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Best Barbell Complex for Insane Fat Loss

Lose weight and get stronger at the same time.

Looking for the best barbell complex for insane fat loss? Jackson Bloore has shared his go-to barbell complex to lose weight.

Jackson Bloore is the man behind Action Jackson Fitness, a program designed to help people lose weight from high school athletes to CEOs. He is a self-declared body transformation expert specialised in fat-burning programs.

Below you will find what he believes to be the best barbell complex for insane fat loss. Check it out.

Best Barbell Complex for Insane Fat Loss

Barbell complexes are great for increasing strength, size, and also for fat loss. “A complex is similar to a circuit where you move from one exercise to the next,” Jackson says. “The difference is that you actually never set the bar in this case down.”

This means that when you do a barbell complex, you are using the same weight for every exercise.

Related: 5 Barbell Complexes to Improve Your Strength and Technique

Best Barbell Complex for Insane Fat Loss

According to Jackson, barbell complexes are good for fat loss because they “get your heart rate up so high and you burn a ton of calories doing them, so they’re very metabolic.” You will also be building muscle, which is another way to burn extra calories and maintain lean mass.

Best Barbell Complex for Insane Fat Loss

Power Clean6
Front Squat8
Overhead Press6
Back Squat10
Bent-Over Row8
Romanian Deadlift8

A good tip if you are creating your own barbell complex is to use a lower number of reps for exercises you are weaker at and a higher number of reps for movements you are stronger at. In Jackson’s case, he is doing only 6 reps for the overhead press but chose to increase to 10 reps on the back squat.

If you still have any questions regarding this best barbell complex for insane fat loss, check out Jackson’s video below.

VIDEO – Best Barbell Complex for Insane Fat Loss

Read More: Best Barbell Abs Exercises for a Six-Pack

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