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Are You Crazy Enough to Try the 72-Hour Military Diet?

A promise of weight loss, but at what cost?

Are you crazy enough to try the 72-hour military diet? Find out more about this diet and what happened to a guy who went through with it and the results.

Embarking on the journey of the military diet, a three-day challenge promising a staggering 10-pound weight loss, felt like stepping into uncharted territory. The allure of such rapid results may be tempting, but the diet’s affiliations with the military are non-existent.

What exactly is the military diet?

The military diet is a three-day, low-calorie weight loss plan that claims to help participants lose up to 10 pounds in a week. Despite its name, there is no official connection with the military, and its origins remain unclear.

The diet is characterized by a strict and specific meal plan for each of the three days, with a calorie intake ranging from 1,100 to 1,400 calories per day.

The meals typically include a combination of specific foods like grapefruit, toast, peanut butter, tuna, meat, green beans, eggs, and a small serving of ice cream. While some people may experience rapid weight loss on this diet, it’s important to note that the results are often attributed to water weight, and the diet lacks scientific backing for its long-term effectiveness or safety.

Also, the restrictive nature of the military diet may lead to nutritional deficiencies and an unsustainable eating pattern. As always, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before embarking on any drastic dietary changes is advisable.

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So, what is this article all about if It’s an unbalanced and potentially unsafe regimen? That is what Will Tennyson decided to put to the test.

Will Tennyson is a Canadian YouTuber who uploads fitness routines, nutrition advice and lifestyle content on his channel which has more than 2 million subscribers. He struggled with body image as a younger kid but has since bounced back after discovering weightlifting and he wants to make people as enthusiastic about fitness and wellness as he is.

Consulting with a dietitian, he received a resounding “hard pass” regarding going through with his plans. Ultra-low calorie diets like this one often result in temporary water weight loss, and any weight shed is likely to make a swift return.

Check below the highlights of his military diet endeavour.

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Are You Crazy Enough to Try the 72 Hour Military Diet?

The first day unfolded with a menu promising 1,400 calories, gradually decreasing in the subsequent days. A slice of toast, two tablespoons of peanut butter, half a grapefruit, and black coffee made up the “substantial” breakfast, setting the tone for a roller-coaster of minimal meals. Lean meats, meagre servings of tuna, and specific fruits became the staples, while ice cream offered a glimmer of indulgence.

The struggle was real, with each meal feeling sadder than the last. Limited to the military diet’s rigid structure, finding solace in the gym became essential for staving off hunger. However, the toll on energy levels, mood, and gym performance was palpable for Tennyson. Aching muscles, headaches, and a general sense of agitation happened often to him.

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As the days progressed, so did his scepticism about the diet’s effectiveness. Half-cup servings of ice cream, woefully dry sandwiches, and a growing aversion to certain foods characterized the struggle. The promised 10-pound weight loss seemed increasingly dubious, and his cravings for normalcy, flavour, and variety intensified.

Attempting to quell cravings with unconventional methods, from scented candles to vinegar shots, highlighted the desperation Tennyson went through when he decided to go on with his military diet experience. The vanilla ice cream, once a beacon of hope, began to feel like a cruel joke— a fleeting moment of sweetness amidst an otherwise arduous journey.

Despite the promised weight loss, the toll on physical and mental well-being became increasingly apparent. He would still feel tired even after a full night of sleep, and even the prospect of completing workouts became daunting. The final weigh-in revealed a loss of 6.5 pounds, but the question remained—was it worth it?

volumetrics dietSource: i yunmai / unsplash

In retrospect, the suffering endured during the military diet seemed disproportionate to the results achieved. While a pound and a half of fat loss was evident, the overall experience left Tennyson with a profound appreciation for sustainable and enjoyable dietary practices.

The military diet, with its unbalanced and restrictive nature, is far from a sustainable solution.

The takeaway: Diets should never make you feel the way the military diet did—exhausted, agitated, and deprived. Opting for a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition remains key for long-term well-being.

The military diet may promise quick results, but at what cost? The journey, in this case, was a stark reminder that the path to a healthier lifestyle should be one of balance, nourishment, and, most importantly, enjoyment. Needless to say, Tennyson will never go through this diet in his life again.

Watch the video for a deeper understanding of the military diet done by Will Tennyson.

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Why You Cannot Outrun a Bad Diet?

The phrase “you cannot outrun a bad diet” reflects the notion that no amount of exercise can compensate for a poor or unhealthy dietary pattern. In essence, it highlights the critical role that nutrition plays in overall health, weight management, and fitness outcomes. Here’s why this concept holds true:

  1. Calories In vs. Calories Out: Weight management largely revolves around the principle of energy balance, where the calories consumed (calories in) should match the calories expended (calories out). If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight, regardless of how much you exercise. A bad diet that includes excessive calories, especially from unhealthy sources, can lead to weight gain even if you’re active.
  2. Nutrient Quality: Nutrient-dense foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that support overall health and proper bodily functions. A poor diet lacking in these nutrients can lead to deficiencies, impaired immune function, and a host of health issues, regardless of your exercise routine.
  3. Metabolism: The quality of your diet can influence your metabolism. Highly processed, sugary, and fatty foods can negatively affect metabolic health, insulin sensitivity, and even hormone regulation. This can contribute to weight gain and other health problems over time.
  4. Exercise Alone Can’t Compensate: While exercise is essential for cardiovascular health, muscle development, and overall well-being, it’s not as effective at creating a caloric deficit as dietary changes. For instance, it’s much easier to consume excess calories through unhealthy foods than it is to burn those calories off through exercise.
  5. Long-Term Sustainability: Unsustainable diets, particularly crash diets or extreme calorie restriction, can lead to rebound weight gain once the diet ends. A balanced and healthy diet is more likely to be sustainable over the long term and can contribute to lasting weight management and health benefits.
  6. Body Composition: Nutrition significantly impacts body composition—how much lean muscle mass versus fat you have. Consuming inadequate protein or nutrients needed for muscle growth can hinder your fitness progress and goals.

In summary, the phrase “you cannot outrun a bad diet” underscores the importance of prioritizing a balanced and nutritious diet alongside regular exercise. While exercise provides numerous health benefits, it’s the combination of a healthy diet and physical activity that leads to optimal results in terms of weight management, fitness, and overall well-being.

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