Beginners – BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine Mon, 15 Jan 2024 13:30:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Beginners – BOXROX 32 32 Bodyweight Isometrics Anyone Can Do to Improve Their Fitness Level Mon, 15 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Check out 5 bodyweight isometrics anyone can do to improve their fitness level. Isometrics is a technique of training that will get your muscles pumped, without the stress on your joints, meaning arguably everyone can do this to grow stronger.

The quest for strength and muscle development often encounters roadblocks, especially for those grappling with joint issues or lacking the requisite joint strength. Traditional exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and hanging leg raises, while effective, can pose challenges for individuals facing discomfort or pain in their joints. This guide aims to offer a holistic solution through the incorporation of bodyweight isometrics—a form of exercise where the muscle length remains constant, minimizing significant joint movement.

The motivation behind exploring bodyweight isometrics stems from the desire to provide an alternative for individuals who, due to joint health concerns, may find traditional strength-building exercises challenging or even counterproductive. The focus here is not just on avoiding discomfort but on actively addressing joint limitations and promoting a more sustainable approach to strength training.

Hampton Liu is the mind behind the next isometrics exercises you should be doing to improve your fitness. Hampton Liu is a renowned fitness enthusiast, coach, entrepreneur and has a YouTube channel titled Hybrid Calisthenics with nearly 4 million subscribers in which he shares his thoughts and tips to get people more active and fit in the long-term.

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Understanding Isometrics:

Before delving into the specifics of the routine, it’s essential to grasp the concept of isometrics. Derived from the Greek term “same length,” isometrics involve exercises where the muscle contracts, but the length of the muscle remains constant. This is in contrast to dynamic exercises where the muscle length changes during the movement. Classic examples of isometric exercises include planks and wall sits, where individuals hold a specific position without undergoing significant joint movement.

In the context of this routine, the spotlight is on leveraging isometrics for the purpose of building strength and muscle. This becomes particularly crucial for those facing joint health issues, as isometrics provide a means to strengthen muscles without subjecting the joints to excessive stress. The routine aims to bridge the gap between traditional strength training and the need for joint-friendly alternatives.

Bodyweight Isometrics Anyone Can Do to Improve Their Fitness

Isometrics for Joint Health: The motivation behind this routine stems from personal experience, as the creator found isometrics to be instrumental in recovering from wrist injuries. By incorporating isometric exercises, individuals can work on building strength without exacerbating joint issues, allowing for a more gradual and controlled progression.

Choosing Isometric Variations: To construct an effective bodyweight isometrics routine, it is crucial to select appropriate variations for different exercises. Hampton Liu covers replacements for push-ups, pull-ups, hanging leg raises, and squats. The focus is on finding optimal angles, intensities, and variations that suit individual capabilities, ensuring a balanced and challenging workout.

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  • Isometric Pull-ups

For pull-ups, Hampton Liu recommends selecting angles slightly above the bottom, middle, and top positions. Isometric variations include overcoming pull-ups (pulling as hard as possible without moving) and yielding pull-ups (holding a specific position for time). The routine emphasizes choosing the right intensity and variation based on individual abilities.

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  • Isometric Push-ups

Similarly, Hampton Liu provides variations for push-ups, targeting angles at the top, middle, and bottom positions. Overcoming variations involve pushing as hard as possible, while yielding variations focus on holding positions for time. The routine encourages a combination of isometric and dynamic push-ups to maximize strength and range of motion benefits.

Source: Karl Solano on Pexels
  • Isometric Leg Raises

The leg raise variations target the core, abs, hips, and surrounding areas. With options such as overcoming leg raises and yielding leg raises, individuals can tailor the routine to their fitness levels. Hampton Liu emphasizes the importance of safety and stability when performing leg raise variations, promoting proper form and gradual progression.

  • Isometric Squats

To round out the routine, Hampton Liu introduces isometric squats and one-leg squats. By selecting positions slightly below standing, at parallel, and just above the bottom, individuals can challenge their leg muscles effectively. The routine encourages pushing as hard as possible without movement, ensuring a comprehensive lower body workout.

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  • Static Bridge (Backbend)

As a bonus, Hampton Liu introduces a static bridge or backbend, targeting the posterior chain. The exercise involves holding the top portion for time, with the option of using a support structure for those unable to perform the full movement. Hampton Liu emphasizes gradual progression and safety in performing the static bridge.

Incorporating bodyweight isometrics into a fitness routine offers a viable alternative for individuals seeking strength and muscle gains while addressing joint concerns. The provided guide outlines a comprehensive routine with variations for different exercises, emphasizing proper form, intensity, and safety. By integrating isometrics and dynamic movements, individuals can create a well-rounded workout that promotes strength, muscle development, and overall joint health.

To fully understand how to perform each of the exercises mentioned above in a safe manner and to make sure you are reaping all the benefits of it, watch the video below. In it, Hampton Liu demonstrates each movement and talks through why these exercises are great for building muscle.

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The frequency of isometric training depends on several factors, including your fitness level, overall workout routine, and individual recovery capacity. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often you should incorporate isometrics into your training routine:

  1. Beginner Level:
    • Frequency: If you are new to isometric training, start with 2-3 sessions per week. This allows your body to adapt to the unique demands of isometrics while minimizing the risk of overtraining.
  2. Intermediate to Advanced Level:
    • Frequency: As you become more accustomed to isometric exercises, you can increase the frequency to 3-5 sessions per week. This level of frequency allows for more targeted training and potential strength gains.
  3. Workout Split:
    • Full-Body Workouts: For beginners and intermediate individuals, full-body isometric workouts 2-3 times a week can be effective. This ensures that all major muscle groups are engaged and promotes overall strength development.
    • Split Routines: Advanced individuals may incorporate isometrics into split routines, focusing on specific muscle groups on different days. For example, you might have a lower body isometric day and an upper body isometric day.
  4. Volume and Intensity:
    • Moderate Volume: Aim for a moderate volume of isometric exercises in each session. This could include holding positions for 30 seconds to a minute or performing multiple sets of shorter holds.
    • Intensity: Adjust the intensity based on your goals. If your primary focus is strength, perform isometric exercises at a high intensity (maximum effort holds). If you’re targeting endurance, consider longer-duration holds with lower intensity.
  5. Rest and Recovery:
    • Rest Between Sessions: Allow at least 48 hours of rest between isometric sessions targeting the same muscle groups. This ensures proper recovery and prevents overtraining.
    • Active Recovery: On rest days, consider incorporating active recovery, such as light aerobic exercise or flexibility work, to promote blood flow and aid in recovery.
  6. Listen to Your Body:
    • Individual Response: Pay attention to how your body responds to isometric training. If you experience excessive fatigue, soreness, or decreased performance, adjust the frequency accordingly.
    • Adaptability: Be adaptable with your training frequency. Factors such as stress levels, sleep quality, and overall life demands can influence your ability to recover.
  7. Progression and Variation:
    • Progress Gradually: Gradually increase the intensity or duration of your isometric holds over time. This progressive approach helps avoid plateaus and keeps the training stimulus challenging.
    • Variety: Include a variety of isometric exercises to target different muscle groups and movement patterns. This prevents monotony and ensures comprehensive muscle development.

As with any training program, it’s crucial to listen to your body, monitor your progress, and make adjustments as needed. If you have any existing health concerns or specific fitness goals, consulting with a fitness professional or healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance on the optimal frequency for your isometric training routine.

30 Push-Up Variations from Beginner to Advanced

Should You Transition to Calisthenics?

The Best Advice for Getting Shredded and Looking Great in 2024 Sat, 13 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 This is arguably the best advice for getting shredded and looking great in 2024.

As we embrace the new year, it’s an opportune time to revisit and refine our fitness goals. If your resolution for 2024 is to achieve a leaner physique, you’re certainly not alone. The unfortunate truth, however, is that over 80% of individuals embarking on this fitness journey end up falling short of their objectives. But fear not—there’s hope on the horizon. By adhering to three simple and scientifically backed steps, you can significantly enhance your chances of realizing your dream of getting lean and fit in 2024.

The foundation of the insights shared in this comprehensive article is drawn from a video presentation by Jeremy Ethier, a distinguished kinesiologist, and fitness trainer. As a co-founder of Built With Science and boasting an impressive 6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Ethier has earned a reputation for delivering clear and evidence-based information firmly rooted in robust scientific research.

According to Ethier, the path to achieving a leaner physique involves three key science-backed steps, each playing a crucial role in your journey towards success. This in-depth exploration will delve into these steps, starting with a meticulous examination of the pivotal aspect of your diet.

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The Best Advice for Getting Shredded and Looking Great in 2024

Before delving into the specifics of a successful diet plan, it’s essential to establish a realistic timeline. The journey to achieving around 12% body fat with well-defined abs may take longer than expected. Understanding your current body composition and setting realistic expectations will help you stay committed to the process, even when results take time to manifest.

Step 1: Master Your Diet

Your diet is a pivotal factor in driving the results you seek. Creating a calorie deficit—consuming fewer calories than your body requires—is the key to forcing your body to use stored fat for energy. To find the right calorie deficit for your body, use a calculator, such as the one available at BuiltWith Science Calculator.

Fix Your Food Environment

To ensure dietary success, it’s crucial to set yourself up for success. Eliminate trigger foods by removing unhealthy snacks from your surroundings. Strategically place high-calorie treats in hard-to-reach areas to minimize the temptation. Additionally, be mindful of your eating environment, as research suggests that distractions, such as watching TV while eating, contribute to overeating.

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athlete smiles in continued learning from training guidesSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Choosing the Right Foods

Protein emerges as a powerhouse for fat loss, as it protects muscle mass during a calorie deficit. Aim for approximately 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Additionally, focus on nutrient-dense, filling foods like potatoes, oats, whole grains, lean proteins, apples, oranges, and vegetables. Strive for an 80-20 approach, with 80% of your diet comprising nutritious, filling foods and 20% allowing for treats and more processed options.

Track Your Calories

While incorporating healthy food choices is crucial, many individuals still consume too many calories. To ensure you stay on track, consider tracking your calorie intake, at least for a week initially. This awareness will empower you to make necessary adjustments to maintain the calorie deficit required for fat loss.

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Step 2: Optimize Your Exercise Routine

A recent meta-analysis ranks the combination of a calorie deficit and weight lifting as the most effective fat loss protocol. Lifting weights signals your body to preserve muscle mass while utilizing stored fat for energy. While your diet creates the majority of the calorie deficit, incorporating weight lifting three to five times per week is essential to ensure you’re shedding fat, not muscle.

Maintain Physical Activity Levels

Avoid the common pitfall of becoming lazier as you get leaner. Counteract this trend by tracking your daily steps, aiming for at least 7,000 steps per day. Consistency in physical activity, combined with a well-designed diet and weight lifting regimen, will contribute to sustainable fat loss.

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Step 3: Implement Consistency Hacks

home workouts from Camille Leblanc BazinetSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Despite a solid plan, maintaining consistency can be challenging. Three consistency hacks can significantly improve your likelihood of success:

  1. The Power of 60%: Aim for consistency rather than perfection. Research shows that individuals who track their calories at least 60% of the time experience greater fat loss.
  2. Diet Breaks: Integrate short breaks in your diet every 8 to 12 weeks, allowing a slight increase in calorie intake. This strategy prevents burnout and provides mental and physical rejuvenation.
  3. Patience with Belly Fat: Understand that belly fat often takes longer to show visible changes. Trust the process and celebrate progress in other areas while staying committed to your plan.

Embarking on a journey to achieve leanness requires a strategic approach grounded in science. By mastering your diet, optimizing your exercise routine, and implementing consistency hacks, you can beat the odds and achieve lasting results.

Getting lean is a challenging yet achievable goal. By following these three science-backed steps—mastering your diet, incorporating effective exercises, and adopting consistency hacks—you can significantly improve your odds of success. Remember, patience and perseverance are key on this journey to a leaner and healthier you.

Ultimately, stay patient, trust the process, and celebrate every step towards your goal.

Watch the video below from Ethier in which he explains with more details the 3 simple steps to actually get lean in 2024 and that you should be following.

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Shedding excess weight and achieving a lean physique is a formidable challenge for many individuals, compounded by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors that act as obstacles to attaining and sustaining a healthy weight.

Biological Factors

Our bodies are inherently wired to conserve energy and store fat, a survival mechanism developed over evolutionary time. When caloric intake decreases, our metabolism slows down, impeding the efficient burning of excess fat. Hormonal fluctuations, such as imbalances in leptin (satiety signal) and ghrelin (hunger stimulant), during weight loss can intensify cravings and appetite, further complicating the journey to a leaner self.

Psychological Factors

The emotional aspect of eating, known as emotional eating, where individuals overeat in response to stress, anxiety, or boredom, poses a significant hurdle to weight loss efforts. Additionally, deeply ingrained habits and lifestyle choices, like late-night snacking or a sedentary routine, create challenging patterns that are difficult to break.

Environmental Factors

The surrounding food environment often fosters unhealthy eating habits. The ubiquity of processed foods, sugary beverages, and tantalizing options in both restaurants and grocery stores creates a daunting landscape for making nutritious choices. Social pressures and peer influence further contribute to the difficulty of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

In essence, achieving a lean physique is not a mere calculation of calories consumed versus calories expended; it is a multifaceted process that necessitates addressing biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Understanding these challenges equips individuals with the insight needed to devise effective strategies for overcoming them and achieving their weight loss goals.

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Source: Ushindi Namegabe on Pexels

Ultimate Guide on How to Get Shredded

A lean and fit physique offers an array of benefits that extend well beyond mere aesthetics, contributing significantly to both physical and mental well-being and enhancing overall quality of life.

Physical Benefits:

  1. Improved Metabolic Health: A lean body boasts a higher metabolic rate, facilitating efficient calorie burning. This not only aids in weight loss and maintenance but also reduces the risk of obesity and enhances insulin sensitivity, crucial for managing blood sugar levels and preventing type 2 diabetes.
  2. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Maintaining a healthy weight significantly lowers the risk of chronic conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and metabolic syndrome.
  3. Enhanced Physical Performance: Lean individuals exhibit a better power-to-weight ratio, leading to improved athletic performance, increased energy levels, and reduced fatigue.
  4. Joint Health and Mobility: Excess body fat places undue stress on joints, elevating the risk of injuries and joint pain. A lean physique contributes to reduced joint stress and improved overall joint health and mobility.
  5. Stronger Bones: Muscle mass, integral to bone health, is generally higher in lean individuals. This aids in increasing bone density and decreasing the likelihood of osteoporosis and fractures.

Mental Benefits:

  1. Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence: Achieving and maintaining a lean physique fosters a positive self-image, boosting self-esteem and confidence.
  2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Regular physical activity, a cornerstone of a lean lifestyle, effectively lowers stress and anxiety levels by reducing stress hormones and promoting a sense of calm.
  3. Improved Cognitive Function: Studies link regular exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight to enhanced cognitive function, encompassing improved memory, focus, and concentration.
  4. Better Sleep Quality: Physical activity contributes to better sleep quality, vital for overall physical and mental health.
  5. Reduced Depression Symptoms: Exercise serves as an effective intervention for depression and anxiety, enhancing mood, alleviating symptoms, and promoting overall mental well-being.

In conclusion, cultivating and maintaining a lean and fit physique extends far beyond the superficial realm of aesthetics. It offers a wealth of physical and mental benefits, contributing to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. By embracing a balanced diet and regular exercise as integral components of a healthy lifestyle, individuals can unlock these substantial rewards and experience a positive transformation in both their physical and mental well-being.

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How to Return to Training After Setbacks Sat, 13 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Discover how to return to training after setbacks with this comprehensive guide of what you should do and how to prepare to get back into it.

Have you ever found yourself caught in the ebb and flow of life, realizing you’ve momentarily veered off the well-trodden path of your fitness journey? Perhaps you missed a day or two, or even an entire week, leaving you grappling with the uncertainty of how to seamlessly re-engage with your training routine. The constant influx of progressive overload content can make this process seem like navigating a labyrinth, with the fear of being left behind lingering in the background.

In a world saturated with messages advocating unwavering consistency, the pressure to follow a meticulously planned progression each week to achieve gains can be paralyzing. Yet, the reality is that life often throws unexpected curveballs, disrupting even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts. If you’ve missed a workout or taken a brief hiatus, rest assured, you are not alone—this article is here to guide you back onto the path of progress.

The prevailing narrative surrounding progressive overload insists on a linear ascent, suggesting that if your reps or weights aren’t perpetually increasing, you’re not making strides. While the importance of progression and overload cannot be understated, it’s essential to acknowledge that life’s inevitable twists and turns may momentarily divert you from this trajectory.

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The information you are about to see was largely based on a video shared by Marcus Filly. Marcus Filly is the creator, founder, and CEO of Functional Bodybuilding. He is a six-time CrossFit Games athlete (2016, 12th fittest) with decades of experience coaching and designing individual and group training programs.

This article seeks to unravel the complexities of re-engaging in your training after a setback, debunking the myth that missing a session or a week sends you hurtling back to square one. Let’s delve into a comprehensive guide that not only recognizes the challenges but also offers practical steps to overcome setbacks, ensuring that the journey back to your fitness goals is both achievable and gratifying.

Let’s dive into it.

How to Return to Training After Setbacks

The message of unwavering consistency in training can be intimidating. The idea that you must follow a strict progression each week to make gains can be discouraging. However, life gets in the way for most people, and occasional missed workouts are a common experience. It’s essential to acknowledge that missing a day or a week doesn’t mean you’re starting from zero.

Progressive Overload Realities

Progressive overload is a fundamental concept in fitness, but it’s crucial to understand when it might miss the mark. Life’s unpredictability may lead to missed training sessions, and it’s essential not to let the fear of falling behind prevent you from re-engaging in your fitness journey.

The Birthday Cake Conundrum

Using the “birthday cake conundrum” analogy, Marcus Filly illustrates how a temporary deviation from a healthy eating plan doesn’t negate weeks of consistency. It emphasizes the importance of refocusing on the right things progressively, starting with prioritizing protein, then focusing on whole foods, and eventually managing calorie intake.

Re-Engaging in Training

Similarly, re-engaging in training requires a strategic approach. Instead of fixating on past achievements or attempting to pick up where you left off, Marcus Filly suggests stacking wins step by step. It outlines three key principles for every ramp-up phase:

  1. Warming up well: Emphasizing the importance of a thorough warm-up to shake off the rust, improve range of motion, and reduce the risk of injuries.
  2. Moving with quality: Prioritizing technique and form over excessive weight, ensuring every rep is purposeful and executed with precision.
  3. Prioritizing lifting something heavyish: Highlighting the importance of lifting weights over other forms of exercise to stimulate the nervous system and muscle tissue.

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The Journey Back to Consistency

Marcus Filly underscores the gradual process of getting back on track after a training hiatus. By focusing on warm-ups, quality movement, and lifting progressively heavier loads, individuals can rediscover their fitness groove. The goal is to reach a point where progressive overload becomes a guiding principle for growth again.

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Long-Term Consistency

Marcus Filly concludes with a reminder that long-term consistency is the key to success in health and fitness. A good training program, like Persist, is designed to accommodate interruptions, allowing individuals to jump in and out at any time. The emphasis is on measuring consistency over years, not days, weeks, or months.

Re-engaging in training after setbacks requires a realistic and gradual approach. By acknowledging life’s interruptions, prioritizing quality over quantity, and gradually reintroducing progressive overload, individuals can build robust health and fitness over the long term. Remember, consistency is a lifelong pursuit, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Use these tips, and you’ll be on the path to progress in no time.

For a deeper understand of how to get return to training after setbacks, you can watch Marcus Filly’s video below.

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Being fit is crucial for several reasons, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. Here are some key reasons why striving to be fit is important:

  1. Improved Physical Health: Regular exercise and a commitment to fitness contribute to better physical health. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Physical fitness enhances cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, and promotes overall well-being.
  2. Enhanced Mental Health: Exercise is not just beneficial for the body; it also has a profound impact on mental health. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering a positive mental state and improving cognitive function.
  3. Increased Energy Levels: Engaging in regular physical activity boosts energy levels. It enhances the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, allowing the heart and lungs to work more effectively. This increased efficiency means that daily activities require less effort, leaving you with more energy throughout the day.
  4. Better Sleep Quality: Regular exercise is linked to improved sleep patterns. It helps regulate circadian rhythms and promotes deeper, more restful sleep. Quality sleep is vital for overall health, as it contributes to better concentration, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function.
  5. Weight Management: Fitness plays a key role in weight management. Regular physical activity, combined with a balanced diet, helps in maintaining a healthy weight. This is essential not only for physical appearance but also for reducing the risk of obesity-related health issues.
  6. Increased Longevity: Numerous studies suggest a strong correlation between regular exercise and increased life expectancy. Engaging in fitness activities can add years to your life by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health.
  7. Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: Achieving fitness goals, whether they are related to strength, endurance, or physique, boosts confidence and self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment gained from overcoming challenges in a fitness journey often translates into increased self-confidence in various aspects of life.
  8. Stress Reduction: Exercise is a natural stress reliever. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which act as natural mood elevators and stress busters. Incorporating fitness into your routine provides an effective outlet for managing and reducing stress levels.
  9. Social Benefits: Fitness activities often involve group settings or communities, providing opportunities for social interaction. Whether it’s joining a fitness class, sports team, or workout group, the social aspect of fitness contributes to a sense of belonging and community.
  10. Disease Prevention: Regular exercise is a powerful preventive measure against various diseases. It helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

In summary, striving to be fit is essential for a holistic approach to health, encompassing physical fitness, mental well-being, and an overall improved quality of life.

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Beginner’s Survival Guide to Working Out Sat, 13 Jan 2024 02:30:00 +0000 Do you feel like you never have the energy to start working out. Or worse, you start but soon enough stop and never achieve your fitness goals? Then welcome to the beginner’s survival guide to working out.

Embarking on the journey to incorporate regular exercise into your life is a decision that holds the potential to not only transform your physical well-being but also shape your lifestyle for the better. In this era of sedentary living and fast-paced routines, establishing a lifelong workout habit is an investment in your health and longevity. The road ahead is not just about breaking a sweat but crafting a sustainable routine that becomes an integral part of your daily life.

As we navigate through the intricacies of starting and maintaining a workout regimen, it’s essential to recognize that this endeavor goes beyond mere physical exertion. It is about fostering discipline, embracing enjoyment, and carving out time for self-improvement. The first step in our quick start guide is not just about setting goals but understanding the deeper motivations that propel you towards wanting to work out in the first place.

So, why do you want to embark on this fitness journey? Is it to sculpt your body into a certain shape, to discover newfound strength, or perhaps to master the art of calisthenics? It could be a holistic approach, aiming to enhance your overall health and well-being. Recognizing your goals lays the foundation for a purpose-driven workout routine.

Barbell Glute Exercises

Furthermore, this journey is a personal one, and it’s crucial to find an activity that resonates with you. Many individuals abandon their fitness endeavors because they dislike the specific workouts they engage in. This guide emphasizes the freedom to choose – whether it’s the solitude of a home workout, the fresh air of outdoor training, or the community feel of a gym, the key is to find an environment that keeps you motivated and aligned with your fitness goals.

In a video, Alex Lorenz, a sports teacher and YouTube fitness expert, shared insights of what he called the beginner’s survival guide to working out. As the co-founder of Calisthenic Movement, he’s been immersed in calisthenics training since 2012, regularly sharing videos for those looking to get fit using just their body weight as resistance.

Join us as we delve into the strategic steps that not only kickstart your fitness journey but guide you toward turning it into a lifelong habit. This is not just about physical transformation; it’s about embracing a healthier and more active lifestyle that becomes an intrinsic part of who you are. Let’s dive into the detailed steps that will empower you to not only begin your fitness journey but ensure that it becomes a sustained, rewarding, and lifelong commitment.

So let’s dive into to what Lorenz calls the beginner’s survival guide to working out.

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Beginner’s Survival Guide to Working Out

Define Your Goals:

The first step is to set clear, individual goals. Ask yourself why you want to work out and what you aim to achieve. Whether it’s getting in shape, building strength, learning calisthenic skills, or simply improving your overall health, defining your goals provides a roadmap for your fitness journey.

It’s essential to prioritize and focus your time and energy on your main goal while allowing room for additional objectives. Enjoyment plays a pivotal role, so choose activities aligned with your goals that you genuinely enjoy.

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Set Short and Long-Term Goals:

Establish both short and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated. Short-term goals, achievable within a few months, provide a sense of progress, while long-term goals, which might take years, contribute to the bigger picture. For instance, a short-term goal could be achieving your first pull-up, while a long-term goal could be mastering a muscle-up.

Choose the Right Training Location:

The ideal workout location is one that suits your preferences. Whether it’s a gym, outdoor spaces, or home workouts, the key is to find a setting where you feel comfortable. The right environment significantly contributes to your consistency and adherence to your routine.

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Create a Realistic Schedule:

Source: Kampus Production on Pexels

Scheduling is crucial in establishing a workout routine. Commit to two or three sessions per week at convenient times, and avoid the common “I’ll do it tomorrow” excuse. Consistency is key, and setting fixed times ensures you make exercise a non-negotiable part of your routine. Starting with 30-minute sessions is manageable and helps build momentum.

Design Your Workout Routine:

Tailor your workout routine to align with your goals and current fitness level. Avoid the temptation to follow random routines, as a well-thought-out program yields superior results. To simplify this process, consider utilizing comprehensive workout guides or programs that align with your objectives.

Search for a day-by-day workout guide with a community of satisfied users, taking care of all the essential aspects to help you succeed.

Make Working Out a Habit:

The final and most crucial step is to transform working out into a habit. Many start with enthusiasm but struggle to maintain consistency. To overcome this, consider making your workouts social by partnering with a friend, use temptation bundling to link enjoyable activities with your exercise routine, and internalize the numerous benefits to associate pleasure with being active.

athlete happy after hitting lift at crossfit

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In conclusion, initiating and sustaining a lifelong workout habit is a transformative journey that requires thoughtful planning and commitment. By setting clear goals, incorporating short and long-term objectives, choosing a suitable training location, establishing a realistic schedule, and crafting a tailored workout routine, you lay the foundation for success. Additionally, making exercise a habit involves socializing your workouts, using temptation bundling, and internalizing the multitude of benefits.

Remember, consistency is the key to unlocking the myriad benefits of a regular fitness routine. Whether you’re a beginner or someone looking to rekindle their fitness journey, the steps outlined in this guide provide a comprehensive roadmap for not just starting but maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Embrace the process, celebrate your achievements along the way, and let the positive impact of regular exercise become a lasting part of your daily life. Your journey towards a healthier, stronger, and more active you begins with the first intentional step – make it today.

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The 10 Commandments of Fitness You Must Obey in 2024 Fri, 12 Jan 2024 18:31:00 +0000 Check out the 10 commandments of fitness you must obey in 2024!

Embarking on a fitness journey is an empowering decision, but navigating the vast world of strength training can be daunting. To guide you on this path, we should lean into the expertise of those we deem knowledgeable and truthful.

The information for this article is largely based on a video shared by Alan Thrall. Alan Thrall is an accomplished strength coach and owner of Untamed Strength, a 24-hour access gym in Sacramento, decided to talk about that.

These principles serve as a roadmap, ensuring that your fitness journey is not only effective but also sustainable.

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The 10 Commandments of Fitness You Must Obey in 2024

You might be wondering, how can this guy tell me what I need to do to be successful in my fitness journey this year?

Granted, there are a lot of different goals that revolve fitness. You could have decided to do more exercise not to lose weight, neither to get stronger, but just to be healthier. Do these commandments also apply to you then? The answer is yes.

Source: Taco Fleur on Pexels

Although it is typically not a great idea to generalise much, these 10 commandments shared by Alan Thrall are very much spot on regardless of your fitness goals, as long as you have them.

This is not exclusive of one type of fitness person or another. CrossFit, calisthenics, powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilder, just a regular gym-goer. For all these people, these 10 commandments of fitness apply rigorously.

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So let’s take a quick look at what these commandments are and then let us know if you agree or not, because we think you should.

  1. Never Take Breaks:
    • Consistency is the cornerstone of progress in the gym.
    • Avoid the pitfalls of intermittent training by maintaining a steady workout routine.
    • Steer clear of the “start-stop” cycle, as breaks can impede your momentum and hinder long-term success.
  2. Stick to a Program for 6 Months:
    • Patience is key; real change takes time.
    • Commit to a structured program for at least six months to witness tangible improvements in strength and physique.
    • Avoid the temptation to switch programs too frequently, as it disrupts the adaptation process.
  3. Prioritize the Big Three Lifts:
    • Focus on compound movements – squat, bench press, and deadlift – to build a solid foundation.
    • These lifts engage multiple muscle groups, fostering overall strength and growth.
    • Mastering the fundamentals sets the stage for more advanced training.
  4. Avoid High-Intensity Workouts:
    • Intensity is vital, but excessive high-intensity workouts can lead to burnout and increased risk of injury.
    • Strike a balance between challenging workouts and adequate recovery to promote sustainable progress.
  5. Eat According to Your Goals:
    • Tailor your diet to align with your fitness objectives, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or performance in a specific weight class.
    • Recognize that nutrition plays a pivotal role in complementing your training efforts.
  6. Learn How to Cook:
    • Take control of your nutrition by mastering the art of cooking.
    • Cooking at home allows you to monitor your macronutrient intake and make informed choices about what fuels your body.
  7. Invest in Equipment:
    • A weightlifting belt and proper training shoes are valuable investments.
    • These tools enhance stability, support, and safety during heavy lifts, contributing to more effective and secure workouts.
  8. Master Your Technique:
    • Technique mastery ensures targeted muscle engagement and facilitates steady progress.
    • Repeatedly practicing correct form builds confidence and sets a standard for assessing progress.
  9. Never Lie to Yourself:
    • Be honest about your technique, progress, and goals.
    • Lying to yourself hinders growth and may lead to misguided training choices.
    • Objective self-assessment is crucial for sustained success.
  10. Go All In:
    • Make fitness an integral part of your lifestyle, not just a sporadic activity.
    • Prioritize sleep, nutrition, and stress management outside the gym to optimize overall health and well-being.
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Embracing Allan Thrall’s 10 commandments of fitness provides a blueprint for a transformative fitness journey. By fostering consistency, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement, these principles empower individuals to navigate the challenges of strength training successfully.

Whether you’re a novice or seasoned lifter, integrating these commandments into your regimen will pave the way for a fulfilling and enduring fitness experience.

Now, as we mentioned earlier, this list of commandments is based on a video provided by Thrall. You can also watch the video below yourself, but we must warn you: it is pretty long. How long, you may ask? Above 40 minutes long.

We have probably done a disservice in dissecting 40+ minutes of Thrall’s wisdom and chopped it up into a few sentences – but that is the bread and butter of what he had to say about it. Don’t trust us? Then watch the video below and get even more details about the 10 commandments of fitness you must obey in 2024.

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7 Ways to Look More Muscular

Being fit is crucial for several reasons, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. Here are 10 key reasons why striving to be fit is important:

  1. Improved Physical Health: Regular exercise and a commitment to fitness contribute to better physical health. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Physical fitness enhances cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, and promotes overall well-being.
  2. Enhanced Mental Health: Exercise is not just beneficial for the body; it also has a profound impact on mental health. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering a positive mental state and improving cognitive function.
  3. Increased Energy Levels: Engaging in regular physical activity boosts energy levels. It enhances the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, allowing the heart and lungs to work more effectively. This increased efficiency means that daily activities require less effort, leaving you with more energy throughout the day.
  4. Better Sleep Quality: Regular exercise is linked to improved sleep patterns. It helps regulate circadian rhythms and promotes deeper, more restful sleep. Quality sleep is vital for overall health, as it contributes to better concentration, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function.
  5. Weight Management: Fitness plays a key role in weight management. Regular physical activity, combined with a balanced diet, helps in maintaining a healthy weight. This is essential not only for physical appearance but also for reducing the risk of obesity-related health issues.
  6. Increased Longevity: Numerous studies suggest a strong correlation between regular exercise and increased life expectancy. Engaging in fitness activities can add years to your life by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health.
  7. Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: Achieving fitness goals, whether they are related to strength, endurance, or physique, boosts confidence and self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment gained from overcoming challenges in a fitness journey often translates into increased self-confidence in various aspects of life.
  8. Stress Reduction: Exercise is a natural stress reliever. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which act as natural mood elevators and stress busters. Incorporating fitness into your routine provides an effective outlet for managing and reducing stress levels.
  9. Social Benefits: Fitness activities often involve group settings or communities, providing opportunities for social interaction. Whether it’s joining a fitness class, sports team, or workout group, the social aspect of fitness contributes to a sense of belonging and community.
  10. Disease Prevention: Regular exercise is a powerful preventive measure against various diseases. It helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

In summary, striving to be fit is essential for a holistic approach to health, encompassing physical fitness, mental well-being, and an overall improved quality of life.

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The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth Isn’t What You Think Tue, 09 Jan 2024 10:30:00 +0000 The best rep range for muscle growth isn’t what you probably think it is. Let’s talk more about it.

The most common rep range for general fitness and muscle development is typically between 8 to 12 repetitions per set. Usually three sets as well. This range is often recommended for individuals of any background. The 8-12 rep range allows for a balance between lifting moderate weights for an extended duration, creating metabolic stress, and providing stimulus for muscle growth.

However, if you are doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps for most, or all, of your exercises when you hit the gym, you should know that this is probably not the best rep range for muscle growth for you. The information used for this article was based on a video shared by House of Hypertrophy. See it all below.

In this article, we delve into a fairly recent study that brings exciting findings about the optimal rep range for building muscle. Contrary to the long-held belief in the 8 to 12 rep range, recent studies suggest a broader range of reps, approximately between 6 and 35, can yield similar muscle growth when performed close to failure. However, this recent study goes even further, providing insights into individual responses and the potential delay of growth plateaus when changing rep ranges.

Related: Is 3 Sets of 12 Reps Killing Your Muscle Gains?

Leg Press MachineSource: Scott Webb / Pexels
Leg Machine

The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth Isn’t What You Think

To unravel the mysteries of muscle hypertrophy, researchers recruited 24 previously untrained women for a 24-week training program. The participants engaged in exercises like leg press, leg extension, leg curl, and calf raise, with each session consisting of three sets. The study aimed to compare the effects of training to voluntary failure in the 8-12 rep range for the first 12 weeks and then switching to the 27-31 rep range for the next 12 weeks, and vice versa.

Key Findings:

On average, the study aligned with previous research, showing comparable muscle growth between the 8-12 and 27-31 rep ranges. However, individual responses painted a more intriguing picture. Some participants experienced significant differences in muscle growth, with examples of individuals decreasing soft tissue mass with one rep range but increasing it with another.

Implications for Training:

These findings challenge the conventional wisdom that everyone responds similarly to a specific rep range. Instead, they suggest that some individuals may benefit more from higher or lower rep ranges. This information is crucial for those who have been following a specific rep range without seeing desired hypertrophy results.

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Limitations and Considerations:

The study had some limitations, including the potential influence of training time on muscle growth and the use of voluntary failure as a measure. Additionally, the subjects were previously untrained women with a specific age range and BMI, which may limit the generalization of results.

Best Science Based Dumbbell Biceps Workout for Size and ShapeSource: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Practical Applications:

Despite the limitations, the study offers valuable insights into the variability of individual responses to different rep ranges. It encourages individuals to consider experimenting with various rep ranges in their training programs, especially if they are not satisfied with their current results.

It’s important to note that the “ideal” rep range can vary based on individual goals, fitness levels, and specific training objectives. Different rep ranges, such as lower repetitions for strength or higher repetitions for endurance, can be incorporated into a well-rounded fitness program. Customizing your rep range based on your specific goals and preferences is key to designing an effective and enjoyable workout routine.

In conclusion, we invite fitness enthusiasts to rethink the one-size-fits-all approach to rep ranges. The recent study provides compelling evidence that individual differences play a significant role in muscle growth responses to different rep ranges.

Embracing this knowledge, individuals can tailor their training programs to better suit their unique physiological responses, ultimately optimizing muscle hypertrophy. Remember, the journey to muscle growth is not a linear path but a dynamic exploration of what works best for your body.

For more information and a deeper dive analysis into what is the best rep range for muscle growth, you can watch the video below.

References and studies used in the video:

Different load intensity transition schemes to avoid plateau and no-response in lean body mass gain in postmenopausal women

Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations Between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Resistance Training Load Effects on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain: Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis

Do the anatomical and physiological properties of a muscle determine its adaptive response to different loading protocols?

Deepen Your Knowledge:

Rep Ranges Explained: Learn How to Boost Your Strength and Hypertrophy

How to Lose Weight Fast and Transform Your Body

What is Hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy is a term used in biology to describe an increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to an increase in the size of its cells. In the context of muscle tissue, hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size of skeletal muscle fibres, which can occur as a result of exercise or other forms of physical activity.

There are two types of hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibrillar hypertrophy.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy involves an increase in the amount of fluid and energy-storing substances within muscle cells, while myofibrillar hypertrophy involves an increase in the size and number of myofibrils, the contractile units of muscle cells.

Both types of hypertrophy can lead to an increase in muscle size and strength, but myofibrillar hypertrophy is generally considered to be more beneficial for athletic performance.

What are Reps and Sets?

Reps and sets are two basic terms used in strength training to describe different aspects of a workout.

Reps, short for repetitions, refer to the number of times you perform a particular exercise or movement. For example, if you perform 10 bicep curls in a row, you have completed 10 repetitions, or 10 reps, of that exercise.

How Much Muscle Can You Grow In 30 Days Benefits of the Incline Barbell Bench PressSource: Pikx By Panther on Pexels

Sets, on the other hand, refer to a group of repetitions. For example, if you do 3 sets of 10 bicep curls, that means you perform 10 reps of bicep curls, rest for a short period of time, and then repeat that same sequence for a total of 3 times. So in total, you will have performed 30 reps of bicep curls.

Reps and sets are often combined in different ways to create a workout routine that targets specific muscles and achieves specific goals. The number of reps and sets you do, as well as the amount of weight you use, will depend on your individual fitness goals and current fitness level.

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Are Movement Imbalances Bad? Sun, 07 Jan 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Are movement imbalances inherently bad? What exactly are they? Let’s dig deeper into the subject and see if you should be changing your weightlifting regime.

Movement imbalances have been a topic of discussion within the fitness and wellness community for quite some time. Many individuals, from athletes to casual gym-goers, have expressed concerns about bilateral asymmetry of movement. In this article, we will delve into the concept of movement imbalances, differentiate between clinical and subclinical imbalances, and explore potential strategies for addressing them.

Movement imbalances occur when there is a noticeable discrepancy in the way one side of your body moves compared to its counterpart, often leading to compensatory adjustments during exercise. These imbalances are relatively common and distinct from muscle imbalances, which involve differences in strength between opposing muscle groups.

The root of movement imbalances typically lies in variations in strength or flexibility between the two sides of your body. For instance, you might observe one arm taking the lead during a push press or find yourself leaning more on one leg while squatting.

An alternate term for movement imbalances is “bad alignment,” highlighting the deviation from symmetrical movement patterns.

The term “bilateral asymmetry of movement” serves as a more intricate and impressive expression for referring to movement imbalances.

With that being said, how can we know if movement imbalances are bad? For that, we turn to the expertise of none other than Mike Israetel. Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

Are Movement Imbalances Bad?

Movement imbalances refer to bilateral asymmetry, where one side of the body moves noticeably differently than the other. This can manifest in various ways, such as leaning more on one leg during squats, uneven toe pointing during lunges, or asymmetrical elbow positioning during bench presses. Identifying these imbalances is crucial, as they can impact performance, increase the risk of injury, and affect overall movement quality.

Source: Roman Odintsov on Pexels

Clinical vs. Subclinical Movement Imbalances

Before addressing movement imbalances, it is essential to categorize them into clinical and subclinical grades. Clinical grade imbalances cause significant dysfunction or pain, making everyday activities and lifting challenging. On the other hand, subclinical imbalances, while still present, do not result in pain or dysfunction. Understanding the severity of the imbalance is crucial for determining the appropriate course of action.

Addressing Clinical Grade Imbalances

If you identify a clinical grade imbalance causing pain or dysfunction, seeking the guidance of a sports medicine doctor is paramount. Complex issues may require professional diagnosis and treatment, which cannot be effectively addressed through generic rehabilitation videos. Medical professionals can uncover underlying structural issues, such as scar tissue impinging on nerves, and provide tailored solutions, including surgery if necessary.

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Addressing Subclinical Grade Imbalances

When dealing with subclinical imbalances that are not causing pain or dysfunction, individuals have several options. One approach is to simply ignore the imbalances if they are not affecting performance or well-being. Research indicates that not all imbalances lead to injuries, and many individuals live with minor imbalances without any adverse effects.

If opting to address subclinical imbalances, a strategic approach involves technique “renorming.” This entails reducing the load and relative effort, focusing on perfecting balanced movement patterns, and gradually increasing intensity over time. By prioritizing form and symmetry during exercises, individuals can retrain their bodies and potentially reduce or eliminate subclinical imbalances.

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Considerations for Competitive Athletes

Competitive athletes should be mindful of when to implement technique renorming. It is advisable to focus on relearning techniques during the offseason, as close to competition, the priority shifts to maximizing force production. During the competitive season, the emphasis should be on maintaining well-established techniques to ensure optimal performance.

Isolation Work for Imbalance Correction?

The question of whether to incorporate isolation work for the less contributing side arises when attempting to correct imbalances. However, it’s essential to recognize that imbalances may not solely stem from muscle weakness. Neural programming, compensations for leverages, or compensating for imbalances elsewhere in the kinetic chain can all play a role.

If isolation work is considered, it is crucial to drop bilateral work to maintenance volume and focus on unilateral exercises for the imbalanced side. This approach, combined with targeted effort, may lead to improved symmetry over time. However, it is not a guaranteed solution, and careful consideration of the specific circumstances is necessary.

Whether a movement imbalance is bad and you should try to fix it depends on the severity of the muscle imbalance.

Source: Julia Larson on Pexels

How to Make Your Training More Functional

In summary, see below this table and when you should do isolation exercises on your weaker side.

Should you do isolation exercises for your weak side?

If you notice you have a movement imbalance, whether on your legs or your arms, doing isolation exercises for the weaker side might not be the solution to the asymmetry.

The movement imbalance might be caused by:

  • Insufficiently large muscular tissue
  • Neural programming
  • Compensating for a different asymmetry

Which means isolation exercises aren’t necessarily the answer or solution. You can try them however, just know that it’s not guaranteed to fix the movement imbalance, and that you should continue to include bilateral and compound exercises to your training to maintain strength on your leading side.

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In conclusion, understanding and addressing movement imbalances requires a thoughtful and individualized approach. Distinguishing between clinical and subclinical imbalances is crucial for determining the appropriate course of action. Seeking professional medical advice for clinical imbalances is paramount, while individuals with subclinical imbalances can choose between accepting them, focusing on technique renorming, or exploring targeted isolation work. Regardless of the chosen path, prioritizing movement quality and symmetry is key to long-term health and performance.

For a better grasp of everything that was mentioned above, but with more details and a bit of humour, you may watch Mike Israetel’s video below in which he digs deeper into the subject and what you can do about it.

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How to get started with strength training

Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

If you are new to strength training, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time. It is also important to learn how to perform exercises correctly to avoid injury.

Here are a few tips for getting started with strength training:

  • Start with bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. Once you have mastered these exercises, you can add weights.
  • Use a variety of exercises to target all of the major muscle groups. This will help you to develop a well-rounded physique.
  • Focus on compound exercises, which work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises are more efficient than isolation exercises, which only work one muscle group at a time.
  • Lift weights that are challenging but allow you to maintain good form.
  • Perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise.
  • Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets.
  • Strength train 2-3 times per week.

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Safety tips for strength training

Strength training is generally safe, but there are a few things you can do to minimize your risk of injury:

  • Warm up before each workout with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching.
  • Cool down after each workout with 5-10 minutes of static stretching.
  • Use proper form when performing exercises.
  • Lift weights that are challenging but allow you to maintain good form.
  • Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.

To conclude, Strength training is an essential part of any fitness routine. It has a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. If you are new to strength training, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time. Be sure to learn how to perform exercises correctly to avoid injury.

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8 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using Sun, 07 Jan 2024 02:30:00 +0000 Utilising a machine to work out might sound like a good idea, but some of is best to avoid. Check out this list of 8 gym machines you should stop using.

If you believe that any machine inside a gym is safe and effective to use, think again. Some of them can do more harm than good and, unfortunately, a couple of them are really common among gym-goers. Max Posternak talked about some gym machines you should stop using.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 4.8 million subscribers.

Having a gym full of machines might be a good selling point for new members, but basic dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells are typically more effective than the complex machines you see at a regular gym.

8 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using

In the list below, Posternak says these machines you should perhaps avoid or, at least, change the way you use them.

1. Smith Machine

This machine is great for a couple of exercises, but some people use it as an alternative to exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses which are intended to be done with a regular barbell.

Due to the machine being locked in position, people tend to think it helps prevent injuries when performing the exercises mentioned above.

  • For bench presses – it is bad for your shoulders
  • For squats – it isn’t biomechanically natural as most people lean back against the bar

2. Hip Abduction and Adduction Machine

These machines are typically used to train the glutes and the inner thighs, but other alternatives are more effective such as squats and lunges.

“One immediate issue is that naturally, your body would never lift heavy loads this way in real life,” Posternak explains. Utilising these machines will overwork your TFL muscle and pull another muscle known as the IT band which leads to knee pain.

It also can contribute to lower back pain and it will not reduce your fat from the inner thighs.

3. Leg Press Machine

Leg Press MachineSource: Scott Webb / Pexels
Leg Machine

This one doesn’t necessarily have to be on the list of gym machines you should stop using. What you need to do is change the way you use it, especially if you have lower back issues.

“When doing leg presses your lower back is pinned against the pad in a way where it becomes more and more difficult to maintain the natural lumbar curve as your knees bend and come closer to your chest.”

Posternak advises doing short reps in a limited range of motion. If you want to get a nice stretch, then choose to do squats, lunges, or Bulgarian split squats.

If you still want to use the leg press machine, choose to do it at the end of a leg workout and with one leg at a time, with the other leg staying down during the movement to maintain a neutral lumbar spine.

Read More: 7 Leg Press Mistakes and How to Fix Them

4. Torso Rotation Machine / Seated Twist Machine

If you want to avoid injuries to your spine, Posternak suggests staying away from this machine. If you do use it, limit the range of motion and use a lighter weight.

5. Lat Pulldown Behind the Head

gym machines you should stop using

There are no additional muscle-building benefits of doing this exercise behind the head. In fact, by pulling behind the head, you will have to lighten the weight load because your back and shoulders are weaker in that position.

You may also damage your rotator cuff by pulling or pressing behind the head.

6. Seated Crunch Machine

Another on the list of gym machines you should avoid is the seated crunch machine. It will definitely target your ab, but this one is simply not as effective as other exercises such as reverse crunches, stability ball crunches and decline sit-ups.

7. Selectoriser Chest Press / Shoulder Press Machines

These are older machines that do not allow you to do unilateral training. You would have to press both handles at the same time.

“Also, the path of these old machines is very different and bad for your joints,” Posternak says. These old machines will make you move weights in a straight line and will irritate and likely injure your shoulders.

8. Butt Blaster Machine

Mostly used by women, this machine does not target your glutes effectively. When using this machine, most people will likely target their hamstrings instead of their butt.

You will get better glutes by doing barbell squats and dumbbell lunges.

Any questions on which gym machines you should stop using? Check out Posternak’s video below.

VIDEO – 8 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using

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Tempo Training for Weights: Beyond One-Rep Max Percentages Sat, 06 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 You need to look beyond one-rep max percentages when it comes to building muscle. Learn more about tempo training for weights in the coming paragraphs.

When it comes to functional bodybuilding programs, one common question arises: How do I determine the right weight to put on the bar when there’s no specific percentage of my one-repetition max (1RM) prescribed?

In this in-depth article, we’ll break down the concept of training percentages, discussing the limitations of traditional approaches and exploring a more dynamic and adaptable method based on tempo and rep ranges.

The person who decided to take a deep dive into tempo training for weights is Marcus Filly. Marcus Filly is the creator, founder, and CEO of Functional Bodybuilding. He is a six-time CrossFit Games athlete (2016, 12th fittest) with decades of experience coaching and designing individual and group training programs.

The information below is based on a video he shared a while ago, but that is as relevant now as it was back then.

Read More: How Little Can You Do and Still Grow Muscle?

Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

Tempo Training for Weights: Beyond One-Rep Max Percentages

Traditional training programs often prescribe specific percentages of an individual’s 1RM for each exercise. While this approach provides clarity and structure, it fails to account for the variability in performance on different days. For instance, 75% of your 1RM might feel manageable on one day but overwhelming on another, leading to frustration and self-doubt.

The Progressive Overload Paradigm:

In percentage-based lifting programs, a common theme is progressive overload. This involves gradually increasing the load over several weeks to stimulate muscle growth and strength gains. However, this linear progression is not sustainable indefinitely. To prevent burnout and promote continued improvement, a well-designed program incorporates deload weeks, where the intensity decreases, allowing the nervous system to recover and adapt.

Enter Tempo Lifting and Rep Ranges:

Functional bodybuilding programs take a different approach by incorporating tempo lifting and rep ranges. Tempo prescription controls the time under tension during each repetition, influencing the overall intensity of the exercise. For example, a slower tempo with pauses increases time under tension, indirectly lowering the percentage of effort. Conversely, a faster tempo and fewer pauses raise the overall intensity.

Benefits of Tempo Training for Weights

Tempo Training for Weights has the following benefits.

  • Builds motor control
  • Enhances joint strength and stability
  • helps improve form
  • Provides a different dose response depending on the lift
  • Tempo Training for Weights

Marcus Filly explains more, “the four numbers in a tempo prescription refer to how fast or slow you move for each part of a movement, for example, a back squat at 32X1 would be: 3 seconds down (eccentric) 2 second isometric (hold tension) explode up as fast as you can! 1 second pause before the next rep For a pull-up or other movement that starts at the top, start at the 3rd number as you pull up.”

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Understanding Tempo Prescription:

Tempo lifting involves specifying the speed of each phase of a repetition. For instance, a back squat with a 4-second descent, 2-second pause at the bottom, explosive ascent, and 1-second pause at the top results in roughly 8 seconds of time under tension per repetition. If a program prescribes 6-8 repetitions at a specific tempo, the goal is to maintain that tempo religiously and aim for the higher end of the rep range.

Adapting to Weekly Changes:

Unlike fixed percentages, tempo and rep range prescriptions allow for adaptability based on how an individual feels on a given day. If you’re feeling fresh and energetic, you can push towards the higher end of the rep range. On days when fatigue sets in, sticking to the lower end ensures a challenging yet manageable workout. This flexibility helps in achieving the desired training effect without compromising form or risking injury.

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The Case for Tempo and Rep Range Prescriptions:

While some may argue in favor of percentage-based programs, the tempo and rep range prescription format offers a more personalized and sustainable approach. Recognizing that individuals have varying energy levels and performance capacities on different days, this method empowers athletes to make informed decisions about their training intensity.

In the realm of functional bodybuilding, the concept of training percentages takes a nuanced turn with the incorporation of tempo and rep range prescriptions. Moving beyond the rigid constraints of fixed percentages allows for a more adaptable and sustainable approach to weightlifting.

By embracing the dynamic nature of individual performance, athletes can optimize their training, ensuring continuous progress and minimizing the risk of burnout. So, the next time you hit the gym, consider the tempo and rep range as your guide to achieving peak performance and long-term success in your fitness journey.

For a more detailed explanation from Marcus Filly himself, you can watch the video below. He also demonstrates how tempo training for weights look like in practice.

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Building muscle requires more than just lifting heavy weights in the gym; it necessitates a holistic approach that includes a proper diet. Here are several reasons why a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is essential for effective muscle building:

  1. Energy for Workouts:
    • A proper diet provides the necessary energy for intense workouts. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from your diet serve as fuel, ensuring you have the stamina and endurance to perform resistance training exercises that stimulate muscle growth.
  2. Protein Synthesis:
    • Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Consuming an adequate amount of protein is crucial for protein synthesis, the process by which the body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissues damaged during workouts. Protein-rich foods like lean meats, eggs, dairy, and plant-based sources are essential for muscle recovery and growth.
  3. Nutrient Supply:
    • Muscles require a variety of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, to function optimally. A well-rounded diet ensures that your body has a sufficient supply of essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and support muscle-building processes.
  4. Hormonal Balance:
    • Proper nutrition plays a role in maintaining hormonal balance. Hormones like testosterone, insulin, and growth hormone influence muscle growth. Nutrient-dense foods help regulate these hormones, creating an environment conducive to muscle development.
  5. Recovery and Repair:
    • Intense workouts create micro-tears in muscle fibers that need to be repaired for muscle growth to occur. Nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and antioxidants aid in the recovery and repair process, reducing muscle soreness and promoting faster recuperation between workouts.
  6. Optimal Body Composition:
    • Achieving a favorable body composition, with an appropriate balance of muscle mass and body fat, is crucial for aesthetics and functional strength. A proper diet, combined with effective training, helps in achieving and maintaining the desired body composition.
  7. Preventing Muscle Breakdown:
    • During periods of calorie deficit or intense training, the body may enter a catabolic state where it breaks down muscle tissue for energy. Consuming an adequate amount of calories, particularly from protein sources, helps prevent muscle breakdown and supports muscle preservation.
  8. Hydration for Performance:
    • Staying adequately hydrated is often overlooked but is vital for optimal muscle function. Water is essential for nutrient transport, temperature regulation, and overall performance during workouts.

In conclusion, a proper diet is a cornerstone of successful muscle building. It provides the necessary energy, nutrients, and support for the intricate processes involved in muscle growth, recovery, and maintenance. To maximize your efforts in the gym, combining a well-structured workout routine with a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is key to achieving your muscle-building goals.

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How Hanging Heals the Body Thu, 04 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Discover how hanging heals the body beyond the capability of building muscle.

In recent years, there has been a growing body of evidence suggesting that hanging can have profound benefits for the human body. Dr. John M. Kirsch, a proponent of this practice, even reports prescribing hanging to patients recommended for shoulder surgery, with a remarkable 90% of them avoiding the need for surgery altogether. This article aims to delve into the science behind hanging, exploring its impact on posture, shoulder health, and even height gain.

The dead hang or hanging exercise is a straightforward yet highly effective strength training exercise that primarily focuses on the upper body muscles, particularly the back, shoulders, and grip. To perform this exercise, you simply hang from a stable bar or object with your arms fully extended and your feet lifted off the ground.

We at BOXROX have previously noted how incredible this exercise is. We featured in an article titled “the best exercise you’re not doing, but should,” and also in the “10 exercises you probably overlooked for total performance.”

That is to show how we believe that hanging is a transformative exercise that people should do more often. And another figure who strongly believes this is Josh Hash. He is a movement coach who co-founded Strength Side alongside his brother Trevor Hash. They spent years in fitness from personal training to corrective exercise, to hand balancing. Strength Side’s YouTube Channel has over 1 million subscribers where videos are posted about different movement patterns and exercises to improve your athleticism and life-changing habits.

The information in this article was based on a video he shared on their YouTube channel exemplifying the benefits and healing abilities of hanging.

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How Hanging Heals the Body

To comprehend why hanging is beneficial, we must first look at the evolutionary history of our shoulders. Our shoulder structure is reminiscent of brachiating apes, suggesting that our shoulders are naturally designed for hanging and climbing.

As the only animals with shoulders capable of such movements, we may be unlocking hidden potential by incorporating hanging into our routines.

The Physical Benefits of Hanging

  1. Decompression of the Spine Hanging utilizes gravity to pull the hips away from the shoulders, creating space in areas commonly compressed due to modern-day lifestyles. This is particularly relevant for individuals engaged in weightlifting or physically demanding jobs.
  2. Opening Up Muscles Around the Shoulder Muscles like the lats and chest, often stiffened by prolonged sitting, can be stretched and opened up through hanging, promoting flexibility and range of motion.
  3. Reshaping the Bone Structure Hanging can contribute to the reshaping of the bone surrounding the shoulder, allowing for increased space in the ball-and-socket joint, leading to freer movement.
  4. Increased Grip Strength Beyond its impact on the shoulders, hanging has been linked to increased grip strength, a significant predictor of mortality. Strengthening your hands can potentially contribute to a longer and healthier life.

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Source: Cottonbro studio on Pexels

Developing Hanging Abilities: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Basic Hang Technique
    • Keep shoulders relaxed and up towards the ears.
    • Pull ribs down by maintaining slight tension in the core muscles.
    • Ensure the head sits directly above the ribs.
    • Place hands shoulder-width apart for optimal positioning.
    • Practice steady breathing to expand the rib cage.
  2. Progressive Hanging Method
    • Start with a 60-second hang, gradually building strength.
    • If fatigued, use feet for assistance until reaching a full 60-second hang.
    • Increase hanging duration gradually, aiming for 5 to 6 minutes every other day.

Differences Between Active and Passing Hanging

Hanging, as a therapeutic and strength-building practice, comes in different forms, and understanding the nuances between passive and active hanging is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Both variations offer unique advantages, targeting specific aspects of the body, and play distinct roles in a comprehensive hanging routine.

  1. Passive Hanging:
    • Definition: Passive hanging involves suspending oneself from a bar or other hanging apparatus without engaging in active muscle contractions.
    • Body Position: During passive hanging, the body remains relaxed, allowing gravity to naturally elongate and decompress the spine. The shoulders and arms are subjected to a gentle stretch without active muscle engagement.
    • Benefits:
      • Decompression of the spine: Passive hanging exploits gravity to create space between the shoulders and hips, relieving compression in the spine.
      • Improved shoulder flexibility: The gentle stretch in the shoulder and upper back muscles helps alleviate stiffness, particularly beneficial for individuals with sedentary lifestyles.
  2. Active Hanging:
    • Definition: Active hanging involves intentional engagement of the muscles while suspended, requiring effort to maintain specific positions or perform controlled movements.
    • Body Position: In active hanging, the shoulders are actively pulled down and away from the ears, engaging the muscles around the shoulder blades and the core. This dynamic engagement contrasts with the relaxed state in passive hanging.
    • Benefits:
      • Increased muscle strength: Active hanging targets the muscles of the shoulders, scapulae, and core, promoting strength and stability.
      • Enhanced grip strength: Actively maintaining a hanging position challenges and strengthens the muscles responsible for gripping, contributing to improved overall grip strength.

Understanding the distinction between passive and active hanging allows individuals to tailor their hanging routines to specific goals and preferences. While passive hanging emphasizes relaxation and decompression, active hanging adds a strength-building component, making both variations valuable tools in promoting shoulder health, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Combining these approaches judiciously within a hanging routine can provide a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking a holistic approach to their physical fitness and health.

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Incorporating Hanging into Daily Life

Having easy access to a hanging bar or rings at home is crucial for incorporating hanging into your daily routine. Eliminate barriers by making it easily accessible, and consider exploring various setups for at-home pull-up bars.

Beyond Basic Hanging: Progressing to One-Arm Hanging

Recognizing the evolutionary roots of our shoulder function, it’s essential to progress beyond two-arm hanging. Develop control of your shoulders and scapula without relying on elbows, and explore the transition from a two-arm hang to a one-arm hang.

If you want a straightforward program to incorporate hanging into your daily life, here is what Hash came up with.

Passive Hanging Program:

  • Everyday: 3 Minutes per day
  • Every other day: 5-6 minutes per day

*Times are accumulated in 1 minute chunks.

** You can always add total times as you progress

One-Arm Hanging Program: (2-3 days per week)

  • 2 arm active to passive hang – 5 reps. Hold active for 3 seconds. 1 set.
  • 1 arm passive hang – 30 seconds on each side. 1 set.
  • 1 Arm Active Hang – 10 seconds. 1 Set.
  • 1 Arm Alternating Hang – 5 switches for each arm. 2 – 3 sets.

The benefits of hanging extend beyond physical improvements, but they can also heal the body when injured. This highlights the transformative power of incorporating non-traditional rehabilitation methods like hanging to your daily habits.

Slow progression, avoiding discomfort, and a commitment to functionality can lead to improved shoulder health and overall well-being.

For more information, you can watch Hash’s video below in which he explains in deeper detail how hanging heals the body from his personal experience.

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Regularly performing dead hangs can indeed benefit a variety of lifts and exercises. Here’s how dead hangs can specifically enhance other movements:

  1. Deadlift: Dead hangs improve grip strength, which is crucial for maintaining a secure hold on the bar during deadlifts. By developing a stronger grip, you’re less likely to experience grip fatigue or have the bar slip from your hands during heavy deadlift sets. This allows you to focus more on the posterior chain muscles (such as the glutes and hamstrings) that are the primary targets of the deadlift.
  2. Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups: Dead hangs are a fundamental component of pull-up and chin-up exercises. By regularly practicing dead hangs, you strengthen the muscles necessary for initiating and controlling the movement. Improved grip strength, scapular stability, and upper body endurance gained from dead hangs directly transfer to enhanced performance in pull-ups and chin-ups.
  3. Rows: Dead hangs can benefit various rowing exercises, such as barbell rows, dumbbell rows, or bodyweight rows. The increased grip strength and scapular stability developed through dead hangs help maintain proper form and control during rowing movements. This translates to better muscle engagement and a reduced risk of compensatory movements that could compromise your technique.
  4. Bench Press: While the direct impact of dead hangs on bench press may be limited, the increased grip strength and shoulder stability gained from dead hangs can indirectly contribute to better bench press performance. A stronger grip ensures that you can maintain control of the bar, and improved shoulder stability reduces the risk of shoulder injuries during the exercise.
  5. Push-Ups: Dead hangs can improve push-up performance by strengthening the muscles involved in stabilizing the shoulder girdle. Enhanced grip strength also aids in maintaining a stable hand position during push-ups, allowing for better force transmission through the upper body. Overall, the improved scapular stability and upper body endurance gained from dead hangs can help you maintain proper form and perform more efficient push-ups.

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How to Choose the Right Exercise for You? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 22:30:00 +0000 Do you know how to choose the right exercise for your fitness goal? Let’s dig deeper into this silly simple question and unravel a gigantic world underneath it that, hopefully, by the end, you will be able to use it to your advantage and build more muscle, lose weight, get stronger, fitter, more athletic and so for.

The fundamental question is: What is the best exercise for muscle growth? Dr. Mike Israetel explores this query by refining it to consider not just immediate effects but long-term impact. Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

The ideal exercise, he suggests, is one that not only maximally stimulates muscle growth in a single session but also accumulates minimal fatigue. This dual criterion ensures that the exercise can be consistently integrated into a training program, allowing for repeated use without compromising efficacy. In essence, the best exercise for muscle growth is a balance between potent stimulation and sustainable, low-fatigue performance over an extended period.

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How to Choose the Right Exercise for You?

The quest for optimal muscle growth is an ever-evolving journey. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the concept of Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio (SFR) as a crucial factor in designing effective workout routines. Renowned fitness expert Dr. Mike Israetel breaks down the intricacies of SFR, providing valuable insights for individuals aiming to sculpt their physique intelligently.

Defining Stimulus and Fatigue

Before delving into SFR, understanding the fundamental components is essential. Stimulus refers to the stress imposed on muscles during resistance training, a key driver for muscle growth. Conversely, fatigue represents the exhaustion and wear-and-tear experienced during and after a workout. Striking a balance between these two factors is the cornerstone of effective training.

The SFR Formula

The SFR concept can be visualized through a simple formula: Stimulus / Fatigue. Dr. Israetel emphasizes that both elements must be considered to optimize muscle growth. Achieving the highest ratio involves selecting exercises that provide substantial stimulus while minimizing fatigue.

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Navigating the Three Pillars of Effective Training

1. Stimulus Maximization

Dr. Israetel advocates for exercises that offer significant stimulus without compromising form or safety. He explores the concept of exercise selection, encouraging individuals to prioritize movements that target the intended muscle groups efficiently. In-depth analysis of various exercises highlights the importance of finding the right balance between stimulus and potential joint stress.

2. Fatigue Minimization

While the ethos of ‘no pain, no gain’ persists in fitness culture, Dr. Israetel challenges this notion. He contends that excessive fatigue can hinder long-term progress, emphasizing the need for intelligent training. The discussion extends to factors like exercise technique, rep ranges, and even psychological exertion, shedding light on the nuances of fatigue management.

3. Individual Variability

Recognizing that each individual’s response to training differs, Dr. Israetel stresses the significance of personal experimentation. The notion that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise selection becomes apparent, promoting a mindset of continuous exploration to identify exercises that yield the best results for each person.

Deconstructing the Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio

The Role of Psychological Exertion

Dr. Israetel draws parallels between physical and psychological exertion, highlighting the need for a strategic approach to hard work. The analogy of billionaires working smarter for millions versus grinding for a dollar underscores the importance of efficiency in training. Balancing hard work with intelligent exercise selection becomes pivotal in maximizing results.

Unpacking Systemic Fatigue

Beyond localized fatigue, Dr. Israetel introduces the concept of systemic fatigue—a broader phenomenon affecting the nervous system and hormones. Understanding the interplay between exercises and their impact on systemic fatigue is crucial for comprehensive workout planning. The analogy of sequential exercises exemplifies how some movements can lead to disproportionate fatigue in unrelated muscle groups.

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Practical Application: Choosing Exercises Wisely

Evaluating Exercise Candidates

To navigate the vast array of available exercises, Dr. Israetel proposes a systematic approach. The Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio becomes a guiding metric, helping individuals rank exercises based on their effectiveness and impact on fatigue. The goal is to identify exercises that provide maximal stimulus with minimal unwanted fatigue.

Adapting to Change

The fitness journey is dynamic, and so are our bodies. Dr. Israetel emphasizes the fluidity of SFR, acknowledging that exercises can become stale over time. However, reintroducing exercises after a hiatus can reinvigorate their effectiveness. The analogy of a ‘refreshing’ exercise resonates, likening it to the reappearance of an old acquaintance in one’s life.

The Gray Area: Exercises with Poor SFR

Acknowledging that not all exercises are created equal, Dr. Israetel conveys the importance of avoiding exercises with consistently poor SFRs. He underscores the necessity of a flexible approach, occasionally revisiting less effective exercises while maintaining a primary focus on those with superior ratios.

A Holistic Approach to Muscle Growth

In conclusion, Dr. Mike Israetel’s insights on Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio provide a holistic framework for optimizing muscle growth. Balancing hard work with strategic exercise selection, minimizing unnecessary fatigue, and adapting to the evolving nature of the fitness journey are key takeaways. This guide serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to sculpt their bodies intelligently, emphasizing the importance of personalized experimentation and continuous refinement.

If you want, you can watch Mike Israetel’s video explaining all of what you’ve read above in deeper detail – and with his usual dark humour every once in a while. It is full of insight and, perhaps, even more elaborate and clearer for you to understand how to choose the right exercise for you.

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Maintaining a healthy life with fitness is crucial for a multitude of reasons that span physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are several key reasons why prioritizing fitness is important:

  1. Physical Health:
    • Disease Prevention: Regular physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
    • Weight Management: Fitness contributes to weight control, aiding in the prevention of obesity and associated health issues.
  2. Cardiovascular Health:
    • Heart Health: Exercise strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation, and helps maintain healthy blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Mental Health:
    • Stress Reduction: Physical activity is a natural stress reliever, helping to reduce cortisol levels and improve overall mood.
    • Cognitive Function: Regular exercise is associated with improved cognitive function, memory, and a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
  4. Emotional Well-Being:
    • Mood Enhancement: Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being.
    • Better Sleep: Regular exercise can improve the quality of sleep, promoting overall mental and physical recovery.
  5. Enhanced Quality of Life:
    • Increased Energy: Fitness contributes to higher energy levels, making daily activities more manageable and enjoyable.
    • Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Regular movement and exercise enhance flexibility, coordination, and overall mobility, ensuring a more active lifestyle.
  6. Longevity:
    • Life Expectancy: Leading a healthy and active life is linked to increased life expectancy, promoting a longer, more fulfilling life.
  7. Social Benefits:
    • Community Engagement: Participating in fitness activities often involves social interaction, fostering a sense of community and support.
    • Team Building: Group fitness activities can strengthen social bonds, contributing to a sense of belonging.
  8. Disease Management:
    • Chronic Disease Support: For individuals managing chronic conditions, exercise can play a vital role in symptom management and overall health improvement.
  9. Boosted Immune System:
    • Enhanced Immunity: Regular exercise contributes to a stronger immune system, reducing the likelihood of illness.
  10. Stress Resilience:
    • Coping Mechanism: Physical activity provides an outlet for stress, helping individuals build resilience and cope with life’s challenges.

In essence, maintaining a healthy life with fitness is a holistic approach that not only addresses physical health but also contributes significantly to mental and emotional well-being. It is a powerful tool for preventing diseases, enhancing longevity, and improving the overall quality of life.

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The Best Exercises for Great Health and a Longer Life Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Do you know the best exercises for great health and a longer life? Could it be running, swimming, weightlifting, jump rope? You will find out more info below.

In a recent discussion between renowned neuroscientist Andrew Huberman and longevity expert Peter Attia, the conversation delved into the key factors influencing lifespan and strategies for promoting longevity. The duo explored various aspects, including the impact of smoking, differences between cannabis and nicotine, and the prime movers for longevity. In this article, we will dissect the insightful conversation and uncover the secrets to living a longer and healthier life.

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has a YouTube channel named Huberman Lab with over 3 million subscribers where he talks everything about the brain and, often enough, how to improve one’s health and fitness with it.

Peter Attia is a prominent figure in longevity, health optimization, and medicine. Through his medical practice and involvement in research initiatives, Attia focuses on extending lifespan and improving quality of life. A thought leader in health and wellness, he communicates complex medical concepts effectively, emphasizing the significance of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices in optimizing health and longevity.

Source: Kampus Production on Pexels

So let’s dig deep and find out what they talked about when the conversation revolved around the best exercises for great health and a longer life.

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The Best Exercises for Great Health and a Longer Life

Huberman and Attia kicked off their discussion by highlighting the well-established risks of smoking, emphasizing that it increases the risk of all-cause mortality (ACM) by approximately 40%. Attia clarified that this doesn’t necessarily mean a 40% reduction in lifespan but rather a 40% greater risk of death at any given time compared to non-smokers. The duo agreed on the importance of distinguishing between cannabis and nicotine when discussing smoking’s impact on longevity.

Other Health Risks and Solutions:

Moving beyond smoking, Huberman and Attia delved into other factors influencing ACM, such as high blood pressure and end-stage kidney disease. They revealed that high blood pressure contributes to a 20-25% increase in ACM, while end-stage kidney disease, often linked to uncontrolled hypertension and type 2 diabetes, sees a staggering 175% increase.

The Role of Strength and Muscle Mass:

Shifting the focus to positive interventions, the conversation turned to the importance of strength and muscle mass. Attia presented data comparing low muscle mass individuals to high muscle mass individuals, showing a significant 3x improvement in ACM for those with greater muscle mass. He noted that strength, rather than just muscle mass, plays a crucial role, with a hazard ratio of 3.5x indicating a 250% greater risk for those with low strength.

Cardiorespiratory fitness emerged as a powerful determinant of longevity.

In the conversation between Andrew Huberman and Peter Attia, they discuss VO2 max as a crucial metric for cardiovascular fitness. Attia mentions that individuals can estimate their VO2 max by looking at charts available online, which typically involve inputting data related to their activity, such as running, biking, or rowing.

Person in lake swimming

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Attia suggests that achieving specific milestones in activities like running can provide an indication of one’s VO2 max. “At least to the 75th percentile,” he says. For instance, he mentions that running a mile within a certain time frame can be a good indicator. Attia also refers to charts available on his podcast that showcase VO2 max values based on age and sex.

It’s important to note that VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during intense exercise and is often considered a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness. The specific benchmarks for VO2 max can vary, but generally, higher values are associated with better cardiovascular health and endurance.

Attia discussed the profound impact of cardiorespiratory fitness on ACM, highlighting a 2x difference between individuals in the bottom 25% and those at the 50th to 75th percentile. Comparing the bottom 25% to the top 2.5%, a remarkable 5x difference in ACM was observed, indicating a 400% reduction in mortality risk for those in the elite category.

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Strategies for Improvement:

Huberman and Attia concluded by discussing actionable steps for enhancing longevity. Attia proposed “Attia’s rule,” suggesting that discussions about supplements and nutrition should only follow once individuals have achieved certain fitness benchmarks. The benchmarks included metrics like dead hangs, wall sits, and cardiovascular endurance, providing a tangible roadmap for individuals aspiring to live longer and healthier lives.

In the context of “Attia’s Rule,” while the exact duration or intensity may vary based on factors such as age and gender, Attia suggests the following benchmarks:

  1. Dead Hangs:
    • Goal: Individuals should aim to perform dead hangs for a specific duration.
    • Example: Attia mentions a goal of a minute or more for a dead hang.
  2. Wall Sits (or Air Squats):
    • Goal: Performing a wall sit or air squat at a specific degree for a defined duration.
    • Example: Two minutes for a wall sit or air squat at 90 degrees may be a standard benchmark.
  3. Cardiovascular Endurance:
    • Goal: Achieving a certain level of cardiovascular fitness, often measured by running a mile within a specific time frame.
    • Example: Running a mile in seven minutes or less may be indicative of the desired cardiovascular fitness level.
Dead hang with one arm.

What Happens to Your Body When You Hang Every Day?

These benchmarks serve as prerequisites, indicating that individuals should meet these fitness goals before delving into in-depth discussions about nutritional strategies and supplementation. The specific duration or intensity can be adjusted based on individual factors such as age, gender, and overall fitness level. Attia’s emphasis is on establishing a foundational level of physical fitness before exploring finer details of dietary interventions.

The conversation between Andrew Huberman and Peter Attia unveiled valuable insights into the factors influencing longevity and practical strategies for promoting a healthier and longer life. From the risks of smoking to the positive impact of strength and cardiorespiratory fitness, their discussion serves as a roadmap for individuals seeking to optimize their health and extend their lifespan.

It might be easier and better for you to listen to their entire conversation, which you can do in the video below.

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Why Is It Important to Maintain a Healthy Life Through Fitness

Maintaining a healthy life with fitness is crucial for a multitude of reasons that span physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are several key reasons why prioritizing fitness is important:

  1. Physical Health:
    • Disease Prevention: Regular physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
    • Weight Management: Fitness contributes to weight control, aiding in the prevention of obesity and associated health issues.
  2. Cardiovascular Health:
    • Heart Health: Exercise strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation, and helps maintain healthy blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Mental Health:
    • Stress Reduction: Physical activity is a natural stress reliever, helping to reduce cortisol levels and improve overall mood.
    • Cognitive Function: Regular exercise is associated with improved cognitive function, memory, and a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
  4. Emotional Well-Being:
    • Mood Enhancement: Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being.
    • Better Sleep: Regular exercise can improve the quality of sleep, promoting overall mental and physical recovery.
  5. Enhanced Quality of Life:
    • Increased Energy: Fitness contributes to higher energy levels, making daily activities more manageable and enjoyable.
    • Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Regular movement and exercise enhance flexibility, coordination, and overall mobility, ensuring a more active lifestyle.
  6. Longevity:
    • Life Expectancy: Leading a healthy and active life is linked to increased life expectancy, promoting a longer, more fulfilling life.
  7. Social Benefits:
    • Community Engagement: Participating in fitness activities often involves social interaction, fostering a sense of community and support.
    • Team Building: Group fitness activities can strengthen social bonds, contributing to a sense of belonging.
  8. Disease Management:
    • Chronic Disease Support: For individuals managing chronic conditions, exercise can play a vital role in symptom management and overall health improvement.
  9. Boosted Immune System:
    • Enhanced Immunity: Regular exercise contributes to a stronger immune system, reducing the likelihood of illness.
  10. Stress Resilience:
    • Coping Mechanism: Physical activity provides an outlet for stress, helping individuals build resilience and cope with life’s challenges.

In essence, maintaining a healthy life with fitness is a holistic approach that not only addresses physical health but also contributes significantly to mental and emotional well-being. It is a powerful tool for preventing diseases, enhancing longevity, and improving the overall quality of life.

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5 Things You Should Do To Get Ripped in 2024 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Looking better in a swimsuit or with clothes on is a goal for many people. To do that, there are some things you should be doing to get ripped. Here is a list of 5 things you should do to get ripped in 2024.

In a fitness landscape saturated with quick fixes and conflicting advice, the pursuit of a ripped physique can feel like an elusive goal. The promise of magic solutions often overshadows the fundamental principles that truly contribute to sustainable fitness. In this in-depth guide, we aim to cut through the noise and shed light on the science-backed strategies that pave the way to a lean and chiselled body.

Embarking on the journey to get ripped is not just about following the latest fads; it’s a commitment to understanding the intricacies of your body and adopting a holistic approach to health. Too often, individuals find themselves entangled in a web of misinformation, attempting extreme measures that provide short-term results at best. However, the journey to a truly ripped physique demands a deeper understanding of the body’s mechanisms and a commitment to practices that stand the test of time.

The quest for a shredded physique is not just about aesthetics; it’s a testament to discipline, dedication, and a profound understanding of how our bodies function. As we delve into the core principles of getting ripped, it’s essential to approach the process with a mindset that values long-term well-being over fleeting transformations.

The information for this article is based on a video and knowledge of Jeff Cavaliere. Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, where we strip away the gimmicks and focus on the science behind strength, muscle definition, and sustained fitness. The road to a ripped physique is not a sprint; it’s a marathon that requires a thoughtful and informed approach. Buckle up as we navigate through the intricacies of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices that will set you on the path to achieving and maintaining a lean and strong physique.

5 Things You Should Do To Get Ripped in 2024

  1. Juice Fast Every 17 Weeks: Try fasting with juice every 17 weeks to help your body clean out damaged cells, promoting muscle repair.
  2. Fasted Cardio Every Other Day: Work out on an empty stomach every other day to burn stored fat and make your workouts more effective.
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar Boost: Start your day with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 30 minutes after waking. It helps digestion, stabilizes blood sugar, and aids weight loss.
  4. No Eating After 6 PM: Avoid eating after 6 PM to stay in tune with your body’s natural rhythm and prevent overeating at night.
  5. Consider Low-Dose Tren with TRT: Consult a healthcare professional before exploring low-dose Tren with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for a potential boost in achieving a ripped physique.

REALLY?! Is that all you need to do? No. No. And NO! Before you click away and call your doctor about testosterone replacement therapy, read more below. We beg you.

Read More: How to Shed Fat and Completely Transform Your Body

lower abs workouts

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – the unexpected twist in the list. The truth is, the initial five principles were a playful setup by Jeff Cavaliere.

And we at BOXROX also wouldn’t tell you to do those things listed above. It is more a catch to see if people are actually paying attention to what they read online and follow through.

To get ripped in 2024, you need to make sure you have a sustainable and realistic approach to changing how you look at the moment. And the real 5 things you should be doing to achieve that are below:

  1. Embrace Nutrition, Not Dieting

Ditch the concept of “dieting.” Those who stay lean year-round view nutrition as a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. Focus on fuelling your body with nutrient-dense foods that support your fitness goals. Shift your mindset from deprivation to sustainable, long-term choices.

  1. Hydration Matters

Drinking an adequate amount of water is not just standard advice; it’s a game-changer. Staying hydrated helps distinguish between thirst and hunger, leading to smarter food choices. Additionally, proper hydration boosts energy levels, enhancing overall performance during workouts.

  1. Prioritize Weight Training Over Cardio

Contrary to common belief, prioritize high-intensity weight training over cardio. Building lean muscle through weight training improves insulin sensitivity, metabolic rate, and overall body composition. It’s the key to long-term success in staying lean.

Source: Sule Makaroglu on Unsplash
  1. Command the Weights You Lift

Lift weights that challenge you appropriately, focusing on form over sheer strength. Prioritize controlled movements to avoid injuries that could derail your consistency. Remember, injuries are a fast track from being in shape to falling off the fitness wagon.

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  1. Consistency Is the Ultimate Key

The magic lies in consistency, but it’s not about forcing yourself into unsustainable routines. Find an enjoyable style of eating and training that aligns with your preferences. Consistency becomes effortless when your habits are sustainable and bring you joy.

Getting ripped is not about quick fixes or extreme measures. It’s about adopting sustainable habits that align with your body and lifestyle. Embrace a nutrition-focused approach, prioritize hydration, choose weight training over excessive cardio, lift weights responsibly, and above all, be consistent. This ‘No Bullshit’ guide ensures long-term success on your journey to a lean and ripped physique.

Watch Cavaliere’s video below to get a better understanding of the 5 things you should do to get ripped in 2024.

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Time: The Ultimate Weapon for Long-Term Muscle Gains Sun, 31 Dec 2023 18:30:00 +0000 Do you know what is the ultimate weapon for long-term muscle gains? It is time! Keep reading to understand everything about it, how to navigate and get the results you want for longer.

In the fitness world, we often focus on calories, training, and protein intake. However, one crucial factor is often overlooked—the impact of time. While the fundamentals set the stage for progress, time plays a significant role in the journey of physical transformation.

Imagine having a well-crafted workout routine, dialed-in nutrition, and a commitment to a caloric surplus. You’re excited about the prospect of a transformed physique. What’s crucial to grasp is that this transformation is not a quick process. It’s a gradual masterpiece, taking months and years to fully unfold and showcase its brilliance.

The information below was retrieved from a video uploaded by Dr. Mike Israetel. Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

athlete performs barbell press

So let’s dive deep into the important of time to build muscle and how to achieve muscle gains with a long-term perspective in mind.

Time: The Ultimate Weapon for Long-Term Muscle Gains

Once the basics are in place, results start to emerge. Yet, the most impressive transformations take time—often measured in months and years, not days or weeks. It’s common to encounter individuals in peak physical condition and wonder, “How did they achieve that?” The answer, more often than not, involves a substantial investment of time.

In a society that often seeks quick fixes, it’s vital to understand that the road to optimal fitness is a gradual process. When asked about their lifting journey, some may wish for a shorter timeline, anticipating a response in terms of months rather than years. The reality is that reaching peak fitness involves a commitment of multiple years, not merely a handful of months.

Quick Wins vs. Long-Term Gains

Certain aspects of fitness can be achieved relatively quickly. For instance, shedding 10% of body weight in a few months is feasible with the right approach. However, if the goal involves a more substantial weight loss, the process becomes a series of sequential fat loss phases with equally lengthy maintenance intervals, spanning years.

Similarly, gaining muscle mass is a time-intensive endeavour. Achieving your genetic potential or something close to it demands consistent training for a minimum of 5 to 10 years. This reality check is essential when setting fitness goals. If the aim is a quick transformation for a specific event, it might be attainable. However, for substantial muscle gain or reaching genetic potential, a long-term perspective is crucial.

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Understanding the Time Investment

Imagine being asked about the duration of your lifting journey, and when you respond with multiple decades, the inquirer is taken aback. The truth is, the process of building an impressive physique takes time—years of dedicated training. It’s comparable to boarding a plane and understanding that take off doesn’t occur immediately upon settling into your seat. Similarly, the journey to a transformed physique is a gradual ascent, not an instant lift-off.

Patience and the Plateau Phenomenon

Gaining muscle slowly can be disheartening for some. Thoughts of questioning progress or effectiveness may creep in. However, it’s essential to recognize that this plateau phenomenon is a shared experience among those on the fitness journey. Understanding that this process takes time is key to overcoming potential demotivation.

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Furthermore, the knowledge that achieving a certain level of fitness makes subsequent returns to that level more manageable is empowering. If a hiatus from training occurs, reclaiming previous fitness levels is a shorter endeavour. However, the initial climb to that level takes years of consistent effort.

Keys to a Realistic Fitness Journey

To embark on a fitness journey realistically, one must establish a sustainable, long-term plan. It’s not a sprint but a marathon. The notion of lifting weights for a few months and expecting extraordinary results is a misconception. Instead, the emphasis should be on committing to the long haul.

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels
This photo shows what is probably not a realistic goal for you…

Equally crucial is finding enjoyment in the process. Whether it’s lifting weights, following a CrossFit regimen, or engaging in any fitness activity, deriving pleasure from the journey is paramount. Sustainability hinges on enjoyment, ensuring that the process isn’t a dreaded routine but a fulfilling endeavour.

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In conclusion, the importance of time in fitness pursuits cannot be overstated. While the basics lay the foundation, it’s the persistent, long-term commitment that yields remarkable results. The journey to peak fitness is a marathon, not a sprint.

By understanding and embracing the time variable, setting realistic expectations, and finding joy in the process, individuals can navigate their fitness journey with resilience and achieve enduring success. Remember, time is not an obstacle; it’s an ally in the pursuit of optimal fitness.

Watch the video below for Israetel’s full explanation on the ultimate weapon for long-term muscle gain: time itself.

From Training to Failure to Eating Clean: Explaining Controversial Fitness Topics

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Regular strength training is like depositing money in a long-term investment account—you might not see massive gains immediately, but over time, the dividends are significant. Here’s a breakdown of why training regularly is crucial for strength gains:

1. Progressive Overload: Strength gains stem from challenging your muscles progressively. Regular training allows you to incrementally increase the resistance, whether it’s lifting heavier weights, doing more reps, or altering your workout intensity. This consistent challenge promotes muscle adaptation and growth.

2. Neural Adaptations: Strength isn’t solely about muscle size; it involves the nervous system. Regular training enhances neural adaptations, improving the efficiency of signaling between your brain and muscles. This results in more synchronized and powerful muscle contractions, leading to increased strength.

3. Muscle Hypertrophy: Frequent training induces muscle hypertrophy, the process of muscle fibers increasing in size. Over time, this growth contributes significantly to your overall strength. Regular workouts ensure a continuous stimulus for muscle growth, maximizing your strength potential.

Best Science Based Dumbbell Biceps Workout for Size and ShapeSource: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

4. Skill Acquisition: Strength training is a skill that improves with practice. Consistent training refines your technique, helping you lift more efficiently and with proper form. This not only prevents injuries but also ensures that each workout contributes optimally to your strength gains.

5. Preventing Detraining Effects: Muscles have a “use it or lose it” tendency. Regular training prevents detraining effects, where gains diminish if you take extended breaks. By consistently challenging your muscles, you maintain and build upon the strength you’ve gained.

6. Hormonal Responses: Regular strength training influences hormonal responses, including increased testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a vital role in muscle protein synthesis and, consequently, strength development. Consistent workouts help maintain an optimal hormonal environment for muscle growth.

7. Psychological Benefits: Strength training is not just a physical pursuit—it’s a mental one too. Regularly overcoming challenges in the gym boosts confidence and mental resilience. This positive mindset can translate into better performance and dedication to your strength training routine.

8. Adaptation and Recovery: Consistency allows your body to adapt to the stress of strength training and recover efficiently. Over time, your muscles become more adept at handling the demands of your workouts, minimizing the risk of overtraining and maximizing the benefits of recovery.

9. Long-Term Progression: Strength gains are a long-term game. Regular training establishes a foundation for sustained progression. It’s not just about short-term goals; it’s about building a stronger version of yourself over months and years.

In essence, the importance of training regularly for strength gains lies in the cumulative effects of consistent effort. Like a sculptor chiseling away at a masterpiece, each workout molds and refines your strength, gradually revealing a more powerful, resilient, and capable version of yourself.

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The Truth About Training to Failure Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Learn the truth about training to failure in the next few paragraphs. What? You think you know everything there is to know? Think again…

In the dynamic landscape of fitness and muscle development, navigating through the plethora of training philosophies can be as challenging as a grueling workout itself. Among the myriad beliefs that circulate, one myth stands out prominently—that training to failure is the ultimate secret to unlocking the full potential of muscle hypertrophy. In today’s exploration, we aim to dissect this pervasive myth, unravel its origins, and shed light on the realities that lie beneath the surface of this popular yet controversial notion.

The information below was retrieved from a video uploaded by Dr. Mike Israetel. Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

The question of whether to train to failure in pursuit of muscle growth is a perennial topic in the fitness realm. It’s a query that sparks debates among enthusiasts, with opinions scattered across the spectrum. Is training to failure a vital component for achieving substantial gains, or does it pose risks that outweigh the benefits? The answer, it turns out, is nuanced and contingent on various factors, making it a complex decision that lacks a universal solution. However, what remains clear is that achieving significant muscle gains doesn’t inherently hinge on pushing yourself to the absolute limit in every workout.

The concept of training to failure is familiar, yet its interpretation can vary widely. While the phrase carries a straightforward meaning, its application in practice is subject to diverse explanations and approaches. Deciphering the question of whether one should train to failure is no easy feat, and the absence of a one-size-fits-all solution adds an additional layer of complexity to the discussion.

At its core, training to failure involves performing an exercise until the point of momentary muscular failure—reaching the limit where you can no longer complete a repetition with proper form. This approach is often seen as a means to elicit maximum muscle stimulation, pushing the body to its physiological boundaries. However, the key consideration lies in the balance between the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with training to failure.

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Best Science Based Dumbbell Biceps Workout for Size and ShapeSource: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

On one hand, proponents argue that training to failure can provide a heightened stimulus for muscle growth, emphasizing the recruitment of muscle fibres and fostering increased muscle engagement. On the other hand, sceptics raise concerns about the potential for excessive fatigue, increased risk of injury, and the sustainability of such an intense training style over the long term.

So what is the truth about training to failure? Let’s dig deeper into it in the following paragraphs.

The Truth About Training to Failure

The common belief is that one must push themselves to the absolute limit, reaching failure in every workout, to maximize muscle growth. This idea is often perpetuated across social media platforms, where fitness enthusiasts share their opinions on training philosophies. The notion extends to differentiating between natural lifters and those allegedly taking shortcuts with performance-enhancing substances.

The Good Points:

While there are some valid arguments for occasionally training close to failure, especially for intermediate and advanced lifters, it’s essential to dispel the notion that failure training is a one-size-fits-all solution.

  1. Testing Boundaries: Training close to failure helps individuals understand their limits and ensures they are truly pushing themselves hard enough to stimulate growth.
  2. Share Testing: Incorporating failure training at the end of a mesocycle allows individuals to assess their progress accurately and make necessary adjustments to their training routine.

The Bad Stuff:

The myth falls apart when we consider the drawbacks of advocating for constant failure training, particularly for beginners.

  1. Beginner Growth: Beginners experience substantial growth even without training to failure. Training with a few reps in reserve is more suitable for their level, preventing injury and allowing them to focus on learning proper lifting technique.
  2. Technique Breakdown: Training to failure can compromise lifting technique, especially for beginners. Keeping a few reps in reserve ensures proper form and reduces the risk of developing poor habits that could lead to injuries later on.
  3. Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio: The body of literature suggests that training with 2-3 reps in reserve is optimal for growth over a training program. Training to failure may provide a higher raw stimulus, but the increased fatigue outweighs the benefits, making it less sustainable in the long run.

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Real Talk:

Optimal hypertrophy requires a nuanced approach. While occasional close-to-failure training may be beneficial, it’s crucial to consider individual factors, such as experience level, recovery capacity, and training volume. The myth of mandatory failure training should be challenged, and a more thoughtful, evidence-based approach should guide our fitness endeavours.

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In the quest for muscle growth and overall well-being, understanding the nuances of training methodologies is crucial. Instead of blindly adhering to myths, individuals should adopt an informed and balanced approach that aligns with their goals, experience, and physiological responses.

Remember, the key to sustainable and effective muscle growth lies in evidence-based practices rather than one-size-fits-all myths.

Watch the video below for Israetel deeper explanation and acid humour regarding the truth about training to failure.

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How to Make Muscle Gains At Every Level

Engaging in regular physical activity, also known as training, is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. It offers a myriad of benefits that encompass physical, mental, and emotional aspects of life. Incorporating training into one’s routine can significantly enhance the quality of life and promote longevity.

One of the most compelling reasons to train is its positive impact on physical health. Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. It also strengthens bones and muscles, decreasing the likelihood of osteoporosis and sarcopenia, age-related conditions that affect bone density and muscle mass, respectively. Additionally, training promotes weight management and reduces the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Apart from its physical benefits, training also plays a crucial role in mental well-being. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, natural painkillers that elevate mood and reduce stress. It also promotes better sleep, enhances cognitive function, and boosts self-esteem. Regular training can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Muscle fatigueSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

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Emotional well-being is another area where training has a profound impact. Physical activity provides an outlet for stress and frustration, allowing individuals to manage emotions effectively. It also fosters a sense of accomplishment and pride, contributing to a positive self-image. Training can strengthen social connections and build camaraderie, providing a sense of belonging and support.

Moreover, training enhances productivity and performance in various aspects of life. Regular physical activity improves energy levels, focus, and concentration, leading to better performance at work, school, and in daily activities. It also reduces absenteeism and promotes overall well-being, contributing to a more productive and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the benefits of training extend far beyond physical fitness. It is a holistic approach to health and well-being, positively impacting physical, mental, and emotional aspects of life. Engaging in regular physical activity is an investment in one’s overall health and longevity, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Should You Train to Failure?

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Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for Beginners Sun, 31 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 If you want to build more muscle then add these great tips into your life and training.

What are the Benefits of Having More Muscle Mass?

Having more muscle mass can provide a variety of benefits for your health and overall well-being. Here are some of the potential benefits of increasing your muscle mass:

Increased metabolic rate: Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, so having more muscle can increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body burns at rest. This can help you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re not exercising.

Abs for beginnersSource: Amanjot Singh / Pexels

Improved body composition: By increasing your muscle mass, you can decrease your body fat percentage and improve your body composition. This can help you look leaner and more toned.

Better insulin sensitivity: Muscle tissue is better at using glucose than fat tissue, so having more muscle can improve your insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. This can help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Increased strength and physical performance: Having more muscle can improve your strength and physical performance, making it easier to perform daily activities, exercise, and participate in sports.

Reduced risk of injury: Stronger muscles can help stabilize your joints and reduce your risk of injury during physical activity.

Improved bone health: Resistance training, which is used to build muscle, can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Improved mood: Exercise and physical activity, including resistance training, can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

It’s important to note that increasing your muscle mass requires a combination of resistance training, adequate protein intake, and proper recovery. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program.

Max Posternak is a personal trainer and fitness coach who runs the Gravity Transformation YouTube channel. The channel is dedicated to providing workout routines, diet and nutrition advice, and fitness tips to help people achieve their health and fitness goals. Max has a background in exercise science and has worked with a variety of clients, from beginners to professional athletes.


What Does Hypertrophy Mean?

Hypertrophy is a term used in biology and medicine to describe the enlargement or growth of cells, tissues, or organs in response to an increase in workload or stimulation. In the context of muscle tissue, hypertrophy refers to the increase in size and volume of muscle fibres in response to strength training or resistance exercise.

During resistance training, muscle fibres experience microscopic damage or tears, which triggers a repair process called muscle protein synthesis. This repair process involves the activation of satellite cells, which fuse to the muscle fibres and add new contractile proteins, resulting in the growth and enlargement of muscle cells. This process is known as hypertrophy.

There are two types of hypertrophy: myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Myofibrillar hypertrophy involves an increase in the number of myofibrils (the contractile units of muscle fibres), resulting in greater muscle strength and power. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy involves an increase in the amount of non-contractile protein and fluid (sarcoplasm) within the muscle fibres, resulting in larger, more visually impressive muscles.

Hypertrophy can be achieved through a variety of resistance training methods, including weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band training. Proper nutrition and recovery are also important for promoting muscle hypertrophy.

Why is Protein Important for Building Muscle?

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. During resistance training or other forms of exercise that cause muscle damage, small tears occur in the muscle fibres. The body responds to this damage by initiating the process of muscle protein synthesis, which requires amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

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Protein is made up of amino acids, which are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. When we consume protein, it is broken down into individual amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. These amino acids are then used by the body to repair and rebuild muscle tissue, helping to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

Research has shown that consuming adequate amounts of protein is crucial for promoting muscle growth and repair. In fact, studies have found that consuming protein before and after exercise can increase muscle protein synthesis and lead to greater gains in muscle mass and strength.

In addition to its role in muscle growth and repair, protein also plays a number of other important roles in the body, including supporting immune function, maintaining healthy skin and hair, and producing enzymes and hormones. It is recommended that adults consume a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, but those who engage in regular resistance training may need to consume more to support muscle growth and repair.

Why is Good Sleep Vital for Muscle Growth?

Good sleep is vital for muscle growth and recovery for several reasons:

Hormone production: During deep sleep, the body produces human growth hormone (HGH), which plays a critical role in muscle growth and repair. HGH helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is necessary for building new muscle tissue.

Muscle repair: During sleep, the body repairs damaged muscle tissue that occurs during exercise. Without adequate sleep, the body may not have enough time to repair muscle tissue properly, which can impede muscle growth.

Energy restoration: Sleep is crucial for restoring energy levels, allowing the body to perform at its best during exercise. Without adequate sleep, energy levels may be lower, leading to decreased workout intensity and reduced muscle growth.

Stress reduction: Lack of sleep can increase stress levels, which can have a negative impact on muscle growth. High levels of stress can increase the production of cortisol, a hormone that can break down muscle tissue and impede muscle growth.

Improved mental function: Good sleep is also important for mental function, which can impact motivation and focus during workouts. A lack of sleep can lead to decreased motivation and reduced workout intensity, which can impede muscle growth.

In summary, good sleep is critical for muscle growth and recovery. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to ensure optimal muscle growth and recovery.

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Train Like Bruce Lee

5 Greatest Fat Burning Exercises To Do At Home Sat, 30 Dec 2023 02:30:00 +0000 Lose unwanted weight by performing any, or all, of these greatest fat burning exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own house.

Here is some quick info for your fitness mentality: If you want to have a six-pack or show off a strong athletic body, you should focus on losing weight. Actually, not just any weight, but rather lose body fat.

You already have abs and chances are you cannot see them because there is a layer of fat on top of them. The same can be said about any other muscle in your body. The muscle is there, you just need to lose that extra layer of fat.

greatest fat burning exercises

And how do you do that? Simple (or not so simple, but rather easy to know)! By choosing the correct movements to burn the most calories in the least amount of time. And that is where this list of the 5 greatest fat burning exercises can help you out. And yes, you can do them from home. It requires just a pair of dumbbells, but you actually wouldn’t even need it if you don’t have one.

Interested? Then let’s see these 5 greatest fat burning exercises to do at home.

5 Greatest Fat Burning Exercises To Do At Home

This list of the 5 greatest fat burning exercises was first created by Max Posternak, creator and founder of  Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight.

With no more delays, here is the full list of the 5 greatest fat burning exercises!

Source: Li Sun on Pexels

1. Step Up and Over + Mountain Climbers

  • Do four step up and over and then proceed with 4 mountain climbers

Okay, technically these are two exercises bundled into one, but it is one of the greatest fat burning exercises you can do from your living room. Just grab a pair of dumbbells, hold them next to your body, and use a chair or box to step up and over sideways.

Mountain climbers don’t need to be explosive but make sure you are moving all the time to burn calories non-stop.

2. Mayweather Stand Up

Similar to a sit-up, but you will be standing tall at the end of the movement. This exercise burns a lot of fat because it requires many muscles to work together and your heart rate will quickly go up.

Lay on the ground with a weight above your head. Swing the weight towards your feet as you sit up, bring the weight in front of you and stand up tall. Squat and sit back down to repeat the movement.

3. Kneel Down + Squat Jump (Alternating)

  • Do four kneel downs (two from each leg) and one squat jump

Another combination of movements to feature this list of 5 greatest fat burning exercises to do at home. And again, you will need a pair of dumbbells to increase resistance and burn more calories while performing the exercise.

With a pair of dumbbells, kneel down to a lunge position, then both knees on the ground, and then go back up. Repeat it once more before moving on to the squat jump.

4. Sprawl + Alternating Sit Throughs

It might look complicated, but it is fairly simple and a great fat burning exercise once you get the hang of it. Sprawl down, but before you come back up, kick one leg to the opposing side and do the same with the other leg.

A heart rate up means you will burn more calories and also live longer and healthier.

5. Burpee (Weighted)

athlete does bar facing burpee ukraine Training Principles you Should Apply to YourselfSource: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

I mean, you knew this was coming. The burpee is amazing for losing weight and it couldn’t be out of this list of the greatest fat burning exercises to do at home. And how to make this exercise better than it already is? Simply add weight to it. If you have a weighted vest, this is ideal, or have a backpack with books inside or do like Max Posternak and simply hold the same pair of dumbbells with you while performing the movements.

The faster you go with the burpee, the more your heart rate will shoot up. You can combine this exercise with different styles if you want:

  • as an EMOM (every minute on the minute) so that you perform a number of burpees every minute and rest for the remainder of the time.
  • make it a HIIT Tabata-style – perform as many burpees as possible for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds, do a total of 8 rounds like this.
  • Or simply go for a specific number of burpees you want to do and record how long it takes for you to finish them.

And that was Posternak’s list of the 5 greatest fat burning exercises to do at home. If you want to see how he specifically does each one of these movements, click on the video below.

VIDEO – 5 Greatest Fat Burning Exercises To Do At Home

And those were the 5 greatest fat burning exercises that you can do from home according to Max Posternak. Check out more content from BOXROX that will help you continue losing weight and building muscle to achieve the fitness look you are aiming for.

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More Fat Burning Exercises

If you are serious about losing weight and want to do more than just these greatest fat burning exercises posted above, then you should look into having access to gym equipment.

If you already have access to fitness gear from a gym, then your best and safest bet to lose weight would be to do heavy compound lifts at the beginning of your workout routines.

Compound exercises are effective for building strength because they work multiple muscle groups at once. They also recruit more muscle fibres than isolation exercises do. This means that compound moves build muscle faster and burn more calories over time. Ready to start getting fit? Here are some compound exercises you can add to your workout routine:

Squats are a great exercise for building your legs, butt, and abs. They’re also the most basic compound exercise you can do. If you want to build muscle mass and strength, squats should be at the top of your list of exercises—and there are lots of different squats variations to choose from!

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Barbell back squat

The deadlift targets your core, legs, back and grip strength making it one of the best muscle-building fat-burning exercises you can do. Improving your deadlift will also improve your squats, lunges and rows.

Pull-ups are great exercises to include in your workout routine and they target your back, biceps, lats and abs. You can always modify them to make it easier, in case you don’t have the strength yet to do one.

You can also do chin-ups, a variation that uses more your biceps than your back muscles.

amrap workouts How to Get Wider Lower Lats Pull Up Vs Chin UpSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises among weightlifters. It is the best exercise for chest hypertrophy and you can do them with a barbell for heavier load or dumbbells for a bigger stretch of the pecs.

Conclusion – Greatest Fat Burning Exercises

Add compound movements and do the 5 greatest fat burning exercises exemplified earlier to begin your body transformation and see the results for yourself.

Top 5 Worst Exercises You Might Be Doing (Fitness Coach Opinion) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:30:00 +0000 These are the top 5 worst exercises you might be doing that you should stop (according to a fitness coach).

Embarking on a fitness journey is an exciting venture, but it’s essential to be discerning about the exercises you incorporate into your regimen. In the vast landscape of workout possibilities, some exercises are deemed the worst of the worst, posing potential risks that outweigh their benefits. Whether you aspire to sculpt a ripped physique, build lean muscle, or shed excess weight, steering clear of certain exercises can safeguard you from unnecessary setbacks.

The information for this article is based on a video and knowledge of Jeff Cavaliere. Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

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According to Jeff Cavaliere, evaluating the risk-to-benefit ratio of each exercise is paramount. While these exercises may not universally pose harm, considering their potential risks can guide your decision-making process and help you tailor your workout routine to align with your specific goals.

Let’s delve into the top 5 worst exercises that Jeff Cavaliere suggests you should eliminate from your repertoire.

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Top 5 Worst Exercises You Might Be Doing

1. Chest Flies:

The controversy surrounding chest flies often centers on the idea that they increase chest stretch. However, anatomical constraints limit the stretch in the chest muscles. Flies may unintentionally target the coracobrachialis, increasing the risk of a torn pec, especially with heavy loads and improper form. For a safer alternative, consider exercises like the 3D cable crossover to achieve adduction without the associated risks.

2. Behind-the-Neck Shoulder Press:

lat pulldown exercise

Pushing weights overhead is effective, but the behind-the-neck shoulder press places the shoulders in an abnormal plane of motion. This unnatural position can lead to impingement and decreased activation of the upper traps and serratus anterior. Opting for a shoulder press with elbows in front allows for a more natural movement pattern, reducing the risk of shoulder issues.

3. Upright Rows:

Upright rows are notorious for placing the shoulders in an impingement position, mimicking a clinical test for shoulder impingement. This exercise can lead to overuse injuries and impede long-term shoulder health. Choosing alternative exercises that avoid this provocative position is crucial for preventing shoulder problems down the road.

4. Good Mornings:

While good mornings target the posterior chain, they require proper thoracic extension, an area often limited in individuals who spend significant time sitting. Improper form can lead to excessive stress on the lumbar spine, increasing the risk of injury. Strengthening the lumbar area through alternative exercises that better suit individual mechanics is a safer choice.

5. Leg Extensions:

Dubbed “leg extinctions,” leg extensions can pose risks to the knees due to shearing forces and imbalanced activation between the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and rectus femoris. The absence of co-contraction from the hamstrings further contributes to potential issues. Opt for closed-chain exercises with feet on the ground for a more functional and knee-friendly approach to quad strengthening.

Read More: 7 Leg Press Mistakes and How to Fix Them

In conclusion, being mindful of the exercises you choose significantly impacts your fitness journey. These exercises may not universally harm everyone, but understanding their potential risks empowers you to make informed decisions aligned with your goals while minimizing the likelihood of injury.

For a detailed breakdown of each of these exercises, watch Jeff Cavaliere’s comprehensive explanation in the video below. It’s your guide to making smarter choices for a safer and more effective workout routine.

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How Many Sets Maximise Muscle Growth?

The golden rule of how many sets you should be doing is clear according to fitness coaches. It should be enough to trigger muscle growth, but not too much that would cause so much damage to your muscles that you cannot recover for the next training session.

So, how many sets maximise muscle growth? It also depends on your level of fitness and how often you go to the gym. Per muscle per session, here is what Israetel came up with.

  • Beginners – 1-5 sets per session
  • Intermediate – 2-10 sets per session
  • Advanced – 3-10 sets per session

Start with the lowest number that gets you the “pumped” feeling and add 1 or 2 sets per week as your muscles get used to the work.

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How Heavy Should You Lift When Training for Muscle Growth?

When training for muscle growth (hypertrophy), the weight you lift, often referred to as the training load or intensity, is an important factor to consider. Here are some guidelines to help determine how heavy you should lift:

Use a weight that challenges you: To promote muscle growth, it’s important to use a weight that challenges your muscles. This means selecting a weight that allows you to complete the desired number of repetitions within the hypertrophy rep range (generally 8 to 12 reps) with proper form, while also feeling challenging towards the end of each set.

Choose a weight that elicits fatigue: The weight you select should cause fatigue in the target muscles by the end of each set. You should feel a sense of muscular burn or fatigue during the final few reps, indicating that the weight is appropriately challenging.

Progressive overload: To continue building muscle, it’s crucial to gradually increase the demands on your muscles over time. This can be achieved through progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the weight you lift as your muscles adapt and grow stronger. Aim to progressively increase the weight as you become more comfortable with a certain weight range to continue stimulating muscle growth.

Form and technique: While it’s important to challenge yourself with heavier weights, it’s equally important to prioritize proper form and technique. Lifting weights that are too heavy and compromise your form can increase the risk of injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Focus on maintaining good form throughout each repetition, even when using challenging weights.

biggest bench press mistakesSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

5 Golden Rules for losing fat

How to Build a Bigger Chest at Home in 30 Days

Individual capabilities: The appropriate weight will vary depending on your individual capabilities, strength level, and experience. What may be heavy for one person might be light for another. It’s important to listen to your body and select weights that are appropriate for your current fitness level.

Variation in training: Incorporating a variety of rep ranges and training modalities can be beneficial for overall muscle development. While the hypertrophy rep range (8-12 reps) is commonly associated with muscle growth, including both higher rep ranges (12-15+) and lower rep ranges (6-8) in your training can provide different stimuli and promote well-rounded muscle development.

Remember, finding the right weight is a process of trial and error. Start with a weight that challenges you within the recommended rep range, and adjust as needed based on your individual capabilities and progression. Consulting with a fitness professional or personal trainer can also provide guidance and help you determine the appropriate weight selection for your specific goals and needs.

7 Workout Tips to Increase Metabolism at Any Age

How Many Exercises Do You Need for Optimal Muscle Growth?

The 3 Most Crucial Exercises to Sculpt the Perfect Male Physique Thu, 28 Dec 2023 11:00:00 +0000 In the pursuit of the perfect male physique, the journey often begins within the walls of the gym.

While every individual’s idea of the “perfect” body may differ, there’s no denying the universal appeal of a sculpted and chiseled form that exudes strength and confidence. This quest goes beyond mere aesthetics – it’s about harnessing the power of targeted exercises to transform your body and elevate your sense of self.

In this age of fitness enlightenment, where the boundaries of possibility are constantly being pushed, one fundamental principle remains unwavering: the need for a well-rounded workout routine.

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The art of crafting a physique that turns heads and commands respect requires a symphony of carefully chosen exercises, each designed to amplify specific muscle groups and contribute to the harmonious ensemble that is your body.

From the ripple of well-defined chest muscles to the commanding presence of a V-shaped back, the journey towards the pinnacle of male physique perfection is an intricate dance of dedication, discipline, and informed decision-making. In the pages that follow, we will explore the three most pivotal exercises that serve as the cornerstone of this transformation – the Bench Press, Squats, and Pull-Ups.

These exercises, when executed with precision and integrated into a comprehensive routine, have the power to sculpt a body that not only turns heads but also embodies a true testament to your commitment and hard work.

Rogue Invitational 2021 Best Bodyweight Exercise Technique for Muscle MassSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

So, let us delve into the art and science of building the ideal male physique, one targeted repetition at a time, as we uncover the secrets behind these transformative exercises and learn how to weave them into a holistic workout regimen that celebrates both form and function.

Bench Press: For a Robust Upper Body

The bench press stands as an iconic symbol of upper body strength and development. This compound movement involves lying flat on a bench and pushing a weighted barbell away from the chest.

Its benefits extend far beyond mere aesthetics, promoting muscle growth, strength gains, and enhanced functional fitness. As a cornerstone exercise, the bench press stimulates multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an indispensable addition to any workout routine.

Muscle Groups Targeted (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps):

The bench press is a multi-joint movement that primarily targets the pectoral muscles (chest), anterior deltoids (front shoulders), and triceps. This trio of muscle engagement forms the basis for a well-proportioned and robust upper body.

Proper Technique and Form:

Achieving optimal results from the bench press hinges on impeccable technique. Begin by lying flat on the bench, gripping the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower the bar under control to the mid-chest while maintaining a slight arch in the lower back. Push the bar back up explosively, exhaling as you exert force.

Maintain tension in your core and avoid excessive arching of the back. A spotter can provide invaluable assistance, especially when handling heavy weights.

Variations and Progressions:

Variations of the bench press, such as incline and decline bench presses, offer distinct challenges to muscle groups and can be integrated to prevent plateaus. Progressions involve gradually increasing the weight lifted or performing advanced techniques like paused reps or tempo variations.

Frequency and Sets/Reps Recommendations:

For optimal results, incorporate the bench press into your routine 1-2 times per week, allowing adequate recovery. Beginners can start with 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions, gradually progressing to heavier weights and lower rep ranges as strength improves.

Tips for Maximizing Results:

  • Warm up adequately to prevent injury and enhance performance.
  • Focus on a controlled eccentric (lowering) phase to stimulate muscle growth.
  • Utilize proper grip and hand placement to target specific muscle groups effectively.
  • Gradually increase weights while maintaining proper form to avoid compromising safety.
  • Incorporate accessory exercises like dumbbell presses and flyes to complement bench press gains.
  • Prioritize balanced nutrition and sufficient rest to support muscle recovery and growth.

Mastering the bench press not only cultivates an impressive upper body aesthetic but also strengthens your foundation for a well-rounded physique.

As we delve into the subsequent exercises, remember that the bench press is more than a movement – it’s a key that unlocks the door to unlocking your full upper body potential.

Squats: Building Strong Legs and Core

The squat, often hailed as the “king of all exercises,” holds a special place in the realm of strength and physique development.

It serves as a foundational compound movement that targets multiple muscle groups while promoting functional strength and balance. Incorporating squats into your routine can lead to not only powerful leg development but also a robust core and overall athleticism.

Muscles Engaged (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core):

Squats engage a symphony of muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, forming the foundation of powerful leg development. Additionally, the core muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing your body throughout the movement, enhancing overall strength and posture.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Squats Correctly:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes slightly turned out.
  2. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and maintain a neutral spine.
  3. Initiate the movement by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
  4. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as flexibility allows.
  5. Push through your heels to return to the starting position, engaging your leg muscles and core throughout.

Variations and Adaptations (Front Squats, Back Squats, Goblet Squats):

  • Front Squats: The barbell is held in front of the shoulders, challenging the core and emphasizing the quadriceps.
  • Back Squats: The barbell rests on the upper back, placing greater emphasis on the posterior chain muscles.
  • Goblet Squats: Holding a weight close to your chest adds an element of balance and targets the core.

Integrating Squats into a Comprehensive Workout Plan

To maximize the benefits of squats, incorporate them as a central pillar of your lower body routine.

Pair squats with other compound movements like deadlifts and lunges for a well-rounded lower body workout. Adjust the frequency and intensity based on your fitness level and goals.

Safety Considerations and Injury Prevention:

  • Begin with bodyweight squats to master the form before adding weights.
  • Use proper footwear with a stable sole to support your body during the movement.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and avoid excessive forward lean to prevent lower back strain.
  • Use a spotter or safety bars when lifting heavy weights to prevent injury.
  • Incorporate dynamic warm-up exercises to prepare your muscles and joints before squatting.

Squats are not just about building powerful legs – they cultivate a solid foundation of strength and athleticism.

By mastering proper squat mechanics and exploring variations, you’ll not only forge resilient legs but also elevate your overall physical performance. As we move forward, remember that squats are a dynamic expression of strength and a testament to your dedication to crafting a well-rounded and impressive physique.

Pull-Ups: Developing a V-Shaped Back and Biceps

Pull-ups stand as a quintessential upper body exercise that can significantly elevate your physique. They not only contribute to the coveted V-shaped back but also fortify your biceps and upper back, creating a dynamic and balanced upper body aesthetic.

Targeted Muscle Groups (Lats, Biceps, Upper Back):

Pull-ups are a powerhouse exercise that primarily targets the latissimus dorsi (lats), the large muscles spanning your back. Additionally, your biceps, rear deltoids, and upper back muscles play vital supporting roles in this movement.

Techniques for Mastering Pull-Up Form:

  1. Start by hanging from the bar with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Engage your core and pull your shoulder blades down and back.
  3. Initiate the pull by driving your elbows down, pulling your body towards the bar.
  4. Chin should clear the bar, and your chest should be close to it at the top of the movement.
  5. Lower yourself with control, fully extending your arms.

Progressive Overload and Scaling Options:

Pull-ups can be challenging, especially for beginners. Start with assisted variations using resistance bands or a partner to gradually build strength.

As you progress, focus on increasing the number of repetitions and reducing assistance. Incorporate negative (eccentric) pull-ups for controlled strength development.

Incorporating Pull-Ups into an Overall Upper Body Routine:

Pair pull-ups with other upper body exercises like rows, push-ups, and shoulder presses to create a balanced routine. Utilize pull-ups as a compound movement to kickstart your upper body workouts and stimulate muscle growth.

Common Mistakes to Avoid and Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Using Momentum: Avoid swinging or kipping to generate momentum; focus on controlled movements.
  • Incomplete Range of Motion: Ensure your chin clears the bar at the top and arms are fully extended at the bottom.
  • Over-Gripping: Maintain a comfortable grip without straining your forearms.
  • Neglecting Form: Prioritize proper form over high repetitions to prevent injury and maximize gains.
  • Inadequate Warm-up: Warm up your shoulders, back, and biceps before attempting pull-ups to reduce the risk of strains.

As you embark on your pull-up journey, remember that this exercise epitomizes the concept of bodyweight mastery.

Through consistent practice and progressive challenges, pull-ups not only contribute to an impressive physique but also showcase your dedication to conquering your body’s limits.

By integrating pull-ups into your upper body routine, you are sculpting not only a V-shaped back and strong biceps but also an indomitable spirit of determination and achievement.


In the pursuit of the perfect male physique, the art of transformation hinges upon a foundation of strategic exercise selection, disciplined effort, and unwavering commitment.

Through this exploration of key exercises, namely the Bench Press, Squats, and Pull-Ups, we’ve unraveled the essential elements that contribute to sculpting an awe-inspiring physique that commands attention and respect.

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The Bench Press, a symbol of upper body prowess, targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, creating a canvas of strength and symmetry. Squats, the cornerstone of lower body development, fortify the legs and core while laying the groundwork for an agile and robust physique. Meanwhile, Pull-Ups emerge as the definitive test of upper body strength, forging a V-shaped back and biceps that reflect resilience and dedication.

However, these exercises are more than isolated movements; they form an integral part of a larger narrative – a narrative of consistency, proper form, and a balanced workout regimen.

The journey to an impeccable physique is not a sprint but a marathon, where each repetition and each set contribute to the mosaic of your transformation. Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, enhance aesthetics, or simply improve overall fitness, these exercises stand as pillars of progress, guiding you towards your goals.

male athlete chest workouts How To Bench Press Without Shoulder Pain

In this realm of physical metamorphosis, customization is key. Each individual possesses unique strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations.

As you embark on your own fitness journey, we urge you to take these exercises as guiding stars and tailor them to suit your personal goals and fitness levels. Consider your own body’s responses and adjust the frequency, intensity, and variations to find the perfect blend that aligns with your aspirations.

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (BEST TO WORSE)

Remember, the journey to the perfect male physique is not about perfection itself; it’s about embracing the process, celebrating every milestone, and relishing in the incremental changes that culminate in a body that speaks volumes about your dedication and resilience.

So, embark on this journey with determination, be your own sculptor, and let the symphony of the Bench Press, Squats, and Pull-Ups guide you to a physique that mirrors your inner strength and unwavering commitment.

The Only 2 Exercises You Ever Need for Chest Growth Wed, 27 Dec 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Check out the only 2 chest exercises you ever need for muscle mass.

If someone were to inform you that there are only two essential exercises for a chest workout, it would certainly get your attention. That is precisely what Jeff Cavaliere is claiming.

Jeff Cavaliere was the head physical therapist of the New York Mets for 3 years and is now a YouTube sensation. He delivers clear information without noise on his ATHLEAN-X YouTube channel.

In a recent video he uploaded, you will be introduced to these two exercises that are considered the foundational elements of an effective chest training regimen. Not only do these exercises contribute to overall chest development, but they also target the upper chest, lower chest, and pectoral muscles comprehensively.

It is worth mentioning that some individuals hold the belief that limiting a muscle group to only two exercises is sufficient. However, this perspective may overlook the importance of exercise selection in targeting specific muscle functions, especially in muscles with multiple heads or bellies.

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The Only 2 Chest Exercises You Ever Need for Muscle Mass

The chest serves as a prime example, consisting of three heads and two primary functions. The first function involves flexing the shoulder and extending the arm forward, which is emphasized in virtually all chest exercises. However, many people fail to recognize the significance of the additional function, which entails shoulder adduction—bringing the arm across the chest, past the midline.

So, the first exercise you need to develop amazing chest muscles comes down to which version of the bench press you want to do.

barbell bench press vs dumbbell bench pressSource: RP Strength / CrossFit Inc.

Barbell vs Dumbbell Bench Press – Which is Better?

Let’s now discuss the bench press in more detail. Exercise selection should align with your specific goals. If the objective is to build chest mass while enhancing overall pressing strength, the barbell bench press is generally recommended. Using a barbell allows for handling approximately 20 per cent more weight compared to splitting the same weight between two dumbbells. This discrepancy arises due to the compromised stability associated with using dumbbells instead of a single bar.

However, it is worth noting that some individuals may face orthopaedic challenges, such as wrist, elbow, or shoulder issues, which make the fixed hand placement of the barbell uncomfortable or painful. In such cases, the dumbbell bench press becomes a favourable alternative. In addition to providing better chest adduction, any potential compromise in weight is offset by improved chest activation and growth.

It is possible to mitigate discomfort in compromised shoulder joints by slowing down the reps in either variation, thereby providing additional stability.

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The second exercise to focus on is the crossover. Some individuals mistakenly regard this exercise as a luxury rather than an essential chest movement. However, if maximum chest growth is the goal, finding a way to incorporate the crossover exercise into your routine becomes crucial. Ideally, a machine should be utilized if available. Alternatively, a simple resistance band can be used to perform any of the three possible variations. By adjusting the angle of your arm movement, you can effectively target the upper, middle, or lower portions of the chest.

The angle at which you approach these exercises may vary depending on individual weaknesses in chest development.

For instance, if the upper chest requires attention, both variations of the demonstrated exercises should be focused on. During the bench press, opt for either the barbell bench press or dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench set at 30-45 degrees. As for the crossover exercise, ensure that the arms move in a low-to-high and away-to-in motion during each repetition.

To achieve a peak contraction in the pectoral muscles during the crossover, it is important to cross your hand over the midline.

While there are numerous exercises to choose from if you wish to elevate your chest training to the next level, it is important not to confine yourself to just two exercises for the chest or any other muscle group. Nevertheless, beginning with these two exercises will establish a solid foundation for chest growth.

See the video for a deeper explanation from Jeff Cavaliere.

5 Unique Dumbbell Chest Exercises to Better Target Your Pecs

How to Build a Bigger Chest at Home in 30 Days

What Happens To Your Body When You Do 100 Push-Ups a Day for 30 Days?

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Training your chest can have a number of benefits for your overall fitness and physical health. Here are some reasons why you might want to train your chest:

  1. Strengthening your chest muscles: Chest exercises like bench press, push-ups, and dumbbell flyes can help you build stronger chest muscles. This can improve your overall upper body strength and make it easier to perform daily activities that require pushing or pulling.
  2. Aesthetics: A well-developed chest can enhance the appearance of your upper body, giving you a more balanced and proportional physique.
  3. Improved posture: A strong chest can also help improve your posture by pulling your shoulders back and helping you maintain a more upright position.
  4. Increased metabolism: Chest exercises can also help boost your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
  5. Improved athletic performance: A strong chest can improve your performance in a variety of sports and activities that require upper body strength, such as basketball, football, and rock climbing.
crossfit womenSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

Overall, training your chest can have numerous benefits for your physical health, appearance, and athletic performance. It’s important to incorporate a variety of exercises into your chest workout routine to ensure that you’re targeting all the muscles in your chest, as well as other muscles in your upper body.

10 Push-Up Variations to Build Strength, Power and Muscle

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

The frequency at which you should train your chest depends on several factors such as your fitness goals, overall fitness level, and your training program.

In general, it is recommended that you train your chest muscles at least once per week to see improvements in strength and muscle growth. However, some individuals may benefit from training their chest more frequently, such as 2-3 times per week, especially if they are more experienced lifters and are looking to target specific areas of the chest.

It’s important to note that you shouldn’t train your chest muscles on consecutive days as this can lead to overtraining and increase the risk of injury. Additionally, it’s important to allow your muscles to rest and recover between workouts, so that they have time to repair and grow.

Source: Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Overall, the frequency at which you should train your chest will depend on your individual goals and fitness level, so it’s best to consult with a certified fitness professional who can help you design a personalized workout plan that meets your needs.

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The Best Science-Based Chest Workout for Mass and Symmetry

How Many Exercises Do You Need for Optimal Muscle Growth? Tue, 26 Dec 2023 17:00:00 +0000 So, how many exercises do you need to maximise muscle growth? Jeremy Ethier explains.

How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth?

“When it comes to how many exercises you should do per muscle group, generally there are 2 extremes. There are those who say all you need are the basics in a workout program; squats, bench, and deadlifts to build an impressive physique. Then, there are those who hit each muscle with every single exercise in the book during their exercise planning process. What approach is best to maximize growth?”

“How many exercises should you do per muscle group, really? Research suggests that incorporating a variety of exercises can lead to better overall hypertrophy. Let’s learn why – and, in the process, discover just how many exercises to do per muscle group.”

How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth?

“The first reason is due to what’s known as regional hypertrophy. For example, certain biceps exercises will favour growth in the short head whereas other biceps exercises will favour growth in the long head. Although it’s currently not crystal clear as to what specific exercises will favour specific regions of a muscle, this phenomenon does support the idea of using multiple exercises in a workout program.”

“The second reason you should include a variety of exercises during your exercise planning process is that each of your muscles have different biomechanical actions. A good example is the hamstrings, which have two main functions; to flex the knee and extend the hip.”

chipper gymnastics workouts Pros and Cons of a Push Pull Legs Split How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth

“So, if you were to leave all your hamstrings to deadlifts, you’d be missing out on one of the major functions of that muscle. Adding in a knee flexion movement ensures that all parts of the muscle can be grown to the greatest extent. Another benefit of varying your exercises is that it helps minimize wear and tear. If you do all of your volume for a muscle group with just one or two exercises, you’re stressing the same joints and same stabilizer muscles to the same stress all the time, which can eventually cause irritation and overuse injuries.”

How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth?

“When deciding on how many exercises to do per muscle group, some people will take what I’ve mentioned and over-apply it into their training routines by hammering each muscle group with 6 or 7 exercises every workout. Don’t. If you do that, once your muscles get used to what you’re currently doing, you’ll have no leftover exercises to introduce it to in order to potentially stimulate more growth.”

“So, just how many exercises should you do per muscle group? An effective option is to pick about 2-4 exercises for each of your muscle groups that work very well for you and cover a good variety of movement patterns. Then, simply distribute these throughout the week as needed and feel free to repeat some of those exercises on multiple days if needed. But limit the number of exercises you use per muscle in each workout to 3 or 4 at most.”

How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth

“Here’s an example of how you could distribute 4 exercises per week for chest into 2 workouts per week:”

4 Exercises:

– Flat bench press

– Cable flyes

– Incline dumbbell press

– Banded push-ups

Push Day 1:

– Flat bench press

– Cable flyes

Push Day 2:

– Incline dumbbell press

– Banded push-ups

Then simply throw in however many sets you need for each exercise in order to meet your weekly volume targets.

Push Day 1:

– Flat bench press: 3 sets

– Cable flyes: 3 sets

Source: Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Push Day 2:

– Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets

– Banded push-ups: 3 sets

Total Weekly Chest Sets: 12 Sets

“Here’s a step-by-step plan for how you could apply everything we covered on how many exercises you should do per muscle group:”

“Step 1: For each muscle group, pick about 2-4 exercises to perform per week. Use a good variety of exercises that not only work very well for you, but also cover different angles and muscle functions.”

“Step 2: After you pick your exercises, distribute them throughout the week. Avoid performing more than 3-4 exercises per muscle in one workout. Instead, split them up into multiple workouts.”

“Step 3: Allocate a number of sets for each exercise in order to hit your weekly volume targets for that muscle.”

Video – How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth?

Learn More

Add the Pallof Press and Cable Crunch into your training.


7 Workout Tips to Increase Metabolism at Any Age Mon, 25 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 Check out 7 workout tips to increase metabolism at any age.

In the quest for holistic health and fitness, understanding the intricacies of metabolic health becomes paramount. While it’s a common misconception that age is the primary factor determining metabolic health, recent insights reveal that the real linchpin is none other than your muscle mass. As the years advance, a gradual loss of muscle becomes a prevalent concern, further compounded by the aftermath of previous dieting and workout endeavours geared towards rapid weight loss. The repercussions of these practices often manifest as a decline in metabolic function, leading to a cascade of adaptations over time.

The prevailing issue lies not merely in the numbers on the chronological scale but in the intricate dance between muscle mass, lifestyle choices, and the strategies employed to achieve fitness goals. It’s a narrative familiar to many—a relentless pursuit of quick results on the scale, often at the expense of precious muscle mass. This muscle loss, as we age or engage in misguided workout practices, becomes a significant contributor to the metabolic decline witnessed over the years.

However, the good news prevails—metabolic health isn’t an irreversible sentence dictated by the passage of time. Regardless of age, there exists a pathway to not only stall but reverse these metabolic adaptations. The key lies not just in dietary adjustments but also in a strategic overhaul of our approach to training. It’s about embracing methods that not only stimulate muscle growth but also enhance the efficiency of calorie burning throughout the day.

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So, in this exploration of metabolic rejuvenation, let’s delve into the realm of fitness wisdom, discovering seven tips that extend beyond conventional notions.

The information on this article is based on a video shared by Cori Lefkowith. She founded Redefining Strength in 2014 with a mission to empower people through fitness, nutrition, and proper supplementation. She is a former Division I athlete who wants to train smarter, not harder. Cori also has a YouTube channel with nearly 1 million subscribers that you can check it out.

These insights will not only transform your workout routine but lay the foundation for a metabolism that defies the constraints of age. It’s an invitation to understand the intricate dance between muscle and metabolism, empowering you to rewrite the narrative of your fitness journey.

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7 Workout Tips to Increase Metabolism at Any Age

Below are Lefkowith’s 7 workout tips to increase metabolism regardless of what age you are.

  1. Pair Legs and Upper Body in a Single Session: Work on two large muscle groups in a single workout, such as legs and upper body. This approach not only burns more calories during the session but also accelerates muscle growth. Research suggests that pairing legs and upper body releases more testosterone and growth hormone, promoting faster muscle gains.
  2. Utilize Cluster Sets for Increased Load: To build muscle, lifting more weight is essential. Cluster sets, breaking traditional sets into smaller clusters with short rests, increase training density. This allows you to lift more weight overall, fostering faster muscle growth. By avoiding fatigue and maintaining quality reps, you stimulate muscle growth effectively.
  3. Design Shorter and Harder Workouts: Focus on quality, intensity, and intentionality rather than longer workouts. Shorter, high-intensity sessions with purposeful movements can lead to better results. Avoid overtraining, as excessively long sessions may elevate cortisol levels, hindering muscle gains. Quality over quantity is the key to a more effective workout routine.
  4. Incorporate Interval Finishers: Include short interval sessions at the end of your strength training workouts. This not only contributes to cardiovascular health but also enhances the afterburn effect (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), leading to increased calorie burning even at rest. Vary work-to-rest intervals for a comprehensive approach to energy system training.
  5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Rest is often overlooked but is a critical factor in muscle growth and metabolic health. Ensure muscles have sufficient time to repair and rebuild by incorporating rest days and proper recovery between sessions. Rushing through sets without ample rest compromises workout intensity and output.
  6. Include Explosive Power Work: Integrate power workouts for functional strength, injury prevention, and muscle building. Short, explosive intervals with adequate rest periods are essential to avoid fatigue and promote quick, powerful movements. Consider exercises like sprints, medball work, kettlebell swings, or Olympic lifts for optimal results.
  7. Walk for Recovery: Regular walking not only aids recovery but also contributes to increased calorie burn without impacting muscle mass. Walking serves as a restorative activity, promoting metabolic rate and overall health. Incorporate walks, especially on rest days, and combine them with mobility work for enhanced recovery.

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the clean is one of many Important CrossFit ExercisesSource: Stevie D Photography

Metabolic changes are inevitable, but with the right training approach, you can reverse them and achieve better fat loss results regardless of age. Focus on building lean muscle through strategic workout practices, incorporating these seven tips to boost your metabolism and witness the payoff of your hard work in the gym.

Watch the video below to see Lefkowith herself explain and demonstrate these 7 workout tips to increase metabolism at any age.

How To Take the Fitness Age Challenge and Find Out How Old You Really Are

Metabolism is the complex set of chemical processes that occur within the cells of living organisms to maintain life. It involves the conversion of food into energy, the building or synthesis of molecules needed for growth and repair, and the elimination of waste products.

In the context of human physiology, metabolism is often divided into two main categories:

  1. Anabolism: This is the set of metabolic processes that build complex molecules from simpler ones. It includes processes like protein synthesis, the formation of new cells, and the storage of energy in the form of glycogen or fat.
  2. Catabolism: This involves the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing energy in the process. Catabolic processes include the breakdown of food molecules during digestion and the subsequent conversion of nutrients into usable energy.

The overall rate at which these metabolic processes occur is known as the metabolic rate. It is often measured in terms of the number of calories burned per unit of time and is influenced by various factors, including age, gender, genetics, muscle mass, and physical activity level.

Metabolism is a dynamic and highly regulated process that plays a crucial role in maintaining the energy balance of the body. A well-functioning metabolism is essential for proper growth, development, and the maintenance of overall health.

In the context of fitness and weight management, people often refer to their metabolism as either “fast” or “slow,” which reflects the efficiency at which their bodies burn calories. Strategies like exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest can influence and optimize metabolic health. And this is why you want to increase your metabolism, regardless of your age.

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8 Common Fitness Myths Debunked Sun, 24 Dec 2023 19:00:00 +0000 You’ve probably heard about having to drink 8 glasses of water per day. You don’t have to. Check out this and other common fitness myths busted below.

When it comes to getting healthier, information is crucial, but so is to be able to separate fact from fiction and that can be a daunting job.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. He talked about 8 common fitness myths busted by explaining what science has to say about it.

You can check out his video at the end of the page for more in-depth analysis.

1. Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal of The Day

“A research [..] found no difference in resting metabolic rate between groups eating and skipping breakfast which makes the biggest chunk of total metabolism,” Nippard says.

Whether you choose to eat or skip breakfast should be tailored to your appetite and preferences.

Whichever you decide, it is beneficial to have the first meal high in protein and in large quantities.

Healthy Homemade Oatmeal with Berries for BreakfastSource: bhofack2
Healthy Homemade Oatmeal with Berries for Breakfast

2. Is Spot Reduction Possible?

Yes, however, the scientific approach needs more research. In a study conducted in 2017, a group of people perform was divided into two categories training either only the upper body or the lower body. Both groups saw a reduction in their body fat percentage on the arms or legs, respectively.

The body may increase fat mobilisation from stores nearby the exercising muscle which could lead to targeted fat loss. According to Nippard, he would not categorically say this is one of the common fitness myths busted, but rather the beginning of a new research trend for the future.

3. Does Cooking Ruin Nutrition in Food?

On average, steaming may be slightly better to retain food nutrition while boiling could be slightly worse for nutrient retention.

The best advice is to keep a varied diet with different forms of cooking.

4. How Many Glasses of Water Per Day?

That depends on your level of activity throughout the day. Many people believe that 8 glasses of water every day is the minimum to keep the body functioning, however that is not the case.

Crossfit Recovery: Drink water

Use thirst as your guide to know if you should be drinking more water. Coffee does count as water intake.

A good way to measure if you’re drinking enough is checking if your pee is transparent or slightly yellow and that you go to the toilet around 5 times a day.

Drinking water does not increase fat loss, however, it could help you feel fuller which, in turn, would make you eat fewer calories.

5. Is Milk Bad For You?

No, although some people believe drinking milk is linked with heart diseases. There were numerous studies that showed no evidence to support this. Other studies even predicted the inverse, where people who ate dairy and drank milk had fewer heart diseases.

6. Should You Train and Diet For Your Body Type?

The idea old idea of only three body types in the world (endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph) does not include every person on the planet.

And according to Jeff Nippard, this system implies that people cannot change their body composition over time, which is simply not true.

Two things that will never change when it comes to losing weight and building muscle are:

7. Detox Diets For Health and Fat Loss

Detox diets should be something people abolish from their vocabulary and their lives. It usually involves drinking more water than you should be ingesting while also restricting food.

Common Fitness Myths Busted

The fault of having detox diets is the assumption that the liver and kidneys need help clearing out toxins, which they don’t.

Why do people still do them then? Because it can lead to fat loss in the short-term from entering an extreme caloric restriction, although it is not sustainable and very often leads to regaining the weight back.

8. Mind-Muscle Connection

“You can see significantly more biceps hypertrophy when focusing on establishing a mind-muscle connection,” Nippard says. However, this effect may be related to only some body parts, as the same research showed that there was no gain for the quads.

Nippard says to focus more on mind-muscle connection for isolation exercises that utilise single-joint movements instead of compound ones.

Common Fitness Myths Busted

Read More: Worst Cardio Mistakes for Fat Loss

12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program Sun, 24 Dec 2023 15:00:00 +0000 It is hard to come up with a list of the most important exercises people should be doing. However, a top fitness coach has done just that and shared 12 must-have exercises that you should incorporate into your training.

Jeff Cavaliere was the head physical therapist of the New York Mets for 3 years and is now a YouTube sensation. He delivers clear information without noise on his ATHLEAN-X YouTube channel.

“We should all be doing them and including them in our program if we want to see the best benefits,” Cavaliere says.

Check out the video below to know what are the 12 must have exercises in your training program and how to perform them correctly. We have written down below each exercise as well.

12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program

1. Back Squat

Hit the quads, glutes, adductors and the hamstrings with this movement.

2. Deadlift

The best exercise to train your posterior chain and it will hit the “all-important hinge pattern,” Jeff Cavaliere explains.

3.  Bench Press

The best exercise to build your chest, but also one of the greatest push exercise possible.

4. Pull-Up

Perhaps the most complete bodyweight exercise for your back anyone can imagine.

5. Facepull

This is one of Jeff Cavaliere’s favourite exercise because it trains the upper back, rotator cuff and scapular retractors.

6. External Rotation

7. Lunges

Reverse lunges are better for your knees in case you have some mobility issues.

8. Push-Up

If it is too easy, there are multiple variations that will challenge your muscles.

must-have exercisesSource: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

9. Overhead Press

10. Lying Tricep Extension

By doing the lying version of the tricep extension, it puts the long head of the triceps, its biggest part, on a greater amount of stretch with each rep.

11. Barbell/Dumbbell Curl

12. Barbell Row

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The frequency of training to build muscle depends on various factors, including your fitness level, recovery capacity, and overall lifestyle. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often you should train to build muscle:

  1. Training Split:
    • Split Routine: Many individuals follow a split routine, targeting different muscle groups on different days. This allows for adequate rest and recovery for each muscle group. Common splits include upper/lower, push/pull, or specific muscle group splits (e.g., chest and triceps one day, back and biceps another).
  2. Frequency per Muscle Group:
    • 2-3 Times a Week: To promote muscle growth, it’s generally recommended to train each major muscle group 2-3 times per week. This frequency provides a balance between training volume and recovery.
  3. Full-Body Workouts:
    • 3-4 Times a Week: Full-body workouts involve training the entire body in each session. If you opt for full-body workouts, training 3-4 times a week can be effective for muscle growth. Ensure sufficient rest between sessions.
  4. Volume and Intensity:
    • Adjust Based on Intensity: Higher training intensity may require more recovery time. If your workouts are very intense, you might need more rest days between sessions targeting the same muscle group.
  5. Listen to Your Body:
    • Individual Variability: Pay attention to how your body responds to training. Some individuals recover quickly and can handle more frequent workouts, while others may require more rest. Adjust your frequency based on personal recovery needs.
  6. Rest and Recovery:
    • Prioritize Recovery: Muscle growth occurs during the recovery phase. Ensure you are getting adequate sleep, practicing proper nutrition, and incorporating rest days into your routine. Overtraining can hinder progress.
  7. Consistency Over Time:
    • Consistent Effort: Building muscle is a gradual process. Consistency over time is crucial. Rather than focusing on training every day, prioritize consistent, quality workouts over an extended period.
  8. Program Variation:
    • Periodization: Periodize your training program by incorporating phases of higher and lower intensity. This can involve adjusting training volume, intensity, and exercise selection to prevent plateaus and optimize muscle growth.
  9. Beginner vs. Advanced:
    • Beginners: Beginners may experience muscle growth with less frequency initially. Starting with 2-3 sessions per week and gradually increasing intensity and volume is a common approach.
    • Advanced: As you advance, you may experiment with higher training frequencies, specialized techniques, and advanced training methodologies.
  10. Recovery Strategies:
    • Active Recovery: Include active recovery days, where you engage in low-intensity activities or mobility work. This aids in promoting blood flow, reducing muscle stiffness, and supporting overall recovery.

Ultimately, the ideal training frequency varies from person to person. It’s essential to find a balance that aligns with your goals, allows for proper recovery, and fits into your lifestyle. Regular assessments of your progress and adjustments to your training plan based on individual responses will help optimize muscle-building efforts.

From Training to Failure to Eating Clean: Explaining Controversial Fitness Topics

20 Best Calisthenics Exercises for Beginners Sun, 24 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 What are the best beginner calisthenics exercises out there? If you are considering starting your fitness journey, these exercises might be perfect for you. You will not need equipment and anyone can start doing them right away.

Calisthenics is a form of strength training performed with no equipment. It utilises only your body weight to tackle large muscle groups. Have you seen someone doing a dragon flag in which the person appears to be blown by the wind horizontally while holding with both hands on a bar? That is a very high-level exercise of calisthenics.

However, some movements of calisthenics can be performed by beginners and that might help you transition to calisthenics.

In the video below you will see 20 of the best beginner calisthenics exercises if you are considering starting dong bodyweight strength training.

The video is brought by Calisthenics Family, a YouTube account created by two brothers from the Netherlands. They also have their own website in which they help people during their calisthenics journey.

They divided the exercises into four categories: push exercises, pull exercises, core exercises, and leg exercises.

  • Push exercises – chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Pull exercises – lats, biceps, upper back
  • Core exercises – six-pack, obliques, lower back
  • Legs exercises – quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves

Check out the 20 best beginner calisthenics exercises in their opinion in the video below.

20 Best Beginner Calisthenics Exercises

1. Pike push-ups

2. Dips

3. Push-ups

4. Straight bar dips

5. Triceps extensions

6. Frog stand

7. Pull-ups

Pull-up-WODs-Athlete-Benefits of Tempo Training

8. Bodyweight rows

9. Chin-ups

10. Bicep bar curl

11. Skin the cat

12. Butterfly hold

13. Hollow body hold

14. Superman hold

15. Elbow plank

16. Leg raises

17. Side plank

18. Pistol squats

19. Single-leg deadlift

20. Single-leg glute bridge

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Hypertrophy Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:00:00 +0000 When we talk about hypertrophy, it is important to remember that everybody is different. Two people can be on the exact same program and experience different results. However the underlying principles of hypertrophy, like strength training, are universal. 

Some athletes get jacked using bodyweight movements, or just by looking at the weights, whilst others have to work twice as hard to put on the same amount of muscle. This is an important reminder. You can choose to follow the practices of the biggest guy or fittest female in the gym, but the methods that work for them might not work at all for you. Once you understand the principles then you can adapt and apply the right methods in order to find the best way for you.

What is hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy is simply the increase in size of an organ or tissue through the enlargement of the cells that comprise it.

A hypertrophy program is designed not to increase strength or improve athletic performance (although there is an overlap, of course), but to primarily cause muscular growth by increasing the size of your muscle fibres.

Hypertrophy guide

Principles of Muscular Hypertrophy

Progressive Tension Overload

This means that muscle fibres must be subjected to increasing levels of tension – Think progressively increasing the weights that you are lifting over time – but there are multiple ways you can apply progressive overload.

How to Force Muscle Growth – 5 Methods to Accomplish That

Muscle Damage

When you train, you tear and stress your muscle fibres, these are called microtears. When you rest, recover and replenish your body properly, your muscles will grow back stronger and more able to cope with the stresses that they are being put under. This results in larger muscles. This includes good quality sleep and nutrition, without both of these your efforts will be in vain. 

Metabolic Stress

This means working your muscles to failure. Repeated actions that lead to muscle fibres being worked to their metabolic limit will instigate hypertrophy.  

rich froning performs dead stop exercises with barbell
Rich Froning training

How to Train for Hypertrophy

As this is a beginner’s guide, we have stuck to core ideas. There are many different athletes and coaches that adapt these methods in numerous ways, but they all begin, in some form, with the principles and methods that we have outlined in this article. 

Use weights that are between 65 – 80% of your 1 rep max.

  • Muscle growth is generated by mechanic stress and fine muscle ruptures. Working with 65-80% of your max is the optimal area for this adaption.

Work between 8 and 12 repetitions per set.

  • Working within this rep range creates higher muscular hypertrophy because it uses anaerobic glucose as the primary source.

Do more sets.

  • Working your muscles in more sets with intermediate heavy weight generates a higher increase in hypertrophy than lower sets with heavier weight (which will increase strength).

Keep the pauses strict. 60-90 sec between the sets.

  • This period of rest increases the muscle-building process through mechanical stress. I.e. Your muscles spend a greater amount of time under tension, which is important for muscle growth.

Work until failure

  • No pain, no gain.

It is important to remember that hypertrophy training can be used for different functions. For example, some powerlifters will program hypertrophy phases into their training then shift into a strength-based phase before peaking for a competition. The idea is that you grow more muscle (through hypertrophy), utilise this extra muscle into making you stronger (through the strength phase) then peak at the correct time (for the competition). 

Read More: Junk Volume Weight Training – What Is It and Why You Must Avoid It

Hypertrophy can be used to improve performance for CrossFitters as well. Look at the functional bodybuilding work of CrossFit Games Athlete Marcus Filly for example.

“Functional Bodybuilding is a training philosophy and a movement that can benefit anyone in the fitness community. The essence of the movement is that training shouldn’t constantly beat you down, but rather build you up and make you feel great. As the functional fitness community has evolved in the past years to embrace intensity as a goal in and of itself, we have seen more and more people suffering from burnout and injury. It’s time to shift the pendulum back, help people define what intensity is right for them, and show them alternative ways of training that keep them functional, but also honour age-old training principles that help people stay healthy, balanced and strong.” Marcus Filly

Here is a good tutorial to explain principles of hypertrophy applied to the chest.

And from the same series, a guide for your back.

How to Force Muscle Growth from ANY Gym Machine Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 Is there a way to force muscle growth from any gym machine? Yes there is! And below, in the few paragraphs, you will find out what you can do to use any machine you find at your gym to grow more muscle so that you get results faster.

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, the quest for optimal muscle growth and effective training methodologies is a pursuit shared by gym enthusiasts and professionals alike. While the traditional use of free weights is a cornerstone in many workout routines, the role of machines in sculpting a well-rounded physique should not be underestimated. Machines, with their fixed paths and resistance, can provide a unique set of challenges and benefits for muscle development.

The fundamental difference between machines and free weights lies in their adaptability to individual body structures. Free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, automatically conform to the nuances of one’s physique, regardless of height or limb length. This adaptability is a significant advantage, especially for movements like bench presses, rows, and squats, where the body’s trajectory determines the success of the exercise.

On the other hand, machines, while offering stability and guided movement, are built with specific height ranges in mind. Unfortunately, not all machines are crafted with the precision necessary to cater to the diverse range of body shapes and sizes found in gym-goers. This inherent limitation can sometimes make it challenging to achieve an optimal stimulus-to-fatigue ratio, essential for muscle growth, and to minimize stress on joints and connective tissues.

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Source: Rohit Reddy on Unsplash

Despite these challenges, the utilization of machines in the gym can be highly effective when approached with intention and strategy. The key lies in understanding how to adapt and optimize machine exercises to suit individual needs. In this article, we will delve into practical tips and strategies to help you unlock the full potential of gym machines, ensuring that you get the most out of your training sessions and promote muscle growth in the most efficient way possible.

The information you are about to see is based on a video shared by Mike Israetel at his YouTube channel. Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

Whether you are an individual looking to enhance your personal workout routine or a fitness professional aiming to optimize your clients’ experiences, these insights will guide you towards a more informed and effective use of gym machines.

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How to Force Muscle Growth from ANY Gym Machine

So, with strategic adjustments and a thoughtful approach, you can unlock the full potential of gym machines for muscle growth.

Check out 5 ways to force muscle growth from any gym machine.

  1. Enhancing Range of Motion: Range of motion is crucial for muscle growth, especially focusing on the stretch phase. Many machines can be modified to improve range of motion. For instance, adjusting the backpad on a chest press machine or using a yoga pad for lying leg curls can add valuable inches to your range of motion, promoting better muscle engagement and growth.
  2. Controlled Movements over Rapid Ballistics: Unlike free weights, machines may not be conducive to rapid, ballistic concentric movements. Instead, prioritize controlled movements that allow you to connect with your muscles effectively. Emphasize control over speed to maximize the benefits of machine exercises and minimize joint and connective tissue stress.
  3. Experiment with Positions: If a machine feels off during your workout, don’t give up on it immediately. Experiment with different grip, foot, and body positions to find the most comfortable and effective setup. This process may involve adjusting settings like the chest pad or butt pad. Over time, you’ll discover the optimal positions that offer the best stimulus to fatigue ratio for your body.
  4. Open-minded Set and Rep Ranges: Be open-minded about the set and rep ranges for machine exercises. Traditional set and rep schemes may not always yield the desired results. Experiment with different modalities, such as myo-rep training, and explore varied rep ranges like tri-sets of 15 or 20. This flexibility allows you to tailor your workout to the specific demands of each machine while ensuring an efficient and effective session.
  5. Strategic Exercise Order: Consider the order in which you perform machine exercises. For example, performing leg extensions after squats or leg presses as a finisher can enhance the effectiveness of the exercise. Experiment with exercise order to find the sequence that optimally targets your muscles and maximizes the benefits of each machine.
Source: ShotPot on Pexels

Does Training to Failure Matter for Muscle Growth?

Maximizing muscle growth with gym machines requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By focusing on enhancing range of motion, prioritizing controlled movements, experimenting with positions, being open-minded about set and rep ranges, and strategically ordering exercises, you can unlock the full potential of machines in your training routine. Remember that not all machines are created equal, so be willing to invest time in experimenting and evaluating their effectiveness for your unique body and goals.

If you want Israetel to explain in a deeper level, and with his characteristic dark humour, you can watch the video below.

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How Many Steps Should You Walk Every Day to Lose Belly Fat? Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:00:00 +0000 How many steps should you do every day to lose fat and transform your body? Try and hit this number daily if possible.

Walking is not only an effective way to lose weight but is also highly underrated in its fat-burning capabilities. Its simplicity and versatility make it a convenient form of physical activity that can be incorporated into any lifestyle. By implementing a few simple tips, you can easily increase your step count even within the comfort of your own home.

While some individuals downplay the significance of cardio in weight loss, it would be unfair to dismiss it entirely. Mike Diamonds, a seasoned expert in weight management, recognizes the pros and cons of losing and gaining weight on a yearly basis, and he doesn’t discount the importance of cardio.

Walking, although often overlooked as a form of cardio, is indeed a valuable exercise. Just because you don’t break a sweat while walking doesn’t mean it lacks benefits—it can greatly contribute to weight loss.

But let’s make it clear that we are not ditching here some of the golden rules of losing body fat such as calorie deficit, strength training and HIIT.

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Many individuals associate cardio with activities like running, cycling, or swimming, assuming that high intensity and heavy breathing are essential components. However, walking defies those parameters and allows you to engage in casual conversation while reaping the benefits.

Walking falls under the category of low-intensity steady-state exercise, which means you can sustain it for extended periods without significant difficulty. On the other hand, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves intense bursts of cardiovascular activity.

The key advantage of walking, when it comes to fat loss, lies in the fact that while it may not burn a substantial number of calories, the calories it does burn predominantly come from fat cells.

The information below was extracted from Jeremy Ethier’s expertise. He is a kinesiologist and fitness trainer, co-founder of Built With Science. His YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers and he delivers clear information with sound background research.

How to Force Muscle Growth – 5 Methods to Accomplish That

How Many Steps Should You Take to Lose Fat?

To determine how many steps you should take a day for weight loss, it’s essential to consider various factors, such as your diet and current activity level.

The general consensus suggests aiming for 10,000 steps a day as a good target for weight loss. However, the ideal number of steps to burn fat is subjective and depends on individual circumstances. For instance, if you weigh around 180 pounds, walking at a moderate pace can burn approximately 60 calories per 1,000 steps.

If you currently maintain your weight with an average step count of 6,000 steps a day, adding an extra 1,000 steps would increase your calorie expenditure by around 60 calories. Considering there are roughly 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, making the subtle change from 6,000 to 8,000 steps a day could theoretically result in burning an extra pound of fat per month. Doubling your step count to 10,000 steps a day might enable you to burn an additional 2 pounds of fat per month.

How to Use Walking to Get Under 10% Body Fat

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Conversely, reducing your daily step count from an active level to a sedentary level can have adverse effects. Lean, active individuals who transition to a sedentary lifestyle of fewer than 5,000 steps a day end up burning approximately 700 calories less per day. This change often leads to significant weight gain, primarily in the form of fat. This demonstrates the significant impact that daily step count has on body composition. Therefore, monitoring and managing your step count become crucial not only for kickstarting and accelerating fat loss but also for maintaining the lost weight in the long term.

To summarize the key points, it is recommended to set a realistic daily step goal if you are currently not very active and struggling to lose weight. This goal should create a calorie deficit while ensuring that you don’t compensate by overeating. Aiming for at least 8,000 or even 10,000 steps a day is advisable, as it increases daily calorie expenditure and helps active individuals better control their appetite and food intake due to physiological changes that occur with increased activity.

Source: Gustavo Fring on Pexels

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Although achieving 10,000 or even 8,000 steps a day may seem challenging, especially if you spend most of your time at home or in an office setting, it can be made easier by incorporating it into existing habits. For example, making it a habit to go for a 10-minute walk after each meal can add an average of 3,500 steps to your daily count. By implementing such strategies, the seemingly daunting goal of reaching 10,000 steps becomes more feasible and attainable.

While walking can contribute to weight loss, it’s important to note that for optimal results, it should be complemented with a solid nutrition plan and regular weight training. These additional steps serve as a valuable supplement to your overall fitness routine but should be combined with other key elements to accelerate progress and establish a strong foundation for long-term success.

See Ethier’s video for a full explanation of how many steps you should take every day to lose body fat.

You can incorporate walking into your training routine either informally or formally. Informal walking can be done outdoors, while formal walking involves using a treadmill at the gym. Begin with 8,000 steps and progressively increase by 2,000 steps each week. If your goal is to achieve body fat below 10%, you may even aim for as many as 20,000 steps per day.

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Walking is a simple yet powerful physical activity that can provide numerous benefits to your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits of walking:

  1. Improves cardiovascular health: Walking regularly can help improve your heart health by lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  2. Helps with weight management: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help burn calories and assist with weight loss or maintenance.
  3. Boosts mood and mental health: Walking can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing endorphins (feel-good hormones) and improving blood flow to the brain.
  4. Improves bone and joint health: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, as well as improve joint mobility and flexibility.
  5. Increases energy and stamina: Walking can help boost your energy levels and improve your overall fitness and stamina, making daily activities easier to manage.
  6. Lowers the risk of chronic diseases: Regular walking can help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.
  7. Promotes better sleep: Walking can help regulate your sleep cycle, allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  8. Improves digestion and gut health: Walking can aid in digestion by stimulating the muscles in your abdomen and reducing constipation.

Overall, walking is a simple yet effective way to improve your health and well-being. Even a small amount of daily walking can provide significant benefits, so consider incorporating this activity into your daily routine.

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The amount of walking recommended per day varies depending on your age, fitness level, and overall health. However, the general guideline for adults is to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, per week. This equates to approximately 30 minutes of walking per day, five days a week.

If you are unable to commit to 30 minutes of walking in one go, you can break it down into smaller chunks throughout the day. For example, you could aim for three 10-minute walks or two 15-minute walks. The key is to find a routine that works for you and fits into your daily schedule.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are just a general guideline, and it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Your healthcare provider can give you personalized advice on how much and what type of physical activity is safe and appropriate for you.

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Habits You Need To Get Below 20% Body Fat

Weight loss plateaus occur when a person’s weight loss progress slows down or stalls despite their continued efforts to lose weight. There are several reasons why this can happen:

  1. Metabolic adaptation: When you lose weight, your body adapts to the lower calorie intake and can start burning fewer calories at rest. This means that as you lose weight, your body requires fewer calories to maintain your new weight, which can cause your weight loss progress to slow down.
  2. Changes in physical activity: If you’ve been doing the same type and amount of exercise for a while, your body may become used to it and not burn as many calories as before. Additionally, you may experience fatigue or injury, which can cause you to decrease your physical activity level.
  3. Calorie intake: As you lose weight, you need fewer calories to maintain your weight. If you don’t adjust your calorie intake accordingly, you may start to consume too many calories, which can slow down or stall your weight loss progress.
  4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as fluctuations in insulin levels, can affect weight loss progress. For example, insulin resistance can make it more difficult to lose weight, especially around the midsection.
  5. Psychological factors: Stress, lack of sleep, and other psychological factors can affect weight loss progress. Stress can increase levels of cortisol, which can promote fat storage, while lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism.

To overcome weight loss plateaus, it’s important to reassess your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle habits to identify areas where you can make adjustments. This can include increasing physical activity, adjusting calorie intake, and managing stress and sleep. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to help you reach your weight loss goals.

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How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?

What Is the Optimal Number of Sets and Reps for Muscle Growth? Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:00:00 +0000 How many sets and reps should you do for each body part to maximise muscle growth? You are about to find out with the help of the guys from the Mind Pump podcast.

The Mind Pump Podcast is an online radio show that talks all fitness related and, usually, is provocative. Its hosts are Sal Di StefanoAdam SchaferJustin Andrews, and Doug Egge. They also have a YouTube channel with more than 700k subscribers.

The hosts receive various questions revolving around fitness and they answer as simple as possible right on the spot.

5 Tips For Growing Lean Muscle Mass

How Many Sets and Reps Should You Do For Each Body Part to Maximise Muscle Growth?

According to Di Stefano, there are scientific studies that tried to answer the optimal amount of total volume per body part per week. This means you can divide the volume by two workouts, three workouts, it depends on how often you weekly hit the gym and do training sessions.

Walk This Many Steps Every Day to Lose Fat and Transform Your Body

While there isn’t a single number that fits all sizes, Di Stefano says it is anything between 9 and 18 sets total per week per body part.

Source: Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

Of course, there will be people on either end of the spectrum where doing only 9 sets of chest exercises will be great for muscle hypertrophy, while for others they might need 18 sets to get a good pump and get stronger.

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Adam Schafer says there is even a different range depending on the body part you are training. “You have to figure this out too for you, as an individual.” In Schafer’s own experience, he can handle a lot of bicep training so he gets closer to 18 sets weekly, while his legs are not capable of handling so much work, so he gets closer to 9 sets weekly when squatting, for example.

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How to use walking to get under 10% body fat

You could do this amount of sets and reps in a single workout, but studies show that you should train your muscles at least twice a week for better results and to maintain them.

See the video below for more information.

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Lifting

12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program

Does Training to Failure Matter For Muscle Growth?

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There are many reasons why you should do strength training as part of your overall fitness routine. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Builds muscle: Strength training is an effective way to build and maintain muscle mass. This can help increase your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
  2. Increases strength and endurance: By challenging your muscles with resistance exercises, you can increase your strength and endurance, which can make it easier to perform daily tasks and activities.
  3. Reduces the risk of injury: Strong muscles and joints are less likely to be injured during physical activity, which can help reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall physical performance.
  4. Improves bone density: Strength training has been shown to increase bone density, which can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  5. Enhances overall physical performance: Strength training can improve your overall physical performance, whether you’re an athlete looking to improve your performance in a specific sport, or just looking to perform daily tasks with more ease.
  6. Boosts confidence and self-esteem: As you see progress and improvements in your strength and physical abilities, it can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  7. Improves quality of life: Strength training can improve your overall quality of life by making it easier to perform daily tasks, reducing the risk of injury, and improving your overall physical health and well-being.

Overall, incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can have numerous benefits for your physical and mental health, and can help you live a happier, healthier, and more active lifestyle.

Barbell curlSource: Dollar Gill on Unsplash

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How to Keep Making Gains in the Gym as a Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced Lifter

How Often Should You Workout?

How often you should work out depends on several factors, including your fitness goals, current fitness level, and the type of workouts you’re doing. In general, the American Heart Association recommends that adults aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with at least two days of strength training exercises per week.

Here are some general guidelines for how often to work out based on your fitness goals:

  1. For general health and fitness: Aim to exercise most days of the week, for at least 30-60 minutes per day. This can include a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
  2. For weight loss: Aim to exercise most days of the week, for at least 30-60 minutes per day. This should include a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training, with a focus on creating a calorie deficit through a combination of exercise and diet.
  3. For muscle building: Aim to do strength training exercises at least two days per week, targeting all major muscle groups. You can also include aerobic exercise and flexibility exercises as part of your routine.
  4. For athletic performance: The frequency and intensity of your workouts will depend on your specific sport and fitness goals. Consult with a coach or trainer to develop a customized training plan.

Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and avoid overtraining, which can lead to injury or burnout. Start slowly and gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts over time.

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Can Cardio Increase Muscle Growth?

3 Tips to Fell Your Chest Muscles Work Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 Below you will find 3 tips to fell your chest muscles work so that when you train your pecs, you know they are being properly targeted.

Embarking on a fitness journey is an admirable endeavour, but the frustration of putting in the effort without truly feeling the targeted muscles working is a common struggle. If you’ve ever questioned whether your chest muscles are actively participating in your workout, rest assured—you’re not alone. The challenge lies in establishing a robust mind-muscle connection, a fundamental aspect of effective strength training.

This elusive mind-muscle connection is like a secret language between your brain and your chest muscles. It’s the ability to mentally command and engage specific muscle groups during exercises, ensuring that every rep is purposeful and every contraction is maximized. Unfortunately, many individuals, even those dedicated to their fitness goals, find it challenging to tap into this connection, particularly when it comes to the chest.

In essence, it’s not just about going through the motions but about fostering a deep awareness of the muscles you’re targeting. Your chest, a prominent muscle group, demands a special kind of attention to unlock its full potential. Without a strong mind-muscle connection, you might be lifting weights, but the effectiveness of your workout could be compromised.

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

That’s where our journey into three invaluable tips begins—a journey aimed at bridging the gap between effort and results. These tips not only guide you on how to engage your chest effectively but also promise that elusive feeling of satisfaction that comes when you know your workout is hitting the mark.

And the person who shared invaluable information about these 3 tips was none other than John Meadows“The Mountain Dog”,  a professional bodybuilder, trainer and nutritionist who died in 2021. He is famous for sharing gym tips, workouts and showing how he trained to achieve his goals.

So, if you’ve ever questioned whether your chest is truly getting the workout it deserves, buckle up. We’re about to explore the keys to unlocking the secrets of a deep mind-muscle connection, ensuring that your chest not only participates in the workout but takes centre stage in your fitness journey.

Read More: The Best Science-Based Chest Workout for Mass and Symmetry

3 Tips to Fell Your Chest Muscles Work

Below are Meadows’ 3 tips to feel your chest muscles work.

Tip #1: Band Activation for Chest Engagement

One effective way to kickstart your chest engagement is by incorporating resistance bands into your routine. Elite FTS offers a fantastic band that you can use for this purpose. Begin by wrapping the band around your thumbs and positioning it behind your back. Before diving into your chest exercises, consciously lift your chest and flex against the resistance of the band.

Execute this pre-activation move for ten repetitions, focusing on squeezing your chest muscles each time. This simple yet powerful warm-up primes your chest for the upcoming workout. Once you’ve completed the band activation, proceed with your chest exercises, and notice how the increased awareness translates into a more profound connection with your pecs.

Tip #2: Band-Enhanced Hammer Press for Intensified Contractions

Adding bands to your hammer press is a game-changer when it comes to intensifying chest contractions. It’s a versatile method that can be applied to various pressing exercises. To set it up, take a resistance band and create a double loop, securing it around your back and the handles of the weights.

With the bands in place, execute your hammer press, and experience the difference. The added resistance from the bands creates a unique tension that forces your chest muscles to contract more intensely. The result? A crazy contraction that leaves your chest feeling thoroughly engaged.

Tip #3: Dumbbell Twist Press for Targeted Pec Activation

For our third and final tip, let’s delve into the dumbbell twist press. This exercise emphasizes not only the pressing motion but also the rotational aspect, targeting your pecs from a different angle. Ensure you’re on a flat bench, and opt for a moderate weight to allow for proper twisting.

As you press the dumbbells upward, actively twist them towards each other at the top of the movement. This twisting action maximizes the flexion in your pecs, providing a unique and effective stimulus. Squeeze your chest at the peak of the press, emphasizing the contraction for optimal results.

Rich-Froning-in-TrainingSource: Photo Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

In conclusion, mastering the art of feeling your chest work isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s about creating a profound connection between your mind and muscles. These three tips provide a blueprint for enhancing your chest engagement, ensuring that every rep counts and every contraction is maximized.

By incorporating the band activation technique, you’re not merely going through the motions; you’re intentionally waking up your chest muscles, priming them for the challenging workout ahead. This heightened awareness sets the stage for a more focused and effective training session.

The band-enhanced hammer press takes your chest workout to the next level by introducing a unique form of resistance. The bands intensify the contractions, prompting your chest muscles to respond with increased force. This added challenge translates to more significant gains and a satisfying pump that resonates long after your workout is complete.

Finally, the dumbbell twist press adds a dynamic element to your routine, targeting your pecs from a different angle. The deliberate twisting motion not only engages your chest but also enhances the overall effectiveness of the exercise. The emphasis on squeezing at the top amplifies the mind-muscle connection, leaving you with a deep sense of accomplishment.

Incorporating these tips into your chest training not only transforms your physical experience but also elevates the mental aspect of your workouts. It’s about being present, focusing on each movement, and revelling in the sensation of your chest muscles working in harmony. So, the next time you hit the gym, bring intentionality to your chest workout, grab that band, set up those bands, and twist those dumbbells. Your chest will thank you with newfound strength and definition.

Watch the video below for a better visual explanation from Meadows himself and remember these 3 tips to feel your chest muscles work next time you go to the gym.

Deeper Scientific Tips For Chest Muscle Growth (100% Works)

Feeling your chest being targeted during a workout is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that you’re effectively engaging the intended muscle group, promoting optimal muscle activation and development. By establishing a strong mind-muscle connection, you enhance the efficiency of your exercises, maximizing the benefits of each repetition.

Secondly, the sensation of your chest working provides valuable feedback on your form and technique. If you can’t feel the targeted muscles, it may indicate improper alignment or execution. This awareness allows you to make real-time adjustments, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring that you’re performing exercises with precision.

Moreover, the psychological aspect of feeling your chest work is essential for motivation and satisfaction. When you experience the contraction and pump in your chest muscles, it creates a tangible connection between your efforts and results. This connection can boost your confidence, reinforce your commitment to your fitness goals, and make your workouts more fulfilling.

In essence, feeling your chest being targeted is not just about the physical aspect of muscle engagement; it’s a holistic approach that benefits both your body and mind, contributing to a more effective, safe, and rewarding workout experience.

Chest Exercises Ranked Best to Worst

3 Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth Tue, 19 Dec 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Targeting your arms today? Check out 3 ways to force bicep muscle growth.

The biceps get all the glory when it comes to working the arms. If you want bigger arms, however, you should target your triceps just as much, since it is the biggest muscle in your arms. But somehow, the biceps crept into society and became the go-to muscle to showcase your level of fitness.

Regardless of why, you clicked here because you want to understand what are the ways to force bicep muscle growth. And for that, we turn to Jordan Yeoh.

Jordan Yeoh is a YouTube fitness influencer with more than 3.6 million subscribers on his channel. He usually shares tips on workouts, exercises and all about getting fitter.

Check out Yeoh’s ways to force bicep muscle growth below.

Why Your Biceps aren't Growing

3 Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth

So, what are the 3 ways to force bicep muscle growth?

1. Supination

To stimulate your bicep when working out you need to practice your supination.

When curling, that means keeping your elbows straight beside your body, shoulders low, and chest up. When lifting the bar or dumbbell, you want to twist your wrist outwards, which forces the biceps to move, putting more pressure on them.

2. Tension and Volume

Jordan Yeoh explains that tension is about how heavy you lift and volume is about the number of repetitions. This is basic progressive overload, in which you need to increase how much you lift or the times you lift to stimulate muscle growth.

One of the best ways to force bicep muscle growth is to do drop sets, Yeoh explains.

Apply supination when curling a 15-kilo dumbbell, for example. After hitting a certain number of reps – 8 is a good number – take no rest, choose a dumbbell that is about 40% lighter than the previous one, and go for more repetitions, go for a minimum of 8 reps again, or until failure.

Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth

3. Cheat to Grow

This concept is Yeoh’s favourite in his list of ways to force bicep muscle growth and is not recommended for beginners. That is because you will be performing bad form to force muscle hypertrophy.

After reaching failure on any curling exercise, you should swing up the dumbbells (bad form) and lower the weight slowly, making use of the eccentric phase of the movement to increase your bicep stimulation. Try 3-4 seconds for each rep in the eccentric phase.

And that is Yeoh’s ways to force bicep muscle growth. If you still have questions on how to achieve that, simply click on the video below.

VIDEO – 3 Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth

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5 Reasons Why THIS is the Best Exercise for Increasing Lifespan and Fat Loss Mon, 18 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 Check out 5 reasons why this is the best exercise for increasing lifespan and fat loss.

And we are not going to beat around the bush here. The exercise we are talking about is cardio. Now wait! Before you click away and close this tab, we are not talking about jogging, or running, or swimming like a person would normally do.

Cardio can sound like a boring activity to some, or simply a waste of time to others. Engaging in cardiovascular exercise is a surefire way to shed excess weight, boost calorie expenditure, and ultimately achieve a more toned and lean physique.

However, what we are advocating here is not your typical cardio. Well, when we say “we” we actually mean Thomas DeLauer. Thomas DeLauer is a celebrity trainer and health author. His YouTube Channel has 3.5 million subscribers and he has been on the cover of numerous international magazines.

In a video he shared on his YouTube account, he talked about how a person can push their normal cardio routine a little bit harder. “Maybe into zone 3. Maybe so that heart rate’s a little bit more like 70, 75, maybe even 80 per cent of your max,” DeLauer says.

Source: Andres Ayrton / Pexels

And to influence you to push your cardio more next time you actually do cardio, he talked about 5 reasons why this is the best type of exercise for increasing lifespan and fat loss. Check it out below.

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5 Reasons Why THIS is the Best Exercise for Increasing Lifespan and Fat Loss

Cardiovascular exercise is widely known for its health benefits, but what if pushing your cardio a little harder could offer even greater advantages? In this article, we explore five compelling benefits of increasing the intensity of your cardio workouts, backed by scientific research.

  1. Increased Longevity: Research published in the Journal of Aging Research reveals that regular physical activity significantly decreases mortality rates, extending lifespan by 0.4 to 6.9 years. Athletes, especially those engaged in aerobic activities like soccer, tend to live even longer. Higher intensity cardio is associated with reduced oxidative stress, improved cardiovascular health, lower coronary artery calcium, and enhanced cellular endurance, contributing to a longer and healthier life.
  2. Weight Loss: A study in Obesity Reviews, analysing 149 studies, found that all types of exercise contribute to fat loss. However, another study in the Journal of Investigative Medicine linked higher VO2 Max (aerobic capacity) with greater weight loss during moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise. This emphasizes the importance of intensity in achieving optimal weight loss results.
  3. Cognitive Benefits: Cardiovascular exercise not only helps with weight loss but also has positive effects on cognition. A study published in the Journal of Neurology demonstrated that individuals with higher aerobic capacity experienced cognitive improvement, and older participants showed enhanced executive function. Adding cardio to your routine may contribute to both physical and mental well-being.
  4. Improved Skin Health: Surprisingly, cardio can positively impact skin health. Research in Dermatology Reports found that individuals who engaged in more aerobic exercise exhibited better skin hydration. The anti-inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise are believed to contribute to these skin benefits, highlighting another reason to boost the intensity of your cardio workouts.
  5. Muscle Growth Enhancement: Contrary to the traditional belief that cardio interferes with muscle growth, recent studies challenge this notion. A 2022 review of 43 studies found that simultaneous cardio and resistance training did not impact muscle hypertrophy or strength negatively. Aerobic exercise seems to influence protein metabolism, altering muscle protein synthesis and breakdown, potentially contributing to muscle growth.

How to Get Shredded with the 5 Rules of Fat-Burning Cardio

home core workouts How to Increase Chest Size and Strength Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass) 3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst) 9 Best Dumbbell Chest ExercisesSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

In conclusion, the benefits of intensifying your cardio routine extend beyond the well-established advantages of regular physical activity. While moderate-intensity cardio undeniably contributes to overall health, the evidence presented in this article suggests that pushing the boundaries of intensity can unlock even greater rewards.

By delving into higher heart rate zones, typically around 70-80% of your maximum, you may tap into a range of health benefits that include increased longevity, improved weight loss, cognitive enhancements, better skin health, and even support for muscle growth.

It’s important to emphasize that finding the right balance is key. Going beyond your comfort zone and increasing the intensity should be a gradual process, taking into consideration your current fitness level and health status. Always listen to your body and consult with fitness professionals or healthcare providers to ensure that your cardio routine aligns with your individual needs and goals.

Source: Li Sun on Pexels

Related: Should You Lift Heavy for Muscle Gains and Light for Fat Loss?

Additionally, combining cardio with other forms of exercise, such as resistance training, can create a well-rounded fitness routine. The idea is not to view cardio and strength training as mutually exclusive but rather as complementary components that can work synergistically to enhance overall health and fitness.

In essence, while the science behind the benefits of pushing cardio intensity is compelling, the ultimate goal is to create a sustainable and enjoyable fitness routine. Whether you prefer the invigorating effects of a high-intensity workout or the steady pace of a moderate-intensity session, the key is to stay active and make choices that contribute positively to your overall well-being.

Watch the video below from Thomas DeLauer to understand, from the man himself, why this is the best exercise for increasing lifespans and improve your body’s ability to lose fat.

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Embarking on a weight loss journey involves various approaches, but the key lies in a holistic strategy, from minor lifestyle adjustments to permanent dietary changes. Several key strategies can aid in achieving weight loss goals:

  1. Create a Calorie Deficit: Weight loss necessitates consuming fewer calories than the body expends daily. To accomplish this, individuals can adopt a balanced, low-calorie diet while increasing their physical activity levels.
  2. Embrace a Healthy Diet: Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Conversely, avoid high-sugar, high-fat, and processed foods, as they can hinder weight loss efforts.
  3. Regular Exercise: Engaging in frequent exercise boosts calorie expenditure, aiding in weight loss and fat reduction. The more active one is, the more calories they burn, accelerating the weight loss process.
  4. Adequate Sleep: Sufficient sleep is crucial, as inadequate rest can disrupt hormone levels that regulate appetite and metabolism, potentially leading to weight gain. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.
  5. Stress Management: Stress can trigger overeating and contribute to weight gain. Adopt stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to support weight loss efforts.

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Squats vs Hip Thrusts for Glute Growth: Which is Better? (New Research) Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Do you know which one is better to develop strong glutes: squats vs hip thrusts? This is what new research is leaning towards.

Building strength in the glutes is a crucial aspect of any comprehensive lower body training program, and two exercises often in the spotlight for this purpose are squats and hip thrusts. These compound movements are renowned for their effectiveness in targeting the glute muscles and promoting significant muscle engagement. In particular, the hip thrust places a specific emphasis on the gluteus maximus, fostering powerful contractions that are instrumental in the development of both strength and size.

The principle of progressive overload is fundamental to strength training, and both squats and hip thrusts provide an avenue for its application. Through gradual increments in weight or resistance, these exercises subject the glutes to increasing levels of stress over time, prompting the muscles to adapt and grow stronger. This ability to progressively overload is a key factor in building enduring glute strength and resilience.

Beyond their singular focus on the glutes, squats and hip thrusts engage multiple muscle groups, creating a synergistic effect. Squats, a compound movement involving the quadriceps, hamstrings, and core muscles, offer a holistic lower body workout. Similarly, hip thrusts, while primarily targeting the glutes, recruit the hamstrings and lower back muscles. This comprehensive muscle engagement contributes not only to glute strength but also to the overall development of lower body musculature.

GLutes-training-and-athletesSource: Photos Courtesy of CrossFit Inc

In addition to their effectiveness in targeting specific muscle groups, squats and hip thrusts emulate functional movement patterns. These exercises replicate motions essential to everyday activities, making the strength gained from them applicable to real-world scenarios. Squatting mirrors the motion of sitting and standing, while hip thrusts involve hip extension, a fundamental movement in walking, running, and various lower body actions. Incorporating these functional movement patterns into a training routine ensures that the strength developed is not only substantial but also practical for improving overall physical performance.

But, from the top of your head and with the knowledge you have at the moment, do you know which one is best for glute development? Squats vs hip thrusts? That is what a video shared by House of Hypertrophy decided to talk about.

The information below is based on the video in question in which they utilised a few scientific studies to come to a conclusion.

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Squats vs Hip Thrusts for Glute Growth: Which is Better? (New Research)

When training for a well-developed lower body, the gluteus maximus takes centre stage as the largest individual muscle. A recent study aims to settle this debate by directly comparing squats and hip thrusts in terms of glute, adductor, hamstring, and quadriceps hypertrophy, unveiling some intriguing findings in the process.

Before delving into the new study, it’s essential to acknowledge a previous study by Barbalho that caused a stir in the scientific literature. This study claimed that back squats induced approximately 2.5 times more gluteus maximus hypertrophy than hip thrusts. However, skepticism surrounds Barbalho’s studies due to improbable data patterns, leading to questions about their trustworthiness. The new study under scrutiny is considered the first legitimate attempt to compare hip thrusts to back squats.

The study involved 34 untrained individuals divided into either a squat or hip thrust group. The hip thrust group exclusively trained with the barbell hip thrust, while the squat group focused on the barbell back squat, descending as deep as comfortable. Both groups performed 8 to 12 repetitions to volitional failure per set, with the number of sets increasing across the study duration. The training frequency was twice per week, incorporating progressive overload through load increments.

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The Ultimate Guide for Bigger and Stronger Glutes (Exercises and Workouts Included)

The results indicated that quadriceps and adductor growth was greater for the squat group, aligning with expectations due to the greater knee joint range of motion and quad stretch in squats. Notably, neither group experienced significant hamstring hypertrophy, attributed to the involvement of knee bend in both exercises. Surprisingly, gluteus maximus hypertrophy showed similar growth across upper, middle, and lower regions in both groups. The lower region exhibited the most substantial growth, followed by the middle and upper regions.

Additional findings included similar growth in gluteus medius and minimus for both groups, with no notable increase. Strength measurements reflected the expected outcomes, with back squat strength increasing more in the squat group and hip thrust strength seeing greater gains in the hip thrust group. Interestingly, both groups experienced similar gains in deadlift strength, indicating a comparable impact on this exercise.

While this study provides valuable insights into the hypertrophic effects of hip thrusts and back squats, some considerations should be noted. The subjects were untrained individuals, raising questions about whether the results would hold true for trained individuals. Additionally, the use of volitional failure as the criterion for stopping sets introduces some vagueness, and the results may vary with different stopping criteria.

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Two other studies on gluteus maximus hypertrophy are worth mentioning. A 2019 study by Kubo compared different squat depths and found that a 140-degree knee flexion squat produced greater gluteus maximus hypertrophy. Another study by Kassiano and colleagues in 2022 involving untrained women demonstrated that incorporating hip thrusts alongside a leg press and stiff-legged deadlift increased gluteus maximus hypertrophy.

In conclusion, the new study suggests that squats and hip thrusts are comparable in promoting gluteus maximus hypertrophy across its regions. Squats excel in quadriceps and adductor growth, making them a better overall developer of multiple muscle groups. Hip thrusts, on the other hand, offer targeted glute isolation, particularly in the shortened position. Training both exercises can be a strategic approach, with the consideration that hip thrusts may be easier to recover from due to their focus on the glutes in a more shortened position.

As the debate continues, individuals seeking to accelerate glute development may consider incorporating hip thrusts as a tool for higher volume glute training. Notably, a combination of high contractile forces and stretch throughout the range of motion appears to be the recipe for optimal muscle growth. However, questions linger about the impact of squat depth on glute growth and whether deeper squats would yield different results. Future research is needed to explore these nuances and refine our understanding of gluteus maximus hypertrophy.

Watch the video for more information.

References and scientific research utilised for the video:

On hip and lumbar biomechanics. A study of joint load and muscular activity

Addition of the barbell hip thrust is effective for enhancing gluteus maximus hypertrophy in young women

Effects of squat training with different depths on lower limb muscle volumes

Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage Protection after Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths

Read More: 10 Best Glute Isolation Exercises to Build a Stronger Better Butt

Training and strengthening your glutes are crucial for various reasons, encompassing both functional and aesthetic aspects. Here are some key reasons why it’s important to prioritize glute training:

  1. Functional Stability:
    • The glutes, particularly the gluteus maximus, play a pivotal role in stabilizing the pelvis, hips, and lower back. Strengthening these muscles contributes to overall postural stability and helps prevent issues such as lower back pain.
  2. Enhanced Athletic Performance:
    • Strong glutes are essential for many athletic activities, including running, jumping, and lateral movements. They contribute significantly to power and explosiveness, aiding in sports performance and agility.
  3. Injury Prevention:
    • Weak glutes can contribute to a range of injuries, including lower back pain, hip pain, and knee issues. By strengthening the glutes, you provide better support to the entire lower body, reducing the risk of injuries associated with poor muscle balance.
  4. Improved Posture:
    • Well-developed glutes contribute to a balanced and aligned posture. They help maintain the natural curvature of the spine and prevent issues related to poor posture, such as slouching and rounded shoulders.
  5. Back Pain Relief:
    • The gluteus maximus, being the largest muscle in the body, plays a crucial role in providing support to the lower back. Strengthening the glutes can alleviate lower back pain and improve overall spinal health.
  6. Aesthetic Benefits:
    • Many individuals engage in glute training for aesthetic reasons. Well-developed glutes can enhance the overall shape and appearance of the lower body, contributing to a more toned and sculpted physique.
  7. Metabolic Boost:
    • The glutes are powerful muscles that require a significant amount of energy to function. Engaging in glute-strengthening exercises can contribute to an increased metabolic rate, aiding in weight management and fat loss.
  8. Joint Health:
    • Strong glutes provide support to the hip joint, promoting joint health and reducing the risk of hip-related issues. This is especially important as we age and joint health becomes a more significant concern.
  9. Balance and Coordination:
    • Glute strength is integral to maintaining balance and coordination, crucial for daily activities as well as sports performance. Strong glutes contribute to stability, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.
  10. Functional Movement Patterns:
    • The glutes are involved in various functional movement patterns, such as squatting, lunging, and bending. Strengthening these muscles ensures optimal performance in daily activities and exercises.

Incorporating a well-rounded glute training regimen, including exercises like squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and glute bridges, can provide a range of benefits for both physical health and aesthetic goals. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone seeking to improve overall well-being, focusing on glute strength is a valuable component of any exercise routine.

Glute Exercises Ranked Worst to Best

The Most Scientific Way to Train Glutes

The Best Glutes Hypertrophy Guide You Will Find

9 Exercises Better than Squats to Maximise Glute Growth

What Happens to Your Body When You Do Animal Flow for 30 Days? Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:30:00 +0000 What happens to your body when you do animal flow for 30 days? How much would you improve in terms of mobility, strength and health overall? Let’s dig more into it.

Animal Flow is a unique and dynamic form of fitness that combines elements of ground-based movement, bodyweight exercises, and fluid transitions inspired by animal-like movements. Developed by fitness expert Mike Fitch, Animal Flow is designed to improve strength, flexibility, mobility, and overall body control. The practice incorporates a series of exercises and movements that mimic the way animals move in nature.

Key features of Animal Flow include:

  1. Animal-Inspired Movements: The exercises in Animal Flow are often named after animals and are designed to replicate their movements. Examples include bear crawls, crab walks, ape reaches, and scorpion reaches.
  2. Ground-Based Flow: Unlike traditional exercises that may be performed standing, Animal Flow emphasizes ground-based movements. This requires engagement of multiple muscle groups, enhancing overall functional fitness.
  3. Flowing Transitions: One of the defining aspects of Animal Flow is the seamless transition between movements. Practitioners are encouraged to create fluid, continuous sequences, promoting improved coordination and body awareness.
  4. Bodyweight Training: Animal Flow is primarily a bodyweight-based workout, making it accessible to a wide range of fitness levels. It challenges strength, stability, and flexibility without the need for additional equipment.
  5. Core Engagement: Many Animal Flow movements heavily engage the core muscles, contributing to core strength and stability. The dynamic nature of the exercises also helps enhance overall body control.
  6. Mind-Body Connection: The practice emphasizes a mind-body connection, encouraging individuals to be mindful of their movements and focus on proper form and alignment.
Source: Konstantin Mishchenko on Pexels

Animal Flow classes or workouts are often structured as a series of flows, where participants move through different positions and transitions. The goal is to improve overall movement patterns, mobility, and functional strength while providing a fun and engaging workout experience.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking for a new challenge or someone seeking a more dynamic and unconventional approach to exercise, Animal Flow can offer a refreshing and effective way to enhance your fitness level and movement capabilities.

10 Exercises You Probably Overlooked for Total Performance

Now, to try and find out what happens to your body when you do animal flow for 30 days straight, you got two options:

  • Either you do it yourself and see the results
  • Or you read and watch what happened to other people and can try and assume a few things that could happen to you as well

Since this is an online article, we are going to go for the latter option and check out a person who did animal flow for 30 days. More precisely, Tayo from Pushment, a YouTube channel focused on challenged oneself to do and learn different things in a short period of time.

Let’s check it out.

Source: RDNE Stock project on Pexels

What Happens to Your Body When You Do Animal Flow for 30 Days?

You can watch Tayo’s animal flow video and challenge throughout the 30 days lower in this article. But remember that we said animal flow can be done by anyone, regardless of their fitness level?

That is what is good about what Tayo did. He is not an expert in the subject matter. He considers himself a complete beginner and he is not extremely fit or muscular per se.

This can help us identify what could happen to your body as well in case you decide to do animal flow for 30 days. If you are more fit, the results could be even better? Maybe.

Tayo did 30 minutes of animal flow every day for 30 days without any experience to unlock his mobility. After 10 days, he was able to increase the speed at which he would do some movements. “Things are running pretty well.”

According to Tayo, doing the animal flow was not only good for his health and mobility, but also fun as it awakened his inner child. By the end of the 30th day, you could see a vast improvement in how he moved. Watch the video below.

We at BOXROX also have written before about animal movements. Check out the link below.

The Only 5 Animal Movements You Need

If you want to follow something similar to what Tayo did, they separated all 30 days into phases with links to videos for you to get better and better each time. They are as follows:

The final test:

The best Primal Flow exercises that can be done anywhere!

Day 1-10: Basics

30-minute Natural Movement Practice: Ground Flow

Animal Flow Beginner Class

LEARN TO FLOW: Movement Class for Mobility & Strength [Yoga / Primal Movement / Animal Flow]

Animal Flow Workout – 15 Minute Bodyweight Workout (Follow Along)

Day 11-20: Practice

30-minute Natural Movement Practice: Ground Flow

30 MOVES IN 30 MINUTES | At-Home Bodyweight Workout

20 Minutes Primal Functional Movement Yoga Practice

These 9 ANIMAL MOVEMENT Exercises are OUR BEST OF!

MOVEMENT meets HIIT: 30-minute Natural Movement Workout (No Equipment)

10 Different Animal Walk Exercises

Day 21-30: Skills

This Is Animal Flow

Animal Flow: Transcend

Learn How To Flow: Locomotion, Animal Flow, Primal Movement

5 Primal Movements you NEED to do

Advanced ANIMAL FLOW Movements | FrancheskaFit

Crawling movements, often overlooked in traditional fitness routines, offer a transformative approach that extends beyond the realms of conventional exercises. Firstly, these primal patterns engage the body in a holistic manner, activating a diverse range of muscles and promoting functional strength. Unlike isolated exercises that target specific muscle groups, crawling requires the synchronization of various muscle chains, fostering a comprehensive muscular engagement. The intricate interplay between the upper and lower body during crawling patterns ensures that no muscle group is left untouched, promoting a balanced and well-rounded approach to fitness.

Secondly, crawling movements contribute significantly to mobility and flexibility. The dynamic nature of these patterns challenges the body to move in various planes, enhancing joint mobility and range of motion. As individuals navigate through crawling sequences, they naturally incorporate movements that stretch and strengthen muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This focus on mobility not only improves overall flexibility but also mitigates the risk of injuries by promoting joint health and functional movement patterns.

Moreover, crawling exercises provide a cardiovascular and endurance boost. The continuous and rhythmic nature of crawling elevates heart rate and respiratory function, turning these primal movements into effective cardiovascular workouts. While crawling may appear deceptively simple, the sustained effort required over time transforms it into a powerful endurance exercise. Integrating crawling patterns into fitness routines not only challenges the cardiovascular system but also enhances stamina, contributing to improved overall fitness levels.

In essence, crawling movements present a paradigm shift in fitness philosophy by embracing the primal patterns that our bodies are inherently designed for. From fostering holistic muscular engagement to enhancing flexibility and boosting cardiovascular endurance, these movements offer a multifaceted approach to fitness that extends beyond the traditional confines of gym workouts. Embrace the crawl, and embark on a journey that not only transforms your physique but also revitalizes your connection with movement and well-being.

Read More: The Only 3 Exercises You Need for Total Body Functional Strength

How to Get Shredded with the 5 Rules of Fat-Burning Cardio Thu, 14 Dec 2023 18:30:00 +0000 Learn how to get shredded with the 5 rules of fat-burning cardio.

Embarking on a weight loss journey involves various approaches, but the key lies in a holistic strategy, from minor lifestyle adjustments to permanent dietary changes. Several key strategies can aid in achieving weight loss goals:

  1. Create a Calorie Deficit: Weight loss necessitates consuming fewer calories than the body expends daily. To accomplish this, individuals can adopt a balanced, low-calorie diet while increasing their physical activity levels.
  2. Embrace a Healthy Diet: Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Conversely, avoid high-sugar, high-fat, and processed foods, as they can hinder weight loss efforts.
  3. Regular Exercise: Engaging in frequent exercise boosts calorie expenditure, aiding in weight loss and fat reduction. The more active one is, the more calories they burn, accelerating the weight loss process.
  4. Adequate Sleep: Sufficient sleep is crucial, as inadequate rest can disrupt hormone levels that regulate appetite and metabolism, potentially leading to weight gain. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.
  5. Stress Management: Stress can trigger overeating and contribute to weight gain. Adopt stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to support weight loss efforts.

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Unlock the secrets to a sculpted physique with Dr. Mike Israetel’s expert advice on the five essential rules for effective fat-burning cardio.

Dr Mike Israetel is an expert in Sport Physiology and the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, a renowned YouTube channel focused on hypertrophy and muscle building. Dr Israetel’s insights will provide valuable guidance for those striving to achieve their weight loss goals through cardio exercises designed to burn fat effectively.

how to combine HIIT and LISS to lose fat faster

Let’s explore his insights, the beacon guiding those on a mission to shed pounds through purposeful cardio exercises.

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How to Get Shredded with the 5 Rules of Fat Burning Cardio

Effectively utilizing cardio for fat loss involves embracing five crucial rules that collectively form a sustainable and comprehensive approach:

  1. Optimize SFR Modalities: Strike a balance between calorie-burning efficiency and minimal muscle fatigue and joint strain. Choose cardio exercises that maximize calorie burn without overburdening your body, ensuring consistent performance without unnecessary stress.
  2. Emphasize Enjoyment: Consistency is paramount in successful fat loss. Choose cardio activities you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s swimming, cycling, running, or any preferred pursuit. Genuine enjoyment facilitates motivation and commitment, making it easier to stay on track with your fat loss goals.
  3. Diversify Your Cardio Routine: Enhance fat loss and prevent plateaus by incorporating a variety of cardio modalities into your weekly routine. Engage in activities such as swimming, biking, running, or cycling to challenge different muscle groups and avoid overuse injuries.
  4. Recognize Cardio Limits: While cardio contributes to fat loss, excess can impede progress. Guard against muscle loss and metabolic rate decline by balancing cardio with strength training and proper nutrition. A harmonious approach ensures effective fat loss without compromising overall health.
  5. Consider Step Tracking: Monitor your daily step count with a tracking device to promote consistent progress. Aiming for 10,000 steps daily fosters daily movement, contributing to overall fat burning and supporting your weight loss journey.

How to Do HIIT Cardio to Get To 10% Body Fat

In the pursuit of a sculpted and healthier version of yourself, the culmination of Dr. Mike Israetel’s five rules for fat-burning cardio forms the foundation for success. By incorporating these guidelines into your fitness regimen, you not only optimize the effectiveness of your cardio routine but also establish a sustainable and enjoyable approach to achieving your weight loss goals.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

It’s essential to underscore the significance of a holistic strategy that extends beyond cardio alone. While cardiovascular exercises play a crucial role in shedding fat, combining them with a well-rounded fitness plan enhances overall results. Integrating strength training not only helps maintain muscle mass but also contributes to an elevated metabolic rate, ensuring that your body becomes a more efficient fat-burning machine.

Equally important is the role of nutrition in this journey. Adopting healthy eating habits complements your cardio efforts, providing the necessary fuel for your workouts and supporting your body’s recovery and overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in nutrients and tailored to your individual needs is key to unlocking sustained success on your weight loss journey.

Moreover, adequate rest should not be overlooked. Incorporating rest days into your routine allows your body to recover, repair, and adapt to the physical demands of your workouts. Striking a balance between activity and rest ensures that you avoid burnout, reduce the risk of injuries, and maintain the motivation necessary to stay committed to your fitness goals.

In conclusion, getting shredded and achieving long-term success in your weight loss journey involves more than just adhering to cardio rules. It requires a synergistic approach that combines effective cardio exercises with strength training, a nourishing diet, and ample rest. By embracing this comprehensive strategy, you pave the way for not only a leaner physique but also a healthier and more resilient version of yourself.

Watch the video below for more information explained by Israetel himself.

Ultimate Guide On How to Get Shredded – Steps to Lower Your Body Fat Percentage Every Time

Weight loss plateaus occur when a person’s weight loss progress slows down or stalls despite their continued efforts to lose weight. There are several reasons why this can happen:

  1. Metabolic adaptation: When you lose weight, your body adapts to the lower calorie intake and can start burning fewer calories at rest. This means that as you lose weight, your body requires fewer calories to maintain your new weight, which can cause your weight loss progress to slow down.
  2. Changes in physical activity: If you’ve been doing the same type and amount of exercise for a while, your body may become used to it and not burn as many calories as before. Additionally, you may experience fatigue or injury, which can cause you to decrease your physical activity level.
  3. Calorie intake: As you lose weight, you need fewer calories to maintain your weight. If you don’t adjust your calorie intake accordingly, you may start to consume too many calories, which can slow down or stall your weight loss progress.
  4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as fluctuations in insulin levels, can affect weight loss progress. For example, insulin resistance can make it more difficult to lose weight, especially around the midsection.
  5. Psychological factors: Stress, lack of sleep, and other psychological factors can affect weight loss progress. Stress can increase levels of cortisol, which can promote fat storage, while lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism.

To overcome weight loss plateaus, it’s important to reassess your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle habits to identify areas where you can make adjustments. This can include increasing physical activity, adjusting calorie intake, and managing stress and sleep. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to help you reach your weight loss goals.

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The Most Underrated Muscle-Building Principle You Need To Know About Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:30:00 +0000 This is probably the most underrated muscle-building principle you need to know about.

No pain, no gain. That is what a lot of people say nowadays. This means that you need to train hard to see results. When it comes to gaining muscle mass, understanding the underlying principles of training is crucial.

And here is a crash course on “how to build muscle” for beginners:

  • Train each muscle group at least twice a week
  • Mechanical tension is what stimulates your muscles to grow
  • Do not train the same muscle two days in a row
  • Sleep enough to recover properly
  • Keep hydrated and eat enough proteins to build stronger muscle tissue

And that is basically it!

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However, as one can imagine, the path to building muscle is not straightforward. Or at least, it is, but there are many roads that lead to the same objective. That is why training to change your body and become a better version of yourself is so fascinating.

Some other factors that come into play on whether you build muscle or not, or how fast you can get stronger include how heavy you lift, how often you lift, exercise selection, which exercises you do first in a workout, genetics,

There is never a one-size-fits-all when it comes to training. However, some things have solid background information in scientific research that it is worth trying out to see if you become successful and achieve the results you are looking for.

Mikaela NormanSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

In a video shared by the House of Hypertrophy, a less-known principle about building muscle is discussed that we think you should know about: neuromechanical matching.

This concept has significant implications for selecting exercises in a regimen designed to maximize muscle development.

The Most Underrated Muscle-Building Principle You Need To Know About

To grasp neuromechanical matching, it’s essential to first understand its cousin, the Henneman’s Size Principle. As you lift progressively heavier weights or fatigue during repetitions with a lighter load, more muscle fibres get recruited. This principle states that motor units, composed of a single motor neuron and multiple muscle fibres, are recruited in sequential order based on the demands imposed on the muscle.

Slow motor units, or low-threshold motor units, consist of small neurons supplying slow-twitch muscle fibres, which are fatigue-resistant. Fast motor units, or high-threshold motor units, consist of large neurons supplying fast-twitch muscle fibres, which produce high forces but fatigue quickly. The recruitment of these motor units follows a sequential order depending on the force requirements of the muscle.

This principle explains why a wide range of loads, from 30% to 80% of one-repetition maximum (1RM), can produce similar muscle growth when repetitions are performed to or close to failure. Heavier loads readily recruit many motor units, including both slow and fast motor units, leading to muscle growth. Lighter loads predominantly recruit slow motor units initially but progressively recruit fast motor units as fatigue sets in, resulting in comparable muscle growth.

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Source: Rohit Reddy on Unsplash

Neuromechanical Matching Explained:

Neuromechanical matching goes a step further by considering subgroups of motor units within muscles. These subgroups do not have identical functions; rather, they are recruited based on specific movements. For example, within the biceps, there may be subgroups of motor units dedicated to elbow flexion, supination, or a combination of both.

The purpose of these multi-unit subgroups is likely related to neuromechanical matching. Each subgroup contains muscle fibres with different mechanical advantages for specific movements. This diversity ensures efficient force production during various exercises.

Regional Hypertrophy and Neuromechanical Matching:

Recent evidence supports the concept of regional hypertrophy, where muscle growth is uneven across different regions of a muscle. Neuromechanical matching provides a plausible explanation for this phenomenon. The regions that experience the most growth likely contain muscle fibres that are mechanically advantageous for the specific exercise performed.

How to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle

Practical Applications:

Understanding neuromechanical matching has practical implications for designing effective training regimens. To maximize overall muscle growth, it’s advisable to select exercises that biomechanically differ for a given muscle. For example:

  1. Biceps and Triceps: Vary shoulder angles during training.
  2. Hamstrings: Include both hip extension and knee flexion exercises.
  3. Back: Incorporate vertical and horizontal pulling variations.
  4. Quadriceps: Include different knee extension exercises.
Top Weighted Exercises for the Glutes

In conclusion, incorporating the concept of neuromechanical matching into your muscle-building journey can significantly impact the effectiveness of your training regimen. By recognizing that muscles consist of subgroups of motor units with specific functions, you gain insights that go beyond traditional training principles.

The evidence supporting regional hypertrophy further emphasizes the importance of understanding neuromechanical matching. Not all regions of a muscle respond equally to a single exercise, and acknowledging the diversity of muscle fibres within a muscle group becomes crucial.

Practical applications of neuromechanical matching involve diversifying your exercise selection for a particular muscle. Instead of relying on a single movement pattern, incorporating variations that target different motor unit subgroups enhances the likelihood of stimulating a more comprehensive range of muscle fibres.

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For instance, when training the biceps and triceps, experimenting with various shoulder angles ensures that you engage different subgroups of motor units. Similarly, including both hip extension and knee flexion exercises when training the hamstrings caters to the mechanical advantages of distinct muscle fibre subgroups.

The implications of neuromechanical matching extend to back training, where combining vertical and horizontal pulling variations can offer a more holistic approach. In the case of quadriceps development, incorporating different knee extension exercises allows for the activation of diverse motor unit subgroups.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a well-rounded and tailored training program that considers the nuanced aspects of muscle anatomy and function. This not only enhances overall muscle growth but also addresses potential limitations associated with uneven regional hypertrophy.

Incorporating neuromechanical matching principles into your training routine is a strategic approach to optimizing muscle development. It adds a layer of sophistication to your workouts, moving beyond the conventional one-size-fits-all approach and acknowledging the intricate interplay between neural recruitment and mechanical advantage within muscles. By embracing these principles, you can sculpt a physique that reflects a deeper understanding of the science behind muscle growth and maximize your efforts in the pursuit of strength and aesthetics.

Watch the video below for more information.

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The Easiest Way to Lose Body Fat Faster Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Body transformation. These types of videos are incredibly fascinating. To see someone going from overweight to outright shredded is mesmerising. And, needless to say, most of us would like to see that transformation in ourselves and, perhaps, be the inspiration to others.

Shedding excess body fat is a common goal, but finding the most effective and sustainable method can be a path with many difficulties, often characterised by trial and error. Mike Diamonds, a prominent fitness speaker, stumbled upon a game-changing realization in 2020 that transformed his approach to weight loss.

Dr. Mike Diamonds is a retired medical doctor who is now an online fitness coach and a YouTuber. He has over one million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

The key, surprisingly, wasn’t gruelling workouts or extreme dieting but a simple yet powerful activity, he found out.

Find out below what is the easiest way to lose body fat faster according to Mike Diamonds.

The Easiest Way to Lose Body Fat Faster

If we could simplify what is the easiest way to lose body fat faster in one single word, that would be “walking.”

Source: Jupilu on Pixabay

Related: 3 Reasons Why Walking is Better than Cycling for Fat Loss

Before delving into the science behind why walking proved to be a superior strategy for his body transformation, Mike reflects on his earlier weight loss phases, attributing them to hard work rather than working smart. His routine involved extensive cardio, high-intensity interval training, and undereating, resulting in visible results but lacking an internal sense of well-being.

To initiate fat loss, a caloric deficit, where the calories burned surpass those consumed, is essential. Mike emphasizes the need to understand the interplay between calorie expenditure and intake. This is where the magic of walking comes into play, offering a balance between burning calories and tapping into the right energy sources.

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While some individuals might downplay the significance of cardio in weight loss, dismissing it entirely is not the right approach. Mike Diamonds, with his experience in the fluctuating journey of weight loss and gain, acknowledges the nuanced role of cardio.

Similarly, walking often finds itself overlooked as a legitimate form of cardio, despite its effectiveness. The absence of intense sweating during a walk doesn’t diminish its weight-loss benefits – quite the opposite.

The conventional perception of cardio usually involves activities like running, cycling, or swimming, demanding high intensity and resulting in heavy breathing. However, walking defies these expectations. It allows for a workout without the need for extreme exertion, even enabling a casual conversation during the activity.

Source: Nathan Cowley on Pexels

Walking falls into the category of low-intensity steady-state exercise, implying its suitability for extended durations with minimal strain. In contrast, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) represents an intense cardiovascular exercise characterized by all-out effort.

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Walking vs. Running: Unveiling the Science

Mike references a compelling research paper that compared walking and running. The findings showed that walking, especially at lower intensities, tapped more into fat stores as an energy source compared to running. The science explains that at higher intensities, the body tends to rely on readily available sources like glucose, shifting away from burning fat.

Read More: 11 Incredible Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Every Day (Body and Mind)

The Mathematics of Walking

The benefits of walking extend beyond mere fat burning. For a 180 lb individual, walking approximately 1,000 steps burns about 50 calories. By increasing daily steps from 5,000 to 10,000, one can burn an additional 250 calories per day. Over a month, this translates to an extra 2 lbs of fat loss, showcasing the power of consistent, moderate activity.

Practical Tips for Incorporating More Steps

Mike offers practical tips for individuals struggling to reach the recommended 10,000 steps daily. From waking up an hour earlier to integrating walking breaks during work and utilizing intentional exercise sessions, he emphasizes the importance of consistency and forming sustainable habits.

  1. Wake Up Earlier: Dedicate an extra hour in the morning for walking.
  2. Utilize Gym Time: Walk during rest periods between sets or as warm-up/cool-down.
  3. Seize Opportunities: Walk for errands, grocery shopping, or any chance to move.
  4. Breaks During Work: Take short breaks during work to move around and accumulate steps.
  5. Stair Utilization: Opt for stairs instead of escalators in various settings.
  6. Formal Cardio: Include intentional cardio sessions for accelerated results.
  7. Use a Pedometer: Track steps consistently with a pedometer for awareness and accountability.

Making Walking a Lifestyle Choice

The beauty of walking lies in its sustainability. Mike argues that unlike intensive workouts, walking can be a daily habit, causing minimal wear and tear on the body. This regular movement not only aids in fat loss but also contributes to maintaining muscle mass, a crucial factor in achieving a lean physique.

Beyond the physical benefits, walking proves to be a versatile activity. It allows for multitasking—whether it’s catching up on calls, spending quality time with loved ones, or indulging in a good book. Mike encourages individuals to seize every opportunity to walk, making it a seamless part of their daily lives.

How To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body Fat

In conclusion, Mike Diamonds advocates for a paradigm shift from prioritizing hard work to working smart. Walking emerges as a holistic and accessible approach to fat loss, providing not just physical transformation but also mental and emotional well-being. It’s a journey that goes beyond the scale, offering a sustainable path to achieving and maintaining a healthier, leaner physique.

You can watch the video below for more information about walking, the easiest way to lose body fat faster.

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How to Burn More Calories Lifting Weights

Walking is a simple yet powerful physical activity that can provide numerous benefits to your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits of walking:

  1. Improves cardiovascular health: Walking regularly can help improve your heart health by lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  2. Helps with weight management: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help burn calories and assist with weight loss or maintenance.
  3. Boosts mood and mental health: Walking can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing endorphins (feel-good hormones) and improving blood flow to the brain.
  4. Improves bone and joint health: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, as well as improve joint mobility and flexibility.
  5. Increases energy and stamina: Walking can help boost your energy levels and improve your overall fitness and stamina, making daily activities easier to manage.
  6. Lowers the risk of chronic diseases: Regular walking can help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.
  7. Promotes better sleep: Walking can help regulate your sleep cycle, allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  8. Improves digestion and gut health: Walking can aid in digestion by stimulating the muscles in your abdomen and reducing constipation.

Overall, walking is a simple yet effective way to improve your health and well-being. Even a small amount of daily walking can provide significant benefits, so consider incorporating this activity into your daily routine.

How Long Will It Take To See Your Six-Pack?

The amount of walking recommended per day varies depending on your age, fitness level, and overall health. However, the general guideline for adults is to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, per week. This equates to approximately 30 minutes of walking per day, five days a week.

If you are unable to commit to 30 minutes of walking in one go, you can break it down into smaller chunks throughout the day. For example, you could aim for three 10-minute walks or two 15-minute walks. The key is to find a routine that works for you and fits into your daily schedule.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are just a general guideline, and it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Your healthcare provider can give you personalized advice on how much and what type of physical activity is safe and appropriate for you.

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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Six-Pack Abs Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Here is the complete beginner’s guide to six-pack abs. If your goal is to not only see your abs, but make them pop, this is the right webpage.

Embarking on the quest to reveal those elusive abdominal muscles is a journey marked by twists and turns, filled with the frustration of trying countless diets and experimenting with various workout routines. The fitness landscape is saturated with information on nutrition and exercise, leaving many feeling lost and unsure about the most effective path to achieving visible abs.

In response to this common struggle, we’ve taken a deep dive into a comprehensive step-by-step guide that seeks to demystify the process, providing a straightforward approach to chiselling out your midsection without the burden of calorie counting or convoluted workout plans.

In the video below, sports teacher and YouTube fitness guru Alex Lorenz talks through the complete beginner’s guide to six-pack abs, what to eat and how to train. He is the co-founder of Calisthenic Movement and has trained Calisthenics since 2012, uploading videos regularly for those people interested in getting in shape using only their body weight.

Deepen Your Knowledge: 8 Reasons Your Abs Aren’t Showing and How to Fix It

The pursuit of well-defined abs often feels like deciphering a complex code, with individuals attempting different protein-packed diets, engaging in fat-burning workouts, and, at times, resorting to extreme measures like rigorous cardio sessions or even temporary starvation. Despite these efforts, the desired results seem elusive, and the plethora of conflicting information only adds to the confusion.

This guide is born out of a recognition that the journey to visible abs doesn’t need to be a labyrinth of complexity and uncertainty. It is an invitation to step away from the cacophony of conflicting advice and adopt a simplified yet highly effective approach. The aim is to empower you with a set of manageable changes that seamlessly integrate into your daily life, eliminating the need for arduous calorie tracking or intricate workout plans.

By embracing the principles laid out in the subsequent sections, you’ll not only shed stubborn belly fat but also uncover the simplicity within the complexity of fitness advice. Let’s embark on this journey together, decoding the secrets to unveiling your abs and transforming your approach to health and fitness.

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The Complete Beginners Guide to Six-Pack Abs

It’s crucial to note that having excess body fat covering your midsection will prevent the appearance of well-defined abs. No matter how effective the ab exercises may be, achieving a six-pack requires a solid nutrition plan to reduce belly fat.

Diet is the most crucial element if you want to see your abs.

Whenever you reach a low level of body fat percentage – that number can vary from person to person, but it is usually below 15% for men and 20% for women. For that to happen, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose body fat gradually.

What ab exercises can help with, besides helping you stay mobile and protect your spine and lower back, is build muscle on your abs and make them look more defined once you are able to see them – or even be able to see them before you hit the magic number of body fat percentage.

lose weight

How to Eat to Lose Belly Fat

Now that you know that fundamental truth about revealing your abs and putting your foot in the right direction towards a six-pack abs, below are more information from Lorenz and the complete beginner’s guide to six-pack abs.

  1. Hydration Matters: If you’ve ever heard the saying, “Abs are not built in the kitchen, but they are uncovered there,” you understand the importance of nutrition. However, many people overlook what they drink. Opting for soda over water can sabotage your progress, as these sugary beverages pack empty calories that hinder the benefits of proper nutrition and exercise. By switching to water, you eliminate unnecessary calories and set the stage for a healthier body.
  2. Build Muscle to Boost Metabolism: Muscle mass plays a pivotal role in increasing your basal metabolic rate, meaning the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns even at rest. While cardio sessions are beneficial, incorporating strength training is essential for building muscle. Focus on training larger muscle groups like the glutes, quads, chest, and lats to maximize the calorie-burning effect, promoting both strength and a sculpted physique.
  3. Change Eating Habits Forever Starving yourself is not the key to a six-pack. Instead, focus on changing your eating habits for the long term. While occasional indulgences are acceptable, prioritize quality foods over highly processed, calorie-laden options. Kick out processed foods and opt for nutrient-dense choices. Experiment with cutting calories sensibly, avoiding extremes that could lead to negative impacts on metabolism and overall health.
  4. Workout Routine Quality Over Quantity To build your six-pack abs, a targeted workout routine is crucial. The selected exercises in this guide are designed to increase the size of the abdominal muscles rather than simply burning calories. The routine includes plank walks, side plank raises, and serratus knee raises. These exercises can be performed with minimal equipment, making them accessible whether you’re at the gym, on vacation, or at home.

The exercises are:

  •  Plank walk (rectus abdominis)
  • Side plank raise (obliques)
  • Serratus knee raise (serratus)

Do each of these exercises between 3 and 4 sets, with 6-15 reps with 2 minutes of rest between each set.

22 Bodyweight Ab Exercises Ranked Worst to Best

woman smiles in fitness gear with abs musclesSource: dusan jovic on Unsplash

All in all, the quest for visible abs is a chapter that often comes with challenges, experimentation, and a desire for clarity amidst the sea of information. As we conclude our journey through this step-by-step guide, it’s essential to reflect on the profound changes and possibilities it introduces. The pursuit of well-defined abdominal muscles, though daunting, is not an impossible feat.

The guide encourages you to discard the frustration that may have accompanied your previous attempts, offering a clear and concise roadmap to chiselling out your abs. The emphasis on hydration, muscle-building, sustainable nutrition, and a focused workout routine serves as pillars, supporting a holistic approach to achieving visible abs. It’s an approach that doesn’t demand extreme measures or the sacrifice of daily pleasures but rather advocates for consistent, manageable changes that seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle.

As you implement these principles, your relationship with health and fitness will change drastically – for the better. The journey is not about a relentless pursuit of perfection but rather a commitment to long-term well-being. The simplicity of this approach is intentional, acknowledging that sustainable change arises from gradual, consistent adjustments rather than drastic, short-lived interventions.

Read More: 3 Easy Fixes to Get Shredded Abs

How to build a 6 pack abs prisoner squats Abs Hypertrophy Tips to Get Six Pack Abs Fast how to diet to lose fat for good the perfect abs workout Best Exercises to Get Six Pack Abs without CrunchesSource: Ant Haynes

Consistency is the linchpin to success. You should acknowledge the challenges that may arise and but fight your way to stay the course, recognizing that the journey to visible abs is a marathon, not a sprint. Each step taken, each modification made, contributes to the broader narrative of your health and fitness story.

Unveiling your abs is more than achieving a physical aesthetic; it’s about cultivating a mindset of resilience, discipline, and self-care.

After reading all this, and implementing these guidelines, you will be on the sure path to a leaner physique and a step closer to visible six-pack abs. Unveiling your abs is a journey that will bring you not only a better look, but a healthier mindset as well.

Consider this a transition in your fitness lift. Embrace the journey, celebrate the victories, and revel in the unfolding narrative of your evolving, healthier self.

Watch the video for all the information you need.

Check out more content you might find useful to push forward to have a visible six-pack abs:

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The Best Cardio Routine to Lose Fat Fri, 01 Dec 2023 02:30:00 +0000 What would the best cardio routine to lose fat look like? How should you go about cardiovascular exercises if you want to improve your ability to lose weight and finally transform your body? We tried to answer those questions in the paragraphs below.

The pursuit of a leaner, healthier physique has become increasingly attainable, thanks to evolving cardio routines that promise not just weight loss but a holistic transformation. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the best cardio routines, drawing insights from Mike Diamonds’ personal success stories and his wealth of knowledge gained through a decade of coaching and thousands of client transformations.

Dr. Mike Diamonds is a retired medical doctor who is now an online fitness coach and a YouTuber. He has close to a million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

Check out more information below.

How to Do HIIT Cardio to Get To 10% Body Fat

Women cycling on bikesSource: Coen van de Broek on Unsplash

The Best Cardio Routine to Lose Fat

The modern fitness landscape has witnessed a paradigm shift, challenging conventional beliefs about weight loss and the role of cardio in achieving optimal results. It’s no longer just about sweating it out on the treadmill for hours; it’s about understanding the science behind effective fat loss and adopting a strategy that aligns with both individual goals and sustainable lifestyle changes.

As we navigate through the realms of cardio, weight loss, and physique transformations, we’ll explore the nuances that go beyond the surface-level assumptions. The journey is not just about shedding pounds but about sculpting a body that reflects dedication, discipline, and a commitment to overall well-being.

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Okay then. Let’s explore the best cardio routine to achieve impressive results, drawing insights from Diamonds’ experience and scientific studies. Below are 8 key points you should know about cardio routine to lose fat.

  1. The Effectiveness of Cardio: Contrary to the belief that more exercise always leads to burning more calories, recent research challenges this notion. While cardio is a popular choice for weight loss, the body tends to adapt and conserve energy after reaching a certain activity level, limiting the calorie-burning effect. It emphasizes the importance of combining cardio with other strategies for effective fat loss.
  2. The Role of Diet: Before diving into cardiovascular exercise, it’s crucial to have a disciplined and consistent diet. Research suggests that reducing food intake might be more effective for weight loss than relying solely on exercise. The saying “you can’t outwork a bad diet” holds true, emphasizing the need for a balanced and controlled diet alongside cardio.
  3. The Golden Ticket to Fat Loss: A recent systemic review explored various methods for fat loss, including diet interventions, resistance training, and aerobic workouts. The study concluded that a combination of energy restriction and resistance training is the most effective way to reduce body fat, retain muscle mass, and lower body mass index.
  4. The Power of Resistance Training: While cardio alone can lead to weight loss, combining it with resistance training has proven to be more effective in preventing muscle loss and maintaining bone density. A study on obese older adults showed that a combination of aerobic and resistance training yielded the most significant improvements in physical performance.
  5. Cardio for Sustainable Weight Loss: While cardio can contribute to weight loss, it’s essential to manage fatigue and make it sustainable. Drip-feeding cardio, starting with minimal sessions and gradually increasing, is recommended. Fatigue is real, and sustainable weight loss requires a gradual and realistic approach.
  6. Losing Fat Through Cardio Alone: While it is possible to lose fat through cardio alone, it requires considerable effort and may not be sustainable in the long run. A clinical trial demonstrated that regular aerobic exercise without dieting led to significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals, emphasizing the calorie-burning potential of cardio.
  7. The Best Time for Cardio: Research suggests that exercising early in the morning may be more effective for weight loss. Anecdotal evidence aligns with this, as morning exercise tends to boost endorphins and energy levels throughout the day. Anticipating exercise also influences energy intake, leading to a net reduction in energy balance.
  8. Maintaining Weight Loss: After achieving weight loss goals, maintaining a Physically Active lifestyle is crucial. A study following women who reached their weight loss goals revealed that those who remained physically active gained less weight back compared to moderately active or sedentary individuals. Consistent activity, whether through cardio or resistance training, is key to weight maintenance.

How Running Once a Week Changes Your Body

Embarking on the journey to achieve a single-digit body fat percentage is undoubtedly a monumental undertaking. As you’ve read, we have uncovered not just the mechanics of shedding excess weight but the intricacies of building a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Beyond the initial excitement of reaching a goal lies the true essence of the transformation – a commitment to maintaining and cherishing the hard-earned results.

The world of fitness has evolved, and with it, our understanding of what it takes to achieve lasting success. Cardio, once seen as a one-size-fits-all solution, is now part of a more comprehensive toolkit for sculpting the ideal physique. This guide has emphasized the importance of combining cardio with other strategies, such as a disciplined diet and resistance training, to unlock the full potential of the body’s transformative capabilities.

As individuals strive to shed the layers of excess fat, it becomes evident that the journey is not just about the destination but the path taken to get there. The introduction of realistic, sustainable practices, such as drip-feeding cardio and maintaining a physically active lifestyle, ensures that fatigue doesn’t become a roadblock on the way to success.

Source: Andres Ayrton / Pexels

How to Combine HIIT and LISS to Lose Fat Faster

Crucially, the conclusion of the fat loss journey is not a finite endpoint but a transition into a new way of life. The post-transformation phase is about embracing a lifestyle that effortlessly sustains the hard-earned results. This isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about gaining a profound understanding of the body, its needs, and the enduring commitment required for lasting health and vitality.

By now you should know that spotlight is not on the end but on the beginning of a lifelong journey towards optimal well-being and a body that reflects the dedication poured into its creation. Hopefully the lessons learned in this guide serve as a compass for those navigating the rewarding path of cardio-driven fat loss.

Watch the video below for more information about the best cardio routine to lose fat, as explained by Mike Diamonds.

Cardio vs Weights: Which is Better for Fat Loss?

The Worst Fitness Trends Ever Thu, 30 Nov 2023 18:30:00 +0000 Below are some of the worst fitness trends ever.

The fitness industry, much like any other, has undergone a fascinating evolution over the years, from the revered golden era to the current era marked by a peculiar blend of innovation and, at times, sheer quirkiness. In the golden era, simplicity and functionality were paramount, focusing on the essence of the workout rather than the external aesthetics. Fast forward to the present, and the dynamics have shifted. It’s no longer just about the sweat-inducing routine; it’s about the curated image one projects during the workout—a phenomenon akin to the gym equivalent of being circumcised, a metaphor that intriguingly captures the complex interplay of self-image and societal expectations.

As we reflect on this journey through the fitness landscape, it becomes apparent that what was once a pursuit grounded in the pure essence of exercise has now become a canvas for various trends, some bizarre and others bordering on the avant-garde. The fitness bubble, as we refer to it, encapsulates a realm where the pursuit of physical well-being often intertwines with the desire for social validation and adherence to unconventional practices.

In this article, we delve into the peculiarities that define the contemporary fitness industry. From the emergence of intuitive eating as a response to the frustration of meticulous macro tracking to the rather risky practice of dry scooping pre-workout supplements, the fitness landscape has become a stage where unconventional trends take center stage.

Each trend, in its own way, reflects the shifting paradigms of what it means to be fit in the modern world—a world where fashion choices at the gym, the use of social media platforms like TikTok for fitness inspiration, and even the aesthetics of one’s energy drink preference have become integral components of the fitness narrative.

The list you will see below was designed with plenty of humour by Will Tennyson. Will Tennyson is a Canadian YouTuber who uploads fitness routines, nutrition advice and lifestyle content on his channel which has more than 2 million subscribers. He struggled with body image as a younger kid but has since bounced back after discovering weightlifting and he wants to make people as enthusiastic about fitness and wellness as he is.

As we navigate through these eccentric trends, it’s essential to dissect not just the surface-level quirkiness but also the underlying motivations that drive these practices. The fitness industry, in its current form, serves as a melting pot of individual aspirations, societal expectations, and a genuine quest for physical well-being. By exploring these trends, we aim to shed light on the multifaceted nature of the fitness bubble, where each trend adds a layer of complexity to the broader narrative of health and wellness.

The Worst Fitness Trends Ever

Intuitive Eating:

Intuitive eating, often likened to a friends-with-benefits relationship, sounds great in theory. However, in practice, it often leads to confusion between genuine hunger and mere wants. This trend seems to stem from frustration with tracking macros and a lack of diet identity, making it a questionable interim solution.

Dry Scooping Pre-Workout:

In the pursuit of time efficiency, the fitness industry seems to have embraced the practice of dry scooping pre-workout supplements. Despite being more of a choking hazard than benching 315 without a warm-up, dry scooping has become a bizarre status symbol. The ritual of consuming pre-workout is equated to getting “jim-bro” caffeinated, akin to getting “white girl wasted.”

Flannel Fashion at the Gym:

Wearing a flannel to the gym has become a trend that leaves many perplexed. The question arises: are these gym-goers mistaking the cowbell for the barbell? This odd fashion choice has become as common as wondering if someone might wear onesies to a funeral.

Celebrity Workouts:

You might want to look the way a celebrity does, like Batman or Thor, but you might forget that these celebrities have resources we, mere mortals, simply don’t.

Also, these actors/celebrities and many people behind them are relying on their physique for a job. So you shouldn’t be surprised if someone, at some point, would take steroids to pack on 30 pounds of muscle in less than a month before shooting a scene.

5 Signs Someone is On Steroids

Male Crop Tops:

The rise of the male crop top as a gym fashion statement has left many wondering if it’s to showcase lower abs or a treasure trail. With debates on whether it’s acceptable only for those with sub-eight percent body fat, the gym equivalent of being circumcised raises eyebrows.

Always Maxing Out on Bench Press:

People take bench press numbers much more seriously than real important things, like their GPA.

Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

Gym Beenies:

Just why?

Functional Strength vs Actual Strength:

Do you want to look like you can lift a boulder, or do you want to be able to actually do so? Do you want to train and use that strength in the actual world, or is the gym your real world and hammer curl machines are all you want?

How to Make Your Training More Functional

TikTok Fitness Reels:

TikTok fitness reels often resemble horror movie excerpts, with synchronized movements that leave viewers questioning whether they are meant to follow along or witness a self-parodying PSA. The difference between YouTube fitness and TikTok fitness lies in breaking plateaus versus providing a plateau.

Obsession with Fitness Trackers:

Fitness trackers have become an integral part of gym culture, monitoring everything from stress levels to sleep patterns. However, the downside is that they further intertwine us with our phones, potentially overshadowing the crucial mind-muscle connection.

athlete looks at wrist watch with optical heart rate monitorSource: dusan jovic on Unsplash

Overpriced Salads and Power Bowls:

The trend of indulging in overly priced salads and power bowls has gained popularity, leaving consumers questioning if they’re paying for the taste or the sensation of inevitable hunger a few hours later.

Your Ways it the ONLY Way:

It can become a war if someone goes the opposite way of you to achieve similar results. Think of diet. Carnivore diet and vegan diets can both achieve the same results, but they are at the opposite side of the spectrum.

What works for you might not work for someone else.

Fitness Hypebeasts and Energy Drink Flavors:

In the world of fitness hypebeasts, the hunt for the newest monster energy drink flavor is as important as scoring the latest Yeezys or Supreme drops. The kill count no longer refers to sorority pledges but to the number of energy drinks consumed.

5 Steps to Build a Perfect Male Physique

In traversing the diverse and often quirky landscape of the modern fitness industry, it becomes evident that this realm is not just about physical exertion and health; it’s a stage for the expression of individuality, societal trends, and, at times, unconventional practices.

As individuals engage with these trends, it’s crucial to maintain a discerning eye, understanding that the pursuit of fitness is a personal journey, and what works for one may not work for another. Whether it’s the allure of TikTok fitness reels or the temptation of overpriced salads and power bowls, the key lies in finding a balance that aligns with one’s genuine well-being and goals.

In essence, the fitness industry, with all its quirks and trends, serves as a microcosm of societal shifts, self-expression, and evolving perceptions of beauty and health. By navigating through these trends with a sense of curiosity and critical thinking, individuals can carve out their unique paths within the vast and ever-changing world of fitness. As the fitness bubble continues to expand and reshape itself, one thing remains certain—fitness is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and the journey is as unique as the individual undertaking it.

Tennyson also talked about hairless men, how every food has to be anabolic and excessively high-fibre bars. Watch the video below for more information and to get a kick out of Tennyson’s humour explaining the worst fitness trends ever.

Ultimate Guide on How to Get Shredded

Is Mouth Breathing Making You Uglier? Thu, 30 Nov 2023 02:30:00 +0000 Is mouth breathing making you uglier? Find out more in the paragraphs that follow.

Before we begin digging into the aspects of mouth breathing and if that makes you ugly, we must acknowledge that attractiveness and being “ugly” or “pretty” is subjective. As one might say: “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Uglier might mean one thing to you and another thing to someone else. The underlying fact here, and in the paragraphs below, is that mouth breathing will change how your face looks if done for an extended period of time through years.

The bulk of information below about whether mouth breathing can turn someone uglier was based on a conversation between Chris Williamson and Andrew Huberman.

Chris Williamson is the host of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast. The “Modern Wisdom” podcast covers a wide range of topics, including health, fitness, psychology, business, and personal development. Chris often interviews experts and thought leaders in these fields, providing insights and valuable information for his audience. He also has his own YouTube channel boosting close to 1.5 million subscribers.

Williamson shared a video in which he has a conversation with Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine

Related: Testing Andrew Huberman’s Protocols for Increasing Testosterone in 30 Days – Does it Work?

Check below all you need to know about the subject at end.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Can mouth breathing affect your facial bone structure?

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Is Mouth Breathing Making You Uglier?

Although BOXROX is all about working out, nutrition tips and how to get fit and live longer and healthier, the following paragraphs will focus on a somewhat objective way of explaining how mouth breathing can change a person’s face.

Breathing is a hidden aspect of health and well-being that many people simply forget to research. However, when beginning the conversation, Huberman explains his arguments are based on a book by Sandra Kahn, Paul R. Ehrilch, and Robert M. Saposky titled Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic.

The book centres around a couple of core concepts:

  1. Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal Breathing: The book emphasizes a crucial distinction between mouth breathing and nasal breathing. Individuals, especially children, who habitually use mouth breathing over nasal breathing may experience significant changes in facial structure. Beyond aesthetics, it affects overall health by limiting oxygen intake, inducing a state of apnea, and impacting brain function.
  2. Chewing Hard Foods for Cranial-Facial Development: The act of chewing hard foods is highlighted as essential for proper cranial-facial development. The authors argue that the modern diet, often dominated by soft foods, contributes to dental issues and negatively influences facial aesthetics. Chewing tough foods, especially during childhood, is crucial for oral development, tooth health, and even correlates with cardiovascular and metabolic health.
  3. Orthodontia as a Consequence: The book challenges the conventional approach to orthodontia, suggesting that many interventions such as braces, headgear, and retainers are consequences of poor breathing habits and the consumption of soft foods. The argument is rooted in the idea that optimal cranial-facial development can be achieved through natural means, avoiding the need for extensive orthodontic interventions.

The authors elaborate on the mechanics of nasal breathing, highlighting its benefits beyond facial aesthetics. Nasal breathing enhances oxygen intake, promotes sinus health, and even contributes to a robust nasal microbiome, providing a natural defence against infections.

The sinuses, often misunderstood, are illuminated as plastic structures that can be influenced by deliberate nasal breathing. A well-balanced nasal microbiome becomes a powerful tool in capturing and neutralizing viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections, making nasal breathing a crucial aspect of respiratory health.

The book presents natural experiments showcasing the impact of lifestyle choices on facial development. It discusses images of twins raised differently, demonstrating how chewing tough foods can lead to more attractive facial features. Conversely, cases of children transitioning from nasal breathers to mouth breathers showcase visible changes, including a recessed chin and droopy eyes.

Related: How to Eat to Lose Belly Fat

pat vellner breathing hard on the floor after workoutSource: Photo courtesy of CrossFit Inc.
Breathing through your mouth during and after a hard workout is fine.

Delving deeper into the profound revelations presented in “Jaws: A Hidden Epidemic,” we uncover a narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional health literature. The exploration of mouth breathing as a hidden epidemic unveils an intricate web of connections between respiratory habits, facial aesthetics, and the holistic panorama of one’s well-being.

The crux of the book lies not in advocating for specific products or endorsing quick fixes, but rather in championing the power of intentional lifestyle changes. “Jaws” becomes a beacon guiding readers toward a profound understanding—that the journey to optimal cranial-facial development is not shrouded in complexity or reliant on external interventions. Instead, it unfolds through the simplicity of mindful habits and conscious choices.

  1. Interconnectedness of Breathing and Health: The narrative draws attention to the profound interconnectedness of breathing patterns with broader aspects of health. Beyond the oft-overlooked aesthetic implications, habitual mouth breathing is revealed as a potential contributor to systemic health issues. By weaving together the threads of oxygen intake, sinus health, and the nasal microbiome, the book underscores the importance of nasal breathing in maintaining overall well-being.
  2. A Natural and Effective Alternative: While modern society often gravitates toward technological solutions and quick fixes, “Jaws” takes a refreshing stance by advocating for natural and effective alternatives. The revelation that optimal cranial-facial development is within reach through mindful habits reshapes the narrative surrounding orthodontic interventions. The book presents a compelling argument: the path to transformative change lies not in elaborate products but in embracing innate practices aligned with the body’s natural rhythms.
  3. Practical Lifestyle Changes: The emphasis on practical lifestyle changes becomes a guiding principle for readers. The power of intentional nasal breathing, chewing hard foods, and maintaining a balanced diet emerges as tangible and actionable steps toward fostering cranial-facial health. By encouraging readers to integrate these habits into their daily lives, “Jaws” serves as a practical guide, offering tools that are readily accessible and applicable to individuals across diverse lifestyles.
  4. Empowerment Through Mindful Habits: Beyond the dissemination of information, the book becomes a source of empowerment. It empowers readers to take charge of their own health by making conscious choices aligned with the principles of optimal cranial-facial development. The simplicity of these habits—breathing through the nose, chewing intentionally, and embracing a balanced diet—becomes a source of empowerment, demystifying the often perplexing terrain of health and well-being.

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In conclusion, “Jaws: A Hidden Epidemic” not only sheds light on the subtle epidemic of mouth breathing but also invites readers into a transformative journey. It paints a canvas where the interconnectedness of breathing, facial aesthetics, and overall health becomes evident. By steering clear of product endorsements and focusing on practical lifestyle changes, the book emerges as a beacon of empowerment, illuminating a natural and effective alternative to extensive orthodontic interventions. As readers absorb these insights, they find themselves equipped with the tools to embrace mindful habits and embark on a path toward holistic well-being.

You can see the conversation between Huberman and Williamson about mouth breathing and its impact on a person’s facial structure in the video below.

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Classic Gym Stereotypes – Which One Are You? Wed, 29 Nov 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Check out 14 classic gym stereotypes and find out which one you are. Chances are, you are one of these as we see them time and time again.

When we go to the gym, we often find ourselves navigating through a population not just by weights and machines, but by a myriad of characters, each embodying a unique gym stereotype. It’s a universal truth that most of us may cringe at the idea of being labelled, but deep down, there’s a chance that we all fit snugly into one of these categories.

After all, the gym is not just a place for physical transformation; it’s a social arena where our habits, quirks, and workout routines become a canvas for scrutiny and, sometimes, amusement.

So, let’s take a light-hearted journey into the world of classic gym stereotypes, shedding light on the personalities that make the fitness centre more than just a place to break a sweat. Before you vehemently deny any association with these archetypes, ask yourself—do you really escape the gravitational pull of these stereotypes, or do you, too, fall into the well-defined categories that shape the gym culture?

As we delve into each stereotype, remember that it’s all in good fun. We’re here to explore, perhaps expose, and maybe even embrace the unique characteristics that make the gym a fascinating microcosm of human behaviour.

The list you will see below was designed with plenty of humour by Will Tennyson. Will Tennyson is a Canadian YouTuber who uploads fitness routines, nutrition advice and lifestyle content on his channel which has more than 2 million subscribers. He struggled with body image as a younger kid but has since bounced back after discovering weightlifting and he wants to make people as enthusiastic about fitness and wellness as he is.

So, whether you’re a carb loader, a table manners rebel, an amateur pharmacist, or a fitness influencer, there’s a certain camaraderie that unites us all in our pursuit of health and wellness. After all, what’s a gym without its cast of characters?

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Classic Gym Stereotypes – Which One Are You?

1. The Carb Loading Carl

Carb loading isn’t just a strategy; it’s a way of life for Carl. With the gut of a raccoon, he carb-blows as if he just ran a marathon. His diet is a homage to Michael Phelps, and he might even start a spontaneous 10k an hour before leg day. Yet, the cut never seems to work, leaving him puzzled.

Source: Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

Will Tennyson goes on to a Mcdonald’s restaurant and eats a burger enveloped in two pancakes. For this individual, table manners are for those who aren’t hungry and don’t want gains. It’s all about loading up on carbs.

2. The Scientist

From pre-workout to pump products, this gym-goer turns the fitness centre into a laboratory. Armed with a biomedical engineering degree, they dispense advice and supplements with the confidence of a seasoned pharmacist.

3. The No-Home Jerome

No home, no problem. This gym enthusiast’s workout plan resembles a bingo card as they wander from station to station. The mystery of their nomadic journey remains unsolved, but Adderall might be a good guess.

How Little Can You Do and Still Grow Muscle?

4. The Christian Gray

This individual arrives with whips and chains, or at least resistance bands. With a scientific background and a penchant for medieval torture, they believe bands and chains make exercises harder, or maybe it’s just a smoke screen for poor form. And, of course, they’re probably vegan.

Do You Really Need Days Off When Training?

5. Chiropractor’s Best Friend

Source: Roman Odintsov on Pexels

This person turns every barbell exercise into a potential guillotine. Their form is questionable, and chiropractors and orthopaedic surgeons love them for it.

6. Analog Arnold

Mistaken for the gym’s Amish member, Analog Arnold rejects modern technologies. Armed with a notebook, they meticulously track every set and rep, recalling details like a preteen’s diary.

7. The Smelly Dude

This individual crashes into your workout space like a terribly scented tsunami. No level of social distancing can keep their aroma at bay.

8. Larry Training Wheels

“This is the guy who is yet to achieve a squat, bench, deadlift total of 500 pounds, yet here he is slamming weights around like he is trying to intimidate the concept of gravity into thinking resistance is futile.”

9. Sweaty Guy

This person threatens to turn any bench into a slip and slide. Gym towel sales owe them a great debt.

10. The Gym Rat

barbell bench press

The multi-divorcee who treats the gym like an all-expense-paid resort. Cardio, push-pull leg splits—he does it all in one workout to get his money worth. And yes, he probably thinks he runs the place.

11. The Peacock

Kanye West seems humble compared to this individual. They flaunt tight clothes to give the illusion of lifting, but reality sets in when the shirt comes off.

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12. The Dalai Lama

Their body is a temple, but not in the gym. Whole Foods is their place of worship, and conversations revolve around the origins of every ingredient in their organic diet.

13. The Ken Doll

With a diet full of artificial concoctions, Ken Doll is on the verge of turning into plastic. Chemical formulas are fair game if they promise shredded abs. Doctor visits? Not so much.

He might eat a lot of things that could case him cancer, but if the macros are good, then he goes for it.

14. The Fitness Influencer

Treating the gym like their personal studio, the fitness influencer bombards everyone with discount codes. Annoying? Maybe. Effective? They think so. Just like Will Tennyson figures out – he is that one.

So, which gym stereotype resonates with you? Embrace it or change it—just remember, we’re all in this together, one workout at a time.

You can watch the video below from Will Tennyson to see his typical humour in explaining these classic gym stereotypes.

Read More: 10 Unspoken Rules of the Gym – Follow Them Accordingly

Gym etiquette is essentially a set of unwritten rules and social norms that govern behavior within a fitness facility. It’s a collective understanding among gym-goers that helps create a positive and respectful environment for everyone. While specific rules can vary from one gym to another, there are some universal principles that contribute to good gym etiquette:

  1. Cleanliness:
    • Wipe down equipment after use: This helps maintain hygiene and shows consideration for the next person using the equipment.
    • Return weights: Put dumbbells, barbells, and other equipment back in their designated places to keep the gym organized and safe.
  2. Sharing and Waiting:
    • Share equipment: Be mindful of others waiting to use the equipment, and allow them to work in between your sets.
    • Use equipment efficiently: Minimize rest time between sets, especially during peak hours when others are waiting.
  3. Volume and Distractions:
    • Keep noise to a minimum: Avoid excessively loud grunting, dropping weights, or playing music without headphones.
    • Use headphones: If you want to listen to music or watch videos, use headphones to avoid disturbing others.
  4. Personal Space:
    • Respect personal space: Give others enough room to perform their exercises without feeling crowded.
    • Don’t linger: Avoid sitting or standing on equipment when not in use to allow others access.
  5. Hygiene:
    • Personal hygiene: Come to the gym clean and wear appropriate workout attire.
    • Towel usage: Carry a towel to wipe off sweat, especially when using shared equipment.
  6. Time Management:
    • Be mindful of time: Avoid spending excessive time on a single piece of equipment during peak hours.
    • Plan your workout: Have a clear plan for your workout to minimize time spent wandering or waiting for equipment.
  7. Cell Phone Use:
    • Keep conversations short: If you need to take a call, step away from the main workout area to avoid disrupting others.
    • No photography without permission: Respect the privacy of other gym-goers and obtain consent before taking photos or videos.
  8. Coaching and Advice:
    • Offer help when appropriate: If someone looks unsure about using equipment, it’s okay to offer assistance politely.
    • Avoid unsolicited advice: While well-intentioned, offering advice without being asked can be perceived as intrusive.
  9. Re-racking Weights:
    • Re-rack weights: After using free weights, make sure to return them to their designated racks.

By adhering to these unwritten rules, gym-goers contribute to a positive and inclusive atmosphere, making the gym experience enjoyable for everyone. Following proper gym etiquette is a shared responsibility that fosters a sense of community among those pursuing their fitness goals.

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Do You Really Need Days Off When Training? Mon, 27 Nov 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Do you really need days off when working out? I mean, really, really? The short answer is yes. Keep scrolling down to find out more about it, why you absolutely need it and how to navigate to get the best muscle growth during your rest days period.

In the ever-evolving landscape of fitness and training, there’s a pervasive myth surrounding a mythical team called “Team No Days Off.” Well, here’s the revelation – there is no such team. Contrary to the glorification of ceaseless training, we’re here to discuss a vital aspect often overlooked – the importance of rest days.

The necessity of days off, how to go about them, how to avoid pitfalls and what do to was shared by Dr Mike Israetel in a recent video.

Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

So buckle up, fitness enthusiasts, as we delve into the realm of recovery, exploring the seven crucial points that highlight why incorporating rest days into your routine can be a game-changer. Before we embark on this journey, let’s establish a clear definition of what a rest day entails.

worst exercises

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Do You Really Need Days Off When Training?

Before we jump into the necessity of days off when training, let’s start by defining what a rest day is. A rest day is a sanctuary for your muscles, a break from the iron grind. For those of us enchanted by the world of weight training, a rest day becomes a haven where the clinking of weights takes a temporary hiatus. It’s the intermission, the moment when the crescendo of barbells and dumbbells mellows into a gentle hum.

Now, don’t mistake a rest day for an excuse to morph into a couch potato. Far from it! It’s a recalibration, a subtle shift from the intensity of lifting heavy loads. Instead of pushing your body to its limits, you’re giving it a chance to rejuvenate, rebuild, and emerge even more formidable.

So, what does a rest day entail for the weightlifting aficionado? Well, it’s not a cinematic scene of Netflix marathons and endless chip consumption (although, no judgment if that’s your thing occasionally). Instead, it’s a day of mindful movement.

Light activities like a leisurely stroll, a casual bike ride, or meeting your step quota become the backdrop of your rest day.

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Advantages of Rest Days:

  1. Muscle Growth: Contrary to the belief that muscles grow in the gym, they actually grow outside of it. A rest day is dedicated to muscle growth, providing the perfect environment for recovery.
  2. Fatigue Reduction: Rest days help combat both local and systemic fatigue. While your muscles recover locally, a rest day brings down systemic fatigue, rejuvenating your entire body for the challenges ahead.
  3. Psychological Fatigue Reduction: Beyond the physiological benefits, rest days also play a role in reducing psychological fatigue. The mental break allows you to come back to the gym with renewed energy and focus.
  4. Preparation for Intense Weeks: Taking a rest day prepares your body and mind to go all out in the upcoming week. It’s like reloading the cannons for a week of intense training.

Avoiding Pitfalls on Rest Days:

While rest days are essential, it’s crucial to avoid certain pitfalls:

  • Excessive Cardio: Doing too much cardio on a rest day can negate its benefits. Stick to light activities.
  • Overworking: Avoid compensating for the lack of weight training by overworking in other aspects of life, like your job or school.
  • Extreme Recovery Methods: Skip excessive use of ice and heat; they may delay the natural recuperative processes that lead to muscle growth.

Tips for Rest Days:

  1. Sleep: Get as much sleep as your body needs. It’s a powerful recovery tool.
  2. Nutrition: Eat according to your diet plan. Don’t skimp on calories, especially if you’re on a mass-gaining phase.
  3. Relaxing Activities: Engage in relaxing activities like watching Netflix, spending time with friends, or getting a massage.

Recovery Training Days:

Sometimes, instead of complete rest, incorporating recovery training days can be beneficial. These are lighter workout sessions designed to enhance recovery without adding significant fatigue. It involves using 50% of the usual weight, reps, and sets for a particular exercise.

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Timing Rest Days:

The timing of rest days matters. Consider taking rest days either before or after your priority muscle group training. For example, if building a bigger back is crucial, schedule rest days before or after your back-focused workouts.

Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

The curtain closes on the myth of “Team No Days Off” as we unravel the science and wisdom behind the often underestimated rest day. It’s not about embracing a sedentary lifestyle but understanding that strategic rest is the unsung hero of your fitness journey.

As you embark on this newfound appreciation for recovery, remember that progress is not solely measured by the hours spent in the gym but by the cumulative impact of training, recovery, and consistency. Embrace the ebb and flow of your fitness routine, allowing your body the time it needs to rebuild and emerge stronger.

So now you know that days are the necessary pauses the that provide a chance to build a resilient and robust physique. So, the next time someone tries to lure you into the illusionary “Team No Days Off,” confidently share the secret sauce – calculated and strategic rest.

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In conclusion, let your fitness journey be a harmonious blend of dedication, intensity, and intelligent recovery. Celebrate the days your body needs to heal and grow, for it is in these moments of rest that the real magic happens.

Now, armed with the knowledge of how to navigate your rest days and optimize recovery, go forth and conquer your fitness goals. Rest days are not a sign of weakness but a strategic move for optimal results. Whether you choose complete rest or incorporate recovery training, understanding the importance of rest is essential for long-term success in your fitness journey. Remember, recovery is a crucial component of progress.

Watch the video below for more information from Dr Mike Israetel himself.

Read More: Why You Should NOT Track Your Rest Time Between Sets

You can also try out different ways to divide your workout. It can be an upper-lower body training routine, bro split, or full-body workout. It depends on how much time you have available, just make sure you are hitting the same muscle group more than once a week to get results faster.

Bro Split, Upper/Lower, Full Body Workout Compared

So, how many times a week should you work out? At least 3, if you want to see faster results. Depends on how much time you have and, from there, you can choose what kind of workout routine best works for you.

Upper Lower Workout – 3 Days a Week

Upper Lower Workout – 4 Days a Week

Push/Pull/Legs Workout

4-Day Split Program to Build Muscle

Top Training Programs to Gain Size and Mass

7 Ways to Look More Muscular Sun, 26 Nov 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Check out 7 ways to look more muscular. These tips are good if you are young or old. There are 3 long-term strategies and 4 short-term ones.

As we gracefully age, the pursuit of building and maintaining muscle can present unique challenges. The invigorating days of lifting heavy weights may not feel as effortless as they once did. However, the quest for a muscular and defined physique doesn’t have to wane with time.

In fact, it’s entirely possible to look more jacked in your 40s than you did in your 20s. In this article, we’ll explore seven tips that bridge the gap between efficient muscle-building strategies and instant visual enhancements.

The person who came up with this list is coach Alain Gonzalez, an author, personal trainer and YouTuber with over 800K subscribers. He often uploads videos of fitness workouts, tips, training tricks and more, all related to making the most out of your time when working out.

How to Make the Biggest Visual Change To Your Body Quickly

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

7 Ways to Look More Muscular

1. Building Broader Shoulders for a Timeless Silhouette

The shoulders play a pivotal role in achieving a visually impressive physique, especially as part of the upper body. Broad shoulders create the illusion of a wider upper body, contributing significantly to the overall appearance of muscularity. To achieve this, a targeted approach is essential.

Start by incorporating a vertical press into your routine, with standing dumbbell overhead presses proving most effective. Emphasize the mid delts, crucial for broader shoulders, through lateral raise variations. Opt for a traditional dumbbell lateral raise with a slight tweak—pointing the pinkies downward for safety and effectiveness. Finally, target the rear delts with a neutral grip reverse fly, focusing on chest-supported variations for optimal results.

16 Shoulder Exercises Ranked Worst to Best

2. Training for Size

Training for size, also known as hypertrophy training, involves lifting weights strategically to create high levels of mechanical tension in the muscles—a primary driver of muscle growth. This approach entails lifting in a moderate rep range (around 5 to 10 repetitions), lifting close to failure for maximal muscle fiber recruitment, and taking relatively longer rest periods (3 to 5 minutes).

This method not only promotes muscle growth but also minimizes the risk of injury, a crucial consideration, especially for those over 40. While lifting heavy in lower rep ranges may pose higher injury risks, going above 10 reps can lead to excess fatigue. Training for size offers a balance, allowing individuals to achieve a more muscular physique without compromising safety.

Differences Between Training for Size and for Strength

3. Get Lean

Building muscle is only one part of the equation; achieving a lean physique is equally important for a timeless aesthetic. Striking the right balance involves reducing body fat to a level where muscles become more visible, without venturing into the extremes of getting shredded.

Maintaining a body fat percentage within the 10 to 15 percent range allows for good muscle definition, vascularity, and a fuller, more aesthetically appealing look. This goal requires a combination of a calculated diet, increased protein intake, and consistent training. Gradual progress and dedication over time are key to achieving and maintaining a lean physique without sacrificing muscle mass.

Best Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss

Short-Term Strategies for Instant Impact

While long-term solutions lay the foundation for a timeless physique, there are short-term strategies for those moments when you want to look more jacked almost instantly.

4. Incorporate a High Carb Day:

Boost muscle fullness and size by strategically including a high carb day. Increase caloric intake by 250 to 500 calories, focusing on carbs, to achieve a temporary increase in muscle volume. This approach provides a quick, visual enhancement, making muscles appear larger and more defined.

5. Get a Pump:

Prioritize exercises that target specific muscle groups with high-rep isolation movements (15 repetitions or more). This induces a pump, causing blood to flow to the muscles and creating a temporary increase in size. A pump workout, including push-ups, lateral raises, rear delt flies, bicep curls, and triceps extensions, can be done as a circuit for instant results.

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

6. Find and Wear Better Fitting Clothes:

Optimize your appearance by choosing well-fitting clothes. Snug-fitting shirts around the shoulders and chest, along with attention to sleeve length and overall shirt length, can accentuate your physique. Avoid busy graphics or patterns and opt for solid-colored shirts to keep the focus on your muscles.

7. Maintain Good Posture:

The impact of good posture on the visual appeal of your physique cannot be overstated. Standing up straight not only creates a more open, muscular appearance but also engages muscles in the upper back, making your traps and rhomboids more defined. Good posture also gives the illusion of a slimmer waist by engaging core muscles.

The Perfect 5-Minute Daily Posture Routine

In the journey to achieve and maintain a jacked physique, age should be viewed as a mere backdrop rather than a limiting factor. The dynamic interplay of long-term strategies and short-term tactics opens a gateway to timeless fitness excellence. As we gracefully traverse the stages of life, the pursuit of a muscular and defined physique becomes not just a physical endeavor but an art form, where each stroke of effort contributes to a masterpiece sculpted by dedication and resilience.

The long-term strategies outlined in this guide serve as the foundation—a blueprint for building and maintaining muscles efficiently over the years. From broadening shoulders to training for size and achieving a lean physique, these methods exemplify the fusion of science and dedication. The essence lies not just in the pursuit of muscle growth but in crafting a physique that withstands the test of time, embodying strength, health, and aesthetics.

Complementing these enduring strategies are the short-term tactics, providing instant visual impact for those moments when immediate confidence and aesthetic enhancement are desired. Whether it’s the strategic inclusion of a high carb day, inducing a muscle-pumping workout, choosing well-fitting clothes, or maintaining impeccable posture, these quick fixes offer a glimpse into the instant rewards of the fitness journey.

Best Upper Chest Dumbbell Exercises You Can Do With No BenchSource: DreamLens Production on Pexels

5 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Men Must Eat

In the grand tapestry of fitness, age becomes a mere thread, woven seamlessly into the fabric of a timeless pursuit. The desire to look more jacked, to exude confidence, and to feel comfortable in one’s own skin is not bound by the calendar. Instead, it thrives in the commitment to continual improvement, the embrace of both the journey and the destination.

So, as you navigate the stages of life, let the pursuit of a jacked physique be a celebration of resilience, wisdom, and the unwavering belief that fitness is not a fleeting endeavor but a lifelong commitment. Each repetition, each choice of nutrition, and each moment of self-care contributes not just to a better physique but to an ageless embodiment of strength and vitality.

In the realm of fitness, the canvas is boundless, and the brush is forever in your hands. The strokes you make today are not merely for the present; they resonate in the echoes of a timeless pursuit—a journey that transcends age and leaves an indelible mark on the canvas of your life. Embrace the art of fitness, for it is a masterpiece in the making, and you, the artist, are bound only by the limits of your ambition and the canvas of your possibilities.

Watch the video below for more information.

The Only 5 Exercises You Need to Look Super Jacked

The Ultimate Cheat Code for Muscle Growth Sat, 25 Nov 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Do you know what is the ultimate cheat code for muscle growth? Then keep scrolling to find out.

And we are not going to beat around the bush for too long. The buzz around partial reps is hard to ignore. From gym enthusiasts to seasoned bodybuilders, everyone seems to be incorporating them into their training routines. However, the key to harnessing their benefits lies in understanding the nuances of their execution. And the person who we are basing the info for this article is none other than Jeff Cavaliere.

Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

Contrary to popular belief, partial reps are not a new phenomenon. Icons like CT Fletcher and other successful bodybuilders have been integrating them into their training methodologies for years.

woman smiles in fitness gear with abs musclesSource: dusan jovic on Unsplash

The crucial aspect, however, is not haphazardly incorporating partial reps but understanding the specific place and purpose of each application.

See more below.

5 Steps to Build a Perfect Male Physique

The Ultimate Cheat Code for Muscle Growth

If you find yourself unsure about what a partial actually entails, fear not – Cavaliere uses the lat pulldown as an example to dissect the variations.

Partial repetitions can occur at different points in the range of motion. A lengthened partial, for instance, involves performing reps at the top, in the elongated or stretched position. On the other hand, mid-range partials occur in the middle part of the range of motion, while contracted partials involve taking the bar all the way down and repeating strong contractions. The focus here will be on lengthened partials, as they have garnered significant research support.

Research indicates that lengthened partials, particularly in the stretched position, create muscle hypertrophy and growth. The stretch-induced eccentric tension in this phase, coupled with prolonged time under tension, becomes a potent combination for driving muscle gains. Now, the excitement may have set in, and you’re eager to incorporate partials into your routine. The question is, how do you implement them effectively?

There are three options to consider. Firstly, you can choose to perform partials every rep of the set, ensuring that each repetition involves a partial movement. Secondly, integrated partials involve alternating between full-range-of-motion reps and partial reps, commonly known as one-and-a-half reps. Lastly, you can opt for full-range-of-motion repetitions until failure, followed by intensifying the set with partial reps – a method favoured by many.

Should You Train to Failure?

woman performs lat pulldown in gymSource: FitNish Media on Unsplash

The execution of effective partials varies based on the exercise and its classification. Pulling exercises, like the lat pulldown, offer the advantage of allowing for slight momentum and additional partial reps. In contrast, pushing exercises present a different challenge, as you lack the opportunity to use body momentum when the weight is at the bottom.

For pull exercises, the option of dropping the weight or adjusting body position to continue partial reps is available. However, pushing exercises require a different strategy. Two options emerge: incorporating a drop set with lighter weights immediately after failure or stopping a few reps short and transitioning into partial reps to maximize time under tension.

When it comes to leg exercises, partials can be applied, albeit uncomfortably. The Bulgarian split squat is a prime example, where staying in the stretched position of the quads throughout the exercise becomes an effective strategy. While one-and-a-half reps and quarter squats have their merits, the application of every-rep partials in leg exercises, particularly for hypertrophy, can be impactful.

How to Increase Your Metabolism

In the pursuit of trying something new, remember that it’s not about muscle confusion but muscle disruption. The goal is to challenge yourself differently while preserving the benefits of full-range-of-motion repetitions. Whether you’re training for strength, athleticism, or longevity, understanding the diverse advantages of each method is crucial.

So, as you embark on the journey of incorporating partial reps into your training routine, keep in mind the specific application, choose the method that aligns with your goals, and revel in the challenging and different approach that can potentially lead to the results you seek. Remember, it’s not just about following trends; it’s about disrupting your muscles in a way that propels you toward optimal growth and performance.

Watch the video below for more information from Cavaliere himself.

Chest Exercises Ranked Best to Worst

How Often Should You Work Out

The frequency of your workouts depends on various factors, including your fitness goals, current fitness level, and schedule. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often you should work out:

  1. Strength Training:
    • For beginners: Start with two to three days per week, allowing at least one day of rest between sessions to promote recovery.
    • For intermediate to advanced individuals: Aim for three to six sessions per week, targeting different muscle groups on different days.
  2. Cardiovascular Exercise:
    • For general health: Engage in moderate-intensity cardio activities, such as brisk walking or cycling, for at least 150 minutes per week or vigorous-intensity activities for at least 75 minutes per week.
    • For weight loss: Increase the duration and intensity of cardio workouts, aiming for 300 minutes or more per week for substantial weight loss.
  3. Combining Strength and Cardio:
    • If time allows, you can alternate between strength training and cardiovascular workouts on different days, providing a well-rounded fitness routine.
  4. Flexibility and Mobility:
    • Include flexibility and mobility exercises at least two to three times per week to improve joint range of motion and prevent injuries.
  5. Rest and Recovery:
    • Allow at least one to two days of rest per week to give your body time to recover and reduce the risk of overtraining.
  6. Listen to Your Body:
    • Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel fatigued, sore, or notice signs of overtraining, take a day off or opt for lighter activities.

Remember, the key is to find a workout frequency that aligns with your goals, fits into your schedule, and allows for adequate recovery. Additionally, consulting with a fitness professional or healthcare provider can help tailor a workout routine based on your individual needs and circumstances.

Top Training Programs to Gain Size and Mass

How Little Can You Do and Still Grow Muscle? Wed, 22 Nov 2023 02:30:00 +0000 Are you lazy, doesn’t like to go to the gym to work out, or simply don’t have time? However, you still want to be healthy, build muscle and change how you look? Then you probably, at some point, wondered how little can you do in the gym and still grow muscle, correct? Let’s try to answer that in the coming paragraphs.

The quest for the most efficient path to gains has led to the emergence of a transformative concept – the minimum effective dose. At its core, this concept challenges the notion that more is always better and encourages individuals to find the delicate balance between pushing their limits and respecting their time constraints.

In a society where the demands of work, family, and life can often leave little room for extended gym sessions, understanding and applying the minimum effective dose becomes a game-changing strategy.

To understand how little you can do and still grow muscle, we are leaning into the expertise of Mike Israetel.

Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

In a video he shared on his YouTube channel, he talked with another fitness scientist. Dr Pak Androulakis-Korakakis is a fitness coach, researcher, and has a PhD on “minimum dose for strength.” He also has a YouTube channel.

The Best Training Technique to Build Muscle in Half the Time

Source: Cottonbro / Pexels

Imagine a scenario where the pursuit of meaningful progress in strength and muscle growth doesn’t demand an exhaustive commitment of time. The minimum effective dose is the key to unlocking this potential. It’s about training at the boundaries, discovering the precise amount necessary to stimulate dependable growth without overwhelming one’s schedule.

This concept becomes especially significant for those who, despite their eagerness to make gains, find themselves questioning whether their available hours per week are sufficient for significant progress. The realization that optimal gains may be achievable with a surprisingly low training volume reshapes the narrative, paving the way for a more accessible and sustainable approach to fitness.

Embarking on this journey requires a deep dive into the research landscape, where both Israetel and Pak explore not only the scientific literature surrounding the minimum effective dose but also tap into the insights of top-level coaches and athletes. Together, they unravel the mysteries of effective and meaningful gains, discovering how even a modest investment of time in the gym can yield remarkable results.

Join us as we navigate through the nuanced world of training efficiency, redefining what it means to optimize gains and celebrating the transformative power of the minimum effective dose.

12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program

Source: Polona Mitar Osolnik on Pexels

How Little Can You Do and Still Grow Muscle?

Pak’s own PhD research focused specifically on uncovering the minimum effective dose for powerlifters. He delved into the world of getting strong, examining highly trained individuals to understand what it takes to see meaningful gains. The participants in his studies weren’t your average lifters – these were stacked individuals, respected even within the elite powerlifting community.

Pak’s studies pushed the boundaries, exploring the effectiveness of low-volume training. The key takeaway was that even as low as one heavy set per week could lead to gains, though more consistently seen with around six sets per week. The findings challenged preconceptions, suggesting that meaningful progress is achievable with a surprisingly low training volume.

4 Early Signs You’re Not Building Muscle

Defining “Effective” and “Meaningful” Gains

Beyond the scientific literature, Pak sought to define what “effective” and “meaningful” gains truly mean. Interviews with high-level coaches and athletes provided valuable perspectives on what constitutes progress that matters.

For hypertrophy, the magic number seemed to be around four to six sets per muscle group per week, yielding 50-70% of potential gains. Remarkably, even a single set per muscle group per week showed meaningful growth, especially for beginners. On the strength front, the data suggested that, for powerlifters, as low as one heavy set per week could lead to gains, though more consistently with around six sets per week.

Source: Gustavo Fring on Pexels

Practical Takeaways: Making Gains with Limited Time

The practical implications are clear – you don’t need to spend countless hours in the gym to make progress. Whether you have a few hours per week or face temporary disruptions in your training routine, there are actionable steps to ensure you’re still on the path to gains.

If hypertrophy is your goal, focus on a minimum of four to six sets per muscle group per week. Even with limited time, you can achieve noticeable gains. For strength enthusiasts, the key lies in maintaining intensity. As little as one heavy set per week can make a difference, but a more consistent approach with around six sets per week increases your chances of achieving gains deemed meaningful by top coaches and athletes.

Maintaining Gains in Challenging Times

Life throws curveballs, and there might be periods where your training frequency needs to decrease. The good news is that the data supports the idea that even with as little as one to four sets per muscle group per week, you can maintain your gains. Compound movements that efficiently target multiple muscle groups become your allies in such situations. Consider exercises like close-grip bench, underhand pull-ups, squats, and hip hinges to create a well-rounded routine with minimal time investment.

How Long Should You Wait to Train a Muscle Again?

barbell front raiseSource: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

In conclusion, the overarching message resounds with clarity: there are no more excuses. The minimum effective dose is not just a concept; it’s a powerful ally in crafting a training routine that respects your time while still propelling you towards your fitness goals. Whether you find yourself juggling the demands of a bustling career, navigating the complexities of parenthood, or confronting unforeseen challenges, the key lies in understanding and applying this tailored approach to training.

Gone are the days when the pursuit of gains was synonymous with endless hours in the gym. The minimum effective dose empowers you to make the most of the time you have, transforming your workouts into efficient and productive sessions. It’s a call to action for those who may have felt deterred by the perceived need for extensive training hours. No longer do you need to sacrifice crucial aspects of your life to make progress in the gym. Instead, you can step into the fitness arena with confidence, knowing that even with limited time, you possess the tools to optimize your gains.

This approach is not about compromising on results; it’s about prioritizing efficiency and sustainability. The data speaks volumes – as low as one to four sets per muscle group per week can be the difference between maintenance and meaningful gains. Whether you’re maintaining your progress during challenging times or strategically navigating a busy schedule, the minimum effective dose becomes your compass.

10 Exercises to Get a Top 1% Physique

So, shed the excuses, embrace the reality that life comes with its own set of challenges, and acknowledge that your fitness journey is a dynamic and adaptable endeavour. With the minimum effective dose as your guiding principle, you have the blueprint to achieve and maintain meaningful gains, ensuring that your time in the gym aligns seamlessly with the demands of your life.

It’s time to redefine what’s possible, make the most of every training session, and revel in the progress that follows. The era of no excuses has arrived, and the minimum effective dose is your passport to a more balanced and empowered approach to fitness.

You can watch Israetel and Pak’s conversation about the minimum effort you should be doing in the gym to still grow muscle in the video below.

10 Tips to Build Muscle as Quickly as Possible

Top Training Programs to Gain Size and Mass

The Beginner’s Barbell Workout: 13 Essential Exercises Sat, 18 Nov 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Are you new to weightlifting? Then check out this barbell workout for beginners that will help you with a solid foundation to build muscle, lose weight and transform your body in the gym.

Embarking on your fitness journey can feel like delving into a new language—with so much to grasp, it’s easy to be inundated with information. Amidst the sea of advice, there’s a gem specifically tailored for beginners: the phenomenon known as “newbie gains.”

For those starting their fitness endeavours, this concept translates into rapid progress during the initial months. It signifies that as a novice in the gym, you’re poised to experience significant muscle gain and remarkable advancements in your fitness journey.

In simpler terms, if you’re a beginner, anticipate lifting heavier weights or engaging in more exercises each week for the first few months. This transformative period promises strength enhancement, increased athleticism, and an overall boost in fitness levels as you consistently navigate the gym environment. Welcome to the exciting world of newbie gains!

Noob Gains: The Science Behind Rapid Muscle Growth in Beginners

Nycolas JoyalSource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

To maximize your fitness journey, selecting the right exercises early on is crucial, and the unanimous choice among experts is to incorporate compound lifts. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, offering a holistic strength-building approach. But with an array of options available, the question arises: which exercises should you prioritize?

Addressing this query, coach Chris Wilson, a distinguished strength coach affiliated with Critical Bench—a platform dedicated to health and strength—has curated a comprehensive list of 13 exercises. This barbell workout for beginners serves as a strategic guide, ensuring that each exercise contributes to overall strength, fitness, and health. Chris Wilson, known for his expertise, shares invaluable insights through Critical Bench, a reputable source with over 1 million subscribers on their YouTube channel.

See all the info you need below to kick off your fitness transformation in the right path.

Related: The Best Gym Exercises You’re Not Doing

Barbell Workout for Beginners

Embarking on a weightlifting journey can be both exciting and overwhelming for beginners. The world of barbell exercises offers a plethora of options to sculpt your body and build strength. In this article, we’ll explore 13 essential barbell exercises that are perfect for those just stepping into the realm of weight training. From total body workouts to targeted muscle engagement, these movements serve as a solid foundation for any beginner.

  1. Bent Over Rows:

Begin with one of the classics – the Bent Over Rows. This exercise targets the back muscles, emphasizing the lats and providing a strong foundation for future workouts. Focus on maintaining a flat back and pulling the barbell into your lower belly.

  1. Overhead Press:

Moving on to the Overhead Press, this exercise engages multiple muscle groups, offering total body impact. Pay attention to your foundation, pressing the weight overhead while moving your body under it for maximum efficiency.

  1. Barbell Squats:

No beginner’s guide is complete without the Barbell Squat. Perfect your form by ensuring the bar rests comfortably on your upper traps, maintaining a wide foot stance, and pushing your knees out as you drop down.

  1. Deadlift:

Considered one of the greatest exercises for overall muscle stimulation, the Deadlift is a must-include. Focus on a tight stance, hip hinge, and keeping the bar close to your body as you stand up.

  1. Barbell Shrugs:

Isolate your upper traps with Barbell Shrugs, an exercise often underestimated. Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip, elevate your shoulders, and lower them, keeping the bar close to your body.

  1. Barbell Curls:

Every beginner enjoys the classic Barbell Curl. Pay attention to form, ensuring a controlled descent for effective muscle engagement. Experiment with different weights and maintain good posture throughout.

Source: Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

Read More: 10 Best Tips for Novice Weightlifters

  1. Barbell Bench Press:

Lay down for the essential Barbell Bench Press. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, create a strong foundation with feet flat on the ground, and focus on controlled movements for optimal results.

  1. Close Grip Bench Press:

For tricep strength and lockout power, the Close Grip Bench Press is a valuable addition. Tuck your elbows in close to your body, targeting the triceps while still engaging the chest and shoulders.

  1. Upright Rows:

Target your shoulders and upper back with Upright Rows. Opt for a slightly closer grip, leading with your elbows as you pull the barbell to the top of your chest.

  1. Good Mornings:

Strengthen your posterior chain with Good Mornings. Focus on a comfortable bar position, emphasizing the hip hinge, and avoid going too heavy or too low to maintain safety.

  1. Barbell Lunges:

Integrate balance and strength with Barbell Lunges. Start light and progress gradually, stepping out with one foot at a time and ensuring stability throughout the movement.

  1. Barbell Step Ups:

Similar to lunges, Barbell Step Ups target individual legs. Choose a moderate step height, focus on good posture, and use the top leg to push your body up.

  1. Barbell Arm Extensions (Skull Crushers):

Finish your routine with Barbell Arm Extensions, also known as Skull Crushers. Isolate the triceps by extending the arms upward, paying attention to controlled movements.

Related: How Many Sets Maximise Muscle Growth?

By seamlessly integrating these 13 meticulously curated barbell exercises into your fitness regimen, you’re not just embarking on a workout routine; you’re laying the cornerstone for a comprehensive and transformative journey into weightlifting. The essence lies not only in the variety these exercises offer but in the fundamental principles that accompany them.

Foremost, prioritize impeccable form. Each repetition is not just a movement; it’s an opportunity to refine your technique, ensuring that every muscle group is engaged optimally. Good form not only minimizes the risk of injury but also maximizes the effectiveness of each exercise.

As a beginner, commence with manageable loads. It’s not about showcasing strength from the get-go; rather, it’s about building a solid foundation. Starting with weights that challenge you without compromising your form is the key to fostering gradual and sustainable progress. Think of it as laying the groundwork for a skyscraper—you want a sturdy base before reaching for the heights.

Source: Bruno Bueno on Pexels

5 Methods of Progressive Overload to Force Muscle Growth

Progression is the name of the game. As you steadily gain strength, don’t hesitate to push your limits incrementally. Gradual advancements in weight and intensity will keep your muscles adapting and growing. This isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon, and each step forward is a testament to your evolving capabilities.

Whether your focus is on specific muscle groups or you’re embracing full-body workouts, these essential barbell exercises cater to both. They’re not just a means to an end; they’re the tools that empower you to sculpt your physique, boost your strength, and enhance your overall well-being.

In essence, this compilation of barbell exercises serves as your compass, guiding you through the uncharted territories of weightlifting. As you embark on this journey, remember that consistency is your greatest ally. Stay committed to the process, celebrate small victories, and embrace the challenges as stepping stones toward your fitness goals. With each repetition, each set, and each workout, you’re not just lifting weights; you’re shaping a stronger, healthier version of yourself—one lift at a time.

Watch the video below for more information.

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Lifting

12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program

Noob Gains: The Science Behind Rapid Muscle Growth in Beginners Mon, 13 Nov 2023 10:30:00 +0000 Have you ever heard of noob gains before? If you are starting your fitness journey, you can benefit from it. Read more about it below.

Today we’re diving deep into the world of “noob gains,” a term often thrown around in the fitness community. So, grab your pencil and paper because we’re about to unravel the mysteries behind these gains.

First things first, what exactly are noob gains? Well, they’re the gains you experience in the early stages of your training journey, typically within the first six months to a year of dedicated weight training. These gains can be quite significant, and they can happen relatively quickly.

If you didn’t know that, well, welcome to the noob club! But fear not, because we’re about to explore the ins and outs of this phenomenon with the help of Mike Israetel and his knowledge.

Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

chin up 4 Arm Day Mistakes I Wish I'd Fixed Earlier

He talked about 6 key points to better understand noob gains and how you can benefit from it – plus, what to do if you’ve never got noob gains.

Related: The Best Gym Exercises You’re Not Doing

Explaining Noob Gains

Now, let’s break down the 6 key points we’ll be covering in this informative article:

  1. What are Noob Gains and the Mechanisms Behind Them: Noob gains refer to the rapid progress beginners make in strength and muscle mass during the initial phase of their training. The first three months see a substantial increase in strength, with a significant portion attributed to neurological adaptations.
  2. Expectations for Noob Gains: What can you realistically expect from noob gains? While hard data is scarce, the average estimate is that individuals may gain around 5 to 15 pounds of muscle in their first year of dedicated training, with an average of 10 pounds being a reasonable guess.
  3. Duration of Noob Gains: The burning question: When do noob gains come to an end? Well, they don’t exactly vanish; instead, the growth curve tends to flatten out. By the end of three years of dedicated training, the average person might have gained around 20 pounds of muscle.
  4. Noob Gains and Changes in Training or Diet: Addressing concerns about changes in training or diet affecting noob gains. If you’ve embarked on a fat loss journey while training, fret not—your gains are still happening, and you’ll likely experience a rebound effect when you return to a maintenance or surplus diet.
  5. Noob Gains on Specific Muscle Groups: Are noob gains universal across all muscle groups, or can you target specific areas? The good news is that yes, you can experience noob gains in specific muscles even if you’ve been neglecting them. So, if you’ve been skipping leg day, it’s not too late to see those gains!
  6. Reclaiming Noob Gains: What if you took a break from training? The good news is that muscle memory is a real thing. If you’ve trained hard for several years and take some time off, you can reclaim most, if not all, of your gains within a year of returning to consistent training.

5 Methods of Progressive Overload to Force Muscle Growth

Source: ShotPot on Pexels

What if I never got my noob gains?

If you never got your noob gains, there are a few possible explanations. It is possible that you have a genetic predisposition to slower muscle growth. It is also possible that you are not eating enough food or getting enough sleep. Finally, it is possible that your training is not effective enough.

Tips for maximizing noob gains

  • Train consistently: Aim to train three to four times per week.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Make sure you are getting enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Track your progress: Keep track of your lifts and your body weight so you can see how you are doing.
  • Be patient: It takes time to build muscle. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

In conclusion, noob gains are a fascinating aspect of the fitness journey. Understanding the mechanisms, managing expectations, and adapting your training approach can help you make the most of this exciting phase. So, whether you’re a seasoned lifter or just starting, embrace the process, stay consistent, and remember, noob gains are there for the taking!

Watch the video below for a more detailed information about noob gains and how to exploit this intriguing part of fitness in your favour.

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Compound Exercises: Your Guide to Efficient Muscle Building and Rapid Fitness Gains

If you’re determined to get in shape, incorporating compound exercises into your workout routine is a surefire way to achieve your goals. Compound exercises, unlike isolation exercises that target a single muscle group, engage multiple muscles simultaneously, leading to faster and more effective muscle building and enhanced strength development.

1. Squats: Sculpt Your Legs, Glutes, and Core

Squats are a fundamental compound exercise that works wonders for strengthening your legs, glutes, and abdominal muscles. They are an excellent choice for building muscle mass and enhancing overall strength. To perform a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees as if you’re about to sit in a chair. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then stand back up. Variations such as front squats, sumo squats, and pistol squats can add variety and challenge to your routine.

2. Deadlifts: Engage Your Core, Legs, Back, and Grip

The deadlift is a powerful compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including your core, legs, back, and grip. It’s a fantastic exercise for building muscle mass, burning fat, and improving performance in other exercises like squats, lunges, and rows.

To perform a deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend down, keeping your back straight. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip and lift it off the ground until it’s at hip level. Stand up straight, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.

3. Barbell Overhead Press: Strengthen Your Shoulders and Arms

The barbell overhead press is a compound exercise that targets your shoulders, triceps, and upper back. It’s an excellent choice for building strength and muscle mass in these areas.

To perform an overhead press, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell at shoulder height. Press the barbell overhead until your arms are fully extended, then lower it back to your shoulders.

4. Pull-Ups: Sculpt Your Back, Biceps, and Lats

Pull-ups are a challenging yet effective compound exercise that works your back, biceps, lats, and core. They’re a great way to build muscle and improve your grip strength.

To perform a pull-up, grab a pull-up bar with an overhand grip and hang with your arms fully extended. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lower yourself back down. Modifications like assisted pull-ups and inverted rows can make pull-ups more accessible for beginners.

5. Bench Press: Target Your Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

The bench press is a classic compound exercise that targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps. It’s a staple in many weightlifting routines and is known for its effectiveness in building muscle mass and strength.

To perform a bench press, lie on a flat bench with your feet planted on the floor. Grasp a barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and lower it to your chest. Press it back up to its original position.

Incorporate Compound Exercises for Rapid Fitness Gains

By incorporating compound exercises into your workout routine, you can reap the benefits of faster muscle building, increased strength, and enhanced overall fitness. These exercises are a must-have for anyone looking to achieve their fitness goals effectively and efficiently.

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The Perfect Chest Workout Beginners Can Do At Home Sat, 11 Nov 2023 14:30:00 +0000 If you are new to training, fear not. You have found the perfect chest workout you can do from the comfort of your own house with minimal space and equipment required.

Embarking on the journey of building a well-defined and powerful chest as a beginner requires a strategic and effective workout plan. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the perfect chest workout tailored for beginners. This home workout, designed by Jeff Cavaliere, is to be performed with minimal equipment and space, making it accessible for those keen on transforming their chest without the need for an elaborate gym setup.

Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

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The Perfect Chest Workout Beginners Can Do At Home

Before diving into the exercises, let’s dissect the components of this beginner-friendly chest workout. The routine comprises 5 exercises, each strategically chosen to target different areas of the chest and incorporate a corrective exercise for shoulder health.

As a physical therapist, Cavaliere’s goal is to establish a foundation that not only fosters chest development but also safeguards against potential imbalances and injuries.

The 5 Essential Exercises:

  1. Prowler Pushups (Optional – Banded Incline Split):
    • Target: Upper Chest
    • Rep Range: To Failure (10-20 Reps)
    • Description: Push your arms up and away from your body, aligning with the direction of upper chest fibers. Aim for failure within the specified rep range. Optionally, a banded incline split can be performed.
  2. Hand Release Pushups:
    • Target: Sternal Head of Pectoralis Major
    • Rep Range: To Failure
    • Description: Incorporate a hand release before every rep to ensure proper form. This variation emphasizes good body posture and activates back muscles before each press.
  3. Pseudo Planche Pushups:
    • Target: Abdominal Head of Pectoralis Major (Lower Chest)
    • Rep Range: To Failure
    • Description: Simulate a dip in the downward direction of the arms, engaging shoulders and triceps. Essential for working the lower chest and building foundational strength.
  4. Banded Saws:
    • Target: Complete Chest Contraction (Adduction)
    • Rep Range: To Failure (8-15 Rep Max Tension)
    • Description: Run the arm parallel to the floor, straight across the chest, focusing on each contraction. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds to establish a strong mind-muscle connection.
  5. Banded External Rotation:
    • Target: Rotator Cuff Muscles (Corrective Exercise)
    • Rep Range: 12-15 Reps Each Arm
    • Description: Critical for shoulder health, this exercise focuses on the external rotation function of the shoulder using a simple band. Perform with high-quality contractions.

Related: 10 Push-Up Variations to Build Strength, Power and Muscle

Executing the Perfect Chest Workout

  • Sequence Matters: Perform the exercises in the specified order, following a sequence of upper chest, middle chest, and lower chest exercises. This sequence optimizes muscle engagement and ensures a balanced workout.
  • Minimal Rest, Maximum Intensity: Keep rest time to a minimum when transitioning from one exercise to the next. The goal is to maintain intensity throughout the workout, promoting muscle fatigue and growth.
  • Tailoring Rep Ranges: When given a rep range, aim to reach failure within that range. Adjust resistance for banded chest exercises to match your ability to fail within the specified range. For pushup variations, slow down the tempo and focus on a strong chest contraction to stay within the rep range.
  • Repeat for Optimal Results: For maximal impact, repeat the entire chest workout for beginners 2-3 times per session. Consistency is key in building strength and muscle definition.

Embarking on a chest-building journey as a beginner necessitates a well-structured and targeted workout routine. This home workout, designed with minimal equipment and space in mind, encompasses exercises strategically chosen for their effectiveness in targeting different areas of the chest. The inclusion of a corrective exercise underscores the importance of shoulder health in the pursuit of a powerful chest.

Remember, the key to success lies in the effort and motivation you bring to each workout. Consistency, proper form, and gradual progression are the pillars of a successful chest-building endeavor. As you navigate through this perfect chest workout, celebrate small victories, stay committed to your goals, and watch your chest transform into a testament of your hard work and dedication.

Watch the video below for all the information you need about the perfect chest workout beginners can do at home.

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How Often Should You Train the Chest?

The pulsating allure of #ChestDay on social media has etched the chest workout into the cultural psyche of fitness enthusiasts. However, navigating the path between simplicity and complexity in chest training is essential. The frequency with which you train your chest hinges on various factors such as your fitness goals, overall fitness level, and the specifics of your training program.

In the realm of general advice, it’s recommended to engage your chest muscles at least once a week to witness improvements in both strength and muscle growth. For seasoned lifters aiming to target specific areas, a frequency of 2-3 times a week might be more beneficial. Yet, a cautionary note is essential – avoid consecutive training days for your chest to prevent overtraining and mitigate the risk of injury. Adequate rest between sessions is crucial for muscle recovery and growth.

Source: Polona Mitar Osolnik on Pexels

How Heavy Should You Lift When Training for Muscle Growth?

Embarking on the journey of muscle growth entails thoughtful consideration of training load or intensity. Here are guidelines to assist in determining how heavy you should lift:

  1. Challenge Yourself: Select a weight that challenges your muscles within the hypertrophy rep range (typically 8 to 12 reps). Proper form is paramount, and the weight should feel challenging towards the end of each set.
  2. Elicit Fatigue: The chosen weight should induce fatigue in the target muscles by the end of each set. This sense of burn or fatigue signifies an appropriately challenging weight.
  3. Progressive Overload: To sustain muscle growth, gradually increase the weight as your muscles adapt. Progressive overload ensures a continual demand on your muscles, fostering growth over time.
  4. Form and Technique: While challenging weights are crucial, maintaining proper form is equally vital. Lifting weights beyond your capacity can increase the risk of injury and diminish the effectiveness of the exercise.
  5. Individual Capabilities: The suitable weight varies based on individual capabilities, strength levels, and experience. Listen to your body, selecting weights that align with your current fitness level.
  6. Variation in Training: Incorporate a variety of rep ranges and training modalities for comprehensive muscle development. While the hypertrophy rep range is common, including both higher and lower rep ranges provides diverse stimuli for muscle growth.

Remember, discovering the right weight involves a process of trial and error. Begin with a weight that challenges you, adjust based on your capabilities, and progress over time. Consultation with a fitness professional or personal trainer can offer valuable guidance tailored to your specific goals.

Safety Tips:

  • Warm up before chest workouts to prepare muscles and joints.
  • Prioritize proper form to prevent injury; seek guidance if unsure.
  • Start with an appropriate weight for desired reps and form.
  • Gradually increase weight and intensity to avoid overexertion.
  • Listen to your body, avoiding excessive strain, especially for beginners.

For those new to weightlifting, collaborating with a personal trainer can offer insights into proper techniques and assist in developing a safe and effective workout routine aligned with individual goals and fitness levels.

The Perfect Push-Up Workout For Every Fitness Goal

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How to Build Muscle in Half the Time (Using Science) Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Whether you’re pressed for time or simply not a fan of lengthy gym sessions, there’s a strategy tailored to meet your needs and accelerate your muscle-building journey. Find out how to build muscle in half the time using science.

Is it truly feasible to sculpt an impressive physique with just a fraction of the time typically spent in the gym? Recent advancements in sports science suggest that achieving substantial muscle gains doesn’t necessarily demand hours of relentless training. Instead, a strategic approach integrating three key time-saving strategies has emerged, promising optimal gains with minimal time investment.

The information you will see below and the strategy it contains was shared by Jeremy Ethier, a distinguished kinesiologist and fitness trainer who stands as a co-founder of Built With Science. With a staggering 5.9 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Ethier has built a reputation for providing lucid information firmly grounded in robust scientific research.

This approach allows you to achieve impressive gains in half the time, catering to those who value strength training and a fit physique but prioritize efficiency in their busy lives. If you’re someone who acknowledges the importance of staying strong and maintaining physical well-being but prefers a time-conscious strategy, this fitness solution is designed with you in mind.

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How to Build Muscle in Half the Time (Using Science)

Strategy 1: Optimize Workout Volume

The initial strategy centres around understanding the dynamics of workout volume. Scientific evidence indicates that the first few sets during a workout contribute significantly to muscle gains. However, as the number of sets increases, the growth diminishes relative to the additional effort invested.

To make the most of your time in the gym, focus on the minimum number of sets that still yield substantial gains. Research points to the effectiveness of as few as three sets per muscle group per week. The sweet spot for achieving efficient gains appears to fall within the range of 4 to 7 sets per muscle group per week.

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Strategy 2: Embrace Antagonist Supersets

To further expedite your workout routine, incorporating antagonist supersets proves to be a game-changing time-saving strategy. Antagonist supersets involve performing exercises for opposing muscle groups consecutively with minimal rest in between.

This not only reduces the overall duration of your workout but also maximizes muscle engagement. Implementing this method allows for a more time-efficient yet effective training session.

Strategy 3: Harness the Power of Drop Sets

Drop sets, the third strategy, introduce a dynamic element to your workout routine. By gradually reducing the weight and performing successive sets to failure, drop sets capitalize on the concept of effective reps.

This means that despite a reduced workout duration, every rep performed becomes more impactful for muscle growth. Utilizing drop sets ensures that your muscles are pushed to their absolute limit, compensating for the abbreviated workout time.

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In essence, achieving remarkable muscle growth in half the time is not only possible but backed by scientific principles. By strategically applying these time-saving techniques, you can optimize your workout routine, making gains more accessible and sustainable, even amidst busy schedules. The fusion of these strategies offers a holistic and efficient approach to building muscle, transforming the conventional understanding of workout duration and effectiveness.

To fully understand how to build muscle in half the time with those scientific research as a background info, watch Ethier explain it all in the video below.

The research mentioned by Ethier are:

Least number of sets for muscle growth Research 1, Research 2

Dose-dependent relationship between volume and hypertrophy

Long muscle length training

Optimal transition time during supersets

Effective reps

Drop sets provide same or more growth in less time

How many drop sets and how much weight Research 1, Research 2

Read More: 12 Must-Have Exercises In Your Training Program

Progressive overload is a fundamental principle in exercise science that forms the backbone of effective training programs. It revolves around the idea of gradually increasing the demands placed on the body to elicit continuous improvements in strength, endurance, and overall fitness. This systematic escalation of intensity can be achieved by progressively increasing the amount of weight lifted, the number of repetitions performed, or the overall volume of the workout over time. By consistently challenging the body in this manner, individuals can stimulate muscle adaptation and growth, preventing plateaus in performance.

The concept of progressive overload is closely linked to the body’s ability to adapt to stress. As the body encounters increased resistance during workouts, it responds by becoming stronger and more resilient. This adaptation involves the recruitment of additional muscle fibres, improvements in neuromuscular coordination, and enhanced energy system efficiency. Over time, what was initially challenging becomes the new baseline, necessitating further progression to sustain growth and development. This principle is applicable to various forms of exercise, from weightlifting and resistance training to cardiovascular activities, ensuring that individuals continue to experience positive physiological adaptations with ongoing commitment to their fitness journey.

Implementing progressive overload requires a balanced approach, considering individual fitness levels, proper technique, and recovery. It is not solely about pushing to the absolute limits in every session but rather about strategic and sustainable advancement. A well-designed training program incorporates periods of intensity progression interspersed with adequate recovery to optimize performance gains while minimizing the risk of overtraining or injury. Ultimately, progressive overload is a dynamic and personalized strategy that empowers individuals to consistently enhance their physical capabilities and achieve long-term fitness goals.

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