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How to Actually Stick to Your Diet

Consistency breeds success.

Learn how to actually stick to your diet.

Embarking on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle and achieving a physique that aligns with your goals is undoubtedly a commendable endeavour. Whether you’re aiming to shed excess weight, build muscle, or simply enhance your overall well-being, the foundation of success lies in a sustainable and effective diet.

Diet serves as the foundation for shaping your body and achieving fitness goals. It influences your weight, muscle mass, and overall health, playing a more crucial role than exercise in determining your physique.

A balanced diet provides the essential building blocks for muscle growth, repair, and energy production. Nutrient deficiencies can hinder your fitness journey and lead to fatigue, muscle loss, and overall health issues.

Diet directly fuels your workouts, ensuring optimal performance and muscle growth. Consuming adequate carbohydrates, particularly complex carbs from whole foods, provides the sustained energy needed for exercise. Sufficient protein is essential for muscle repair and recovery.

While exercise alone may lead to weight loss, it may not be sustainable in the long run. A healthy diet forms the basis of a lifestyle change, allowing you to maintain healthy habits over time and achieve lasting results.

Your diet doesn’t have to be a torture.

In this article, we will delve into three crucial tips to not only initiate but also adhere to a dietary plan that stands the test of time. These tips were shared by Mario Tomic, an expert in the subject.

Mario Tomic is an entrepreneur who helps other busy working professionals get fit and build a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. He has a YouTube channel account with over 400K subscribers.

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How to Actually Stick to Your Diet

Sticking to your diet is crucial for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consistency in dietary choices allows your body to adapt and optimize its functions. A balanced and nutritious diet provides the essential nutrients your body needs for energy, growth, and overall well-being. By adhering to a well-planned diet, you support your immune system, enhance mental clarity, and reduce the risk of various health issues. Additionally, a consistent diet helps regulate metabolism, promoting weight management and sustained energy levels.

Moreover, sticking to your diet fosters discipline and establishes healthy habits. It’s not just about short-term goals; it’s a commitment to long-term health and fitness. Consistency in making mindful food choices strengthens your willpower, making it easier to resist temptations and maintain a positive relationship with food. This, in turn, contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, aligning your dietary habits with your overall health and wellness objectives.

Check below the 3 golden rules to actually stick to your diet.

1. The Power of Planning

One of the most common pitfalls in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle is the lack of planning. Without a well-thought-out strategy, individuals often find themselves overwhelmed and susceptible to making impulsive, unhealthy choices. Planning is the linchpin that can turn your aspirations into tangible results.

Planning involves meticulous consideration of your daily caloric intake, the types of food you’ll consume, and the timing of your meals. It’s about creating a roadmap that guides you toward your dietary destination.

Full bulk up meal planSource: Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

Start by scheduling designated times for grocery shopping, ensuring you make informed choices that align with your nutritional goals. Create a weekly or monthly calendar outlining your meals, incorporating the precise amount of calories and types of foods that fit your dietary requirements. This planning process not only streamlines your daily decisions but also minimizes the mental fatigue associated with constant dietary deliberation.

Research supports the effectiveness of planning in fostering adherence to a diet. Studies have shown that individuals who set specific intentions regarding their eating habits are more likely to stick to their plans. Therefore, take the time to document your dietary goals, making them explicit and actionable. Remember the wise words of Brian Tracy, “Ten minutes of planning saves about an hour of execution.”

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2. Cultivating a Dietary Mindset

The connection between your mindset and the success of your diet is profound. Transforming your eating habits isn’t just about consuming fewer calories; it’s about molding your identity and sense of self. Consider individuals who adhere to specific dietary lifestyles, such as vegetarians or vegans. Their resolute commitment to abstaining from certain foods is not just a choice; it becomes a facet of their identity.

Take a moment to reflect on the person you want to become. Do you envision yourself as someone who succumbs to every craving, or are you aspiring to be a person who treats their body with reverence? Aligning your diet with your sense of self is a powerful tool in reinforcing long-term adherence.

Can you lift weights and eat junk food

This doesn’t necessitate adopting extreme dietary choices. It’s about establishing a mental framework that identifies you as a person who makes conscious, health-centric decisions. Frame your relationship with food not as a constant battle of willpower but as a reflection of who you are and who you aim to become.

For example, if you decide, “I don’t eat junk food,” rather than “I can’t eat junk food,” you’re solidifying a part of your identity. This shift in mindset transforms your dietary choices from restrictive measures to affirmations of your chosen identity.

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3. Shape Your Environment for Success

The environment in which you live plays a pivotal role in shaping your dietary habits. Brian Wansink, a prominent researcher, emphasizes the significance of designing your environment to facilitate healthier choices. Consider your home as the arena where the battle for dietary adherence unfolds. Is it a battleground that fosters unhealthy eating habits, or is it a supportive environment that encourages nutritious choices?

Conduct a thorough analysis of your surroundings. Open your fridge, examine your kitchen shelves, and scrutinize your pantry. What percentage of the available food aligns with your nutritional goals? Design your environment to make the default choice the healthy choice.

Mario Tomic’s rules for home are:

  • Have at least a few servings of protein ready to eat.
  • Keep the fridge loaded with veggies and fruits
  • Remove processed snacks from plain sight. Or just don’t keep it in the house.

Implement practical changes, such as prepping meals in advance. Meal prepping not only streamlines your eating routine but also ensures that healthy options are readily available. Remove the friction associated with healthy eating by having vegetables washed and protein servings easily accessible.

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Consider the visibility and accessibility of different food items. Place healthy snacks, such as cut vegetables or fruits, at eye level in your fridge. Opt for smaller plates and bowls, creating an illusion of larger portions with fewer calories. These small adjustments can significantly impact your choices without relying solely on willpower.

Incorporate tools that make a healthy lifestyle more convenient. For instance, investing in a water bottle and keeping it within reach can promote hydration, reducing the likelihood of mindless snacking. If possible, modify your workspace to allow for moments of standing or light physical activity, contributing to a more active lifestyle.

In conclusion, embarking on a dietary journey requires more than a mere reduction in calories; it demands strategic planning, a resilient mindset, and a supportive environment. By implementing these three tips – planning meticulously, shaping your dietary mindset, and designing your environment for success – you can not only initiate but sustain a diet that propels you towards becoming the best version of yourself. Remember, the journey to a healthier you is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, and these strategies are your reliable companions for the long haul.

Watch the video for more information.

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Why you cannot outrun a bad diet?

Firstly, let’s talk about energy balance. Weight management ultimately boils down to the simple equation of calories in versus calories out. Regardless of how much you run, if your diet consists of excessive calories, particularly from unhealthy sources like sugary snacks or processed foods, you’re likely to consume more calories than you can burn through exercise. A bad diet can easily sabotage the calorie balance, leading to weight gain or hindering weight loss progress.

Secondly, the quality of the fuel you provide your body matters. Running on a poor diet can leave you feeling fatigued, sluggish, and less likely to engage in physical activities. Nutrient-rich foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that support overall health and energy levels. In contrast, a diet high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats can contribute to inflammation, impairing your body’s ability to recover from exercise and increasing the risk of various health issues.

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volumetrics dietSource: i yunmai / unsplash

Additionally, a bad diet can impact your metabolism. Certain foods, especially those high in added sugars and unhealthy fats, can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. This can make it more challenging for your body to effectively utilize the energy from the food you consume and regulate blood sugar levels. In the long run, a compromised metabolism can hinder your ability to burn calories efficiently during exercise and throughout the day.

Lastly, the psychological aspect cannot be ignored. A bad diet can affect your mood, motivation, and mental well-being. Poor nutrition can lead to cravings, overeating, and a cycle of unhealthy food choices. This not only undermines your physical performance but can also create a negative mindset that makes it difficult to adhere to a consistent exercise routine. In essence, trying to outrun a bad diet becomes a formidable challenge when your body and mind are not fuelled with the right nutrients for optimal health and fitness.

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