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What Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?

This guy did it. Check it out.

What happens to your body if you do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every day for 30 days? Luckily you can take a few points from Mickey Broadway.

He is just a regular guy, not one of those already shredded content creators who try to sell something online. He has a YouTube channel in which he shares his attempts at body transformation from overweight to slim and muscular. He is a physical therapist student and wants to understand more about his body through fitness challenges.

In the video you will see below, you will notice that Mickey is overweight and simply began his first round of doing 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every day for 30 days.

Reverse crunchSource: I Yunmai / Unsplash

Previously, BOXROX has told the story of someone who did 100 push-ups every day for 30 days. We also covered someone else doing 100 sit-ups every day for 30 days. Why not combine both? Thank you Mickey Broadway for doing that.

What Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?

Now, before we get to the video, you might notice a couple of things about his training regime that are not optimal.

For starters, people can do a few mistakes in either of the exercises and Broadway surely does them when performing push-ups. He is not making use of the full range of motion of the exercise, but rather doing fast half reps and counting them as one rep.

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The reason behind this is, possibly, that he is quite overweight and is not strong enough yet to perform 100 push-ups with proper form. BOXROX would advise, if that is your case, to progress to a different variation of a push-up that is easier for you, such as the knee push-up.

If you do the movement properly, even if it is a “less intense variation”, you will likely see more benefits and will be able to progress to traditional push-ups.

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See the video below to look at Mickey Broadway’s transformation after doing 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every day for 30 days.

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Push-ups are a highly beneficial exercise that offers numerous advantages for individuals of all fitness levels.

Here are some reasons why people should incorporate push-ups into their workout routine:

  1. Upper body strength: Push-ups primarily target the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. By regularly performing push-ups, you can develop and strengthen these muscles, leading to improved upper body strength and definition.
  2. Core engagement: Push-ups engage your core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back. As you stabilize your body during the exercise, your core muscles work to maintain proper alignment and balance, helping to improve overall core strength and stability.
  3. Functional movement: Push-ups mimic the pushing movement pattern that is common in various daily activities and sports. By strengthening the muscles involved in pushing, such as the chest and shoulders, push-ups can enhance your ability to perform everyday tasks and excel in athletic endeavours.
  4. Versatility and convenience: Push-ups can be performed anywhere, as they require minimal equipment (just your body weight) and a flat surface. This makes them a convenient exercise that can be done at home, while travelling, or as part of a larger workout routine.
  5. Increased muscle endurance: Regularly performing push-ups can improve muscular endurance, allowing you to perform activities for longer periods without fatigue. This can be particularly beneficial for sports and activities that require repetitive upper-body movements.
  6. Joint stability: Push-ups help strengthen the muscles around your shoulder joints, promoting stability and reducing the risk of injuries related to the shoulder girdle.
  7. Minimal risk of injury: Push-ups are generally considered a safe exercise when performed with proper form. They place minimal stress on the joints compared to some other upper body exercises, making them a suitable option for individuals of different fitness levels and ages.
  8. Progression and variations: Push-ups offer a wide range of progression and variations to continually challenge your muscles. You can modify the exercise by changing hand placement, adding resistance, or performing advanced variations like plyometric push-ups or one-arm push-ups, allowing you to continually progress and avoid plateauing.

Remember to use proper form and technique when doing push-ups to maximize their benefits and reduce the risk of injury. If you have any underlying health concerns or limitations, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified fitness professional before starting a new exercise program.

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Sit-ups have long been a popular exercise for strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles. While they can be effective in targeting the core, it’s important to consider their potential benefits and limitations.

Source: RODNAE Productions on Pexels

Here are some reasons why people may choose to incorporate sit-ups into their fitness routine:

  1. Abdominal muscle development: Sit-ups primarily target the rectus abdominis, which is the superficial muscle responsible for the “six-pack” appearance. By performing sit-ups regularly, you can strengthen and tone this muscle, leading to improved abdominal definition and overall core strength.
  2. Core stability: Sit-ups engage not only the rectus abdominis but also the deeper core muscles, including the transverse abdominis and obliques. These muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing the spine and maintaining proper posture. Strengthening the core can enhance overall stability and support for everyday movements and activities.
  3. Functional movement: Sit-ups involve a flexion movement pattern of the spine, similar to the motion used in various daily activities like getting out of bed or bending down to pick something up. By strengthening the abdominal muscles through sit-ups, you can improve your ability to perform these functional movements with greater ease and efficiency.
  4. Improved sports performance: A strong core is essential for many sports and athletic activities. Sit-ups can contribute to improved performance in sports that require rotational movements, such as golf, tennis, or martial arts. Strengthening the core can enhance power transfer, balance, and agility, leading to better overall athletic performance.
  5. Postural benefits: Weak abdominal muscles can contribute to poor posture and an increased risk of lower back pain. By strengthening the core through sit-ups, you can promote better postural alignment and reduce the likelihood of developing postural imbalances or discomfort.
  6. Flexibility and range of motion: Sit-ups require a decent degree of spinal flexion, which can help improve flexibility and range of motion in the lower back and hip flexors. This can be beneficial for activities that require bending, reaching, or twisting movements.
  7. Mental and emotional benefits: Like many forms of exercise, sit-ups can have positive effects on mental well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity, including sit-ups, can release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the body. Additionally, having a strong and defined core can enhance body confidence and self-esteem.

It’s important to note that while sit-ups can offer benefits, they may not be suitable or recommended for everyone. Individuals with certain back conditions, such as herniated discs or lower back pain, may need to avoid or modify sit-ups to prevent further strain on the spine. It’s always a good idea to consult with a qualified fitness professional or healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate exercises for your specific needs and goals.

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