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How to Improve Kipping Pull Ups for CrossFit

Take your kipping to the next level.

Improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit can be a challenging task, but it is achievable with the right approach. In this article, we will provide some tips that can help you improve your kipping pull-ups for CrossFit.

To perform kipping pull-ups efficiently, it is essential to master the basic technique. The arch and hollow positions are essential for performing a kipping pull-up.

The kipping pull-up involves swinging your body back and forth to generate momentum to assist in pulling your chin above the bar. Engage your lats as much as possible rather than relying on your arms to do the work.

Core Strength Training

Core strength training is essential for improving your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups. Kipping pull-ups require the use of your core muscles to generate momentum and perform the movement efficiently.

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Here are some exercises you can include in your workouts to improve your core strength for kipping pull-ups:

Hollow body hold: The hollow body hold is an isometric exercise that targets your abs and lower back. Lie down on your back with your arms and legs extended. Lift your shoulder blades and feet off the ground, creating a slight curve in your body. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while squeezing your abs and lower back.

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Toes to bar: Toes to bar is an exercise that targets your abs, hip flexors, and lats. Hang from a bar with your arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Engage your core muscles and lift your legs up towards the bar, touching your toes to the bar before lowering your legs back down. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

Plank variations: Plank variations are great for strengthening your entire core, including your abs, lower back, and obliques. Some variations you can try include side planks, plank with shoulder taps, and plank with leg lifts.

Russian twists: Russian twists are an exercise that targets your obliques. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, creating a V-shape with your body. Hold a weight or ball with both hands and twist your torso side to side, touching the weight to the ground on each side.

Upper Body Strength Training

To improve your technique and performance in kipping pull-ups, a comprehensive upper body strength training program is recommended. Here are some exercises that can help strengthen the specific muscle groups involved in performing kipping pull-ups:

Pull-ups: Strict pull-ups are a cornerstone of upper body strength training and can help build the foundational strength necessary for kipping pull-ups. Begin by performing strict pull-ups focusing on engaging your shoulder blades, back muscles, and biceps to lift your chin over the bar. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Chest-to-bar pull-ups: Chest-to-bar pull-ups require you to pull yourself higher up the bar, engaging more of your upper back and chest muscles. Engage your lats and focus on pulling your elbows down and back behind you to achieve a deeper range of motion.

Ring dips: Ring dips are a great exercise for improving your triceps, chest, and shoulder strength, which are necessary for generating upward momentum in kipping pull-ups. You can assist yourself with an elastic band if you need it.

Push-ups: Push-ups effectively target your chest, arms, and shoulders, and can help build upper body strength to improve your kipping pull-ups. Focus on maintaining proper form and utilizing variations such as diamond push-ups, wide-grip push-ups or decline push-ups to create more challenge.

Barbell rows: Barbell rows target your upper back and can help improve your pulling strength required for kipping pull-ups.

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Practice Makes the Difference

Consistent practice is essential for improving any skill, and this is no exception for kipping pull-ups. Regularly set aside dedicated practice time and focus on performing each rep with good technique. Practice different variations of kipping pull-ups like chest-to-bar, butterfly, and kipping pull-ups with a false grip to challenge your technique and endurance.

Build Endurance

Building endurance is crucial for improving kipping pull-ups, as these require a sustained effort over multiple reps. Here are a few tips to help build endurance for kipping pull-ups:

Increase the volume gradually: Starting with sets of 5-8 reps, build up slowly by adding a few reps to each set every week. This will help your body adjust gradually to the increased volume and avoid overuse injuries.

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Incorporate EMOM workouts: Choose a number of kipping pull-ups that you can do successfully with good form for a whole minute. Begin an EMOM workout with that number of reps each minute, and add 1 rep each minute thereafter, until you’re no longer able to complete the reps within 60 seconds.

man performs crossfit pull-ups with weight vest Back Strength and Muscle Without Pull UpsSource: Stevie D Photography

Improve your cardiovascular fitness: The better your cardiovascular fitness, the longer you’ll be able to sustain high-intensity exercise like kipping pull-ups. Include regular cardio exercises such as running, cycling or rowing to your training to increase your endurance level.

Seek Feedback

Finally, ask for feedback from your coach or a more experienced athlete to evaluate your form, provide feedback on areas of improvement, and fine-tune your technique. Having another set of experienced eyes evaluate your technique can help you become more efficient and less prone to injury in the long run.

In summary, improving kipping pull-ups in CrossFit takes time and effort. It requires proper technique, strength training, consistent practice, building endurance, and seeking feedback. With consistent effort and dedication, you can master kipping pull-ups and improve your overall fitness level in CrossFit.

You may be interested in visiting: 11 Pull Up Variations Every Athlete Needs to Know

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