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30-Minute Bodyweight Workout for Strength, Endurance, Mobility, Hypertrophy

A total body functional training to upgrade your performance.

If you are tired of the same old routine or approach to training, maybe this will help. Welcome to a 30-minute bodyweight workout for strength, endurance, mobility and hypertrophy. All you will need is a jump rope to do the warm-up, but even if you don’t have one, we give a substitute bodyweight warm-up to get you going. Keep scrolling!

Now, functional training often gets tossed around as a buzzword in the fitness world, but what does it really mean? Today, we’re not just going to talk about it; we’re going to experience it firsthand. This isn’t your typical gym session focused solely on isolated muscle groups. Instead, we’re diving into a routine that mirrors the unpredictability of real-life movements.

So, why functional training? Well, it’s not just about sculpting those aesthetic muscles (though we won’t ignore them); it’s about preparing your body for the dynamic challenges life throws at you. Think of it as training for the unexpected—strengthening muscles often overlooked, embracing various planes of motion, and honing in on abilities crucial in real-world scenarios.

Get ready to explore movements that go beyond the traditional created by Adam Sinicki, incorporating elements like jump rope, active stretches, and exercises targeting muscles you might not even know you had.

Adam Sinicki is known online as “The Bioneer.” He is a health and fitness writer, a personal trainer and has gathered almost half a million subscribers on his YouTube Channel.

Source: Gordon Cowie / Unsplash
Get ready for some chin-ups.

The emphasis of Sinicki’s workout is on making functional training fun, proving that it can be both enjoyable and effective. By the end of this routine, you might just find yourself redefining your perspective on how to approach your fitness journey.

So, if you’re up for a change, eager to challenge your body in new ways, and ready to have a bit of fun along the way, let’s dive into this unique and exciting full-body functional workout!

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30-Minute Bodyweight Workout for Strength, Endurance, Mobility, Hypertrophy

You will find the 30-minute bodyweight workout developed by Adam Sinicki in the paragraphs below. But before we dive in, you should know what RPE stands for, which is an integral part of making this workout challenging for your body.

RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion, a subjective scale used in training to gauge the intensity of an exercise. It typically ranges from 0 to 10, with 0 being no effort at all and 10 signifying maximum effort or exhaustion. Athletes use the RPE scale to self-assess their exertion level during a workout, helping them tailor the intensity to their individual capabilities on that given day. This intuitive approach allows for adjustments based on factors like fatigue, stress, or variations in fitness levels.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

Before we even think about diving into the main exercises, we kick things off with a jump rope session. This isn’t just about elevating your heart rate; it’s a multifaceted warm-up tool. Jumping rope not only gets the blood flowing to the right places but also serves as a timing and coordination drill. It’s a symphony of movement, involving ankle stiffness that pays dividends when it comes to delivering power during activities like sprinting and jumping.

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels
Skipping rope for 5 minutes is a great warm-up.

Instead of jump rope, you may choose to do shadow boxing which adds another layer of preparation, the idea is to seamlessly blend these activities. Shadow boxing, a staple in many boxing and MMA training regimens, enhances your agility, footwork, and overall body awareness. As you gracefully dance through the shadow of an imaginary opponent, your muscles engage, preparing for the challenges ahead.

So, before we even dive into the exercises, we’ve already ignited a synergy between cardiovascular conditioning, coordination, and muscle engagement.

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Active stretches (hold each position for one minute):

Moving on to active stretches, we focus on improving mobility. These stretches are dynamic, involving strength and movement exploration rather than passive relaxation. From deep squats to hip-opening lunges, each position is held or explored for a minute, enhancing flexibility and preparing the body for the upcoming movements.

  1. Primal squat / deep squat / horse stance (resting squat position)
  2. Cossack squat (work each side)
  3. Deep (knees over toes) lunge (work each side)
  4. Single leg bodyweight good morning (hip hinge; work each side)
  5. Overhead shoulder / lateral pec stretch (work each side)
  6. Dead hang (1 min or your RPE 6/7)
  7. Optional: crab reach

Functional Exercises:

  1. Swan Pull (2×6; RPE 7): A unique movement from gymnastics, the swan pull focuses on scapular retraction, benefiting posture and building strength in the upper back. Holding the bar or branch, pull your body up using only your shoulder blades, emphasizing scapular engagement. This exercise acts as a precursor to advanced moves like the front lever and promotes a superhero-like posture.
  2. Elevated Pistol Squat (2×8 each leg; RPE 8): Targeting the glutes, quads, and enhancing balance, the elevated pistol squat is a challenging bodyweight leg exercise. Performing it on a bench or low wall ensures a deep squat, promoting single-leg strength and addressing imbalances.
  3. Chin-ups (2×8; RPE 8): Chin-ups on varying tree branches introduce chaos training, engaging different muscles with each rep. This dynamic approach not only targets the lats and biceps but also enhances grip strength, essential for real-world activities like rock climbing.
  4. Sissy Squat (2×8; RPE 8): Isolating the quads, the cissy squat involves leaning backward on the balls of your feet, creating significant tension in the quadriceps. This advanced move is ideal for those with healthy knees, providing an effective way to develop quad strength and size without weights.
  5. Pike Push-up (2×7-8; RPE 7): Transitioning to upper body focus, the pike push-up targets the shoulders and triceps. Performing it with the buttocks elevated emphasizes shoulder engagement and serves as an excellent progression towards handstand push-ups.
  6. Lizard Crawl (2x 1 minute): A full-body movement that combines strength and coordination, the lizard crawl provides a dynamic challenge. Engaging the pecs, shoulders, triceps, and core, it also introduces rotational movements, enhancing overall functionality.
Source: RDNE Stock project on Pexels
Lizard crawl


To conclude the workout, a high-intensity cardio finisher involves sprinting between two points. Sprinting not only works the lower body muscles but also improves explosive strength, making it a valuable addition to the routine. The chaotic terrain adds an extra layer of challenge and instability, benefiting ankle and foot strength.

Cool Down:

Walking To wrap it up, a few minutes of walking help cool down the body and ensure a smooth transition from the intense workout back to a resting state.

In short, this is what Sinicki’s 30-minute bodyweight workout for strength, endurance, mobility and hypertrophy looks like:

Warm Up:

  • Jump Rope/Shadow box or similar (5 min)

Active Stretches (Hold/explore each position for 1 min):

  • Primal squat / deep squat / horse stance
  • Cossack squat
  • Deep lunge
  • Single leg bodyweight good morning
  • Overhead shoulder / lateral pec stretch
  • Dead hang
  • Optional: crab reach


  • Swan pulls (2 x 6)
  • Elevated pistol squats (2 x 8)
  • Chin ups (2 x 8)
  • Sissy squats (2 x 8)
  • Pike push-ups (2 x 7-8)
  • Lizard crawls (2 x 1 minute)
  • Sprint intervals (Sprint a distance, walk back the same distance, repeat 5 sets)

Cool Down:

  • Gentle walk
Source: Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels
Dead hang is one of the active stretches you should be doing for your lats and back.

We hope you found this workout routine intriguing and, perhaps, a bit refreshing. Functional training, as demonstrated in this routine, aims to enhance not just the aesthetics of your physique but also your overall functional performance. The idea is to prepare your body for a variety of movements, angles, and challenges that might come your way, both inside and outside the gym.

The beauty of this routine lies in its simplicity and accessibility. No fancy gym equipment required—just a jump rope and your surroundings. It’s a testament to the versatility of functional training, proving that you can achieve a well-rounded workout with minimal resources.

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The focus on various planes of motion, muscle groups often overlooked, and real-world athletic abilities like sprinting and balancing makes this routine stand out. It’s not about bicep curls and bench presses (although those have their place); it’s about building a body that can handle whatever life throws at it. This isn’t claiming superiority over other forms of training; it’s showcasing a different approach—one that’s fun, useful, and, as demonstrated, entirely achievable in a single routine.

Remember, this workout is designed for efficiency. While some studies advocate for three sets, the focus here is on intensity and hitting various areas with different movements. The goal is not to tire you out with endless sets but to challenge and adapt your body.

In conclusion, functional training is about embracing movement diversity, pushing your limits, and, most importantly, enjoying the process. Give this routine a shot, adapt it to your level, and let the principles of functional training add a new dimension to your fitness journey.

Watch the video below for more information.

Read More: 4 Early Signs You’re Not Building Muscle

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