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CrossFit Open Workout 23.1 Movement Standards

Make sure you don't get no-repped.

Find out all the correct CrossFit Open workout 23.1 movement standards and make sure you don’t get no-repped.


The live announcement has now revealed the following test of fitness for the first week of the 2023 CrossFit Open:

CrossFit Open Workout 23.1

14 Min Timecap

  • 60 cal row
  • 50 toes to bar
  • 40 wall ball shots
  • 30 cleans
  • 20 muscle ups

Women – 14 lb to 9ft target, 95 lb cleans

Men 20 lb ball to 10 ft target, 135 lb cleans

CrossFit Open Workout 23.1 Movement Standards

What is the CrossFit Open?

The CrossFit Open is an annual event organized by CrossFit, Inc. It is a global fitness competition that is open to anyone around the world, regardless of their age, fitness level, or location. The CrossFit Open typically takes place in late February to early March, and it lasts for three weeks.

During the CrossFit Open, CrossFit releases a new workout every week. Participants have a specified amount of time to complete the workout and submit their scores online. The workouts are challenging and include a variety of exercises, such as weightlifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning.

2022 CrossFit Open by the numbers

The competition is divided into different age and skill categories, so participants compete against others with similar abilities. The CrossFit Open serves as an initial qualifying stage for the CrossFit Games, which is the ultimate test of fitness where the top athletes from around the world compete for the title of “Fittest on Earth.”

The CrossFit Open is an opportunity for athletes to test their fitness, compete against others, and be a part of the global CrossFit community. It is also a great way for people new to CrossFit to challenge themselves and see how they stack up against others around the world.

What Common Exercises Are Often Found in CrossFit Open Workouts?

CrossFit Open workouts typically involve a mix of exercises that challenge different aspects of fitness, including strength, skill, endurance, power, and agility.

Some common exercises found in CrossFit Open workouts include:

  • Thrusters
  • Wall Walks
  • Pull Ups
  • Muscle Ups
  • Double Unders
  • Box Jump Overs
  • Snatches
  • Cleans
  • Deadlifts

…And many others.

Overall, the workouts are designed to be challenging and diverse, testing a wide range of physical skills and mental toughness.

The CrossFit Open Last Year 2022

Check out all the stats from last year.

Top 10 countries by participation

  1. United States (42.5%)
  2. France (7.32%)
  3. United Kingdom (7.30%)
  4. Australia (5.2%)
  5. Canada (3.9%)
  6. Spain (3.3%)
  7. Brazil (2.9%)
  8. Germany (2.3%)
  9. South Africa (2.0)
  10. Italy (1.8%)

Top 10 CrossFit Boxes by participation

  1. Full CrossFit (Spain, 383)
  2. CrossFit Wezone Pac (Spain, 372)
  3. CrossFit Glasgow (United Kingdom, 333)
  4. CrossFit Hendersonville (US, 288)
  5. P1 CrossFit (China, 252)
  6. CrossFit Coraje (Spain, 247)
  7. CrossFit Bison (US, 229)
  8. Willow Way CrossFit (South Africa, 227)
  9. Motley Crew CrossFit (South Africa, 226)
  10. CrossFit Fort Vancouver (US, 224)

Fun fact

Globally, far fewer men between the ages of 18 and 34 scaled the workouts compared to women – 10% to 27% for workout 22.1 for example.

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