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Andrew Huberman’s Weekly Workouts to Get Stronger

This is what the man does to stay fit and improve muscle growth.

This is Andrew Huberman’s weekly workouts to get stronger periodically and, perhaps, you should follow his advise and personal experience to see results yourself.

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has a YouTube channel named Huberman Lab with over 3 million subscribers where he talks everything about the brain and, often enough, how to improve one’s health and fitness with it.

Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist and professor, stands out not only for his contributions to the field of neuroscience but also for his unique approach to physical well-being.

Beyond the confines of traditional workout routines, Huberman has meticulously crafted a weekly regimen that goes beyond the mere pursuit of muscle gains. His approach, as we’ll explore in-depth, encompasses endurance, mental resilience, recovery, and cognitive enhancement.

The essence of Huberman’s weekly workouts lies in the intentional integration of various elements, creating a symphony of activities that cater not only to the body’s physical demands but also to the intricate interplay between mind and muscle. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical and mental fitness, reflecting Huberman’s deep understanding of neurobiology and its profound impact on overall well-being.

Source: Taryn Elliott on Pexels

As we dissect the components of Huberman’s weekly workout plan, we’ll discover that each day serves a specific purpose, contributing to the overarching goal of achieving strength, resilience, and longevity. From challenging outdoor activities on Sundays to strategic leg workouts on Mondays, and from recovery-focused heat and cold exposure on Tuesdays to high-intensity interval training on Fridays, Huberman’s routine is a well-calibrated system designed to promote both physical and mental excellence.

In a world where fitness routines often lean heavily toward aesthetics, Huberman’s approach stands as a testament to the importance of a multifaceted perspective. The intention behind his weekly plan is not merely to sculpt the body but to cultivate a resilient mind, enhance cognitive function, and promote longevity. By delving into the intricacies of Huberman’s methodology, we gain insights into how a balanced and thoughtful approach to fitness can transcend the boundaries of conventional workout routines, offering a path to holistic well-being.

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Andrew Huberman’s Weekly Workouts to Get Stronger

Huberman’s approach focuses on a well-rounded fitness regimen that includes outdoor activities, resistance training, heat and cold exposure, and specific attention to key muscle groups. Let’s delve into the details of his weekly workout plan.

Sunday – Endurance and Mental Resilience:

Huberman kicks off his training week on Sundays with a dedicated focus on endurance and mental resilience. He engages in a 75 to 90-minute slow jog or hike with added resistance, such as a weight vest or a backpack filled with heavy items. The goal is to build endurance and mental toughness, crucial for enduring both physical and mental challenges throughout the week.

Meredith RootSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

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Monday – Leg Day for Strength and Explosiveness:

Mondays are dedicated to training the lower body, emphasizing the importance of leg workouts. Huberman follows a warm-up routine followed by two to three hard sets of exercises for each muscle group. He stresses the significance of training legs for overall strength, explosiveness, and longevity. The workout includes exercises such as tip raises, sled or standing calf raises, lying leg curls, glute ham raises, leg extensions, and hack squats.

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Tuesday – Heat and Cold Exposure for Recovery:

Tuesday focuses on recovery and adaptation through deliberate heat and cold exposure. Huberman engages in a rigorous protocol, involving 20 minutes of hot sauna followed by three to five minutes in a cold plunge, alternating between the two. This intense routine is designed to amplify growth hormone production, stimulate mood-promoting hormones, and enhance the body’s ability to tolerate heat and cold.

Rich Froning recovers in his cold plungeSource: Cold Plunge

Wednesday – Cardiovascular Training or Torso Workout:

Mid-week, Huberman engages in either a cardiovascular training session or a torso workout, providing flexibility based on recovery and preferences. The cardio workout involves a 5-minute warm-up followed by 25 to 30 minutes of running. Alternatively, the torso workout targets the chest, shoulders, and back with exercises like overhead shoulder presses, ring dips, and chins. Neck training is also incorporated for improved posture and overall strength.

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Thursday – Another Round of Cardio or Torso:

Thursday mirrors Wednesday’s structure, allowing for flexibility based on individual needs. The focus remains on cardiovascular training or torso exercises, ensuring a well-balanced approach to fitness.

Friday – High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

Huberman dedicates Fridays to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with the goal of elevating heart rate and improving VO2 max. This short but intense workout includes 20-second sprints on an assault bike followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for six to eight rounds. Additionally, controlled jumping exercises are incorporated to enhance the body’s ability to jump and land, correlating with physical longevity.

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Saturday – Small Muscle Groups and Overall Maintenance:

The week concludes with a Saturday workout that targets smaller muscle groups, including biceps, triceps, rear delts, and additional work on tips and calves. This session serves to round out the overall fitness routine and ensures a comprehensive approach to muscular development.

Source: Julia Larson on Pexels

Andrew Huberman’s weekly workout plan is a holistic approach to fitness, encompassing endurance, strength, recovery, and cognitive benefits. By incorporating outdoor activities, resistance training, heat and cold exposure, and targeted exercises, Huberman has crafted a routine that addresses various facets of physical and mental well-being.

Whether you’re aiming for increased strength, endurance, or overall fitness, this comprehensive plan provides a template for a balanced and effective weekly workout routine.

Watch the video below to see Huberman explaining his weekly workouts for muscle growth and strength.

Related: Testing Andrew Huberman’s Protocols for Increasing Testosterone in 30 Days – Does it Work?

Striving to become as strong and fit as possible encompasses a multitude of physical, mental, and emotional benefits, ultimately contributing to an enhanced overall quality of life. Here are some compelling reasons why aiming for optimal strength and fitness is a worthwhile pursuit:

  1. Physical Health:
    • Disease Prevention: Regular exercise and physical activity have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
    • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall well-being, and regular exercise plays a pivotal role in achieving and sustaining it.
  2. Mental Health:
    • Stress Reduction: Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural mood lifters, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.
    • Cognitive Function: Exercise has been associated with improved cognitive function, including enhanced memory, concentration, and mental clarity.
    • Mood Regulation: Regular physical activity is linked to the regulation of mood-related neurotransmitters, promoting a more positive and stable emotional state.
  3. Longevity:
    • Increased Lifespan: Studies consistently show a correlation between regular exercise and increased life expectancy. Maintaining optimal fitness levels contributes to a longer and healthier life.
  4. Functional Independence:
    • Daily Activities: Being strong and fit enables individuals to perform everyday tasks with ease, promoting independence and a higher quality of life as they age.
  5. Enhanced Performance:
    • Athletic Achievement: For those engaged in sports or physical activities, improved strength and fitness lead to enhanced performance and a competitive edge.
    • Physical Competence: Optimal fitness levels contribute to an increased ability to take on physical challenges and adventures.
  6. Improved Sleep:
    • Quality Sleep: Regular exercise has been linked to better sleep patterns, promoting restful and restorative sleep that is crucial for overall health.
  7. Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem:
    • Physical Appearance: Achieving fitness goals often results in positive changes in physical appearance, leading to increased confidence and a positive self-image.
    • Accomplishment: Setting and reaching fitness milestones fosters a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-esteem and resilience.
  8. Social Benefits:
    • Community and Connection: Engaging in fitness activities, whether in a gym, sports team, or group class, provides opportunities for social interaction and community building.
    • Shared Goals: Pursuing fitness with others creates a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment, fostering positive social connections.

In essence, the pursuit of optimal strength and fitness is a holistic endeavor that transcends physical appearance. It positively influences various aspects of life, contributing to both physical health and mental well-being. Whether aiming for personal growth, enhanced performance, or overall longevity, investing in one’s strength and fitness can lead to a more fulfilling and vibrant life.

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