Find out what happens when you do 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days.
We’ve covered the 100 push-ups a day for 30 days challenge and now we are moving on to the abs!
Although not the most effective, sit-ups are a staple when it comes to bodyweight training your core muscles. And that is easy to understand, as anybody has been able to do it at some point in their life and is one of the first movements you do in the day when you get up from sleeping.
If this is such an easy movement, what would happen to your body if you do 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days? That is exactly what Steven from Simple Man has decided to show.
Steven is the creator of the YouTube channel Simple Man. He calls himself an average guy striving to be better and that often includes some fitness and health-related content.
He shared a video explaining what changed in his body physically after doing 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days. Check it out.
100 Sit-Ups a Day for 30 Days
At the beginning of the video, Steven shows his body measurements:
- Body fat percentage – 20.7
- Weight – 205.4 lbs (93.1 kg)
To be candid, he said he also changed his diet to lose weight. That is, hands down, the most important thing when it comes to losing weight and belly fat. Change your diet and be in a caloric deficit to lose weight!
For his 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days challenge he mixed it up by doing the exercise sometimes on the floor and sometimes on a decline bench. After two weeks, sit-ups became easy for him, so he added another exercise each day to keep furthering his weight loss journey.
At the end of his 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days challenge, these was his body measurements:
- Body fat percentage – 17.7
- Weight – 191.4 lbs (86.6 kg)
Check out Steven’s body transformation after doing 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days in the video below.
VIDEO – What Happens When You Do 100 Sit-Ups A Day For 30 Days?
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Muscles of the Core and abs
Maybe you know what happens to your body when you do 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days, but do you understand the musculature of your midline?
The core muscles are the muscles that make up your abdomen, pelvis, and lower back. This is a popular area of focus for many people who want to get fit because it’s easy to see how you can improve this area with simple exercises like sit-ups or planks.
Rectus Abdominis
The rectus abdominis is the muscle that you can see when you look at yourself in the mirror.
It is also the deepest muscle in your abdomen, and it is responsible for flexing your spine and pushing your ribcage forward. If you have good posture, then this muscle is working well. If not, back pain might be an issue—and it’s important to do exercises that target this area if you want to improve your posture.
Internal Obliques
The internal obliques originate from the inner surface of the lower 8 ribs and insert on the tendinous intersection on the lateral border of rectus abdominis. The internal oblique muscle is a flexor and adductor of the trunk, as well as an internal rotator.
The nerve supply comes from thoracolumbar fascia.
External Obliques
The external obliques are the muscles that run along the sides of your body. They help you rotate your torso, flex your spine, and bend to the side.
When these muscles contract they pull down on the rib cage and compress it slightly (which makes it shorter).
Transverse Abdominis
The transverse abdominis is a deep muscle that wraps around your midsection. It helps to stabilize your spine and compress the abdominal cavity, which increases intra-abdominal pressure to help protect internal organs from injury.
To contract it, use the following breathing technique: breathe in deeply through your nose while expanding your belly outwards as far as possible without straining; then exhale slowly through pursed lips (as if you were going to whistle) while contracting your abdominal muscles inward towards the spine.
Hold this contraction for 3 seconds, then release and repeat 3 times.
Erector Spinae
The erector spinae are a group of muscles that run along the spine and function to keep it straight and upright.
They also help rotate your spine, bend it forward, and bend it backward. If you’ve ever had trouble bending over to pick something up off the ground or if you’re unable to touch your toes without rounding your back, this might be why.
Pelvic Floor Muscles
The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in supporting the pelvic organs.
The core muscles are the muscles that are closest to your spine.
They support your spine by helping it to stay in a good position and can be strengthened by exercises that train them to work together.
For example, when you do crunches, the abdominals contract and help you keep your back straight while lifting up your head and shoulders off the floor. If you don’t have strong core muscles (and most people don’t), this movement would put too much pressure on your lower back which could result in injury or pain.
The core is also responsible for holding you upright when walking or running so it’s important for athletes who participate in these activities often like runners or swimmers!
The core is made up of more than just abdominal muscles. It also includes muscles in the back, spine and hips, as well as those in the arms. The main function of these muscles is to provide stability for movement and improve balance.
Now you know a bit more about the core muscles and what happens to your body if you do 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days!
Image Sources
- bodyweight sit up: Gabin Vallet on Unsplash
- Show abs: Karl Solano on Pexels
- Bulking and cutting: Julia Larson / Pexels
- Sit Up: Brian Jones on Unsplash