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12-Year-Old Cauzinho Does CrossFit For 1 Year and Shocks the World

He can deadlift 92 kilos!

Carlos Augusto Assunção Neto. Remember that name. Or better yet, remember his nickname Cauzinho. He is a 12-year-old kid from Salvador, Brazil, who is already making waves in the CrossFit community after doing the Sport for only 1 year.

Cauzinho’s father, Carlos Augusto Assunção Filho, told BOXROX his son was already into sports before trying out CrossFit for the first time. And at the very first class, he fell in love with it. “On this day there was jump box and running schedule as the workout of the day and Cauzinho was already used to doing that in his spare time,” he told us. For reference, Cauzinho ran 10 kilometres when he was only 8 years old.

In December 2021 he enrolled at his local Box and, a year later, his body transformation is astonishing.

He first began classes with other kids around his age, but soon the head coach of his Box realised the potential of Cauzinho. “After a few days, of curiosity, he wanted to learn how to do complex gymnastic moves, like the bar muscle-up. He learned that in 15 days.”

And if you are wondering how strong this kid is, here are PRs according to his father:

  • Deadlift: 92 kilos (202.8 lbs)
  • Clean – 64 kilos (141 lbs)
  • Snatch – 47 kilos (103.6 lbs)
  • 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) sprint in 21’09’’
  • Maximum distance ran – 15 kilometres (9.3 miles)

Cauzinho and His CrossFit Future

Both of Cauzinho’s parents do CrossFit and that is how the 12-year-old had his first glance at the Sport. Because of his physique, people on the street have stopped to talk to him and take photos of what will probably be the future of CrossFit for Brazilians. And we are sure that Gui Malheiros would approve of that, as he had some time to help Cauzinho improve his rowing technique.

And for those who are against a young teenager doing bodybuilding and lifting heavy weights, Cauzinho’s father explains that it is a small minority. “Around 20% of people criticise that kids should do weightlifting. I say a kid needs to do any sport possible. Child obesity is a growing issue in the world.”

Cauzinho himself posted a video with his body transformation aiming to shed some light on the issue. “Many still believe the myth that kids shouldn’t do any training. I started [CrossFit] with 1,35 centimetres and now I am 1,47 centimetres.”

Dubbed the “Mini Hulk” by some media outlets, Cauzinho’s father says the kid already has the mentality of an athlete.

“He feels fulfilled not because of how he looks, but because of his performance. Today, he gets really surprised with his evolution in CrossFit as he keeps adding weight and reaching new PRs.”

Source: Cauzinho

If other parents are wondering if they should follow a similar path with their children, Carlos Augusto explains how they successfully reached this point with Cauzinho. “Find a great training ground, with revered coaches. Whatever you want your kid to enrol in, find a place with good credentials and get a physiotherapist and nutritionist to look out for that person’s well-being.”

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