supplements empowers you to make informed choices, optimizing your efforts for maximum gains. Remember, there’s no replacement for hard work, dedication, and a holistic approach to fitness.

Watch the video below for more information about the 8 supplements to force muscle growth.

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

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Supplements, as the name suggests, are products designed to complement and enhance a person’s diet with additional nutrients that may be lacking or difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities from food alone. They come in various forms, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other dietary substances.

While supplements can be beneficial in certain situations, it’s essential to recognize that they are meant to “supplement” a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet, not replace it. Here are a few reasons why supplements should not be overly prioritized as the primary means for building muscle or losing weight:

  1. Whole Foods Provide Comprehensive Nutrition: Whole foods contain a combination of nutrients, fiber, and compounds that work together synergistically. Relying on a variety of whole foods ensures that your body gets a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, not just isolated compounds found in supplements.
  2. Bioavailability: The nutrients in whole foods are often more bioavailable than those in supplements. The body is designed to absorb and utilize nutrients from food efficiently. In some cases, the form of a nutrient in a supplement may not be as readily absorbed as the form found in food.
  3. Missing Co-Factors: Many nutrients work in conjunction with others to exert their full effects. Whole foods naturally provide these co-factors, ensuring that the body can use the nutrients effectively. Supplements, especially isolated nutrients, may lack these necessary co-factors.
  4. Unregulated Industry: The supplement industry is not as strictly regulated as the pharmaceutical industry. This can lead to variations in the quality and potency of supplements. Some products may not contain what is listed on the label, and there may be contaminants or impurities.
  5. No Magic Bullet: Despite marketing claims, there is no magic supplement that can replace a healthy diet and regular exercise. Building muscle and losing weight are complex processes that involve lifestyle factors beyond just nutrient intake.
  6. Potential Risks: High doses of certain vitamins and minerals from supplements can have adverse effects and may even be harmful. It’s important to be mindful of the upper limits for these nutrients, which can be easier to exceed with supplements.

In essence, while supplements can play a role in supporting specific health and fitness goals, they should be viewed as supplementary to a well-rounded diet and lifestyle. Placing too much emphasis on supplements without addressing the foundation of a healthy lifestyle may lead to unbalanced nutrition and unrealistic expectations.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

Which Supplements to Take at What Age? Sun, 22 Oct 2023 21:30:00 +0000 There are many supplements to choose from. Simply walk down the proper isle in the pharmacy or supermarket and you could get overwhelmed easily. But which supplements should you actually take? And, maybe more importantly, at what age? Let’s investigate that.

Supplements are not food, but they’re things we can take to make sure we get all the important stuff we need to stay healthy. Sometimes we might not get all the necessary ingredients from the food we eat, and that’s where supplements come in.

Supplements can be things like vitamins, minerals, or other special ingredients such as creatine and protein powder – the last two, more common for athletes and bodybuilders. They come in different forms, like pills, powders, or liquids. For example, if we need more vitamin C to help our immune system, we can take a vitamin C supplement to give our body that extra boost.

But supplements are not the answer to all of our health problems. They should team up with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Supplements should never be ingested as the main source of ingredients intake, but rather, as the name suggests it, as a supplement to any deficiency one person might have.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle GrowthSource: Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels

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With that information out of the way, you should know that some supplements are recommended to take on different moments of your life, depending not only on your health, but also on your age. That is what Jeff Cavaliere explained in a video he uploaded.

Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

Through his ATHLEAN-X platform, Jeff provides workout programs, fitness advice, and nutrition tips to a global audience. His approach to fitness emphasizes science-based training methods and a commitment to functional strength. Jeff is recognized for his in-depth knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics, which he incorporates into his training programs to help individuals achieve their fitness goals while minimizing the risk of injury. With millions of subscribers on YouTube and a strong presence on various social media platforms, Jeff Cavaliere has become a well-respected figure in the fitness and wellness community.

So it wouldn’t be all that bad leaning into Cavaliere’s expertise to understand which supplements to take at what age. So let’s dive right into it.

Which Supplements to Take at What Age?

When deciding on the right supplements and when to incorporate them into your routine, Cavaliere recognised the need for a comprehensive supplement checklist. A guide that aids in the selection of workout supplements and vitamins tailored to individual goals and age. In this discussion, we’ll delve into Amazon’s findings, highlighting the top 14 supplement categories based on user popularity.

Jeff’s task is to guide individuals in determining the suitability of these supplements based on their age. The focus is not just on what supplements to take but, crucially, when it’s appropriate to incorporate them into your routine.

We are categorising the age groups into 10-13, 14-19, 20-34, 35-49, and 50 and above.

Starting off with the most popular and perhaps staple supplement for many – the multivitamin. Jeff describes it as the “insurance policy” of supplements, filling in the nutritional gaps. Despite some issues with poorly constructed multivitamins conflicting with each other, Jeff deems them generally safe for all age groups. Even children under ten can take them, although their effectiveness might vary.

Next we look into protein powder, one of the most used supplement to help with building muscle. Jeff argues that while not necessarily needed for those aged 10-13, it becomes crucial for teenagers (14-19) engaged in weight training. As individuals grow older, protein requirements increase, making protein powder beneficial not just for muscle building but also for preserving muscle mass in the later years.

supplements guide

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

The next category is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Jeff makes a clear distinction between TRT and supplements, labelling TRT as a drug with significant implications. While it is necessary for some cases, you should always consult a doctor before venturing in testosterone replacement therapy, regardless of age.

Test boosters, which Jeff considers more supplemental, are discussed next. He highlights the evolution of research introducing safer compounds like Tongkat Ali or Fadogia. However, he urges consultation with a doctor before using them.

Jeff vehemently opposes the use of SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), especially in the 14-19 age group. He emphasizes the lack of testing and the potential risks associated with these substances.

Related: 5 Signs Someone Is On Steroids

Moving on, Cavaliere talks about melatonin, a supplement that gained popularity during the pandemic. Jeff recognizes its safety but suggests exploring natural alternatives, such as morning exposure to sunlight, for restoring circadian rhythm.

Creatine is a well-researched and safe supplement. Jeff recommends it for those engaged in intense training, with considerations about the type of creatine based on individual reactions.

Pre-workout supplements are discussed with a caution against unnecessary usage. Jeff emphasizes that if you’re not training, you don’t need a pre-workout. Responsible usage is advised, especially regarding caffeine intake.

Intra-workout supplements are explored, focusing on addressing strength attenuation during workouts. Jeff suggests their use for individuals focused on strength training but acknowledges that it may not be necessary for everyone.

Fat burners receive scepticism from Cavaliere about their effectiveness. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on diet for weight loss.

Joint recovery supplements are deemed important, not just for older individuals but also for teenagers engaged in frequent physical activity. Jeff encourages addressing joint discomfort early on to prevent a cycle of breakdown and compensation.

How to Eat for Performance Vs Health Vs Looks?

Omega-3s are highlighted as a supplement with extensive health benefits, from cardiovascular health to anti-inflammatory properties. Jeff recommends supplementation due to the difficulty of obtaining sufficient omega-3s from food alone.

Fish oilSource: Pixabay

The discussion concludes with probiotics, acknowledged for their safety but questioned for their consistent necessity. Jeff suggests considering alternatives like yogurt or natural methods for restoring gut flora.

Either way, when thinking about taking supplements, regardless of age, you should consult a doctor so that a personal assessment of your health and possible cons of taking such supplement might give you.

The key message is that supplement usage should be purposeful and individualised, considering factors such as age, training goals, and overall health.

For a full explanation from Cavaliere himself about which supplements to take at what age, watch the video below.

5 Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work

5 Steps to Build a Perfect Male Physique

Bro Split, Upper/Lower, Full Body Workout Compared

6 Best Foods to Eat Before a Workout Fri, 20 Oct 2023 21:30:00 +0000 Below you will find a list of 6 best foods to eat before a workout.

Having a pre-workout snack can offer several positive benefits to enhance your exercise performance and overall fitness experience. First and foremost, a well-timed snack provides your body with a readily available source of energy. Carbohydrates in your pre-workout snack are particularly crucial as they are the body’s preferred and efficient fuel source. Consuming carbohydrates before exercising helps replenish glycogen stores in your muscles, providing the energy needed for sustained physical exertion.

Secondly, pre-workout foods can contribute to improved focus and mental clarity during your exercise session. Nutrient-rich snacks that include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats can help stabilize blood sugar levels. This steadiness in blood sugar prevents energy crashes and helps maintain mental alertness throughout your workout. When your brain has a stable supply of glucose from the pre-workout snack, you’re better equipped to stay focused, make sound decisions during your routine, and push through challenging exercises with greater efficiency.

Additionally, having a pre-workout snack aids in muscle preservation and recovery. Including protein in your snack helps prevent muscle breakdown during exercise, especially in situations where there’s an extended gap between meals. The protein component supports muscle repair and growth, ensuring that your body is in an optimal state for recovery post-workout. Overall, a thoughtfully chosen pre-workout snack acts as a fuel reservoir, enhances mental acuity, and supports muscle integrity, contributing to a more effective and satisfying exercise session.

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Raise your game

Taking all that into consideration, Max Posternak created a list of the 6 best foods to eat before a workout. Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

See it for yourself and consume these foods before hitting hard in the gym.

15 Muscle Building Mistakes You Could be Making

6 Best Foods to Eat Before a Workout

The nutritional choices you make wield a substantial influence not only on your physical appearance but also on your overall performance. Choosing the right foods can furnish you with heightened energy levels, a sharper mental acuity, and a marked improvement in your gym performance.

While there are myriad ways to structure your pre-workout meals—commonly involving a combination of protein and carbs like chicken and rice, scrambled eggs with Ezekiel bread and veggies, or oatmeal with protein powder and berries—Posternak likes to divert from the standard enumeration of well-known proteins, carbs, and fats. Instead, he talked about 6 extraordinary foods and beverages acknowledged for their compelling effects on performance.

First on the list is hot peppers, specifically known for the presence of capsaicin—the compound responsible for the fiery heat in chilli peppers. Surprisingly, research suggests that consuming capsaicin before a workout enhances the number of reps per set. In a study involving ten trained men performing squats, those who ingested 12 milligrams of capsaicin 45 minutes before the workout completed more reps than those who took a placebo, Posternak explains.

Source: Vitolda Klein / Unsplash

Potential explanations include the elevation of the pain threshold and its impact on calcium release from muscle cells, benefiting the central nervous system. While consuming a significant amount of chilli pepper may be impractical for some, supplements like oleoresin red peppers, with high capsaicin content, offer a viable alternative.

Moving on to beetroot, it emerges as an often-overlooked powerhouse. Rich in nitrates, beetroot aids in the production of nitric oxide, promoting vasodilation and improved blood flow. Consuming beetroot before a workout not only enhances the “pump” but also contributes to improved aerobic endurance, energy output, and muscle recovery between sets.

While incorporating sufficient beetroot into the diet may pose a challenge, beetroot juice offers a concentrated solution, with around 500 millilitres being the recommended amount for optimal benefits.

Casein, a protein source, enters the spotlight as a noteworthy pre-workout choice. While many lean towards whey protein due to its faster digestion, casein stands out for its ability to prevent muscle protein breakdown for a more extended period. In a study comparing the effects of casein and whey on body composition and strength gains, the casein group demonstrated superior results.

Its unique peptide component contributes to improved nitrogen retention and overall anticatabolic effects, making it an ideal pre-workout protein, particularly when combined with options like oatmeal and skim milk.

10 Terrible Things To Do Before A Workout

A Healthy Dry Oat meal in a wooden spoon

Oatmeal, despite mixed research on pre-workout carbs, is highlighted for its benefits, especially in a calorie-restricted diet. As dieting reduces muscle glycogen stores, incorporating pre-workout carbs, such as oatmeal, helps replenish glycogen and potentially improves performance.

With a decent amount of fibre, oatmeal facilitates gradual carb release, preventing low blood sugar symptoms during training. Additionally, oatmeal contains a notable amount of protein, distinguishing it from most other carb sources.

Coffee with L-Theanine offers a simpler alternative to complex pre-workout formulas, leveraging caffeine as the primary stimulant. Adding L-Theanine to coffee enhances caffeine’s positive effects while mitigating negatives like increased anxiety and blood pressure.

The recommended ratio of caffeine to L-Theanine is 1 to 2, providing an optimal balance for most individuals. Caffeine, known for its role in suppressing fatigue and enhancing focus, strength, power, and endurance, should be consumed judiciously to avoid tolerance. If tolerance has developed, abstaining from caffeine sources for two weeks helps reset tolerance levels.

Last but not least, watermelon emerges as a valuable pre-workout option, often considered a superior source of citrulline. Citrulline, an amino acid, converts into arginine, promoting nitric oxide production and improving blood flow.

Research suggests that citrulline enhances gym performance by increasing blood flow to muscles, aiding in clearing muscle fatigue markers, and reducing lactic acid accumulation. Watermelon can serve as an alternative to beetroot, offering similar benefits.

Incorporating these 6 valuable pre-workout foods into your diet holds the promise of enhancing your performance and, consequently, delivering superior results.

For a full explanation of each of the foods listed above in video format, simply click below for Posternak’s insights.

How To Build Muscle 2x Faster

15 Exercises Better Than Burpees For Fat Loss

10 Exercises to Get a Top 1% Physique

4 Ways to Recover from a Hard Workout


Massages prompt self-myofascial release. A popular method to achieve this is through foam rolling, which might seem to help from empirical evidence but research on the actual benefits of foam rolling is still lacking.

That being said, there are three studies that have shown positive effects of foam rolling on reducing muscle soreness.

Read more: Why Massage Guns Should be in Every Athlete’s Recovery Toolkit

Active recovery

Active recovery can be a good method to reduce muscle soreness. This includes cooldowns and low-intensity exercise.

This is also an under-researched area but there are a handful of studies that have found that active recovery, whether performed directly after exercise or in the days following a workout, can reduce muscle soreness compared to not performing it.

Importantly, use a low-intensity exercise that involves the muscles you’ve worked.


Research is relatively inconclusive when it comes to supplements to recover from a workout and reduce muscle soreness. However, he mentions that the research behind Omega 3 is promising. The supplement seems to improve anabolic signalling which likely increases muscle repair and muscle growth.

Caffeine before a workout seems to also reduce muscle soreness.

Slow increases in training intensity

Slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts is the easiest way to avoid muscle soreness and give you the best chances to properly recover from a workout.

If you’re a beginner, de-trained, or starting a new exercise routine make sure you take a few weeks to ease into your program. Work at volumes and intensities that are lower than you normally would to prevent excessive soreness.

Learn more

Learn what effect stretching has on recovery, what the benefits of cold water are and how to improve your physical health.

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Sun, 15 Oct 2023 02:00:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

5 Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work Sun, 08 Oct 2023 13:30:00 +0000 Supplements are meant to only add extra nutrients to your diet. Even so, some of them can give you an extra advantage for a specific goal. Check out these 5 fat loss supplements that actually work.

Supplements are like helpers that give your body more of the good stuff it needs, especially when it’s hard to get enough from food. They can be in the form of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, or other healthy substances.

It is important to note that they are not a shortcut for whatever fitness goal you have in life. If you are sedentary, sits around all day and eat junk food, it won’t be one of the supplements in this list that will magically transform your body, no matter how often you take the supplement.

With that said, this list of 5 fat loss supplements that actually work were designed by Thomas DeLauer. He is a celebrity trainer and health author. His YouTube Channel has 3 million subscribers and he has been on the cover of numerous international magazines.

See all the info you need below.

5 Fat Loss Supplements That Actually Work

In the realm of supplements, Thomas DeLauer sheds light on those that are often dismissed as worthless for body composition, along with the ones that quietly offer benefits for fat loss. Thomas explores five supplements that deserve consideration, emphasizing that this information is informative rather than a directive to take them all.

The first supplement under scrutiny is carnitine, a critical element that facilitates the transport of mobilized fat into mitochondria for burning. Despite the body’s endogenous production of carnitine, a deficiency can impede fat loss, especially for those engaged in intense workouts. Thomas backs this claim with a meta-analysis showing significant fat loss with carnitine supplementation.

Next on the list is green tea extract, combining caffeine and catechins for enhanced energy expenditure and fatty acid utilization. Thomas delves into the mechanism, highlighting how EGCG may boost thermogenesis in brown fat, contributing to increased calorie burning.

Probiotics make an unexpected appearance in the fat loss lineup. While not directly burning fat, the short-chain fatty acids produced by a diverse microbiome may enhance energy substrate utilization, glucose utilization, and fat oxidation. Thomas recommends Seed, a daily symbiotic, for those interested in exploring probiotic supplementation.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is the fourth supplement in focus, known for its consistent albeit modest fat loss potential. A meta-analysis of 18 studies indicates a reliable 0.09-kilogram weekly weight loss with CLA supplementation. Thomas acknowledges its limited bioavailability in supplement form, suggesting natural sources like beef or dairy.

Yohimbine, an alpha-2 antagonist, takes the fifth spot. By binding to the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor, yohimbine promotes lipolysis, liberating fats for potential burning during exercise. Thomas emphasizes the need for physical activity to capitalize on the liberated fats, making yohimbine an effective supplement when combined with workouts.

In conclusion, Thomas provides insights into supplements that can complement fat loss efforts, emphasizing the importance of understanding their mechanisms and considering individual needs and circumstances.

For a more detailed information, watch Thomas DeLauer’s video below.

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

How To Take the Fitness Age Challenge and Find Out How Old You Really Are

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Supplements, as the name suggests, are products designed to complement and enhance a person’s diet with additional nutrients that may be lacking or difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities from food alone. They come in various forms, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other dietary substances.

While supplements can be beneficial in certain situations, it’s essential to recognize that they are meant to “supplement” a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet, not replace it. Here are a few reasons why supplements should not be overly prioritized as the primary means for building muscle or losing weight:

  1. Whole Foods Provide Comprehensive Nutrition: Whole foods contain a combination of nutrients, fiber, and compounds that work together synergistically. Relying on a variety of whole foods ensures that your body gets a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, not just isolated compounds found in supplements.
  2. Bioavailability: The nutrients in whole foods are often more bioavailable than those in supplements. The body is designed to absorb and utilize nutrients from food efficiently. In some cases, the form of a nutrient in a supplement may not be as readily absorbed as the form found in food.
  3. Missing Co-Factors: Many nutrients work in conjunction with others to exert their full effects. Whole foods naturally provide these co-factors, ensuring that the body can use the nutrients effectively. Supplements, especially isolated nutrients, may lack these necessary co-factors.
  4. Unregulated Industry: The supplement industry is not as strictly regulated as the pharmaceutical industry. This can lead to variations in the quality and potency of supplements. Some products may not contain what is listed on the label, and there may be contaminants or impurities.
  5. No Magic Bullet: Despite marketing claims, there is no magic supplement that can replace a healthy diet and regular exercise. Building muscle and losing weight are complex processes that involve lifestyle factors beyond just nutrient intake.
  6. Potential Risks: High doses of certain vitamins and minerals from supplements can have adverse effects and may even be harmful. It’s important to be mindful of the upper limits for these nutrients, which can be easier to exceed with supplements.

In essence, while supplements can play a role in supporting specific health and fitness goals, they should be viewed as supplementary to a well-rounded diet and lifestyle. Placing too much emphasis on supplements without addressing the foundation of a healthy lifestyle may lead to unbalanced nutrition and unrealistic expectations.

How to Increase Your Metabolism

BCAAs or EAA? Which Should You Be Taking and Why

lose weight

Why are Healthy Habits Useful?

Healthy habits are useful for several reasons. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved physical health: Healthy habits such as regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding harmful substances can help improve physical health. This can lead to a lower risk of chronic diseases, improved energy levels, and overall better physical well-being.

Better mental health: Healthy habits can also improve mental health by reducing stress levels, improving mood, and increasing self-esteem. This can lead to better overall mental well-being and a more positive outlook on life.

Increased productivity: By establishing healthy habits such as good time management, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions, individuals can become more productive and efficient in their work and personal lives.

Improved relationships: Healthy habits such as effective communication, active listening, and empathy can help build stronger and more positive relationships with others.

Long-term success: By establishing healthy habits and sticking to them over time, individuals can achieve long-term success in their personal and professional lives. This can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Healthy habits are useful because they can improve both physical and mental health, increase productivity, improve relationships, and lead to long-term success.

How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting

5 Intermittent Fasting Tricks to Burn Fat Faster

Why is Consistency Important for Losing Weight?

Consistency is important for losing weight because it helps create sustainable healthy habits that lead to long-term weight loss success. Here are some reasons why consistency is crucial for weight loss:

Helps create a calorie deficit: Consistently sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan helps create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. By consistently consuming fewer calories than your body burns, you can lose weight over time.

Builds momentum: Consistent healthy habits build momentum and can help you stay motivated to continue with your weight loss efforts. This can help prevent setbacks or relapses and keep you on track towards your weight loss goals.

Develops discipline: Consistency requires discipline, and developing discipline can help you resist temptations and stay on track with your weight loss efforts. This can help you overcome challenges and maintain healthy habits over the long term.

Provides measurable results: Consistency allows you to track your progress and see measurable results. This can be a source of motivation and help you stay focused on your weight loss goals.

Helps establish new habits: Consistent healthy habits can eventually become ingrained as part of your lifestyle, making weight loss easier to maintain over the long term.

In summary, consistency is important for losing weight because it helps create a calorie deficit, builds momentum, develops discipline, provides measurable results, and helps establish new habits. By consistently sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan, you can achieve long-term weight loss success.

8 Morning Habits to Lose Belly Fat FAST

5 Best Lazy Abs Exercises (Get a Six Pack Without Moving)

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Sun, 01 Oct 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Lose Fat and Build Muscle Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:30:00 +0000 This is the smartest way to use protein to lose fat and build muscle according to Mike Diamonds.

Dr Mike Diamonds is a medical doctor who is now an online fitness and health coach and a YouTuber. He has close to a million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

Perhaps you don’t know yet that protein is one of the most important, if not the most important, nutrient to build muscle. It is crucial for building muscle and losing fat due to its role in various physiological processes in the body. Here’s why protein is essential for these goals:

1. Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS): Protein is the primary building block for muscles. When you engage in strength training or resistance exercise, you create tiny tears in your muscle fibers. To repair and rebuild these fibers, your body relies on a process called muscle protein synthesis. Protein provides the amino acids necessary for MPS to occur, resulting in muscle growth and repair.

2. Preservation of Lean Muscle Mass: When you’re trying to lose fat, it’s important to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible. A sufficient protein intake helps preserve muscle tissue while your body burns fat for energy during a calorie deficit. This preservation of lean muscle mass helps to keep your metabolism higher and ensures that most of the weight you lose comes from fat rather than muscle.

3. Increased Thermogenesis: Protein has a higher thermogenic effect compared to carbohydrates and fats. This means that your body expends more energy (burns more calories) to digest and metabolize protein. This extra calorie expenditure contributes to weight loss, as it increases your overall daily energy expenditure.

4. Satiety and Appetite Control: Protein is highly satiating, which means it helps you feel full and satisfied after a meal. This reduces the likelihood of overeating or snacking on calorie-dense foods, making it easier to maintain a calorie deficit for fat loss.

5. Nutrient Partitioning: Adequate protein intake can positively influence how your body distributes nutrients. It can encourage your body to preferentially use stored fat for energy while preserving carbohydrates for immediate energy needs. This can lead to a greater proportion of fat loss during a calorie deficit.

6. Maintenance of Metabolic Rate: Maintaining or increasing your protein intake during weight loss helps prevent a decrease in your metabolic rate, which can occur when losing weight. A higher metabolic rate makes it easier to continue losing fat.

7. Muscle Recovery: Protein is essential for the repair and recovery of muscles after exercise. This allows you to train more frequently and at a higher intensity, which can further contribute to muscle growth and fat loss.

In summary, protein plays a multifaceted role in building muscle and losing fat. It supports muscle growth and repair, helps preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss, increases calorie expenditure, controls appetite, influences nutrient partitioning, maintains metabolic rate, and aids in muscle recovery. Therefore, it’s a fundamental nutrient for individuals looking to optimize their body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.

Source: California Performance Co

Below you will find out the smartest way to use protein to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously.

The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Lose Fat and Build Muscle

In a video, Mike Diamonds explains the smartest way to use protein for building muscle. He shares his extensive experience coaching over a thousand clients, incorporating his medical background into evidence-based practices to achieve remarkable results in muscle growth and protein intake science.

Mike delves into five controversial questions regarding protein in the context of bodybuilding. Here are the key points he makes:

  1. Daily Protein Requirements: Diamonds outlines that the recommended daily protein intake is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight for basic bodily functions. However, for individuals engaged in weightlifting or bodybuilding, additional protein is needed to support muscle growth and repair.
  2. Bodybuilding: He explains that the required protein intake for bodybuilders depends on their specific fitness goals, whether they are bulking, cutting, or aiming for body recomposition. He suggests a range of 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to meet their needs.
  3. Protein Per Meal: Dr. Diamonds discusses the importance of protein distribution throughout the day. While the classic recommendation was 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal, recent research indicates that up to 40 grams of protein per meal may be more effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis and reducing protein breakdown, especially after a workout.
  4. Supplements vs. Whole Foods: He emphasizes the value of obtaining protein from whole foods, but acknowledges that supplements can be a practical way to meet protein requirements, especially when whole foods fall short. Protein supplements, such as whey protein, are considered safe and of high quality.
  5. Animal vs. Plant-Based Protein: Dr. Diamonds discusses the quality of protein from different sources. Animal-based proteins are regarded as higher quality due to their complete essential amino acid profiles and superior digestibility. However, he recommends a combination of both animal and plant-based proteins for optimal muscle growth.
  6. Upper Limit for Protein: He mentions that there is no evidence of health risks associated with consuming protein above the recommended daily intake, as long as kidney function is healthy. However, he advises against excessive protein intake that may lead to an imbalanced diet.

Mike Diamonds concludes by emphasizing that protein intake should be personalized based on individual factors, such as weight, body fat percentage, and fitness goals. In summary, Diamonds provides a comprehensive explanation of protein intake for muscle growth, addressing key questions and considerations in an accessible manner.

For a more detailed information from the man himself, watch the video below.

9 Simple Tips to Live Longer

How to Increase Your Metabolism

How to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle

People should consider taking supplements for muscle growth when their dietary intake and training regimen alone are not providing sufficient nutrients to support their muscle-building goals. Supplements can be useful to fill potential nutrient gaps and enhance muscle recovery and growth. However, it’s important to note that supplements should not replace a balanced diet but rather complement it.

Sara Sigmundsdottir embraces her physiqueSource: SIGMUNDSDOTTIR x WIT

Common times when people might consider taking supplements for muscle growth include:

  1. Post-Workout Recovery: Immediately after a workout, the body is in a prime state for muscle repair and growth. Consuming a protein shake or amino acid supplement can provide the necessary building blocks for muscle recovery.
  2. Protein Intake: If it’s challenging to meet daily protein requirements through whole foods alone, a protein supplement can help ensure an adequate intake. Whey protein, casein protein, or plant-based protein sources can be options.
  3. Creatine: Creatine is a well-researched supplement that can enhance muscle strength and power. It’s usually taken pre or post-workout and can be particularly beneficial for high-intensity activities.
  4. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): BCAAs, specifically leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are amino acids that can aid in muscle recovery and reduce muscle breakdown, especially during intense training sessions.
  5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can contribute to overall health, which indirectly supports muscle recovery and growth.
  6. Vitamin D: A deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with decreased muscle strength and function. If sunlight exposure is limited, a vitamin D supplement might be considered.
  7. Zinc and Magnesium: These minerals play a role in muscle function and recovery. If there’s a deficiency, supplementation could be beneficial.
  8. Carbohydrates: For those engaging in intense workouts, carbohydrate supplements can replenish glycogen stores and provide energy for workouts.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any supplementation regimen. Individual needs vary, and personalized guidance can help determine which supplements, if any, are appropriate based on one’s diet, goals, and health status.

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

How To Build Muscle 2x Faster

The BEST Way to Use Protein to Build Muscle Tue, 19 Sep 2023 21:30:00 +0000 Learn the best way to use protein to build muscle fast with tips from Jeremy Ethier.

Jeremy Ethier, a renowned fitness trainer and Kinesiology graduate, is the co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 5.5 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research.

In a video he shared, he dismisses misconceptions about protein shakes taking a long time to digest and the idea that excessive protein can damage the kidneys or be stored as fat. He acknowledges that protein is crucial for muscle building but suggests that there’s more to it than simply consuming protein shakes after workouts.

The BEST Way to Use Protein to Build Muscle

Jeremy starts by discussing the factors used to rank protein sources’ effectiveness for muscle building. He mentions digestibility and essential amino acid content as key factors. Protein sources like meat, fish, dairy products, and protein powder rank higher due to their superior digestibility and essential amino acid content. He briefly touches on the potential muscle-building properties within certain protein sources.

Source: California Performance Co

Next, Jeremy delves into the differences between plant-based and animal-based protein sources. He acknowledges that plant-based sources may rank lower in digestibility and essential amino acid content but highlights that recent research suggests they can still promote muscle growth when consumed in sufficient quantities.

Related: 5 Best Supplements to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

He discusses the optimal protein intake for muscle growth, referencing a meta-analysis that found a protein intake of around 0.73 grams per pound of body weight per day as effective for maximizing muscle growth. He mentions that going significantly above this threshold may not offer additional benefits and explains that the recommendations are based on total body weight.

Jeremy also addresses protein intake during calorie deficits, emphasizing the importance of protein in preserving muscle mass during weight loss. While there isn’t a definitive recommendation for higher protein intake during deficits, he suggests aiming for 1 gram per pound of body weight as a safe guideline, especially for lean individuals.

He talks about cost-effective protein sources and suggests that supplementing with protein powder can simplify meeting daily protein goals.

Source: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Jeremy then discusses protein distribution throughout the day. He explains that muscle protein synthesis levels increase after consuming protein but can be stimulated up to a point. Spacing protein intake throughout the day can help maintain consistent muscle protein synthesis levels. He cites studies that show a potential benefit in distributing protein intake across three meals but no significant advantage in consuming six meals.

In conclusion, Jeremy summarizes the key points about protein intake, emphasizing the importance of daily protein goals, the type of protein sources, and distribution throughout the day.

For a full explanation from Jeremy Ethier himself, watch the video below.

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

How To Use Creatine For Muscle Growth?

People should consider taking supplements for muscle growth when their dietary intake and training regimen alone are not providing sufficient nutrients to support their muscle-building goals. Supplements can be useful to fill potential nutrient gaps and enhance muscle recovery and growth. However, it’s important to note that supplements should not replace a balanced diet but rather complement it.

Common times when people might consider taking supplements for muscle growth include:

  1. Post-Workout Recovery: Immediately after a workout, the body is in a prime state for muscle repair and growth. Consuming a protein shake or amino acid supplement can provide the necessary building blocks for muscle recovery.
  2. Protein Intake: If it’s challenging to meet daily protein requirements through whole foods alone, a protein supplement can help ensure an adequate intake. Whey protein, casein protein, or plant-based protein sources can be options.
  3. Creatine: Creatine is a well-researched supplement that can enhance muscle strength and power. It’s usually taken pre or post-workout and can be particularly beneficial for high-intensity activities.
  4. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): BCAAs, specifically leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are amino acids that can aid in muscle recovery and reduce muscle breakdown, especially during intense training sessions.
  5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can contribute to overall health, which indirectly supports muscle recovery and growth.
  6. Vitamin D: A deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with decreased muscle strength and function. If sunlight exposure is limited, a vitamin D supplement might be considered.
  7. Zinc and Magnesium: These minerals play a role in muscle function and recovery. If there’s a deficiency, supplementation could be beneficial.
  8. Carbohydrates: For those engaging in intense workouts, carbohydrate supplements can replenish glycogen stores and provide energy for workouts.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any supplementation regimen. Individual needs vary, and personalized guidance can help determine which supplements, if any, are appropriate based on one’s diet, goals, and health status.

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

How To Build Muscle 2x Faster

5 Best Supplements to Build Muscle and Lose Fat Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:30:00 +0000 These are the 5 best supplements to build muscle and lose fat faster according to Mike Diamonds.

Dr Mike Diamonds is a medical doctor who is now an online fitness and health coach and a YouTuber. He has close to a million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

On January 16, 2015, Mike Diamonds purchased his very first supplements. He distinctly remembers this moment because he shared his excitement on Instagram the day after obtaining his initial gym membership. At the time, he believed that gym membership and supplements were the most crucial tools required to achieve a physique akin to his favourite athletes. Reflecting on this memory and his caption from that time, he recognized that proper nutrition, genetics, and effective training are fundamental factors in building a great physique.

Five years later, after investing money in various supplements through trial and error, Mike learned that while supplements are important, they aren’t the sole contributors to physique development. He acknowledges that genetics, training regimen, and nutrition play pivotal roles in achieving fitness goals. Motivated by these insights, Mike decided to create a video outlining his top five supplements, supported by scientific literature.

See it all below.

6 Signs You Are Suffering from Protein Deficiency

5 Best Supplements to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

Before delving into the details, Mike emphasizes that individuals should consult healthcare professionals before making any significant changes to their supplement routines.

One of the supplements Mike discusses is whey protein. He highlights its popularity among athletes and bodybuilders due to its quick digestion, efficient absorption, and favourable amino acid profile. Mike explains that whey protein is a byproduct of cheese production, and its amino acids, especially leucine, are crucial for muscle protein synthesis. He clarifies that whey protein is safe for the kidneys and liver when taken in appropriate amounts. Mike also mentions that taking whey protein before or after workouts can be beneficial for muscle growth.

Moving on, Mike explores creatine monohydrate, a supplement with a wealth of scientific backing. He describes creatine as a natural compound composed of specific amino acids. He mentions that creatine is found in various foods like meat, eggs, and fish, and its benefits include improved strength and power output during resistance exercise. Mike explains how creatine regenerates ATP, the body’s energy molecule, at a faster rate, leading to enhanced workout performance and an increase in muscle mass.

The Athlete Guide to Protein and Creatine

Creatine loading Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

Mike then discusses pre-workout supplements, which are designed to boost training volume, muscular endurance, blood flow, and focus. He lists the five main ingredients in pre-workouts: caffeine, citrulline malate, arginine, beta-alanine, and Fiorina. He notes that caffeine is a potent stimulant that improves physical strength, endurance, and mental alertness. Mike emphasizes the importance of managing caffeine tolerance and shares his personal usage guidelines.

Fat burners are the next topic of discussion. Mike acknowledges the mixed reputation of detox products and fat burners but points out that some supplements can assist in weight loss when combined with a caloric deficit and physical activity. He highlights caffeine as a key ingredient in fat burners, explaining how it stimulates metabolic rate and fat oxidation.

Finally, Mike delves into citrulline malate, an ingredient found in pre-workout supplements. He describes its benefits, including improving buffering capacity, reducing lactic acid buildup, enhancing strength training, and reducing muscle soreness. Mike notes that citrulline malate can increase caloric output and decrease fatigue during workouts.

Mike emphasizes that supplements are just a small part of the bigger fitness picture. Proper nutrition, training, sleep, and overall lifestyle are also essential components.

He concludes by expressing gratitude for the support and invites viewers to explore the supplement products he has recommended, which are available at discounted rates.

In summary, Mike Diamonds’ video serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and evaluating the benefits of various supplements, backed by scientific literature and his own experiences. He stresses the importance of informed decision-making and encourages viewers to prioritize overall health and fitness.

Watch his entire video below, if you want.

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

How to Increase Your Metabolism

BCAAs or EAA? Which Should You Be Taking and Why

Why are Healthy Habits Useful?

Healthy habits are useful for several reasons. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved physical health: Healthy habits such as regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding harmful substances can help improve physical health. This can lead to a lower risk of chronic diseases, improved energy levels, and overall better physical well-being.

Better mental health: Healthy habits can also improve mental health by reducing stress levels, improving mood, and increasing self-esteem. This can lead to better overall mental well-being and a more positive outlook on life.

Increased productivity: By establishing healthy habits such as good time management, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions, individuals can become more productive and efficient in their work and personal lives.

Improved relationships: Healthy habits such as effective communication, active listening, and empathy can help build stronger and more positive relationships with others.

How to Build good habits for life How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?Source: Nathan Cowley on Pexels

Long-term success: By establishing healthy habits and sticking to them over time, individuals can achieve long-term success in their personal and professional lives. This can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Healthy habits are useful because they can improve both physical and mental health, increase productivity, improve relationships, and lead to long-term success.

How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting

5 Intermittent Fasting Tricks to Burn Fat Faster

Why is Consistency Important for Losing Weight?

Consistency is important for losing weight because it helps create sustainable healthy habits that lead to long-term weight loss success. Here are some reasons why consistency is crucial for weight loss:

Helps create a calorie deficit: Consistently sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan helps create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. By consistently consuming fewer calories than your body burns, you can lose weight over time.

Builds momentum: Consistent healthy habits build momentum and can help you stay motivated to continue with your weight loss efforts. This can help prevent setbacks or relapses and keep you on track towards your weight loss goals.

Develops discipline: Consistency requires discipline, and developing discipline can help you resist temptations and stay on track with your weight loss efforts. This can help you overcome challenges and maintain healthy habits over the long term.

Provides measurable results: Consistency allows you to track your progress and see measurable results. This can be a source of motivation and help you stay focused on your weight loss goals.

Helps establish new habits: Consistent healthy habits can eventually become ingrained as part of your lifestyle, making weight loss easier to maintain over the long term.

In summary, consistency is important for losing weight because it helps create a calorie deficit, builds momentum, develops discipline, provides measurable results, and helps establish new habits. By consistently sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan, you can achieve long-term weight loss success.

8 Morning Habits to Lose Belly Fat FAST

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How Much Muscle Can You Build (Natural vs Enhanced) Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:30:00 +0000 How much muscle can you build if you would compare a natural athlete vs an enhanced one? That is what we are going to find out.

An enhanced bodybuilder and a natural bodybuilder differ in how they achieve their muscular physique. Let’s break down the main differences in simple terms:

  1. Muscle Growth Methods:
    • Enhanced Bodybuilder: An enhanced bodybuilder, often referred to as a “steroid user,” relies on using anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing substances. These substances can greatly accelerate muscle growth and recovery, allowing them to build muscle mass at a faster rate than naturally achievable.
    • Natural Bodybuilder: A natural bodybuilder, on the other hand, relies solely on their genetics, diet, and training to build muscle. They don’t use any artificial substances to enhance their performance or muscle growth.
  2. Health Considerations:
    • Enhanced Bodybuilder: Using steroids or performance-enhancing drugs can have serious health risks. These substances may lead to heart problems, liver damage, hormonal imbalances, and other negative side effects.
    • Natural Bodybuilder: Natural bodybuilding places a stronger emphasis on overall health and well-being. By avoiding the use of harmful substances, natural bodybuilders generally have fewer health risks associated with their training.
  3. Competitive Advantages:
    • Enhanced Bodybuilder: The use of steroids can give enhanced bodybuilders a significant advantage in terms of muscle size and definition. This advantage is especially noticeable in competitive bodybuilding events where the focus is on extreme muscle development.
    • Natural Bodybuilder: Natural bodybuilders compete on a level playing field, relying on their dedication to training, diet, and genetics to achieve their physiques. While they may not reach the same extreme levels of muscle mass, they are admired for their dedication and hard work.
  4. Long-Term Sustainability:
    • Enhanced Bodybuilder: The use of steroids is often unsustainable in the long term due to the health risks and potential legal consequences. Many enhanced bodybuilders face challenges once they stop using these substances, as maintaining their gained muscle mass becomes difficult without continuous use.
    • Natural Bodybuilder: Natural bodybuilding promotes a more sustainable approach to fitness and muscle development. By focusing on healthy training and nutrition, natural bodybuilders can maintain their physique for the long term and enjoy a healthier lifestyle overall.
Best Dumbbell Bicep Curl ExercisesSource: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

The main difference between an enhanced bodybuilder and a natural one lies in the methods used to build muscle, the health considerations involved, competitive advantages, and long-term sustainability. While enhanced bodybuilders may achieve remarkable muscle development quickly, natural bodybuilders prioritize health and well-being, competing without the use of performance-enhancing substances, and focusing on sustainable muscle growth in the long run.

But how much muscle can you build if you are one or the other? Luckily, to answer that we turn to the expertise of Jeff Nippard. Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. He often uses scientific studies to decide how to train a certain way, which exercises to choose and to answer the most asked fitness-related questions.

See below his take on the matter.

What Happens to Your Body On Steroids

Most Scientific Way To Train Your Back Exercises to Protect your Back Against InjurySource: Scott Webb on Unsplash

How Much Muscle Can You Build (Natural vs Enhanced)

Speaking from his own perspective, as a natural bodybuilder, people will experience a bigger boost in how much muscle they can build in the first few years of going to the gym consistently. With that, you can still make gains, but they will get smaller and harder to get.

Over 15 years of training naturally, Nippard managed to get around 20 pounds of muscle in the first five years, but at the end of 15 years, he got to around 27 pounds (12 kilos) of muscle. Some people can build more, some can build less, but with a similar growth of muscle gains.

Banned Athlete Explains Why She Used PEDs

Supplements Guide

And what if you take steroids? How much muscle can you build? The answer is: much more.

According to a study with randomised people, those who took steroids and trained at the same time gained 3 times more muscle mass than the group that trained consistently without steroids. And a group that only took steroids and did not train (and we are talking about injecting testosterone here) gained 1.5 more muscle mass than the group that trained naturally.

For more information on that, scientific studies analysis and what steroids have been tested on, watch Jeff Nippard’s video below.

5 Signs that Someone Is (Possibly) on Steroids

5 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Men Must Eat

Is it Steroids? PEDS? How CrossFit Builds Freak Physiques According to Marcus Filly

The most common steroids used by bodybuilders include:

  1. Testosterone: Testosterone is the primary male hormone, and it is responsible for the development of male sex characteristics such as muscle mass and strength. It is also the most commonly used anabolic steroid in the bodybuilding community.
  2. Dianabol: Dianabol is an oral steroid that is often used to kickstart a bulking cycle. It is known for its ability to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength.
  3. Deca-Durabolin: Deca-Durabolin is an injectable steroid that is commonly used for bulking cycles. It is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength, as well as its ability to reduce joint pain.
  4. Trenbolone: Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that is often used by experienced bodybuilders. It is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength while also reducing body fat.
  5. Anadrol: Anadrol is an oral steroid that is often used for bulking cycles. It is known for its ability to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength, but it can also cause a range of side effects, including liver damage and high blood pressure.

It’s important to note that the use of anabolic steroids without a prescription is illegal in many countries, and can have serious health consequences.

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What Happens to a Beginner that Takes Creatine for 30 Days? (Plus Results and Side Effects) Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:00:00 +0000 Find out what happens to a beginner that takes creatine for 30 days, the benefits and side effects.

How to Watch the 2023 CrossFit Games (Livestream)

Creatine is one of the most researched and used supplements in the bodybuilding community to build muscle. Therefore it is regarded as safe if taken within normal parameters.

Jeremy Ethier, a renowned fitness trainer and Kinesiology graduate, is the co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research

Ethier is the man behind the project of taking a beginner and getting him creatine for 30 days to see the progress and pitfalls, if any.

How to get better at CrossFitSource: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

See below how it all went down.

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

What Happens to a Beginner that Takes Creatine for 30 Days? (Plus Results and Side Effects)

Ethier did the experiment with Raza, a beginner who never took creatine in his life and for the following 30 days, Ethier measured his body weight, muscle size and strength to see how much the supplement helped (or hurt).

When you begin taking creatine, it won’t provide immediate results. The benefits only become apparent once your muscles reach full saturation, meaning their creatine stores are completely filled. Typically, this occurs in about 3 weeks if you take one 5-gram scoop of creatine per day. However, you can achieve the benefits faster, potentially within a week, by following a loading protocol of 20 grams of creatine daily. Keep in mind that some individuals might experience stomach discomfort with this approach.

Find Out More About Creatine Loading

To alleviate stomach pains, Raza adjusted his creatine intake. Instead of taking the full amount at once, he spread the servings throughout the day and fully dissolved each dose in water. Additionally, he refrained from taking it with pre-workout or any caffeine, as there is some evidence suggesting that caffeine may reduce creatine’s effectiveness and increase the likelihood of stomach discomfort. These adjustments seemed to work for him.

barbell bench press

After the 7-day loading phase, the creatine in your muscles should be fully saturated, and that’s when it begins to take effect. At this point, you can reduce the dose to 5 grams per day to maintain your elevated creatine levels. However, it’s worth noting that not everyone responds to creatine, with approximately 20-30% of people being non-responders. Therefore, it’s essential to watch for certain signs to determine if it’s working for you.

When creatine enters a muscle cell, it draws water into the cell, causing a temporary increase in bodyweight, typically around 1-3 pounds. This water retention can give your muscles a fuller appearance and is a positive sign that the supplement is effective.

Concerns about creatine and hair loss stem from a study in 2010, where rugby players showed increased DHT levels during the loading phase, a hormone linked to male pattern baldness. However, the increase was still within normal levels, and no other study has confirmed these results. While it may not be a major concern, it’s essential to monitor any changes in hair growth.

If you respond well to creatine, you should notice a slight boost in strength across your exercises. Research indicates that trained lifters can expect an average 8% increase in strength and a 14% increase in the number of reps performed. Less experienced lifters may experience even more substantial benefits. Raza, for example, saw improvements in his exercises, aligning with these findings.

Apart from strength gains, a study with NCAA athletes showed that 81% reported faster recovery from their training when taking creatine.

While 95% of supplements might not live up to their claims, creatine is an exception. It is a natural and safe supplement that can make a noticeable difference if you respond well to it. However, always remember that proper nutrition and consistent training will have a much greater impact on your progress than any supplement alone.

So, at the end of 30 days, here is how his measurements changed:

  • Biceps – from 36 cm to 38 cm
  • Shoulders – from 120cm to 125cm

To see how Raza trained, his nutrition and more information about it, watch the full video below.

Is Creatine Loading Necessary?

Honestly, no. You do not have to go through a creatine-loading phase to reap its benefits. The only difference is that it may take you longer to achieve the results compared to someone going through the process.

As creatine is considered harmless, most people who are serious about gaining muscle mass will utilise the creatine loading phase to see results faster without compromising health or recovery.

Creatine is not considered a PEDs by any sports industry. Check out this comprehensible guide for athletes regarding protein and creatine intake.

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

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5 Steps to Build a Perfect Male Physique

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Progressive overload is a fundamental principle in strength training and exercise that involves gradually increasing the demands placed on the body over time. It is the process of continually challenging the muscles and body systems to adapt and grow stronger by increasing the resistance, intensity, volume, or complexity of the exercises performed.

The concept of progressive overload is based on the understanding that the body will only change and improve if it faces a stimulus that exceeds its current capabilities. By regularly subjecting the body to increased demands, it will adapt to meet those demands, resulting in improvements in strength, muscle size, endurance, and overall performance.

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There are several reasons why people should incorporate progressive overload into their workout routines:

  1. Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy): Progressive overload is essential for building muscle. When muscles are repeatedly challenged with heavier loads or higher intensity, they experience microtears. In response to this stress, the body repairs and rebuilds the muscle fibers, leading to muscle hypertrophy or growth.
  2. Strength Gains: By progressively increasing the resistance or load lifted during exercises, the muscles become stronger and more efficient in handling heavier weights. This leads to noticeable improvements in overall strength and functional abilities.
  3. Performance Improvement: Whether it’s lifting heavier weights, running faster, or increasing endurance, progressive overload allows individuals to continually push their boundaries and achieve new personal bests.
  4. Preventing Plateaus: When the body becomes accustomed to a certain exercise routine without any increases in demand, progress can stagnate. Implementing progressive overload prevents plateaus and ensures consistent advancements.
  5. Injury Prevention: Gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of exercises helps the body adapt to the demands and reduces the risk of injuries. A gradual approach allows tendons, ligaments, and other supportive structures to strengthen and adapt alongside muscle growth.
  6. Adaptation to Stress: Progressive overload challenges not only muscles but also cardiovascular and nervous systems. Over time, these systems become more efficient at handling the increased demands, leading to improved overall fitness.
  7. Long-Term Progress: Consistently incorporating progressive overload ensures that individuals continue to make progress in their fitness journey over the long term. It keeps the workouts challenging and engaging, reducing the risk of losing motivation.

5 Ways to Apply Progressive Overload to Your Training and Force Muscle Growth

How to Shed Fat and Completely Transform your Body

How to Increase Your Metabolism

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Sat, 15 Jul 2023 16:00:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

What Happens To Your Body if You Take Protein and Creatine for 30 Days? Tue, 20 Jun 2023 09:36:14 +0000 Discover what happens to your body if you take protein and creatine for 30 days.

Creatine and protein powder are among the most well-researched supplements available on the market today. They are not classified as steroids or performance-enhanced drugs, making them a great ally for bodybuilders and athletes in general, as people can take them without risking failing a drug test.

Creatine is a naturally occurring organic compound that is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. It plays a key role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary source of energy for muscle contraction. Creatine is stored in muscles and is used by the body during high-intensity exercise to provide energy for short bursts of activity.

It is commonly used as a dietary supplement by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and performance during high-intensity, short-duration activities. Creatine has also been studied for its potential therapeutic benefits, including improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of certain neurological diseases.

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes for Muscle Growth

supplements guide

Proteins are large, complex molecules that are essential for the structure, function, and regulation of cells and tissues in the body. They are made up of smaller units called amino acids, which are linked together in a specific sequence.

Protein is the macro necessary to build muscle. Besides that, it has an important role in different chemical reactions in the body, hormone balance and immune system. Protein powder can be a convenient and effective way to increase your protein intake, especially for individuals who have higher protein requirements or find it challenging to consume enough protein through whole food sources alone.

How to Use Protein Powder for Fat Loss

But what happens to your body if you take protein and creatine for 30 days? That is what Max Posternak talked about in one of his recently uploaded videos. Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

See it below for more info.

The Ultimate Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

What Happens To Your Body if You Take Protein and Creatine for 30 Days?

While both protein and creatine are important to build muscle and improve your athleticism and lift heavier weights, there are a few things you should understand about it if you take these supplements for 30 days.

First of all, these are supplements and are not considered a “must” for anyone. While some people might find a hard time eating enough protein daily, you should not replace eating healthy foods with supplement powder or pills.

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When consuming creatine, your muscles will fill up with the supplement and you will get cell volumisation, when the cells in your muscle retain water, making them look bigger. This transformation happens on your muscles, not your skin, which means you will appear to have bigger muscles without looking bloated.

This, in turn, means you will see an increase in your weight on the scale. If you are doing creatine loading in the first week of taking the supplement, expect to increase your bodyweight by 0.75g or 1.5 pounds.

You will likely be able to do more reps with the same weight you are used to after taking creatine for a while. You will also be able to recover faster from intense training, meaning you can train more often than usual, leading to better gains.

The only side effect that some people might feel is regarded as digestive issues and only during the creatine loading phase. Other side effects that could happen if you take too much creatine for a long period are cramping, nausea, stomach pain, and even diarrhoea. You may also feel dehydrated as your muscles are pulling more water to them.

Creatine loading Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

With protein supplements, one of the immediate benefits of it is that you will feel less hungry because protein is the most satiating macronutrient. If you take more protein early in the day, you will not feel as hungry later in the day, which can help you lose weight in the process by eating less.

Protein has a much higher thermic effect food, which means your metabolism will continue to burn calories to digest the macronutrient.

Protein will not only help you build muscle and recover from training faster, but you will also feel a boost in your energy. However, no matter how much protein you eat, the more doesn’t necessarily equal to better. The excess protein you consume, will not be stored as protein for future use, but rather processed into fat.

Check out the video below for more information from Posternak himself.

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5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

Taking dietary supplements is not necessary for everyone, as a well-balanced diet can typically provide all the necessary nutrients for most individuals. However, there are certain situations where supplements may be beneficial:

  1. Nutrient deficiencies: Some individuals may have specific nutrient deficiencies due to various factors such as poor diet, certain medical conditions, or inadequate absorption of nutrients. In such cases, targeted supplementation under the guidance of a healthcare professional can help address the deficiency.
  2. Special dietary needs: Certain dietary restrictions or preferences (e.g., vegan, vegetarian) may make it more challenging to obtain specific nutrients solely from food sources. In these cases, supplements can be used to fill potential nutrient gaps.
  3. Increased nutrient requirements: Athletes, individuals engaged in intense physical activity, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and certain medical conditions may have increased nutrient needs. Supplements can help ensure adequate nutrient intake during these periods.
  4. Convenience and practicality: In some situations, supplements can offer convenience and practicality. For example, protein powders can be a convenient option for individuals with busy schedules or as a post-workout recovery option.
  5. Specific health goals: Certain supplements may have evidence-based benefits for specific health goals. For example, omega-3 fatty acid supplements (e.g., fish oil) have shown benefits for heart health and cognitive function in some studies.

It’s important to note that supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Whole foods provide a wide array of nutrients, fibre, and phytochemicals that work synergistically to support overall health. Moreover, excessive supplementation can lead to imbalances or even adverse effects. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new supplements to ensure they are appropriate for your individual needs and goals.

BCAAs or EAA? Which Should You Be Taking and Why

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What Happens to Your Body on Steroids

Ostarine: What Happens to Your Body When You Take PEDs Tue, 20 Jun 2023 01:30:00 +0000 What happens to your body if you take Ostarine, a popular performance-enhanced drug (PED) use by some athletes and bodybuilders? Let’s take a closer look at it.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as endorsing or promoting the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The content presented herein is intended to provide factual information and increase awareness about PEDs, including their potential effects.

The decision to consider or utilize PEDs is a weighty matter that should only be undertaken after consulting with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor or physician. They possess the expertise necessary to evaluate an individual’s unique circumstances and medical history, and to provide appropriate guidance. It is essential to understand that PEDs carry significant health risks and can result in severe legal consequences.

What Happens to Your Body When You Take Ostarine

What is Ostarine?

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 or Enobosarm, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). It is a type of performance-enhancing drug (PED) ingested orally that is used by some athletes and bodybuilders to improve muscle mass, strength, and athletic performance.

Ostarine works by selectively binding to the androgen receptors in the body, primarily in muscle and bone tissues. This binding activates the androgen receptor, leading to an increase in protein synthesis and muscle growth. It is believed to have similar effects to anabolic steroids but with fewer androgenic side effects. Ostarine is one of the mildest, safest and most researched SARMs.

Bottle of pillsSource: Supplements on Demand on Pexels

Ostarine is not approved for human use by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, it has gained popularity in the athletic community due to its potential benefits and its ability to avoid detection in some drug tests. It is important to note that the use of Ostarine as a PED is considered doping in any competitive sport such as CrossFit and is banned by various sports organizations, including the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

As with any PED, the use of Ostarine carries risks and potential side effects, including hormonal imbalances, suppression of natural testosterone production, liver toxicity, and cardiovascular issues. It is essential to consult with a medical professional before considering the use of any performance-enhancing substances.

What Are the Benefits of Ostarine?

The primary intended effect of Ostarine is anabolic, meaning it promotes muscle growth and development. It stimulates protein synthesis, which can result in increased muscle mass, strength, and performance. Ostarine is often used by athletes and bodybuilders as a potential alternative to anabolic steroids to achieve these muscle-building effects.

Additionally, Ostarine has been studied for its potential benefits in preserving and increasing bone density, which can be particularly useful for individuals with conditions like osteoporosis.

Overall, Ostarine can have these positive effects on the body:

  • Muscle growth
  • Improve in strength
  • Aid in bone formation
  • Lose weight and body fat

Related: 5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes for Muscle Growth

What Are the Negative Side Effects of Ostarine

It is worth noting that the available research on Ostarine’s side effects is limited, as it is still undergoing clinical trials and not approved for human use by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Based on anecdotal reports and some studies, here are some potential side effects associated with Ostarine:

  1. Hormonal Imbalances: Ostarine can suppress natural testosterone production, leading to hormonal imbalances. This can result in symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, mood swings, and potential difficulties in recovering natural testosterone production after discontinuing Ostarine.
  2. Mild Androgenic Effects: While Ostarine is considered to have fewer androgenic effects than traditional anabolic steroids, some individuals may still experience androgenic side effects such as acne, oily skin, and potential hair loss, especially if predisposed to male pattern baldness.
  3. Potential Liver Toxicity: Although the available evidence is limited, there have been some reports suggesting potential liver toxicity associated with Ostarine use. However, it is important to note that the extent and significance of this potential effect are not yet fully understood.
  4. Headache: Some individuals may experience a headache when using the product. If you get headaches while taking Ostarine, consider reducing your dose or taking aspirin first.
  5. Nausea: Several users have also mentioned experiencing nausea after taking Ostarine. This is brought on by the body’s changed oestrogen levels when it responds to the medicine.
  6. Depression: According to some accounts, using high dosages of ostarine over extended periods can negatively affect depression. For most people, this is merely a short-term issue, but if you are using a SARM and have serious emotional problems, you should stop using it immediately.
  7. Joint pain: You may have joint pain if you use Ostarine to help you gain muscle. Try stopping your SARM cycle for 1-3 weeks until your discomfort subsides if you experience discomfort.
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5 Signs that Someone is On Steroids

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Is it Steroids? PEDS? How CrossFit Builds Freak Physiques According to Marcus Filly

How to Use Protein Powder for Fat Loss Sat, 13 May 2023 01:30:00 +0000 Protein powder is one of the most useful supplements a person can take. Although it is primarily targeted at people who want to build muscle, did you know you can also use it to lose weight? Find out how by scrolling down.

Protein powder is a dietary supplement that people use to increase their protein intake. Protein is an essential nutrient that our body needs to build and repair tissues, including muscle tissue. That’s why people who want to build muscle often use protein powder as a supplement to their diet and exercise routine.

Protein powder is convenient and easy to consume, and it can be an effective way to increase your daily protein intake. Some types of protein powder, such as whey protein, are quickly absorbed by the body, making them an ideal choice for post-workout recovery.

Although protein is viewed as the most important nutrient when it comes to building muscle, you can also use protein powder for your weight loss goals. That is what Max Posternak talked about in one of his videos.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

Creatine loading Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

It’s important to note that protein powder is not a magic solution for building muscle or losing weight. It’s just one tool that can help support your fitness and health goals. To achieve optimal results, it’s important to combine protein powder with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest and recovery.

With that in mind, let’s dig in on what Posternak said about utilising protein powder for fat loss.

How to Use Protein Powder for Fat Loss

In addition to its benefits for building muscle, protein powder can also be beneficial for weight loss. High protein diets can help you feel full for longer periods, which can reduce hunger and cravings and make it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet.

You should also do your best to increase your protein intake while trying to lose weight to prevent muscle loss. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism is and the more calories you burn.

Here are the main points about using protein powder to lose weight in the words of Max Posternak:

  • How much protein should you have to reduce hunger and appetite?

About 20 grams of protein in a shake to significantly reduce appetite.

  • How to decide which protein powder is best?

There are many different types of protein powder and they are divided into animal-based and plant-based protein. In those divisions, we have whey, casein, isolate, concentrate, soy, pea, rice protein, and more.

Although more research is needed to have any possible conclusion on which protein powder is best for weight loss, studies have pointed towards whey protein being one of the best options for animal-based protein, and no significant difference between soy, egg and rice protein for plant-based powders.

It is important to note that whey protein is also the most researched type of protein powder.

Source: California Performance Co
  •  How much protein should you take while you’re losing weight?

The consensus is to have between 0.8 and 1.3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. “As you get leaner and restrict more calories, you should for the higher range of 1.3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to help you preserve more muscle mass,” Posternak says.

  • What is the best time to take protein powder?

Although it is more important that you take enough protein and meet your daily needs, it is good to take protein shakes before or after a workout, although the short anabolic window has been debunked and you don’t necessarily need to take a protein shake immediately after working out.

For more information on the matter, check out the video below.

The Ultimate Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

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How to Build good habits for life How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?Source: Nathan Cowley on Pexels

There are several important nutritional factors to consider when trying to lose weight. Here are some of the most crucial ones:

  1. Caloric deficit: To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved through a combination of reducing your caloric intake and increasing your physical activity levels.
  2. Macronutrient balance: While a caloric deficit is the most important factor for weight loss, it’s also important to ensure that you’re consuming a balance of macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein, and fat – to support your overall health and well-being. A moderate protein intake can help you feel full and support muscle retention, while healthy fats and complex carbohydrates can provide sustained energy.
  3. Fibre: High-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help you feel full and satisfied while consuming fewer calories. Aim for at least 25-30 grams of fibre per day.
  4. Water: Staying hydrated is important for overall health and can also support weight loss by helping you feel full and reducing cravings. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.
  5. Avoiding processed foods: Processed foods, such as fast food, packaged snacks, and sugary drinks, are often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugars. These foods can contribute to weight gain and are generally less nutritious than whole, minimally processed foods.

Remember that weight loss is a journey that requires consistency, patience, and persistence. By focusing on these nutritional factors, you can create a sustainable, healthy diet that supports your weight loss goals.

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What Happens To Your Body On Steroids Tue, 25 Apr 2023 19:00:00 +0000 What happens to your body on steroids? Find out below.

Steroids are a type of organic compound that can have a wide range of physiological effects in humans and other animals. In the context of medicine, the term “steroids” often refers to corticosteroids, which are synthetic versions of hormones produced by the adrenal gland. Corticosteroids can be used to reduce inflammation and swelling, and are commonly prescribed to treat conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and allergic reactions.

But what we are going to talk about here are not the organic steroids, but rather another type. The anabolic steroids, which are synthetic versions of testosterone. Anabolic steroids are often used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance performance and build muscle mass. However, they can have serious health consequences. The use of anabolic steroids without a prescription is illegal in many countries.

Typically, the use of anabolic steroids is also forbidden in competitions as it is proven to give an advantage to those who do it. These steroids are also referred to as “performance-enhancing drugs” or PEDs for short.

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But what happens to your body on steroids? For that, we use the expertise of Max Posternak.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

He shared a video explaining what happens to your body on steroids. Check it out.

CrossFit Promotes Drug Exams in Athletes

What Happens To Your Body On Steroids

Before deciding on whether or not to take steroids, it is highly recommended that you seek medical expertise on the matter. This article is not intended to substitute any recommendation from a doctor or a medical staff.

With that being said, if you still want to know what happens to your body on steroids, this is what Posternak explained.

Steroids can stimulate protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown. As a result, your muscles are more likely to stay at a positive protein turnover rate which benefits muscle growth. Steroids also help with nuclei found in muscle cells – the more you have, the more muscle you can potentially grow.

The creation of nuclei stays in the body even after you stop taking steroids. That means that, even though you might lose muscle mass now if you stop training, you will regain muscle faster than most people if you go back to training because of those steroids you took earlier in your life.

Steroids can also help your body burn more fat. But it is not all good news for the steroid team.

How to Get Wider Forearms

Posternak explains that taking synthetic testosterone can shut down your natural testosterone production. This can cause your testicles to become smaller which can impact your sperm production and, subsequently, make you infertile.

Anabolic steroids can have serious health consequences, including liver damage, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, they can cause a range of negative physical and psychological effects, including acne, baldness, mood swings, and aggression.

Find out more in the video below.

5 Signs that Someone is (Possibly) on Steroids

5 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Men Must Eat

Is it Steroids? PEDS? How CrossFit Builds Freak Physiques According to Marcus Filly

Anabolic steroids are commonly used in the bodybuilding community to enhance muscle growth and improve athletic performance. According to various studies, a significant percentage of bodybuilders use anabolic steroids, with estimates ranging from 10% to 80% depending on the study and the population surveyed.

The amount of steroids used by bodybuilders can vary widely depending on the individual, the type of steroid, and the purpose for which it is being used. Some bodybuilders may use relatively low doses of steroids for a short period of time, while others may use high doses for extended periods of time. The use of high doses of anabolic steroids can increase the risk of negative health consequences, including liver damage, high blood pressure, and increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

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The most common steroids used by bodybuilders include:

  1. Testosterone: Testosterone is the primary male hormone, and it is responsible for the development of male sex characteristics such as muscle mass and strength. It is also the most commonly used anabolic steroid in the bodybuilding community.
  2. Dianabol: Dianabol is an oral steroid that is often used to kickstart a bulking cycle. It is known for its ability to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength.
  3. Deca-Durabolin: Deca-Durabolin is an injectable steroid that is commonly used for bulking cycles. It is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength, as well as its ability to reduce joint pain.
  4. Trenbolone: Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that is often used by experienced bodybuilders. It is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength while also reducing body fat.
  5. Anadrol: Anadrol is an oral steroid that is often used for bulking cycles. It is known for its ability to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength, but it can also cause a range of side effects, including liver damage and high blood pressure.

It’s important to note that the use of anabolic steroids without a prescription is illegal in many countries, and can have serious health consequences.

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What Happens To Your Body If You Take Creatine For 7 Days? Fri, 21 Apr 2023 03:00:00 +0000 What happens to your body if you take creatine for 7 days? To answer that, we use Dr Mike Daimonds’ experience.

Dr. Mike Diamonds is a retired medical doctor who is now an online fitness coach and a YouTuber. He has close to a million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

He posted a video telling viewers that he took creatine for 7 days and decided to share, in detail, what that did for him.

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

Supplements Guide

What Happens To Your Body If You Take Creatine For 7 Days?

Creatine is a naturally occurring organic compound that is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. It plays a key role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary source of energy for muscle contraction. Creatine is stored in muscles and is used by the body during high-intensity exercise to provide energy for short bursts of activity.

It is commonly used as a dietary supplement by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and performance during high-intensity, short-duration activities. Creatine has also been studied for its potential therapeutic benefits, including improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of certain neurological diseases.

Diamonds says that he was thirsty most of the time since taking creatine, which is one of the effects it can cause people. He also did creatine loading, which is when you take more creatine than normal in the first week to fill your muscles with the supplement.

Source: Anya Juárez Tenorio on Pexels

By day 4, Diamonds said he felt heavier. “I feel so much bigger than I normally do. In a bad way and a good way, because it’s abnormal for me,” he says.

At the end of the week, Daimonds says he noticed a slight change in his physique. “I do see more volume in my muscles than I normally would.”

Benefits and How to Do Creatine Loading

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What Happens If You Take Creatine Every Day For 30 Days?

Creatine has several effects on the body, including:

  1. Increases energy production: Creatine is used by the body to produce ATP, the primary energy source for muscle contraction. Supplementing with creatine can increase the amount of stored creatine in the muscles, allowing for greater energy production during high-intensity exercise.
  2. Improves strength and power: Creatine supplementation has been shown to improve muscle strength and power, particularly during short-duration, high-intensity activities such as weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping.
  3. Increases muscle mass: Creatine supplementation may lead to an increase in muscle mass, particularly when combined with resistance training.
  4. Delays muscle fatigue: Creatine has been shown to delay the onset of muscle fatigue during high-intensity exercise, allowing individuals to perform more repetitions or work at a higher intensity for a longer period of time.
  5. Enhances cognitive function: Some research suggests that creatine supplementation may improve cognitive function, particularly in tasks requiring short-term memory and mental processing speed.

Overall, creatine can be a useful supplement for individuals looking to increase muscle strength, power, and mass, and improve athletic performance during high-intensity, short-duration activities. However, it is important to use creatine in combination with a balanced diet and exercise program to maximize its benefits.

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Source: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Creatine is generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses. It is also one of the most well-researched supplements in the bodybuilding industry. However, like any supplement, it may cause side effects in some individuals, such as gastrointestinal distress or muscle cramping. It is important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.

The recommended dose of creatine varies depending on individual factors such as body weight, muscle mass, and activity level. The typical loading phase involves taking 20-25 grams of creatine per day for 5-7 days, followed by a maintenance phase of 3-5 grams per day. However, some research suggests that a daily dose of 2-5 grams may be sufficient to achieve the benefits of creatine supplementation.

There is no consensus on the optimal duration of creatine supplementation, but it is generally safe to take for up to 5 years. However, it is recommended to take breaks from supplementation to allow the body to return to its natural creatine production. It is important to note that the benefits of creatine supplementation are most pronounced when combined with resistance training and a balanced diet.

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The Worst Nutrition Mistakes Every Lifter Makes Wed, 29 Mar 2023 03:00:00 +0000 What are some of the worst nutrition mistakes every lifter makes? Keep scrolling to find out.

Honestly, if you are now training a lot, but not eating properly according to your goals, you are not doing yourself any favour. Not taking care of your nutrition, when it comes to fitness, is like swimming against the river – it can be done, but it is much harder than it should be.

Nutrition plays a critical role in achieving and maintaining fitness. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Fuel for the body: Proper nutrition provides the fuel your body needs to power through workouts and other physical activities.
  • Muscle growth and repair: Adequate protein intake is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. Consuming the right types and amounts of protein can help promote muscle growth and aid in recovery after workouts.
  • Energy balance: Maintaining a healthy balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and supporting physical activity.
  • Nutrient absorption: Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help ensure that your body is able to absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.
  • Overall health: A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of whole foods can help prevent chronic diseases and support overall health, which is essential for optimal fitness.

Proper nutrition is essential for achieving and maintaining fitness goals, as it provides the fuel, nutrients, and energy needed to support physical activity and overall health.

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If you are weightlifting, chances are you’ve fallen off the wagon of good nutrition once or twice. And according to Jeff Nippard, everyone has committed these mistakes.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. He shared what he believes to be the ultimate 20-minute home workout to build muscle. Check it out.

Check out the worst nutrition mistakes every lifter makes, according to Nippard.

The Worst Nutrition Mistakes Every Lifter Makes

In Nippard’s list of worst nutrition mistakes every lifter makes, he cites four problems that people tend to make.

1. Eat Big to Get Big

Sure, you need to be in a caloric surplus to build muscle. You need to properly fuel your body to be able to make those hours working out make a difference in your hypertrophy training. However, what you don’t want to do is overfeed.

“Studies consistently show that when you overfeed someone with a large caloric surplus, they get disproportionately more fat than they do muscle. And this is true even if they’re weight training.”

2. Most Supplements are Overrated

When you are trying to lift serious weights and gain more muscle, you can be a victim of understanding that you need to eat a variety of supplements to achieve top-level fitness. According to Nippard, one of the worst nutrition mistakes every lifter makes is not knowing that most supplements are, in fact, overrated.

He exemplifies three supplements that are worth your time: creatine, caffeine, and protein powder. However, even those supplements, although important for you, are sometimes overestimated on how much muscle people will actually gain from taking them.

Supplements Guide

Creatine is one of the most well-researched and efficacious supplements on the market. While that is true, it does not mean that you will get a muscle-building boost from taking them.

Nippard talks in the same way about caffeine and protein powder. They are good, but they won’t create muscle in your body in the same way that some people believe. For other supplements, the results are even less promising and sometimes downright wrong.

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3. Thinking You Need a Super-High Protein Diet to Build Muscle

Muscle is made up of protein, so some people think that if you eat an astronomical amount of protein, you will build more muscle.

According to Nippard, research shows that the effect of protein on muscle growth is a magnitude smaller than the effect of training.

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4. Misunderstand of Meal Frequency

You probably heard of intermittent fasting, the warrior diet, or simply not eating for 24-48 hours to lose weight. Yes, those concepts can help you lose weight, but the number of meals you should eat per day for fat loss is really up to you.

For some people, eating two or three meals a day can be more effective at keeping their caloric intake to a low standard. For others, restricting the window in which you are allowed to eat can make the diet more difficult, with less energy during the day and hunger levels being challenging to not give in. For those, a higher meal frequency can help lose fat, as long as the caloric intake is kept under the calorie expenditure.

And that was Nippard’s 4 worst nutrition mistakes every lifter makes. To have a deeper understanding of each of the arguments presented, click on the video below.

VIDEO – The Worst Nutrition Mistakes Every Lifter Makes

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Should You Take Fish Oil Before or After Workout? Thu, 23 Mar 2023 06:27:00 +0000 Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that have numerous health benefits.

Here are some potential benefits of taking fish oil:

  1. Promotes heart health: Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
  2. Improves brain function: Omega-3s are important for brain function and development, and may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Reduces inflammation: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis and certain types of cancer.
  4. Supports eye health: Omega-3s may help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss.
  5. Promotes healthy skin: Omega-3s can help keep skin hydrated and may reduce the risk of acne and other skin conditions.

When it comes to working out, in a heavy training session, your body needs an extra nudge to be able to keep up with the pace you are pushing for. And fish oil can help you with that too.

Therefore, this supplement should be part of your regular diet. However, timing your fish oil right has a massive impact on its effectiveness. Whether you take it before working out or after, it changes the effects and benefits it has for you.

That is why the question remains: should you take fish oil before or after workout?

Keep in mind your fitness goals, read below and make the best decision for yourself.

It’s important to note that while fish oil can have health benefits, it’s always best to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Is It Good to Take Fish Oil Before Workout? 

It is good to take fish before a workout and an excellent way to ensure an energetic and efficient session. It prevents the muscle cells from inflaming, and you will probably feel less sore after your workout. 

Furthermore, having fish oil before your workout gives you energy and helps your muscles grow. As you work out, your blood flow intensifies, and your blood delivers nutrients throughout your body. This means that the omega-3 fatty acids are better absorbed by your body, which in turn results in more efficient muscle building and growth. 

Bottle of pillsSource: Supplements on Demand on Pexels

This supplement is known to be very effective in weight loss. Combined with proper nutrition and regular exercise, the omega-3 fatty acids have a better environment to do their jobs. Therefore, taking it prior to your workout will ensure cutting those few extra pounds. 

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Having your fish oil before working out also sets you up nicely for an easier recovery. It energizes the body and helps reduce muscle cell inflammation, so you will spring back more easily and painlessly. 

Omega-3 fatty acids nurture the body and help many vital functions making the organism stronger. Therefore, having the supplement before you work out will increase your endurance and help you have a more effective session without overtiring yourself. 

However, knowing that fish oil is only effective over time is crucial. Having it before working out won’t give you an immediate effect if you aren’t consistent with its use.

Is It Good to Take Fish Oil After Workout? 

Fish oil helps the muscles recover from the workout session and reduces muscle soreness. It is absolutely okay to take fish oil after you work out. However, it will take some time until it starts working, so it is best to take your fish oil within an hour after you are done with your session

It also calms the muscles and prevents any potential injuries that may occur with a delayed effect. Omega-3 fatty acids promote flexibility and increase the range of motion, so if you take your fish oil after your workout session, you are preparing your muscles for an even more intense workout.

However, taking fish oil after working out is more of a recovery method. It helps your muscles restore, and it replenishes your energy. It will take some time until you start to feel the omega-3 effect in your workout. 

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What Is the Best Time to Take Fish Oil? 

In general, you can take your fish oil when it suits you best. Whether you take it before or after your workout, it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your body. Therefore, deciding when to take fish oil depends mostly on your intention.

If you want to have a more immediate effect and increase the intensity of your workout, become more enduring, and be more energetic while working out, it is best that you have the supplement before your session. On the other hand, if you are more interested in taking care of your muscles after your workout and you don’t need more intensity and endurance, take it afterwards

Fish oil is very beneficial no matter when you have it, and you will undoubtedly notice its positive effects on your body. Therefore, you should schedule your intake according to your preferences and workout goals. 

Consistency is the key when it comes to working out, losing weight and staying healthy. No amount of fish oil will give you an instant effect if you don’t take it regularly, combined with healthy nutrition and regular exercise.

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5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids Thu, 16 Mar 2023 18:30:00 +0000 These are the 5 signs that someone is on steroids.

When looking at someone in the gym or, more commonly, on YouTube one of those fitness influencers with an astonishing physique that looks more like the body was sculpted by hand, have you ever wondered if that person is taking some form of supplement that you are not – or even deeper, taking steroids?

The question posed in the fitness industry is usually “natty or not,” to ask if someone naturally looks that way or if it is the outcome of some performance-enhanced drugs (PEDs).

And sometimes it is very difficult to judge someone if that person is natty or not. Take for example what Dr Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization said about Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean-X – two of the most famous fitness coaches on YouTube at the moment.

A bit of humour is always accompanied in Israetel’s video, but the one above might have been the cherry on the top. It is his way of saying that it is incredibly difficult to judge if someone is on steroids or not. However, there might be some signs that someone is on steroids according to Max Posternak.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

Check it out.

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Note: BOXROX does not condone nor condemn the use of PEDs. We always advise you to talk to a professional doctor to know the situation, possibilities and even risks for your body.

5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids

If you are planning to go down the natural way when it comes to fitness, it is important to understand what can be achieved naturally. Some fitness influencers will not be truthful when asked if they are on any type of enhancing drug.

Knowing the signs that someone is on steroids can help you hinder your expectations so you don’t get frustrated if you don’t look like Dwayne the Rock Johnson, for example.

Here are the 5 signs that someone is on steroids according to Max Posternak.

1. Fat-free mass index

The fat-free mass index checks how much muscle mass someone has in comparison to their height. The calculation is rather complicated, but know that the maximum a natural athlete could have is around 25. You can check it online your own or someone else’s if you know their height, weight, and body fat percentage.

2. Gynecomastia

Research shows that 37% of steroid users have gynecomastia, a term used to describe the growth of breast tissue in men and it’s almost always caused by elevated estrogen level.

However, that doesn’t mean that someone with “man boobs” is taking steroids. It is simply not black or white, but rather an indication of that person possibly taking steroids. People can have gynecomastia even without taking steroids. In fact, drugs which include steroids motive 10-25% of cases of gynecomastia.

3. Too Much Too Fast

Excessively gaining muscle mass in a short period of time is another sign that someone is on steroids. Steroids not only help build bigger muscles, but also helps the speed at which muscle growth occurs. This is also perhaps the biggest reason why people take steroids in the first place.

You should not confuse this with “newbie gains,” in which a person new to lifting weights sees an improvement on a weekly basis.

Sometimes you will see someone gaining a lot of muscle in their upper body. Another sign that someone is on steroids is the difference in terms of gaining muscle in their shoulders, traps and neck, while their legs continue to dwindle.

Of course, it could be the cause of someone skipping leg day regularly. But it could also be a sign of steroid use. According to Posternak, steroid use has more of an effect on shoulders, and traps than it has on the legs.

That is because muscles in the upper body contain higher amounts of androgen receptors.

4. Acne

Having a lot of acne, usually on the shoulders, chest or back is another sign that someone is using steroids.

Steroids can cause acne because high testosterone levels enhance the activity of small oil-producing glands found in the skin.

5. Roid Rage

Significantly boosting your testosterone can lead to increase in an aggressive behaviour in some people. Posternak talks about a study that showed that 60% of steroid users experienced an increase in irritability and aggressiveness.

To dive deeper into the signs that someone is on steroids, click on the video below.

VIDEO – 5 Signs That Someone Is On Steroids

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Is Caffeine Bad For You? Tue, 07 Mar 2023 02:28:00 +0000 Is caffeine bad for your health? When it comes to fitness goals and performance in the gym, how much coffee should you drink? Or should you not drink it at all? That is what you are about to find out.

It happens almost automatically, without a thought. It is second nature to a majority of people around the world. After waking up, a cup of coffee to start the day. Caffeine will get that feeling of kickstarting the day to go to school, work, or simply not feel tired in the first few hours of the day.

But BOXROX is all about health and fitness. So, in that department, is caffeine bad for you? How much coffee should you drink? In short, the answer is no, and we will explain why.


But before any of this begins, I do not drink coffee at all. Me, Robert Born, a Brazilian, who doesn’t drink coffee advocating for coffee? I know, I never thought I would see the day either, but here we are. All for the name of clearer information and so that you can make good decisions based on scientific evidence and reach your fitness goals!

So let’s dig in.

Is Caffeine Bad For You?

Is caffeine bad for you? No. Caffeine is not bad for you. But like anything in life, you should drink it moderately. If you drink 10 cups of coffee every day for a long time, of course caffeine will be bad for you down the line. But if you drink mildly, sporadically, a cup of coffee or so every day, it can help you not only with waking up in the day, but also in the gym when you are working out.

Before getting into the pros of ingesting caffeine, here are some negative side effects of it:

  • It can marginally raise blood pressure
  • It can create anxiety
  • It can cause mild chemical dependence (headaches, etc)

Caffeine is a stimulant, yes, but a milder one. The pros of caffeine can outweigh the negatives, especially if you drink it responsibly. Actually, if you drink it as a normal person would, the negative side of caffeine might never even get to you. So, win-win scenario.

Caffeine can reduce appetite and increase focus, which is great if you are trying to lose weight and work out.

Furthermore, a scientific study concluded that caffeine has no effect on maximal ability, “but enhanced endurance or resistance to fatigue.” The paper also asserts that caffeine may create a more favourable intracellular ionic environment in active muscle. “This could facilitate force production by each motor unit.”

It states that there is no evidence that caffeine ingestion before exercise leads to dehydration, ion imbalance, or any other adverse effects. No wonder that caffeine is part of many supplements in the market, especially pre-workout blends.

Coffee pre-workout shake
Coffee pre-workout shake

This is why you should include caffeine in your fitness diet. It will make you produce more force when lifting weights and could improve your endurance so that you can train for longer.

Once this is answered, a bigger and more valuable question comes to mind: how much coffee should you drink?

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How Much Coffee Should You Drink?

The follow-up question of “is caffeine bad for you” is naturally “how much coffee should you drink.” Caffeine is naturally present in coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana and yerba mate. People from around the world consume coffee daily, but there should be a limit, no? You might think this answer varies from person to person and, to a certain extent, it does.

As usual, you should pay attention to your body and follow professional medical assessment. This article is not, in any way, aimed at substituting the knowledge and evaluation someone in the health department makes of you.

Now that we know that caffeine has its benefits when it comes to fitness and health, how much is too much? Let’s separate into groups so that you can see where you stand and what is the maximum you should consume in one day:

Children and adolescents:

  • 4-6 years – 45 mg per day
  • 7-9 years – 62.5 mg per day
  • 10-12 years – 85 mg per day

People with cardiovascular health concerns:

  • Case-by-case basis – consult your doctor

Breastfeeding and pregnant people:

  • 200-300 mg per day

Healthy adults:

  • 400 mg per day

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is caffeine bad for youSource: Barbara Olsen on Pexels
Is caffeine bad for you?

How Much Can You Drink Before Hitting Your Caffeine Maximum Allowed?

As seen above on how much coffee should you drink, the daily limit should be around 400 milligrams. That might look like just another number for you. What you want are palpable examples, correct?

The examples below, although not recommended, are for you to have an idea of how much you could have of one or another drink to reach the 400 milligrams of caffeine in your daily allowance. This was extracted from research made by Michael Hull for Examine.

As you can see from the list above, it can be difficult to reach 400 grams of caffeine in a day if you drink only Red Bull, for example. However, as mentioned earlier, caffeine is found in many other drinks such as tea and guarana.

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Is diet soda bad for youSource: Breakingpic on Pexels

Furthermore, drinking 80 cups of hot chocolate might keep you within limits of your daily caffeine, but in no way is healthy for your body because of the amount of sugar you are ingesting. So do not use the above list as an excuse for drinking that amount of caffeine.

A great way of ingesting a healthy amount of caffeine for your workout is to have pre-workouts timed an hour or so before you hit the gym. Just make sure to read the package in advance, so that you are not consuming more caffeine than you should in case you decide to meet a friend later for a couple of coffee down the road.

Read More: Healthy Pre-Workout Energy Foods for Athletes


Is coffee bad for you? No. How much coffee should you drink? It depends, but if you are a healthy adult, you should not ingest more than 400 milligrams every day. In any way, you should always consult a doctor.

Caffeine is good for your health and it can help you push more in the gym, which in turn, will make you gain muscles faster and help you lose weight faster.

But as we concluded above, the more caffeine is not always the better. There is a limit that you should stick to. For some people, that limit might be lower than what we prescribed here. As with anything, pay attention to what your body is telling you and never shy away from getting proper advice from someone with a medical background.

Supplements Guide: All You Need to Know

How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally? Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:33:00 +0000 How much muscle can you build naturally? Can you try to guess? No need to wonder anymore, the answer lies below.

Natty or not? That question has been getting more and more traction over the past few years to try to determine if a person has gotten all that muscular physique naturally or with the help of performance-enhanced drugs such as steroids. And it is not just in the Hollywood or fitness industry that people turn to PEDs.

There is a big chance a few people at your gym are currently taking PEDs to get more muscles and results faster. Perhaps you are considering taking this route, but want to know one thing first: how much muscle can you build naturally? For that, we turn to Max Posternak.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

He posted a video titled “how much muscle can you build naturally,” and talked about steroids vs natural gym goers.

How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally?

It is easier to spot some bodybuilders that have been taking drugs to increase their muscles and fitness – we are looking at you Liver King. But some other people you might look up to may be on steroids or have taken them in the past.

Knowing how much muscle you can pack naturally is important because it will allow you to determine a realistic goal and expectations if you decide to go the natty route.

How Much Muscle Can You Build NaturallySource: Pixabay

So, how much muscle can you build naturally? Posternak says that we should look back to a time when steroids were not created yet, which is before the 1930s. Eugene Sandow was a natural bodybuilder born in 1867 and was known as the first natural bodybuilder. At 5’9’’ tall, Sando weighed 200 pounds, and had a 48-inch chest, 30-inch waist and 18.5-inch biceps.

Posternak also exemplifies professional boxer Charles Atlas and bodybuilder George Hackenschmidt. The latter had biceps somewhere between 18-19.5 inches big. And that is 100% natural.

Lose weight in 2022Source: Tim Mossholder / unsplash

If you were expecting to see a number as the answer to how much muscle can you build naturally, I’m afraid to tell you that it differs from person to person depending mostly on genetics. Yes, there are some freaks out there that can pack tons of muscles with less work, but they are the minority.

However, even though it takes time, you can also achieve an enviable physique without the use of steroids or PEDs as shown by the examples above.

And now you know a little bit more about this issue. Check Posternak’s video titled “how much muscle can you build naturally” below to see his full arguments on this matter.

VIDEO – How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally?

Check out more content from BOXROX:

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

Six Natural Energy Sources to Power Your Body

How To Use Creatine For Muscle Growth?

What Happens If You Take Creatine Every Day For 30 Days?

9 Effective Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

How To Use Creatine For Muscle Growth? Fri, 09 Dec 2022 02:30:00 +0000 Welcome to a guide on how to use creatine for muscle growth presented by Max Posternak.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 5 million subscribers.

Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplements in the fitness industry as it can help with building muscle. Learn how to use creatine for muscle growth by scrolling down.

How to use creatine for muscle growth

There can be a lot of conflicting information about how to use creatine for muscle growth. Be it about when to take it, how much, besides a few myths regarding this supplement.

The most common creatine available is the monohydrate, but there are also hydrochloride, micronized, ethyl ester and kre-alkalyn. There is less research on the other types of creatine compared to the monohydrate. This is also the best, cheapest and safest bet, so stick to creatine monohydrate.

Creatine loading Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

How much creatine should you take? If this is your first time, or you’ve stopped for a long period, you can implement a loading phase in which you take 20-25 grams of creatine for 5-7 days, and then transition back to 3-5 grams daily. This saturates your muscles with creatine, helping with building muscle, but you can also have the exact same effect by taking 3-5 grams for 28 days instead of 20-25 grams for a week.

What you take creatine with also helps you absorb the nutrient faster. Combine it with carbs or protein to speed up your loading phase (up to 3 days) – you can add creatine to your protein shake, add some sugar or blend in a banana. But once your muscles are full of creatine, it doesn’t matter how you keep ingesting the supplement – water, grape juice or a protein shake.

How to use creatine for muscle growth regarding timing? You should take your creatine close to when you work out. A study found that a group that took creatine gained more muscle mass and lost more body fat.

How to use creatine for muscle growthSource: Pixabay

There are no conclusive studies that link creatine with hair loss. If you are prone to hair loss, likely it won’t be the creatine to blame if it happens, but more a genetic predisposition.

Now you should know how to use creatine for muscle growth. Click on Posternak’s video below to see his full explanation of this supplement.

VIDEO – How to use creatine for muscle growth

Check out more content from BOXROX:

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

What Happens If You Take Creatine Every Day For 30 Days?

9 Effective Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster Sat, 05 Nov 2022 10:30:00 +0000 These supplements, as chosen and described by Gravity Transformation, will help you bulk up faster.

9 Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

“Many people wonder if they should take creatine or protein powder? Or what else? This video will help answer that question. Only take the supplements you need and don’t waste your money on supplements that are useless.”

How to Position Supplements with the Rest of Your Nutrition

“Taking effective supplements will boost your energy levels, your strength, and provide the nutrients that your muscles need to recover and grow faster.”

“Supplements should just be treated as the cherry on top of an already effective diet and training plan. For example, take a look at just one supplement, creatine monohydrate, which studies have shown can provide a 15% boost in performance markers like maximal power, strength, and muscle contractions. (8)”

“15 percent may not sound like a whole lot, but it is a lot because just this one supplement can help you push yourself to lift a heavier weight or squeeze out an extra rep or two and that’s what you need to build more muscle.”

Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster – Creatine

“So, the first tip, if you want to bulk up faster, is to really consider taking creatine. The fact that creatine can help significantly improve lifting performance, is backed by over 20 studies that found an average increase of 14% in overall weight lifting performance and up to a whopping 45 percent boost on an exercise like the bench press. (3)”

Creatine loading Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

“Not only does creatine help you build more muscle by getting stronger, but it also increases cellular hydration. Or in other words, it increases water retention within your muscles. This obviously makes your muscles appear fuller and bigger. But it is actually another way that creatine helps to stimulate muscle growth because water retention increases the pressure placed against the cell membranes and cytoskeletons within your muscle cells.”

“Your muscle cells perceive that as a threat to their integrity, which can increase anabolic signaling, leading to a more favourable protein turnover rate, ultimately stimulating more muscle growth. That’s probably one of the reasons why we see studies like this one where after just 6 weeks of strength training men that supplemented with creatine gained, on average, 4.5 extra pounds of muscle than the men that received a placebo instead. (11)”

“Now even though you do naturally take in creatine from sources like chicken, seafood, and red meat to get the maximum benefits for muscle growth, supplementation is generally required. So simply taking five grams of creatine monohydrate per day will have your muscles fully saturated with creatine within 3 to 4 weeks according to the evidence.”

“One last thing is to make sure you have this after your workout. A lot of people take creatine before their workout, but most likely you’re better off taking it after your workout because research shows us that this is likely more effective. (4)”

Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster – Protein

“Next let’s talk about mass gainers because even though they’re VERY popular for bulking, I recommend you just make your own protein shake after your workout. A Mass gainer is very appealing because it sounds like some special formula that’s specifically designed to boost muscle growth. But in reality, most mass gainers use cheaper protein sources and are essentially just mixed with a lot of sugar. You’re better off spending your money on a higher-quality protein powder. If you really need the additional calories you can add things like whole milk, peanut butter, a banana, AND even blend in additional carbs like oats.”

vegetarian protein sources

“Now another thing you should know is that even though the anabolic window has been debunked, (meaning that even though you don’t need to rush to take a protein shake immediately after your workout) research does still show us that there is a benefit to consuming protein sometimes soon after your workout, specifically within the first hour. (15)”

“For example, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found evidence that consuming protein shortly after a workout can help improve strength and muscle growth even if you’re already consuming enough protein throughout the rest of the day. (15)”

“This is because taking protein powder post-workout spikes your insulin and quickly delivers amino acids to your muscles. Those amino acids provide the building blocks to regain and maintain a positive protein turnover rate within your muscles.

The protein turnover rate refers to the balance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown, we want a greater amount of synthesis than breakdown to build muscle. In other words, we want a positive protein turnover rate. After a workout, our muscles have gone through the exact opposite. They’ve gone through muscle protein breakdown…

Watch the video for the full details and the rest of the supplements that will help you bulk up faster.

Video – Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

Time Stamps – Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

0:18 Creatine monohydrate

2:15 Mass gainers

4:20 Taking casein before bed

5:34 Intra workout is mostly useless

6:47 Caffeine

7:14 L-theanine

7:52 Beta alanine or baking soda

9:16 Citrulline Malate

10:23 Take vitamins that you’re more likely to be deficient in

Learn More – Supplements that Will Help You Bulk Up Faster

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises


Macronutrients are compounds that provide energy, or calories, to our bodies. Macronutrients include fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Each macronutrient has superior benefits, but they also work together to keep us healthy. Understanding the unique benefits of each macronutrient can help you strike a balance in your diet

Macronutrients are compounds that provide energy, or calories, to our bodies.

Macronutrients are compounds that provide energy, or calories, to our bodies. They are fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Fats are an important source of energy for the body; they also help keep your skin supple and healthy-looking.

Carbohydrates give you quick energy, but if you eat too many carbs at one time or in large quantities it can make you feel tired and bloated.

Proteins build muscles, hair and nails; without them there would be no way for cells in our body (like those in our muscles) to grow bigger or stronger.


Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet because they’re the most concentrated source of energy.

Fats are used to store energy and provide insulation, which is why you can’t get away with eating just protein and carbohydrates if you want to keep your body temperature regulated. As for the insulating part—you might be wondering how we know this. Well, studies have shown that people who eat more fat burn more calories over 24 hours than those who eat less fat (even though both groups consumed about the same amount of food overall). The body preferentially burns off excess calories from dietary fats instead of carbohydrates or proteins due to their high caloric density.


Carbohydrates are an important energy source for the body. They provide energy to muscles and the brain, and can also be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy because they are easily broken down into glucose (blood sugar), which is then used by cells as fuel.

In addition to providing quick bursts of fuel, carbohydrates also play a role in longer-term storage when they’re converted to glycogen and stored in muscle tissue or liver cells for later use.

Carbohydrates come in many different forms: simple sugars like glucose, fructose or galactose; complex chains of sugar molecules called starches; and fiber (vitamins from plants).

Fruits contain natural sugars that are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream; vegetables contain more complex carbohydrates than fruits do that are more slowly released into your bloodstream; grains such as wheat have been processed so they’re easier to digest than whole grains like brown rice or barley while legumes such as chickpeas offer protein along with their carbohydrate content


Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. They make up much of the structure and function of every cell in your body, including those that make up muscles. Protein is essential for growth and development, as well as maintenance of muscle mass. It’s also used to repair damaged tissue and promote recovery after exercise.

Protein helps build new muscle fibres by providing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) that are used during this process instead of being stored as fat on your body. Muscles need protein to grow bigger, stronger and faster—and they use it most efficiently when you eat enough calories to fuel your workouts!

Besides helping your muscles grow bigger and stronger, protein also plays a role in hormone synthesis.

Each macronutrient has superior benefits, but they also work together to keep us healthy.

Macronutrients, or macronutrients, are the big players in your diet. Each macronutrient has superior benefits, but they also work together to keep us healthy. Macronutrients include:

  • Protein: Amino acids that build and repair body tissue
  • Carbohydrates: Polysaccharides that provide energy for the muscles and brain
  • Fat: Lipids that carry essential vitamins throughout your body

Understanding the unique benefits of each macronutrient can help you strike a balance in your diet.

The benefits of each macronutrient are clear: fats can help you feel full and satisfied, carbs provide energy, proteins are necessary for building muscle and tissue. But finding a balance of each can be tricky—especially if you’re eating a lot more than usual to shed pounds or gain muscle mass.


Macronutrients are essential for our body’s health and well-being. Each macronutrient has its own benefits, but we need them all to stay healthy. That means we should aim to eat a balanced diet that includes all three macronutrients—and even one or two micronutrients!

Science-Based References:

1. “Creatine supplementation immediately after resistance training was superior for increasing muscle mass compared to creatine supplementation immediately before resistance training.” Other research also indicates taking creatine post-workout is more effective than doing so pre-workout.

2. Healthy males involved in a 6-week strength training regimen found that those who supplemented with creatine gained, on average, 2 kg more muscle mass than those who received a placebo

3. 22 studies on creatine.”The average increase in weightlifting performance”…”following creatine supplementation plus resistance training was 14% greater than the average increase in weightlifting performance following placebo ingestion during resistance training (26 vs. 12%)””the improvement in weightlifting performance in the bench press ranged from 16 to 43%.”

4. Citrulline: from metabolism to therapeutic use

5. Citrulline malate supplementation may be beneficial in improving exercise performance during lower-body multiple-bout resistance exercise in advanced resistance-trained men. 

6. “Short-term creatine supplementation has been reported to improve maximal power/strength (5-15%), work performed during sets of maximal effort muscle contractions (5-15%), single-effort sprint performance (1-5%), and work performed during repetitive sprint performance (5-15%).”

7. Despite recent suggestions that one does not “need” to consume protein during the immediate (1 h or less) post-training time frame, it should be emphasized that consuming nothing offers no advantage and perhaps even a disadvantage. Thus, based on performance and recovery effects, it appears that the prudent approach would be to have athletes consume protein post-training and post-competition. The reason is that casein is decent at reducing protein breakdown while whey isn’t effective in that regard.

8. Casein is superior for gaining strength and muscle compared to whey, as found by a study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.

9. Data indicates that athletes competing in sports with muscular endurance-based requirements may potentially improve performance by acutely supplementing CM [Citrulline Malate]

10. Four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation (4–6 g daily) significantly augments muscle carnosine concentrations, thereby acting as an intracellular pH buffer

11. Research also indicates that being deficient in zinc can lower metabolism and testosterone.

12. The reason is that it can enhance workout performance by suppressing fatigue while increasing focus, strength, power, and endurance.

13. A deficiency [in Vitamin D] is not only detrimental to health but can also impair muscle growth. That’s because research shows vitamin D levels influence strength development, exercise performance, and recovery from workouts.

14. In this study researchers found a close link between vitamin D and testosterone levels. Men with sufficient vitamin D levels had much higher testosterone.

15. Another study found that when healthy males took 3,332 IUs of vitamin D daily for a year, they had 25.2% more testosterone compared to those who took a placebo.

16. Pre-sleep protein ingestion represents an effective dietary strategy to improve overnight muscle protein synthesis. See FIGURE 1

17. Protein ingestion before sleep represents an effective dietary strategy to augment muscle mass and strength gains during resistance exercise training in young men.

Huge Supplements and Jo Linder Join Forces to Take on the Supplement Space Wed, 28 Sep 2022 12:48:22 +0000 Huge Supplements and Jo Linder are teaming up to become an unstoppable force in the supplement space.

Who is Jo Linder?

Jo Linder, or Joesthetics as he is known on Instagram, is a German fitness sensation and social media star, known for his ripped and aesthetic physique.

In his early days, Jo fell in love with training and the processes of improvement and betterment.

“All this pain and sacrifice makes us feel alive. Stay strong! Stay positive!”

His physique and passion for fitness grew hand in hand.

Jo shared his story, journey and advice along the way. He has since grown to over well over 500k subscribers on youtube and 7.7 million followers on Instagram. Here he shares his experiences and training advice.

“Law of attraction – believe to achieve. Think positive & believe in yourself and your goals and you will make it happen, bro. Cut out the negative people!”

Huge Supplements

Huge Supplements was created to bring all athletes around the world the newest supplements.

They only produce and distribute products that are backed by science and are genuinely beneficial for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. 

Huge Supplements were founded in 2019 and is still a relatively new company in a competitive and explosively growing industry.

Their “vision is to provide serious athletes with properly formulated, innovative supplements that have been backed by science. Our products undergo extensive testing and research to make sure they deliver significant effects and results.”

If your goal is to build lean muscle, increase strength, or lose body fat, then alongside decent training and an intelligent nutrition plan, Huge Supplement products can help you accelerate the rate at which you achieve those goals.

They showcase many awesome athletes, just like Jo Linder, on their instagram page.

Training Tips from Jo Linder

Train like Jo with these excellent tips and tricks.

High Volume vs. Heavy Weight

Jo incorporates both of these training methods in order to fully exhaust his muscles.

More often than not, Jo will train with high volume. His workouts typically consist of many sets to maximise time under tension and hypertrophy.

However, Jo won’t always train like this. Sometimes he will train with extremely heavy weights, for lower reps and sets. This allows him new stimulus and strength gains.

Jo feels that this training split has helped him achieve the best results.

“How to train weak bodyparts – start your workout with the weak part. Improve mind-muscle connection, start with low weights, and slow reps to really feel the muscle & increase weight slowly, the better you feel your muscle work, the better the results.”

Jo Linder’s Push Workout

Here is a standard push workout from Jo.

  • Bench Press, 3 pyramid sets, 12-8-5 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press, 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Chest Press Machine, 1 set of 12 reps
  • Seated Barbell Overhead Press, 4 sets of 8 reps
  • Standing Lateral Raises, 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Triceps cable extensions, 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Front Dumbbell Raises, 3 sets of 12 reps

Jo teaches that with enough consistency, you too can achieve your goals – whether that’s building an awesome physique, or anything else in your life.

Supplements and Training

Nutrition and supplementation are hugely important for augmenting your physical training and allowing you to stay healthy and improve your body and mind.

Here we will cover creatine, protein and pre-workout.

Check out the links below for where to buy the right ones for you.

Why You Need Creatine

Creatine improves performance in short, high-intensity events, for example sprints, lifting and explosive muscle building sets.

It also improves recovery and is popular with all strength, power and gym athletes. It is often used by bodybuilders to increase muscle volume.

Many athletes can benefit from the effects of creatine especially during strength cycles – when they want to improve maximal strength and power – and to improve intensity and speed for metcons and workouts.

Creatine enhances recovery and energy levels, allowing you to recover quicker and get back to your next training session or event as soon as possible.

Creatine is a nitrogenous compound and adults have around 80–130 g in their bodies. Every day about 1–2 % of this creatine is broken down and excreted and has to be replenished.

Creatine is created from amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. Synthesis takes place in the liver, pancreas and kidneys, and creatine is transported by blood to the muscles to perform its function. Enzyme creatine kinase transforms creatine into creatine phosphate (CP). Each day about 1–2 % of this is broken down and excreted, so it has to be replenished.

How much Creatine do I Need?

CP donates a molecule of phosphate to renew the ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the ultimate source of energy in the muscle.

Energy released from the ATP breakdown initiates muscle contraction – the individual active and myosin fibres start to move. However, ATP lasts only for a few seconds and it must be renewed.

Supplementing with creatine improves the ATP renewal, which helps us to maintain intensity and recovery.

Intake of significant amounts of creatine from food is only possible by eating meat. However, cooking and food preparation can result in creatine loss in food. Given your daily requirement of creatine, consumption of meat and synthesis of creatine by your body may not provide enough to saturate the creatine storage.

If you want your body to perform at its maximum potential, especially during high-intensity efforts, you should assure that your creatine storage is maximized and that is why taking a creatine supplement is paramount.

This is additionally important for vegans and vegetarians, who will receive no creatine from meat.

Why You Need Protein

Protein is a macronutrient that forms the basic building blocks for your body to grow, recover and operate. Protein is absolutely essential for all humans, and getting the right amount is especially important for people that love fitness and care about their health.

Find out which protein is right for you

Let’s get more scientific with a little help from the Oxford World Dictionary.

“Protein: Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.”

How Much Muscle Can You Grow In 30 DaysSource: Pikx By Panther on Pexels

Proteins are “King” when it comes to muscle growth and recovery.

These nutrients, once in the body, are digested into amino acids that become the building blocks of your lean mass.

During your workout, the cells in your muscles are subjected to higher stress than they normally are, among them, the significant release of lactic acid which occurs in exercise. This leads to the athlete having to recover a part of the ‘damaged’ cells, while also replacing some of the old cells with new ones, in the growth of which protein synthesis is vital.

Protein is the essential building block of the human body. It is essential for the repair of cells that have been damaged during intense training.

The repair of these cells makes our muscles bigger and stronger. Most of us could benefit from increasing our intake of lean protein through the effective planning and preparation of our nutrition plans.

Protein consumed after exercise assists in the repair and synthesis of muscle proteins, and as such, is vital to the recovery process.

whey proteinSource: Unsplash

Heavy resistance exercise, such as muscle building workouts or strength training, increases the rates of both protein synthesis and breakdown in muscle for at least 24 hours after a workout.

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is an infamous feeling I am sure that you are already familiar with. If an athlete’s nutrition plan has an inadequate level of protein, then breakdown will exceed synthesis, resulting in the loss of muscle mass.

Protein is needed in order to promote muscle adaptation during recovery from exercise in several ways:

  • Aiding in the repair of exercise-induced damage to muscle fibres
  • Promoting training-induced adaptations in muscle fibres (e.g., synthesis of new proteins that are involved in energy production and/or force generation)
  • Facilitating the replenishment of depleted energy stores

Optimise your protein intake

How Pre-Workout Will Help You

Pre-Workout is designed to improve focus, mood and energy levels before every workout, to help you perform at your best.

Huge Supplements Pre-Workout

We believe that Wrecked Pre-Workout has all the makings of an excellent pre-workout.

This supplement is one of the strongest pre-workouts on the market.

It contains over 17 clinically dosed ingredients. The caffeine content is high, with 250mg of caffeine anhydrous and 100mg of di-caffeine malate, totaling 350mg of caffeine. This will most definitely get the job done!

The dose of beta-alanine being 3,500mg is also properly dosed. It also houses ingredients that are designed to help with your pump, such as betaine anhydrous and l-citrulline.

On the other side, Huge Supplements Pre-Workout also tastes great.

Optimise your nutrition and results with these products from Huge Supplements.

The Animal Free Whey Protein Revolution: A New Benchmark Has Been Set Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:43:26 +0000 California Performance, with their unique animal free whey protein (V-Whey), have set a new benchmark for the nutrition industry.

Until recently, humans have generally depended on animals for protein.

With the inventive introduction of microflora into natural production methods, we can now work with nature to harness her powerful processes in new ways.

This allows us to create the same proteins, with their unmatched benefits, without using animals in any way.

What is Animal Free Whey Protein?

V-Whey is made from Perfect Day. This is the world’s first animal-free, real dairy protein.

It is pure, smart and perfect for anyone that cares about animals, personal health and the planet.

Get your daily protein intake with a high-quality product that doesn’t cost the planet or harm animals.

How is Animal Free Whey Protein Made?

Let’s take a deeper look at the production process.

Step 1: Flora

To produce real milk protein without the environmental impact of livestock, the team at Perfect Day teaches tiny organisms called microflora to create animal-free milk protein.

They do this by giving a digital version of the milk-making genetic blueprint from a cow to the microflora.

Step 2: Food

Just like cows, flora need a food source to enable them to produce milk protein, so Perfect Day feeds them simple plant sugars.

Step 3: Fermentation

They then use fermentation to enable the flora to efficiently convert plant sugars into milk protein.

Step 4: Animal-Free Milk Protein

The result is an animal-free milk protein that is identical to the protein found in cow’s milk. It’s approved as safe by the FDA and is even purer than traditional dairy as it’s free from any lactose, cholesterol, hormones or antibiotics.

What is Microflora?

Perfect Day explains, “Microflora are bioprocessing powerhouses that have the potential to transform the way we feed the world. They’re incredibly efficient at turning carbohydrates from plants into high-value, nutritious proteins, fats, and other useful substances.” 

Woman runningSource: California Performance Co

“You could think of microflora as the agricultural animals of tomorrow. Except they’re not animals at all! If a fungus is “the new cow” for making dairy, then it’s a really, really small cow, with no body, mind, or nervous system.”

“Microflora may be tiny, but their potential to transform the way we think about food production is enormous.”

V-Whey Tastes Delicious

You can choose the perfect blend for your taste from their three delicious flavours.

Types of proteinSource: California Performance Co

A serving of each contains up to 5g of BCAAs, and up to 23g of complete protein

  1. Chocolate, perfect for those with a sweet tooth
  2. mixed berry, bursting with the wild taste of sweet ripe berries
  3. vanilla sundae, rich and creamy, exactly like a spoonful of ice cream

Try it now…

No Hormones

Another excellent advantage of V-Whey protein is that there are no hormones whatsoever. Just pure and healthy ingredients.

V-Whey is the Most Environmentally Friendly Protein on the Market

To put it simply, V-Whey uses…

  • 97% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional whey production
  • 99% less water usage
  • 60% less non-renewable energy usage

All that combined makes it the most environmentally protein on the market.

No Animal Cruelty

Absolutely no animals were harmed during any stage of the creation process of V-Whey protein by California Performance.

Man with ProteinSource: California Performance Co

Lactose Free

Additionally, the protein is also lactose free, making it ideal for the many people that suffer from an intolerance to lactose.

Vegan Friendly

This protein powder is also perfect for vegans, because they’ve found a way to make it without the cows.

Woman lying on ground with Whey proteinSource: California Performance Co

This animal-free milk protein is completely identical to what cows create. All the goodness without any animal involvement.

For more Vegan and Vegetarian sources, try these:

  • Buckwheat
  • Tempah
  • Sorghum
  • Amaranth
  • Teff
  • Spelt
  • Broccoli
  • Kale

A New Benchmark

All these elements combine to create a new benchmark for protein within the nutrition industry.

Environmentally friendly, suitable for vegans, less energy intensive to create, higher quality and scientifically forward thinking.

Upgrade your nutrition and health now

Understanding Protein

This section will dig deeper into the functions and effects of proteins on the human body.

What is Protein?

Protein is a macronutrient that forms the basic building blocks for your body to grow, recover and operate. Protein is absolutely essential for all humans, and getting the right amount is especially important for people that love fitness and care about their health.

Let’s get more scientific with a little help from the Oxford World Dictionary.

“Protein: Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.”

Why does the Human Body Need Protein?

Proteins are “King” when it comes to muscle growth and recovery.

These nutrients, once in the body, are digested into amino acids that become the building blocks of your lean mass.

During your workout, the cells in your muscles are subjected to higher stress than they normally are, among them, the significant release of lactic acid which occurs in exercise. This leads to the athlete having to recover a part of the ‘damaged’ cells, while also replacing some of the old cells with new ones, in the growth of which protein synthesis is vital.

Therefore, any nutrition must include the correct amount of protein in order for the body to be assisted in its process of recovery from effort.

Why Protein is Essential for Recovery

Protein is the essential building block of the human body. It is essential for the repair of cells that have been damaged during intense training.

The repair of these cells makes our muscles bigger and stronger. Most of us could benefit from increasing our intake of lean protein through the effective planning and preparation of our nutrition plans.

Protein consumed after exercise assists in the repair and synthesis of muscle proteins, and as such, is vital to the recovery process.

Heavy resistance exercise, such as WODs or strength training, increases the rates of both protein synthesis and breakdown in muscle for at least 24 hours after a workout.

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is an infamous feeling I am sure that you are already familiar with. If an athlete’s nutrition plan has an inadequate level of protein, then breakdown will exceed synthesis, resulting in the loss of muscle mass.

Protein is needed in order to promote muscle adaptation during recovery from exercise in several ways:

  • Aiding in the repair of exercise-induced damage to muscle fibres
  • Promoting training-induced adaptations in muscle fibres (e.g., synthesis of new proteins that are involved in energy production and/or force generation)
  • Facilitating the replenishment of depleted energy stores

The Physiological Effects of Protein Beyond Recovery

The Amino acid tryptophan, included in the proteins from chicken or turkey meat, is important for production of serotonin, which is an important neurotransmitter, and melatonin, which regulates the sleep cycle.

Albumin is a reserve protein, which regulates distribution of nutrients and maintains the pressure in the blood capillaries. Low albumin levels can signal liver disease or problems with processing the nutrients. A high level of albumin is typical during dehydration.

Transferrin is a transport protein for iron. It is related to immunity-boosting lactoferrin, which can be found in whey protein supplements with lower degree of processing (concentrate).

A high protein diet can contribute towards fat loss, so whether you are wanting to lose weight or build muscle (or both), protein is absolutely essential.

When it comes to protein in relation to the other macronutrients, the following points are important to consider

  • Protein is the most important macronutrient for muscle gain and retention
  • About 1g of protein per pound of body weight is best for most people
  • Healthy fats are needed for health and hormonal function
  • Healthy fats are the main macro added during massing phases and removed during cutting (fat loss)
  • Carbs are secondary to protein but very important to fuelling and recovering from hard workouts
  • Higher carbs should be eaten with higher workout volumes and daily activity levels

Optimise your Protein Intake

5 Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth Wed, 10 Aug 2022 13:31:00 +0000 Not all supplements are necessary. Sadly, some of them are not good, but it is still highly common in the bodybuilding world. Find out the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Jeff Nippard decided to shine a light on supplements that would be best to avoid.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. In the following paragraphs, he talked about the 5 worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth.

Nippard explains that these supplements are bad because it is not backed by scientific evidence if people want to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

1. Testosterone Boosters

A study from 2020 analysed the top 5 testosterone boosters sold on and it immediately saw some red flags. For starters, three of them did not specify proper dosing, so you don’t really know how much of each ingredient is in the product.

And from the ingredient list they had, half of them have zero human studies showing a positive effect on muscle growth. Other 3 ingredients had few studies showing a positive effect, but overwhelmingly more studies said there is no effect whatsoever for humans.

Read More: Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

2. Turkesterone

Turkesterone is one of the newest supplements available on the market. In short, turkesterone is to animals and plans what testosterone is to humans, so many people assumed (including scientists) that consuming turkesterone could help build more muscle.

Still today there is not a study to prove its benefits and there are serious quality control issues with these products.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Turkesterone

3. BCAAs

BCAAs are supplements with leucine, isoleucine and valine. But taking these three is not that important to build muscle because you actually need all 9 essential amino acids to build muscle.

“So taking leucine without all the other essential amino acids would be like turning the key to your car without any gas in it,” Nippard says.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When You Never Should)

4. Fat Burners

Fat burners claim to have one of two paths to achieve your goals: it makes you eat less, or it increases your calorie expenditure. In reality, that doesn’t happen.

tired athlete holds towel to forehead

A recent meta-analysis stated that, overall, “there was no indication that the inclusion of fat burners and thermogenic dietary supplements was any more effective than exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.”

5. Beta-Alanine

Why is beta-alanine on the list of worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth? Beta-alanine works, but not for typical resistance training. It helps people to keep pushing longer, which sounds good on paper, but if you short sets (8-12) then beta-alanine has no effect.

A study showed that beta-alanine works for exercises lasting 1-4 minutes and didn’t do anything for exercises lasting less than 60 seconds. In short, sets under 20 or 30 reps will get no benefit from beta-alanine supplementation.

If you want to know more about the arguments from Nippard regarding the worst supplements everyone takes for muscle growth, you can check out his video below.

Video – Worst Supplements Everyone Takes For Muscle Growth

Supplements  Guide – All You Need to Know

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster Sat, 16 Jul 2022 21:30:00 +0000 Creatine is one of the most common supplements that athletes take. Do you know how to use creatine to build muscle faster? Keep reading and you will find out how according to a respectable fitness trainer and kinesiologist.

Creatine is one of the most researched and used supplements in the bodybuilding community to build muscle. Therefore it is regarded as safe if taken within normal parameters.

Jeremy Ethier is a kinesiologist and fitness trainer, co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research.

Ethier uploaded a video detailing how to use creatine to build muscle faster with only 4 easy steps to follow. Check it out.

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

1. Right Type of Creatine

There are many sorts of creatine with some kind of booster or something that enhances how your body absorbs it. A 2021 systematic review analysed 8 different forms of creatine to determine which one is most effective.

In the end, they all came back with similar results and creatine monohydrate being the most affordable in the market.

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

2. How Much to Take?

Something between 1-2 grams of creatine per day is too low of a dose for you to build muscle.

The standard scoop size for most creatine products is 5 grams. However, according to research, a daily dose of 3 grams of creatine is sufficient for most lifters to increase their muscle growth. If you are a heavier-than-average person (above 200 lbs for example) you could benefit from a higher dose of creatine, but do not consume more than 5 grams per day.

3. Saturation

It often takes a few weeks for your body to saturate with creatine and begin showing results of consuming the supplement. You can saturate your body with creatine faster by applying two different tactics.

First is the loading protocol, also known as creatine loading. In short, you can consume 5 grams of creatine 4 times a day for a week to elevate your creatine store in your body – after that, you can drop to 3-5 grams of creatine per day to maintain that level of saturation.

The second method on how to use creatine to build muscle faster involves taking 3 grams of creatine from the start it will take 3-4 weeks before you start noticing the benefits of the supplement. This is known as the non-loading protocol.

4. Optimise Consumption

There is not much research that digs deep into when you should take your creatine to build muscle faster, the supplement does not have an immediate effect. So using it as a pre-workout is plain useless. In fact, taking it after a workout can be beneficial to getting stronger.

Also, research shows that taking creatine with carbohydrates and protein increases saturation levels more than just taking the supplement on its own – this is less relevant during the maintaining phase and only useful during the loading protocol.

Another study showed that taking creatine with caffeine (around 3-4 cups a day) hinders muscle growth. If not drinking coffee is impossible for you, avoid taking creatine and coffee at the same time.

Overall, make sure you are taking creatine daily and at around the same time, without caffeine, and you will build muscle faster.

Read More: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

How Much Protein is Too Much Protein? Fri, 24 Jun 2022 17:33:00 +0000 By now you should know that protein is the macro necessary to build muscle. That does not mean that eating a predominantly protein diet will get you jacked. So how much protein is too much protein? Find out.

Protein is a macronutrient that forms the basic building blocks for your body to grow, recover and operate. It is essential and there are ways for people to increase their protein consumption, either by supplementing or eating the right foods (click here if you are vegetarian).

So, how much protein is too much protein? That question was posed to the hosts of the Mind Pump Podcast, an online radio show that talks all fitness related and, usually, is provocative. Its hosts are Sal Di Stefano, Adam SchaferJustin Andrews, and Doug Egge. They also have a YouTube channel with more than 240k subscribers.

Here is what they had to say.

How Much Protein is Too Much Protein?

Di Stefano was sad to inform people that the answer is “it depends.” Mainly, in his opinion, it depends on how well you can digest protein. He’s worked with clients that couldn’t eat 90 grams of protein without feeling bad, while other clients had a very high intake of protein. “You need to make sure you get essential nutrients in your diet. If you eat just protein, and you never have essential fats, you actually starve your body,” he said.

Supplements Guide

For him, first and foremost you follow your digestion (if it is okay for you to ingest big amounts of protein), then energy (how energetic do you feel during the day), and lastly your quality of life (if you are happy with your diet protein intake).

Studies show that 0.6g to 1g of protein per pound of body weight is ideal for satiety, muscle building and fat loss. “But if that is too much for you, so long as you get your essential protein, then you’re ok, you got to eat the way that makes you feel the healthiest,” Di Stefan concludes.

If you want to dive deeper into the subject, you can turn to Dr Mike Israetel, who has a PhD in Sport Physiology and is the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, who said that eating lots of protein is a waste.

In Israetel’s argument, you should eat around 0.8 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you are a bodybuilder and are preparing for a competition, 4 weeks prior you can increase your protein intake up to 1.3 grams per pound of body weight per day. “More than that is useless.”

Israetel’s advice is similar to what Jeff Nippard says and he divided it into three categories (bulking, cutting, recomp).

If you want to hear more about the arguments about how much protein is too much protein, you can check out the video from the Mind Pump Podcast below.

VIDEO – How Much Protein is Too Much Protein?

Read More: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Build Muscle

5 Reasons to Take Supplements (and When you Never Should) Fri, 10 Jun 2022 01:09:00 +0000 Check out these 5 reasons to take supplements, and learn about the times when you never should. Jeff from Athlean X explains more.

5 Reasons to Take Supplements

“One of the most common questions asked is whether someone needs to take supplements in order to build muscle and see results.  It is a good question and one that has two completely different answers depending on the person asking it.  In this video, I explain to you 5 reasons you need to take supplements and when you never should take them.  If you can’t deal with brutal honesty however, I would advise you not to watch, as some feelings may be hurt.”

5 Reasons to Take Supplements

“To determine whether or not you are a candidate for supplementation you have to start with your experience level and current condition.  If you are just starting out and are relegated to lifting 5 pound dumbbells for most of your exercises, you are likely not ready for supplements.  You can gain far more benefits focusing on building up your strength and foundation while learning proper form and the best way to train than with stuffing your face with supplements.”

Creatine loading

5 Reasons to Take Supplements

“The same can be said if you have allowed your diet and nutrition to put you grossly overweight.  Supplements are not your savior.  You first must figure out how to rededicate yourself to your nutrition so that you can lose enough weight to make supplements a viable part of the discussion once again to take you and your results to the next level.”

5 Reasons to Take Supplements

“Next you have to ask yourself if you are motivated enough to take supplements.  Some people view supplementation as a way to be lax with the rest of their fitness and nutrition plan.  They figure that as long as they are taking the supplements that they don’t have to worry much about everything else.  Couldn’t be further from the truth.  On the other hand, sometimes the act of supplementing makes you much more accountable for the rest of your actions.  In this case, it can be a great advantage to helping you stay on track.”

5 Reasons to Take Supplements

“If stress is a big part of your life, be it from your work or family, supplements can become even more necessary to help keep you on track and combat that.  We all know that proper nutrition and fueling can go a long way towards helping your body fight fatigue and breakdown.  If stress is heavy in your life then you would particularly want to look into supplements to help keep you healthy and consistent with your nutrition in the face of schedule disruption.”

“Finally, ask yourself if you think that you can get all the benefits of supplements from food alone.  If you think so, I can tell you in most cases you are wrong.  For instance, there is simply no practical way to get as much creatine as you would need to experience its benefits from food alone.  I said practical.  Sure, you may be able to do it in theory, but when you consider the roadblocks that I present to you in the video you quickly realize this won’t work.”

Video – 5 Reasons to Take Supplements

What Happens If You Take Creatine Every Day For 30 Days Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:31:00 +0000 Creatine is popular between athletes who practice sports that require short and intense power outputs, but what happens when you take creatine every day for 30 days?

Creatine is created from amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine and is found in the human body. It is synthesised in the liver and kidneys and transported by the blood to our muscles to, essentially, supply energy for muscle contraction.

CrossFit Games 2019 Sprint women ind magnesium deficiencySource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc
Crossing the finish line.

Only meat contains significant amounts of creatine, but it is possible to take this substance as a supplement. Supplementing with creatine is said to help improve performance in short, high-intensity events, such as sprints, series of squats, jumps and metcons.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Creatine

What happens when you take creatine every day for 30 days

Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplements on the market. Because it doesn’t have an immediate effect, knowing what happens when you take it long-term is important.

Jeremy Ethier, kinesiologist, fitness trainer and YouTuber, explains what to expect and what happens if you take creatine every day for 30 days in the video below.

Before you decide to take creatine every day, remember that “creatine or any supplement for that matter, is just the icing on the cake,” says Ethier.

“If you want to truly transform your body and see incredible results then you need to prioritize your training and your nutrition.”

Over 50% pf professional power athletes are reportedly using creatine, but what can you expect?

  • Supplementing with creatine can increase muscle creatine levels by up to 30%, says Ethier. As a result, our muscles have more creatine to power them with, which means you can do more reps at high intensities (leading to more muscle mass over time).
  • Not everyone benefits equally however, as between 20-30% of people already live with fully saturated muscle creatine levels. Vegans and vegetarians seem to benefit the most from supplementing with creatine.
  • When you first start taking creatine, it takes some time for your muscles to become fully saturated with the additional creatine. You won’t experience the full benefits until your muscles are fully saturated, says Ethier. This depends on how much creatine you take every day and can take between a week to three weeks.
  • Stomach discomfort can occur if you consume large amounts of creatine at once, consume it on an empty stomach, or take it alongside caffeine.
  • Your strength should start increasing after you begin supplementing with creatine. On average, trained lifters can expect an 8% boost in strength and 14% boost in number of reps they can perform.
  • Faster recovery from training is also a reported effect of supplementing with creatine (after you reach saturation).
take creatine every daySource: Creapure

Read more: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster Fri, 15 Apr 2022 21:30:00 +0000 The supplement market is vast and is easy to get lost in so much information. Here are the 4 best supplements to build muscle faster.

The list below was created by Jeremy Ethier.

Jeremy Ethier is a kinesiologist and fitness trainer, co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research.

“The vast majority of muscle building supplements out there do absolutely nothing, or are used and marketed totally out of context to take advantage of those who don’t know any better,” Ethier says, taking into account his first trip to a supplement store.

However, some supplements live up to their claims. So what are the best supplements to build muscle faster? Here are 4 that can speed up the results you are looking for.

1. Protein Powder

Whey protein powder, in particular, is the highest quality protein source when compared to several other protein sources such as spirulina, lentil, and even casein protein.

Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

However, eating protein powder does not make you build muscle faster – consistently eating enough protein does. A balanced diet with enough whole foods should give you enough protein necessary to build muscle. The protein powder only helps you to do this more efficiently because it is low in fat and carbs.

2. Creatine

The most well-researched and science-backed supplement on the market. And it lives up to the expectation, making it one of the best supplements to build muscle faster.

Vegetarians, vegans, and those people with naturally low levels of creatine in their bodies will experience the most benefits of this supplement.

3. Caffeine

“Caffeine ingestion prior to our workouts not only enhances our muscle contractions, but can also enable us to perform more reps by altering our pain thresholds and our perception of how hard we’re working.”

The caffeine will not make you stronger but will help you do more reps, which in turn will make you stronger.

Research also indicates that caffeine might favour lower body workouts compared to upper body workouts.

4. Beta-Alanine

Properly supplementing with beta-alanine can help you achieve 2-3 more reps per set specific to higher rep training (10 reps or more).

If you want to know more about each of the supplements mentioned above, check out Jeremy Ethier’s video below.

Best Supplements to Build Muscle Faster

Read More: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:30:00 +0000 What is the smartest way to use protein to build muscle? Does it vary from person to person depending on gender, physical activity, age, and who knows what else? Find out.

If you want to build muscle you need to properly fuel your body. Protein is the macronutrient responsible for muscle growth so you want to make sure you eat enough protein to increase your muscle mass. But how much is enough, and is there too much protein? Jeff Nippard decided to jump into the discussion.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. His video tries to answer once and for all what is the smartest way to use protein to build muscle.

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle

As usual, Nippard relies heavily on studies to present his arguments. First and foremost, he explains that the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound.

In this case, an 80-kilo (180lb) person would need around 65 grams of protein per day.

That sounds easy enough, but this recommendation from WHO does not consider weight training, which is why you landed on this page in the first place.

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build MuscleSource: Scott Webb / Pexels

How much protein you need depends if you are bulking, cutting, or in recomp phase. The varying numbers are appropriate for men and women.


  •  1.6-2.2 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.7-1 gram per pound bodyweight


  • 1.8-2.7 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.8-1.2 gram per pound bodyweight


  • 1.6-2.2 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.7-1 gram per pound bodyweight

Jeff Nippard goes on his video to explain how much protein you can absorb (use) per meal. “Protein intake per meal is less important than protein intake per day,” he says, however you should try to spread out your protein intake in all your meals.

He also exemplifies the highest quality protein you can get from. Protein supplements come out on top with whey protein being the best. Traditionally, animal products are better when it comes to providing protein – chicken and whole eggs are great.

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle

Read More: How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster Thu, 17 Mar 2022 02:30:00 +0000 Creatine is one of the most common supplements that athletes take. Do you know how to use creatine to build muscle faster? Keep reading and you will find out how according to a respectable fitness trainer and kinesiologist.

Creatine is one of the most researched and used supplements in the bodybuilding community to build muscle. Therefore it is regarded as safe if taken within normal parameters.

Jeremy Ethier is a kinesiologist and fitness trainer, co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research.

Ethier uploaded a video detailing how to use creatine to build muscle faster with only 4 easy steps to follow. Check it out.

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

1. Right Type of Creatine

There are many sorts of creatine with some kind of booster or something that enhances how your body absorbs it. A 2021 systematic review analysed 8 different forms of creatine to determine which one is most effective.

In the end, they all came back with similar results and creatine monohydrate being the most affordable in the market.

How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

2. How Much to Take?

Something between 1-2 grams of creatine per day is too low of a dose for you to build muscle.

The standard scoop size for most creatine products is 5 grams. However, according to research, a daily dose of 3 grams of creatine is sufficient for most lifters to increase their muscle growth. If you are a heavier-than-average person (above 200 lbs for example) you could benefit from a higher dose of creatine, but do not consume more than 5 grams per day.

3. Saturation

It often takes a few weeks for your body to saturate with creatine and begin showing results of consuming the supplement. You can saturate your body with creatine faster by applying two different tactics.

First is the loading protocol, also known as creatine loading. In short, you can consume 5 grams of creatine 4 times a day for a week to elevate your creatine store in your body – after that, you can drop to 3-5 grams of creatine per day to maintain that level of saturation.

The second method on how to use creatine to build muscle faster involves taking 3 grams of creatine from the start it will take 3-4 weeks before you start noticing the benefits of the supplement. This is known as the non-loading protocol.

4. Optimise Consumption

There is not much research that digs deep into when you should take your creatine to build muscle faster, the supplement does not have an immediate effect. So using it as a pre-workout is plain useless. In fact, taking it after a workout can be beneficial to getting stronger.

Also, research shows that taking creatine with carbohydrates and protein increases saturation levels more than just taking the supplement on its own – this is less relevant during the maintaining phase and only useful during the loading protocol.

Another study showed that taking creatine with caffeine (around 3-4 cups a day) hinders muscle growth. If not drinking coffee is impossible for you, avoid taking creatine and coffee at the same time.

Overall, make sure you are taking creatine daily and at around the same time, without caffeine, and you will build muscle faster.

Read More: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

What Is Turkesterone? The Newest Supplement On The Market Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:05:00 +0000 What is turkesterone? Have you heard about it this new supplement gaining traction in the bodybuilding community? You might want to dial back before buying it.

In short, turkesterone is to animals and plants what testosterone is to humans, so researchers thought that we could consume turkesterone to build more muscle. However, this supplement has no science to back up that argument and until more research is done and side effects (if there are any) are known, you should steer away from buying turkesterone.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. He often brings a lot of information and science-backed facts to the table when talking about any subject and it was no different on a video where he tries to explain what Turkesterone is.

What Is Turkesterone?

“Is one of many types of ecdysteroids, which are basically the plant and insect equivalent of hormones like testosterone,” Nippard says. Humans produce testosterone, plants and insects produce turkesterone.

If that is the case, and testosterone can help with building muscle for humans, then perhaps the plant and insect version of testosterone can be used for muscle building as well. So studies began to pop up regarding turkesterone.

Turkesterone is usually sold as a pill.

CrossFit Promotes Drug Exams in Athletes

Previous Turkesterone Studies

The first study regarding turkesterone was published in 1978 and there were more in subsequent years, sporadically, but without important results. In 2006, weight training men were divided into groups and one of the groups were given an ecdysterone supplement. After 8 weeks, results showed no difference between groups that took ecdysterone supplement, a different supplement, or even the group that took the placebo.

Not only were there no positive results from the previous research, but a more recent study from 2018 where the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) concluded that ecdysterones, including turkesterone, are not recommended for supplementation to increase training adaptations or performance.

Latest Study

However, the latest study that came out dates from 2019 titled Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans. In this study, after 10 weeks of men training, the group that was supplementing with ecdysterone saw bigger muscle gains compared to the group that took the placebo. However, as Nippard explains, this study has a few red flags such as unreliable testing machines, the method applied or maybe even false positives.

Jeff Nippard also interviewed Dr. Eric Trexler who is also a researcher, pro bodybuilder and co-owner of Stronger by Science, who explained that false positives are not unusual in these studies. “That’s why we like to see so many studies and so many replications from so many independent groups,” Dr. Trexler explains.

“Only when you have all that data can you sort through it and figure out which findings were atypical and which findings were more typical,” Dr. Trexler concludes.

Another warning, Nippard says, is that these studies were not performed using turkesterone, but rather ecdysterone, which is not exactly the same.

“This supplement is not science-based. There’s just no science to lean on and instead, it’s relying on anecdotes and marketing hype to stay relevant,” Nippard concludes.

If you want to see Jeff Nippard’s full explanation and his explanation of what is Turkesterone, check out the video below.

Jeff Nippard Explains What is Turkesterone

If you want to see the entire interview Jeff Nippard had with Dr. Eric Trexled to know their conversation about what is turkesterone, check the video below.

Read More: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

Vitamin A: Importance, Sources, and Deficiency Symptoms Thu, 27 Jan 2022 19:05:00 +0000 Vitamin A is an important micronutrient that helps keep your immune system healthy, supports vision in dim light, and keeps your skin healthy.

Also knows as retinol, vitamin A is an essential nutrient for humans.

This micronutrient can’t be synthesised in the body and so has to be obtained through our diet.

What is vitamin A good for?

Vitamin A supports your body in its natural defence against illness and infection. It’s also needed for the proper functioning of the eyes and skin.

While the link isn’t perfectly clear, it is believed consuming foods rich in vitamin A can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

All humans require vitamin A for adequate growth, cell and tissue differentiation, vision, development and function of the immune system, and survival.

How much vitamin A do you need?

This will depend on your age and sex. The National Institutes of Health recommends you consume the following amounts:

Vitamin A sources

vitamin a sources like cheese, eggs, and milkSource: Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Vitamin A rich foods include dairy products such as:

  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Liver and pâté

Vitamin A is stored in the livers of animals, which make liver and pâté an incredibly rich source of this nutrient.

Additionally, consuming foods containing high amounts of beta-carotene can help with vitamin A levels, as your body can convert these into the vitamin. Good sources of beta-carotene include:

  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Peppers
  • Squash
  • Sweet potato
  • Mango
  • Papaya

Vitamin A deficiency symptoms

According to the NHS, most people should get all the vitamin A they need through their diets, and any additional vitamin A you consume is stored for future use.

Vitamin A deficiencies are rare, however, if you do suffer from a deficiency watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Poor night vision: vitamin A deficiency can lead to degradation of vision, especially during the night. A lack of vitamin A can prevent visual pigments to form in your eyes, causing them to become less sensitive to light. This is known as night blindness.
  • Changes to your skin: cells on the surface of your body begin to deteriorate with a vitamin A deficiency, so you might suffer from dry skin, itchy, or inflamed skin.
  • Decreased reproductive health: low levels of vitamin A have been linked with infertility and trouble conceiving, and can also lead to miscarriages and birth defects.  
  • Poor wound healing: vitamin A promotes the creation of collagen, which is essential for healthy skin.
  • Acne: low vitamin A levels can lead to acne breakouts.

People with vitamin A deficiency often also suffer from low iron, which can lead to anaemia. A deficiency can also increase the severity (and mortality risk) of other infections such as diarrhoea and measles.


What are the benefits of taking vitamin A?

Vitamin A’s main benefit comes in the field of vision health, but this nutrient also supports a healthy immune system, supports bone health, and promotes healthy growth and reproduction.

Do athletes need vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals caused by oxidative stress and can also improve your bone health.

However, there are other micronutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins D and B that can have a bigger impact on performance. So far, no link has been found between low levels of vitamin A and decreased performance.

Should I take vitamin A supplements?

Most people get enough vitamin A through a varied and balanced diet and should not worry about supplementation.

Can I take too much vitamin A?

Yes, and taking too much can be harmful. Some research suggests taking too much vitamin A can have a negative effect on your bones, making them more likely to fracture when you’re older.

Who is most at risk of inadequate vitamin A levels?

Premature infants, infants and young children in developing countries, pregnant and lactating women in developing countries, people with cystic fibrosis.
Creatine Loading – What Is It, Benefits, and Is It Necessary? Mon, 24 Jan 2022 19:05:00 +0000 Creatine loading is a short phase in which people take a higher amount of creatine to increase their ability to lift heavier weights. But before you start your creatine loading, you need to understand everything behind this supplementation tactic.

Creatine is one of the most researched and used supplements in the bodybuilding community. It is regarded as safe if taken within normal parameters.

Note: consult with a doctor before taking any supplements. The information provided here should not be used in the exchange of professional medical guidance.

What is Creatine?

Before you know about creatine loading, you must understand what is creatine.

Creatine is a tripeptide substance produced naturally by our bodies and you can also find it in foods, almost exclusively in uncooked meat. It helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high-intensity training.

Although found in foods, creatine is largely lost during the process of cooking such foods. That is the reason why many people turn to supplement their bodies with creatine. With muscles supplied with enough creatine, you will be able to lift heavier weights and, using the logic of hypertrophy, gain more muscle faster.

Creatine monohydrate is rather inexpensive and safe as it has been through numerous researches for the past decades. Creatine HCl or Creatine Ethyl Ester have not been researched as thoroughly and their price is usually higher.

Related: The Ultimate Supplement Guide

What is Creatine Loading?

clean protein shakeSource: JANIFEST on Depositphotos
Creatine supplement is usually sold in powder form

Creatine loading is the first phase of someone taking creatine. Usually, it consists of the first 5-7 days of supplementing with creatine where the athlete consumes a higher amount of creatine than normal to super-saturate the muscles with the substance.

By doing the creatine loading phase correctly, a person can have their muscles with enough creatine in the first week and see progress in their lifting numbers in that period already. A person who takes creatine normally, choosing to skip the creatine loading, will also see its benefits, however, it could take up to a month to get to the same creatine level in his/her muscles.

If you have stopped taking creatine for a long period and are considering getting back on the supplement, you may take advantage of the creatine loading phase as well.

How Much Should You Take During the Loading Phase?

During the creatine loading phase, an athlete typically consumes around 20 grams of creatine every day for 5 to 7 days. This amount of creatine is usually spread 4 or 5 times a day.

After the end of the creatine loading phase, the athlete is required to get back to the normal creatine taking as instructed in the supplement – usually between 2-10 grams every day.

The smaller amount of creatine one must take after the creatine loading phase is to maintain the creatine stores in the muscles.

Is it necessary?

Honestly, no. You do not have to go through a creatine loading phase to reap its benefits. The only difference is that it may take you longer to achieve the results compared to someone going through the process.

As creatine is considered harmless, most people who are serious about gaining muscle mass will utilise the creatine loading phase to see results faster without compromising health or recovery.

Creatine is not considered a PEDs by any sports industry. Check out this comprehensible guide for athletes regarding protein and creatine intake.

Read More: How to Shed Fat and Completely Transform Your Body

All You Need to Know About Vitamin E Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:05:00 +0000 Welcome to your guide about vitamin E. You will learn everything you need to know about this important micronutrient, which foods contain it, how much should you have every day, and what happens to your body if you lack this vitamin.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is part of a group of fat-soluble compounds. This micronutrient cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained either by consuming the right food or through ingesting supplements.

This vitamin acts mainly as an antioxidant by protecting cells from “free radicals,” unstable atoms that can damage cells causing varied illness and ageing. It also has the ability to reduce the production of free radicals.

According to UK’s National Health Service, vitamin E helps “maintain healthy skin and eyes, strengthen the body’s natural defence against illness and infection (the immune system).”

Related: Important Minerals and Vitamins You Need as an Athlete

How Much Do You Need?

Recommendations for the daily intake of vitamin E can vary according to your age. Check out the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) to meet the nutrient needs of a healthy person.

  • Infants (0-12 months) – 4-5 mg/day
  • Children (1-8 years) – 6-7 mg/day
  • Children (9-13 years) – 11 mg/day
  • Teens and adults (14+) – 15mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women – 19 mg/day

For most of your life, a daily intake of 15 mg per day is enough to keep a healthy balance of this micronutrient.

Any vitamin E your body does not need is immediately stored for future use, so you do not need to add this micronutrient into your diet every day.

Food Sources

Good food sources to find this micronutrient are plant oils, nuts, seeds, wheatgerm, and some fruits and green leafy vegetables.

1. Wheat Germ Oil

One tablespoon contains 20 mg.

2. Sunflower Seeds

Source: engin akyurt / Unsplash

100 grams of sunflower seeds contain 35 mg.

3. Almonds

almonds nuts - vitamin e

100 grams of almonds contain 26 mg.

4. Goose Meat

100 grams of goose meat has 1.7 mg.

5. Avocado

avacado superfood crossfit
Superfood Avacado

100 grams of avocado has 2.1 mg.

6. Hazelnut Oil

1 tablespoon of hazelnut oil contains 6.4 mg.

7. Sunflower Oil

1 tablespoon of sunflower oil has 5.6 mg.

8. Hazelnuts

100 grams of hazelnuts contain 15 mg.

9. Pine nuts

100 grams of pine nuts contain 9.3 mg.

10. Red Sweet Pepper (Paprika)

Source: Vitolda Klein / Unsplash

100 grams of paprika contain 1.6 mg.

11. Mango

100 grams of mango contain 0.9 mg.

12. Turnip Greens

100 grams of turnip greens (raw) contain 2.9 mg.

13. Broccoli (cooked)

100 grams of broccoli has 1.5 mg.

Fresh broccolini on a wooden round board. Space for the text, selective focus

Do You Suffer from Vitamin E Deficiency?

It is difficult to have vitamin E deficiency from not having enough of the micronutrient in your daily diet.

According to a study published in 2000, most people that suffer from vitamin E deficiency have digestive disorders or do not absorb fat properly – pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease.

Vitamin E deficiency can cause:

If you suffer from vitamin E deficiency, the best and fastest treatment is oral supplementation.

Pharmacies sell vitamin E supplements and those are usually high dosage. While a male adult needs 15 mg per day, a typical pill of vitamin E has around 10 times more than the daily recommended.

These supplement products often indicate the daily dosage in IU (International Units). The same male adult would need around 33 IU daily intake of Vitamin E, while most products sell a high dosage of 300-500 IU on each pill.

For safety reasons, a person must not ingest more than 1000 IU per day. Although more research is needed, excessive Vitamin E intake can cause haemorrhage and interrupt blood coagulation.

Read More: Supplements Guide – All You Need to Know

6 Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency Tue, 30 Nov 2021 01:05:00 +0000 A Vitamin D deficiency can have many negative consequences on your health. 

Good health comes with a well-balanced diet that provides the right amount of nutrition: vitamins, essential fats, energy, protein, and minerals. A lack of any of these nutrients can have a negative impact on the quality of life. These nutrients regulate how our body grows and functions. When it comes to nutrients that build your body, vitamin D is one of the most important ones.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium to promote bone growth. Lack of v D can impact your overall health. A level lesser than 20 ng/ml of v D indicates a deficiency. V D deficiency is not as prominent. However, there are a few signs and symptoms exhibited by v D deficient people.


Your immune system protects you from bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. V D interacts with the cells that build the immune system. When your body runs low on vitamin D, it affects your immunity, making you more prone to ailments like cold and flu, fever, allergies, asthma, and eczema. These are just a few among more than 80 illnesses that can be caused by problems with the immune function.

Overhead-Squat-Lauren FisherSource: CrossFit Inc


Fatigue can pretty much affect every aspect of your life. Some studies show a connection between vitamin D deficiency and fatigue in women. Vitamin D boosts energy levels and keeps you active for a long time. Therefore, if you find yourself experiencing exhaustion in the middle of the day, you might be suffering from v D deficiency.


Another sign that indicates low blood levels of vitamin D is poor bone health. The right amount of vitamin D in your diet helps the body build and maintain bone health. Calcium and vitamin deficiency can increase bone damage and cause back pain. Weak bone health increases the risk of fractures and other injuries. Therefore, you need adequate amounts of vitamin D to build healthy bones and muscles.


Hair breakage and loss are commonly attributed to stress. However, other factors can also damage your hair. A deficiency in v D can cause severe hair fall. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by severe hair loss.

There is not much data to support this, but there may be a connection between alopecia and v D deficiency. Studies show that people with alopecia or female-pattern hair loss have lower levels of v D, which can be associated with severe hair loss.


Our body has self-healing mechanisms that help restore and optimize health. But if you observe slow healing of wounds, it indicates vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays a significant role in fighting infection, controlling inflammation, and ensuring proper healing. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can lead to impaired healing or even jeopardize the healing process completely.

hip exercise vitamin d


It is not easy to determine what causes muscle pain, but some studies suggest that it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. A lack of vitamin D can cause weakness in the muscles and lead to chronic muscle aches in both adults and children. Experts don’t have substantial evidence yet, but they suggest it starts quite subtly and builds up over time. There is also a link between chronic pain in muscles and low blood levels of v D.

These are a few symptoms to look out for to determine whether you have a v D deficiency or not. These signs are not evident in the beginning and are often difficult to recognize. Start by adding more v D rich foods to your diet and increase your sun exposure to increase your v D levels. V D deficiency is not difficult to fix, and once you restore the levels, it can benefit various aspects of your health.
