Home workouts became a necessity during the pandemic, but they also highlighted the beauty in them.
It helps with many issues most of us face during our daily routines. No time to go to your local Box? No problem. Don’t want to spend too much money on a gym membership? We got you covered. Tired of the feeling of being watched while doing a workout. Another solution.
The major problem with home workouts is the cost of equipment to have a nice gym going. Well, we also got that out of the way, as these CrossFit workouts are minimum equipment – you will need a pull-up bar and a skipping rope at maximum.
BOXROX has selected 8 simples CrossFit home workouts that everyone should do. Give these a try.
Chelsea is a great way to improve your pull-up, push-up and squat skills. It is one of those EMOMs that will challenge you to stay consistent throughout the full 30 minutes and really test your form under fatigue.
EMOM for 30 min:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Squats
Good score for Chelsea:
- Beginner: 10-14 rounds
- Intermediate: 15-23 rounds
- Advanced: 24-40 rounds
- Elite: 31+ rounds
This is an effective workout for testing your gymnastics skills. It’s tough, but also a lot of fun as well.
AMRAP for 20 minutes:
- 5 Handstand push-ups
- 10 1-legged (pistol) squats
- 15 Pull-ups
Good score for Mary:
- Beginner: 5-9 rounds
- Intermediate: 9-12 rounds
- Advanced – 12-15 rounds
- Elite? 15+ rounds
Here is everything you need to know. A seemingly simple WOD, the time duration for this will tax your mental endurance to it’s limits. The lack of technically difficult movements makes this a great workouts for Crossfitters of all levels.
You don’t have to worry about needing any kit, and the lack of barbells, racks or rings makes this a great workout to do when you can’t get to the Box.
See if you can get any of your family or friends to join you and try a Crossfit WOD for the first time!
20 minute AMRAP
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Press Ups
- 15 Squats
Good scoring for Cindy:
- Beginner: 11-12 rounds
- Intermediate: 13-17 rounds
- Advanced: 18-22 rounds
- Elite: 23+ rounds
An interesting mix of very different exercises, this one will tax your core much more than you expect. Intensity is the name of the game so hit this one hard!
For time
- 50-40-30-20-10
- Double unders
- Sit ups
One of the classics, this workout is also easy to do whilst you are away from the Box. If you don’t have a pull up bar, try using a tree branch, a football goal post or just get creative. Murph is always a huge mental challenge, but you will have definitely earned your time relaxing in front of the fire after you complete this one!
For time
- 1 mile Run (1.6 km)
- 100 Pull-ups
- 200 Push-ups
- 300 Squats
- 1 mile Run
Good scoring for Murph:
- Beginner: 63-71 minutes
- Intermediate: 47-58 minutes
- Advanced: 36-41 minutes
- Elite: <35 minutes
Keep in mind that the original Murph is performed with a 20lb vest for men, and 14lb vest for women.
The lack of technical exercises makes this another great home workout. If you don’t have a pull up bar or can’t find anything else to use, substitute the pull ups for burpees.
5 rounds 3 min rest
- 20 pull ups
- 30 push ups
- 40 sit ups
- 50 squats
This is perfect if you have some space near your home to run.
for time
- 800m run
- 50 burpees
- 400m run
- 50 pull ups
- 200m run
- 50 press ups
Simple and deadly, this is all in the mind.
150 Wall balls for time
Image Sources
- male-crossfitter-pull-up: RX'd Photography
- crossfit-guy-pistol: RX'd Photography
- wide_girls_CINDY: BOXROX
- crossfit-athlete-exhausted: RX'd Photography
- Sam Briggs Michael Murphy: CrossFIt Inc
- Open Score post workout: RX'd Photography
- crossfit wall balls: RX'd Photography